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 Chapter 01

I know she is going to love this present, It looks so good really authentic. She will definitely love it” Mikey thought with a smile as he stared down at the wrapped box in his hand. The 28-year-old Mikey was sitting on the sofa waiting anxiously for his girlfriend Maggie to come home, he nervously ran his hands through his short brown hair and looked up at the ceiling “I wonder what she has got me, I took so much time and effort getting this for her I hope she has gone into the same amount of trouble for me” he nervously rubbed his hands together as he looked back down at the box “Yeah I’m sure she would get something as good for me, I mean its Valentines Day it’s the day we show our love for each other” he smiled and looked up at the clock “Oh she will be home soon, our first Valentine’s Day together, we just missed last years with getting together on the 18th and only a few months later we moved in together. I’m sure this will be a really romantic day” he smiled as he heard the car pull into the driveway and his chest became tight. Mikey let out a little nervous laugh “Why am I so nervous?” he thought as he slowly stood up and placed the box behind his back “She will love this and I can’t wait to see what she has for me” he thought as the door opened.

Maggie opened the door with a curious expression on her face“Hi Hun, why are you looking so odd?” she said as she entered the room, Mikey shook his head “I don’t look odd” he said unconvincingly as he stared at his beautiful girlfriend, he watched as she released her hairband and her dirty blonde hair fell down to her shoulders, her bright green eyes met his and she smiled “So why you acting so weird?” she said as she slowly approached him. Mikey shuffled on his feet as he cleared his throat he pulled out the box from behind him and presented it to his shocked girlfriend “What's this?” she asked curiously, Mikey looked at her puzzled “Happy Valentine’s Day” he announced with a shy smile.

Maggie paused “Oh is it Valentines Day? I completely forgot. Thank you Hun” she smiled and she leant forward and gave her disappointed boyfriend a kiss on the cheek while taking the box from his hands. Mikey watched as Maggie sat down on the sofa, he let out a sigh “She forgot! Hasn’t she got me anything? The time and energy it took me to get that for her but she hasn’t got me anything. It’s a day to celebrate our love, and she forgot. I must mean so little to her” he thought as he began to sulk.

Maggie opened up the box and stared down at the item with a large smile across her face “Oh wow, it’s a replica Elder Wand from Harry Potter” she smiled and grabbed hold of it in her hand “It’s heavier than I expected but it looks so authentic, thank y...” she stopped suddenly as she looked up at her pouting boyfriend “What's the matter?” she asked, Mikey, shook his head “Nothing, I’m glad you like it” he said blankly and began to walk out of the room without looking at Maggie. Maggie stood up with the wand still in her hand “Where are you going? What’s wrong?” she shouted. Mikey stopped and shook his head “Nothing, happy Valentine's Day” he said mockingly and continued to walk out of the room.

Maggie gritted her teeth “Why are you always like this? Your acting like such a baby” she stamped her foot and from the corner of her eye, she saw a spark appear from the end of the wand. Mikey had walked into the kitchen ignoring Maggie’s comments but she was now more curious with the wand and she slowly she brought her hand up and examined the wand “What was that?” she asked herself when suddenly she heard a cupboard door slam from the kitchen. She jumped while pointed the wand forward and with gritted teeth, she shouted “You are such a baby” and with that, a large flash exploded from the wand covering the room in bright light.

Maggie was flung back into the air where she let go of the wand, it fell onto the floor and rolled under the sofa as Maggie landed on soft cushions of the sofa. Maggie’s head was buzzing as she tried to look around the room but her eyes hadn’t adjusted yet, slowly she stood up and took a step forward “Mikey” she shouted and took another step forward when she felt something soft under her foot then a loud ‘Honk’ came from what she was standing on. She quickly lifted her foot confused “What the hell was that?” she said to herself but shook it off as she continued to stumble towards the kitchen “Mikey?” she shouted again, her eyesight slowly returning she went into the kitchen where she saw her boyfriend sitting on the floor her jaw dropped open and shouted out “What the hell?”.

Chapter 02

  “What the hell is going on” Mikey thought he said but all that came out of his mouth was gibberish, he continued to sit on the floor with his legs spread in front of him as he stared up at Maggie confused “Why is she standing there staring at me like that?” he thought as he noticed she had turned white as a sheet “What is happening?” he tried to say but once again a bundle of noises exited his mouth “This is really strange, why can’t I talk?” he thought when he decided to look down and his jaw fell open.

Maggie couldn’t believe what she was seeing her twenty-eight-year-old boyfriend was sitting on the floor wearing a black snap crotch onesie “Where did that come from? Why is he sitting on the floor? Did he do this? Does he like dressing up like this?” she thought for a moment then shook her head “No, he can’t he looks as confused as I do, so what is going on?” she looked down at Mikey’s crotch “Wait? no? That can’t be? Is he wearing a diaper?” she suddenly felt light-headed as she continued to stare at her infantile boyfriend.

Mikey slowly stared down and gasped as he saw then black onesie surrounding his body “What?” he tried to shout but only “Pwup” came out of his mouth when he continued to look down his body he suddenly noticed a huge bulge between the legs “What the hell is that!?” he tried to shout out but all that came out of his mouth was “Zweeee foooo naaa”. He tried to move his hands towards his crotch to investigate further but noticed that they were heavy and didn’t move exactly how he wanted them too “What is going on? Why can’t I move my hands properly” he thought as he began to feel angry but soon his hand touched the top of his puffed-up groin and confusion replaced anger. As his hand clumsily pressed down on the mound he heard a crinkling noise and his eyes went wide “It’s a diaper? Why the hell am I wearing a diaper!” he thought as he once again began to feel himself becoming angry “Maggie” he shouted but it came out “Mamma” he scrunched up his face as Maggie slowly walked towards him in shock.

“Mikey? What’s going on? Why are you wearing that?” she asked as she stood in front of her infantile boyfriend, Mikey looked at her blankly then opened his mouth and let out several loud noises which finished with “Mamma” he scrunched up his face again and began to shake his hands around “Mikey calm down, we need to figure out what’s happened?” she shouted but it was too late and Mikey continued to fling his arms around and made loud crying noises when suddenly he stopped, he stared at Maggie then down at his diapered crotch and shouted “Fwumly ms gri wee wee twi” Maggie's eyes widened and she took a few steps back as she too stared down at his crotch “Did you pee yourself?” she asked with a hint of disgust.

Mikey blushed bright red as he felt the warm urine enter into his thirsty diaper “I’m actually peeing in a diaper and I can’t stop it? I didn’t even know I was doing it! How did I not know I was peeing myself?” he thought as he felt the warm urine continue to surround the diaper. “What the hell happened? I was grabbing a beer and the next thing I know I’m sitting on the floor peeing in a diaper and unable to talk. What is going on?” he thought as he felt a wave of emotions come over him once again and without meaning too he began to cry, softly at first but soon he began to wail loudly.

 Maggie watched her boyfriend crying like a baby in front of her when without thinking she flung herself forward in front of Mikey and wrapped her arms around him and cuddled him, she continued to cuddle him with a puzzled look on her face “Why did I do that?” she thought “A wave of maternal feelings came over me and I just had to comfort him, I don’t do that sort of thing” she shook her head as Mikey began to quiet down. She kissed him on the forehead as she noticed he had begun to suck his thumb “This is so weird, we need to get him out of those clothes it’s humiliating” she thought as she gently pulled Mikey away from her and smiled “OK, lets go to the bedroom and get you off that and into some normal clothes” she cooed then looked puzzled “Why did I say it like that?” she shook her head as she stood up.

Mikey slowly removed his thumb from his mouth with a look of disgust “I was sucking my thumb? Why was I doing that? This is so weird and yeah Maggie is right I need to get out of this and back to my normal clothes” he thought. He began to move his legs but found that they were as hard to move as his arms, he bit his lip as he slowly got onto his knees “This is painfully slow” he thought as he moved his clumsy legs again and finally managed to stand. He smiled at Maggie but the smile quickly disappeared as he felt his legs wobble and before Maggie could reach out to catch him he was falling back down onto his padded rear. He landed with a squish and let out a “twupy” which he meant to say “Shit” as he shook his head out of frustration “Great! so I can’t walk, how the hell am I meant to move?” he thought then he sighed “I’m meant to crawl, how have I become a baby? It just doesn’t make any sense” he shook his head and got onto his hands and knees “This is so embarrassing” he thought as he began to crawl towards the bedroom with Maggie following.

Chapter 03

  Maggie looked down at her boyfriend's padded rear end swaying side to side as he crawled in front of her “How is this happening? He isn’t able to do anything like an adult anymore, none of this makes any sense” she thought as Mikey crawled out the kitchen into the living room. Maggie shook her head “Let's just get him to our room and put some normal clothes on him then we can sort this out” she thought but as she entered into the living room she paused, her jaw dropped to the floor as she stared into the room. “What the fuck?” she said as her eyes darted around the room, beside the TV was a large-sized playpen, beside the playpen was a pile of mega blocks and all around the room baby toys were scattered around the floor. She stared in disbelief at her changed living room when she looked down and saw that Mikey had stopped crawling and was too staring around the room “He must be as confused as me?” she thought.

Mikey couldn’t stop himself from smiling as he stared across the room towards the mega blocks “I can build something cool with that” he thought and slowly he began to crawl towards the pile of blocks when he stopped suddenly “No I don’t want to build anything I want to get out of this wet diaper” he looked up at the door to the bedroom and sighed then back at the blocks and smiled “Maybe I could play with the blocks for a bit then get out of this diaper” he thought while turning bright red “What am I thinking?” he sighed but the urge to play was too great as he began to crawl forward. He heard Maggie say something behind him, but he wasn’t listening to her, the only thing he was concentrating on was the blocks. When he arrived at the blocks he quickly sat down on his padded rear feeling the dampness between his legs he blushed slightly but reached out to grab an infantile block and place it on the floor in front of him “I’m going to build a tower” he thought he said but Maggie heard “Me woople ye vuum rek”.

Maggie walked up to him confused “What the hell are you doing? Do we need to get that diaper off you? You can’t sit around in your own piss!” she shouted but Mikey didn’t react as he continued to pile the blocks up in front of him. Maggie placed her hand on her forehead “What is happening to you? How did this even happen?” she said when a spark entered her mind and she remembered “The wand? The wand did this? No way?” She spun on the spot and looking around the room “Where is it? I had it in my hand and then...” she trailed off as she bit her bottom lip “Where has it gone!?” she stomped her feet as she heard Mikey begin to cry, she turned around to her boyfriend who had stopped piling the blocks up and was now looking up at her with fear in his eyes. Maggie felt an urge to go down and cuddle her infantile boyfriend as he continued to cry but she stopped herself “NO!” she shouted, I’m not going to do this, I need a drink” she said while fighting the urge she let out a cry of frustration and quickly walked back into the kitchen.

Mikey wiped away the tears from his face “Why did she do that? She shouted and banged. All I want to do is play with the blocks” he sniffled “Where has she gone? Has she left me?” he began to shake as he turned to look back at the kitchen he noticed something under the sofa “What’s that? Can I play with it?” he thought as he slowly got up off his wet bum and began to crawl towards the sofa when he suddenly blushed “I’m crawling around in a wet diaper, I need this from me I need to return to normal this is so embarrassing” he thought when he reached the sofa and got down on to his belly, he stretched his hand under the sofa, using all his energy to wrap his useless hands around the small object. Eventually, after some hard work he grabbed hold of something and pulled it out, he stared down at the wand confused “Why is this under the sofa?” he thought as he sat back down on his wet bum when he suddenly felt very thirsty “That was so tiring, I need a drink. Maggie is in the kitchen I can ask her to get me something” he thought as he opened his mouth he thought he said “Can I have a drink” but what came out slowly was “Me…..want….. boobies” suddenly the wand flashed bright and a light shot out of the end and went into the kitchen. Mikey sat staring at the wand “What just happened?” he thought when he heard Maggie cry out “What has happened to my breasts?”

Chapter 04

  Maggie stared down at her ripped shirt and bra and her now huge exposed breasts “No, no, no” she cried out as she continued to stare down “What has happened now?” she screamed, her breasts had suddenly grown massive and ripped open her bra and shirt. She took a deep breath as she continued to stare down at her naked chest when suddenly they began to ache “What the fuck?” she thought as she bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes “Why do they hurt?” She thought as she placed her hands on them. Maggie then heard crying coming from the living room “Is that Mikey? Why is he crying?” she thought when suddenly her nipples began to leak. Maggie jumped in shock as she watched the milky substance leave her teats and run down her large breasts “I’m expressing milk!?” she shouted out in surprise “How is this possible?” she said then suddenly she felt cold as she looked towards the room Mikey was in “These are for him?” she said as she looked back down at her aching breasts “That’s why they ache because they are full and oh god Mikey is now a baby so it’s for him to drink from them” she suddenly laughed “None of this makes sense” she thought when a sharp pain ran through her chest and she shook her head “Fuck that hurt, I’m not going through that again if I don’t have to. Mikey just needs to drink it all up” she sighed and walked back into the room where Mikey was still crying.

Mikey felt his stomach gurgle he was very thirsty and couldn’t think of anything else to do but cry about it, he sat on the floor with his legs spread the wet diaper slowly cooling between his legs and tears running down his face when Maggie stood in the doorway. Mikey imminently stopped crying as he stared up at her, his jaw dropped open and his eyes went wide, he couldn’t take his eyes off Maggie’s huge breasts dripping with milk. He swallowed feeling even more thirsty and smiled “Wow look at those, they are huge I could have so much fun with them,” he thought when he suddenly felt his penis begin to harden. He looked down at his padded crotch “Oh god, an erection while wearing a wet diaper how disgusting but...” he looked back at Maggie who had walked towards him “...Look at those, I am thirsty” he smiled again as Maggie let out a sigh and slowly sat down on the floor beside him.

Maggie shook her head as she sat down “Alright Mikey...” she managed to get out before he dove for her nipple with his mouth, Maggie let out an unexpected yell but he quickly began to suck on her and Maggie could feel the ache of her breasts leaving her. Maggie smiled as Mikey continued to suck “Well that’s better I had hoped that he would let me talk before he dove for it though” she thought but rolled her eyes “I guess any guy would be diving for my breasts in this state let alone one that was half a baby?” she giggled. Maggie began to stroke Mikey’s hair as he slurped down her milk when she felt a shiver run through her and she bit her bottom lip “Yeah keep going Mikey” she thought when her eyes opened wide “No, I can’t get excited from this, it isn’t sexual it’s...OK, I don’t know what it is” she sighed as Mikey finished the breast. Maggie looked down at him “Hopefully he will finish the next one too” she thought as Mikey adjusted himself over her lap and soon was happily sucking away.

Mikey couldn’t think of anything else other than drinking from the nipple in his mouth, he had his eyes closed as he sucked away happily filling his stomach when suddenly he felt his stomach cramp and his eyes shot open, he slowed on the sucking as his eyes darted back and forth. Maggie continued to stroke his hair but it did little to calm him down, he stared at the huge breast in front of him and closed his eyes again “I can not let that happen, I need to go to the toilet and use that. I am not going to sit here and mess myself” he thought, but he didn’t move. He continued to suck on Maggie’s nipple “I hope I can hold off till I finish, I...what am I thinking I need to stop and go to the toilet but I don’t want to stop I’m still thirsty and I want more” he thought as he let out a small fart “No I must stop and go but if I do I might miss out and not get any more, I will wait and see” he thought. Mikey suddenly scrunched up his face “No! No! No!” he screamed inside his head as he tried with all his might to stop the inevitable but it was no use as his body relaxed and the warm sticky mess entered into his diaper. He felt cold with shame as he looked down passed the breast in his mouth towards his padded crotch as he felt his body continue to fill up the diaper with a torrent of warm liquid poop “Disgusting! It’s so disgusting, no it’s going everywhere, I can feel it spreading all over, I hate this I think I’m going to be sick I’m in my own mess and I’m still not moving away from sucking down the milk!” he thought when suddenly he heard Maggie shout out “No way, did you just shit yourself?”

Chapter 05

  Mikey looked up nervously at Maggie while still sucking on her breast, he blushed bright red as she looked down at him disgusted when he quickly looked away “I’m sitting in my own mess, Oh god I messed a diaper, I’m sitting in a full diaper of my own piss and shit while sucking milk from girlfriends nipple. What the hell is happening to me?” he thought as tears formed in his eyes “I don’t want to be like this. I want out of this horrible diaper and I just want to return to normal!” he thought as he slowly finished the breast and slowly moved away from the breast. “I need to tell her I didn’t mean to do it. I don’t have any control” he thought as he slowly looked up at Maggie’s shocked face which made him blush bright red as he said “Me did poopy, me need diapee change” quickly he closed his eyes as tears ran down his face “I didn’t want to say that!” he thought.

Maggie looked down at her crying boyfriend and the anger melted away from her “I can’t be mad at him, it's obviously not his fault it’s something that has happened to him” she thought as she stroked his head and quickly pulled him close for a cuddle “Shhh shh baby, everything will be alright mommy is here” she cooed then she gasped “What the hell did I say? Mommy is here? I’m not his mommy!” she thought as she took a sniff and scrunched up her face “Oh god we need to get him out of this diaper, take him to the shower there is no way I’m going to change him. Disgusting” she thought. Slowly she adjusted Mikey around and stood up while still cuddling him, she took a step forward and then paused again “How the hell am I carrying him so easily? He doesn’t weigh anything?” she thought as she looked down at Mikey who was now sucking on his thumb while resting his head against her large breasts. Maggie shook her head and slowly walked towards the bathroom.

As she approached the bathroom straight ahead of her she looked at the door to the left that was their bedroom “What am I going to do after the shower, I don’t have any other diapers to put him in and then what he can’t sleep in the bed. I am not going to sleep next to him if he is going to wet or mess the bed” she thought with a shiver when she then noticed the door to the right of her and stopped with a puzzled look on her face. She read the sign on the door that read ‘Mikey's Nursery’ in baby block letters, she stood staring at the door “Mikey’s Nursery? This was his games room, it has never had that on the door. Oh god, what has happened to the room?” she stood frozen for a moment as Mikey adjusted slightly in her arms, still sucking on his thumb as tears continued to run down his face.

Maggie shook her head “I don’t even want to go in there, with everything else that has happened tonight I don’t want to see what that room looks like now” she looked down at Mikey and sighed as she got another quick whiff from Mikey’s diaper “Fuck he stinks, oh god what if the room has changed to a nursery, there might actually be more diapers in there that would solve one problem I guess” she thought as she slowly reached out and turned the door handle. The door slowly opened as did Maggie’s Jaw as she stared into the nursery “What the hell?” she said as she looked at the large crib in the corner of the room. She eventually looked away from the crib and saw the large changing table and under the table were piles of diapers, all different colours and thickness she shook her head “I can’t believe it! I just...” she trailed off as she slowly walked into the room. The dark grey walls were now painted baby blue and the wood flooring had been replaced with soft carpet “I I...” she said as she looked into a corner full of adult-sized baby toys “Why?” she said as she slowly spun around the room in disbelief.

Chapter 06

 Maggie looked into Mikey’s eyes as she carried him in her arms her face stuck in amazement “Mikey we need to sort this out, something really has gone weird here and I don’t think your enjoying this and I know I’m not” she said as Mikey looked at her showing no emotion which confused Maggie. She shook her head as she walked towards the large changing table “Right well I guess I’m going to change you, this is going to be so gross” she said as she sat him down on the soft plastic. She stood at his feet as Mikey popped his thumb into his mouth and began to suck, slowly he lay down onto the changing table as Maggie quickly opened the snaps on the black onesie and stared at his stained diaper “I don’t want to do this, I don’t want to change my boyfriends poop-filled diaper but that’s what's going to happen. Happy valentines day” she said with a sigh.

Mikey continued to suck on his thumb as he looked up at his young girlfriend, he could feel the mess around him as he lay on the large changing table but he couldn’t help but smile from behind his balled-up fist “I’m so glad I’m going to get my diaper changed and get this poopy thing off me” was his only thought as he watched Maggie shake her head and sigh once again. Maggie looked stared down at the diaper once again and rolled her eyes “Right, I know what's inside it and that it’s going to smell I just need to get it off him, clean it up and place another one on him...” she thought when she looked below the changing table at the pile of diapers “Why so many diapers?” she thought as she stared at the different types neatly stacked under her infantile boyfriend. She shook her head again as she reached forward out “This will do” she said as she picked up a white diaper with pictures of animals over it, she examined the safari-themed diaper for a moment then looked down at the plain white stained diaper wrapped around Mikey’ waist.

She stood for a moment trying to gain the courage to go through with the job at hand when she suddenly thought “Wipes? I’m going to need wipes so I can wipe him” she shook with disgust as she placed the new diaper on the changing table and looked under the table at the pile of diapers, sitting beside the pile were several boxes of baby wipes and baby powder she looked at the confused “How didn’t I notice them there before?” she thought. Quickly she took hold of wipes and the baby powder and stared at them “I’m sure they weren’t there a second ago it was just diapers” she shook her head as she placed them down on the table “Right, I can’t put this off any longer it’s time to get this over with” she said.

She pulled the black onesie up past Mikey’s stomach out of the way of the messy diaper then she pulled the tabs on either side of the diaper and quickly placed her hand over the top “This is going to be so gross” she thought as she slowly pulled the diaper away from Mikey and a fresh waft of poop entered the room. Maggie winced and quickly turned her head away “This is gross” she said but to her surprise she slowly turned back around shocked as she stared down at his erect penis “Where has all of his hair gone? He never shaves down there but now he’s completely hairless just like….” she rolled her eyes “...just like a baby” she sighed.

Mikey continued to suck on his thumb as he looked down and blushed “Why do I have an erection while wearing a poopy diaper” he thought as Maggie grabbed hold of his ankles and lifted his legs up in the air. Maggie pulled out a wet wipe and began to carefully clean up Mikey’s bum, he stared up at the ceiling as he felt the cold wet wipe press over his cheeks “This is so strange, Maggie is changing my diaper, I’m having a diaper changed and I’m just sitting back and letting it happen” he thought as Maggie continued. Maggie eventually finished the large task of cleaning her boyfriends bum and then moved onto his balls and penis which caused Mikey to look down at his throbbing penis nervously. Maggie rubbed the wet wipe all over his lower half making sure that he was clean, Mikey began to moan from behind his thumb as Maggie rubbed his penis trying to clean her adult baby boy.

Maggie removed the old diaper and balled it up and threw it into the diaper pail beside her, She took hold of the fresh diaper and unfolded it and quickly placed it under his bum, Maggie lowered his legs back down. Maggie looked at Mikey’s throbbing penis and couldn’t help but giggle as Mikey closed his eyes “Awww did baby like that?” she cooed which caused Mikey to nod his head and moan again. Maggie giggled again “You naughty baby, we need to get you clean not make you dirty” she giggled again as she grabbed another wet wipe and continued to rub his penis. Mikey’s eyes suddenly opened wide as he felt the pressure building “Oh god I need to come” he thought as the increasing build-up of pressure felt like an insurmountable weight of tension. His muscles clenched all over in an effort to push through it, It felt like the beat of drugs shooting through every vein leaving his extremities almost on fire when suddenly his body tensed for the last time as recurring jolts of pleasure passed through him releasing all into the diaper.

Maggie stood stunned slightly out of breath herself as she watched Mikey continue to suck on his thumb as he shivered with relief “Wow, that was unexpected, Why did I keep rubbing him?” she thought as she cleaned the end of her boyfriend's penis with the wet wipe. She smiled down at her infantile boyfriend as she opened up the baby powder and sprinkled it on him, she smiled as the sweet smell entered the air and she gently rubbed the powder around Mikey’s groin. She took hold of the front of the diaper that was covered in Mikey’s cum and pulled it up over his crotch and quickly taped him in “No point in wasting the diaper” she said as Mikey looked up at her feeling slightly uncomfortable.


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