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 Chapter 01

Rachel jumped off the bus and practically skipped down the road to her house “What a good morning, I found a short tight dress for tonight which my bum looks great in and had my hair cut and styled” she brushed her long blonde hair back with her hand and smiled “Now to get home, say hello to grandma and then up to my room to get ready for tonight, I’ve been looking forward to this part for ages, my friends 21st so that means alcohol. I hate that all my friends are now 21 and I’m still 20 and because I’m 4’9 I can never go out without being asked for ID. But tonight’s house party means I don’t have to worry. I can’t wait especially with Liam being there, I can't wait to see him again, to feel him again. It’s been far too long” she thought with a sigh as she turned up her driveway towards her house.

She opened the door with a smile and shouted “Hi Mom, I’m home” she removed her shoes and her black long jacket revealing her skinny jeans and white tight shirt and was about to go upstairs to her room when she heard her moms joyless reply “Rachel can you come into the living room sweety”. Rachel stopped on the bottom step with a puzzled look on her face “What’s this about?” she thought as she nervously turned towards the living room. She entered the living room and saw her grandma and mom sitting on the two-seater sofa next to each other. Rachel’s mom Madison was 38, she had Rachel when she was 18 to her childhood sweetheart Paul and after Rachel was born Paul joined the army and slowly he was raised up in the ranks meaning that Madison and Rachel didn’t have to worry about money but it meant that Madison had practically raised Rachel alone. Madison had long auburn hair which she usually had styled up she was 5’6 and skinny, she had become very vain about her looks in the last few years so she regularly went to the gym to maintain her slim figure and tried to keep up with the designer clothes. Hannah was Rachel’s Grandma she was in her early 50’s, Madison was her only daughter and apart from her short black hair mom and daughter looked identical.

Rachel nervously walked further into the room and smiled “What is it? I’m going out tonight so I need to go get ready” she said as her mom and grandma looked at her with a disapproving look. “Is it my hair? Don’t you like it?” Rachel nervously said as she looked between them “What is going on, Am I in trouble?” she thought when her mom finally sighed “Your hair is nice sweety but things are going to change around here, come sit down”. Rachel slowly moved to the remaining seat across from her mom “Oh god I am in trouble, What could it be though and if I am why is she so calm?” she looked nervously at her mom as she sat down. Her mom let out a sigh “So I rang your dad earlier and we talked very long about this and then I discussed it with your grandma and we have all decided that this is the best way to go forward” her mom let out another sigh as Rachel stared at her mom bewildered “What are you talking about?” she said with a hint of frustration in her voice. Madison looked at her mom and nodded, Hannah stood up without saying a word and walked into the kitchen, Rachel watched on in wonder then turned to her mom “Come on mom tell me what’s happening? Am I in trouble for something?” Her mom didn’t say anything. Rachel shook her head out of frustration when she heard her grandma clear her throat and she looked up, Rachel’s eyes widened, her jaw dropped open and the colour went from her face. She swallowed hard and stammered out “I erm I can explain,” she said as she stared at the clear bag of rearz safari diapers that were in the hands of her grandma. “How the hell did she find them? Oh god, what is going to happen? She will probably just throw them out, I hope she does I can’t wear them now even in secret knowing that my mom and grandma know I could be wearing them. Wait did they find the other stuff? Hopefully not I hid them away from the diapers, If they have found them as well I’m going to die this is so embarrassing” she thought as her grandma walked into the room and dropped the bag of diapers on the floor in front of her. Hannah then turned and walked back into the kitchen as Rachel shivered and looked up at her mom “I can explain” she repeated but her mom just shook her head “There is no need sweety” Rachel shook her head “Yes there is I got them for a costu...” her words were cut off when her grandma returned carrying a bright pink onesie, a box of adult pacifiers, several cloth diapers and pink plastic pants. Rachel swallowed hard and began to shake “Oh god they found the baby clothes as well. This might work it makes more sense” she thought and she continued “See a costume, it’s all for the costume,” she said nervously as her grandma placed them on the floor next to the rearz diapers. Hannah gave her granddaughter a sympathetic smile and went back to sit next to Madison, she placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder and said in a calming tone to Rachel “Now sweety we aren’t judging you we actually agree with you”. Rachel shook her head once again “What? What do we agree with?” Hannah smiled and turned to Madison “I think you should give her the good news” Rachel looked at her mom who now had a large smile on her face “What good news? This is getting ridiculous now!” she shouted. Madison slowly stood up from the chair and walked towards her daughter, standing in front of the pile of baby clothes and diapers she said with a smile “We have decided that we all want the same thing, we want our baby girl back”.

 Chapter 02

Rachel let out a nervous laugh as she began to sweat “Yeah right sure” she said in a sarcastic tone but her mom just nodded and cooed “Yes baby, from now on you will wear and use your diapers out in the open just like a real baby” Rachel looked disgusted “No way, I’m not using them that’s disgusting”. Madison looked at her daughter confused “What do you mean? They are your diapers and you use diapers instead of the toilet” Rachel blushed and looked down at the floor in shame “Oh god, I have to tell her then she might stop with this stupid thing, I am not going to use a diaper” she thought as she slowly looked up at her mom “OK mom, the truth” she blushed again and quickly looked back down “This is so embarrassing” she thought and took a deep breath “I wear the diapers and the clothes because I find it comforting but I do not use the diapers, I just wear them and then take them off” Madison thought for a moment then looked over to her mom with a puzzled look, Hannah smiled and looked at Rachel “Well honey, you will have to get used to using them, we have already discussed it and you are going to be the perfect little baby again”.

Rachel quickly looked up with pleading eyes “No this is stupid I am not going to go through with this” she quickly stood up but before she could walk away her mom had hold of her hand “Now your grandma is right, we have discussed this and even if you didn’t use them before you will now, you will do a lot of things you didn’t do before but you will get used to it and soon you will forget what a toilet is” she let out a laugh as Rachel struggled to get away “You’re being crazy, I am not going to be a baby again, I told you why I had that stuff and I will get rid of it and we don’t have to talk about it again, now let me go!” she shouted but her mom shook her head “No baby, it’s time to show you who is in control” she grabbed Rachel’s other arm and pulled her towards her, before Rachel had a chance to react her mom wrapped her strong arms around her pinning her arms down. Rachel screamed “Get off me, please just let me go” but her mom smiled down at her daughter and slowly walked back towards the sofa and sat down pulling Rachel up onto her knee. Madison turned to her mom “It’s time to get the baby ready if you could help, I have my arms full here” Hannah let out a short laugh, nodded “OK I will be back soon” she stood up and left the room. Rachel continued to struggle on her mom's lap to no avail “What are they going to do? I can’t be a baby? I have a party to go to, I have a life I don’t want to wear or use diapers in front of my mom or grandma” she shuddered and tears formed in her eyes as she looked at her mom “Please let me go mom, I will do anything just don’t make me a baby” Madison smiled and gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead “Shhh baby, everything will be OK, trust mommy”. Tears began to roll down Rachel’s face “She isn’t going to change her mind, she never changes her mind. Oh god she is going to do it

Rachel finally stopped struggling on her mom’s lap and softly began to sob “I can’t believe this is happening, why does she want to make me a baby again? Is it really because she found out I had diapers? Or does she want to control me or humiliate me? That must be it, she wants to show me how embarrassing it is to wear diapers like a baby by making me a baby” her thoughts were interrupted when she heard her grandma return. She turned her head and quickly began to shake and struggle, with every fibre of her being she tried to get out of her mom's grip but she was too strong. Her grandma walked beside her and patted her head “Awww don’t worry baby, this will make it much easier for all of us” tears were running down her face as she continued to stare at the item in her grandmas hand, she looked up at her smiling face and cried out “Please don’t! Please! I will act like a baby but please don’t do that”. Hannah stroked her hair and cooed “Shhh baby, it will be over in a second and then you can start your new life as a baby” she then turned on the hair clippers and slowly moved them towards Rachel’s long freshly styled hair.

 Chapter 03

Rachel squirmed and shook out of panic but her mom had her pinned on her lap, tears streamed down her face as she screamed out “Please No, Please don’t do this” but her pleas landed on deaf ears. “I can’t believe they want to cut my hair? Why do they want to do that? What are they going to do to it? They wouldn’t make me bald, would they? Oh god as bald as a baby” she screamed out and stared at her mom with tears running down her face but her mom just shushed her and kept her pinned down. All Rachel could hear was the buzzing of the clippers and it sent shivers down her as the horrible sound got closer, she cried out again as her grandma moved the clippers over her head and then it happened.

Rachel froze everything seemed to go in slow motion as she heard the clippers connect with her hair “This can’t be happening” she repeated in her head as she felt a large clump of hair fall away. “This can’t be happening” she continued to repeat “This can’t be hap...” she stopped and she held her breath as she saw long pieces of her hair slowly fall down in front of her face. Rachel went pale white as more and more hair fell away from her head when suddenly she remembered to breathe and she let out a large cry of anguish followed by bellowing cry. She closed her eyes tightly but the constant noise of the clippers and the feeling of hair falling from her head couldn’t help her escape from what was happening.

Rachel continued to cry as her grandma thoroughly went over her head with the clippers “I’m bald, she hasn’t left me with any hair left” she shuddered “Oh god I’m bald, who is going to want me looking like this. Not even Liam will look at me twice with me being bald. Oh, fuck the party tonight I can’t go looking like this. Wait would I even be allowed to go now that they want to treat me like a baby? What does that even mean? I’m not a baby!” she shouted inside her head as the clippers finally turned off.

After a short time Rachel slowly opened her eyes and looked down to the floor at the small mountain of hair that her grandma had brushed together, she let out a gasp and continued to stare at it as her grandma slowly brushed up the remaining hair joining it into the small pile that Rachel couldn’t take her eyes off. “That was my hair” she said in weak amazement as her mom nodded and cooed “That’s right baby, it was your hair good girl but you don’t need it now that you're just a baby”. Rachel quickly looked up at her mom with anger in her eyes “How dare you take away my hair!” she shouted but Madison just frowned at her then looked at her mom “I think once we have got the baby ready then it’s time for her to go down for a nap, I think she is getting cranky” Rachel’s jaw dropped as Hannah nodded “Good idea but maybe this will help calm her down” she said with a cheer and she held out one of Rachel’s large adult-sized pacifiers “Your right mum, she always loved her pacifiers the first time around” she turned to Rachel “Now baby, grandma is going to pop in your pacifier you be a good baby and suck on it or mommy will have to punish baby and I really don’t want to do that”. Rachel’s eyes went wide as the nipple of the pacifier slowly made it’s way towards her mouth “Do I accept it? Do I have a choice? If I accept it then it’s like I accept what they are doing to me but if I don’t then I might get punished, I’ve already had my hair cut what else are they going to do” she shuddered “Do I want to know?” she thought and slowly she opened her mouth and accepted the rubber nipple into her mouth while rolling her eyes.

“Suck baby” her mom commanded and Rachel sighed “Is it not bad enough that I have this in my mouth but to suck on it as well” she shook her head slightly and then began to suck on the pacifier. Her mom and grandma both let out a loud “Awwww” which made Rachel wanted to scream but she sat silently still pinned on her mom’s lap. Rachel watched as her Grandma collected all of her once stylish hair and dumped it all into a bag and then left the room “And it’s gone” Rachel thought with a tear in her eye. Hannah soon returned carrying a small mirror in her hand “Does baby want to see how cute she looks?” before Rachel had time to answer the mirror was lifted up in front of her and Rachel looked with horrified eyes.

“I look like a giant baby, I can’t believe it she has cut it all off, I’m as bald as a baby and sucking on a pacifier, I think I’m going to be sick” she thought as she quickly looked away from the mirror while trying to hold down her lunch, she shook her head “I can’t let this continue, I have to do something to get out of this” she thought.  

Chapter 04

Madison couldn’t stop smiling as her adult daughter sucked on the pacifier on her lap “Awww I can’t wait to have my little baby back again, I missed having my baby girl” she giggled as Rachel blushed bright red and her grandma also smiled “Yep, it’s time to start the next phase I think” she said with a cheer, and she walked over towards the entrance of the room. Rachel had a puzzled look on her face as her grandma silently stood watching “What is she doing there?” she thought and turned back to her mom whose face had become serious “Now baby, I’m going to let you go and I don’t want you to fight or try to run away because you know me and your grandma will catch you, I want you to get off my lap and stand in the middle of the room like a good girl, now can you do that for me little one?” Rachel looked over to her grandma again and rolled her eyes “That’s why she is standing there, so I can’t make a run for the front door and where my mum is sitting I wouldn’t be able to get past her to the kitchen. They have me trapped in here, I don’t have a choice but to do as she says at least I will get off her lap” she thought as she slowly nodded her head.

Madison smiled at her daughter “Good baby” she cooed as she slowly opened up her arms and Rachel quickly got up off her moms lap and stood in the middle of the room, she looked nervously at her mum “OK I’m standing in the middle of the room while sucking on a pacifier with a bald head. Oh god, I’m bald I still can’t believe that” she shuddered as her mom smiled at her.

“Now my little baby girl” Madison began in a cheerful tone “I want this to go smoothly from now on, I don’t want to pin you down or trap you OK?” Rachel looked at her mom puzzled “Well I don’t want to be pinned down so that’s something we have in common but it would be different if you didn’t have me trapped in a room” she thought as she looked over her shoulder at her grandma, she looked back at her mom and slowly nodded “OK so what then?” she asked with a huff from behind the pacifier.

Madison fixed her eyes on her daughter “Now like we said we all want the same thing, you want to wear diapers and be a baby and I want my baby daughter back” Rachel opened her mouth to protest but her mom held up her hand and continued “So from now on you are no longer 20 years old, you’re a baby, you will be fed like a baby you will wear and use your diapers like a baby and you will waddle around the house like a baby” Rachel was shaking, her mind was racing “A baby? She wants me to be a baby? Use diapers? She said it before but I didn’t truly believe her, how long for?” she looked puzzled “Why does that matter? It’s still the humiliation of wearing diapers in front of my mom, being fed by her. How long for?” she shook her head as she looked at her mom “How long for?” she weakly asked from behind the pacifier, Rachel shook her head again “Why did I ask that? That’s not the main thing I need to know right now” she thought as she nervously waited for the answer.

Madison smiled “Babies don’t worry about time, it will last for as long as it lasts and all you will have to worry about is feeding times and changing times” she giggled as Rachel went weak at the knees, Rachel opened her mouth again but her mom once again lifted up her hand “Now enough questions, lets get this started baby girl it’s time for you to take off all your pretend grown-up clothes and stand there in the nudey” Rachel choked up on the pacifier “What?!” she shouted while she shook her head “No, no way am I doing that. No No!” she continued to shake her head as her hands trembled and pacifier dangled from her mouth “Please mom I...” “Mommy, you call me mommy now baby” Madison said with a smile.

Rachel sighed and gritted her teeth and from behind the pacifier she bluntly said “Mommy...” her hands had stopped trembling and she was composing herself “..I am not going to take off my clothes in front of you and grandma, never going to happen”. She was feeling proud of herself “That will show her that I won't be pushed around” she thought then she looked down her nose at the pacifier still sticking out from her mouth and sighed.

Her mom shook her head and frowned at her daughter “I know that you will sweety because of one little mistake on your part” Rachel shook her head “What mistake?” she asked, her mom smiled “This morning I went into your room to put your washing away like I always do and there was your laptop open with family photos running across the screen, it must have been the screen saver and I paused and watched some nice photos of us all on holiday when then came a photo of you standing in the middle of your bedroom wearing a diaper” Rachel’s hands began to tremble again “What? How did that photo get into the screen saver? I thought I had deleted them all. I only wanted to see how I looked and then I deleted them. I’m sure I deleted them how did it get on there? Why didn’t I turn off my laptop? Oh god because I was running late” her mom continued calmly “So I rushed to your laptop and after half an hour of searching I managed to find all your new baby pictures, you know where I found them? Inside your recycling bin and well I rescued all those cute baby photos of you, they are now saved on my phone and I think Laura would love to see those or what about Liam?” Rachel went pale and light-headed “Yes Liam would love to see some cute baby photos of you wouldn’t he” Madison giggled as sweat poured down Rachel’s face she was shaking all over as her mom continued with a smile “Now baby, strip away your grown-up life and nobody will ever see those photos”.

Chapter 05

Rachel stood staring at the floor in a shocked trance with the pacifier still in her mouth, the horrible command from her mom was running around her head repeatedly which had made her feel dizzy and her mouth dry. Her legs were wobbly as she tried to focus her thoughts but all she could think was the horrible sentence her mom had just said so calmly “Now baby, strip away your grown-up life and nobody will ever see those photos” Rachel swallowed hard as her hands began to shake “How did she find those photos? I only took them to see how I looked when I quickly deleted them out of embarrassment, just seeing myself dressed as a baby was so wrong. I can’t believe I didn’t empty the recycling bin and now she has those horribly humiliating photos” she bit her lip out of frustration “I’m 20 years old this should not be happening, I should be getting ready to go out tonight not contemplating stripping down in front of my mom and grandma” she shook all over as she slowly looked up at her mom with tears in her eyes.

Rachel opened her mouth to protest from behind the pacifier when her mom held up her hand and interrupted “I don’t want to hear it baby girl, I will give you to the count of three, if you haven’t started removing your clothes by three then I will send the photos to your friends. Don’t test me baby girl I have nothing to lose by sending the photos”.

Rachel had tears running down her face “I can’t believe she is making me do this, she wants me to get naked in front of her but then what?” her eyes darted around the room when they spotted her pile of diapers still on the floor and her chest tightened “She wants me to strip naked then she is going to put me in diapers and I will be her baby girl again” she quickly placed her hands over her pacified mouth as she suddenly felt sick, with fresh tears streaming down her face she shook her head “I’m going to be treated like a baby by my mom and grandma? Seriously? Tonight was going to be mine and Liam’s night” she felt a slight shiver run through her and a slight smile appeared but was quickly replaced with a frown as she stared at the diapers “Instead though my mom wants me to wear diapers tonight?”.

“One” Madison announced loudly, Rachel quickly looked at her mom with panic in her eyes, she slowly removed her shaking hands from her mouth as she stared back and forth from her mom and the diapers. “Two” Madison continued with a smile, she pulled out her phone as Rachel shook all over “No, she is at two already, I have to do it, I can’t do it but I don’t have a choice, I can’t have everyone see me wearing diapers but can I let my mom treat me like a baby?” she began to feel dizzy again as she stared at her mom with pleading eyes.

Rachel stared at her mom with a wave of different emotions running through her, she still had no idea what she was going to do when she saw her mom open her mouth, time appeared to slow down as Rachel heard her mom start “Thr...”. Rachel’s mind was going a mile a minute, she was going through all the possible scenarios in her head, everything that could happen flashed in front of her eyes in all its embarrassing glory, she turned five shades of red at what could happen when suddenly without thinking she grabbed hold of the bottom of her white shirt and as quick as a flash she pulled it up and off her head and threw it to the ground in anger.

Rachel looked down at her breasts hiding away in her white bra in a state of shock and then down at her shirt on the floor “What have I done?” she thought as she looked up at her mom smiling at her from the sofa “Good baby, now carry on” she continued to hold her phone as Rachel looked back down at her supple breasts shaking nervously “Why did I do that? I can’t even remember deciding to do it, I must have decided it was the best choice. Oh god I now have to remove the rest of my clothes, she still has her phone out, so she isn’t going to be happy till I’m naked” a cold shiver ran through her and without thinking she began to suck on the pacifier.

Chapter 06

Rachel sighed as she continued to suck on the infantile pacifier “I started it and I really can’t see any way of getting out of this, Oh god I’m going to get naked in front them” she shook as she looked up at her mom again with pleading eyes. Madison smiled “Go on baby, get rid of all your grown-up clothes so mommy can dress you” she cooed.

Rachel turned bright red “Take off my clothes to be dressed like a baby by my mom, it’s so humiliating” she thought as her mom continued with a stern tone “Now I’m not going to count again, if you don’t start right away then I will send the photos to your friends and force you to get naked myself” Rachel shook but didn’t move as Madison shouted“Now!” which made Rachel jump “I don’t have a choice I’m going to end up naked whatever I do, least I can do is make sure my friends don't see it” she thought and slowly she grabbed hold of her pants.

From behind Rachel, Hannah stood watching, she couldn’t help feel bad for her granddaughter. She watched as Rachel grabbed hold of her pants with her shaking hands and Hannah decided that when this whole ordeal was over she was going to give her large cuddle. She knew that Rachel and her daughter needed this and soon Rachel would get used to the new life she just had to adjust and then she would be the perfect baby that they both wanted.

With tears in her eyes she slowly lowered her skinny jeans down over her perfect round bum revealing her white panties, as they reached the floor she quickly kicked them off and placed her hands over her crotch “This is so humiliating” she thought as she nervously looked at her mom who was still smiling at her “I have to continue this isn’t going to end” her full body shook as she slowly removed her hands from her crotch and made her way to her bra strap “I hate this, it’s not fair” she thought as she released the strap.

Quickly Rachel placed her hands over the bra before it could fall from her supple breasts “Here we go” she thought with a hard swallow and tears running down her face she removed her hand and guided her bra down to the floor. A cold shiver ran through her as she quickly placed her arms around her breasts “This is really happening, I’m shedding my adult clothes for baby ones, when will my breasts get the support from a bra again” she shook her head.

“Excuse me baby” Madison announced and Rachel slowly looked up at her mom with tears still running down her face and sucking on the pacifier “What does she want now?” Rachel thought when Madison continued “Remove your arms, babies don’t care if they are naked and if I see you trying to cover up again then you will be punished”.

Rachel looked down at her arms “I can’t even cover up my nudity? What kind of punishment would she use on me? I don’t want to risk it with what she is doing to me now it’s just going to be something embarrassing or humiliating” she thought and slowly she removed her arms revealing her young breasts. She placed her arms by her side with shame running through her as she continued to suck on the pacifier as she stared down at her white panties “They have to go next” she thought with a shiver.

I better get to it before mom speaks up, she might just send those photos now because I’m taking so long I can’t give her any excuse to send those photos” she let out a loud sigh as she took hold of her panties with her shaking hands and slowly she began to lower them. Rachel began to sweat and turned a bright shade of red as she slowly lowered her panties down past her perfect round bum and exposing her bushy vagina.

“Oh well that will have to go,” her mom said as she watched her daughter lower her panties down to her ankles. Rachel blushed bright red “What does?” she asked from behind the pacifier, her mom smiled “Babies don’t have any hair down there, we will need to remove that little one” she cooed as Rachel stared down at her vagina in disbelief “Remove even more of my hair? She did shave my head why not shave my pussy. I don’t want to be bald all over” she thought with a shiver of fear.

Rachel slowly kicked her panties away and with every fibre she fought herself not to cover up her embarrassing nudity, she stood twitching and flinching in front of her mom, her head hanging in shame as she nervously waited for her mom to speak up. “Well little one, I think it’s bath time,” she said with a smile and she began to stand up when her Hannah interrupted “I will give the baby her bath,” she said with a cheer. Rachel’s jaw dropped open “I’m going to be bathed by my grandma? I can wash myself I don’t need anyone to take me” she let out a sigh “Apart from now I’m considered a baby” she suddenly felt sick as her mom sat back on the chair “OK mom, you give the baby her bath and shave off the rest of her big girl hair and then we can get her ready for the day” she smiled as her Hannah nodded “Sounds good” she said as she walked up behind her granddaughter.

Chapter 07

Rachel’s head was spinning “I’m going to be bathed by my grandma and she is going to shave me? Is she going to shave my vagina? I’m not going to have any hair?” she blushed bright red as her grandma slowly turned her around on the spot and smiled down at her. “Let's go baby girl, I know this is difficult for you little one, so I will help” Hannah smiled which made Rachel look away with embarrassment, suddenly Rachel felt hands placed under her armpits, she let out a nervous cry as she was lifted up off the floor.

She nervously looked at the ground getting further away furiously sucking on the pacifier as her grandma lifted her up into the air, Rachel began to shake with fear as she slowly turned to face her grandma's gaze. Hannah smiled at her granddaughter who she was now holding up off the ground at arms length easily “Now baby, I’m going to pull you into me so you wrap your legs around me and we can have a big cuddle while I carry you to the bathroom” Rachel blushed bright red “I’m going to be naked while being carried by my grandma, I have to open my legs and have them wrapped around her? This is getting worse by every passing minute” she thought as her grandma began to pull her in.

Rachel sighed as she slowly wrapped her legs around her grandma's waist and as she was forced to rest her head on her grandma’s shoulder Hannah moved her hands and Rachel turned bright red as one hand cupped her firm round bum for support and the other wrapped around her back. Rachel closed her eyes tight as she felt her grandmas warmth “This is so humiliating, my grandma’s hand is over my naked bum, I want to get out of this but what can I do?” she thought as her grandma squeezed her tight and began to walk out of the room and towards the bathroom.

Slowly Rachel was carried through the small house towards the large bathroom where Hannah slightly bent over “Now little one, grandma loves these cuddles but can you let me go so I can run your bath” she cooed, Rachel felt the hand leave her bum and she released her legs from around her grandmas waist and stood on the cold tiles. “Well hopefully I don’t have to go through that again, being carried like that was so demeaning, she had her hand on my bum like it was nothing” she shivered as Hannah turned towards the bath and turned on the taps. She turned back towards her granddaughter and gave a smile “Sit down on the floor baby girl, no point in you standing around while I get everything ready” she cooed. Rachel stared at her grandma questionably “I don’t want to sit on the floor” she said from behind the pacifier but Hannah just shook her head and pointed to the floor “Bum on floor baby, do as your told I don’t want a naughty baby granddaughter so place your bum bum on the floor” Rachel rolled her eyes and sighed “I can’t believe this is happening and I can’t believe I’m not fighting it” she thought as she slowly lowered herself onto the floor, she let out a shiver as the cold tiles touched her bare bum.

She was sitting with her knees underneath her chin with her arms wrapped around her legs on the cold tiles “I’m sure sitting this way hides a lot of my nudity, I’m naked in front of my grandma!” she thought as she watched from the floor in a sulk her grandma fill up the bath. Hannah turned around to check up on the new baby and shook her head at Rachel “No, that won’t do baby” Rachel looked at her confused “What's wrong now? I’m sitting” she thought as her grandma walked towards her “No, you can’t sit like that, I want you to sit cross-legged with your back straight” she commanded. Rachel's eyes went wide “I’m already sitting here naked why does she want me to sit like that? It’s to force me to show her my nudity, I can’t believe she is being so mean” she thought as her grandma walked closer to her “Now little baby!” she shouted. Rachel jumped and felt a wave of humiliation flow through her she continued to suck on the pacifier as a slight form of comfort as she slowly released her arms and opened up her legs revealing her breasts, her skinny body and her vagina to her grandma, she shivered with embarrassment as her grandma smiled and nodded her head “Good baby” she announced and turned back to the bath where she turned off the taps.

It can’t be full already?” Rachel thought as her grandma reached into the bath “Hmm it might be a little to warm for your baby skin, so I know what we can do while it cools down” she said as she turned back to her granddaughter she opened up the cupboard underneath the sink and began to look inside. Rachel couldn’t help but shake nervously “What does she have planned? Everything else that has happened today is to humiliate me, I’m sure this will be the same” she thought as she watched her grandma pull out scissors, a razor and shaving cream.

Rachel shook her head, “No.” She pleaded while there sobbing but her grandma didn’t respond, she sat down on her knees in front of Rachel, she placed the items on the floor and grabbed hold of Rachel’s legs “Now baby, we need to get you to lie down, so I can shave off all that naughty hair” she cooed. Rachel had tears in her eyes as she shook her head “No” she repeated from behind the pacifier but her grandma lent forward and pulled her legs straight and gently pushed Rachel down onto her back. Rachel couldn’t stop shaking as tears ran down her face “Why am I allowing this to happen? I could fight?” she scoffed “No I can’t they are taller and stronger and anyway my mom has those photos if I do anything then she will send them out” she scrunched up her eyes as she furiously sucked on the pacifier.

Hannah was positioned between her granddaughter's legs staring down at her hairy vagina and shook her head “Yep all of this will have to go, you will be so happy when you’re all nice and clean down there baby” she cooed once again. Rachel’s chest became tight as her grandma slowly clipped away all of her pubic hair, leaving only stubble. Rachel couldn’t open her eyes the only thought running through her head was “This isn’t happening, This isn’t happening”. Once reduced to stubble, Hannah smeared shaving cream on which made Rachel jump and turn a bright shade of red “She is touching it, she is touching my vagina? I’m a grown adult my grandma shouldn’t be touching my vagina” she continued to cry as her grandma shaved the remaining hair away. “All done, see that wasn’t so bad now was it” Hannah announced and Rachel slowly opened her eyes and looked down at her crotch she wanted to scream, she was now as hairless as a newborn baby.

“Now it’s time for your bath baby girl” Hannah announced as Rachel continued to stare at her now shaven vagina. Rachel was in a state of shock she had become numb to what was happening “This can’t be real, It just can’t” She thought. Hannah stood up and removed the pacifier from Rachel’s mouth and placed her hands once again under Rachel’s armpits and helped the small girl up to stand “Come on baby” she cooed, Rachel just stood frozen a haze had formed around her mind “It’s not happening” she continued to think as her grandma removed her hands from her granddaughters armpits and placed one on Rachel’s arm and the other on her round bum to guide her to the bath.

Rachel was helped over the side of the bath and stood in the shallow water “Sit down baby” her grandma cooed and Rachel slowly did as she was told. Once the warm water surrounded her the haze lifted “What the hell? Why is it so shallow? It’s only up to my waist?” she thought as her grandma sat down on the other side of the bath. Rachel felt so foolish sitting in a bathtub in front of her grandma naked “Why did she have to grab hold of my bum again to help me get in here? Why is she doing this? I’m not a baby!” she shouted in her head as Hannah soaked a flannel and smiled at her granddaughter as she squeezed the excess water out of it and began washing her.

Hannah started on Rachel’s legs and tears began to roll down her face “My grandma is actually going to wash me” she thought with dread. Hannah continued onto Rachel’s face, neck and arms, she then moved onto her chest, Rachel clenched her fists, bit her lip and stared up at the ceiling as her grandma began to wipe down her breasts and then to Rachel’s horror she began to wash the places that Rachel had once assumed that nobody but her close partners would see, She felt her grandmas hand slowly moving around her vagina “Get out of there, this is so wrong only Liam...” she blushed “No I can’t think of him now” she thought but a tingle ran through her as her grandma finished cleaning her “No, why did I think of Liam then, I can’t be horny while this is happening” she hung her head in shame and saw water dripping off her breasts into the shallow water.

“You're being such a good girl for me, I’m so proud of you..” Rachel blushed bright red as her grandma continued “Now let’s see if you can be a good girl and get up on your knees” she cooed. Rachel looked at her mom confused but before she had a chance to question it her grandma was helping her up to her knees “Why does she want me on my knees?” She wondered when to her horror she felt the damp flannel onto her round bum. Rachel felt cold as she felt the flannel go between her cheeks “Oh god, why?” she screamed in her head as her grandma cooed “Good baby, now sit back down on your nice clean bum bum” Rachel sighed as she lowered herself back in the shallow water.

Hannah dropped the flannel back into the water once more and squeezed out the excess water and smiled at Rachel “Almost done baby” she cooed as she moved the flannel onto Rachel’s bald head, Rachel shook as she felt the flannel run all over her now bald head “I’m bald all over, just like a baby, I’m being bathed by my grandma just like a baby and after this they are going to put me in diapers just like a baby. They have won they have turned me into a baby”.

Chapter 08

Hannah smiled down at her granddaughter “There we go all clean and ready for your mummy to put you into fresh diapers” she cooed as Rachel shook “Oh god now it’s time to be put in diapers by my mom, this is so humiliating” she thought. Hannah reached over and placed her hands under Rachel's armpits and lifted the scared young woman out of the bathtub and sat her on the floor, she grabbed a towel and began to dry her new baby granddaughter.

Rachel sat still with tears in her eyes as her grandma slowly moved the towel all over her naked body “My life is over, I can’t fight this or everyone will know I wear diapers, so I’m destined to be an adult baby to have my mom and grandma look after me while I wear and...” she shook “..use diapers” she wiped away the tears from her eyes as her grandma finished drying her. Hannah stood up and smiled down at Rachel “OK baby, come along” she cooed as she reached her hand out for Rachel to take it. Rachel looked up at her grandma and sighed “Do I have to?” she asked and Hannah gave her a sympathetic smile “Yes baby you do, don’t worry you will soon get used to it and I will be here to help you if you are feeling sad. I will give you lots of cuddles and kisses” she smiled as Rachel blushed “I know she is trying to make this easier for me but I don’t want hugs and kisses I want my life back” she rolled her eyes as she reached up and grabbed her grandmas hand and slowly stood up.

Hannah motioned for Rachel to take the lead and Rachel suddenly felt very self-conscious once again “I’m naked! I’m walking around naked! I don’t care what grandma says I’m not going to get used to this” she hung her head as she walked past her grandma and opened the door to the hallway the stopped. Hannah frowned at her granddaughter as she stood behind her “Come on baby” she cooed and she reached out and gave Rachel a few pats on her firm buttocks. Rachel jumped and turned bright red “Why does she keep touching my bum” she thought and once again her grandma patted her bum “To the living room baby” she commanded as Rachel gritted her teeth “I know!” she shouted and then suddenly sighed and walked into the hallway towards the living room and her awaiting mom.

Rachel slowed to an almost stop as she approached the living room “The diapers are in there, I walk in and I’m going to be diapered” she began to shake as her grandma walked up behind her “Come on dear, sooner you go in sooner your little bum will be covered up” she cooed which made Rachel shake even more “I can’t keep her waiting, or she might just send the pictures out” she thought as she took a deep breath and walked into the room.

Madison was still sitting on the sofa as her daughter entered as naked and as bald as the day she was born and she couldn’t help but smile at how cute she looked as she looked her daughter up and down “Awww your grandma did a great job, now come over here baby” she cooed. Rachel couldn’t stop shaking as she slowly walked towards her mom, every time she stopped or slowed too much her grandma would pat her bum until she started walking again there was no escape from the inevitable. She was a few feet from her mom when she then noticed on the floor in front of the sofa was a baby changing mat she blushed bright red as she stared down at the mat “Where did she get that from?” she thought as her mom cooed “Almost there baby”.

Rachel finally stood beside the changing mat shaking with fear and tears in her eyes “Please mom, I don’t want to be a baby, please don’t do this” she pleaded but her mom just shook her head “We have already been through this you are now a baby” she looked behind her daughter to Hannah “Do you have the baby's pacifier?” she asked, Hannah nodded and produced the pacifier “Here we go baby this will make you feel better” Hannah cooed as she reached around. Rachel saw the pacifier and sighed “I have to suck on it, I don’t have a choice I have to do everything they want” she slowly opened her mouth and her grandma placed the rubber nipple of the pacifier in Rachel's mouth and she began to suck.

Madison smiled as she slid off the sofa and sat down on her knees in front of the changing mat “OK baby, time to get you in a nice big diaper” she lent over and patted the mat as she smiled at her daughter “Come on baby”. Rachel was trembling and she felt light-headed as she looked down at the mom, from behind the pacifier she said weakly “Please don’t” but her mom just shook her head “Baby sit down now and I won’t have to punish you” she said sternly. Rachel looked at her grandma for support but she just smiled and gestured towards the mat “Oh god it’s really happening” she thought and she slowly lowered herself down to sit on the mat.

Madison smiled and took her daughters ankles and spread her legs apart, she then shuffled up between her daughter's legs stopping at her knees. Rachel turned bright red “She is so close to my vagina, I’m naked in front of my mom, I’m naked and my legs are spread in front of my mom! This is so humiliating” she thought as Madison squealed “Good baby! Now lie down, and we will cover up your nudey pudey” She smiled as Rachel began to cry and slowly lowered herself down onto her back. “This isn’t happening, it’s not happening” Rachel repeated in her head as she watched her mom grab several of the cloth diapers “Lift your little bum up” her mom cooed. With tears running down her face and slowly sucking on the pacifier she lifted up her bum for her mom “Just need to think that at least I’m not going to be naked, I need to try to think of the positives” she thought as her mom placed the four cloth diapers under her bum.

Chapter 09

Madison smiled down at her daughter as she pulled out the baby powder and cooed “Got to make sure baby doesn’t get a rash” which made Rachel turn bright red “I’m not going to get a diaper rash because I’m not going to use the diapers and you can’t make me” she thought while sucking on the pacifier as her mom began to sprinkle the baby powder onto her freshly shaven vagina. Rachel closed her eyes and cursed under her breath as the sweet smell entered the room “Great I’m going to smell like a baby too” she sighed as her mom poured a generous amount between Rachel’s legs then placed the baby powder down and smiled at her daughter.

Rachel’s heart was racing as she watched her mom pick up the front of the cloth diaper “This is it, the end of my life” she thought with fresh tears as her mom pulled the front of the cloth diaper up. Rachel watched with wide eyes as slowly her vagina vanished from sight covered up with the infantile cloth diapers, her mom produced two large pink diaper pins and quickly pinned one side of the diapers together tightly as Rachel began to shake with embarrassment once again “With one more action and I’m my mom’s baby once again, with no life or freedom just to be her baby. Why did she put so many on me? It’s so thick there is no getting away that I’m wearing a diaper just like a baby” she thought as tears ran down her face. Madison produced two more diaper pins and pulled the cloth diaper tightly against her daughter's waist before she pinned the two sides together, she sat back and admired her daughter's new underwear “Almost there baby, now for the plastic pants and baby is already” she cooed.

Madison grabbed the pink plastic pants and stood up “Up you get baby” she cooed as she held out her hands, Rachel continued to stare down at her padded waist in disbelief as she slowly sucked on the adult-sized pacifier “I’m a baby, I’m a bald pacifier sucking diaper-wearing baby” she quickly wiped away her tears as she looked up at her mom’s outstretched hands. Madison clapped her hands together and cooed once again “Up you get baby”, Rachel rolled her eyes “Great now it’s time for the plastic pants” she sighed as she sat up and felt her diaper move slightly “It’s so big!” she thought as reached out for her mom’s hands and slowly stood in front of her tall parent.

Madison continued to smile down at her daughter and gave her a kiss on the forehead “You are being such a good baby girl for mommy” she cooed which made Rachel blush once again as her mom continued “Now all you need to do is step into your cute pink plastic pants and your new baby life is ready to begin” she smiled as Rachel shook “My baby life? I don’t want a baby life!” she shouted in her head as her mom squatted down in front of her and held out the pink plastic panties.

Rachel looked down past her large diaper at the baby pink plastic pants that her mom was holding then looked up at the ceiling “Could I still run for it? Mom might send the photos to everyone but it can’t be worse than having to live my life as a baby and I won’t have any friends as a baby anyway” she looked behind her and saw her grandma smiling down at her and she quickly looked forward again “I can’t run though, not with grandma standing so close to me, if I even attempt to run she will grab me and I will just get punished” she slowly shook her head and looked back down at the plastic pants that her mom was holding.

She let out a sigh as she lifted up her leg and her mom quickly guided the plastic pants over her foot and her ankle, she lowered her leg as her chest became tight “The start of my baby life, can it be that bad?” she thought with a shiver and slowly lifted her other leg and her mom once again guided her foot inside. Rachel lowered her leg and the plastic pants rested at her knees, slowly her mom pulled them up to just below her large diaper and then in one quick motion she pulled the pants up over the diaper and stood up in front of her new baby daughter. Rachel stared down at her new underwear in shock “She actually did it, she turned me into a baby” her chest tightened and her head started to spin “I’m wearing a diaper” she slowly turned around and her eyes went wide as she stared down at her bum “It’s huge! I can’t believe how big this diaper is, my bum is huge, my great looking bum is now hiding inside a diaper for god knows how long” she shivered.

Madison was beaming as she stared at Rachel, her adult daughter was standing in front of her naked apart from the large diaper that puffed out at her waist “Perfect” she cooed and she quickly grabbed her daughters arm and pulled her over to the sofa. Madison sat down and pulled her adult baby daughter onto her lap. Rachel turned bright red as she found herself being cradling on her mom’s lap, her head resting on her mom’s breasts and her large padded bum being patted “Is this my life now? To have no privacy? To be practically naked at all times? To have my mom pat my bum whenever she wants?” she shut her eyes as she sucked on the pacifier. “Nobody should be touching my bum, well not nobody I wouldn’t mind Liam touching my bum and much more” she thought as her body quivered, her eyes shot open “No I got to stop thinking like that” she looked down at her pink diaper “But I can’t I was so ready for tonight to be the night I had worked myself up for so long” she bit the pacifier “I need to get a release but how am I going to do that while wearing a diaper? Do I really want to do that in a diaper?” she thought with disgust.

Chapter 10

Rachel felt disgusted with herself as she looked down at her padded groin “I’m meant to be getting ready for a party, a party where Liam and I could finally...” she blushed as she sucked on the pacifier “But instead I’m being cradled by my mom, a pacifier in my mouth and a diaper around my waist. How much I wanted tonight but instead I’m going to be stuck at home like this” she shook and her mom looked down at her “Awww is baby cold” she cooed while giving the top of her daughters freshly shaven head a kiss as Rachel winced “Why did she have to kiss my head? It’s a constant reminder of what they have turned me into” she thought as her mom continued “I think it’s time for baby to have a nap” she smiled down at her infantile daughter who blushed “A nap? At this time? I don’t want to go for a nap” she thought.

Rachel’s grandma came over to her daughter and granddaughter and smiled down “Now you have a good nap, little baby and we can play when you get up” she cooed as she gave Rachel a kiss on the top of her bald head which caused Rachel to wince once again. Hannah stood back up and smiled “I will put the kettle on” she said, Madison nodded “Yeah I will have a coffee thanks” she said as Hannah entered the kitchen. Madison moved her daughter around on her lap, Rachel's legs were brought around her waist and her arms wrapped around her neck, Madison placed one hand under Rachel’s bum to support her and the other around her back. Rachel’s head continued to rest on her mom’s chest, she nervously looked closed her eyes “I’m not going to get used to this, being carried around like I’m a baby, it’s so humiliating her hand pushing up against my bum like it doesn’t even matter, my head resting against her chest inches away from her breasts” she thought while sucking on the pacifier. Slowly Madison stood up and Rachel tightly locked her legs in place around her mom's waist, she looked down at the floor then closed her eyes quickly “Nope never going to get used to this, I feel so small like this. That’s probably the point of it, to make me feel like a baby. I hate it” she thought as her mom carried her out of the room, down the hallway towards Rachel’s room.

Rachel opened her eyes slowly as she heard the door open and her mom walked into her room, Rachel looked at her room and her chest tightened “Where is all my stuff!?” she shouted in her head. Rachel stared at her mostly empty bedroom, her desk and laptop that sat in the corner were gone, all her books had been removed from her bookshelf and that’s when Rachel noticed her bed and she felt light-headed. “What?” she blurted out and her mom giggled “Do you like it your grandma and I spent a long time this morning making it, it’s not quite right but it’s the best we could do in such a short time. We will get a proper crib from you soon baby” she cooed as she walked over to the single bed.

Rachel stared down in disbelief “My bed, my bed! It’s been turned into a makeshift crib” she thought with disgust. At each corner of the bed were metal posts that went at least half a meter above the mattress, attached to the metal posts was a mesh netting that surrounded the bed from the bottom of the mattress up to the top of the posts “Where the hell did they get this from?” she thought as her mom began to deposit her in her ‘crib’.

Madison lowered her daughter into the makeshift crib and Rachel sat on her padded rear on the mattress looking around her prison in shock “How?” she blurted out from behind the pacifier. Madison giggled at her daughter “Well we obviously couldn’t of made this on our own, we got some help from some friends they were more than happy to help make sure my little baby didn’t fall out of bed at night” she giggled again as Rachel turned white as a sheet “She told people? She had them come in here and make me a crib? Her friends know I’m being treated like a baby?” she suddenly felt sick.

She continued to look around the crib when she then noticed that all the photos of herself and her friends that hung on the walls had been taken down and were replaced by her ‘baby photos’ that were saved on her PC, her jaw fell open and she almost lost the pacifier as she stared at each of the photos “She really did find them, why did she put them up on the wall? This is so humiliating I’m naked apart from a diaper in a lot of the photos but my mom has them up for everyone to see” suddenly her chest tightened “Did she have them up when her friends made this horrible crib?” she shook again as her mom smiled “Do you like your baby photos? Don’t worry we will have new baby photos up soon to remind you that your just a baby” she cooed.

Madison turned around as Rachel continued to stare at the photos and when she turned back she was holding a large pink fluffy blanket, she looked down at her daughter “Now baby, you lie down and mommy will tuck you in” Rachel looked up at her mom for a moment “I have to do what she says, it may be bad now but it could be worse if all my friends see these photos, that’s probably why she put them up to remind me she has the power” she shuddered and began to lie down when she noticed there wasn’t a pillow, she looked at her mom questionably who giggled “Babies don’t have pillows, maybe when you grow up you can have one little one” she cooed, Rachel rolled her eyes “How am I meant to sleep without a pillow?” she thought as she slowly laid down on her back with her arms by her side. Madison smiled down at her daughter as she placed the pink blanket over her and swaddled it around her, cocooning her inside. Rachel found it very difficult to move and she was unable to move her hands from her side as she lay sucking on the pacifier. Her mom smiled “Sweet dreams baby, mommy will be in to wake you up before you know it” she cooed. She then closed the curtains, bringing the room into darkness and then left, closing the door gently.

Rachel tried to break free from the blanket but it was no use she was stuck inside the blanket burrito, tears began to roll down her face as she sucked on the pacifier “I can’t believe this, I’m stuck in a crib wearing a bloody diaper” she thought when suddenly she began to feel itchy, her eyes widened as she looked down her body towards her groin “Oh god, this is why I don’t shave!” she said from behind the pacifier “It’s just going to get worse especially with wearing all those diapers, I’m going to get sweaty down there and I’m going to need to itch more” she shook her head “What am I going to do? Do I tell her about it” she blushed “I hate this!” she shouted while spitting out the pacifier.

 Chapter 11

Rachel shook her head several times “This can’t be happening, it can’t be!” she thought as she continued to try to wiggle out of the tight blanket her mom had swaddled her in. She let out a groan and lay still “It is though, It’s really happening, I’m lying inside a makeshift crib in the middle of my room while wearing a diaper” she closed her eyes “How did this happen? How did I let them do this to me?” she shook her head “I didn’t have any choice if I didn’t let my mom or grandma do this then they would have shown everyone the pictures” she opened her eyes and looked through the mesh of the crib, she slowly looked around her room at the various photos of her wearing diapers on the wall and felt anger build up in her “Why didn’t I make sure they were deleted! I can’t believe this is all happening because of those photos” she sighed “Well it’s not just because of those photos, it’s because my mom and grandma are crazy! Do they really expect to treat me like a baby?” she shivered.

Rachel closed her eyes again as she tried to squeeze her legs together “It’s so thick and warm, do they really expect me to just let them treat me like this?” she shook her head again “Can I fight back thought? They have already done so much and if I want to make sure that nobody else finds out about this then I have to go along with it. But for how long? How long will they treat me like this?” she lifted her head off the mattress and brought it back down with speed, she did that a few times but it didn’t help.

I’m meant to be going to a party tonight, will any of my friends notice if I’m not there? What will my mom tell them? How is she going to explain my absence? How am I going to look anyone in the eyes again after this” she sighed “What about Liam, his eyes and his smile and that body” she smiled as she pressed her inner thighs together and a chill ran through her, she suddenly froze “No!” she shook her head in disgust “I am not going to do that while wearing a diaper but oh god do I want to, I thought that tonight was the night and...” she bit her lip as her thighs pressed in again and she felt another shiver run through her “It’s meant to be Liam and me, not me and a diaper” she thought with disgust as she used all her might to stop herself “No! I can't, even if I want to and god do I want to, I can't do that in a diaper that is forced on me even if I do want some release it's not going to happen” she took a deep breath as she lay still “So what am I going to do? Let this happen? Let my mom and grandma continue to treat me like a baby? I hate it all, it’s so humiliating and degrading but if I complain or fight back then will it just last longer? Should I just shut up and go with it and maybe it won't last as long?” she rolled her eyes “This is so wrong, I’m a grown woman I should not be going through this!”.

Rachel had closed her eyes she was trying to get to sleep, to stop her brain from going through the same horrible thoughts that had repeated in her head for the last hour, but she was unable to sleep her brain just wouldn’t switch off, she continued to imagine what the rest of the weekend had in store for her. She let out a groan of frustration at her inability to sleep when she suddenly felt a strong urge to pee, her eyes shot open as she began to shake “No, No, No, I’m not going to do that! It’s disgusting, I need to get out of this” she thought as she began to struggle against the blanket again but it was no use. She stopped and bit her lip again as the urge slowly built up after time “What if I shout out for mom to come in? Maybe she will let me use the toilet?” she rolled her eyes “Yeah right, she put me in diapers for a reason she would never let me use a toilet, she actually wants me to use these” she turned bright red as the urge to pee built up over the next ten minutes “She wants me to use diapers, to actually wear my own pee until she changes me” she scrunched up her eyes “That’s wrong on so many levels!” she thought when suddenly the damn broke.

A torrent of warm urine left her body and entered the front of the diaper, it continued to flow out of her past her groin and under her bum cheeks, she could feel it spreading all around her once private parts. Rachel was white as a sheet as she felt the warm liquid settle around her as she finally stopped peeing “How! How did I let that happen? I just can’t believe I did that? Why couldn’t I fight it for longer? Oh god, I’m wearing a wet diaper just like a baby, she is doing it! She is actually turning me into a baby!” tears began to roll down her face.

Chapter 12

“Hi Liam, Do you like my dress?” Rachel said as Liam looked her up and down and nodded “You want to go upstairs?” he said which caused Rachel to smile “Yes” she said and Liam took her hand, she felt a chill run through her and the next thing she knew was in a bedroom, the lights were low as Liam guided her towards the bed. Rachel bit her lip as he removed his shirt, she stood staring at him with a smile as she felt a flutter of emotions run through her making her tingle, she touched his chest and her heart began to race. She moved closer to him when she felt his hands run up and down her body making her hairs stand up on end she smiled as they embraced and she could feel his warm body against hers she took a deep breath and bit her lip.

Rachel slowly opened her eyes as she felt her legs push up against the diaper, halfway between dream and awake she continued, her thoughts on Liam as she squeezed her inner thighs together. Her breathing picked up as she slowly became more awake but she couldn’t stop herself, she placed her hand on top of the wet diaper and pushed it tightly against her as her thighs continued to squeeze while picking up the pace. She bit her bottom lip and flung her head back, her eyes firmly shut thinking of nothing but the pleasure that ran through her body “Almost there” she thought with a sly smile as she continued faster and faster, she was on the verge and she held her breath for the final push.

“Rachel! You stop that right now!” a shout rang out and Rachel’s eyes shot open to see her mom staring down at her. “Fuck when did she come in?” she thought as her body tensed up, she was vibrating with pleasure as she blushed bright red “My mom saw me masturbating in a diaper? Oh god” she thought as her breathing slowed and her body slowly relaxed. Madison shook her head “You dirty little baby, no more of that from you, I don't care how much you like your diapers you will not be doing that” she sighed as Rachel blushed again once again, all the pleasure had left her and she felt completely disgusted with herself, she looked down at her padded groin and sighed “Oh god I did that in a diaper, I almost...It was because of that dream, wasn’t it? I knew I wasn’t dreaming but I couldn’t stop myself I continued rubbing against the diaper and I was so close” she blushed again as she looked up at her mom frowning down on her “Oh god I was caught masturbating in a diaper, so embarrassing” she thought.

Madison sighed “Right, well it’s time to get up from your nap baby” she said flatly, Rachel sighed “Right, so me masturbating is weird but you forcing me into diapers and treating me like a baby is normal” she rolled her eyes as her mom reached into the makeshift crib and placed her hands under her armpits and easily lifted her up out over the mesh and had her stand in front of her mom. Madison looked down at her daughter “Right I’m going to forget what happened and we will just carry on like it didn’t happen, now come on baby, off to the living room with you” she said. Rachel looked up at her mom “I need to tell her I need this diaper changing, how am I going to do that?” she thought as she blushed, she opened her mouth but no words came out and she quickly looked down at her feet, Madison sighed “I said get going baby or do you want to be punished” Rachel sighed “I can’t tell her, it’s so humiliating I actually wet a diaper” she thought as she turned and slowly waddled out of the room.

Chapter 13

Rachel slowly waddled down the corridor feeling very self-conscious that she was naked apart from the thick wet cloth diapers that rested between her legs, her mom walked behind her with a smile as she watched her daughters padded rear sway side to side she couldn’t resist it and reached out and gave her bum a pat which made Rachel blush. Rachel turned into the living room where her grandma was sitting on the sofa watching the news she turned to her granddaughter and smiled “Hello Baby” she cooed as Rachel quickly looked down at the floor as she waddled into the room. Madison turned to the TV then to her mom “Can you turn that off please, its to grown-up for baby we don’t want to give her nightmares” she said, Hannah nodded “Of course, what was I thinking” she said as she quickly turned the TV over to the kids channel “There much better for baby” she cooed.

Rachel stood in the centre of the room biting her bottom lip out of frustration “I can’t even watch the news? Is she going to make me watch kids shows from now? I’m going to go crazy watching baby shows until she decides I can be an adult again. How am I going to know what has happened in the world if I can’t watch anything but kids shows?” she sighed as her grandma patted her knee “Come on over baby, we can watch the show together” she cooed. Rachel rolled her eyes but didn’t move “Sit on her knee and watch kids shows while wearing nothing but a wet diaper. This is so cruel I’m a grown woman I shouldn’t have my boobs out in front of my family and them acting like it’s normal is just weird” she thought when her mom gave her a gentle push on her rear “Go on baby, you go watch cartoons” she cooed.

Rachel sighed as she slowly shook her head, still staring at the floor she waddled towards her grandma, Hannah smiled as she looked her granddaughter up and down “Awww you look so cute, I can’t wait to show you off to all my friends” she said with a cheer, Rachel quickly looked up at her with her eyes wide with fear when suddenly her hand was taken by her grandma and she was spun around and quickly found herself sitting on her grandmas lap facing the TV. Rachel’s head was spinning as she stared at the TV “She can’t mean it, no way, she wouldn’t take me out to see her friends with me looking like this. What would they say? What would I do?” she shuddered which caused her grandma to frown and looked at her daughter “I think the baby is cold, maybe we should turn the heating up” she said, Madison nodded and left the room.

Soon Rachel could feel the room heat up as her grandma bounced her up and down on her knee, she repeatedly pointed to the TV saying “Look at that baby?” and “Isn’t this fun” while Rachel sat very much distracted. She was sweating inside the damp diaper and it was becoming very uncomfortable against her freshly shaven skin “I need this off me, I need to scratch” she thought as she closed her eyes. She quietly continued to watch the show in frustrated agony when she couldn’t bear it anymore” she looked down at the floor and weakly shouted out “Mommy!” her grandma quickly stopped bouncing her up and down on her knee and looked at her “What's the matter dear?” she cooed.

Rachel turned bright red as tears formed in her eyes “I can’t tell her what the matter is, I don’t even want to tell my mom but I have to or I’m never going to get out of this horrible diaper” she thought when her mom suddenly appeared in front of her “What is it mom? What's wrong with the baby?” Hannah shook her head “She just cried out for you, maybe she misses you” she said with a smile. Rachel clenched her jaw “I’m not a baby, I can answer for myself!” she shouted in her head as her mother stroked her bald head “What’s the matter baby girl?” she cooed. Rachel continued to look at the floor feeling her face become hot with embarrassment and she slowly opened her dry mouth “I’m...” she winced as her mom and grandma stared at her “I’m sensitive...” she managed to say as Madison looked at Hannah confused, Hannah nodded and pointed at Rachel’s diaper “I think baby's skin isn't ready yet to be covered up in so many layers” she said.

Madison looked down at Rachel’s diaper for a second then she realised “Oh, awww is baby feeling uncomfortable in her diaper” she cooed. Rachel felt tears roll down her face “This is so embarrassing” she thought as her mom continued “OK baby, well we don’t want you feeling uncomfortable so I will take your diaper off and let your skin breath for a bit, you can run around the house all nudey but don’t get used to it baby you will be back in diapers soon” she said with a smile. Rachel didn’t know what to think or feel “I’m getting the diaper off and that’s what I want but I don’t want to be naked in front of them again. I can’t win at all with this!” she thought as her mom lifted her up off her grandma's lap and placed her gently on the floor.

Madison sat down between her daughters leg staring at the large diaper “Poor baby, don’t worry mommy and grandma will fix it for you little one” she turned to Hannah “Can you get the little pink thing?” she asked, Hannah smiled and quickly stood up as Madison turned back to Rachel “Now even though you are out of diapers, you are still a baby and babies don’t use the toilet so...” she looked up as Hannah returned to the room. Rachel slowly nervously turned her head and her jaw dropped open as she saw her grandma carrying a pink babies potty as Madison continued “...you will be using that to go wee wee or poopy but you have to tell mommy or grandma when you need to go” she said with a smile as the potty was placed on the floor beside them. Rachel’s chest ached “They want me to use that? They actually want me to pee in a potty in front of them? How am I ever going to tell them I need to use it. I’m not a baby!” she thought with a shiver.

Chapter 14

  Rachel continued to stare at the diaper as her mom gently pushed her down to a lying position on the floor, she then turned to her mother “Mom could you go to the store and get some creams for baby Rachel” she turned back to her blushing daughter and cooed “Then we can hurry up and get your little bum bum back into the diapers that you love so much” she smiled as Rachel scrunched up her face. Rachel’s heart was racing as she lay on the floor with her mother at her feet “Great so I’m going to get out of this diaper for a little while but it just means I’m going to have to be naked in front of my mom and grandma instead, I can not use that potty” she sighed as she opened her eyes and quickly looked at the pink potty then watched as her grandma walked into the kitchen and quickly returned with her car keys and baby wipes “If you're removing her diaper then she will need to be cleaned up” she said with a smile. Madison nodded at her mom “Thank you” she said as she placed the baby wipes beside Rachel’s waist. Madison took hold of the pink plastic panties and gently pulled on them as Hannah left the room, Rachel was paying attention to her grandma leaving that her mother had to say “Lift your bum up baby” which caused to Rachel turn bright red as she lifted up her bum into the air. Madison pulled the plastic pants off of the cloth diapers and down her legs and Rachel felt a wave of mixed emotions run through her as she watched the large plastic pants being pulled over her feet and her mom place them on the floor “I’m free of that but I’m soon going to be naked and have to use that potty is that worse? I really don’t know anymore”.

Madison lent over Rachel once again and took hold of a pink diaper pin on one side and gently released it, she then moved down and released the under it and then went to the other side of the diaper and did the same. Rachel watched in nervous anticipation as her mother took hold of the front of the cloth diapers  “This is it freedom from a diaper all she has to do is pull it away” she thought when her mom pulled the diaper down slightly and pressed it up against Rachel’s vagina. Rachel went white as a sheet as a tingle ran through her, she felt the diaper rub up on her vagina “Help get you clean baby” her mother cooed. Rachel quickly closed her eyes and stared up at the ceiling “Oh god, I actually got turned on by that, she was cleaning me and...” she shook out of disgust when her mom pulled the diaper away from her. Rachel nervously looked down her naked body towards her hairless slightly red vagina and shook her head “This just gets worse and worse it must be because I was so close earlier. My mom caught me enjoying myself while wearing a diaper, I bet she just thinks that she is doing what I want if I would do that in a diaper” she thought with a sigh as she watched her mom take hold of the baby wipes and Rachel swallowed hard. “Don’t get turned on, it's your mother cleaning your wet groin. This is not a turn on!” she shouted in her head when she suddenly jumped as she felt the cool damp baby wipe touch her sensitive skin.

Rachel let out a satisfied sigh as the baby wipes eased the itching somewhat but before she got too comfortable her mom took hold of her ankles and lifted her feet high up into the sky, Rachel shook her head as she stared up at her ankles above her head “This is so humiliating, my mom shouldn’t be seeing me like this with my naked bum right in her face, I would hate to see what this looked like” she shook at the thought. Madison quickly got to work cleaning her daughters bum with the baby wipes as Rachel lay perfectly still for her, soon Rachel was cleaned up and her mother pulled the damp cloth diaper out from under her and lowered her daughter's legs. Rachel felt the soft carpet under her bum and slightly smiled “I might be naked but at least it's not a diaper” she thought as her mom took hold of the damp cloth diaper and stood up. Madison bent over and placed her arms up “Uptime baby” she cooed. Rachel rolled her eyes as she raised her hands and took hold, she was helped up by her mom and was soon standing in front of her.

Rachel looked down nervously at the pink plastic potty that sat on the floor “There is no way I can use that, I might be free of wearing diapers but the embarrassment of having to tell my mom that I need to use the toilet and then being placed on that” she shook as her mom gave bent over and gave her naked rear a pat. Rachel jumped slightly as she felt her mom’s hand on her firm bum cheeks “I can’t believe how my life has changed in such a short time, I’m standing in front of my mom completely naked with my head and groin shaved bald just like a baby, I’ve had my grandma bath me, I’ve been placed into a diaper, I’ve been put down for a nap and I’ve actually used a diaper just like a baby. I wish this was just a horrible nightmare and I would wake up soon and get ready for that party but instead, I’m standing naked in front of my mom. I wish someone would save me from this” she thought miserably.

Chapter 15

  Madison smiled down at her daughter and lent in and gave her bald head a kiss “Good baby, now we have to go and put this in your diaper pail which is in your nursery, can baby remember where her nursery is? You go and mommy will follow” she cooed. Rachel wanted to scream out of frustration “It’s not my nursery it's my bedroom! Of course, I know where it is!” she thought when she swallowed hard “I need to calm down or I will get punished, I did just get out of diapers if I continue to do what she says maybe she will forget all about this” she thought with a slight smile. Rachel silently turned and began to walk back to her nursery with her mom following closely behind “Good baby” her mom cooed as they approached the hallway which got Rachel a gentle pat on her firm bum. Rachel gritted her teeth as she continued to walk down the hall “Stop touching me, no more touching my bum!” she shouted in her head as they arrived at the nursery door which got Rachel another couple of bum pats “Good baby” her mom cooed “Now you walk over to your crib” she said with a few more pats to Rachel’s bum. Rachel let out a sigh “I hate this! She keeps doing it and I really can’t do anything about it, why does she keep patting my bum? It’s so humiliating” she thought as she slowly walked towards her makeshift crib. Madison walked towards Rachel’s changing table which was once her desk where there were two diaper pails, one was blue and the other was green. Madison deposited the damp cloth diaper into the smaller green pail which Rachel looked at it confused, Madison smiled “Different diapers for different pails baby girl, now while we are here why don’t we get you your pacifier” she cooed. Rachel swore under her breath and sighed “I had really hoped that she had forgotten about that” she thought as her mother pointed at her crib “The last time you had it was when you were in there now have a look for it baby” she cooed.

Rachel turned around and faced the crib with the makeshift wall coming up past her waist she quickly looked down into it “Where is it?” she thought when she reached in and then suddenly blushed “I have to bend over to look. My mom is standing right behind me, she really isn’t making this easy” she thought as she moved her feet together and squeezed her bum cheeks as she slowly bent forward “There at least I have some form of modesty” she thought when suddenly she felt something wedge between her legs. Rachel stood straight up in shock as her legs were quickly spread far apart, she was shaking nervously as she felt her mother pat her bum “Now baby, whenever I tell you to look for something this is how you do it, legs far apart. You have nothing to hide from me anymore baby girl” she cooed which sent shivers down Rachel’s spine. Rachel heard her mother walk back to where she was standing and she repeated “Now look for your pacifier baby girl”. Rachel swallowed hard “I’m not even allowed any modesty with bending over? She will be able to see everything. This is so humiliating” she thought as she let out a sigh. Slowly with her legs spread out wide knowing full well her mom was watching Rachel bent over the small wall of her crib and began to move the blanket around “This is so embarrassing, not only can my mom see my bum hole but my boobs are also dangling down in front of me. Where the hell is this pacifier?” she shouted in her head when she suddenly felt something hard and she quickly smiled. She placed her hand under the blanket and pulled out the large pacifier and quickly stood up. She held the pacifier in her hand as she slowly turned around to face her smiling mom “Now pop it in baby girl” she cooed, Rachel went bright red as she looked down at the large rubber nipple “I got this for me, I actually liked sucking on this when I was in private but I hate having to do it in front of people especially my mom” she thought as she slowly popped the pacifier in her mouth and began to suck on the large nipple. Madison clapped her hands “You are being such a good baby for mommy, I’m so proud of you little girl” she cooed which caused Rachel to look down at the floor embarrassed when suddenly her eyes widened “No, I have to pee!” she screamed in her head.



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