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 Chapter 01

I have decided to talk to someone about the events that have happened to me maybe it will help me think and reflect on what my punishment is. I don’t really want to relive any of what has happened to me but maybe it will help, maybe even come to terms with it all. I still can’t believe it, at the age of 19 I never thought that this would ever be happening to me or could even happen to anyone but here we are and I’m sitting inside a playpen at my parent's house wearing a... oh god I still can't admit it to myself. I’m wearing what babies and old people wear, I don’t want to tell you what I’m wearing it’s too embarrassing but I’m wearing a diaper. I guess I should start from the beginning when this horrible life started and my humiliating punishment began.

I arrived back at my parents home early in the evening for the first time in six months, I had flunked out of college and I was moving back into the family home. I really only got into college on a sports scholarship, swimming was my thing but college affects us all in different ways and for me, it was drink and drugs and well my grades went down downhill. So I came back home to live with my parents, they have never been strict with me while I was growing up and I really got away with a lot. I could stay out all night and that would just lead to them giving me a frown the next day and telling me to do better next time. I guess that’s why they think this form of punishment makes up for that (I don’t see how though).

I entered the house with my bags and walked into the living room where my mother and father were sitting “Hi” I said trying to be cheery about the situation but they both didn’t speak, my mother shook her head as my father tutted, I stood in the living room in front of them not knowing what to say so I stared at the floor and said “I’m sorry, I know it was a big deal but I will sort it out and everything will be fine...”. Suddenly my father stood up and I assumed he just didn’t want to listen to my excuses as he stormed passed me, he grabbed hold of my bags and to my surprise took them into the garage but as he returned he stood behind me looking down at me (My father has always been a tall man and I was very disappointed I never got his height as it would have helped with my swimming) he shook his head and sighed “We are both very disappointed and we understand that we are also to blame for how you turned out, so we have decided to start again with you, this will be your punishment for the next six weeks, if you behave yourself and prove you can be mature then this will end after the six weeks” I looked at my mum confused as she too stood up with a plastic bag in her hand and began to talk “As your father has said this punishment will last six weeks, in that time we have rules for you, the main rule will be that you are no longer 19-years-old, you are now one” I let out a sarcastic laugh as I stared at her in disbelief “You what?” I blurted out hoping that she was joking but she kept a straight face as she walked in front of me and dropped the bag on the floor. She continued “The second main rule will be you will wear and use diapers, the only time you will be out of a diaper will be when you are being changed or when you are being bathed” I shook my head trying to process what she was saying and still hoping that she was joking, trying to scare me in some weird way but that’s when I looked down at the bag and noticed it contained a bag full of diapers “No way!” I shouted and turned to leave when my father grabbed me by the arms “Listen here, you don’t have a choice in the mater” he shouted as he looked down at me “This can go two ways and one of them will be with you across my knee getting spanked, I don’t care how old you think you are, to us you are just a one-year-old baby and babies get spanked” I began to shake as I tried to think of a way out of this and that’s when my mother chimed in “Don’t threaten the baby just yet, we don’t want a scared baby, we want a good baby. Now lie down on the floor and I can get these diaper on you” I shook out of fear as my father still had hold of me. I didn’t want to get spanked by my father but I definitely didn’t want to be put into diapers by my mum but as I stood there in a confused daze my father gave me a hard swat on my bum and out of fear of another smack I quickly sat on the floor in shock. I really wish I had put up more of a fight but I guess I was in such shock that I couldn’t grasp what was happening.

So as I was sitting on the floor and my mum pulled down my jeans and my father pulled off my shirt it was then that I began to cry, I’m not much of a crier usually only after a lot of drinks but I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t wrap my head around it as I sat in my underwear in front of my parents I shook all over, next my underwear was quickly removed (I hate to admit it but without even putting up a fight) and I was now sitting in front of my parents naked for the first time since I can remember. I placed my hands over my private areas out of habit but my mum quickly swatted them away, she pointed her finger at me and frowned “You will not cover up any part of you, you have nothing to be embarrassed about you’re only a baby” she said. I must have been white as a sheet as I certainly felt dizzy and it all really became a blur. I must have been on the verge of fainting from the embarrassment as my mum then pulled out a changing mat and my father coaxed me easily onto it. The next thing I know I was lying down on the mat with my mum on her knees at my feet while my father stood at my head, I felt very small and intimated as my mum pulled out several diapers. I shut my eyes tightly wishing that this wasn’t happening but then I felt the fabric of the diaper slide underneath my bum, my eyes shot open and I looked down as my mum sprinkled the baby powder onto my groin and then lifted the front up and taped it on. I moved my legs slightly and heard the rustle of the plastic that now sealed me in and with tears running down my face I stared at my waist not able to understand what was going on when my mum placed another one under my bum. I protested and tried to stop her but that just earned me a swat on my padded rear and I stopped with tears in my eyes as I watched my mum pulling it up and once again taping a diaper onto me. To my surprise she continued this for another five diapers, I assumed this was because I tried to stop her after the first one to prove a point, I watched as my waist slowly got thicker and my bum got higher off the mat. I had six wrapped around my waist and I tried to move my legs together but the bulk between my legs stopped me it was very strange and I hated the feeling of the bulk between my thighs.

My mum smiled at me “That’s so you remember what you are, you are our baby and if we choose that you have a big padded bum then you will have a big padded bum, if we choose to have you crawl around while naked then you will. I hope you understand baby because you will stay our baby for as long as we say so” I tried to comprehend what she had just said when she smiled at me which made me feel very uneasy. She grabbed hold of my arms and helped me sit up in the huge underwear and then she stood up and my father walked to her side and they both looked down on me. My mum continued with the rules “We are now your Mama and Dada, you will only speak baby talk you will crawl around, and you will do everything that a baby would do, if we catch you pretending to be a grown-up then you will be punished” I remember feeling very sick and my head was spinning when she said all that, my head began to hurt as I tried to comprehend what she was saying but before I could voice my opinion she bent down in front of me and produced a large pacifier from her pocket and stuck it into my mouth “You will always have a pacifier in your mouth unless you are being fed” she said as she stood back up and smiled at my father “What a cute baby we have” she said and they both smiled and looked back at me which made me blush bright red and quickly look at the floor. Mum then looked at the clock and sighed “Well it’s time for baby to go to sleep for the night and even though I would love to continue playing with you it's your sleepy time” she cooed “Follow mama baby or Dada will spank” I blushed bright red, not wanting to be spanked but as the sun was still up I didn’t want to go to bed so early after quickly weighing up my options I decided it would be best to get away from them, it would give me time to think so I slowly got onto my hands and knees and crawled after my mum down the hall towards what was my bedroom followed closely by my father.

The feeling of the diaper around me as I crawled made my skin crawl, it was humiliating to have to wear such an infantile thing, it made my bum sway back and forth and made me feel huge, while I had always looked after my body and kept slim and fit to attract the opposite sex nobody would want me like this and that upset me. Anyway, we arrived at the door to my bedroom where my mum opened the door and my mouth dropped open, literally the pacifier fell to the floor as my room had been transformed into an adult-sized nursery, my bed had gone and replaced by a crib, my desk was now a changing table and there was a huge pile of diapers in the corner. My mum didn’t miss a beat however and quickly bent down and placed the pacifier back into my mouth and cooed “I hope you like your new nursery baby” and she stood back up and walked into the room. I froze until my father pushed my padded bum forward into the room. I crawled forward slowly towards the crib where my mum lowered the side and before I knew it my father picked me up from behind and placed me inside. I was lying on my back looking down at my inflated crotch as my mum brought up the side and they both stood staring at me. I didn’t have a pillow or a blanket inside the crib which I found very strange, I just lay there wearing just the diaper as my mum cooed to me “Now baby, the baby monitor is on so we don’t want to hear anything from you or you will be punished, goodnight baby, we both love you” she smiled and walked away as my father continued to stare “I know you can be a good baby for us, we do love you” he said and he left room closing the door.

Chapter 02

I didn’t sleep well, I felt emotionally exhausted from what had happened but being inside the crib surrounded by bars and wearing the thick and warm diaper I couldn’t get comfy, I had contemplated on taking the diaper off but then I saw the baby monitor at the foot of the crib and I froze, it wasn’t just an audio baby monitor but it had a camera on it and I knew that Mama and Dada (I hate calling them that) would be watching me, making sure I didn’t do anything that would go against there rules, especially the main rule of ‘I will always be in diapers apart from being changed or bathed’. My mind raced when I thought about that, I would have no freedom of any kind, my Mama or Dada would be the ones to change me, they would be the ones to bathe me, I had no freedom. I began to cry and I must have cried myself to sleep because the next thing I knew it was dark and something was being pushed into my mouth.  

I slowly opened my eyes and saw that my Mama was holding onto an adult-sized babies bottle she cooed down to me “Suck baby” I rubbed my eyes and slowly began to suck before I had woken up fully and realised what was happening. I was shocked to see that my Mama was wearing her nightgown and that’s when I felt the diaper between my legs and realised I was inside a crib and I was sucking on the rubber nipple of a bottle, Mama had lowered the side of the crib and was holding the bottle with one hand while stroking my hair with her other hand. I tried to move away from the bottle but my Mama kept a tight hold and I had no choice to drink it up. When I was half-finished I felt the urge to pee and I began to sweat, I thought that once I had finished the bottle then Mama would let me use the toilet so I waited. Once the bottle was finished my Mama removed the rubber nipple from my mouth and before she could put the pacifier back in I pleaded “Mum please I need to use the toilet, please can I go to the toilet” but my mother just sighed “Awww you were being such a good baby, you know the rules little one, you use your diapers and you speak baby talk and you call me Mama” she shook her head “You broke three rules baby” I began to sweat as Mama grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the crib and before I knew it I was over my Mama’s knee while she sat in a rocking chair beside the crib. She pulled down my diaper with little trouble and began to spank me hard, I couldn’t get off her lap as the pain ran through me instantly. The spanking continued for three minutes (I know that because Mama counted every minute for each rule I broke), I was crying by the first minute I couldn’t believe how strong she was and how easily she had me pinned down and how hard her spanks were. Once the third minute was finished she quickly pulled up my diaper and placed me on the floor and smiled down at me “See it’s not just Dada that can spank baby” she said with a proud smile, she bent down and placed the pacifier back in my mouth as I sat wiping the tears away from my face. She then said “Follow me baby”.  

I still don’t know why I didn’t fight back more but after that humiliation of being spanked by my Mama and so easily I felt utterly defeated and I reluctantly got onto my hands and knees and crawled after her down the hallway towards her and Dada’s bedroom. I was feeling nervous as Mama opened the door and I almost lost my pacifier again as my jaw hung down when I saw that at the foot of my parents bed was a small crib, my Mama walked forward and I slowly followed, she placed her hands under my armpits and helped me up and then placed me into the small crib. I had to lie in a fetal position facing towards my parent's bed, my Mama then placed a blanket over me and tightly tucked me in so I was unable to move, she then got into her bed and lay down. I was completely miserable, uncomfortable, in pain and still needing to pee. The unfairness of it all made my blood boil but I was unable to do anything but lie inside the small crib sucking on the pacifier. My Dada snored so I couldn’t get to sleep which is what I wanted to do so I could try to forget about my full bladder, in the end, it was no use. I knew I couldn’t shout out or I would get punished again so I bit into the pacifier as I softly began to cry and my bladder gave out and I began to wet the diaper. I don’t want to go into how disgusting that felt but I wanted to get out of it straight away, once again I must have cried myself to sleep as I woke up to talking.

Chapter 03

I slowly opened my eyes and saw that Dada was sitting up in his bed on his phone, he quickly noticed I was awake and shook his head “You naughty baby” he said while shaking his head “Maybe you will learn not to break the rules” he said as he frowned at me when Mama came out of the en-suit bathroom and smiled at me “Awww baby is awake, good morning baby” she cooed at me as she pulled off the blanket. I quickly stretched feeling very achy being so cramped up when I was quickly lifted out of the crib and placed on the floor and that’s when my face scrunched up as I felt the cold damp diaper around my bum, I needed to get out of the diaper and I didn’t care if I had to speak like a baby it was disgusting. I swallowed hard and looked up at my Mama, my heart was racing and my mouth was dry with embarrassment but I couldn’t stay in that horrible thing for any longer so from behind the pacifier I said “Mama me need diapee change”. Both my parents let out an “awww” which made me blush bright red and quickly look at the floor regretting it all, Mama smiled down at me and said “I will change baby after breakfast if you’re good” I let out a frustrated sigh as she left the room. I sat on my large wet diaper for a moment wondering what I should do when my Mama shouted “Follow Mama silly baby, its breakfast time or do you want to be punished again?” I scrunched up my face again as I reluctantly got onto my hands and knees and crawled towards the kitchen.

As I crawled in I was shocked to see an adult-sized high chair sitting next to the table (I really shouldn’t have been shocked with everything else I had seen but it still surprised me) my Mama unlocked the tray and then turned to me and placed her arms under my armpits and helped me into the chair, she then strapped me in and told me to place my hands on my lap, which I stupidly did. She then reattached the tray with my arms pinned down underneath it, she smiled at me and told me how cute I looked. I couldn’t disagree with her more I looked ridiculous as I continued to suck on the pacifier while strapped into a highchair with a very large and wet diaper between my legs. I felt trapped and hated that I couldn’t free my arms from under the tray, I got lost in my own thoughts of how unfair and how stupid it must have looked, a 19-year-old college student strapped into a high chair waiting to be fed breakfast. The next thing I heard was the microwave ping and my Mama opened it up and removed the small bowl, she carried it over to the high chair and placed it on the tray. I looked down at the mushy mess with disgust on my face which just made my Mama giggle “You will learn to like it baby” she cooed once again. She turned around and went into a cupboard and pulled out a few items and quickly returned to me, she placed a spoon and two large brown bottles on the table tray, as I was looking at the bottles she strapped an adult-sized bib around my neck, I looked down in disgust as it read ‘#BabyLifeNo02. I rolled my eyes knowing that my parents thought trying to include something trendy on my bib would be funny. Mama opened up both of the brown bottles and began pouring them into the mush, she then stirred it around with the spoon and looked up at my confused face and laughed. She placed her hand on my pacifier and looked me in the eyes and said “Now you better be a good baby and make no fuss when I feed you or Mama will spank baby again, you understand baby?” I slowly nodded my head as I still felt the pain and the shame of being spanked by my Mama earlier that night. Mama removed my pacifier and picked up the spoon and I didn’t see any other choice but to open my mouth and accept the mush. It had a very strange sickly taste to it which I assumed was from the brown bottles but I didn’t complain I just sat and ate up as my Mama spoon-fed me just as if I was a real baby. The humiliation of being spoon-fed by my Mama while sitting in a wet diaper was getting to me and halfway through the feeding I burst into tears but that didn’t stop the feeding as Mama ignored my cries and continued feeding me the strange tasting mush.

After the feeding had finished my Dada walked into the room and smiled at my messy face and said “Well you wear a naughty baby last night” I blushed bright red and looked down at the tray at being called a naughty baby but my Dada continued “...but I heard your Mama gave you a good spanking maybe you won't’ be so naughty” I continued to look down at the tray as my parents sat down at the table in front of me and began to eat toast. I looked up from the tray after a while and saw that my Mama was staring at me, she quickly turned and looked at my Dada and said “You were right dear, all those months at the gym really did help, I placed the baby over my knee so easily” my Dada laughed and nodded “Yep well six months at the gym would do that” he then turned to me “Your Mama and I have been planning this since Christmas, we knew you wouldn’t last at college so we made preparations, your Mama went to the gym to get strong enough to discipline you while I got all your furniture. We have sacrificed a lot of time and money on your punishment so I hope you realise that we are serious and we are not backing down on this, you are going to be our baby and there is no way of getting out of it”.

 Chapter 04

Everything went blurry after my Dada’s announcement, they continued to talk but it became white noise and I couldn’t focus on what they were doing all I could think about was the amount of work and money they had spent on changing me into a baby. It was such a horrible thought that sent shivers through me, they were definitely not going to back down from this and I had very little choice in the matter. In just one day they had me in a wet diaper sitting in a highchair, I couldn’t fight back they were both stronger than me, I hadn’t had the chance to run away and with them keeping such a close watch on me at all times I didn’t think I would ever get the chance.

My Mama pulled me out of my trance when she began to wipe my face clean with a damp cloth after I was cleaned she removed the bib and placed the pacifier back into my mouth which I slowly began to suck. She smiled down at me and gave my cheek a pinch which made me blush, she went over to the sink while my Dada walked over to the highchair and released the tray and my arms. He quickly lifted me out of the high chair and placed me on the floor and I winced as I sat on my wet diaper and looked up at my Dada confused, I wanted to get out of the diaper so much but I thought that Mama was going to do it. He stood back up and cooed down to me “Follow Dada baby it diaper changing time” he announced proudly as he began to walk out of the kitchen, I paused for a moment nervously as he got further away but I knew if I didn’t move I would get punished so I sighed and slowly got onto my hands and knees and followed him. As I crawled down the hallway I began to shake, we were heading towards the nursery and my mind couldn’t focus on anything else than my Dada would be changing my diaper. I was feeling sick as we entered the room, it felt a hundred times worse somehow knowing that he would be changing me rather than my Mama. I couldn’t shake that feeling as we stopped beside the changing table and he bent over and easily picked me up and placed me on the table lying down.

I felt very vulnerable lying on the table wearing nothing but the six diapers and my Dada standing over me, he smiled down at me as he pulled up a strap from the side of the table and wrapped it around my stomach and secured it under the table so I was unable to get off. He then positioned himself at the foot of the table and continued to look down at me, I began to shake with embarrassment knowing that he would be opening up the diaper and seeing my most private places once again. I closed my eyes tight and sucked on the pacifier as I felt his hands slowly open up the first of the many diapers, as each one fell away I felt more normal but more terrified. The bulge around my waist and the warmth from wearing so many diapers were slowly fading away and I was feeling less like a baby, that was until the last diaper was revealed and with it came the stale stench of urine. I wanted to cry as I knew at any moment he would be opening the diaper up and seeing that his 19-year-old child was wearing a wet diaper just like a baby.

My hands were gripping onto the sides of the changing table as my Dada lifted my legs up into the air, my hands had begun to ache but I couldn’t let go as I felt a hand on the tabs of the diaper. Soon all four tabs were released and I screamed inside my head as the front of the diaper was pulled down, tears began to run down my face as the cool air touched my bum. A cold shock ran through me and I quickly opened my eyes in horror to see he was cleaning my privates with a baby wipe, I couldn’t look away now, I wish I could have but I continued to stare at what was happening to my lower half. Once I was cleaned up the diaper was pulled away and a fresh one was quickly in its place, the powder was once again applied and my legs lowered down. I stared down in shame as the front of the diaper was pulled up covering my once intimate parts in infantile clothing that would only be removed after it had been used for it’s intended purpose.

My Dada continued to stare down at the diaper cocking his head back and forth when my Mama entered the room, she quickly asked “How did it go, is the baby ready for the day?” my Mama stood beside my Dada and I closed my eyes once again as they both stared down at my diaper when my Dada said “I think so, how does it look?” to my horror I felt a hand rub over the diaper, prodding and pulling areas then my Mama said “Yep it’s good, nice and tight so the baby won't leak, good job” I opened my eyes to see them kiss and then Mama smiled at Dada “You go on, I will finish getting the baby ready” my Dada smiled and left. I felt a great weight leave me as I saw him leave the room when I turned back to Mama my heart sank as she was holding up what looked like a large pair of white plastic pants, I could tell from how she was holding them that they were very padded and I wanted to scream out as she began to thread them up my legs. As they reached my waist I let out an annoyed sigh as I lifted up my hips and my Mama pulled the plastic pants up over the diaper, she then bent over and adjusted the diaper underneath so nothing was poking out. I couldn’t believe how thick the pants were, it was like wearing six diapers once again.

I looked down at the pants when I noticed something around the waist I couldn’t figure out what it was until my Mama bent over and grabbed it, my eyes went wide as I felt the pants tighten around my waist and when my Mama let go it didn’t move. It had somehow locked into position, I knew just by looking at it that it would be very difficult to remove now, I thought I still had a slim chance to be able to pull them down but that was until Mama did the same at each leg hole too. I knew there was no chance I would be able to get out this diaper now I would have to wait till Mama or Dada would change me and with that thought, I began to cry.

Chapter 05

It had been a week since I last used a toilet, a week since I last felt normal, it had been the worst week of my life but it was only going to get worse. The worse part of it all was the punishments the very first night of being treated like this I got spanked by my Mama and it was so humiliating and painful, I can’t believe that my Mama was capable of being able to so easily spank me but she did and right after it I didn’t want to go through anything like that again. Unfortunately I did though and on the third day I made the mistake of not talking like a baby when my Dada asked me a question, he said “Does baby want to watch paw patrol?” and without thinking I replied with a sarcastic tone “Oh yeah so much” as soon as I said it I knew I was in trouble and my Dada quickly walked up to me and lifted me up onto his knee and began to spank me over my wet diaper. It was so embarrassing to be treated like such a naughty child and even though the padding of my diapered bum it still felt very sore and then I had to sit on the floor in silence, no TV or music it was horrible.

So much about being treated like this is horrible but the main thing that stands out and something I’m never going to get used to is using the diaper, not just for wetting but for messing. It makes me shiver with disgust just thinking about how many times just this week that I have had to sit in my own filth. The first time I had to poop was on the first full day of this life, I couldn’t believe that I needed to mess myself so much and I later found out that my Mama had added laxatives and stool softeners to my breakfast so I really didn’t have a choice in it. I tried to put it off for so long, but I was locked into the diaper and there was no other way of getting out of it I didn’t want to bring any attention to what I needed to do and I was too afraid to ask to use the toilet especially after what had happened the night before so I sat miserably. I had no other choice but to mess the diaper and I couldn’t even do it in privacy, the breaking point came when I was sitting in the playpen in the living room with my Dada watching TV and my Mama sitting in front of me ‘helping’ me play with the toys when my body gave in. I scrunched up my face as I felt the warm mess enter into the seat of my diaper, I quickly got up onto my knees so it wouldn’t spread around so much and my face was hot as my Mama cooed out loud “Awww is baby going poopy, Dada I think the baby is doing a poopy” I wanted to just die there and then as more of the soft mess made its way into my diaper. I finally stopped and tears were running down my eyes as I slowly opened them and saw my Mama smiling back at me and without any warning, she pushed me down, I sat with a squelch as I felt the warm mess spread all around my cheeks. I imminently began to cry unable to stop myself and I hoped I would get out of the disgusting diaper straight away but my Mama had other ideas. She picked me up and carried me over to the sofa and cradled me on her lap until I settled, it took me a long time to calm down as the smell from my diaper was now in the room as a constant reminder of what I had done. After I finally calmed down my Mama then sat me on her knee and then to my horror loosened the plastic pants and checked the back of my bum, she then announced “Oh baby, you sure did a big poopy” I started crying once again. My Mama locked the plastic pants tightly again and picked me up and carried me to my nursery, I didn’t care about the humiliation of having a diaper change I just wanted out of it but my Mama instead placed me in the crib, locked it and left the room, leaving me in my filth.

Since then, I have learnt I need to ask Mama or Dada for a diaper change and I have to do it in the horrible baby talk. I hate talking like a baby but I have to do it or I will get punished. If Mama or Dada asks me “Do you want to watch Paw Patrol” I have to respond “Me wud wuv to Mama or Dada” it’s so degrading. When I’m in a messy diaper and want to be changed I have to say “Baby wantum Mama” then I have to wait for her to come over, she doesn’t usually come over straight away she always finds an excuse to take her time which drives me crazy but when she finally comes over I have to say “Mama baby done poopie in diapee, pweez change dirty diapee Mama”. I turn bright red every time, to call myself a baby and to tell her what I have done in the diaper is so painful, I literally feel my chest hurt after I say it.

I hate so much of this new life and it was only the first week, it’s so degrading and my Mama and Dada know how to make it worse, they told me that we were going to go out for a picnic the next day, they told me first thing in the morning, so I had had all day to think it over and worry. I couldn’t think about anything else I couldn’t even imagine going out dressed as a baby.

Chapter 06

What a horrible day it was I can’t believe I actually survived the humiliation of that day, my Mama and Dada took me outside and treated me like a baby. It actually happened in public. Morning started just like it had done for the last seven mornings since this horrible life began, It’s the same routine as every morning, I get woken up inside my crib in a wet diaper, I crawl to the kitchen and get spoon-fed my breakfast in the high chair and then finally back to my nursery to got my wet diaper changed.

This is where it changed though, after my Mama had placed a new diaper on me and then placed the now-familiar white thick locking panties over the diaper to secure it in place she then deposited me on the floor and went over to the wardrobe where she pulled out a short white shirt and a pair of blue short overalls. I wanted to protest, but I was afraid that if I did they would just take me out in just a diaper. So I sat sucking on my pacifier as I let my Mama put the clothes on me, I sat in my new clothes and I looked down at the infantile clothing and wanted to cry. The bulge from the diaper was so clear underneath the overalls and I was shaking nervously as my Mama placed white velcro trainers on my feet. My Mama told me to follow her out of the nursery and I got up onto my hands and knees and crawled after her with my large bum swinging side to side behind me. I followed my Mama down the hallway and to my surprise towards the front door, I slowed down as we got closer to the door and wanted to stop but feared a spanking or worse so I stared down at the floor as we approached. “Is Mama’s little baby ready for a day trip?” she cooed and I knew that I had to respond to her but I had no idea what I was supposed to say. I turned bright red as I looked up at her and nodded “Me go on dway twip” I said hoping that would satisfy her, she smiled as she nodded “Yes you are baby” she cooed when she looked behind me and nodded “And here is your dadda with your stroller”.

My heart sank and my head became heavy, I heard my Dada say something behind me but I couldn’t make out what he said when my Mama bent over and placed her hands under my armpits and lifted me up and quickly set me down into the stroller. I frantically sucked on my pacifier as I sat in the bouncy chair with my feet placed on the footrest under me, I was surprised how I fit perfectly into the infantile device. I looked around the black stroller in shock, it was designed exactly like a baby’s stroller but able to fit me inside. It had a canopy above my head that could be extended to block out the sun, it had two handles on either side where my Dada’s hands rested and as I was staring around the stroller in shock my Mama bent down and took hold of my arm and placed it through the harness and quickly did the same to my other arm and clipped them together she then took hold of a harness between my legs and pulled it up and attaching it all together. She pulled on the harness between my legs and I felt the diaper squash up against me while my Mama cooed to me “Awww doesn’t baby look cute”. I was shaking with fear as I now knew for certain that I was going to go out while seated inside the stroller, I must have looked like an overgrown baby but anyone who looked closely would easily be able to tell that I’m an adult.

My Mama gave me a kiss on the forehead as she held onto the pacifier “Now I know how tempting it will be to spit this out while we are outside but if you do then I will pull your overalls off and give you a spanking, I don’t care where we are or who is around. Then you can sit back in your stroller with your cute diaper on show for everyone. Will you be a good baby?” she said. I swallowed I could imagine my Mama going through with her threat and it sent a chill down to my core, I quickly nodded “Me be best baba ever for Mama” I said in my high pitch baby voice. My Mama smiled at me as she released the pacifier and gave me another kiss on the forehead “I know you will be baby” she cooed and she stood up. My heart was racing as my Mama turned and opened the front door and as she stepped outside my Dada gently pushed the stroller forward. I wanted to scream as I felt the warm sun on my face, I was outside while wearing a diaper and being treated like a baby by my parents. I must have been as white as a sheet as the stroller was pushed outside and I heard the front door close behind me.

Chapter 07

 I looked around quickly from the confines of the stroller, every one of my senses were on edge as my Dada pushed me down the driveway towards the open street. My mama walked in front of us slowly, I felt a little better with that, I was hoping that she would obscure the view from me. I couldn’t help but suck on the pacifier as I continued to sit obediently inside the black stroller. The fear of having my overalls pulled down, my diaper exposed and getting spanked by my Mama stopped me from doing anything but suck on the pacifier. My Mama stopped as we reached the end of the driveway and turned to me and smiled as she bent down “Good baby” she cooed as she pinched my cheek which made me feel cold with humiliation. Being treated this way outside was something out of a nightmare, I was constantly on guard, my heart was racing and all my senses felt like they had been heightened. I wanted to just close my eyes and try to forget what was happening but my body wouldn’t let me, my eyes darted around hoping, wishing that nobody saw me but I knew it was only a matter of time.

My Mama stood up and walked behind the stroller as once again I was being pushed forward, my Dada turned the stroller and I was being pushed further away from the house that I had wanted to escape from, but now the once place I wanted be. If I had to live like a baby I wished that it was in secret, that it was at home where nobody could see me but here I was sucking on a pacifier while wearing a large diaper under my overalls as I sat inside a stroller as my Dada pushed me along. The sun was warm on my face as I looked around our small quiet street, we lived on a dead-end with only a few houses on the street and with the high school fields directly behind our house, it was a quiet and private place to live. The street was a long country street that nobody used unless you lived here and thankfully no cars had passed us yet and I hadn’t seen anyone as we continued on our horrible journey. My heart was still racing as I adjusted slightly in my seat and I felt the diaper press between my legs which turned me red with embarrassment as I looked down at the bulge between my legs. The stroller quickly turned and my eyes widened as I looked up, I let out a gasp from behind the pacifier as I was pushed down a small cutting between two houses, I quickly realised that If we kept going this way we would go right past the high school. I couldn’t stop shaking as I was pushed down the shaded path between the houses, I knew too well that the cutting came out right beside the school fields and a few meters forward was the entrance to the school that I had once attended.

I could hear cars driving around and laughter coming from every direction as I looked down at the pacifier sticking out from my mouth, I didn’t know what I wanted to do as we slowly approached the opening. I did think about spitting the pacifier out but the fear of being pushed in front of the school while my diaper was on show scared me stiff. I didn’t move, I stared forward in a daze as we continued along, my mind was empty and I felt nothing as we left the cutting and the bright sun hit my eyes. I shook my head and cursed the sun for awakening me from my daze as I saw teenagers playing in the field, I quickly looked down but the bulge of the diaper between my legs did little to stop my anxiety. I was pushed forward in parallel to the fence of the school fields, I nervously looked up at the large building in front of us and shook. I couldn’t believe that when I left there last year that I felt so grown up, so much like an adult, I was going to go to college and become a famous swimmer instead I’m returning to my old school while being treated like a baby. I shook my head out of frustration as I sighed when I heard giggling come from beside me and I suddenly felt cold. “Awwwww is that your baby?” one girl asked “Can we see your baby?” another asked and I wanted to scream as these school girls referred to me as a baby. They sounded like teenagers maybe sixteen and they thought I was nothing more than a baby, I wanted to get up from the stroller and run away but instead, I continued to suck on my pacifier as my Dada mercifully continued to push my stroller forward. I thought I was in the clear when I noticed from the corner of my eye one of the teenage girls was walking alongside us on the other side of the fence, I couldn’t help but look up at her. She was blonde and very pretty she smiled at me for a second when her expression quickly changed to shock and she stopped walking. I quickly looked down feeling humiliated that she had seen me in such a humiliating sight when I heard her shout out “It's not a baby, its an adult dressed as a baby!”.

Chapter 08

 I wanted to cry, tears appeared in my eyes but I thought them off trying not to bring any more attention to myself. A teenage girl had seen me for what I now was, she had seen me in my most shameful and humiliating new way of life. I couldn’t believe that it had happened and now she was going to tell her friends and soon everyone would know that there is an adult who is being treated like a baby, they had seen my parents faces so if they wanted to they could track down where they lived and easily figure out who the giant baby was. I sucked on my pacifier with my eyes closed as I felt my Dads continue to push the stroller, I had no idea where we were going and I didn’t want to know. I wanted to be back home, if I had to live this horrible life then I could do it in private. I kept my eyes tightly shut not wanting to go through anything like that again I tried to ignore all the noises around me as I sat in the stroller sucking on my pacifier.

My mind drifted off, seeing my old school made me feel sick at how much my life had changed now that I was being forced to live as a baby. I had a close group of friends and I was seeing someone, I was happy and had a plan ahead of me and a future that I couldn’t wait to achieve. My friends all went to different colleges and I broke off my relationship with Gabriel before I left, Me and Gabriel dated for a year in high school, I called it off because I wanted no ties to back here I wanted a fresh start with all new experiences, we had a great connection. Gabriel was the first person I lost my virginity too, Gabriel was short like me with short blonde hair and an amazing smile. We had plans to meet up when I came back home and were even planning a trip away together during the summer but that’s definitely not happening now. Nothing is going to be like it was a year ago, If anyone at the school recognized my parents then I will be known as the local adult baby and my reputation would be ruined. I will forever be known as the adult that wore diapers, the adult that used diapers the adult that was a baby. The thick diaper wrapped around my waist is a constant reminder of what I have become and what I do in those diapers proves to my parents that I am a baby. Do you know what it's like to wear your own mess? Not just to wear it but have everyone around you know that you have soiled yourself like a baby, its the most disgusting and humiliating thing I have ever had happened to me. It gets worse though when I have to ask Mama or Dada to change me, they then open up the diaper and see what I have done and then proceed to clean me. They don’t care that I’m 19 years old and I should never have my parents see me naked, they don’t care that I’m covered in my own filth they just wipe my most private and intimate area like I’m just a baby. They clean my bum and then sprinkle baby powder over me and tape another thirsty diaper on me and I have no choice but to lie there and accept it if I don’t then I wouldn’t get the messy diaper off me and I would then get punished for being a naughty baby. I wish I could go back to when I started college I would have done everything right if I knew this was the alternative. I would have done anything to stop myself from getting into this situation. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt the sun leave and a cold shadow now covered me, the noises from the street quietened around me and then I heard knocking.

My eyes shot open as I stared forward at the familiar white door, my chest ached and I began to sweat as I looked around nervously at the doorway and realized exactly where we were. I heard movement from inside the house and I suddenly became light-headed, my mouth had become dry and my head was pounding. I was tempted to jump out of the stroller and try to run away but the door opened and there stood Gabriel. Mama stood beside the door “I thought you would like to meet our baby” she said as she gestured down to me, Gabriel’s eyes widened as they locked on me. Here I was Gabriel’s ex-partner sitting in a stroller sucking on a pacifier with a diaper bulge under my short overalls, no longer the adult with the big dreams but a humiliated and pathetic baby. Gabriel laughed, the amazing smile beaming out in such a hurtful way “I thought you would like to know that the baby can’t go on that trip away with you any more, we thought you should know as soon as possible and know why the baby can't go, I don’t think you would want to be changing diapers on your trip away” my Mama said with a smile. I can’t remember anything after that, it was a blur of noises and shapes I couldn’t believe my Mama had told somebody I knew that I was now wearing diapers and then everything went to black. I wanted to scream and shout for help but my body failed me with the overwhelming shock, embarrassment and stress of what was happening it caused me to faint and the next thing I knew I was being pushed back past the school. I still have no idea what Mama, Dada and Gabriel discussed when I was blacked out and I haven’t seen Gabriel since. I haven’t had anyone come and save me, we haven’t had the police around or anything like that so whatever they said everyone was happy that I was being treated like a baby.

Chapter 09

I was and still am haunted by Gabriel’s smile, their beautiful eyes looking down at me while I sat inside the stroller like a dumb baby. I’ve been running through it in my head and my Mama must have a story made up for people so they don’t come around asking questions what that story is though I have no idea and I hate to think what she has told them and who she has told. It has kept me up at night thinking about all the people that I knew that might now know that I spend my time dressed and treated like a baby and not one of them has tried to help me. It drives me crazy thinking about my old life and what I’m now missing, I have tried to adjust to my punishment but it's so hard, everything about this is humiliating. From the minute I wake up in a wet diaper I know that I’m going to have a miserable day and my parents seem to take joy in making sure I know that my role now is just that of a baby.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Gabriel and what had just happened that I hadn’t noticed we were now in the middle of the local park, my heart raced and I began to sweat as I suddenly remembered the reason why we were outside. Dada was pushing my stroller across the freshly cut grass while my eyes darted back and forth nervously around hoping not to see anyone, thankfully nobody was around as we arrived under the shade of a tall tree where Dada placed my stroller beside the trunk. I felt Mama grab something from the back of the stroller, she walked in front of me while carrying a large bag and quickly pulled out a blanket. She unfolded the blue blanket and placed it on the floor and quickly knelt on it as she went into the bag once again. My Dada was suddenly standing in front of me looking down at me with a smile “Here we are baby, picnic time” he announced. I swallowed hard I didn’t want to be treated like a baby out in public when I suddenly realized this was it, this was my chance to escape.

I was always a quick runner and even though I hadn’t walked for a week I knew I could still get a good distance on them, I didn’t care if I was running around in a diaper it would be free from them and I could get away. Unfortunately, while I was thinking this a smile appeared on my face which my Dada saw “Awww look sweety baby is looking forward to the picnic, I knew it was a good idea to get baby out of the house” he said over his shoulder to Mama. I blushed bright red straight away and let out a sigh from behind the pacifier as my Dada lent down released the restraints on the stroller, I felt the strap fall away from between my padded legs as he quickly fed my arms out of the harness and I was finally free of the infantile device. I was going to make a run for it then, but my Dada lifted me up out of the stroller with ease, I continued to blush bright red as his hand rested on my padded bum to keep me up while his other hand was pressed against the back of my head, forcing me to rest my head on his shoulder. Out of instinct, I wrapped my legs around his waist as he turned around to face the picnic blanket, I expected him to put me down straight away and I was thinking as soon as he did then I was going to run, run as fast I could as far as I could, I wouldn’t stop until I knew I was free.

I was sucking on the pacifier with nervous energy running through me, I could feel the energy run through me and I was ready but he wasn’t putting me down, I was still being carried and I was becoming frustrated. I wanted this to happen so bad but I couldn’t get away, every time I tried to move my head my Dada’s hand kept it forced on his shoulder and he didn’t appear to be tiring from carrying me this long. I wanted to scream when suddenly I felt something attach to the back of my overalls, I tried to look at what it was but I was still pinned down. I heard three more clips and felt tension on the back of infantile clothing, I had no idea what it was but with everything that had happened to me recently I suddenly became worried. I was slowly lowered to the ground, I released my legs from around my Dada as he gently placed me on the soft picnic blanket. I saw my Mama sat behind me adjusting something on her wrist, I turned around curiously when I noticed a blue strap on the ground between us with one end leading up to Mama’s wrist and the other end going behind me. I quickly turned back around and I felt a great weight on my shoulders, I wanted to cry and scream and I almost did until I realized I would be acting like the baby that they were turning me into. Mama had attached the other end of the strap to the back of my overalls, my plans were crushed and so was my spirit. I wish I never even thought up that idea and I really wish I never thought I could actually do it, I got my hopes up and generally felt happy for the first time in a long while and all of a sudden I felt defeated. I knew that with my Mama’s added strength that it would be foolish to even try and do anything while I was leashed up to her, I know first hand that my Mama has the strength to pull me over her knee for a spanking and that’s the last thing I want in such a public place.


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