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 “The what!?” Selena shouted down the phone, she shook her head as she listened to her agent on the other end of the phone “I am not going to host the adult baby awards” she sighed as she sat down on her bed her white fluffy towel wrapped around her slim still wet body “I know we signed a contract but I didn’t think it was this I thought it was something else, I’m not doing it” she looked up at the ceiling “What? They can take how much?” she quickly placed her hand over her mouth “Half of everything? It was in the contract if I pull out?” Selena lay back on her bed with her arm across her head “So you're saying I don’t have a choice?” she let out a large sigh as she shook her head “Alright so the clothing for the awards is in my wardrobe right and the car is picking me up” she sat up and sighed once again “Alright” she hung up the phone and looks over at the wardrobe “The adult baby awards? I can’t believe I’m going to be hosting it this is so weird” she said to herself.

Selena stood up from the bed and rolled her eyes “Well let's see what I have to wear, I can’t believe that's in my contract as well. I really should have read the contract more thoroughly but the pay was fantastic I would'have never thought it was to do with a fetish” she thought with a sigh as she walked over to the wardrobe where a suitcase was sitting “Right that’s it” she thought as she read the label ‘Selena Gomez AB Awards Host’. She took hold of the suitcase and walked back to her bed where she placed it down, she opened up the suitcase and jumped back, the white towel falling to the floor Selena stood naked staring into the suitcase in disbelief.

  She looked down at the diaper now sitting on her bed and sighed “I don’t do this then I’m breaching my contract, this is so messed up I just need to act like it doesn’t bother me, like I’m making a joke out of it and then it will blow over just like it did for Miley” she sighed again “I can’t believe I’m about to wear a diaper” she said as she bent down and picked up the white diaper, she stared at it for a moment feeling the plastic with her fingers in shocked amazement “This is going to be wrapped around my waist, covering my bum?” she thought as she slowly unfolded the diaper “Wow” she said nervously.

Selena placed the unfolded diaper back on the bed and turned around to sit down on it, she looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head “Well this is it” she said to herself as her heart began to race and her mouth became dry. Slowly she lowered herself onto the soft fabric of the diaper, she shivered as her bum sat down on the padded underwear “This is weird” she said as she spread her legs and took hold of the front of the diaper. Selena lifted the front up she slowly lay down onto the bed watching with amazement as the diaper came up and covered her most private parts, she placed one hand on top of the diaper while she took hold of a tab on one side “Right so now this sticks to the front and then it’s finished” she shook her head “I can’t believe that it’s on me, its covering me up, it feels so weird” she sighed as she tightly brought the tab across the front of the diaper. Three more tabs were taped tightly around her waist and the diaper was secured, Selena looked down at her groin in disbelief “I’m actually wearing” she said to herself in amazement as she slowly sat up on the bed, she brought her legs together, and she felt the bulk between her legs for the first time. “It’s so thick between my legs, I’m not going to get used to it” she thought.

Slowly she stood up while examining the diaper that was now wrapped around her waist she pressed her hands against the soft plastic and shook “This feels so strange” she said as she looked at herself in the mirror and spat out a laugh “Oh god, I look so ridiculous” she said as she slowly began to waddle towards the mirror “I can’t even walk properly in it, I have to waddle” she shook her head as she turned around and looked over her shoulder into the mirror “Oh wow my ass looks huge, I can’t believe this” she shook her head as she looked back at her bed and the pink onesie that awaited her. Slowly she waddled back to the bed and picked up the onesie “How do I even put this one?” she thought when she noticed the snap buttons on the crotch of the infantile clothing “Oh great, well at least it will be easy to go to the bathroom” she thought when she looked down at the diaper “Yeah I am not going to be using this tonight” she said with disgust. She quickly pulled open the crotch of the onesie and guided her arms through the armholes, she then popped her head through and the onesie fell down her body, covering up her slim figure and the diaper. She looked down at the pink clothing that covered her “I can’t believe I’m wearing this, I guess it’s going to hide the diaper so that’s a plus but it’s still a onesie” she sighed as she took hold of the front of the onesie that tangled in front of her crotch and quickly she snapped the front and the back together, completing the look of an adult baby.

“No way? No way? I can’t I just can’t wear that!” she shouted as she stared at the large white diaper that sat on top of what looked like a pink shirt. She spun away from the case and walked towards her black draws which had a large mirror sitting on top, she placed her hands on top of the draws as she stared into the mirror in amazement. She looked at her naked self in the mirror her perky breasts and flat stomach staring back at her and she shook “A diaper? Really they want me to wear a diaper? I’m Selena Gomez I’m world-famous I can’t wear a diaper I’m not Miley Cyrus” she shook her head as she looked down her slim body “I either wear a diaper or I lose it all” she shook again “I can’t lose everything I have worked so hard” she slammed her fist on the top of the draws and sighed.

Slowly she turned back around and faced the diaper “Right a diaper, what else is in there?” she thought as she walked towards her bed once again she slowly moved her hand towards the diaper and began to feel nervous as she was about to touch it “This is meant to actually go on me, I can’t believe this is happening” she thought as she touched the soft plastic covered underwear. She took hold of the plastic diaper in its folded rectangular shape and stared at it “So they want me to wear a diaper to the adult baby awards? This is just madness” she thought as she quickly threw it onto the bed. She looked down at the bright pink shirt and cocked her head “Right what’s with this? She thought as she lifted it up and her jaw dropped open “It’s not a shirt, it's a onesie? They want me to wear a diaper and a onesie?” she shook her head when she noticed inside the case in a clear plastic bag sat a pacifier and a rattle “No way, they want me to dress up as a baby for the awards complete with a pacifier? I can’t do it” she sighed “I just can’t but it’s in my contract” she thought as she let out a frustrated scream.

 She looked down at the diaper now sitting on her bed and sighed “I don’t do this then I’m breaching my contract, this is so messed up I just need to act like it doesn’t bother me, like I’m making a joke out of it and then it will blow over just like it did for Miley” she sighed again “I can’t believe I’m about to wear a diaper” she said as she bent down and picked up the white diaper, she stared at it for a moment feeling the plastic with her fingers in shocked amazement “This is going to be wrapped around my waist, covering my bum?” she thought as she slowly unfolded the diaper “Wow” she said nervously.

She placed the unfolded diaper back on the bed and turned around to sit down on it, she looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head “Well this is it” she said to herself as her heart began to race and her mouth became dry. Slowly she lowered herself onto the soft fabric of the diaper, she shivered as her bum sat down on the padded underwear “This is weird” she said as she spread her legs and took hold of the front of the diaper. Selena lifted the front up she slowly lay down onto the bed watching with amazement as the diaper came up and covered her most private parts, she placed one hand on top of the diaper while she took hold of a tab on one side “Right so now this sticks to the front and then it’s finished” she shook her head “I can’t believe that it’s on me, its covering me up, it feels so weird” she sighed as she tightly brought the tab across the front of the diaper. Three more tabs were taped tightly around her waist and the diaper was secured, Selena looked down at her groin in disbelief “I’m actually wearing” she said to herself in amazement as she slowly sat up on the bed, she brought her legs together and she felt the bulk between her legs for the first time. “It’s so thick between my legs, I’m not going to get used to it” she thought.

Slowly she stood up while examining the diaper that was now wrapped around her waist she pressed her hands against the soft plastic and shook “This feels so strange” she said as she looked at herself in the mirror and spat out a laugh “Oh god, I look so ridiculous” she said as she slowly began to waddle towards the mirror “I can’t even walk properly in it, I have to waddle” she shook her head as she turned around and looked over her shoulder into the mirror “Oh wow my ass looks huge, I can’t believe this” she shook her head as she looked back at her bed and the pink onesie that awaited her. Slowly she waddled back to the bed and picked up the onesie “How do I even put this one?” she thought when she noticed the snap buttons on the crotch of the infantile clothing “Oh great, well at least it will be easy to go to the bathroom” she thought when she looked down at the diaper “Yeah I am not going to be using this tonight” she said with disgust. She quickly pulled open the crotch of the onesie and guided her arms through the armholes, she then popped her head through and the onesie fell down her body, covering up her slim figure and the diaper. She looked down at the pink clothing that covered her “I can’t believe I’m wearing this, I guess it’s going to hide the diaper so that’s a plus but it’s still a onesie” she sighed as she took hold of the front one the onesie that tangled in front of her crotch and quickly she snapped the front and the back together, completing the look of an adult baby.



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