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Chapter 01

I hate this! I hate everything that has happened to me in the last few months. Who would have thought that my parents could even do this to me? I’m their only daughter and they completely ruined my life, I know a lot of eighteen-year-olds say that about there parents because they haven’t got the phone that they wanted or won't let them go to a party but my parents have literally ruined my life.

    I’m no longer Candis the young woman that had a job, friends and a life of my own, no I’m now something so degrading so humiliating so embarrassing that it hurts to even think about my old life and how much of it I miss. I miss the simple things that other eighteen year old's take for granted, I miss laughing with my friends, hell I miss laughing I can’t remember the last time that I truly laughed.

    I miss choices, the choice to choose my food or when to eat or drink, the choice of what to wear or when to go to bed. I don’t have any choice in anything anymore, the simple choices of choosing what underwear to wear, how much I miss wearing underwear the feel of silk against my skin that made me feel sexy or even wearing a bra, feeling support for my breasts and know that even with my short height that with my slim figure that I would still get stares from guys when I dressed sexy. Not anymore though, I never get stares off guys for looking sexy no they stare at me for very different reasons now.

    I miss toilets the most the choice to use a toilet, the actual idea of missing using a toilet is so stupid that it should never come up for someone my age. To be able to shut a door and have some alone time while I dealt with my business would be a dream come true right now, I never get any privacy anymore. I was toilet trained when I was two and since then like everybody else used the toilet for its intended purpose but now, now it’s so far removed from my life that it makes me cry on a regular basis.

    I need to stop thinking about everything I miss about being an eighteen-year-old woman, my parents have made it impossible for me to be that age now, without an ounce of warning or even any sort of explanation my parents turned me from a pretty young independent woman into the diaper-wearing Baby Candis. It’s utterly unfair and I have gone through the day that it all happened in my head so many times, trying to figure out if I could have done something to stop them or change their minds into turning me into this.

    Something I can’t get my head around is why? Why have they done this to me? They have never told me if I being punished for something or maybe it's some sort of life lesson, like don’t take anything for granted well if that was it then I have defiantly learnt that lesson but why turn me into a baby? Why make me wear diapers?

    The worst and most terrifying thing is that I don’t know how long they are planning on treating me like this, it’s been a few months now and I hoped it would have stopped now but it hasn’t. Oh god, the idea of it continuing for the next year is horrible but what if it goes for even longer, what if they never stop treating me like this? No, I can’t think that it must end at some point.

    That horrible day when it all started I got back from visiting my grandparents, my mommy and daddy made me stay with them for a few weeks and at the time I didn’t think much of it as for as long as I can remember I stayed at their place for a few weeks every year. When I got home on that Saturday though that's when my whole life changed and I can’t find any way to change it back.

Chapter 02

  I opened the front door to my family home and entered, I stopped in the hallway and removed my shoes and backpack that contained my dirty clothes from the stay at my grandparents. I admired myself in the full-length mirror that was hung in the hallway and smiled, I was wearing a black short-sleeve shirt that hugged my body in all the right places and a knee-length denim skirt. My blonde hair was tied up into a ponytail and I remember looking at myself and thinking I look good, my chest could be a bit bigger but with only being five ft tall having a large chest could make myself look a bit weird, I was slim and had curves in all the right places I was generally very happy with how I looked.

I turned from the mirror and shouted out “Mum? Dad? I’m home” but got no reply, I shrugged my shoulders and thought that they must in the back garden. I picked up my backpack and walked down the long hallway towards the kitchen, nothing seemed out of the ordinary that I can remember. As I was in the kitchen I decided to grab a drink, I couldn’t be bothered making anything, so I just grabbed a glass of water.

If I had known that that glass of water would be my last choice of a drink for a very long time I would have chosen something so much more exciting. Anything would have been better I had so many options but I decided to go with water in a plastic cup, why didn’t I choose a coffee? I miss coffee so much. I would always wake up in the morning and have a coffee and now I can’t really remember what it tastes like but I miss having it, hell with what happened next I would have chosen a pint of vodka and drank it as fast as I could if it meant not having to go through the next part of my life sober.

I arrived at my room and opened the white door, I took a step forward into the bright room but then stopped suddenly, my jaw and the cup of water fell to the ground as I stared at what was in front of me. My light blue walls were now painted a bright baby pink, my queen size bed that sat in the middle of the room was gone, replaced by a giant white baby crib that sat against the far wall and my computer desk and laptop had been replaced with a changing table. I shook my head in disbelief and quickly took a step back into the hallway not wanting to look at any more of the changes to my room.

I looked at the open bedroom door questionably thinking “I’m in the right house, I’m sure of it and this is my room or did I fall through into another dimension, I don’t understand why my parents would turn my room into a baby's nursery, my parents wouldn’t have any more kids and if they did they shouldn’t have used my room, the other bedrooms are much smaller they wouldn’t put a baby in my big room and make me go into the small room. Would they?” I thought as I slowly walked back down the hallway and I suddenly felt angry. “How dare they give my room away to a baby, it was my room with all my possessions in it, how dare they go in there and go through my things,” I thought as I threw my backpack to the ground and clenched my fists “Mum what the hell is going on?” I shouted as I turned back into the kitchen.

I stormed into the kitchen but nobody was around I shook my head “Where the hell are they?” I thought and walked to the back door to look into the garden but nobody was there “Mum I want my room back!” I shouted again and stormed off to the front of the house and down the hallway, I stopped at the door to the front living room and swung it open and rushed inside.

Inside the living room, my parents were sitting on the sofa across from the door, they were both smiling as I entered “I want my room back!” I shouted and my mum began to giggle “You have your room baby” I opened my mouth to shout again but stopped “What the hell is she talking about” I thought and shook my head “You have put baby things in my room, where the hell am I meant to stay?” I asked staring at them both. My dad smiled and stood up “Well my dear” he said in a calm voice while walking behind me and closing the door to the living room “You will be sleeping in there. Like your mommy said it’s your room” he stood behind me his great height making me feel small and scared, he was 6’2 and that height always scared me when growing up and I felt that same fear build up in me again.

I stared at my mum in a state of confusion “What do you mean I will be sleeping in there?” I let out a nervous laugh “I’m not going to be sleeping in a baby’s room I’m eighteen I’m not some baby” I said defiantly but my dad just laughed from behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders “Awww you silly little thing, you will always be our baby, so we decided to give you the room that suits you and the way you're going to be living your life” he slowly squeezed my shoulders as I began to shake all over “What? I’m not a baby and I will not be living in there!” I nervously shouted.

My mum shook her head and looked at my dad “Oh dear, I think she is going to be trouble” she then turned her attention to me and smiled “I think after we give you a bare bottom spanking then you will behave yourself. Then we can get you dressed and ready for the rest of your life as our little baby girl” she cooed and it sent shivers down my spine.

Chapter 03

 I couldn’t believe what my parents were saying it didn’t make any sense, my eyes were darting back and forth as I tried to understand. They wanted me to live my life as a baby, I’m eighteen years old, a grown woman but my parents didn’t care they had decided that from this moment I would no longer have the freedoms of an eighteen-year-old but have the humiliating life as a baby.

I tried to run away but my dad had a tight grip on my shoulders “Get off me” I shouted “I’m not going to be some stupid baby and you’re not going to make me one” I continued but my mum shook her head and looked at my dad “Bring the naughty girl here I’m going to have to spank her little bum until she learns who is the boss”. I was panicking now as my dad slowly dragged me towards my mum who sat on the sofa with a large smile on her face, I shouted and screamed and continued to try to get away but it was no use and I quickly found myself being lowered over my mum's lap and pinned down.

I tried to fight off my mum's lap but it was no use as she had me tightly pinned down. I began to tremble as I felt my dad’s hand around my skirt and slowly he pulled it down and off my legs revealing my round bum and my black thong. I tried to reach around and cover up my embarrassment when a hard slap to my firm bum cheeks ran through me and I froze in pain and terror. My cheeks began to burn and I felt tears in my eyes as I opened my mouth to plead them to stop when once again a hard slap vibrated my bum cheeks and the pain ran through my body. I couldn’t help but begin to cry as the spanking continued, I pleaded through cry's for my mum to stop, but she continued for another minute and when she finally stopped my bum felt like it was on fire. I rubbed the tears from my eyes as my mum gently patted my warm bum, my dad moved in front of me then squatted down, he took hold of my chin and lifted my head up until I was looking him in the eyes. With tears still streaming down my face he smiled a cold smile “Now baby, I hope you have learnt your lesson and will now be a good baby for us” I continued to cry and no idea what else to do, so I nodded my head.

I wish I had put up more of a fight at that point maybe it wouldn’t have gone as far as it has if I had shaken my head and tried to fight off mums lap. I was in so much pain and so embarrassed that I wanted to do anything to get out of that situation, If I had known that being spanked was just the tip of the iceberg to the embarrassment and pain then I would have fought them both with all my strength but instead I nodded my head and sealed my fate.

My dad smiled and I felt my mum release her grip on me and I quickly scurried off her lap and sat on the floor away from my parents, I wiped away the tears from my face as I rubbed my sore bottom with my other hand. I was shaking with fear as my dad came towards me I slowly scooted away across the floor, but he soon caught up and stood behind me “Stand up baby” he commanded, but I was too scared to move, so he shouted, “Stand up you naughty baby!” I jumped and fresh tears came into my eyes as I slowly stood up facing my mother once again while my dad stood behind me. I felt his hands on my waist and I felt cold as they grabbed hold of my black shirt and he slowly pulled it up I was about to stop him when I saw my mum shake her head and say “Don’t be naughty” I felt like I had been punched in the stomach as my hands dropped to my side and my dad pulled the shirt up my stomach, over my breasts and then off my head and down my arms. I was now standing in my matching black bra and thong in front of my parents. I turned white as a sheet at the humiliation of being forced to stand in my underwear in front of my parents but it just got worse, as I prepared to move my hands over myself to give me some modesty my dad quickly unclasped my bra and as I moved my hands to catch it he grabbed hold of my thong and pulled it straight down to the floor as I stared down to my ankles where my thong now was my dad grabbed my bra and tore it from my hands and threw it across the room.

I was exposed to my parents completely naked for the first time in years! I placed my arm across my chest as I tried to bend down and pull up my thong but my dad was standing on it pinning it down. I turned to him with pleading eyes but all he did was yank my arm away from my chest and made stand me up straight, he gave me a hard swat to my already saw bum and told me “Covering up is not allowed, if me or your mummy catch you trying to cover up again then you will be punished” He then bent down and took hold of my thong “Step out of your pretend big girl clothes baby” he mocked and stupidly seeing no other way to get out of it I stepped forward out of the thong. Now with nothing around to hide my nudity, my mum took a look at my bush-covered crotch, and she shook her head as she looked at my dad “We will have to shave her bare later, hair is no good for diapers! If we don't shave her, it will be a tough clean up for us after baby starts making poopy diapers for us” she giggled as my mouth fell open and I slowly realised what horrible plans they had for me.

Chapter 04

  I wanted it to all end for the world to open up and swallow me whole, my heart ached as I stood in the middle of the room naked with my mum staring at me like it was perfectly normal to see her eighteen-year-old daughter wearing no clothes in the middle of the living room. I didn’t know what to do as my hands dangled at my side, I was fighting the urge to cover myself up so bad I just wanted her to stop looking at me. When she finally said in mock soothing tones “Now baby girl, I want you to go and stand in the corner, with your hands folded behind your back” I blushed bright red and opened my mouth to protest when my dad gave me a hard swat on my rear, I jumped forward with fresh tears in my eyes and slowly walked towards the corner of the room.

Once in the corner, I folded my arms behind my back slightly thankful that they could no longer see my breasts or vagina, but I knew that now my round red bum was on display for them both to stare at. I sighed as I stared at the wall when my dad cleared his throat “Now baby, if you behave yourself this will go a lot easier for us all and in time you will get used to it and even enjoy your new baby life” I slowly shook my head thinking that he had gone insane, how could I ever get used it or even enjoy this humiliation. He continued “When you get out of that corner we expect you to be the perfect little angel, you will obey all the rules to your new life without question otherwise me or your mommy will have to punish our naughty baby” my eyes darted back and forth as I tried to comprehend what he was saying. I had to accept this or I would get punished, I couldn’t even imagine the punishments that they had in store for me at the time all I could think of was how bad my bum hurt and I didn’t want to be spanked again, I wish that’s all I had to worry about. My mum/mummy continued where my dad/daddy left off “You will no longer walk, you will crawl everywhere, you will not talk like a grown-up but baby talk, we will feed you and burp you and the number one rule is that you will never use a toilet, diapers will be on you 24/7 unless being changed or being given a bath and only a grown-up can touch your diapers, if we catch you touching your diapers you will be in serious trouble”.

I wanted to faint, my head was spinning, my mouth was dry, my legs were weak and I felt dizzy as I stared at the blurry wall in front of me I couldn’t believe anything they were saying, so much was changing at once. I remember the main thing that I focused on was never using a toilet, they wanted me to wear and use diapers, to have my own mess stay around my waist just like a baby, I shivered at the thought. My daddy continued “Now baby lets see if you have listened and are ready for your new life. Come over to mummy and ask for a diaper change” I felt cold all over I couldn’t move my bum was still on fire and from the spanking earlier but even that couldn’t motivate me to do what they asked. I just continued to stand in the corner not saying a word slowly shaking when I heard my daddy tutting from behind and I knew I was in trouble now but I still couldn’t bring myself to move.

Suddenly I felt a hand grab hold of me and in one quick motion I was spun around and pulled over my daddy’s knee, his hand came crashing down on my already sore bum and I let out a loud cry as the pain ran through my body, he gave me two more slaps on each cheek as I cried just like the baby they wanted me to be. He rolled me off his knee and lay me on the floor on my back when my mommy came over to me with scissors, a razor and shaving cream, she was shaking her head as I continued to cry “I thought you were a smart baby and would do what we say but as your naughty you're going to be punished little one, first we are going to get rid of all that pretend big girl hair” she said as I continued to cry. I made no attempt at stopping her as she clipped away at my pubic hair too afraid to move I watched as she slowly removed all the hair leaving me as hairless as a baby.

Once the shaving was over I thought that was it, that was my punishment to be shaved, but I was so wrong. My daddy quickly picked me up and placed me on his knee again. I began to cry immediately as I thought another spanking was coming on my already painfully sore bum cheeks but then from the corner of my eye I saw my mother put on rubber gloves and carry a bag towards us. She squatted down with my rear directly in her face and I began to shake again, I didn’t know what was coming and there was no way of preparing myself for it. I felt hands on my bum cheeks, I didn’t know what was going to happen when suddenly they were slowly spread apart, I cried out but it didn’t help as my buttocks were spread apart. I began to shake again as I had no idea what was coming when suddenly I let out a yelp, As I felt a finger enter into my bum, my eyes scrunched shut and I bit my lip as a second finger entered and began to move around. My mommy commented “Oh the baby has a tight bum bum, we will have to change that now won't we daddy” my daddy laughed as my mommy continued to move her fingers around inside me.

Her fingers then slowly moved in and out and my ass felt like it was on fire, I couldn’t believe the pain I was going through when it eased up and I let out a sigh of relief but it was short-lived when I let out another yell of surprise when the first was inserted, I felt my mother’s finger enter once again and I wanted to scream but once again it left, I continued to look at the floor in utter shock but relieved that it was finally over but then I shook as once again I felt my mommy’s finger enter me, I let out a yelp as the finger felt deeper than it had the first time and it stayed in for a while then my mommy said “There we go baby, two suppositories for our little baby”.

Chapter 05

  My mommy removed her finger and my ass felt like it was on fire, it was a strange new pain that I hadn’t felt before but one that I would know many times afterwards. I had tears in my eyes and all I wanted to do was hide in a corner with my pain and humiliation but my parents had other plans for me. mommy left me over her lap with as tears continued to flow to my face as she gently patted my sore bottom and cooed “Now baby, we hope that we don’t have any more problems from you and that you will be a good little baby for us or mommy and daddy will have to punish you more, do you understand baby?”. I didn’t know what to do I stared at the floor shaking with tears streaming down my face, I didn’t say a word until mommy’s pats got harder as she repeated “Understand baby?” I quickly cried out “Yes I will be good”.

Mommy stopped patting my bum as my daddy walked away, I heard him pulling something out from a bag then place it on the floor beside me. I nervously turned my head and I couldn’t believe my eyes as I saw an adult-sized diaper lying on the floor, I remember thinking I didn’t even know they made diapers for adults and now there’s one inches away from me. I began to shake as my mommy lifted me off her knee and I rolled onto the floor, I quickly began to rub my bum to soothe the pain but mommy took my hand and gave it a slap “You are not to touch your bum bum that is for grown-ups only” my bottom lip began to tremble I just wanted to run away but I was too afraid.

My mommy was still sitting on her knees beside me when she pointed at the diaper near me “Now baby Candis get your cute little bum bum onto the diaper and mommy will get you ready for the rest of your life” she giggled which sent a chill down my spine as I slowly turned to look at the diaper. The last thing I wanted to do was sit on the diaper, I felt light-headed as I continued to stare at it, I couldn’t believe it was happening and that a diaper was actually waiting for me. I heard my mommy sigh “Baby Candis you sit on that diaper this minute or you will be in so much trouble!” she shouted and I jumped. I still couldn’t move but then I felt my stomach rumble and I knew that I was going to poop very soon.

I quickly thought could I hold it but I knew what my mommy had put in me would force me to poop sooner rather than later and I wouldn’t be able to stop it, I couldn’t run to the toilet or I would get punished and if I pooped on the carpet I would get my ass turned red and blue. I felt sick as I knew that the best thing for me to do was to sit on the diaper and then ask if I could use the toilet. It was a horrible decision to make but I couldn’t see any way around it and I thought that I would be allowed to use the toilet, I was wrong.

I slowly crawled the short distance towards the diaper and felt the soft fabric under my hands and felt chills down my spine as I slowly turned and sat down on the diaper, the first diaper I had worn in almost fifteen years. I kept my legs firmly together trying to keep some type of modesty as I sat on a diaper naked with my mommy inches away from me but it didn’t last as my mommy quickly took hold of my legs and spread them apart, my vagina was now on full display as my mommy and daddy smiled at me. Mommy shuffled forward and between my legs and cooed “Now lie down baby, so I can make sure your diaper is on nice and tight”. My head was aching and I just wanted it to be over, I was exhausted physically and emotionally that I slowly lay down and stared up at the ceiling. I didn’t have a choice I hope that you all understand I didn’t know what I could do to get out of it as I felt my mommy pour baby powder on my vagina and quickly tape me up into the most infantile and degrading underwear possible.

I didn’t want to look down as I felt the plastic rustle as I moved my leg slightly, I felt the strange padding between my legs and I remember thinking I’m never going to get used to that. I took a deep breath and looked down at my waist and tears streamed down my face once again as I stared at the diaper, I couldn’t think it could get any worse when my stomach cramped up suddenly and turned white. I looked across to my mommy with panic in my eyes as she smiled down at me “Awwww doesn’t she look adorable daddy, I could just eat her all up” she cooed when suddenly I let loose a very unladylike trump, I was mortified as I knew I didn’t have long left. I swallowed hard as I blurted out “I need to go to the toilet, please!” I pleaded. My mommy folded her arms and frowned at me and shouted “You naughty baby! The rules are you are now a baby!” I shook nervously as she continued shouting “You speak baby talk, you wear and use your diapers just like the baby that you now are! Now for being so naughty you're going straight to bed and you won’t be getting out until tomorrow!  

Chapter 06

 I couldn’t believe what mommy was saying I quickly looked up at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 10 am I had only been home for less than an hour and in that time they had stripped me naked, spanked me, shaved me and placed a diaper on me and now I was being sent to bed for the night. I was terrified as my mommy frowned at me “Now tell mommy you will be a good baby and that you are sorry for pretending to be a grown-up!” She shouted I felt my cheeks burning with embarrassment as my mouth became dry I didn’t want to say it but I did so I wouldn't get into any more trouble, I closed my eyes as I slowly opened my mouth but the words wouldn’t come out. I just couldn’t do it and my mommy was not happy about that, she shook her head “You are such a naughty baby what are we going to do with you” she said then she turned towards daddy with a smile “You know that thing that arrived that we ordered by accident?” Daddy slowly nodded “Yeah? What about it?” he asked as mommy turned back towards me “Well seeing as she doesn’t want to talk I think it will be a perfect way to teach her a lesson” she said. Daddy shrugged his shoulders as he left the room, I sat frozen the unfamiliar diaper wrapped around my waist and my stomach feeling bloated I knew at any moment I would be filling the diaper and I couldn’t do anything about it.

Daddy quickly returned with his hands behind his back “Are you sure?” He asked which my mommy nodded “Yes this will teach her to talk like a good baby” she said. Daddy shook his head “OK my love” he said as he produced his hands holding up the item before me. My jaw dropped as I stared at what can only be described as a dildo gag, a black dildo that had straps running off the base, I began to sweat nervously as he approached me “Open up little one” he cooed and before I could come to my senses and close my mouth he shoved the dildo into my gawping mouth. I can’t believe I didn’t close my mouth in time I just sat there with my mouth wide open like an idiot.

He quickly strapped it tightly around the back of my head and then I heard a click and he moved back holding a key. I knew it was locked to my head but I still moved my hands up to my mouth and tried to pull the horrible thing off me, I could feel the dildo in my mouth and I wanted it out straight away but there was no use it was locked on tight. Mommy smiled at my scared face and then giggled “Yes perfect, maybe that will teach you to talk like the baby that you are” she said as she stood up “Now baby, get onto your hands and knees and crawl after mommy to your nursery, If you don’t then you might find more things inside you” she laughed and I felt cold with shame.

She began to walk out of the room and I didn’t see any other choice in front of me, I didn’t want any more punishments and I knew that soon I was going to poop and if I was alone I might be able to do it out of the diaper. I slowly got up onto my hands and knees while clenching my cheeks together I began to crawl after my mommy out of the room and down the hallway. I felt so ridiculous with the diaper wrapped around my waist rustling every time I moved I still couldn’t believe it was real. I followed mommy down the hallway into the kitchen where only a short time ago I was pouring a glass of water for myself now I couldn’t even have a drink if I wanted to not with the dildo surrounding my mouth.

Soon we arrived at the door to what was once my bedroom and now my nursery and as she opened the door and walked in I slowly followed, the sight of the horribly styled baby room made me feel sick everything that was once mine had been replaced with the most infantile furniture imaginable. Mommy lowered the side rail of the crib and then turned back towards me “Now baby lets get you into your crib” she cooed. Before I knew it she was lifting me up into the air, I have no idea how she did it so easily but there didn’t appear to be any strain for her lifting me up. She spun me around and I quickly looked into the single mattress crib. There was a pink sheet covering the mattress with no pillow or blanket on the bed which I found confusing, mommy sat me down on the pink sheet and I felt the plastic underneath crinkle. She smiled down at me as I looked around at the bars that surrounded me when she gently pushed me down into a lying position. I stared up at the mobile that hung over me when suddenly I felt my arm being pinned down, I looked over in shock when mommy tightened a strap and closed the lock. My arm closest to my mommy was locked down to the crib unable to move off the mattress when she quickly moved down to my foot and did the same.

One side of my body was locked down to the crib unable to move I swore inside my head knowing that I would never be able to get out of the crib to use the toilet now but I did remember thinking I could still take the diaper off and once I did I would then think of the next step. My mommy must have known this as she bent down and pulled something out from under the crib and then took hold of my free hand and quickly placed a pink mitten over it. My thumb was useless as it pressed up against my hand and I tried to move my fingers but it was no use the soft padding inside the mittens made it impossible. Mommy pulled on a chain around the wrist and that to was locked in place.

She bent down once again and pulled out a baby blue wool blanket from under the crib and quickly covered me she then smiled at me as she bent over and gave me a kiss on the forehead “Now little baby, I could have locked all your little hands and feet down but I thought I would be kind and let you roll onto your side if you want to. Now if you are a good baby then later I might remove that naughty thingy from your mouth but for now, baby enjoy your crib” she cooed as she lifted up the side the of the crib surrounding me with bars. She closed the thick dark curtains which reduced the room to near darkness and then left as I felt my stomach give in and my diaper suddenly filled up with my own horrible poop.

Chapter 07

  I felt the warm mess flow out of me and fill up the seat of the diaper, tears ran down my face as I couldn’t do anything to stop the horrible soft mess surround my bum cheeks, I lifted my bum off the mattress slightly as it continued to fill my diaper. I remember it I wanted to be sick from the smell, the horrible smell that I have now become used to, the smell that enters my nostrils at least once a day now made me want to freak out at that moment. I remember I was shaking with shame as I finally finished pooping, my bum still raised up off the mattress I looked down at my padded groin in shock. I was 18 years old and now wearing a poop-filled diaper with a dildo strapped into my mouth while being strapped down inside an adult-sized crib, my head pounded trying to cope with the situation.

A few minutes had passed and my lower back began to ache I scrunched up my eyes as I mentally prepared myself for the horrible task of lowering my bum down onto the mattress. Slowly and gently I moved my bum down onto the mattress and I felt the poop press-up against me, it moved around slightly spreading more around my cheeks and between my legs and I bit down on the dildo strapped in my mouth in anger. My eyes shot open and I banged my free mitten hand against the side of the crib in frustration, I tried to take hold of the diaper to remove it but my hand was useless inside the mitten, I banged my head on the mattress a couple of times which didn’t do anything as I continued to bite down on the dildo.

I took a deep breath through my nose and finally unclenched my jaw from around the dildo and lifted my head up and stared at the diaper, the same questions ran through my head as they do today and I still don’t have answers to most of them. Why were my parents doing this to me? How long are they going to treat me like this? Would I be treated like a baby full time? Who else knows about it? Unfortunately for me I was going to find out the last question very soon but at the time I hoped it was just my parents and that I would get out of this horrible situation very soon, I was wrong on both counts.

My mind couldn’t switch off as I lay inside my once grown-up bedroom which was now my nursery I couldn’t stop thinking that I was eighteen years old and wearing diapers, eighteen years old and using diapers, eighteen years old and being forced to wear and use diapers by my parents. I wished and prayed so hard that someone would come in a save me, I didn’t care if they were entering the room to see me like this if they were going to free me of the misery. I still daydream about being rescued, not as much as I did but while I’m sitting inside my playpen being forced to play with a doll I would fantasies that a strong man would burst into the room, scoop me up and tell me everything was going back to normal but then I get snapped back to reality by either my mommy checking my diaper or by me using my diaper and the reality of being an adult baby makes me very depressed so much that I now try to stop myself from thinking that way.

Time passed and the mess inside my diaper began to cool and it sent shivers through me that I really wanted a diaper change now, I wanted the dildo out of my mouth as it had become very dry and I wanted to be released from the crib and I didn’t care what I had to do for it to happen. I can’t believe how quickly they had broken me I think I had only been in that crib for a couple of hours and I would have done anything to get out of it, it’s pathetic how quickly I cracked but until you go through something like that yourself, you're not going to know how long you will last. I had been humiliated, spanked, my mommy had entered me, placed into a diaper and strapped down in a crib while I messed that diaper. I just wanted to be somewhat free even if that freedom was to be treated like a baby at least I would be in a clean diaper and not have a dildo in my mouth.

I stared at the door for an age wishing my mommy would come in, so I could get the diaper off, and she could remove the dildo but when the door finally opened I blushed bright red and felt completely humiliated as my mommy walked into the room carrying a large baby’s bottle with a smile from ear to ear “I think baby made a stinky in her diapee” she cooed loudly and my head began to pound again, I wasn’t prepared for her to talk about the state of my diaper and it was humiliating to know that she knew I had used it just like a baby. She walked over to me as I continued to blush bright red and lowered the side of the crib “Now baby I’m going to remove that naughty thing from your mouth, if you're a good little baby then it can stay out” she cooed as my eyes light up. She reached behind my head and unlocked the restraints and slowly she removed the black dildo from my mouth, I had only a second to stretch my dry mouth before she shoved the large rubber nipple of the bottle into my mouth and without thinking I began to suck on the infantile bottle but I couldn’t help but smile as the cool water entered my mouth, it was like a flood washing over a desert. I continued to lay inside the crib as my mommy held onto the bottle smiling down at me “Now baby when I remove your bottle you have to tell me in your best baby voice how much you want me to change your dirty diaper” she cooed and my smile quickly vanished as did the water from inside the bottle.

Chapter 08

I began to panic as I sucked on the large nipple of the bottle, how could I talk like a baby and admit that I’m wearing a messy diaper. My eyes darted back and forth trying to figure out a way to get out of it but nothing came to mind, If I didn’t would I get punished again? My bum cheeks still stung from the spanking, my bum still ached from my mommy entering me and I did want to get out of the dirty diaper would it be so bad? I watched as the bottle slowly emptied and I closed my eyes knowing I had no choice but to do what my mommy said and as the nipple was gently removed from my mouth I swallowed hard, I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment as I said in the best baby voice I could think of “I want mommy to change my dirty diaper so much, I hate being in a messy diaper please change me”. I paused waiting for my mommy to say something, but she didn’t, slowly I opened my eyes and saw my mommy smiling down at me “Good baby, now say it again but look at mommy when you say it, also admit that you're a baby, tell me you will be a good baby from now”.

I felt tears begin to form as I ran through everything that she had said it was difficult enough saying it with my eyes shut but to look at her while I say it would be near impossible and to admit that I’m now a baby and I will actually be a good baby for her I just couldn’t do it, I opened my mouth a couple of times but the words couldn’t come out. My mommy didn’t like this and she shook her head “OK baby, you don’t want to get your diaper changed that’s fine with me, maybe several more hours in it will change your mind”. My eyes widened and I felt sick at the thought of wearing my poop-filled diaper for several hours I swallowed hard “Me be good baby, me...” but my mommy  placed her finger on my lips and shook her head “It’s to late baby, it’s now playtime for baby” she cooed and with that she brought out a large pacifier and said “Now baby, while your sucking on the pacifier you don’t speak, the only time you can talk like a baby is when a grown-up remove’s your pacifier, if you take it out yourself then you will be punished, now open up baby girl”. I stared at the large nipple as it made its way towards my mouth and I wasn’t going to open my mouth until I remembered about the dildo that had just been removed from my mouth, I couldn’t have that back in and if it was either that or a pacifier I had to choose the pacifier. I opened my mouth and my mommy placed the pacifier inside, slowly I began to suck on the large nipple feeling utterly defeated as my mommy smiled down at me.

Mommy then removed the blue blanket exposing my naked chest and my soiled diaper to her which made me blush. I couldn’t stand that my parents were seeing me like this, that they were forcing me to be like this. I looked down my body at the large diaper and I wanted to cry all over again, to see it wrapped around me again was horrible but it's a sight I have gotten used to overtime. Mommy then began to remove the restraints that attached to the crib, soon my ankles and wrists were free but I was too afraid to move them I just lay in the crib naked apart from the heavily soiled diaper sucking on the pacifier as my mommy stood over me with a smile

She placed her hands under my armpits and guided me down onto the floor where I sat on my legs not wanting to put any pressure on my full diaper but my mommy noticed this and frowned “Baby girl, you sit on your diaper bum, you sit with your legs straight and wide now do it right now or mommy punish baby” she said sternly as she placed her hands on her hips. I swallowed hard as I continued to suck on the pacifier my chest ached and I wanted to be sick knowing the feeling that I was about to endure. Slowly I moved my legs out from under me and lowered myself down onto my bum, I felt the mess spread around and stick to my cheeks even more and I wanted to scream but I couldn’t I just sat there sucking on the pacifier like the giant baby that my parents wanted me to be.

I hung my head in shame as my mommy walked towards the door and cooed “Follow mommy baby girl it’s playtime” I nervously looked up at her confused as she smiled “Come on stinky crawl for mommy” she mocked which caused me to blush. I felt so angry at her she made me sit down in my mess just to get back up and crawl after her and the only reason I stink right now is because of her, I still had control of everything if it wasn’t for her I would still be clean. I slowly got up onto my hands and knees and felt the diaper sag slightly which made me feel cold and slowly began to crawl towards her. The diaper felt horrible it stuck to me as I crawled and a fresh smell was escaping from it as I moved.

Slowly I crawled towards my mommy and she led the way out of my bedroom and down the hallway, I couldn’t stop shaking and thinking to myself how long is this going to last, what's going to happen to me mentally and will I just give in and eventually do everything they tell me? My mind was racing that I hadn’t noticed that we had arrived in the family room my mommy stepped aside and I looked up at the sofa and saw my daddy sitting on the sofa when my eyes almost bulged out of my head, sitting beside him was Summerville, a friend and neighbour. She was staring down at me with a smile and a giggle, I had just crawled into the room wearing nothing but a full diaper and sucking on a pacifier my chest ached and my head felt fuzzy and I fainted on the spot.

Chapter 09

  I couldn’t believe that Summerville was sitting beside my daddy as I entered the living room, how could they let her see me like that! I’ve known her for years, she was my old babysitter with her being six years older than me, she is now twenty-five and we had become really good friends as we both got older but now she has seen me crawling around in a full diaper just like a baby. I’m surprised I only fainted and didn’t just die of embarrassment on the spot, I can’t believe she just sat there giggling at me and didn’t do anything to help me or make me feel better.

I felt groggy and my head was pounding as I slowly awoke I opened my blurred eyes as I slowly became aware that something was patting my messy bum, I could smell the foul smell that emitted from diaper and it sent shivers through me. I felt the rubber nipple of the pacifier was still in my mouth and I began to suck on it without thinking as my vision came into focus. I rubbed my eyes with my mitten hands when they came into focus and they shot wide open and I stopped sucking on the pacifier as I looked up at my friend cradling me and I realized it was her hand that was patting my padded rear as she smiled down at me “There’s the baby” she cooed as I went white as a sheet. My mommy then lent into view with a smile “Awww baby must have been exhausted it's been a very busy day for such a little girl” she cooed. I felt sick as Summerville began to giggle down at me “Awww poor baby” she said with a smile. I didn’t know what to do as I stared up at my friend I wanted to run away, I wanted to scream and shout but I also didn’t want to be punished again especially not with her there and I wanted out of the messy diaper that still covered me and that she continued to pat as she cradled me in her arms.

My mommy bent over me and placed her hands under my armpits and lifted me up off my friends lap and placed me on floor diaper first, I felt poop inside my diaper press against my bum cheeks as I quickly stared down at the floor humiliated as Summerville said “Awww I was enjoying cuddling the baby”. I heard my mommy giggle as she sat beside my once close friend “Don’t worry there will be plenty of chances to cuddle the baby but it’s playtime for her now” she said as I heard my daddy appear beside me “I think these will do for the baby” he said. I nervously looked up at my daddy and saw that he had his arms full but from the angle I couldn’t tell what he was carrying but I knew I wasn’t going to like it when I found out. He began to squat down when Summerville quickly said “Why don’t we let the baby play outside in the back garden, it’s such a warm day” my chest ached and my head throbbed as I thought about what she had said. I couldn’t even imagine going outside wearing a messy diaper, mittens and sucking on a pacifier while my breasts and humiliation was on show for any curious neighbour that looked over the fence. I looked up at my mommy with pleading eyes but she was already nodding at Summerville “That’s a great idea, daddy can you carry babies toys outside and Summer can you go and get the large pink blanket from Candis’ nursery?” she asked. Summerville looked at my mommy confused “Her nursery?” she asked which caused my mommy to giggle “Oh yes, it’s where her room has always been but it's now more age-appropriate for little baby Candis” she cooed as she turned back to my blushing face. Summerville quickly stood up “Oh wow, I have to see that and the pink blanket?” she asked, her mother nodded “Yes it’s just behind her changing table” she said which caused Summerville to giggle as she nodded and left the room.

My mother stood up from the sofa “Follow mommy little stinker” she cooed, I was shaking with nervous energy as I got up onto my hands and knees and began to follow my mommy out of the living room, I crawled behind my mommy my mouth dry as I continued to shake I couldn’t believe that I was about to go outside dressed like this. I wanted to get up and run, run for the front door but when I finally built up enough courage to do run when Summerville appeared behind me “Is this it?” she asked as my mother turned her head and smiled “That’s it”. I could feel Summerville’s eyes locked onto me as I crawled through the house behind my mommy, I still wonder to this day what she thinks of the situation, She must know that my parents are forcing me into this life of misery and humiliation and if she does then why hasn’t she helped me? Why hasn’t she ever tried to stop it? We were friends for such a long time and now I’m just a baby to her, someone that crawls around in messy diapers while sucking on pacifiers.

We arrived at the back sliding door and I saw my daddy standing outside on the wooden decking waiting for us, his hands were now free and I noticed that around his feet were an array of baby toys ready to embarrass me by making me feel more like a baby. I slowed to a stop as I felt the warm sun on my naked skin and I looked around and the fences that surrounded the garden and shook when Summerville gave my rear a gentle kick “Go on baby” she cooed. I looked up and saw my mommy was now outside on the decking next to daddy and they were both frowning at me, I continued to shake as I held my breath and slowly crawled forward out of the house and onto the decking. Summerville quickly walked past me and placed the large pink blanket on the floor in front of me, I noticed it wasn’t a normal blanket it was covered in plastic and was very thick it looked like a giant changing mat which made me blush. I remember my heart racing as I thought they wouldn’t change my diaper out here, would they? It’s just here so I can sit on it instead of the hard decking, I was sure of it. “Now sit down on your blanket baby” my mommy cooed which sent shivers down my spine and I quickly looked around hoping nobody heard that and I quickly crawled onto the blanket making the plastic covered mat rustle underneath me until I reached the centre and sat back down on my messy bum.

I couldn’t stop looking around nervously while sucking on the pacifier, I had only ever been out in the back garden topless once, It was a really nice hot day and I had decided that I needed a tan. I had a white bikini on and went outside, I even remember thinking that the bikini looked very sexy on me. I nervously looked around as I removed my bikini top, my heart was racing as I looked down at my breasts and I slowly lay down on a sun lounger but I was too nervous that someone might see me and I quickly sat back up and put it back on but now here I was sitting outside on a changing mat in a soiled diaper with my breasts on display for anyone to see with no choice of covering myself up.

Chapter 10

  Only a few hours ago I was eating breakfast and having a conversation with my grandparents about guys that I liked and how it’s difficult to get a job and was treated like an adult, I was wearing my own clothes and eating what I wanted. How much my life changed in such a short period I was now outside wearing a diaper that had been forced on me that I then pooped into and left in for hours as a punishment by my parents. The constant reminder of what I was being forced to wear by either the feel of the warm sticky mess pressing up against me or the disgusting smell that was emitting from between my legs was utterly humiliating and degrading and there was nothing I could do about it. I sat on the changing mat nervously as I was very aware that I was wearing nothing but a soiled diaper and with my breasts on display to anybody that looked over the fence, my parents and my next-door neighbour looking down at me with wicked smiles as they placed the baby toys around me.

I stared down at the toys scattered around me, I couldn’t take my eyes off the infantile items not moving when Summerville squatted down in front of me with a smile as she picked up a baby rattle and shook it directly in my face “Here baby, you shake it like this” she cooed at me which caused me to quickly tense my jaw with anger. My oldest and closest friend was happily going along with this horrible punishment that my parents were putting me through. I wanted to shout out and snatch the rattle off her and smack her across the face with it, and I was about to when I felt my stomach cramp up again. My eyes widened with fear but Summerville didn’t seem to notice as she handed me the rattle “Now shake it baby” she cooed once again, I began to shake with embarrassment as I knew what was going to come next. My heart was racing as I nervously looked up at my parents who were holding each other in a hug as they looked down at me while smiling, my head began to race and I felt like I was going to be sick as I knew that I was about to mess myself right in front of them and Summerville.

I still hate using my diapers when people are around, it's humiliating to be doing something that was once so private and personal in front of people in something that is so infantile and degrading. This time when I couldn’t control myself when I knew that I was about to fill the diaper even more with my poop made me want to die on the spot from humiliation. It was a clear sign that they were winning that they were turning me into the baby that they wanted and I couldn’t stop them. As Summerville handed me the rattle I let out a loud fart and I felt cold as ice another wave of warm poop entered into my diaper. My heart ached as I continued to fill up the diaper, I didn’t move an inch as I held onto the rattle when Summerville took hold of my hand and began to shake it, making the rattle shake also “That’s it baby, you shake it like this” she cooed. My mouth was dry as I looked up at her with tears in my eyes, I wanted her to see my distress, my hurt and my humiliation, I hoped that it would make her feel some compassion and stop what she was doing but as I continued to fill the diaper with a few more unladylike trumps Summerville continued to smile at me as she shook my hand.

I finally felt myself stop and I gagged on the fresh smell that wafted up from the now full diaper, Summerville released my hand and I continued to shake the rattle as tears ran down my face, she smiled at me and stroked my hair “What a good baby you are, that’s it you just sit and play, the grown-ups will take care of everything. It doesn’t matter how much you make a stinky your mummy, daddy or Aunty Summer will change your little baby bum” she cooed as my eyes widened with shock. She quickly turned her head and looked up at my parents “I will go and get her diapers, she needs a change” she said. My mommy appeared to think it over for a second and then nodded “OK, I think she will be a good baby” she said. I continued to stare at my friend as I ran through what she had just said, Summer would change my diapers in the future, I shook all over when she suddenly stood up and walked inside, my head was swimming and I had very mixed emotions with what was about to happen. I wanted to be free of the diaper and its contents but I never really thought about what that would mean, someone is going to change me just like a baby. I looked up at my parents again who were still smiling down at me and I shook with fear as I realized that they would once again see me naked, see me with poop all over what was only a couple of hours ago my private area. Even worse it was either going to be them or Summerville that would clean me, the idea of them cleaning my vagina free of my own mess sent chills all over me. I sat in the warm poop-filled diaper shaking furiously as I dreaded the return of my once close friend, I wanted to run into the shower and wash everything off me in private but that wasn’t going to happen. Summerville appeared with a large smile on her face as she carried a large white diaper and a box of baby wipes it was only at this moment that I quickly looked around the fences and a cold wind passed over me shaking me to my core as I realised that I was about to get the diaper changed outside.

Chapter 11

   I spend most of my days now being babysat by Summerville while my parents go off to work, I hated it at first but over time it just becomes normal. Just like everything with my new life as a baby I first hate it but then I get used to it over time. I still hate it but I know there isn’t anything I can do about it and it’s now just a normal part of my humiliating life. I’m really disappointed in myself for that I should be fighting this life every day and not just sit back and get used to being treated like a baby. Well at first I did, after the shock of the first day I vowed not to let them get away with this and fight against them but after spankings, enemas, butt plugs, gags and being strapped down in my crib for hours in messy diapers the fight left me and I just let them control me.

I hated the first time I was babysat by Summerville but not as much as the first time she changed my diaper, sitting outside wearing nothing but a heavily soiled diaper while my parents looked down at me while hugging each other. Summerville squatted down in front of me with a large smile on her face while I couldn’t stop shaking, my head was pounding and my heart was racing. I felt like I was going to be sick as she took hold of the fresh white diaper, she unfolded it and placed it on the blanket beside me. I couldn’t stop staring at it with tears in my eyes, I didn’t want to wear another diaper I just wanted to be released from this one and return to my normal life but that wasn’t going to happen. Summerville placed her hands on my shoulders and began to push me down “Lie down baby so Aunt Summer can change your smelly bum bum” Tears rolled down my face and everything became blurry as I slowly lay down on my back.

I can’t tell you why I let her do that, looking back on it I should have put up a fight but I didn’t. It was probably a lot of different reasons, I was exhausted by this point emotionally and physically, the tortures of the day had taken their tolls on me. I also couldn’t think properly, trying to remember back to it is like seeing it through a haze, like its happening to somebody else. Probably though the main reason I let her lie me down was that I would have done anything if it meant being released from that diaper. So I lay on my back staring up into the sky as my oldest friend placed her hands on the tabs of the diaper and released them.

I felt a shot of cold humiliating energy run through me as Summerville slowly took hold of the front of the diaper and gently pulled it away from me, the smell hit me like a ton of bricks and I quickly shut my eyes as I gagged on the stench. I suddenly jumped as a cold wet item touch the top of my waist, I quickly opened my eyes and looked down and I wanted to throw up. Looking down past my breasts and my flat stomach was my poop covered groin which Summerville was gently wiping clean with a wet wipe. I quickly closed my eyes again and swore to myself for looking, I couldn’t stop shaking with embarrassment as my friend continued to wipe me clean. I wish I had never looked down, to see my most intimate and private parts looking and smelling so filthy made me feel like there was no chance of going back to my old life.

Summerville continued to clean me while I lay shaking on the back decking when she suddenly took hold of my ankles and lifted my legs up into the air, I felt my bum slowly come away from the stick diaper and my heart began to slow down, I hated that they were all staring at me but that was outweighed by the feeling of being away from the diaper. “Wow, she sure did make a big mess” Summerville said as she stared at my bum, I went white as a sheet as tears continued to run down my face when I heard my mommy say “Oh yes, her bum bum is covered, here let me help you or you will be at it for hours” she said with a giggle. My mouth was as dry as the desert as I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mommy squat down beside my friend, I soon felt both of them get to work on cleaning my bum as my heart began to race once again. It felt like time had stopped, a never-ending job was going on at my bum and with every wipe I thought that must be it but it continued. I have no idea how long it took them but it wasn’t over quick enough, knowing that my mommy and my friend were both cleaning my poop stained bum while my daddy stood watching was so humiliating. I felt my ankles being pushed towards me even more which caused my cheeks to spread open and I once again jumped as I felt the cool wet wipes against me.

Eventually, after what felt like an age I felt the messy diaper being pulled away and I heard my mommy stand up, I let out a sigh of relief as I knew that I was free of the diaper and its horrible contents when I then felt the fresh diaper being placed under me. I smelt something sweet in the air and I couldn’t figure out what it was until I felt sprinkles of powder against my bum cheeks, I let out a small groan as I realized it was baby powder when a firm hand began to rub the powder in I blushed bright red as my legs were quickly lowered. My bum sat on top of the soft fabric of the diaper and I began to sweat, I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes and look down at myself as I was still haunted by the horrible image of before. I felt another sprinkle of powder on my groin and then very quickly the front of the diaper was lifted up, I opened my eyes and looked down in shock as Summerville taped the diaper tightly shut around my waist.

Chapter 12

   I’m never truly free of wearing diapers, I can’t wait to get out of a used diaper but the horrible realisation that either my parents or Summerville will be putting a fresh diaper on me brings me down in a funk constantly. I’m 18-years-old and I now use diapers on a daily basis just like the baby that I have become, no thanks to my mommy opening up my bum with her fingers at first then using hollow butt plugs to stretch my bum out so I pooped easier.  I know it's not my fault that I use the diapers and I don’t have any choice in the matter about wearing them and using them, I hate that they have become a normal part of my life. My mummy and daddy have seen me naked more than any boyfriend ever had and nothing comes close to the shame of having your parents clean up your messy groin because you have pooped yourself but that is my life. My best friend has touched me in my most private area so many times and if I had to go through this horribly embarrassing life as a baby I wish that my parents never decided to put me back into diapers, it's the worst part of being treated like a baby not just using but sitting in it and having to wait for someone to come and change me and put me back into another thirsty humiliating diaper as the embarrassing cycle never ends.

I used to enjoy sleeping at the beginning of all of this, I would happily go off to my crib so I could be left alone and imagine myself breaking free of this horrible life and returning to my normal life, wearing clothes I picked out, going to the shops with my friends and being myself. I would drift off to sleep and dream of my normal life and for those short periods I would feel normal, no worries about dirty diapers or being spanked I would just be the normal 18-year-old young woman. Now when I sleep my dreams are a horrible combination of my old life and my baby life, I would be dreaming of myself at the mall with my friends, picking out clothes and then suddenly they would pick out baby clothes for me and just like that I’m on the floor wearing a diaper and a shirt while surrounded by my friends as they talk baby talk to me and treat me like a baby. That type of dream is now normal for me, it's like my subconscious is accepting my new life and forgetting my old one. I wonder if that will happen to me in time, that I will forget that I was once an adult and just be the adult baby that my parents have turned me into. It makes me want to cry but I feel that it could actually happen, I have forgotten so much already with not having to do anything but play with the infantile toys and watch baby TV shows I wouldn’t be surprised if this keeps going that I will just forget who I really am.

Would it be so bad If I just accepted this now, I have lost count with how long it has been but I don’t fight any part of it anymore, I no longer get spanked, I don’t get locked in my messy diapers for hours or made to suck on the dildo pacifier I’m practically the perfect little baby for them now. It still embarrasses me that I get treated like this and I have to wear what I wear but that’s because I keep hanging on to the idea that I’m really an adult. If I just give up and accept that I’m now just an overgrown baby would I be happier? I wouldn’t feel as embarrassed, I wouldn’t feel as humiliated. It wasn’t my choice to be like this but I have now been living like a baby for a long time with no end in sight, maybe it is for the best and I won’t go crazy with how humiliating it is. I’m Candis and I’m a diaper-wearing baby, I crawl around and play with toys. My mommy, daddy and Summer look after me and I sit back and relax while they do everything for me.

Candis let out a satisfied sigh and a slight smile appeared from behind her pacifier as she sat inside the playpen, she looked up at Summerville sitting on the sofa on her phone. Her long blonde hair was tied up on either side while she wore her blue dress that exposed her large breasts while Candis looked down at her naked body and the large damp diaper that sat wrapped around her legs and she nodded to herself. She looked at her teddy bear that sat in front of her and smiled “Thanks for listening, it felt good to let it all off my chest. Now that I have got it all off my chest it's time to just be the adult baby that I now am” she thought as she lent forward and picked up the teddy and gave it a cuddle.


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