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Chapter 01

“Hello Everyone and welcome to my live birthday blog, I'm going to be opening presents that my lovely fans have sent me” Ariana Grande cheerfully announced to the camera. Her laptop sat next to the camera and showed her what the viewers were seeing, she was standing up in front of a large bright room with bright white carpet and a black sofa behind her the warm sun came streaming into the room behind her and to the right of her were a pile of boxes. Ariana's hair was tied back and she was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a white long sleeve crop top, she had decided not to wear shoes and to feel the soft carpet between her toes. She looked back into the camera and continued “So I have decided to make this live stream at my friends place so we won't be interrupted they are out of town and I'm getting a new kitchen put in at my house but doesn't it look nice” she gestured around the room "As you can see I have all the presents you guys have sent and I want to first say thank you so much and I can't wait to see what you guys have got me.

“So let's get this started,” she said with a smile. Ariana walked over to a small box and picked it up and walked back in front of the camera “I wonder what it is, I'm so excited, it's like being a little kid at Christmas” she let out a giggle as she opened the box and peered inside she looked confused as she pulled out a mini bobble-headed version of herself “Wow” she bopped the head and it moved back and forth “I love it, I have never been a bobblehead before, thank you so much” she looked at the camera and smiled as she placed the bobblehead to her left, she stood back up and walked towards the pile and pulled out a big white box “Oh this is a big one, wonder what's inside” she said as she stood back in front of the camera, she opened up the top of the box and looked inside.

Ariana saw a light blue shirt inside the box, she looked back up at the camera and said “Cool it's a shirt” she reached in and pulled it out and began to laugh. She dropped the box and held up the light blue onesie up against her “Wow it's like a baby onesie, it even has buttons across the crotch” she laughed “I guess that's so it's easier to go to the bathroom at night, Well thank you for this, I don't own one” she laughed again. Suddenly she felt a sudden tug from the onesie, she looked down at it confused then it tore from her hands and pressed against her body, she took a few steps back as she screamed “What the hell!?” she shouted again as the onesie wrapped around her and enclosed itself on her.

Ariana took a deep breath as she looked down at the onesie she was now wearing with her crop top sleeves and the skinny jeans poking out of the arm and legs holes. She stared up at the camera “I don't I...” she trailed off as she looked back down “I don't know what just happened guys” she laughed nervously. Her hands went down to the buttons at the crotch to unbutton the onesie but as she pulled on the buttons they wouldn't move, she nervously laughed at the camera as she slowly began to panic when she heard a weird noise coming from beneath the onesie she stared for a moment not moving when suddenly the sleeves of her crop top fell down her arms.

Ariana froze as the sleeves dropped down to the floor when she suddenly felt the support from her bra disappear, she could feel the fabric of the onesie against her chest and the colour from her face disappeared. She looked at the camera nervously “I think we will call it a day guys” she was about to walk towards the camera when she heard a different noise from before and she stared down at her body. She looked down in confused terror as her skinny jeans pant legs split up the side and then with one quick motion they went up into the crotch of the onesie. Ariana was now standing wearing just the light blue onesie she quickly got her thoughts together and decided she needed to turn off the camera she was about to rush forward when she felt something strange against her crotch.

She watched as the bottom half of the onesie began to expand and she could feel something bulge out from her crotch, she suddenly had to move her legs apart as something thick and soft-formed between her legs. She took a step forward and heard a loud crinkle noise and she began to sweat as the horrible realization came crashing down on her “I'm wearing a diaper” she blurted out then looked up at the camera and quickly covered her mouth, she scrunched her eyes tight regretting what she had just said. Slowly she opened her eyes and as she looked at herself on the laptop screen she decided she needed to turn off the camera once and for all, she could see her full body on the screen from her toes on the white carpet up to her neatly tied back hair and the light blue onesie on full display.

Ariana stood for a moment in shock at what she saw then took a step forward towards the laptop when suddenly she felt herself falling backwards she tried to stop herself but it was no use and she fell down onto the soft carpet, she landed on her padded bum with her legs spread apart in front of her. She nervously looked up at her laptop and saw that she was in clear view of the camera, she looked down with tears in her eyes as she could see the thick diaper poking out between the leg holes of the onesie.

She then heard a rumbling noise and looked up at the white box that the onesie came in, she began to shake as the rumbling got louder, she slowly slid backwards on her padded bum away from the rumbling as tears began to roll down her face. She opened her mouth to shout out for help when suddenly the top of the box popped open and a Pacifier shot across the room. Ariana's eyes went wide as she tried to close her mouth but she was too slow as the giant rubber nipple gently popped itself inside. She grabbed at the handle of the pacifier and pulled but the pacifier wouldn't move from inside her mouth she tried to scream out but only muffled noises came out from behind the pacifier. She looked up at the camera for help when suddenly she felt her mouth moving, she looked down her nose and saw the pacifier sticking out of her mouth as she slowly began to suck on the nipple.

Chapter 02

What’s happening?” Ariana thought as she sat on the floor in her friend's house wearing a onesie which was doing very little to hide the diaper that magically appeared around her waist, she continued to suck on the pacifier with tears in her eyes knowing that potentially millions of people were watching her from her laptop. She stared at the laptop “Please turn off or maybe the internet would lose connection and then nobody will see me like this” she begged but everything worked fine and the camera continued to stream Ariana's horrible ordeal to the world.

She sat for a moment stunned by what had happened to her the only part of her moving was her mouth involuntarily sucking on the pacifier as she thought to herself “How has this happened? A onesie latched onto me like it was alive and now I'm sitting wearing a diaper! I'm wearing a diaper! Oh god, it's poking out the side of the onesie, people all around the world can see me wearing a diaper. What must they be thinking? I bet they think it's a stunt or something, none of them are going to come and help me. It's too strange for it to be real but it is and now I can't stop sucking on a pacifier”. She slowly began to move, first moving her legs together to try and gain some dignity back and hide as much of the diaper as she could, she then slowly began to stand up very gingerly, “I hope I don't fall back to the floor again, what was that? Was it the onesie? Did it pull me down?” She thought as she shook her head.

Eventually she stood tall in the big room and began to walk quickly towards the camera, after a few quick steps she blushed bright red “The diaper is actually making me waddle like a toddler, It's making my bum sway side to side” she thought as she stopped and looked back behind her and shuddered, she stared down at the protruding mass coming from her bum and between her legs inflating her once small bum. “It's a diaper, I'm wearing a diaper. Why? How?” She thought as she continued to stare at her diapered rear. She started to walk again at a faster pace knowing she had to make it to the camera.

She waddled across the white carpet and saw the white box that the onesie and the pacifier had come out of and stared at it nervously as she got closer to it. “I hope there is nothing else inside that horrible thing” she thought as she waddled passed the box. She placed her foot down on the carpet and as she did so she looked down in shock, covering her left foot was an adult-sized baby booty she paused for a moment staring down at her foot in amazement “What is that? A booty? How did that get on my foot?” She starred at the box then back at the laptop and after a short, while she shook her head in disbelief and took a step forward more determined to get to the laptop but as her right foot landed it too was now encased in an adult-sized baby booty.

Ariana shouted out but all that was heard was an inaudible mumble from the pacifier “Get these bloody things off me” she screamed inside her head and she bent down to remove the booties but as she reached her hands down they too were covered up. She quickly stood up straight and placed her now mitten hands in front of her face and stared at them, the mittens were thickly padded all over and her thumbs were forced together with the rest of her fingers “Mittens? I'm wearing mittens?” She tried to move her fingers but they were unable to move “I can't use my thumb how am I going to do anything?” she thought as tears once again began to roll down her face and the pacifier made her suck faster to try and comfort her she shook her head “I need to stop people watching this, I bet millions are watching me now, watching me wearing a diaper and sucking on a pacifier like I'm some baby” she shuddered at the thought and quickly took a step forward but she lost her balance and began to fall forward.

As she was falling something wrapped itself around her head as she outstretched her mitten hands and landed on her hands and knees. She stared at the white carpet not wanting to move it was all getting too much for her “What was that? Please, not another baby thing, I don't want to look like a baby” she screamed inside her head as she slowly moved her eyes around and saw frills surrounding her head. She finally looked up at the laptop and was shocked to see that an adult-sized baby bonnet had appeared around her head, she stared at the screen and felt utterly humiliated as a giant baby stared back at her.

Chapter 03

Ariana blinked a few times in amazement “I look just like a...” she swallowed hard “...a baby!” she continued to stare at herself not moving “I'm on all fours like a baby with a diaper between my legs and all the baby accessories on me, I wish that the camera would turn off, I don't want anyone to see me like this, I'm going to be a world-famous baby at the end of this” she shook her head “I need to get to the laptop and turn it off. Do I try and stand up and walk? Every time I do I end up falling down” she sighed from behind the pacifier “I know what I need to do” she thought as she stared down at the floor and slowly began to crawl forward. After a few movements forward she felt her head being moved back up and was soon looking forward “No I don't want to look at the camera as I crawl towards it” she thought as she tried to push her head back down but it was no use and she continued to look forward as she crawled, her diapered hips shaking side to side as she moved closer and closer to the laptop.

She finally arrived at the laptop and let out a sigh of relief “Finally, I can at least stop everybody watching me” she thought as she got onto her knees she looked at the laptop and sighed at the sight of her upper body staring back at her, still sucking on the pacifier with the baby bonnet wrapped around her head she shook her head “I look ridiculous” she thought as she reached her mitten hand forward she suddenly felt something.

She paused and quickly looked down at her padded crotch “What was that?” she thought. She quickly looked back up at the laptop when she felt it again and her eyes went wide “No No No not that! It can't do that to me” she thought as she suddenly felt herself falling backwards onto her diapered bum “I need to stop myself, I can't fall down with that happening” she thought as she outstretched mitten hands to try and grab onto something but with the mittens on all she could do was pull on the laptop. She looked on in shock as the laptop moved slightly forward knocking the camera down. Ariana landed on her diapered bottom legs spread apart and hands on her waist she looked up and saw that the camera had been knocked down slightly and was clearly showing her sitting on the floor with her legs spread wide open.

I was so close, I almost had it,” she thought as she stared down at her crotch “Please don't do it” she pleaded to her clothing but then she felt it again and the colour drained from her face as the diaper once again pushed up against her vagina. Ariana let out a muffled scream from behind the pacifier as she felt a shiver run through her “No please don't make me do that” she thought. She stayed frozen nervously watching her padded crotch “I will quickly move up and get to the camera” She stared at the camera when a wave of shame came crashing over her “No please don't continue I can't use the diaper like that while people watch me” she began to shake when her worst fears came true and the diaper pushed up against her again and slowly began to rub up and down over her most intimate area.

Tears ran down her face as she stared at the diaper moving between her legs sending chills all through her body, the pacifier slowed down and she quickly noticed she was sucking in time with the rubbing of her crotch. She let out an involuntary moan from behind the pacifier as the pace began to quicken from the diaper and the pacifier, her inner thighs began to squeeze in on the diaper and Ariana threw her head back and closed her eyes as her hips moved in motion with the diaper, breathing heavily she thought “I'm going to do it, masturbate in a diaper live on the internet” she wanted to scream but the pace quickened once again and she let out another moan as she felt pleasure run through her. She looked down at her groin in disgust but she was unable to stop herself from moving or enjoying what the diaper was doing to her, the pace once again quickened and her breathing became faster she flung her head back and closed her eyes once again as she felt her world explode. She took a deep breath, her legs twitched and tingled, the wave of ecstasy washed over as the diaper stopped and she sat for a moment silently enjoying the moment not wanting to remember where she was or what she was wearing.

Chapter 04

Ariana slowly opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling her breathing slowed back down as she slowly sucked on the pacifier “Oh god, I just masturbated in a diaper while on camera, I'm never going to be able to shake this off, nobody is going to believe that this onesie made me do it. I'm going to be known as an adult baby for the rest of my life” she closed her eyes again and slowly lowered her head “How am I going to get out of this thing?” she thought as she slowly opened her eyes and stared down at the onesie and the diaper poking out of the leg holes. She slowly looked up at her laptop and saw the giant baby version of herself looking back at her and she shook her head in shame and quickly looked down under the table that her laptop was on and her eyes widened “Yes, the power cord, I pull that and the camera goes off” a smile appeared from behind the pacifier as she stared at the cable.

Now how to get it,” she thought as she continued to stare at it “If I stand up something weird is going to happen to me again” she sighed from behind the pacifier “I'm going to have to crawl again. I need to act fast though in case this stupid thing does anything else to me”. Ariana quickly lent forward and got onto her hands and knees and crawled toward the cable her diapered bum swaying side to side under the onesie as she moved, when she was an arm's length away from the cable she reached out with her mitten hand but was unable to grasp it which caused her to let out a muffled swear from behind the pacifier. She quickly moved under the desk and reached out with both her mitten hands and pulled hard, the cable popped out of the powerpoint and Ariana let out a sigh of relief “Yes, that must have turned it off” she thought and slowly backed out from under the desk. She looked up at her laptop and no longer saw her babied self but a black screen “Yes Yes Yes” she thought as she stared at the screen “Now that's done its time to get this thing off me".

She slowly crawled away from the laptop that had haunted her for so long and sat her padded bum on the soft carpet in the middle of the room her legs spread wide in front of her “Now how am I going to get this off me?” she thought as she stared down at the onesie. Her mitten hands reached down to her crotch and she tried to pull open the buttons between her legs but the buttons stayed together, tears began to form in her eyes again “I hate this, I don't want to wear diapers or be a baby. I'm world famous I can't be sitting on the floor stuck dressed as a baby” she thought as the pacifier forced her to suck to calm her down. Ariana just sat in the middle of the floor on her diapered bum while sucking on the pacifier not knowing what to do, it felt like her brain had shut down and she couldn't come up with any sort of plan all she could think about was how many people had just seen her masturbate in a diaper, she continued to cry as the thought repeated in her head.

After a few minutes, a feeling shook her out of her head and she once again looked down at her groin “No, No, I need to pee, I can't wet a diaper! I'm not a baby!” She shouted in her head but very quickly the urge to pee grew and with fresh tears rolling down her face she began to shake her legs up and down just like a toddler “No I'm not going to wet a diaper” she thought but the pressure grew. She stuck her hands between her legs and pulled her legs together but the urge grew. She moved her legs so her knees were now under her chin and she squeezed her legs together while pushing hard with her hands, her feet bounced up and down frantically trying in vain to help. After what seemed like an age to Ariana but was only a few minutes she felt her battle was about to be lost, her eyes widened and she screamed inside her head as the damn broke.

Her body froze, her feet stopped bouncing up and down, her arms stopped squeezing against her diaper and her legs stopped squeezing together as she felt the warm urine enter the diaper and slowly cover herself. She stared down in shock as she was unable to stop herself and she continued to fill her diaper with her warm pee, she shuddered as she felt the urine move from the front of the diaper towards the back covering her bum cheeks and yet she continued. After a few minutes, she finally stopped, the diaper and her groin were soaked and she had noticed the diaper had become bigger as she moved her legs together it had also become harder. She gently sucked on the pacifier as she stared down at her wet crotch “I, I can't believe it, I'm sitting in a wet diaper” she thought as fresh tears formed and she slammed her mitten hands onto the carpet “I hate this, I hate it all” she continued to slam her hands down and kicked her feet like a toddler having a temper tantrum. Soon she stopped feeling exhausted “Why is this happening to me?” she thought as she collapsed onto her side, she placed her mitten hands under her head and pulled her knees up to her chin, she lay in a fetal position with her wet diapered bum sticking out while sucking on the pacifier. She closed her eyes tight and repeated in her head “I don't want to be a baby” as she slowly fell asleep.

 Chapter 05

 Ariana’s head felt groggy as she slowly opened her eyes in the darkness, she felt something strange in her mouth when she realised that it was the pacifier still stuck in her mouth her eyes shot open and she sat up banging her head on something metal. “Fuck what was that?” she thought as she placed her mitten hands above her head and felt bars running above her “Where the hell am I?” she thought nervously as the pacifier began to move back and forth in her mouth and she found herself sucking on the infantile device. She once again tried to grab hold of the pacifier with her mitten hands but she was unable to take hold of it, she suddenly looked down at her crotch as she felt herself begin to wet the bulging diaper that sat between her legs.

This is so gross” she thought as the warm urine began to spread around her lower half “I can’t believe I’m still wearing a diaper and peeing in it. I didn’t even know I was peeing until I felt it on my skin” she thought with disgust as the urine continued to spread around her diaper, between her legs and over her bum cheeks which made her shudder with embarrassment. Slowly her eyes began to adjust to the darkness of the room and she could see that she was still wearing the bright blue onesie that had enveloped her and placed the diaper on her somehow “I don’t understand how any of this happened, how the onesie got on me and how it turned my clothes into a diaper this so just so wrong” she thought as she slowly took her eyes off her bulging crotch and looked around.

Ariana’s eyes widened as she stared at the white bars that surrounded her when she suddenly realised that she was sitting on a mattress and she began to shake her head “What the hell am I doing in a crib?! How did I get here? Who put me here?” she began to shake nervously as she continued to suck on the pacifier “Somebody saw me like this? No somebody saw me dressed like a baby” she thought as she slowly found her self lying down in the crib “I can’t believe someone saw me like this” she thought when suddenly her chest felt tight as she remembered the webcam “Oh god so many people saw me like this saw me crawling around in a diaper and...” she shook all over “...they saw me masturbate in a diaper. Everyone that viewed my webcam would have seen that. I’m going to be a laughingstock when I get out of here” she looked around the dark room “If I get out of here” she thought with dread as she continued to suck on the pacifier.

She continued to lie in the crib miserably sucking on the pacifier as the warm urine inside her diaper began to cool “I really want to get out of this horrible thing! I hate this! I hate that I’m so vulnerable and weak with all this on me. I’m not in control of my own body because of this onesie, I can’t even control my own bodily functions and I have no idea how it's even doing this to me” she sighed as she looked around the small crib “I’m so bored, how long am I going to be kept inside this horrible thing?” she thought when suddenly her stomach rumbled and her eyes shot open.

No! No! No!” she screamed inside her head as she looked down her body “I can’t poop in a diaper, no way that’s disgusting” she thought when suddenly her legs began to rise up. Ariana stared at her legs in disbelief as her knees bent and rested against either side of her flat stomach, causing her cheeks to spread and Ariana knew that she didn’t have any choice in what was coming next. She tried to move but her body wouldn’t budge her arms were pinned down to her side the only part of her body she could move was her neck, but even that was limited she could look down at her body or up at the bars above her and that was it. She began to sweat as her stomach gurgled “No! This so wrong, I have been forced to wet and masturbate into this diaper and now I’m going to be forced to…” tears formed in her eyes and she suddenly felt sick “...I can’t do that in a diaper, no way” she thought.  

Tears ran down her face as she continued to suck on the pacifier when a loud fart entered the room which made Ariana blush bright red “It’s happening, it’s really happening” she thought with disgust as she felt her body begin to push. Another loud fart escaped her and then she felt the warm sticky mess bulge into her diaper “This is so gross!” she screamed in her head as she felt the mess slowly move around her lower half as more poop entered into her diaper. A blast of the foul stench entered into Ariana’s nostrils and she felt like she was going to be sick as she lay staring up at the bars that enclosed her inside the crib “It smells so bad and it’s so warm and sticky! It’s everywhere!” she thought with disgust as she finally felt her body stop and her legs lowered back down to the crib. She couldn’t stop crying as the foul smell surrounded her “I can’t believe it, I just can’t believe any of this. How is this happening?” she thought when suddenly she heard a noise come from across the room she tried to look over but was unable to turn her head, she began to sweat “What was that?” she thought. Once again a noise came from the other side of the room and a light shone into the room and she heard a woman shout out “Wow I think baby needs her diaper changing”.


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