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A Sequel to Play Date - Sarah, Denise, and Katie 

 Chapter 01

Sarah woke early in her crib, she slowly opened her eyes as she looked around her nursery, the white walls of her previous life had been painted pink just after her first baby birthday three years ago. The Minnie mouse themed curtains letting in a small beam of light which shined on her adult-sized changing table which sat opposite the window against the wall where her desk and laptop once lived. Under the changing table, Sarah could see the multiple stacks of diapers that she now needed to wear, the colours and thickness of the diapers varied from white to pink and thick to very thick. Against the Minnie Mouse curtains sat the large rocking chair where Sarah and her mother sat every day. Sarah saw her pink adult-sized pacifier that she was sucking on when she fell asleep resting on the mattress next to her head, she quickly placed the giant nipple into her mouth and began to suck. She let out a yawn from behind the pacifier and stretched a little which made her diaper rustle from under the blanket. She pulled the blanket away exposing her bright pink onesie that had buttons that opened between the legs for easier diaper changes. The two white 24/7 super dry's were very thick between Sarah's legs and her least favourite diaper to wear, Sarah could feel the dampness between her legs which was now normal for the adult baby.

Sarah lay back and looked up at her Disney themed mobile slowly spinning above her head which she got as a gift for Christmas off her 19-year-old niece, Jenn. Sarah stared at it for a moment then remembered the last thing her mother had said to her when she put her down for the night “A very big day tomorrow birthday girl”, Sarah shuddered “When mommy says it's a big day then something horrible is going to happen, I can't believe it's my fourth baby birthday. I have been this way for four years now and this is the worst day of the year. It's a constant reminder throughout the day that this is the day that mommy turned me back into her baby”. Sarah sighed as she continued to stare at the mobile spinning “What has she got planned? Last year Phoebe brought Katie over for a playdate, it was nothing really different from any of the other playdates apart from Katie's mommy wasn't there but instead, Phoebe was looking after her. Since then though Phoebe brings Katie around once a month. I guess being around me for so long made her a natural at babysitting other adult babies, I overheard her saying she has also babysat Denise a few times. I can't believe me being turned into a baby got her a job and helped her move out” she sighed.

Sarah then felt a slight cramp in her stomach “Ah that's what woke me up, I need to poop” she thought and with little warning, she began to mess her diapers. The floodgates only took a few moments to open. They finally did so with a pair of short, noisy farts as the quiet sound of several gushes of a soft, mushy mess slid into her diaper. One push sent a final wave into the seat of her pants and Sarah felt the mess fill up the back of her diaper. With the combination of the mushed up food that she ate for every meal which had turned her mess into a far more liquid-like state than it had been during her adult life and having to wear and use diapers for four years Sarah had little to no control over her bodily functions anymore and found it very difficult to hold on when she got the warning that she needed to poop. Now with a full and smelly diaper Sarah continued to lie in her crib sucking on her pacifier she let out another yawn “Should I go back to sleep, I am still a little tired, I wonder what time it is. Hopefully mommy heard me fart through the baby monitor, and she will come in soon and change me” Sarah half smiled and shook her head "I would never think that four years ago, I was brought up to hide when I passed wind but now I hope that I farted so loud it woke my mommy up, whatever I just messed a diaper and I feel no shame in that anymore, It's just a normal part of my baby life, four years of messy diapers and the humiliation of it wears off, I would love to not wear them anymore, but they are a part of my boring life”.

Sarah continued to lie in her crib when she adjusted her legs slightly and she felt the bulk of the diaper press against her and a slight shiver ran through her “No no no, I told myself I wouldn't do that anymore" she squeezed her inner thighs together and felt a quick rush run through her "It's been so long though, I can do it quietly and before mommy comes in” she placed her hands on top of the white plastic of the diaper as she turned her head and spat the pacifier out “I can't do it with that in my mouth" she thought as she pushed the diaper against herself while also moving her legs together than apart and once again together in rhythm with her pushing. She picked up the pace and bit her bottom lip stopping herself from making any moans that might get picked up on the baby monitor. Her hips arched upwards as her breathing got faster, her pace quickened as she felt the diaper press against her vagina, “Yes, Yes almost there” she was on the edge her eyes widened and she held her breath and with one final thrust of her hips, movement of her hands and squeeze from her thighs, her world exploded. She took a deep breath but stayed perfectly still as her legs twitched and tingled, the wave of ecstasy washed over her but without thinking she let her hips drop down and the mess in her diaper squished against her bum and she straight away felt the shame of what she had just done. She turned her head to the side “Why? Every time after I climax I feel the utter shame of what I've just done and what I've just done it in, I never felt like this before, I did only enjoy myself a few times though but I never felt the shame that I feel now” She picked up the pacifier, placed it back in her mouth and began to suck “It's because I'm doing it in a diaper, a diaper I was forced to wear and use but now have to wear because I use, the pay off isn't worth it, a few seconds of bliss then this shame and regret for most of the day”.

Chapter 02

Sarah lay on her side sucking on her pacifier while watching the door through the bars of her crib, the room had begun to smell from her dirty diaper “I hope mother comes in soon, I’m getting thirsty” she thought to herself as she moved back onto her back squashing the poop around in her diaper more, she looked up at the mobile spinning around her head thinking of what might be for breakfast today. After a few more minutes the door opened and Sarah turned back over to her side expecting her mother to come walking in like usual but instead Sarah’s jaw dropped open as her 19-year old niece, Jenn walked into the nursery “When did she get here? Where’s mommy?” she thought as Jenn cheerfully announced, “Good morning baby Sarah, wow your awake early” she walked towards the crib and took an exaggerated sniff “Yikes, did baby make a mess in her diaper? Your mummy said you wouldn’t need changing till after breakfast well I’m not going to change your poopy diaper, no way, yucky” she giggled as Sarah blushed “I can’t believe I pooped today, I very rarely need to poop in the morning, why did it have to be today” she thought as Jenn poked her hand through the bars and picked up Sarah’s pacifier and popped it back into her mouth “You're going to need this baby Sarah” she giggled “It’s not time for baby to get up yet, so go back to sleep” she then looked at Sarah’s stained diaper and giggled “Well if you can” Sarah blushed again while Jenn went over to Sarah’s changing table and bent over to look at the variety of Sarah’s Diapers.

Sarah watched her niece, she had grown into a very attractive young woman, she was skinny and always wore makeup and had her hair styled, she wore very nice clothes and always had a smile on her face. Sarah observed her clothes she was wearing a very nice maroon mini skirt with a black top “I wish I could wear something like that, look how pretty she looks, that skirt shows off her legs so well” she sighed as she continued to watch Jenn fingering her diaper collection when Sarah’s eyes widened as Jenn bent down to the lowest shelf and Sarah could see right up her skirt to her bright red g-string. Sarah couldn’t stop staring with envy “To wear something like that, hell to actually choose what I wanted to wear would be a dream come true”. Suddenly she realised that Jenn was looking back at her “Excuse me little miss” she giggled Sarah blushed and quickly looked away, Jenn pulled out a pink diaper from the pile and stood up “It’s rude to stare baby Sarah” She smiled and turned towards the changing table and unfolded the diaper and placed it on top of the changing table, Sarah looked on nervously “Is she going to change my messy diaper? No, I can’t have my niece change a messy diaper, it’s the worst type of changes, It’s so humiliating.

To Sarah’s surprise, Jenn placed her hands under her skirt and pulled down her g-string and bunched it up and placed it in the pocket of her mini skirt “What is she doing?” Sarah thought. Jenn then turned her head towards Sarah and smiled as she pulled her miniskirt up exposing Sarah to her firm buttocks, Sarah watched on in stunned amazement “Wait is she going to...” before Sarah had time to finish her thought Jenn jumped up onto the changing table and sat on the pink diaper “She is, she is putting on the diaper? Why would she do that?” Sarah couldn’t take her eyes off her niece as she lay on the changing table “That’s where I have had the most embarrassing moments of my life, and she just jumped up onto it like it’s nothing” Sarah observed as Jenn pulled up the front of the diaper and taped it on “She has no hair, she is completely shaven? Why would she choose that?” Jenn then jumped off the changing table and looked down at her padded crotch “Ah much better” she said with a smile, Sarah couldn’t comprehend it “What? I know she wore that diaper all those years ago but I thought that was just a curiosity thing, I never even thought that she would have worn any again” Jenn slowly walked over to the crib while looking at her bum “Well these diapers are much better than the ones you can get from the chemist, so much thicker and softer, your very lucky that your mummy loves you so much to get you nice diapers” she giggled as Sarah’s jaw dropped open and the pacifier fell out again. “She wears diapers? She buys them from a chemist?” Sarah’s head was spinning as Jenn pulled down her skirt which did very little to hide the bulge of her bum and she sighed “Well I guess I’m going to have to take it off soon but not before I have some fun” she then winked and quickly left the nursery.

What the hell? I’m forced to wear and use diapers and she goes out of her way to get them? Does she use them? What did she mean with fun? Fate has a cruel sense of humour, why can’t we change roles, she would love this life and I want her life” She began to tear up “I hate my life, I hate that I have got used to having wet or messy diapers, I definitely hate that I have lost all control of my bladder. Why did she have to do that today, It’s already a hard day without her parading around with so much freedom? Maybe I could tell somebody” she shook her head “No, that’s not going to work and what would it solve? Well maybe her mum, Jessica would make her live her life like as a baby if she likes wearing diapers so much. How does she like it? I guess when it’s a naughty secret then it’s different from having to sit around with everyone knowing you have messed yourself because you can’t help it” she wiped away a few tears “Why today?” she sighed.

Chapter 03

Sarah lay miserably in her crib replaying the scenario in her head over and over again “Why does she like to wear diapers?” was the constant question that ran through her head but she couldn’t come up with an answer. She felt her groin had cooled and was now becoming itchy “Where is mommy? I need to be changed out of this diaper is soaked and full of poop. Come on mommy change me” she thought as she watched the door. The door opened but Sarah let out a large sigh as Jenn came walking back into her nursery, she turned and closed the door and Sarah couldn’t believe what she was seeing “She is still wearing the diaper under her skirt” Jenn turned and smiled at her infantile Aunt “Well I guess it’s time for a diaper change Baby Sarah” Sarah’s eyes widened “She is going to change me? No, I can’t have my niece change my dirty diaper, especially when she is wearing one voluntarily”. Jenn continued “I should have changed you earlier but I had something to do first” she let out a cheeky smile as she walked towards the crib. “Now I know you're going to be all embarrassed about having me change your smelly bum but don’t worry baby Sarah I have had plenty of practice” she giggled and Sarah rolled her eyes “I bet she has,” she thought as Jenn lowered the side of the crib. Jenn looked down at her Aunt and smiled “Now baby Sarah, you be good for Aunty Jenn and do everything I say or your mommy will hear how much of a bad baby you were” she giggled and pulled away the blanket revealing Sarah’s bright pink onesie, Sarah blushed “I can’t believe mommy is letting her change me, is everyone in the family going to get a turn” she shuddered “Melly is now 6, they wouldn’t have her change me, I hope not but all she has known is me as a baby. She doesn’t know anything different” she scrunched up her eyes at that thought. “That’s ridiculous that my niece only knows me as a diaper using baby, I’m meant to be her Aunt, take her out to the movies and bike rides not have her hand me down toys to play with” Sarah’s eyes opened as she felt the snaps on her crotch open up.

Jenn quickly untaped the top diaper and as she opened it up the fresh foul stench of Sarah’s mess entered the room, Jenn grimaced and took a step back while still holding onto the first diaper “Oh god that’s disgusting” she looked at Sarah who was blushing bright red “At least my diapers are never like that, I have never been able to bring myself to mess myself as you do” she laughed “Well I said I would change you so I had better get to it” she said and she stepped toward the crib when suddenly the door to the nursery swung open. Jenn jumped a mile and her face became very red as she slowly turned around to see her mother and grandmother standing at the door, she nervously smiled “Your back so do you want to take over changing baby Sarah?” she asked. Jessica looked her daughter up and down not saying a word until she smiled “Your grandmother can take over changing baby Sarah” she said calmly as she walked towards Jenn “But I think I’m going to have my hands busy” and before Jenn could react her mother grabbed hold of her arm with one hand and grabbed her skirt with the other, Jessica pulled the skirt up revealing her pink pee-stained diaper to everyone in the room. Sarah watched on as Jenn turned white “Oh wow they found out, how did they know? What are they going to do?” her heart began to beat fast “Are they going to make her a baby?” she thought with a hint of excitement “It’s what she deserves” she let out a slight smile from behind her pacifier as Jessica stared down at her daughter.

“What the hell is this!?” Jessica shouted at her daughter, Jenn opened her mouth but no words came out, tears formed in her eyes as she tried to pull away from the grip that her mother had on her but it was no use. Sarah could see the fear in her niece's eyes and began to feel sorry for her “She doesn’t deserve this life though, she is younger than I was when I got turned into a baby. She has only just become an adult and to now have it taken away would be cruel” she thought. Sarah watched as her mommy walked towards her daughter and granddaughter and smiled a wicked smile “Well it looks to me Jessica” she said with a hint of amusement in her voice as she stared down at Jenn’s pink diaper “That you have yourself a baby again”. Jenn’s jaw dropped open as she stared up at her mother “No please, I won’t do it again. It was only this once I was curious it won't happen again” tears began rolling down her face as Jessica shook her head “Now you're lying to me, I found the diapers at home yesterday, I was going to talk to you like a grown-up about it but as you insist on acting like a baby then I think your grandmother is right and I now have my baby Jenn back.

 Chapter 04

Jenn couldn’t believe what she was hearing, her eyes were wide with panic as her mother held tightly onto her arm, she began to shake as her mother smiled down at her “No, No, No! They can’t be serious I can’t be turned into a baby” she thought as she quickly looked over at her Aunt Sarah lying in her crib sucking on a pacifier with her messy diaper between her legs “I can’t become that” she shook all over “I’m a grown adult. No, it’s not going to happen” she thought as sweat dripped from her forehead. “So how should we do this?” Jessica asked her mother, Jenn turned back and stared at her mother with pleading eyes “Please don’t do this, I won't wear them again I swear”. Jessica didn’t say anything as she stared at her daughter wearing the wet diaper when Cynthia began to sarcastically laugh “Don’t be silly Baby Jenn, you’re a baby you will be wearing them every day, now I think the locking mittens and booties would be the best way for her to come to terms with her new life” she then walked over to the wardrobe as Jenn’s mouth dropped open and tears ran down her face.

Sarah couldn’t believe what she was seeing, and she couldn’t look away as her mother opened up the wardrobe and searched for the items that would seal Jenn’s fate. A slight smile appeared on her face “Finally, she is getting what she deserves. I remember what you did to me all those years ago when you got my hopes up that you would free me but instead, you just took photos of me in this prison and then when we went to the park and made it clear that I was wearing diapers to strangers. I would feel sorry for anyone else but you, you deserve this for how you treated me. Let’s see how much you like wearing diapers when everyone knows that you're wearing them, that you're using them like the baby that you are” Sarah let out a satisfied sigh as her mother walked back to Jenn with the mittens and booties in hand “I can’t remember the last time I felt like this, actually felt happy, thank you Jenn” she giggled to herself.

Jenn frantically tried to pull away from her mother as her grandmother arrived with the locking mittens and booties but her mother’s grip was too strong as she shouted out “No please not them!”. Jessica pulled her daughter towards her and at the same time spun her around so that Jessica was standing behind her, she had her left-hand holding onto Jenn’s right forearm and her right-hand holding tightly onto Jenn’s left forearm, Jenn found herself trapped against her mother in a scissor lock with her arms raised out in front. Jenn watched in horror as her grandmother began to guide the mittens onto her hands, tears were running down her face and it didn’t matter how hard she tried to get free she was unable to move. Jenn’s eyes widened as the first mitten encased her hand and was locked in position “No, this can’t be happening!” she screamed in her head as she tried to move her fingers inside the mitten “They won’t move? I can’t move them at all oh god how am I going to take them off?” she thought as the second mitten made its way over her fingers and down her hand towards her wrist and then was locked in place just like it’s twin. Jenn stared down at her mitten hands in utter disbelief “I don’t deserve this, I’m not a baby like Sarah!” she shouted which only caused her mother and grandmother to laugh. Cynthia stood in front of her granddaughter and smiled “You are right baby Jenn you’re not a baby like Sarah, she didn’t like to wear diapers so, your mummy and I will have to think of ways to punish you for being naughty”. Jenn’s eyes went wide “Oh god, they are going to go through with this, they are going to treat me like a baby and they will punish me if I misbehave” she shook all over as Cynthia laughed and looked up at Jessica “How about because she likes wearing diapers so much a punishment could be to remove her diaper privileges” Jenn blushed bright red “So you want me to go around naked?” she thought as her mother giggled “That could be a good idea but I don’t want her to make a mess all over the place, she has already proved that she needs diapers, so I think we will need to keep her in them”.

Cynthia smiled and nodded when Jenn screamed “I don’t need fucking diapers now stop this, I’m not a baby and you can’t fucking make me one, get the hell off me!” Cynthia frowned down at her granddaughter and began tutting “Well we can’t have that now can we” she said as she turned around and opened a drawer on the changing table then turned back to face Jenn. Jenn’s eyes went wide as she stared down at what her grandmother was holding “No please I will be good” she pleaded but her grandmother didn’t say anything as she brought the giant nipple of the pacifier towards her mouth “It’s huge, I’m not going to be able to talk with that thing in and fuck no it has straps on either side of it, that’s to tie it around my head. Fuck” she quickly closed her mouth but Cynthia was prepared and placed the tip of the nipple against Jenn’s lips while she held onto her nose. Jenn’s eyes went wide “No I can’t breathe, if I open my mouth then she will put that in” she began to feel light-headed “Fuck no” she screamed in her head as she finally opened her mouth for air, straight away the nipple of the pacifier made its way into her mouth filling all the available space and before Jenn could attempt to spit out the large rubber nipple her grandmother had tied it tightly around the back of her head. Cynthia stood back and looked at her infantile granddaughter and smiled, Jenn felt utterly miserable as she stood breathing through her nose “I can’t believe it’s happening they are actually turning me into a baby, I never thought I would be in for this. The worse part is I know what is to come and how embarrassing it’s going to be. I thought my mother would be a lot calmer about this I thought it would just be my crazy grandmother that would do this, I definitely thought Phoebe would have found her way too annoying her mother to get turned into this” she shook her head “If only I had helped Aunt Sarah all those years ago then I wouldn’t be in this mess now” she thought with a shiver.

Cynthia squatted down and grabbed hold of Jenn’s foot, quickly and with little fight from Jenn, she pulled on the locking booties, once both booties were placed on she stood back up and nodded to Jessica “There we go, almost finished” she smiled as Jessica nodded back and she slowly released her daughter. Jenn stood for only a second after her mother had let her go when she quickly lost her balance and fell down onto her wet padded bum, she quickly tried to hide her diaper with her skirt as she looked down at her feet confused “What the hell was that? Are they rounded? No, I can’t even walk, I can’t walk, talk or even grab hold of anything. They have done it and so quickly and easily they have turned me into a baby” she began to cry as the two grown-ups looked down at her and smiled. Jessica turned to her mother “Why don’t you take baby Sarah for a bath while I get Baby Jenn changed for the day?” Cynthia smiled “Great idea,” she said and looked down at her granddaughter “You have fun getting ready with your mommy” she cooed and she walked to the crib and the awaiting Sarah.

 Chapter 05

Sarah felt very conflicted she wanted to stay and watch Jenn go through the embarrassment of being turned into an adult baby but she also wanted to get out of her poop-filled diaper and as her mother picked her up she couldn’t help but continue to look down at Jenn sitting on the floor in her wet diaper. Cynthia stopped and giggled “Look Jessica Baby Sarah can’t wait to play with her new baby friend, she can’t take her eyes off her” Sarah and Jenn both turned bright red as Jessica smiled and turned to Sarah “Don’t worry baby, your new baby friend will be in soon to play with you” she cooed and with that Cynthia carried Sarah out of the room leaving mother and adult baby daughter alone.

Jenn looked up at her mother with pleading eyes “Please don’t do this mum, I don’t deserve to be turned into a baby” she thought as her mother squatted down in front of her. Jessica frowned at her daughter and shook her head slowly “I’m really disappointed with you young lady, I thought you were more mature than baby Sarah but it seems like this is exactly what you want so it’s what you're going to get!” Jenn’s eyes went wide and her chest felt tight “I don’t want to be a baby, it’s the last thing I want, please don't” she pleaded in her head but her mother continued “From now on until I decide differently you will be a baby, I don’t think I have to go through everything that your new life will entail as you have had plenty of experience seeing what a baby does with being around Baby Sarah so much but now you get to experience it firsthand” she smiled and Jenn shook with fear “Oh god it’s happening, I’m going to be treated like a baby” she looked down at her wet diaper and shook once again “I’m not going to get out of this until I use it, No I can’t poop in a diaper that’s disgusting” she thought. Jessica stood back up and walked behind Jenn towards the wardrobe “Now we need to get you something age-appropriate for you to wear for the day, now I know baby Sarah is usually just in her diapers but I don’t want my baby to get a cold so let's find something cute for you” she said as she began looking through the baby-style clothing. Jenn let out a slight sigh of relief “At least I’m not going to be topless, I couldn’t bear that but oh god my mum is going to see me topless now” she looked down at her black shirt “Why can’t she just leave this on me, I don’t want her to see my boobs” her eyes began to water as her mother announced “Perfect” she quickly walked back towards Jenn and squatted down in front of her once again. “This is perfect for you” she giggled as she held up the shirt, Jenn stared at the bright pink shirt, it had yellow frills on the arms and the waist and on the chest it read ‘I wuv my diapers’ in big bright yellow writing, Jenn went white as a sheet “I’m going to be wearing that? I’m going to be announcing to everyone that I like diapers this is so humiliating, It’s fine wearing in private with only myself knowing but I’m going to be surrounded by family while wearing a diaper” tears began to run down her face.

Jessica smiled and placed the shirt on the floor and lent forward to grab the waist of Jenn’s black shirt, as she began to pull it up Jenn placed her mitten hands in the way to stop her, Jessica sighed “Now baby stop that, it’s coming off you either way” Jenn frowned “Well I’m not going to make this easy for you” she thought as she continued to stop her mother. Jessica sighed once again and quickly stood up “Right young lady, time for your first baby punishment” She quickly bent down and easily picked Jenn up and spun her around, before Jenn knew it she was placed on the changing table facing down and her mother quickly began to strap her down to the infantile table. Jenn was shaking nervously “Oh god I’m going to be punished? What is she going to do? I shouldn’t have stopped her, what is she going to do to me? Is she going to spank me? The humiliation of being spanked by my mother at 19. Please don’t spank me” she thought while furiously sucking on the large pacifier. Her mother finished strapping her down and Jenn began to sweat as she watched her mother preparing something from the corner of her eye “What is she going to do? I hate this? I have no power, I have no control! I don’t want to be a baby!” she screamed in her head when her mother walked in front of her and smiled down.

What the hell?” Jenn thought as she stared at her mother's hands “Why is she wearing latex gloves? What is she going to do?” she thought as she began to struggle on the table but it was no use she was locked in position. Jessica cooed “Now baby, this will be a lot easier if you don’t struggle” and she quickly walked to Jenn’s waist where she pulled Jenn’s diaper down exposing her round bum. Jenn’s eyes went wide with panic as she felt the fresh air on her cheeks “Oh god she is looking at my bum, what is she going to do? Is she going to spank me? I can’t get spanked” she thought as she felt her mother's hand on her bum cheeks “No, no, no get away from my bum” she screamed in her head. Jessica pinched her daughters bum cheeks open with one hand while the other handheld tightly onto a suppository, slowly she moved her hand towards her daughters tight bum. Jenn let out a scream from behind the pacifier as she felt the invasion in her bum “Oh god, she has her fingers in me, why is she doing this?” she thought as she felt her mothers hand slowly remove. Jessica smiled down at her daughter and thought for a minute “I think maybe two suppositories will help you learn who is in charge little baby” she said and before Jenn could figure out what her mother was talking about she felt her mother enter her once again.

Chapter 06

Sarah was in shock as her mother carried her into the bathroom “I can’t believe it’s happening, she is actually being turned into a baby” she thought as her mother sat her down on the floor with a squelch which did little to distract Sarah from her thoughts. Cynthia leant over the bath and turned on the taps as Sarah continued to sit on the floor sucking on her adult-sized pacifier “I have wished for this to happen to her since she took those photos of me so long ago, she has treated me so bad every time I see her always making fun of me and always making sure that I knew that she was the grown-up and I was the baby. Well, that’s going to stop now” she smiled from behind her pacifier as her mother turned off the taps and sat down in front of her. “Time to get this dirty diaper off you, baby, you sure did a big poopy this morning didn’t you” Sarah blushed but slowly nodded as she lisped out in her high pitch baby voice “Me did a poopy, baby Sarah need diapee change, pweez change me mummy” Sarah continued to blush “Four years of telling my mummy what I have done in my diapers, It’s a lot easier to tell her now than it was back when this life started but it’s still slightly embarrassing to admit it but I guess I don’t have a choice. I’m not potty trained at all anymore even if mummy let me grow up I would still be in diapers for a very long time” she thought as Cynthia smiled at her infantile daughter “OK baby, I will get you out of your poopy pants then give you a bath so you smell nice and fresh for your big day” she cooed. Sarah smiled at the thought of a clean diaper “Nothing beats wearing a clean fresh diaper after a bath, I’m not going to smell of poop or pee when people come over so that’s good lets just hope I can keep the diaper dry for a bit” she thought as her mother pulled out the pink changing mat and baby wipes “Bum on the mat baby” she cooed as she placed the changing mat beside Sarah.

Sarah lifted herself up and placed herself on the changing mat and lowered her back down on the soft pink plastic as her mother smiled down at her. Cynthia removed the tapes from the diaper and pulled the front away, immediately the smell of Sarah’s poop covered bum entered the room but neither Cynthia nor Sarah reacted to the foul smell. Cynthia took the wet wipes and began the long task of cleaning her baby daughter, Sarah shivered as the cold wet wipe touched her vagina but other than that she was feeling happy to be getting out of the filthy underwear. Cynthia cleaned up Sarah’s vagina with one hand she grabbed hold of Sarah’s ankles and lifted her legs up into the air and began to work cleaning Sarah’s poop-stained bum. After a few minutes Sarah’s bum was clean and Cynthia removed the dirty diaper, balled it up and placed it in the large pink diaper pail “Bath time baby” she cooed as she stood up, Sarah sat up and placed her hands out in front of her waiting for her mother to pick her up, Cynthia smiled and bent down and picked Sarah up and quickly placed her into the bath. Sarah sat in the bathwater that was at the height of her waist while Cynthia sat on the opposite side of the bath, she leant forward and removed Sarah’s pacifier and gave her a rubber duck to play with, without really thinking Sarah moved the duck around the water as her mother soaked a flannel then squeezed the excess water out of it and began washing her.

Will she be treated younger than me? I hope so” Sarah thought as her mother moved the flannel over her arms “I’ve been a baby for longer so I should be older. Let's see how she likes wearing diapers after she has to poop one, that first time I messed my diaper I thought I was going to die of embarrassment” she smiled “She is going to hate it” her mother finished cleaning her arms and moved the flannel onto Sarah’s neck and slowly moved down to her breasts, Sarah looked down as her mother scrubbed her left boob clean “She is going to hate this, 19 years old and she is going to be bathed by Jessica, her mother is going to see her boobs and every part of her” she smiled again then suddenly felt sick “What the hell am I talking about, I have been treated like this for far too long I don’t even react when my mummy cleans my breasts, these were once private now everybody has either seen me topless or naked and I don’t even react” she sighed as her mother moved down to her stomach and began to clean her vagina “Poor Jenn, nobody deserves this life, Katie and Denise have been living this horrible life for almost the same amount of time as I have and I really wouldn’t wish it on anybody, not even Phoebe or Jenn. She is going to be so miserable today and even though she deserves to be punished for how she treated me she doesn’t deserve this. I should try to help her get through this” she thought as she slowly began to pee in the warm water.

Chapter 07

Jenn was sobbing at the invasion as her mother removed her fingers from her bum “I can’t believe she just gave me suppositories. Two of them! I’m never going to be able to stop myself from pooping” her mother gently pulled up her pink diaper and gave her bum a gentle tap as Jenn began to cry “I’m going to mess a diaper, No! It’s disgusting” she thought as she gently sucked on the pacifier tied around her mouth. Jessica walked in front of her daughter and bent down to eye level, inches away from Jenn’s face she smiled “Now does baby know who is in charge?” she cooed as tears ran down Jenn’s face she looked at her mother and slowly nodded “Your the boss because you have me wearing these mittens and booties it would be a different story if I wasn’t wearing them” she thought as her mother stood up “Good baby, now I do hope you will be a good baby from now on little one because I don’t want to punish you but you need to learn that you are now just a baby and I’m your mommy” she cooed as she began to release the straps that had Jenn tied down to the changing table. As the last strap was removed Jenn quickly found herself being picked up off her stomach and then placed on her padded bum on the changing table facing her smiling mother “Let's try this again” Jessica cooed as she reached for the bottom of Jenn’s shirt once again. Jenn sighed “I got to just let it happen, if I don’t then something worse is going to happen to me” she thought with a shiver as her mother slowly pulled her shirt up over her stomach and passed her large breasts exposing her black bra, Jenn turned bright red as her mother cooed “Arms up baby” and Jenn rolled her eyes as she lifted her arms up and the top was lifted over her head and over her arms. Jenn stared down at her black bra and quickly covered herself up with her mitten hands as her mother threw the black shirt across the room.

Jessica turned back around and shook her head “No baby!” she shouted, “You are a baby, you do not cover up, remove your hands right now or I will have you leave this room in just your diaper”. Jenn’s eyes went wide “I am not leaving this room in just a diaper, Oh god leaving this room as a baby! I’m an adult!” she screamed in her head as her mother continued to frown at her, Jenn swallowed hard and slowly removed her hands and placed them at her side and her mother smiled “Good baby, now lets take this off, it’s going to be a very long time till you wear something so grown-up again” she giggled as she lent behind her daughter and unfastened the bra, Jenn was shaking as she stared down at her bra slowly move away from her breasts and down her arms, tears formed in her eyes as her mother threw the bra across the room on top of her black shirt “It’s going to be a long time till I wear a bra? What about my breasts? They need support. I guess that's the least of my worries now” she sighed from behind the pacifier. Jessica bent down and picked up the pink shirt and held it out for her daughter “Now won't this be much better for baby than crawling around topless” she cooed as Jenn blushed bright red and before Jenn knew it her mother was placing the shirt over her head, she guided her arms through the armholes and pulled the shirt down. Jenn looked down at the pink shirt and shuddered “It doesn’t even cover the diaper” she then rolled her eyes “Of course it doesn’t, It’s Sarah’s shirt none of her clothing covers her diapers” she thought.

Jessica smiled at her daughter “Adorable, now it’s time to go meet the family” she cooed and she quickly placed her hands under her daughter's arms and lifted her off the changing table and placed her on the floor diaper first, Jenn was shaking with fear as she sat on her wet padded rear “Go out dressed like this? What will they say? What will they do? Maybe they will argue that it's wrong to treat me like this” she thought with a slight smile then shook her head “They haven't done it with Sarah why would they do it with me?” she sighed as her mother cooed “Follow mommy baby” as she began to leave the room. Jenn sat frozen for a second unable to move “I can’t go out like this” she thought when Jessica shouted, “Now baby!” Jenn jumped and quickly got onto her hands and knees and began to crawl. Her whole body was shaking as she crawled out of the room “This is going to be horrible” she thought when suddenly she felt her stomach tighten and she went white as a sheet “No, oh god I’m going to poop my diaper

Chapter 08

Sarah had been lifted out of the bath and towel tried by her mother, she was lying back down on the changing mat when her mother pulled out a confidry 24/7 diaper, Sarah sighed as her mother unfolded her least preferred diaper. Cynthia grabbed hold of Sarah’s legs with one hand and lifted them high up into the air and placed the diaper under Sarah’s round bum, she then sprinkled a generous amount of baby powder on Sarah’s crotch and bum which made Sarah blush she knew what was coming next and she could never get used to it. Her mother leaned forward and began to rub the powder into Sarah’s skin running her hand over her vagina and over her once proud bum. Cynthia then lowered her legs back down and sat back from her daughter. Sarah looked down her body surprised and confused “Why didn’t she tape me up?” she wondered nervously. Cynthia pulled out a few thick rectangular-shaped items and smiled down at her daughter “We are going to try something different for today baby girl, these are booster pads or soakers, they are to help little babies stay in the same diapers for longer so mommy doesn’t have to change you as much” she cooed as Sarah looked at the items puzzled “But they are so thick, how many is she going to put on me?” she didn’t have to wonder for long as Cynthia straightened the boosters together, grabbed hold of her daughters legs and lifted them up into the air once again, she then placed all 4 of them under Sarah’s powdered bottom. Sarah’s legs were lowered back down and she could feel the padded difference on her rear, she watched as her mother grabbed the front of the boosters and placed them over her groin and then lifted the front of the diaper up and taped it tightly in place. Sarah blushed bright red as she looked down at her bulging crotch “They are so thick, it makes the diaper look huge already, I bet it looks like I have already used this diaper with that bulge” she sighed as her mother patted her padded groin “Let’s see how they do baby” she cooed and to Sarah’s surprise she stood up “Is that it? Only one diaper?” she smiled slightly “I only have to wear one?” she looked back down at her crotch and her smile disappeared “It doesn’t feel like I’m only wearing one though, it feels like I’m wearing about 4 with these boosters inside” she sighed as her mother opened up the door “Come on baby, breakfast time” she cooed. Sarah got up onto her hands and knees and crawled after her mother feeling her bum swing side to side she shuddered “I’m wearing these today, people will be coming over and I’m going to be wearing a huge padded diaper, why did she decide today would be the day?” she shook her head as she entered the kitchen.

Cynthia stood beside the large adult-sized high chair as Sarah crawled towards her in deep thought of what the day will bring and how embarrassing it’s going to be. She stopped in front of her mother and waited, her mother bent down placing her hands under Sarah’s armpits as she easily picked her infantile daughter up and placed her in the high chair. Cynthia strapped her in and then secured the tray, she then went into the kitchen to prepare the breakfast as Sarah sat fidgeting in the high chair “These boosters are weird, I feel the huge amount of padding in the middle and that’s it, it’s like sitting on a ball or something” she thought when suddenly she heard movement coming from the hallway. Sarah looked up and saw Jessica stand in the doorway of the room “Hello Baby Sarah, you ready for yum yums” she cooed as she looked at Sarah expediently “She wants me to say something, I still don’t like having to talk baby talk but after doing it for so long now its all I really know” she smiled and looked at her sister “Me cwant wait for yummies” she lisped out in a high pitch voice. Jessica smiled and walked forward into the room “We have someone for you to meet baby Sarah” she cooed as she stood to the side. Sarah’s jaw fell open as she watched Jenn slowly crawl into the room, tears running down her face with the pacifier locked around her head and the mittens and booties locked on her hands and feet “They did it, I actually can’t believe they did it, they turned her into a baby, she doesn’t have a choice, she can’t speak, walk or even grab anything while wearing all that” Sarah continued to stare down at her niece as she crawled after Jessica.

Jenn stopped “Baby Sarah” she cooed then turned to her daughter “This is Baby Jenn, she can’t say such big words as Baby Sarah can but I think she can wave, will baby Jenn wave to her baby friend?” Sarah watched with a slight smile on her face “Now she will know how bad it is, to be treated like this” she thought as Jenn didn’t move. Jessica shook her head “Naughty baby” she said as she lent over her daughter and gave her a large smack on her padded rear, Jenn turned white as a sheet as a loud fart escaped from her bottom and Jessica giggled knowing what would be coming next for her infantile daughter.

Chapter 09

Jenn’s face was burning red with embarrassment as she felt her cheeks squeeze together “I am not going to mess myself, I’m not I will fight it” she thought as her mother looked down at her “Baby, I said wave, now you do as your told or you will be punished” Jenn swallowed “It’s only a wave, all I have to do is wave and I won't get punished” she thought as she slowly lifted up her head and looked at Sarah sitting in the large high chair with a slight smile on her face “What is she smiling about? Is she smiling because this is happening to me?” she frowned at her infantile aunt as she quickly lifted up her mitten-covered hand and gave her a wave “If I didn’t have these mittens on only one finger would be giving you a wave” she thought as she lowered her hand back to the floor. Cynthia walked over to Sarah with a bowl as Jessica smiled at her mother “What do you think?” Cynthia placed the bowl on the tray in front of her infantile daughter then turned to Jenn and smiled “Awwww doesn’t she look adorable and what a cute shirt she has on” Jenn quickly looked down at the floor as she felt her cheeks burning once again “I will get out of this, I am not going to end up like Sarah and let them treat me like a baby for years and years as soon as I can I will be free of this and them” she thought with anger.

Jessica began to walk out of the kitchen towards the living room “Should I follow her? Sarah always has to follow her mother, what if I stay here would she then punish me? Do I want to stay here and have Sarah and grandmother looking at me” she shook her head as she slowly crawled after her mother out of the kitchen towards the living room. She rolled her eyes as she crawled forward, feeling the diaper between her legs as she moved forward behind her mother “This is the worst way to move around, It’s so slow and uncomfortable and the diaper is rubbing on the inside of my legs. I just want to walk” she thought as Jessica stopped and Jenn looked up to see beside her was Sarah’s playpen. She looked up at her mother with pleading eyes “Please don’t put me in there, I’m not a baby! I’m a grown woman! As soon as she puts me in there it's official I’m just like the other babies that come over to play with Sarah” she felt sick as her mother placed her hands under her armpits and lifted her up and over the small wall of the playpen. Jenn couldn’t stop from shaking as she was gently placed down on the soft plastic that covered the infantile prison, she quickly crossed her legs and placed her hands over the diaper as tears formed in her eyes. She looked around “This is it, I’m just like Sarah, Denise and Katie. They have all been in here dressed just like I am now and treated just the same, is there any way to turn back from this? Can I get out of it when those three couldn’t escape?” she thought as tears began to roll down her face.

Jessica squatted down in front of her daughter and shook her head “Now baby that won’t do” Jenn looked at her mother confused as she continued “You can’t sit like that, you might fall backwards, you need to sit with your legs apart and I don’t want you trying to hide your diapers, grown-ups need to see them, so we know when it’s time to change you”. Jenn looked down at her crossed legs “I can’t even hide that I’m wearing a diaper? I hate that everyone can see I’m wearing diapers but I don’t have a choice if I don’t do it then she will punish me. I can get out of this I just need to bide my time and wait for the perfect time, just go along with what she wants and let her lower her guard and I can escape from this hell” she thought as she sighed and slowly unfolded her legs and spread them out in front of her. Jessica smiled “Good baby, now you pick up a toy and play with it while mommy goes and sits down, don’t worry baby Sarah will be in to play with you soon” she cooed.

Chapter 10

Cynthia was just removing the spoon of porridge from her infantile daughter’s mouth for the last time, Sarah’s face and bib were a mess as usual with most of her breakfast missing its mark on purpose. Sarah let out a slight smile despite herself as her mother took hold of the adult-sized baby bottle and placed the nipple into Sarah’s waiting mouth, she quickly sucked on the giant nipple thankful for the milky taste. Sarah’s thoughts had been someplace else all the way through her messy breakfast she couldn’t shake the mornings events from her mind the thought that Jenn was now on the same social pecking order as herself and it gave her conflicting emotions of joy and sadness at the thought of what her niece was going to go through. “How will she adjust? I can’t believe she came crawling out here wearing those horrible punishment mittens and booties. If she wanted to fight back she has no power while wearing them I know that for a fact. I can’t remember the last time I had to wear them it's been so long, I wouldn’t be surprised if mother gives them to her as a present. It would definitely make it easier for Jessica to control her if she is unable to use her hands and feet. She is going to miss out on so much no more going out and drinking, it’s early bedtimes and bottles full of milk for her now. I wonder how Jessica is going to explain her disappearance from the world. For me I only had a few friends because I was so busy studying or working, I’m pretty sure I overheard Phoebe saying that I had moved to the other side of the country for work but for Jenn she has only just left school she has a very active social life how is Jessica going to explain to them where she has gone?” Sarah wondered as she finished the bottle.

Cynthia removed the nipple from Sarah’s mouth and smiled down at her “Good baby” she cooed, she then walked behind Sarah and gently pushed her forward and began to rub her back, Sarah sighed “I don’t like being burped, it only started after Jessica suggested it would be better for me” she thought as a loud burp escaped. Cynthia smiled and picked up the empty bowl and bottle “Good baby, now you sit there while mommy washes up then you can go and play with your new baby friend” she cooed, Sarah blushed bright red “I can’t believe I burped so loud, it does settle my stomach a little but I’m a grown woman I don’t need burping” she thought then shook her head “I’m a grown woman that needs diapers though so why not burping. So much of this life I have gotten used to but then there are bits that just make me feel really uncomfortable like the change-up of diapers, I had gotten used to wearing two diapers every day but now wearing one and these soakers just reminds me what I’m wearing and why” she thought as Cynthia walked back in front of her with a smile.

Cynthia removed the strap and the tray from the high chair and placed her arms under her infantile daughter's armpits and gently lowered her onto the floor. Sarah sat on her inflated diaper feeling very uneasy about the feel of her underwear but didn’t have much time to get used to it as her mother began to walk away, Sarah got onto her hands and knees and crawled after her out of pure instinct now. Sarah crawled into the family room and her eyes went wide as she saw Jenn sitting inside the playpen staring down at the floor while holding onto a toy with both her mitten hands, as Sarah crawled towards her she couldn’t believe her eyes “It’s really happening, Jenn is being regressed. Sarah stopped behind her mother beside the playpen, she couldn’t take her eyes off her niece who looked miserable inside the playpen, Cynthia bent over and picked Sarah up and placed her beside Jenn. Cynthia smiled down at the two adult babies “Awww they look so cute together” she cooed as she turned to Jessica while both the adult babies blushed bright red while Cynthia continued as she walked towards her daughter “I hope this means that you're going to bring baby Jenn over more often, so she can play with Sarah” Jessica giggled “Well we will see” she said as Cynthia joined her on the sofa. Sarah quickly picked up a rattle and began to shake it while still staring at her companion “I just can’t believe it, even with her sitting beside me I don’t believe it’s happening. All those years of her taunting me and picking on me and here she is sitting beside me in the playpen” she thought when all of a sudden she heard Jenn let out a loud fart and the colour drained from her face.

 Chapter 11

Jenn began to panic as she felt her stomach cramp up once again, sweat was dripping from her forehead as she felt her mothers, grandmothers and aunts eyes on her. She began to shake as tears formed in her eyes “I can’t hold on much longer, I thought I could do this but I can’t” tears ran down her face as she came to the horrible realisation “I’m going to mess this diaper just like a...” she closed her eyes tightly “No I’m not a baby, she made me this way with them horrible suppositories it’s just chemicals that are making me do this and I don’t have a choice I wouldn’t do it normally” she thought when her eyes shot open and she felt the battle was lost. Sarah watched on unable to take her eyes off her niece “She is going to hate this, it was one of the worst things that had ever happened to me but if she is like me she will get used to it” she thought as she shook the rattle. Jenn felt her bum cheeks part and with panic in her eyes, she quickly moved around and sat on her knees awkwardly balancing on the rounded booties she sighed “There is no give in these stupid things, I can’t even bend my toes. Oh God, This is disgusting I would never do this in a million years” she thought as she bit the nipple of the pacifier. Sarah quickly looked over at her sister and mother then back at Jenn “Sit down, they won’t let you sit like that you're just going to make it worse for yourself” she thought as Jessica stood up. Jenn felt the warm mess enter into her diaper and sit against her cheeks. “Oh god more is coming” she thought when suddenly she heard “Baby Jenn sit down” Jenn nervously looked up and saw that her mother was now standing over her with her arms on her waist “Sit on your padded bum this minute young lady” she said with a frown. Sarah slowly nodded “You better do what she says or you're going to get punished” she thought as Jenn turned bright red and she felt more of her mess enter into the seat of the diaper “No way am I going to sit down in this, not a chance” she thought as she quickly looked away from her mother.

Jenn let out another fart and more mess entered her diaper, she could feel it all sit in the seat of the diaper, some of it had spread up to her lower back “This is horrible” she thought when she felt two hands on her shoulders, she looked up with fear in her eyes as her mother looked down at her “I told you to sit down” and with one big push downward Jenn’s legs spread apart and her padded rear squished against the plastic of the playpen. Jenn quickly looked down at her padded crotch with disgust as she felt the mess squish up against her cheeks and spread to the front. Sarah sighed “Told you, now its squished everywhere I bet. You don’t have a choice Jenn you need to learn that” she thought. Jessica shook her head “Naughty Baby” she shouted at her infantile daughter when she quickly took hold of Jenn’s arm and lifted her up over the playpen and across her knee. Jenn’s eyes were wide with panic “No, No, No, Don’t spank me, it’s going to go everywhere, oh crap more is still coming” she thought as she began to flail her arms wildly trying anything to get off her mothers lap but one hard swat to Jenn’s messy rear stopped that straight away. Sarah sat in shock as Jenn’s messy diaper faced her “Wow a spanking on a messy diaper, I don’t think I have ever had that thank god. It’s going to spread everywhere poor Jenn” she thought as Jenn hung her head in shame as tears ran down her face.

Jenn finally stopped filling her diaper as she lay across her mother's lap face down “Please no more poop and no more spankings, oh god that squished it in so many places” she pleaded in her head but then another hard smack hit her diaper and more of her mess spread into the front. Jenn wanted to be sick at the thought of what her groin must look like now when another smack landed, then another and another. Jessica picked up the pace and shouted down at her daughter “You do as you're told you naughty baby” as she continued to spank the messy diaper. She finally stopped and Jenn’s bum felt like it was on fire, the pain ran through her body and she couldn’t stop crying but her mother left her over her knee. Sarah couldn’t believe the state of Jenn’s diaper “It’s covered, it's stained all over I bet every part of her is covered in her own mess” she thought. Jessica looked down at her daughter over her knee and shook her head “Now I think it’s time for some baby lessons” she said with one last swat to Jenn’s messy rear “Now I’m going to let you off my knee and I want you to get onto your hands and knees, do you understand baby” she said but before Jenn had a chance to respond she was rolled off her mothers leg and onto the floor. Jenn swallowed hard as tears continued to roll down her face “Baby training? What does she mean?” she thought as she quickly got on her hands and knees, she could feel the mess sticking against her and the diaper and it made her feel light-headed. She wiped away the tears from her eyes with one of her mitten hands as her mother stood in front of her, Jenn could feel her looking down at her and she shook with fear “What is she going to do now? Wasn’t the spanking enough?” she thought.

Chapter 12

Sarah watched on in stunned wonder from the confines of her playpen “I can’t believe Jessica did that to her, she has always been so nice around me, painfully nice thought, treating me just like how she would her baby daughter. I never thought she would be just like our mommy and be so cruel to her own daughter, she must be angry with her for liking diapers” Sarah looked up at her sister who was standing in front of Jenn with her arms folded and frowning down at her daughter and Sarah slowly nodded “That must be it she must be angry that a daughter of hers would want to wear diapers, this is like if she caught her smoking and she would make her smoke the full pack, she is going to the extreme so Jenn will never want to wear diapers again” Sarah looked back down at Jenn’s stained diaper just a few steps away from her “It might work. I bet she feels her mess all around her lower half right now and I know how horrible it was for me the first time I felt that” she thought as she looked down at her damp diaper.

Jenn was still on her hands and knees with tears in her eyes and her bum feeling like it was on fire after the spanked she had just received from her mother, she stared down at the floor feeling cold as she smelt the mess she had made in her diaper waft into the room. Her mother continued to stand in front of her as Jenn’s mind began to race “Baby lessons? What type of lessons? What is she going to have me do? What if I don’t do them? Yeah I just won't do them and show her I’m not going to go along with her crazy plans” she thought but as her mother cleared her throat a surge of fear ran through Jenn’s body as she began to sweat. “Now baby Jenny, I want you to be a good baby and follow mommy around the room” Jessica said sternly as she quickly turned and began to walk away from her daughter. Jenn shook “Should I follow? If I don’t then she is going to do something worse? What’s worse than wearing a shit-filled diaper? They managed to do this to Sarah through threats of more punishments but what really could be worse?” she thought as she stayed completely still. Jessica looked behind her and stopped her face red with anger as she stared down at her daughter “Baby Jenny!” she shouted “You follow me right now or you will be in so much trouble!” she stamped her foot to emphasise her point as Jenn shook with fear. Sarah couldn’t help but shake with Jenn as she watched Jessica menacingly make her way towards her daughter “What is she doing? She is going to get punished more. She must know that she is going to go through something worse, she is just being stubborn and it’s not going to help her” she thought as Jessica stood once again in front of her daughter.

Jenn couldn’t stop shaking as she saw her mother's feet in front of her “Shit, did I do the right thing? Nothing can be worse than this anyway, my ass already hurts so another spanking isn’t going to be bad. I’m covered in my own mess so there is nothing she can do there so what will she do? Shit what is she going to do?” she thought as she continued to shake. Jessica stared down at her daughter furious then looked up at her mother who was sitting on the sofa with a calm smile on her face, she then mouthed “Breath”. Jessica rolled her eyes as she took a deep breath and began to feel calmer and ideas began to form in her head, finally a smile crossed her face and she turned to her mother “Can you get that board thing you got for baby Sarah but she was such a good baby that you didn’t need to use it?” Cynthia smiled as she stood up “Oh yeah that, yeah I will be right back, you OK to look after both babies till then?” Jessica laughed “I will be fine, Sarah is being a perfect little angel and baby Jenny doesn’t want to move”. Cynthia nodded and left the room as Jenn continued to shake with fear “Shit what is she going to get? Something I haven’t seen it get used on Sarah? I’m sure I had seen everything. Oh god, what have I got myself into?” she thought as her mother squatted down in front of her. Sarah watched her mother leave confused “They got something else to punish me with but they didn’t have to use it? What could it be? When did they get it?” she thought as Jessica grabbed hold of her daughters chin and slowly lifted it up, Jenn looked up at her mother with fresh tears in her eyes as Jessica smiled a wicked smile “Now you naughty baby, as you don’t want to crawl around like a good baby then you don’t have to”. Jenn looked at her mother confused as Jessica continued to hold onto her chin “I’m going to make you into a good baby” she said menacingly as Cynthia returned.

Sarah watched on curiously as her mother walked back into the room carrying a long flat pink board, at each end of the board it had two more flat boards sticking out, the entire thing had straps running around it. “What is it? What does it do?” she thought as her mother approached Jenn. Jess kept hold of Jenn’s chin and smiled as she looked up at her mother “Yeah, we can put it on this way can’t we?” she asked as Cynthia nodded “Yeah, we will just have to move her afterwards” she said as she placed the board across Jenn’s back. Jenn tried to look around at what her grandmother was doing but her mother kept a tight grip on her chin “Do I move now? I can’t let her put that thing on me whatever it is. I need to sit up and stop her” she thought as she quickly broke away from her mother's grip and began to sit up but as she did she felt a hard swat on her messy rear that shook her entire body. Her grandmother gave her another hard swat to Jenn’s padded and tears formed in her eyes as she felt her hands being pulled back down to the floor when another hard swat smacked against her diaper which caused tears to run down her face “Fuck that hurts so much, so much harder than what I just got” she thought as her hands were pinned to the floor by her mother. She continued to shake as her mother frowned at her “Fuck, I can’t move or grandmother is going to spank me, how is she so strong? My ass hurts so much, I can’t get any more of them. Shit, I’m just going to stay here and let her put whatever it is on me?” she hung her head and closed her eyes “I hate this, I hate it all!” she screamed in her head.

Chapter 13

Cynthia held the board on her granddaughter’s back with one hand while she attached a strap around Jenn’s stomach with the other. The board rested on Jenn’s shoulder blades with the two other boards falling down either side of Jenn’s arms stopping at the elbow, the bottom of the board stopped at Jenn’s padded rear with the two extra boards resting on the outside of her legs stopping just before the knee. Jenn looked around in a panic as the boards rested against her, her mother continued to pin her arms to the ground unable to move she groaned from behind the pacifier “What the hell is this going to do to me? Why are they against my legs and arms?” she shook as Cynthia slightly adjusted the board before she began to strap it tightly onto the miserably smelly young woman. The strap that ran around her stomach was joined with a strap that ran up between her diaper. Three straps on each leg secured the fixed boards to her legs tightly as Cynthia moved the strap across the chest plate Jessica shook her head “Wait mother, lets put the board and straps under her shirt” Cynthia looked at her confused but nodded and began to pull up Jenn’s pink shirt. Jenn stared at her mother with pleading eyes as she felt the shirt being pulled up “Oh god, I don’t want them to see my boobs, why does she want it under my shirt?” she thought as her shirt was pulled up over her breasts then quickly the shirt was pulled over her head and down her arms where it rested against her mothers hands. Jenn looked down at her breasts and felt cold “How is this happening, I was going to fight everything that they do to me to prove that they can’t do this but here I am wearing a messy diaper on all fours while my grandmother places some weird board on my back. How am I going to get out of this?” she thought.

With Jenn’s shirt out of the way, Cynthia quickly got to work with securing the strap around her chest and then two straps went over each shoulder and locked onto the one across her chest, then Cynthia finished it off by strapping each of Jenn’s arms to the boards. She smiled down at her granddaughter “Perfect, it's not going anywhere” she said proudly. Jessica nodded and released her daughters arms and slowly guided the shirt back up Jenn’s arms over the boards “This will look so cute, will look like she isn’t wearing it” she said, Cynthia shook her head as she stared at the board resting on top of Jenn’s diaper “Hmmm we need something to cover that, I know” she said and she quickly left the room. Jessica guided the shirt back over Jenn’s head and pulled it back down into its original position and then sat down on her knees at Jenn’s head where she began to stroke her daughter's hair. Jenn looked at her arms nervously as she tried to move them “I can’t move my arms!” she thought as she tried the same with her legs “Fuck, I can’t move my legs either. This is because I didn’t move when she wanted me to so now I can’t move. How do they keep doing this?” she thought as she hung her head in shame. Sarah was feeling very grateful from inside her playpen “I’m so glad they never put that on me, Jenn can’t move her arms or legs she is stuck on all fours that’s going to get very uncomfortable very quickly” she thought as Cynthia returned to the room carrying a pair of baby blue denim short overalls “These will hide the board” she said with a smile. Jessica looked up and smiled “Awww they are so cute, yep they will be perfect” she then looked down at her daughter and smiled as Jenn blushed “I don’t know what it is but if it covers up the diapers then I don’t care” she thought as Cynthia walked towards her feet. She slipped the leg holes over her booties and guided the overalls up her legs to the knee, she then placed her hand between Jenn’s legs and Jenn’s eyes went wide “Why the fuck is she touching me there, her hand is directly on my vagina, oh god she is pushing my mess against me, I can feel the stickiness on the front of me. I want to be sick this is disgusting” she thought when suddenly her grandmother began to lift up her lower half slightly. Cynthia pulled the overalls up over Jenn’s knees with her spare hand and then gently placed her back down and removed her hand but Jenn could still feel the mess of her diaper pressing up against her “I need to do something to get it off me, this is so disgusting” she thought.

Cynthia pulled the overalls over Jenn’s padded rear and over her back and soon clipped it in place at the front, Jenn looked down at her new clothing and noticed the baby-style prints on the front “Well at least it covers the stained diaper between my legs, now what are they just going to leave me like this? On all fours in the middle of the room?” she thought with disgust. Jessica stood up and looked down at her daughter “Good work mother, I need a hand with the next bit” she said as her mother looked at her confused “Oh OK? What do you need?” she asked. Jessica walked to the side of her daughter and pointed to the other side “You stand there” she said, Cynthia stood opposite her daughter as Jenn looked around confused “What does she have planned for me now? Fuck if I only just crawled when she wanted me too” she shook her head slowly when suddenly she felt hands on each of her arms and legs. Jenn let out a scream from behind her pacifier as she was quickly lifted up into the air, she stared down at the distant floor as her mother and grandmother carried her back towards the playpen. “Oh great back in the playpen with baby Sarah, with me stuck on all fours and her playing with toys beside me. I’m going to go crazy with boredom” she thought. Jenn’s mother and Grandmother stopped and quickly turned around so that Jenn was now facing Sarah and the playpen “Why are they putting me in this way? It’s good I guess it means I don’t have to look at them but means all I have to look at is the wall” she thought as they stepped over the small wall of the playpen and then began to lower her down. As she let out a sigh of relief as she returned to the comfort of the ground when she was quickly flipped over onto her back, her legs and arms stuck up in the air as she lay inside the playpen. Her mother and grandmother quickly bent down as they each pulled something on the board Jenn’s arms began to lower and finally rest against the plastic of the playpen, they stood back up as Jenn tried to move “What the hell? Having me lie down like this? With my legs stuck up in the air?” she thought as her mother and grandmother stood back over the playpen and then looked down at Jenn, Jessica shook her head “No something is missing?” she said and then she smiled “I know” she said and she bent down between Jenn’s legs. Jenn heard something from between her legs and then stood up as Jenn looked at her confused as her grandmother began to laugh “Yes that’s better, we need to be able to see her messy diaper” she said.

 Chapter 14

Jenn’s eyes were wide as she looked towards her mother and grandmother “What the hell are you doing, leaving me like this unable to move with my diaper on show for you guys? Oh god, what must I look like? I’m lying down on my back with my legs up in the air and my messy diaper on show unable to change anything about this situation” she thought with disgust “I look just like a baby but not even a baby like Sarah no I’m one that can’t even sit up!” she thought. Cynthia smiled and turned to sit down as Jessica smiled down at her daughter “It works really well mother” she said over her shoulder, Cynthia nodded “Yeah, you might as well keep it, baby Sarah doesn’t need it and I think baby Jenn likes it” she giggled as Jessica smiled “Thanks, I think your right. Her first day as a baby it makes sense that all she can do is wiggle her legs around” she laughed as she quickly turned and sat beside her mother. Sarah was staring at Jenn in disbelief “How far she has fallen, they have turned her into a newborn, she can’t even sit up, just wiggle her legs around in the air. I wonder if she knows that she has been turned into a younger baby than me I bet that must be eating her up inside. Only a bit ago she was making fun of me and now look at her, wearing a messy diaper unable to move” she slightly smiled when Jenn looked at her with a glare and Sarah quickly looked away embarrassed. Jenn continued to glare at her aunt with anger “She was smiling at me? She was smiling because I’m in this position? Who does she think she is? She’s a 27-year old adult baby and she has been for four years! They might have me like this now but it’s not going to last I will get out of this and I will make sure they all pay!” she thought as she rested her head on the mat and stared up at the ceiling.

Sarah began to move a doll around in her hands while making funny noises, trying to ignore her 19 year old niece lying beside her in her smelly diaper “I’m used to my own messy diaper smell but I always hate when it’s another diaper, whenever Denise is over she always seems to mess herself and it’s always just before nap time and we have to share a crib with her disgusting smelly diaper so close to me. It’s going to take me a long time to get used to that” she thought as she continued to move the doll around. She glanced over to Jenn and shook her head “I never thought that this would happen today, my baby day is always a horrible day because of people coming over and bringing me presents and reinforcing that I’m just a baby but now Jenn and I share the same day. Oh god does that mean from now on we will always have a play date on this day, a joint baby day with more people over?” she shook when suddenly there was a knock at the door. Cynthia smiled as she stood up and turned to Sarah “Oh that must be someone to wish you a happy birthday baby girl” she cooed which made Sarah feel nervous “I knew people would be coming over today but who is it and what are they going to say about Jenn?” she thought. Cynthia left the room and Jenn began to shake “Fuck somebody else is going to see me like? Oh god, they are going to see my messy diaper! I wonder how bad it looks, it feels like its everywhere maybe it isn’t noticeable” she shook her head “It will be stained though, Sarah's always stained when she has pooped. Fuck my stained diapered ass on show for whoever comes through that door” tears formed in her eyes “I need to do something, I need to get out of this!” she screamed in her head as she began to strain against the boards but nothing moved “Fuck!” she shouted in her head as she continued to wiggle her legs. Jessica looked down at her daughter and giggled “I know you're excited for the visitor baby girl, you're just going to have to wait they will be in soon to see you” she smiled as Jenn closed her eyes and stopped shaking her legs. She slowly turned her head towards the door nervously “I need to know who it is” she thought as she stared at the entrance to the room when she heard two people speaking and her eyes went wide with panic as Phoebe walked into the room followed closely by her boyfriend Ben.

Chapter 15

Sarah blushed slightly as she watched Ben walk into the room while he stared down at the playpen with a bemused look on his face, Sarah turned towards her new playmate who was also blushing bright red and trying to avert her eyes from his stare. Sarah still felt uncomfortable whenever Ben saw her like this, they had dated for a few months and Sarah had lost her virginity to him but she broke the relationship off when she began to wet the bed, with the help of Phoebe. She felt too embarrassed to continue the relationship until she sorted out her problem and even though she had strong feelings for him she broke it off. Sarah sighed as Ben continued to stare down at the playpen “Even after all this time, I don’t like him seeing me like this, seeing me wearing and using diapers. We were once so close and now he only sees me as an adult-sized baby, his girlfriends baby sister” she closed her eyes “How different my life could have been if I had never broken up with him. We could be living together now, maybe even married or kids instead he is shacked up with my sister and I’m wearing a diaper” she shook her head slowly. Phoebe let out a giggle “Awwww she is simply adorable” she cooed as she approached the playpen and stared down at her niece “Hello Baby Jenny, I’m Aunty Phoebe and this is Uncle Ben. It’s so nice to meet you baby girl” she let out another giggle as Jenn stared up at her. Jenn continued to stare at Phoebes grinning face “Why are you letting this happen? Why aren’t you stopping this?” she thought when tears began to form in her eyes “I thought we were close, I thought we were friends! I don’t want to be a baby!” she shouted in her head.

Phoebe quickly lifted her hand up to her nose “Wow which baby has made a stinky?” she announced, Jenn once again turned bright “I hate this, I’m stuck wearing my own filth with not just my family around but also Ben! I can’t believe I’m wearing this!” she thought as she saw Ben look down at her. Slowly he pointed towards her stained groin as he cleared his throat “I erm think it’s Jenn, I mean Baby Jenn. She definitely needs changing” he said nervously. Phoebe smiled “I think you’re right, Jessica have you seen your baby has made a poopy?” she said while turning towards her sister, Jessica nodded “Yes I have seen it, I will change her later maybe, her diaper can hold out longer”. Jenn wanted to scream with rage “Change me later? Do you want to leave me like this? I’m lying in my own filth! I stink! Take this horrible thing off me now!” she screamed inside her head. Phoebe and Ben walked over to the sofa and sat down which made Sarah let out a sigh of relief “Ah good, I didn’t get much attention off them, I hate when Ben talks to me like I’m a baby and Phoebe always finds a way to embarrass me whenever he is around. I’m sure she still enjoys the fact that she got Ben and I got a life in diapers. She has a very wicked side, I mean I thought her and Jenn were good friends but here she is acting like she is just a baby and it's her first time meeting her. Wait how come she wasn’t surprised when she came in? Did mommy or Jess tell her beforehand? Did they plan on doing this to her before today and just waited for the perfect time?” Sarah looked over at Jenn miserably lying on her back with her legs up in the air “She is going to have to get used to this and do as she is told or she will end up going crazy with all the punishments she will receive” she thought.

“So is this it?” Phoebe asked, Cynthia nodded “Yep, I didn’t want to have too many people over today, didn’t want to overwhelm Baby Sarah on her big day and didn’t want to frighten Baby Jenn on her first baby day” Phoebe nodded as she looked over towards Jenn then towards Jessica “Congratulations on your new baby girl, she is adorable” she laughed. Jessica halfheartedly smiled at Phoebe “Thanks” she said with a sigh then turned to look at her daughter “She is adorable I just wish she was a bit smaller, I’m not looking forward to wiping her bum bum clean” Cynthia laughed as Jenn turned white as a sheet “Stop talking about me like I’m not here and if your not looking forward to it then stop this stupid thing and let me do it myself!” she thought. Cynthia stopped laughing and shook her head “Oh I know what you mean, the first time Baby Sarah did a poopy in her diaper I thought I was going to be cleaning her bum up for days” she laughed again as Sarah turned bright red and nervously looked up at Ben who was smiling along “This is embarrassing, talking about my bum covered in poop around someone who I slept with” she thought. Cynthia turned to Jessica “You will get used to it soon enough, soon the smell won't even bother you” Phoebe nodded “That’s so true, I remember when I was so nervous to change Baby Sarah’s diaper because of the smell but now I change Katie’s diapers every day and I don’t even notice it. I think she still does though she always looks so embarrassed when I tell her she has made a stinky” the group laughed. “How is Baby Katie?” Jessica asked and Phoebe shook her head “The poor little thing, she has a stomach bug, she hasn’t been playing with her toys or eating properly and she has been pooping a lot. Emma is taking her to the doctors today” Jessica looked at Phoebe puzzled “Really?” she asked and Phoebe nodded “Yep, Emma’s friend is a doctor and agreed to see her”. Cynthia looked over at Sarah then back at Phoebe “Can I get her number, just in case I need to take Baby Sarah in for a checkup?” she asked, Phoebe nodded as Sarah listened on nervously. “That’s going to be horrible going to the doctors as a baby? A stranger looking me over while I’m sitting on my mommy's lap sucking a pacifier while wearing a diaper. That would be embarrassing. Poor Katie not only feeling ill but also having to go out dressed like a baby and to have a stranger examine her. Being sick while being a baby is horrible, you can’t do anything you want to do. When I last had a cold all I wanted to do was drink a hot drink, wrap a blanket around me, watch rubbish TV and be left alone but instead mommy had planned a play date with Denise and Sam. It was horrible I had snot running from my nose, a pounding headache and still, I had to play a horrible noisy barnyard game while in the company of others. Poor Katie” she thought.

Chapter 16

Cynthia looked up at the clock “Well we might as well start with the presents now” she announced Phoebe smiled as Sarah blushed “Oh presents, I hope they have got something to entertain me, mommy finally let me use that ball bit last year and it kept me entertained for hours, I had something that sang songs which were nice so I hope they have something that will help pass the time” she thought. Jessica looked down at her daughter concerned “Can we just wait on the presents for a moment, I think all the excitement of presents might be too much for baby Jenny, I’m going to go put her down first” she said as she stood up from the sofa and walked towards her daughter. Sarah let out a small smile from behind her pacifier “She is getting treated younger than me, actually being removed from the room because it might be too exciting. Good because her diaper smells so bad I will be glad to get away from that” she thought as she looked over to Jenn whose eyes were full of hatred as she lay on the playpen floor with the pacifier strapped into her mouth. She stared at her mother walking towards her “Presents will be too exciting for me? Sarah getting some stupid baby presents is not going to be too exciting for me, I don’t need to be put down” she thought when suddenly she realised something “Wait yes put me down, then I can try to get out of this thing, get out of this horrible diaper and make a run for it, take me away from everyone seeing me like this and put me out of the way” she thought. Jessica stood on the opposite side of the playpen from the two babies and smiled down at her infantile daughter “Now baby Jenn lets put you down for a nap, don’t worry we will all be here after I get you up” she cooed. Sarah looked down at her trapped niece in her poop stained diaper and shook her head “I still can’t believe this has happened to her when she comes back she had better start doing as they say or she is going to continue to get punished. She needs to accept that things could be a lot worse, I guess she is finding that out now being strapped down like that” she thought as Jessica bent down and with surprising ease picked up her adult daughter and cradled her in her arms. Jessica carried Jenn out of the room and Sarah noticed that her mother, Phoebe and Ben were now looking down at her and she quickly began to sweat “No I need to play with a toy or they will make me play a game with them, I can not play a stupid baby game with Ben around” she shuddered as she quickly picked up doll that was beside her and began to make it walk across the floor in front of her. Nervously she looked up at her mother “Please don’t come over, I picked up a doll quickly” she thought as her mother smiled and turned to Ben “So Ben how’s work going?” Sarah let out a sigh of relief as the grown-ups began to talk.

Jessica entered Sarah’s nursery and quickly walked over to the crib and placed her adult baby down on her back. Jessica then began to remove Jenn’s overalls and shirt and with the restrains running over her body she was unable to stop her mother, she watched on nervously as she felt the overalls being removed exposing the boards and her diapered shame “What is she going to do now? She can’t leave me like this? She is going to take it off me then leave me in the crib to sleep, then I can make my escape” she thought with a sly smile. Jessica smiled down at her daughter “Now we can’t have you sleeping like this now can we little one” she cooed which caused Jenn to laugh inside her head “No we can’t, I will get out of here easily once this board is off” she thought when Jessica walked down to the foot of the bed and grabbed an ankle restraint, she quickly wrapped it around Jenn’s ankle as Jenn looked down angry “What the hell is she doing?” she thought as her mother lent over and took hold of the opposite restraint and wrapped it around her other ankle. Jessica then did the same to the wrist restraints and then smiled down at her daughter “Now let's remove this so you can get some sleep” she cooed as she began to release her leg from the boards, with every strap she removed she pulled the crib restraints tight securing Jenn to the plastic-covered mattress. Soon Jenn was released from the boards but was now strapped down to the crib she shook her head as her mother removed the board from under her and adjusted the restraints slightly “How am I going to get out of this? I have more freedom now I can actually arch my back and lift my bum up but I can’t move my hands and feet an inch” she sighed from behind the pacifier as her mother looked down at her “All ready for sleepy, now baby girl I hope you will be a good baby after your nap otherwise I will put this back on you” she said while pointing to the board “I want you to be a good baby and hopefully this whole thing will go a lot quicker for you than it has for baby Sarah” Jenn’s eyes widened “No way would she keep me like this for four years, Not a chance, I will break out of it before then” she thought as Jessica shook her head “... Maybe or it might be longer” she shrugged her shoulders as she pulled up the side of the crib locking it in place she turned on the mobile that Jenn had bought for Sarah on and left the room.

Jenn lay in the crib staring up at the mobile spin above her the feeling of the messy diaper between her legs a constant reminder of what she had gotten herself into, she tried to move her legs and her feet, she lifted her bum off the crib to try in vain to get free but it was no use and when she placed her bum back down the feeling of her mess pressing against her sent shivers down her spine “Right well I can’t get out” she sighed from behind the pacifier “I can’t get out yet, I just need to bide my time, I need to do what they want till I have the opportunity to run, the best time for that is when we go to the car. I have always wondered why Sarah and the other babies never make a run for it then. Yes, they are wearing diapers but it’s not their choice and it’s not mine now. That will be the time I make a run for it, I don’t care what I will be wearing I’m not going to spend my life as a baby”.

 Chapter 17

Sarah sat inside her playpen playing with her dolls while listening to the ‘grown-ups’ talking “All they are talking about is work and celebrity gossip and I’m so jealous. I would love to be able to just chat to someone about what is going on, how I’m feeling but I’m not even allowed to talk and when I do it has to be in a baby voice. Four years of not talking properly I wonder even if I could anymore. I wonder if I can do even half the things that I could do before this” she sat back on her large rounded wet bum and thought for a minute “I haven’t held anything without using two hands in over four years, I bet that will stop me from doing things like using a knife and fork. Wow if I ever get a chance to grow up I’m actually going to have to go through everything again” she shook her head “I guess it would be worth it to finally be able to be a grown-up” she shook her head again and sighed “Why am I thinking about that, mommy hasn’t even hinted at me being allowed to grow up again just got to remember I’m a baby but now I’m not the youngest baby with Jenn around” she smiled slightly as Jessica entered the room again “OK now it’s time for presents” she announced.

Cynthia smiled “Good, now who wants to give the baby her first present?” Ben quickly answered “We do” which shocked Sarah “Why is he so eager? What has he got me? I’m not too happy that my ex-boyfriend is now so used to me being a baby that he gets excited about giving me a baby present” she sighed as Ben stood up and quickly walked out of the room. Phoebe smiled at her mother “He has been working on this for months, he has been doing it at work when he gets some free time, he is very proud of it” she said as Cynthia looked at her confused “What is it?” she asked but before Phoebe could answer Ben returned pushing something. It was a large item that had a large pink sheet over it and Sarah could see the wheels move across the floor as Ben pushed it “What is it? What has he made me? If Phoebe had any say in it then it’s something to make me feel more like a baby or to embarrass me” she thought as Ben turned to Cynthia “I spent a long time on this, I made it at work” he said with a smile. Cynthia smiled back as Phoebe said “I did the finishing touches, adding all the extras and gave it a paint” Ben smiled “Yes we both made this for baby Sarah” he said and he turned to Sarah “Ready baby?” he cooed “1,2,3” and he pulled off the sheet.

Sarah stared at it in disbelief “It's an adult-sized baby walker?” she turned bright red as her heart began to race “Does this mean that I don’t have to be stuck inside the playpen all day? I can move around?” she thought with a large smile on her face. Ben smiled as he looked down at the smiling adult baby “Yes she likes it!” he announced as Cynthia got up to examine the walker “Wow, you two did a really good job” she said sounding impressed as she walked around it. Ben was beaming, he was so proud of his creation that he wanted to tell everyone about it “As you saw I made it so it was skinny enough to go through doorways easily and it’s easy to manoeuvre, now at the top of the walker is a padded seat that can be adjusted, it has straps to keep her secure and it also has two leg holes. Sarah can sit in it for hours bouncing up and down or walk around holding onto the tray. In front of the seat we have a tray with a few baby toys attached to keep her entertained and a place here for her to keep her bottle” he pointed at the circular ingress on the tray “Now here is the great part, the sides here can be extended or let down so Baby Sarah can be sitting down or it can be raised up...” he said as he easily raised the sides slightly “...so she can walk around and at the base” he pointed down to the bottom of the walker “this surrounds the bottom so she can’t hit her legs on anything and the wheels have locks on so if you don’t want baby Sarah to move around in it she can stay still just bouncing” he stood back looking very pleased with himself as Sarah slowly calmed down. Sarah shook her head slowly “Oh it has locks on the wheels and it can be sat down then mommy is just going to leave it in that position, she isn’t going to let me walk around the house in it” she sighed as her mommy turned towards her “Isn’t it great baby girl, we can put you in it now and that’s where you can open up the rest of your presents” she cooed. Sarah blushed as her mother walked towards her “I really don’t want to go in it now, especially if I’m just going to be sat in it not moving” she thought as her mother bent down and placed her arms under Sarah’s armpits and with great ease lifted her infantile daughter out of the playpen and rested her on her hip. Cynthia walked the short distance to the walker which Sarah couldn’t stop staring at “This must have taken him ages to make, I can’t believe he would take so much time to create this for his girlfriends adult baby sister. That’s all he sees me as he definitely doesn’t see me as his ex, how could he when I’ve been treated like a baby for the last four years. I need to stop thinking of him like that he is just Ben my sister's boyfriend” she thought as a great weight lifted from her shoulders as her mother gently placed her inside the seat.

Sarah’s legs went through the holes that were slightly further apart than Sarah had imagined which caused her legs to bow as she sank down into the slightly bouncy seat when to Sarah’s surprise her feet gingerly touched the floor for a few seconds “Oh wow I could walk in this” she thought as a smile escaped her. Cynthia strapped her in then quickly stood up and took her phone out of her pocket. Phoebe and Jessica both cooed over her “Awww look at that she loves it” Jessica said as Phoebe nodded “I’m so glad she likes it, she looks so adorable in it” Ben went over to Phoebe and gave her a kiss “You did a good job baby” he said, Phoebe smiled “No you did a great job, look how happy Baby Sarah is”. Sarah couldn’t help but blush and she looked down at her padded crotch inside the seat “Most of my weight is now on the diaper, I hope I’m not in this when I have to poop, I don’t know how that would work though but I hope mommy lets me actually walk around in it” she thought.

Chapter 18

Jessica turned to her mother “What are you doing? You’re missing it” she said but Cynthia was holding onto her phone with a smile on her face “I just got a message from Sam, Denise has sent a birthday message for Sarah”. Phoebe and Jessica quickly got up from the sofa and surrounded their mother while Sarah slightly bounced up and down in the walker awkwardly “Sam must have made Denise make a video, I bet its something embarrassing for either me or her but probably both. I hope I don’t have to make one back thanking her” she thought as she heard “Awwww” said in unisense. Phoebe took the phone from her mother and stood in front of her infantile sister “Your baby friend has left you a message baby Sarah, now look at the rectangle” she cooed as she held the phone out towards Sarah. Sarah stared at the phone anxiously “The first time I get to look at a phone in four years and its to watch another adult baby wishing me a happy birthday, Do I really want to see this?” she thought as the video began to play. Sarah’s eyes widened as she saw Denise sitting on her very padded bum wearing nothing but the thick diaper between her legs while sucking on a black pacifier, her long black hair was in two pigtails as she looked up at the camera. Sarah felt embarrassed for the both of them as she stared at the phone “Thankfully I haven’t been filmed much while being treated like this, I hate when I do though. It's a permanent record of me being an adult baby, stored away for when mommy or Phoebe want to embarrass me in the future. Wow, look at her just sitting there in just a diaper, nothing covering her breasts while Sam films her. I really hope I don’t have to send a video back” she thought as Denise moved towards the camera and from behind her pacifier she opened her mouth. “Happy Birthday Baby Sarah” she said with a shy smile. She then got up off her padded rear and turned around, her large diapered bum pointed directly at Sarah when she slowly began to crawl away and then the video stopped. Sarah blushed at the message as she blinked a couple of times “I really hope I don’t have to make something like that back” she thought with nervously.  

Phoebe removed the phone from Sarah’s face and smiled at her infantile sister “Wasn’t that adorable, I know how much you miss your baby friends baby Sarah, I will try to get them up for a play date soon don’t you worry baby sister” she cooed. Sarah bounced nervously in her walker as she looked down at the tray in front of her while Phoebe returned the phone to her mother. The women played the video again and Cynthia giggled “I love how cute her bum looks in those diapers” Phoebe nodded “I think Katie has a cuter diaper bum though when she crawls around it’s so adorable” Cynthia laughed “Yes but the cutest diaper bum out of the three of them is Sarah” Phoebe looked over and shrugged when Jessica interrupted “Well it’s four now, with Baby Jenny and at the moment I definitely don’t think she has the cutest diaper bum” Phoebe and Cynthia burst into laughter “Yeah your right, Enjoy cleaning that smelly one up later” Jessica shrugged her shoulders and shook her head “Yeah I’m not looking forward to it, I can’t believe that she actually wants to wear them” Cynthia smiled at Jessica “Well after her time as a baby I’m sure the last thing she is going to want is to wear them ever again” Jessica nodded “I’m sure of that” she said as Phoebe laughed “We will need to get her here for the next play date, all four of them together it will be so adorable”. Sarah continued to bounce in her walker listening to her sisters and mommy “I wonder how long they are going to keep her as a baby then? Is it just to stop her liking diapers?” she thought as she looked down at her damp diaper “How can she like them at all. I really don’t want a play date, I really don’t like them they are always so awkward we don’t even talk to each other it’s just adults wearing diapers being forced to play with baby toys. The worst part of playdates is changing times, I can’t get my diaper changed until we all use them fully. I could be sitting in a poopy diapers for hours waiting and hoping that either Katie or Denise messes themselves, so I can finally get changed but then when the changing happens it’s so embarrassing. We get placed down beside each other with our mommies at our feet then we get changed, the things that the mommies say are so embarrassing they compare who has the smelliest diaper, who’s bum is more covered in poop, who is easiest to clean and once cleaned up who has the cutest bum. I have no idea who came up with that rule for playdates but it’s horrible, I can see everything of Denise or Katie and they can easily see me. I hope we don’t have a play date soon” she thought.

Cynthia turned to her daughter who was deep thoughts and announced “Now it’s time for my present”. Sarah quickly looked up at her mother with a feeling of dread as she watched her walk out of the room “Oh no, what is it? What has she got me that will make my life even more embarrassing, just as I adjust to a certain part of being a baby she brings something new into my life to embarrass me?” she thought as Cynthia returned carrying a large box covered in wrapping paper. She placed the present on top of the tray in front of Sarah “We will open it together baby Sarah” she cooed as Sarah nervously reached out and took hold of the wrapping paper, in one big pull the wrapping paper was removed and Sarah’s eyes went wide as she stared at a large pink potty sitting in front of her.  

Chapter 19

“It’s a potty” Cynthia announced, Phoebe looked at her mother confused “A potty for Baby Sarah?” she asked which her mother nodded, Sarah stared at the potty with a confused expression “Does this mean.” she swallowed hard “... Will I finally be free of diapers?” she thought as Cynthia giggled “Awww Baby Sarah doesn’t know what it is, don’t worry baby you will learn what it’s for” she said as she lifted the potty off the walker and walked over to the playpen and placed it on the outside of playpen. Phoebe looked at her mother as confused as Sarah “Why have you got her a potty?” Cynthia smiled as she sat down on the sofa “Well I think it’s time for baby Sarah to learn how to use it”. Tears formed in Sarah’s eyes as a large smile appeared on her face “Im going to use a potty? Im going to be free of diapers?” she looked down at her damp diaper between her legs and began to bounce up and down in her walker with excitement which caused her breasts to bounce up and down“This cant be real? I have dreamt about this moment, I cant believe its happening?” she thought when she suddenly stopped feeling very embarrassed “My breasts were moving, I cant believe I was bouncing in this which made my breasts bounce, I wish I was wearing a shirt or something” she thought as she stared towards the potty sitting in front of the playpen. Phoebe sat down on the sofa still with her confused look “So she isn’t going to be Baby Sarah anymore? She isn’t going to wear diapers” she asked which caused Cynthia to laugh “She is going to be diaper-wearing Baby Sarah for a long time” she said which caused Sarah to stop bouncing and the smile from her face disappeared “Im still going to be a baby? But using a potty?” her head began to ache “What does she mean?” she thought as she turned her attention to her mother and sister.

Cynthia smiled “It’s going to take baby Sarah ages to learn how to use the potty and even then I expect she will still need diapers at night, I don’t expect her to grow up for a long time but she will”. Sarah’s jaw dropped open and tears ran down her face “Im going to grow up? Im not going to be a baby anymore! I dont care if its just to a toddler I won't be a baby anymore, I won't wear diapers anymore! I cant believe this is finally happening” she thought with a smile on her face as her mommy continued “I’m going to try to teach her to speak when she wants something or when she wants to be changed” Phoebe shook her head “Right? Why didn’t you tell us? Or ask for our opinion?” she asked. Cynthia sighed “She is my daughter and I think it’s time for her to grow up a little” she said as she turned towards Sarah who was still smiling “I think baby Sarah likes her walker, she hasn’t stopped smiling” Sarah blushed but couldn’t stop smiling “You know it’s not the walker, I’m going to be able to talk, ask for a change? Wow I can get changed whenever I’m wet? I can ask for a drink or a snack? This is a dream come true” she thought as Cynthia turned to Phoebe “The walker is going to be great for Sarah, might even help her learn how to walk”.

Sarah wanted to burst with excitement “Learn to walk!? Get to talk? Out of diapers? This is the best birthday ever!” she screamed in her head as Jessica walked over to her, she turned towards her mother “Well the best way to get a baby used to her potty is to put her on it” she said and Cynthia agreed. Sarah’s smile vanished once again “Put me on the potty? In front of everyone?” she looked over to Ben and blushed “I’ve never had my diaper changed in front of him and now I’m going to sit on a potty?” she thought nervously as Jessica released the straps of the walker from her and easily lifted her up and out of the device. Jessica carried her sister the short distance to the potty and lowered her down on the floor beside it. Sarah sat beside the large pink plastic potty with her legs spread out and stared at it in disbelief “Its an adult-sized potty, How did I not notice that before? I must have been in too much shock to realise it” she thought as Jessica squatted down in front of her and smiled “Now let's get your diaper off and you can sit on the potty” she cooed. Sarah swallowed hard as Jessica quickly placed her hands on Sarah’s diaper and began to release the tabs on either side “This feels weird, I have never had my diaper removed while sitting up” she thought as she looked down and the front of the diaper was pulled away from her exposing her hairless vagina.

Sarah shook with embarrassment as her sister let the front of the pee-stained soakers drop onto the floor, Sarah nervously looked over to Ben and let out a sigh of relief as she saw him talking to Phoebe. Jessica placed her hands under Sarah’s armpits and lifted her up leaving the dry diaper but soaked soakers on the floor and moved Sarah onto the large potty. Sarah’s bum cheeks sat down on the infantile toilet which caused Sarah to blush as she once again spread her legs “My vagina is on display to everyone, if Ben looks over he is going to see my once intimate area on full display” she though nervously then took a deep breath “Its not intimate thought, its not private I have lost count of the number of people that have seen me have my diaper changed so what if Ben sees it. He has seen me naked before and I’m sure he will again” she thought with a sigh. Sarah slowly examined her new present as Jessica went towards the playpen, the back of the pink plastic chair was raised up to support her lower back and there was a lip in between her legs just like a normal-sized potty that did little to hide her. Jessica returned to Sarah with a rattle and placed it in her infantile sister's hand “Now you play with this baby and stay sitting on your potty and go weewees like a good girl” she cooed which caused Sarah to blush “I’m going to sit on here and pee into the potty? As soon as I do it’s going to make a noise and then everyone is going to look my way, is this worse than wearing a diaper?” she shook her head “It’s worse now because I’m naked but I will get out of diapers and won't be a baby anymore” she rolled her eyes “Does this mean I’m going to be naked a lot more, it’s something I will have to adjust to?” she thought with a sigh. Jessica stood up and turned towards her mother “Now the presents are finished I’m going to go and get stinky up from the crib, I’m going to change her first, so I might be a while” Cynthia nodded “You want a hand?” she asked, Jessica shook her head “No I will be alright, thank you” she said as she left the room.

Sarah shook the rattle in her hand as she sat on the potty “I cant believe its been four years since I have sat on something like this, Its been four years since I sat on a toilet or a potty. The last time I had to use a potty it was Jessicas daughters one, it was far to small for an adult, If I could go back and warn myself of what was going to happen” she shook her head “I wouldnt even believe myself, I would have never had believed that my mommy would turn me into a baby for four years, make me wear and use diapers. Make me go out in public if I misbehave too much. 23-year-old me that was sitting on the baby potty would have never had believed that this was going to happen” she sighed when she looked up and saw Ben staring at her. She blushed slightly as her eyes met with his, still shaking her rattle she felt slightly foolish “Im sitting on a potty completely naked, my breasts, my vagina everything is on display while my family and my sisters boyfriend sit around like its normal, Im 27, I think, and Im sitting naked in front of so many people, I hope I get potty trained quickly this is really strange and awkward” she thought as she felt herself suddenly release and a stream of wee hit the bottom of the plastic potty loudly.

Chapter 20

Jenn hadn’t slept a wink as she lay miserably inside the crib, the smell and sticky mess around her waist was a constant horrible reminder of what she had gotten herself into, her mouth and eyes were dry as she sighed from behind the pacifier locked inside her mouth. She let out a frustrated moan as she looked down at the diaper that hid her embarrassing situation “When my mother gets in here I’m going to pretend to go along with this, like I have learnt my lesson or something like that and then when everyone’s guard is down I can make a run for it, I can't be like baby Sarah and go through the humiliation of living a life like a baby to wear and use diapers every day. Wearing a messy diaper is so disgusting how has she put up with it so long. Did she get used to it? Or does she just not care anymore? She has been treated like a baby for so long I wonder if she has mentally become one now” she let out a gasp “Will that happen to me?” she quickly shook her head “No way, even IF mother keeps me trapped like this I won't become like baby Sarah I won't just go along with being treated like a baby” she thought as the door to the nursery opened.

Jessica walked into the room holding her nose, she walked towards the crib with a disgusted look on her face “Wow baby you sure do smell, I bet baby wants her bum cleaned and put into a fresh diaper don’t you”.  Jenn’s eyes were full of anger as she stared up at the mobile spinning above her “It’s because of you I’m like this, I hope that you like the smell as much as I do” she thought as her mother stood beside the crib. Jessica looked down at her daughter and shook her head as she slowly removed her hand from her nose “Now Baby Jenny, I’m going to remove that big pacifier from your baby mouth and if you're a good baby it can stay out but as soon as you pretend to be a grown-up it’s going straight back in and won't be removed for a very long time, lets hope for your sake that you can be a good baby” she said firmly. Jenn looked down her nose at the handle of the pacifier that stuck out from her mouth and the straps that ran around her face and let out a small smile “Yes this horrible thing is being removed, that’s good now even though it’s going to be hard I’m going to have to talk like a baby but if it gets me out of this diaper and out of this crib then I have a chance of running away” she thought as her mother lowered the side of the crib. Jessica gently lifted up her daughters head and unlocked the straps to the pacifier and slowly moved her hands to the front holding onto the straps but before she removed the pacifier she moved close towards her daughter looking her in the eyes she said firmly “I’m not playing around if you misbehave then I have no problem putting this back in your mouth and that goes with any punishment, I don’t want a grown daughter that wants to be a naughty diaper-wearing baby and if you misbehave I will happily remind you that you are a now a baby!”. Jenn shook as her mother slowly stood up “If I misbehave so if I do anything that I would normally do? Like talk or walk or use a fucking toilet?” she sighed as her mother gently removed the pacifier from her mouth and she quickly moved her mouth around with a sigh of relief “That’s so much better but what type of punishment's does she have in mind? I can't think of anything worse than being stuck in a messy diaper” she thought as her mother smiled down at her.

Jenn looked up at her mother fighting the temptation to shout and scream at her, she took in a deep breath as she continued to lie shackled to the crib as her mother continued to look at her “What is she waiting for? Is she waiting to see if I will be good? This is horrible! I just want to scream at her at how this is so fucked up!” she took another deep breath as her mother slowly smiled “Right now baby tell me in your best baby talk what you have done in your diaper and what you want me to do?” she said so calmly that it angered Jenn once again. “I have to talk like a baby and I have to…” she suddenly began to blush bright red “...I have to tell her that I have messed a diaper? I have worn diapers for years not once have I messed one and I had never imagined that I would have to tell my mother what I had done in a diaper” she shook her head as she let out a sigh. Jessica continued to look down at her daughter patiently as Jenn’s facials expressions changed several times until she shook her head and said weakly “Me pooped…need changing” she then went white as a sheet as she quickly closed her eyes. Jessica couldn’t help but smile “Good job baby, your first words” she mocked as Jenn scoffed “I will change babies diaper this time but you need to get better at speaking baby talk little one” she cooed. Jenn rolled her eyes “That was a hard enough I’m not going to be talking like a baby and she won't get any more out of me than a few words, why make it worse for myself” she thought. Jessica went over to Sarah’s changing table and looked underneath at the stacks of diapers, she quickly grabbed a diaper and returned to the crib. Jenn stared at the familiar diaper in her mother's hands it was a Tykables waddler it had a green patch down each side and images scattered up the middle in various colours, she placed the diaper beside Jenn’s waist as she approached Jenn’s shackled ankles.

Jessica slowly unshackled Jenn’s feet from the crib as Jenn stayed completely still “All I want to do is kick her right now but that’s not going to achieve anything and it’s going to keep me in this horrible diaper for longer, I need to just fight every urge I have to fight back until I am able to make a run for it” she thought through gritted teeth. Jessica moved to her daughters waist and gingerly placed her fingers on Jenn’s full diaper “Now baby it’s time to get you into a fresh diaper, If you are naughty at all during this change then I will place this messy diaper back on you and you can stay in it for the rest of the day, understand baby?” she said firmly as Jenn’s eyes widened “Put it back on me? I could be fully cleaned up and ready to put a new one on me and if I do anything that horrible poop-filled diaper could be wrapped around my waist again” she shook as she nodded her head and her mother smiled “Good baby” she cooed as she took hold of the tabs of the diaper and pulled them off as Jenn turned bright red.

Chapter 21

Jenn couldn’t stop shaking as she watched her mother slowly pull the sticky mess of the front of the diaper away from her, she wanted to be sick as the fresh foul smell entered her nostrils and she saw her once private parts covered in poop. She rested her head on the mattress as she stared up at the mobile spinning above her in shock “I’m covered, completely covered in poop, oh god now my mother is going to be cleaning me up, going to be placing her hand on my vagina! She shouldn’t be anywhere near that I’m 19 years old she shouldn’t be even looking at me naked let alone wiping me clean” she suddenly shook as she felt a cold dampness rub against her most intimate area. She gingerly looked up and saw her mother wiping clean her vagina with a wet wipe which made her shake again as she closed her eyes “This is horrible, the worst thing ever that has happened to me and it’s only just stared and then I’m going to be taped up into another diaper and that’s only going to be removed after I have used it” she shook her head “I liked wearing a diaper in secret and knowing that I could take it off whenever I like but being forced to have the diaper on and  it on show in front of people and to have no control of when it comes off me is so humiliating” she sighed as her mother continued to clean her up.

Jessica finally finished cleaning up her daughter's groin, she took hold of her daughters ankles and lifted them up into the air exposing Jenn’s poop covered bum cheeks. Jessica shook her head “My baby you did such a big poopy, mummy is going to be busy for a while” she mocked as Jenn rolled her eyes and continued to stare up at the mobile that hung above her. Jenn swallowed hard as she once again felt the cold damp wet wipe press-up against her, her mother began the large task of wiping her sticky bum clean and with each wipe on her cheeks Jenn’s teeth clenched together, she tried to move her hands but they were still secured to the crib “I have no choice but to lie here and accept what’s happening to me, I can’t get out of it with my hands locked down and if I try to stop her from what she is doing she is just going to put that poop-filled diaper back on me” she sighed again as she slowly looked down her body. Jenn stared at her smooth freshly clean crotch as she saw her mother once again grab a wet wipe and move back to her round bum when Jenn eyes widened and her body went stiff like aboard. Jenn felt the wet wipe between her bum cheeks and she wanted to scream but she quickly bit her bottom lip out of frustration as she scrunched up her eyes “This is so wrong!” she thought as her mother returned with another wet wipe and once again went deep into the crack of her bum “I hate this! I hate it all!” she screamed in her head.  

Jessica finally finished cleaning up her daughters rear and gently began to remove the poop-filled diaper from under her when she took hold of the folded fresh diaper and quickly unfolded it and placed it under her daughters bum she then slowly lowered her daughters legs down on the fresh diaper as she balled up the messy diaper and went over to Sarah’s diaper pail and deposited the smelly diaper. Jenn felt confused as she felt the soft padding of the diaper resting against her bum cheeks “I’m so glad to be out of that diaper but I hate having to wear another diaper even though it is comfy and soft, It would be a diaper I would choose to wear if it wasn’t forced upon me” she shook her head “But it is forced upon me, I don’t want to be made to wear a diaper I want my underwear back” she sighed as her mother returned to her smiling. Jessica cooed “There that wasn’t so bad now was it and now your cute little bum is all clean and ready for another diaper” she continued to smile as Jenn once again bit her lip fighting the urge to shout and scream at her mother. She took a deep breath as she stared at her mother “It was the worst thing that has ever happened to me, you touched places that you shouldn’t even be seen let alone touching!” she shouted in her head as her mother took hold of the baby powder and began to sprinkle a small amount on her vagina and the seat of the diaper. She took hold of the front of the diaper and lifted it up and taped it tightly around her waist. Jenn’s most private area was finally hidden away but in the most infantile of clothing and Jenn couldn’t take her eyes off the diaper as her mother gave her groin a gentle pat “All done, baby back into a clean diaper for now don’t worry mommy will change this diaper after you have used it” she cooed as Jenn continued to stare “I’m not going to use this diaper like the last one, I can’t go through that again. I will try my best to get out of it before it comes to another changing” she thought as her mother looked down at her.

Jessica folded her arms as she looked down at her daughter “Now Baby Jenny, I’m going to remove the restraints on your arms and I’m going to also remove the mittens and the booties I will then place you on the floor and you will crawl towards the living room with me following behind, if you misbehave in any way you will be punished. This is your chance to prove that you can be a good baby for mommy” she said firmly. Jenn swallowed hard as her mother went down to her ankles and began to remove the booties that prevented her from walking “So I can run for it but with her being so close behind me I won't be able to get up to my feet and run before she grabs hold of me, even though I may want to this is not the best chance I have. I need to wait till it's perfect, when I can’t get caught and when they least expect it, my mother will expect me to run now that’s why she is doing this” she thought as her mother moved to her hands and removed the mittens. Jessica released the restraints around her daughter's wrists that kept her pinned down to the crib and watched as Jenn slowly moved her hands together and rubbed her wrists with caution. Jessica smiled down at her daughter and quickly placed her hands under Jenn’s armpits and lifted her out of the crib and down onto the floor where Jenn sat on her padded rear for a moment when her mother picked up the black shirt that she wore earlier “Now I’m going to be nice and let you wear this, prove to me that you can be good and maybe we will see about other things for you baby”. Before Jenn knew it her black shirt was pulled over her head and she helped her mother guide her arms through the holes. She looked down as the shirt hugged her body confused “Why is she giving me this back? Is she trying to bargain with me? Give me something so I will behave as she wants me to?” she wondered when her mother began to walk away and she sighed “So I now have to crawl, even though I can stand, walk and run. This is actually worse than having the booties on because then I didn’t have a choice but now I actually have a choice and I’m choosing to crawl just like the baby she is turning me into even if she has given me back my shirt” she thought miserably as she got up onto her hands and knees and slowly began to crawl out of the nursery with her mother following closely behind.

Chapter 22

Jenn slowly crawled through the house towards the living room where her family were waiting for her “I don’t want them to see me like this, obviously wearing diapers and crawling around like a baby. It’s so humiliating I’m 19 years old I should not be in this situation but here I am crawling around with my diaper swinging side to side as my mother follows me. I have to go along with it, swallow my pride and resist the urge to fight back until I can find my perfect time to escape from this embarrassing situation”. She thought as she spotted the front door. Jenn slowed down to an almost stop as she stared at the door “It could be my door to freedom” she thought as her heart began to race when suddenly she felt her mothers foot on her padded rear gently push her forward “Come on baby, almost there” she cooed as Jenn began to crawl again biting her bottom lip as she crawled past the door “I wouldn’t have had a chance not with her being so close to me” she rolled her eyes “Great now I have to pretend to be a baby in front of people” she turned bright red as swallowed hard as she entered the living room.

She entered the room and suddenly stopped as she set her eyes on her infantile aunt sitting on top of a pink adult sized potty which made her mother give her another push on her rear. Sarah blushed bright red as she watched Jenn slowly crawl into the room with an expression of shock plastered over her face “Why is she on a potty? Why am I in diapers and she is sitting on a potty!” she screamed in her head as she crawled beside her. Jenn couldn’t take her eyes off her naked aunt sitting on the infantile toilet as the room watched on Jenn shook her head “Is she being punished? Yeah she must be there is no way she would be allowed out of diapers. What did she do?” she wondered as Jessica bent down and startled her daughter by placing her hands under her armpits. She lifted the scared teenager up and quickly placed into the playpen padded bum first when her mother placed a rattle in her hand and shook her hand “Play with your toys baby” she cooed as she stood up and looked down at her daughter with her arms crossed. Jenn stared at the rattle in her hand and sighed “I have to go along with it or they might put me back those mittens or that weird contraption, I play with it now and I still have some sort of freedom” she thought as she slowly moved her hand back and forth shaking the rattle.

Sarah continued to sit on the potty blushing bright red as she heard Jenn shaking the rattle from behind her “I wish I could cover up my nudity, I’ve been sitting on this potty for ages now and I’m still not over all the praise I got off everyone for using it, it was so humiliating. I thought they would have taken me off it now and covered me back up in a...” she suddenly felt cold as she watched Jessica sit down beside her mother “I miss diapers? That can’t be right I just miss wearing something that covers up my shame. That’s it!” she let out a sigh as she looked up at the ‘grown-ups’ talking and then she looked at Ben and shook her head “I really wish he wasn’t here for this. If it was just me and mummy then it would be brilliant but with him and Jessica being here it makes everything slightly embarrassing. Here I am sitting on a potty completely naked around my older sister and Ben and they aren’t even giving it another thought” she thought. Cynthia glanced at the time and smiled down at Sarah “Oh baby, it’s snack time and then its nap time” she cooed as she stood up “Lets get your bum back into your diapers” she continued which made Sarah blush once again “Oh god snack time, so I get to be a toddler but still have snack time” she shook as her mother left the room. Jenn continued to sit inside the playpen miserably shaking the rattle “No, don’t take Sarah out of the room then all the attention will be on me, I can’t have them all looking at me like this at least with her here I’m not the only one forced to live like this” she thought as Cynthia returned carrying baby wipes and two pink diapers.

Cynthia placed the items on the floor and got down onto her knees, she unfolded a diaper and turned to her naked daughter and smiled “I bet you can't wait to get back into your diapers baby girl” she cooed as Sarah looked down at the diaper with mixed feelings when Cynthia lifted her up off the potty with ease and placed her on the diaper. Sarah sat upon the diaper once again feeling the soft embrace of the fabric on her skin and she shuddered “I did miss wearing it” she suddenly felt strange. “Lie down baby” Cynthia cooed and Sarah obediently lay down and stared up at the ceiling while her mother pulled out the wet wipes. Sarah didn’t react when her mother began to clean her “I was only out of them for what? Half an hour? How can I miss them? For the last four years it's been my dream to be free of them” she closed her eyes as her mother lifted up her legs to quickly clean her bum “They are soft and they do hide my nudity which is better than sitting on a potty fully naked in front of everyone. They are warm and soft, I hate to also admit it but I have gotten used to sitting in a wet and even a messy diaper. It’s what they are made for and...” she looked over at the potty and sighed “I can not imagine having to poop in that with people watching” she shook at the thought as her mother pulled the front of the diaper up and taped her tightly in.

Cynthia gave the front of Sarah’s diaper a pat and stopped and shook her head “What a silly mommy you have” she said as Sarah looked at her confused “I forgot the boosters, I brought two diapers. Oh well back to two diapers for nap time” she cooed. Cynthia quickly took hold of the second diaper and positioned it under Sarah’s bum and in no time Cynthia had it taped on her infantile daughter “Now snack time” she announced as she helped Sarah up into a sitting position. Sarah looked down at the familiar sight of her padded groin and let out a sigh of relief “At least I’m not naked” she thought as her mother stood up “Follow mommy, baby” she cooed and Sarah obediently got onto her hands and knees and followed after her mother.

Chapter 23

Jenn watched on from the confines of the playpen still shaking the rattle in her hand as her grandmother and Aunt left the room “Oh great now I’m on my own, at least before I had Sarah take some attention away from me” she thought as Jessica turned to Phoebe and Ben “So can you look after the baby for me? I’m going to go and empty Sarah’s potty and then talk to mother about borrowing some supplies for baby Jenny” Phoebe nodded “Not a problem I look after babies Jenn’s size all the time”. Jessica smiled and walked towards the playpen “Now you be a good little baby for Aunty Phoebe and Uncle Ben, you do everything they tell you or you will be punished little baby” she bent down and picked up Sarah’s potty and left the room. Jenn looked over at Phoebe who had a wicked smile on her face which made Jenn feel uneasy “Oh god what does she have planned? She looks after baby Katie all the time so she knows how to treat grown women like babies and what did mother mean by doing everything that they say?” she swallowed hard.

Phoebe turned to Ben and began to whisper to him, Jenn watched on nervously as Ben looked over at her and shook his head “Oh come on” Phoebe said and Ben shrugged his shoulders “Fine” he said, Phoebe pulled out her phone and she began to type as Ben watched on. Jenn didn’t know what to do as she sat inside the playpen “What are they planning? Well really what is Phoebe planning? Ben doesn’t seem too comfortable with what she has in mind. It’s always been obvious who wears the pants in that relationship” she thought when she turned her attention to the exit of the family room “Do I make a run for it now?  Could I go now? No I’m sure the front door would be locked and I have no idea where my mother might be. No I still have to wait” she said with a sigh as Phoebe giggled to Ben as she showed him her phone.

Sarah and her mother had arrived in Sarah’s nursery and Cynthia had sat down on the large rocking chair in the corner of the room, Sarah sat on the floor in her large padded diaper as she nervously watched her mother unbutton her blue blouse revealing her black bra “Great so I now get to sit around naked and pee in a potty and wear diapers and still have to go through with snack time. My baby birthday and nothing has gotten better for me” she thought as her mother pulled her bra down revealing her breast to her daughter. Cynthia lent over and placed her hands under Sarah’s armpits and lifted her easily up onto her lap, Cynthia cradled her daughter with her head under her breast as Sarah brought her legs up, curling them up so that they fit on the large rocking chair. “Snacktime” Cynthia announced as she did every day and she took hold of her breast with one hand and guided her daughters head towards her nipple with the other, Sarah stared at the nipple in disgust but she obediently opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around her mother's teat.

Sarah began to suck on her mother's nipple while staring up at her mother's breast “Every day I have to suck on my mummy’s booby, nothing comes out but she thinks it brings us closer. It’s actually the anniversary for when this started as well, three years ago on my first baby birthday she made me suck her nipple. I never would have thought that later that day I would see another grown woman suck on another grown woman’s booby and that it would be the start of me doing this every day. Not just me though I remember overhearing that Baby Denise would suck on her mommy’s booby from time to time as a punishment, I wish it would be a punishment for me I would never do anything bad if this is what the result was. It’s so humiliating even after all these years but at least nobody but knows about this. I don’t even think Phoebe knows and I don’t know what I would do if Jessica or even Ben knew” she shuddered at the thought as her mother stroked her hair and cooed down to her.

Jenn watched as Phoebe and Ben both stood up from the sofa and walked towards her, She began to shake nervously as she watched the two approaching “No, what do they have planned?” she thought as Phoebe smiled down at her “Now put your rattle down baby” she cooed. Jenn quickly looked at the rattle and nervously placed it down on the playpen, Phoebe nodded “Good baby” she said as she looked at Ben who swallowed hard and said “Baby Jenn get into nappy changing position” Jenn looked at them both confused “What the hell? I’m not going to do that” she thought as she shook her head Phoebe sighed “Yes, you be a good baby for uncle Ben or I will have to spank you” Ben quickly added “Do you want me to spank you?”. Jenn’s heart began to race as she looked up at the two of them and shook her head nervously “Spank me? Would they really spank me?” she thought nervously as Ben said “So be a good baby”

Jenn rolled her eyes as she slowly began to lay down on her back “This is so humiliating, we were equals only a few hours ago and now I’m being forced to do everything they say” she thought as Phoebe cooed “See you’re a good baby aren't you?” nervously Jenn nodded as she lay down and lifted her feet up into the air. “I hate this but if I don’t they will spank me and tell my mother that I was naughty and it’s back to wearing all that horrible stuff and being trapped, at least this way I have a bit of freedom” she thought as Phoebe cooed “Awww good baby, look at your cute padded bum” which caused Jenn to blush. “Don’t be shy baby you’re going to be in that position a lot” Ben said with an awkward smile which caused Jenn to look away embarrassed “I’m going to be in that position a lot? I am not going to have anyone change my diaper but me. Like I have any choice anymore I might be free of those restraints right now but in no way am I free. I’m being forced to act like a baby by my aunt and her boyfriend this is so embarrassing” she thought miserably. 

Chapter 24

Sarah continued to lie across her mother's lap while sucking on her breast as her mother looked down at her “You are being such a good baby today, I hope you liked your toys little one. It's going to take a long time but hopefully baby will be able to learn how to use the potty like a big girl” she cooed which made Sarah blush as she looked at her mothers large breast directly in front of her face “I’ve dreamt of this for so long and now its actually happening I have mixed emotions, It's going to be so hard to potty train again and I have gotten used to wearing diapers, at least in diapers I’m not sitting butt naked for everyone to see and if I do get potty trained then what? Will she let me grow up to a full adult? Or will she just have me use the potty instead of diapers while once a day I’m subjected to sucking on her breast before I get put into my crib? If I even got to grow up how am I going to be a normal adult after what I have been through” she thought with a shiver.

A shout came from outside the room which made Sarah freeze “Hey mum, I’m just ordering some...” Jessica shouted as she opened the door to Sarah’s nursery, Sarah’s eyes widened when she felt her mothers hand on the back of her head holding her in place “No! I can’t have Jessica see me like this!” she screamed in her head as Jessica entered “...furniture and clothes for….” she stopped in her tracks as she stared at the scene playing out in front of her. Jessica shook her head in disbelief as she watched her younger sister being cradled across her mothers lap while sucking on her teat “I ermm...” she swallowed as Cynthia looked up from Sarah’s bright red face and towards Jessica’s shocked one. “I can’t believe she is seeing me like this, it's so humiliating I wish I could get away but mommy has a tight grip on my head, I just have to carry on sucking” she shivered. Cynthia began to pat Sarah’s padded bum with her free hand as she smiled at Jessica “Your getting supplies from Jenn?” she asked calmly as Sarah scrunched up her eyes “Why is that ever since I’ve become a baby and I wear diapers that everyone wants to pat my bum? Everyone I have met since starting this life has at least once patted my bum like its nothing. What is it about a diaper that makes people think it's OK to do it that I wouldn’t care that my bum is being patted? At least when I’m potty trained that will stop. I’m really just trying to distract myself from what's happening” she thought as Jessica nodded at her mother while clearing her throat “Erm yeah and I was just wondering if you needed anything for Sarah” she asked.

Cynthia shook her head as she continued to hold Sarah firmly against her breast while patting her diaper bum “Not that I can think of, why don’t you have a look in baby Sarah’s wardrobe and see if there is anything you want to take for Baby Jenny” she suggested. Jessica smiled “You sure?” she asked Cynthia smiled “Yes this baby is so spoilt she has more than enough clothes that she can share with her new baby friend” she cooed as she looked back down at Sarah’s blushing face. Jessica walked over to the wardrobe and opened it up and began to go through Sarah’s baby clothing with a smile as Cynthia released her hand from the back of Sarah’s head “Snack times over baby” she announced and Sarah quickly removed her mouth from her mothers nipple, Cynthia quickly placed her bra back over her breast which caused Sarah to smile slightly “Well that’s over for another day but now Jessica knows that I suck on our mommy's boob just like a baby, another thing I’m going to have to live with when I finally get to grow up” she thought. Cynthia quickly adjusted Sarah on her lap, placing her arm under Sarah’s diapered bum she slowly stood up and carried her infantile daughter towards her crib. Sarah was lowered into the crib where she quickly lay down like she was supposed to as her mother picked up an adult-sized pacifier from the bedside table and popped it into her mouth, she bent over her daughter and gave her a kiss on the forehead as she raised up the side of the crib.

Sarah watched on from the confines of her crib as Cynthia turned around and buttoned up her blue blouse “Found anything?” she asked Jessica. Jessica turned and smiled “Yeah a few things actually, I think Baby Jenny would look adorable in this” she said as she held up a white frilly dress. Sarah smiled as she watched on “Yes take it, it doesn’t even reach the bottom of the diapers, it hugs my chest just like a shirt but as soon as it sits under my breasts it flails out like a dress that stops about halfway down of my diaper, if I was naked from the waist down you would be able to see everything” she thought as Cynthia approached the wardrobe and nodded “She will love that” she said as she began to help her daughter. Sarah let out a yawn from behind her pacifier as she watched her sister and mother pick out clothing, she closed her eyes briefly when Jessica asked “So you breastfeed Sarah?”. Sarah’s eyes widened and her chest ached as she lay inside her crib “This is so humiliating, why is she asking about it? I really didn’t want anyone to know about it” she thought as her mother nodded. Jessica looked at her mother puzzled “Why?” she asked, Cynthia smiled “She’s my baby girl it keeps us close and it’s just routine now, every day she gets her snack which makes her sleepy then she goes down for her nap” she said as she continued to pick out clothes. Sarah blushed as she sucked on her pacifier vigorously “Why did she tell her that it happened every day?” she thought as Jessica continued to look at her mother confused “Every day?” she asked. Cynthia sighed “Yes, I don’t like to break up baby Sarah’s routine otherwise she gets cranky, it started around Sarah’s first baby birthday when Emma breastfed Baby Katie and I saw baby Sarah staring at the feeding so I decided I would give the baby what she wanted” she said with a smile as Jessica shook her head.

Sarah’s eyes went wide as she shook her head “There is no way I wanted it! I couldn’t take my eyes off it because it was a grown woman sucking on another grown woman's breast not because I wanted to do it!” she sighed from behind the pacifier “She probably knows that though and it just makes me sound even more like the baby that I am” she thought. Jessica was now holding a large arm full of clothes and Cynthia the same as Jessica turned to her mother “This should do her till the orders arrive” she said as she turned to leave when Cynthia quickly walked over to the changing table “Don’t forget diapers” she said as she picked up a bag of rearz safari diapers. Jessica smiled “Oh yeah, I almost forgot, would have a cranky baby if she didn’t have any diapers to wear” she said with a laugh as they both left the nursery closing the door.

Chapter 25

Jenn faked a smile towards her aunt and uncle nervously as Phoebe smiled down at her “What a good baby she is” she cooed as Jenn blushed “I can’t believe I did every humiliating thing they told me to do, I grabbed a toy and hugged it, I lay on my back with my legs in the air and I even stuck my foot in my mouth. I must have looked so stupid” she sighed as Phoebe and Ben turned and walked back to the sofa and Ben shook his head “That was awkward, I can’t believe she did everything we asked her”. Jenn picked up a toy and stared at them from the confines of the playpen as Phoebe and Ben sat down and Phoebe turned to her boyfriend “I can” Phoebe continued “She has already experienced what happens when she is a bad baby and she is a smart little girl, she knows she doesn’t want to go through that again, I think Jessica will have an easy time with her” she said and Ben nodded as they both turned their attention to the young woman inside the playpen. Jenn blushed bright red as she looked down at the diaper resting between her legs “Phoebe doesn’t know as much as she thinks, yes I don’t want to get punished again like before but by playing this little game I will get free sooner, I just can’t believe what they put me through but it must prove that I will be good and hopefully they will tell my mother and she will relax when we get home and then I can make a run for it” she thought with a sly smile.

Jenn continued to hold onto the toy not really moving when Jessica and Cynthia entered the room, having already placed the clothing and extra diapers in Jessica’s car they smiled down at the infantile young woman which made Jenn blush bright red “It’s so humiliating to have to sit here in a diaper, I never wanted to get caught wearing diapers and I was happy for it be my little secret but now sitting around clearly wearing a diaper is so embarrassing. Why did I have to put one on this morning? I could have waited till I got home and this horrible experience would never have happened” she thought with a sigh. Jessica walked towards her daughter and smiled down “I hope you had fun playing with Aunty Phoebe and Uncle Ben” she cooed which caused Phoebe to chirp up “She was such a good little baby for us, did everything that we told her to do, she was adorable” she smiled. Cynthia turned towards her granddaughter and cocked her head as she thought for a second, Jessica noticed her mother in thought and raised an eyebrow “What’s up?” she asked. Cynthia shook her head “Nothing” she said unconvincingly, Jessica looked at her mother puzzled then turned her attention back to her infantile daughter “OK baby, its time to get you home and introduce you to your big sisters” she cooed.

Jenn’s eyes widened suddenly “I hadn’t even thought about that, my ten-year-old sister Katie is going to see me like this? Melly is only five and she is now considered my older sister? No I can’t go home like this” she thought for a second when a smile crossed her face “That will be the perfect time to run when we get home, it will just be me and mother then and when she opens the car door I will run for it. Not sure where but I have a few hours to think that one through” she thought when Cynthia quickly said “Before you go I need to get something for Baby Jenny”. Cynthia quickly turned and left the room before Jessica could respond “Right?” she said to nobody then turned back to her daughter “Let's get you out of here and say goodbye to your aunty and uncle” she cooed. She bent over the playpen and placed her hands under her daughter's armpits and lifted her easily up and over the playpen walls, Jenn was placed back down on her padded rear as she saw Phoebe stand up and drag Ben up off the sofa and walk towards her.

Phoebe squatted down in front of her niece and smiled “Goodbye Baby Jenny, maybe I can come to babysit you some time, Oh I could bring Baby Sarah and Baby Katie, wouldn’t that be fun” she cooed which made Jenn roll her eyes “There is no way I’m going to have Phoebe babysit me and definitely not going to have a play date with those two baby’s” she thought as Phoebe leant in and gave her a kiss on the forehead “Now you be a good baby for your mummy” she said with a smirk as she stood up. Ben looked uncomfortably down at Jenn and gave her a shy wave “Bye Jenn” he said as Cynthia returned. Ben quickly turned and walked back to the sofa as Cynthia held out the pair of pink locking mittens and pink booties “She is going to need these” she said to Jessica, Jenn looked up at the infantile mittens and booties with fearful eyes “No! With them on I won’t be able to make a run for it when we get home! I won't be able to do anything but go into the house and get introduced to my sisters as the new baby” she shook as Jessica took hold of the items with a puzzled look but didn’t say anything as she squatted down in front of her daughter “Lets get you ready to go home” she cooed. Jenn swallowed hard as her mother took hold of her hand “Do I fight it? Do I make a run for it now? No, I wouldn’t get anywhere and anyway I can still speak when I get home. I will shout my lungs out when the car door opens up and I won’t stop until someone comes to my rescue” she thought with a calm sigh as her mother placed her hands inside the confines of the mittens once again.

Jessica took hold of her daughters legs and began to place the rounded booties on each foot as Jenn looked up at her grandmother “Why did she decide I needed these? I have been good. I have done everything that they tell me” she thought with a puzzled look as her mother locked the booties in place. Jenn sat staring at the infantile items on her and sighed when Cynthia squatted down beside her “One last thing I think then you will be ready to go home baby girl” she cooed with a wicked smile. Cynthia stroked Jenn’s hair as she pulled out from her pocket the punishment pacifier, Jenn shook her head “No” she said as she tried to pull away but her grandmother's hand was now resting on the back of her head making it impossible for Jenn to move. “I can’t wear that again, it was so bad last time. I need to show that I can pretend to be good” she thought as she swallowed and opened her mouth “Me be good baby, me not need pacy” she said in her best baby voice which made her blush bright red. Cynthia shook her head as she moved the pacifier towards Jenn’s mouth “OK baby show me how good you can be and open up for your pacifier” she cooed, Jenn looked frantically around at her mother but she wasn’t saying anything as she continued to squat in front of her. The nipple approached her lips and fresh tears entered her eyes “I can’t shout or scream while wearing this! I’m going to go home just like a baby and if I try to fight out of it now she will only hold my nose like she did last time” she slowly shook her head as she closed her eyes and opened her mouth “But this will show I can do as I’m told” she thought. Jenn felt the large nipple enter her mouth, pushing her tongue down the rubber nipple filled her entire mouth and once again Jenn was unable to talk as Cynthia strapped the nipple around the back of her head. Jenn slowly opened her eyes as she looked down her nose at the ring of the pacifier sticking out “What am I going to do now though?” she thought miserably as her mother and grandmother stood up, “You need to watch her Jessica, I saw it in her eyes earlier she was planning on being naughty when you got home. I think it would have been when you pulled up to your house the naughty baby then would have made a run for it” Cynthia said calmly as more tears ran down Jenn’s face “How did she know? How am I going to get out of this now?” she thought with dread.

Chapter 26

Jenn was sweating with fear as she stared down at her mitten hands and the pacifier sticking out of her mouth “I’m not going to get out of this as soon as I thought, I hate being treated like a baby! I’m a grown woman!” she shouted in her head as her mother frowned down at her. “You sure she would do that?” Jessica asked her mother, Cynthia nodded “Yeah, she has done everything we have told her and hasn’t put up a fight for so long because she thinks it will lower our guard, Baby Sarah tried to do the exact same thing” she smiled down at her granddaughter “Silly baby, your mommy decides when its time for you to grow up not you” she cooed. Jenn felt cold all over “Here I was thinking I was being so smart and wondering why Sarah never tried to get out of this horrible state but she did and all I could think of was doing the same thing as her. I need to think of a new plan but if nothing worked for Sarah how am I ever going to get out of this” she shook nervously. Jessica shook her head “Well I best get her home and introduce her to her older sisters” she said with a cheeky smile as Cynthia laughed “I’m sure she is going to love that, I will carry her out to the car for you” she said.

Cynthia reached down and picked up the terrified Jenn who was still in a state of shock as she was placed on her grandmothers hip with her hand pressing against Jenn’s padded bum she spun her around to face Phoebe and Ben who were still sat on the sofa “Say bye bye little baby” she cooed. Jenn turned bright red as she looked at her Aunty Phoebe sitting on the sofa with a large smile “Bye Baby Jenny, I can’t wait to see you again” she cooed, Ben gave her a little smile as Cynthia spun her around to face the door. Jenn sighed “Well at least I wasn’t made to wave goodbye to them or something ridiculous” she thought as she was carried out of the room towards the front door. Jenn was shaking with fear as the front door opened and her grandmother carried her outside, She looked down at the diaper clearly on show and shuddered and quickly closed her eyes “I hope nobody sees me like this, this is so embarrassing. How was I ever going to just run for it when we got home when I’m shaking with embarrassment now. Could I have run away and had people see me dressed like this” she sighed from behind the pacifier as she was carried towards the car “Well I’m never going to find out now” she thought as the warm air touched her skin. Cynthia arrived at the car and opened the back passenger door, she lowered Jenn into the car when Jenn’s eyes suddenly opened as she found herself sitting in Sarah’s adult-sized car seat. As Jenn looked down at the car seat in shock her grandmother expertly strapped her arms in and attached the strap that ran just under her breasts, finally, she took the strap from between her legs and pulled it up over her diaper, squeezing it against Jenn and clicked it into place with the other straps. Jenn wanted to cry as she sat in the infantile seat “This is really happening, I’m going to be treated just like a baby when I get home there is no escaping it” she thought miserably as her grandmother gave her a kiss on forehead “Now you be a good baby for your mummy” she said firmly.

She closed the door and Jenn watched as her mother and grandmother chatted at the front of the car, Jenn looked down at her squashed diaper poking out from the strap that ran up it and tears began to roll down her face. “I bet she is giving her pointers on how to look after me, to make sure that I don’t misbehave and to watch out for little things. How am I ever going to get out of this horrible state when she has stuff like these” she thought as she raised her mitten hands in front of her “I can’t do anything with these on and not to mention the booties or the pacifier stuck in my mouth. I’m trapped” she wiped away the tears with her mitten hands and placed them down on her lap as her mother and grandmother hugged goodbye. Jessica got into the driver's seat and turned around to look at her adult baby “I hope you had fun at your grandmothers Baby Jenny” she mocked which caused Jenn to blush bright red “Now let's get you home little stinker” she cooed as she drove the car out of the driveway.

Jenn’s heart ached as she sat in the confines of the car seat “I wish I never put that diaper on this morning, why do I even like to wear them? I was so fascinated with Sarah wearing them that I had to try it and trying it was so taboo I remember my heart was racing that I was going to get caught, it’s really always been a rush to wear them knowing that I shouldn’t and look where that took me” she hung her head in shame as she stared down at the diaper “Definitely don’t feel any rush in wearing one now, just an overwhelming surge of embarrassment. How am I going to face my sisters when I get home? How am I going to face my friends? What story is my mother going to tell them? I can’t just vanish as Sarah did I have close friends that will want to know what's happening” she thought with dread as she suddenly felt exhausted. Jenn’s eyes were dozing when she suddenly sprang to life “Where am I going to sleep tonight? I won't be allowed to sleep in a bed, I remember hearing that when baby Sarah’s nursery wasn’t ready she slept in grandmothers room. I really hope I don’t have to sleep in mothers room or sleep in a crib. I hated being in Sarah’s crib earlier it felt like a jail I really hope mother doesn’t make me sleep in one of those. I don’t want to be a baby!” she thought with fresh tears.

Chapter 27

Sarah lay on her back in her crib sucking on her pacifier as the mobile turned above her head, she let out a sigh as she rolled onto her side and she felt the thick diaper between her legs and she quickly rolled back onto her back and stared up at the mobile spinning “What do I want?” she thought while shaking her head. She sighed again “Do I want to be a toddler? To wear pull-ups and to walk around? A few years ago I would have screamed for this opportunity but now I’m not so sure. I’m going to miss the feeling of wearing diapers and I don’t want to go through the embarrassment of using a potty around people, I’m used to using my diapers now and….” she rolled her eyes “I don’t know what I want, I shouldn’t be wearing diapers I’m 28 years old and the last four years have been so embarrassing wearing and using diapers, sitting around grown-ups while I wear my own poop then having a grown-up change me. Its something I have adjusted to and now that’s about to change I could wear pull-ups and not have to wear my own mess but that means having to be potty trained” she blushed bright red.

Sarah sighed “I’m getting embarrassed by having to go through potty training but not about wearing my own mess, I am wired wrong and what would my life be without feeling embarrassed every day? I can’t even imagine not feeling embarrassed for a day” she rolled her eyes “It's because it's a change and something I actually have to do, something I have to work at and it’s been four years since I’ve had to work at anything and really do anything. I’ve had grown-ups look after me, feed me, change me and dress me and now I might actually have a choice in some of that and it scares me. It actually scares me more than excites me now that I’ve had time to think about it” she rolled back onto her side as she sucked on her pacifier and closed her eyes. “What if I didn’t try, if I continued to just use my diapers and didn’t move around in that thing that Ben made for me would mummy just leave me as a baby then, would I ever get a chance to grow up? Grow up and have to work, have problems, make choices and feel stressed or stay as a simple baby? Wear and use diapers like I have done for years, crawl around and play with the toys that mummy gets me” she shook her head “I don’t know what I want but I should want to grow up and be like everyone else but for some reason I don’t. I need to try at least for a bit and if I don’t like being a toddler then I will just continue to be a baby” she nodded “I mean I don’t really mind being a baby” she thought as she felt the warm urine enter her diaper.

The end of Sarah's Story



Great so far