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Chapter 01

“OK here I go,” Sam said as she nervously looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled slightly as she looked at her thin body in the mirror, her dark hair hung down just past her shoulders and her bright green eyes stared back at her “I can do this, it’s no problem” she said to herself as she looked down her body past her breasts inside her pink bra, down her flat stomach and onto her white adult diaper. She placed her hands on the front of the diaper and smiled “OK, I’m nervous it’s understandable but I want to do this, I’ve been thinking about it for ages so I got to do it” she said with confidence as she turned on the spot and looked at her inflated bum in the mirror “Looking good” she thought as she examined her diapered rear. “OK it’s time to do it” she said to herself and she swallowed hard as she slowly squatted down, Sam began to blush as she looked down at her crotch “Yeah this is normal for a 21-year-old to be doing” she half laughed at herself as she placed her hands on her knees and closed her eyes “Here we go” she said and she began to push.

Sam laughed to herself once again “I’m glad mother isn’t home to see this, what must I look like right now, probably like a toddler that’s trying to poop” she smiled as she continued to push. Sam suddenly felt the warm urine enter her diaper and she continued to smile as it spread around her crotch then the poop started to come out. It wasn't easy like she thought it might be, it was hard and she had to push hard as she felt it push against the butt of the diaper which surprised her a little as she continued to push. Sam didn't stop peeing the entire time she messed her diaper and suddenly she got a whiff of the smell of what she was doing and her smile quickly left her face “What am I doing? I’m pooping a diaper like a toddler just because I want to, this is not right” she shook her head as she continued to push. The mess pushed up the back of the diaper then to her surprise down into the crotch and Sam scrunched up her face as she felt the warm mess press against her. Finally Sam stopped and she stayed still for a moment to scared to move “My first poop-filled diaper” she said to herself with a shy smile, she gave a quick sniff and shook her head “I hate the smell and it’s in areas that I don’t like but it’s not a terrible feeling” she said to herself.

She slowly stood up feeling very aware of every movement happening inside her messy diaper, she could feel it move and squish up against her as she stood up straight. She looked behind her in the mirror at her now messy bum and smiled “Wow, the diaper has even changed colour slightly, it’s gone slightly brown” she blushed as she placed her hand on her bum and felt the mess in her hands “Can I really do it? It smells a lot more than I had expected” she thought for a minute staring at her poop-filled diaper when she finally thought “I know, I will wear another one that will help mask the smell” she nodded to herself and took a step forward and blushed as she felt the mess of her diaper move. She slowly waddled towards her bedroom where she had left the bag of diapers once in her room she saw the bag on top of her bed where she had left them, she waddled towards the bag and pulled out a diaper and looked at it “Would one do the job?” she took an exaggerated sniff and shook her head “I don’t think it will” she said and pulled out another two “An even four” she said nervously “Really though four diapers? I have never worn that many, well today is a day of firsts” she said to herself as she unfolded the diapers and placed them on the bed on top of each other.

Slowly she positioned herself onto the bed not putting any weight on her messy bottom until she had to, she held her breath as she hovered her bum over the awaiting diapers “This is going to be weird” she said to herself and slowly she lowered herself onto the bed. She felt the poop squish and spread slightly as she lay on the bed, her face turned bright red as she felt it spread over her cheeks “It’s not too bad but I am not looking forward to the clean up” she shook her head and began to pull the front of the first diaper up and fastened it into place, she took a sniff and nodded “Yeah I was right, one isn’t enough” she then pulled up the other two diapers and tapped them around her now wide waist. She looked down at her padded crotch and smiled as she tried to put her legs together “Wow this is so thick” she giggled and jumped off her bed and examined herself “This is so cute, defiantly need to wear more than just one in the future”.

After admiring her padded underwear for a moment she waddled over to her wardrobe and began to shake “Wow it’s a lot more difficult to walk in but it will be fine, I’m sure of it” she said and she found a pair of black tracksuit pants “These will do” she said and pulled them out, she then grabbed a light grey shirt and a black zip-up hoody “Perfect” she said with a smile. She pulled the shirt on over her pink bra and looked down at her inflated crotch poking out from underneath it “Well good thing I’m going to be wearing pants” she said and she grabbed her pants with shaky hands “I need to calm myself, it’s not going to be bad” she thought as she placed her left leg into the pant hole. She put both legs in and pulled them up her skinny long legs, she frowned as she reached her diaper “It’s a little bit bigger than I thought” she said as she tried to pull the pants up over her padded rear, finally the pants were pulled up over the diaper but Sam looked down at her bum nervously. “I need to look in the mirror,” she said to herself, she grabbed the jacket and waddled back into the family room where the full-length mirror was. She couldn’t stop blushing as she made her way towards the mirror, knowing her bum was swaying back and forth as she waddled. She took a deep breath and slowly turned and looked over her shoulder at her padded rear and let out a large sigh “No the pants are hugging my bum, they aren’t meant to be doing that, these are the baggiest pants I own, why did I wear four” she shook her head “Maybe with the jacket on” she quickly put the jacket on and sighed once again “It isn’t long enough, you can still see my bum” she shook her head “I need to just bite the bullet, I said today was the day I have been putting this off for so long” she slowly waddled forward and picked up her phone and her keys from the table with trembling hands and sighed once again “Time to go” she said and opened the front door.

Chapter 02

Sam held her breath as she felt the warm sun on her face, “I can’t believe I’m doing this” she thought as she closed the door behind her and slowly took a step forward, her heart began to race as she looked down at her puffed out crotch “I’m wearing a messy diaper outside” she blushed. She took a step forward and she began to feel excitement run through her, she smiled slightly as she slowly waddled down the driveway away from her house, her chest was tight and her heart was beating very fast but she couldn’t help but enjoy the excitement of it all. When she reached the end of the drive she looked around and gave a slight sigh of relief that nobody was around but at the same time she felt disappointed “So many conflicting emotions at once” she giggled to herself as she turned to the left and began to slowly waddle down the street. “OK I’m not going far and with it being a working day, there shouldn’t be too many people around” she thought as she became slightly braver and picked up her pace “It’s fine, I was right it’s...” her thought was cut off when a car drove past her and she slowed her waddle down to almost a standstill, she turned white as she heard the car continue down the street “OK maybe it’s not that easy but It was just a guy driving, he wouldn’t be paying attention to me or my bum” she shook her head and continued down the street but back to her a slower speed unable to shake the nervous feeling.

She walked to the end of the street and saw for the first time where she was headed and she began to feel more nervous as she looked upon the empty playground across the road from her “Almost there, just go to the playground and go on the swings and the slide then back home before anyone comes” she thought as she slowly waddled across the road towards the playground. Slowly she began to shake with fear again but she also felt very excited as she passed the slide and headed towards the swings “Play on the swings like a good little girl” she thought with a smile. As she arrived at the swings she grabbed hold of the chain and turned to sit down “Oh now it’s time, time to sit down” she scrunched up her face as she began to slowly lower herself down on onto the plastic seat then she paused “I just need to get this over with” she said to herself and she quickly and forcefully sat down on the swing with a squelch. She felt the mess in her diaper spread all over her cheeks and up her lower back and a fresh smell emitted from her groin as she sat on the swing with a smile “I can’t believe I’m doing this, I’m outside on a swing in a messy diaper” she let out a little giggle as she began to push herself back and forth.

Sam pulled out her phone “I need to take a few selfies of this, nobody online will believe me otherwise” she thought as she pointed the camera low to show the bulge in her crotch and then high up to get her smiling face “There proof I went outside in a diaper the guys online will love that” she giggled. After a few moments on the swing she eyed the slide once again “I have done the swing, now for a few goes on the slide then I can go home” she said to herself, she stopped the swing and stood up and wrinkled her nose as she felt the diaper stick to her cheeks “Wow it must be really messy in there” she thought then she took a step forward and shook with embarrassment as she felt the mess stick between her cheeks “Oh god, I shouldn’t have sat down so fast, next time I will have to slowly sit down” she thought and headed towards the slide. At the steps of the slide she slowly made her way to the top feeling every movement of her diaper as she did with an excited thrill, then when she got to the top she sat down carefully and slid down, letting out a small “Weeee” as she did. At the bottom she let out a laugh “Wow” she said and she stood up and turned around and froze, her face went white as snow as she saw two college girls now sitting on the swings staring at her with big cheeky grins. Sam immediately recognized their age from the uniform “That’s the same college I went too, they still make you wear a uniform there even though you're over 18, short skirts, knee-high socks and a white button up shirt. What are they doing here?” It was then that Sam realised she had been standing staring at the girls for a too long and she quickly looked at the floor “Wait how long have they been there? Did they see me climb the slide? Can they tell what I’m wearing?” she shuddered as she heard one of the girls laugh. Sam looked up and saw that the blonde of the two was laughing while the bright red-haired girl was staring still with a smile “I should go” Sam thought and she slowly turned on the spot and began to walk out the park, trying to hide the waddle as much as she could, her chest suddenly became tight and her throat dry when she heard the rattles of the chain and Sam knew that the girls had left the swings.

Sam could hear the two girls quickly walking behind her “Oh god what are they doing?” she thought as she looked up to see if she could cross, she let out a sigh of relief as she quickly crossed the road when she heard giggling behind her “Go away!” she screamed in her head as the two girls continued to walk behind her. Sam continued to waddle back the way she came, wishing that home was a lot closer as she felt the two girls behind her then she heard one of them laugh and Sam’s heart was thumping her chest as she overheard “She has, can’t you smell it, she is a big baby” another wave of laughter ensued behind her. Sam blushed bright red but she could now see her house and she felt a  wave of relief until “You didn’t leave the park because of us did you baby? You looked like you were having so much fun, do you want us to take you back and look for your mommy?” Sam’s felt light-headed as she carried on walking “I’m not going to talk to them, almost home” she thought “No baby isn’t talking to us, well baby can’t talk to strangers” one of the girls said “I won't be a stranger I can be her new mommy” the other girl mocked with a giggle as Sam arrived at her driveway. “Yes!” she shouted in her head and practically ran up her driveway while pulling out the key to the front door and before she knew it she was inside the house leaning on the door breathing heavily.

Chapter 03

“I can’t believe that happened, the first time I go outside wearing a messy diaper and that happens to me” she shook her head and slowly took a step forward “I don’t think I will be doing that for a while” she thought as she walked into the living room and dropped her keys and her phone on the table “OK need to upload that photo but first it’s time to take this dirty diaper off and get cleaned up” she said and walked to her bedroom. She swung the door open and she almost fainted on the spot “What are you doing here? She said with terror in her voice. Sitting next to her bag of diapers was her 18-year-old younger sister Mia, Mia was wearing white jeans and a pink crop top, her dyed blonde hair was tied up into a ponytail, she was the same height and build as her older sister. Mia had a disgusted look on her face as she stared at her sister “You are wearing a dirty diaper?” Sam blushed “No, now get out of my room!” she shouted “You are, you just said you have to take off the dirty diaper, Oh god my older sister is a baby” she let out a loud laugh as Jenn clenched her fists “Get out of my room” she shouted and to her surprise Mia stood up off the bed, Sam backed up against the wall as she walked on passed when Mia gave a big sniff. She quickly held her nose and looked at her older sister “Oh god, you HAVE pooped your diaper” Mia shouted out with a giggle. Sam clenched her jaw and grabbed hold of her sister and threw her out of her bedroom, she swung the door shut and turned to face the room not noticing that Mia had placed her foot in the way “Oh god what am I going to do? She knows, she has seen my diapers, she heard what I said. How can this day get any worse, I won't want to wear ever again after this” she thought with a shudder. As she slowly waddled to her bed her mind rushing with what could happen her bedroom door silently opened and unaware to Sam, Mia held up her phone and began recording her older sisters padded rear as she waddled towards the bed. Sam shook her head, her hands were shaking and her throat was dry “I can’t believe it, I need to talk to her, I have no idea what I’m going to say though” she sighed as Mia smiled to herself and thought “I need better proof than this” and a wicked idea sprang to mind, before she could think of a reason not to do it she placed her phone into her pants pocket and slowly she entered the room, trying to make as little sound as possible, she smiled to herself as she thought “Now”.

Mia lunged for her sister and knocked her down onto her bed face down, Sam let out a shriek as she fell on top of the bed when she then felt Mia manoeuvre herself around on her back and before Sam could react her sister was sitting on top of her. Mia was facing Sam’s padded rear she had managed to pin down Sam’s arms at the wrists under her knees as she sat on her lower back. “Get the fuck off me” Sam shouted out, Mia shook her head and gave her a hard swat to her bum “Naughty baby, you shush” she giggled as Sam scrunched up her face as she felt the mess of her diaper squish against her but she continued to struggle in vain “Oh god, she is staring right at my padded bum from there, she can see my diaper, there is no denying that I’m wearing it” she let out a scream and shouted out again “Get off me” but Mia didn’t say a word. Sam was panicking “What is she going to do? What does she want?” she thought when suddenly she felt the back of her pants being pulled away and Mia letting out a gasp “Oh wow, how many are you wearing?” she giggled and Sam scrunched up her face “No, she is staring at my diaper, my younger sister is looking at it” she shivered. Mia pulled her sisters pants down to her underneath her bum and pulled out her phone and started recording again as Sam continued to squirm Mia moved her hand onto the diaper and gave it a prod with her finger and let out a giggle “It’s so soft” she said then reached and gave it a squeeze which caused Sam to wriggle “Oh god I can’t have her squeeze the diaper she might feel my mess” she shuddered as Mia shouted “Now you stop wriggling baby girl or I will have to spank” she giggled as Sam’s eyes went wide with anger “I need her to get off me, I can’t have her looking at me like this” she thought and once again shouted “Get off me!”. Mia sighed “Fine have it your way” she said and she raised her hand up and brought it down hard on to Sam’s padded rear, she quickly and repeatedly swatted Sam’s padded bum which caused Sam to stop struggling as she felt the mess of her diaper press against her with each swat, Sam went pale “I need to do what she says or this is going to get much worse” she shook her head “How can it get worse” she thought. Sam sighed “OK I will stop struggling now get off me” she said calmly, Mia smiled “In a second” she said as she placed her phone in her right hand while it still recorded and with her right she grabbed hold of Sam’s pants once again “Now” she shouted and in one quick motion she leapt off her sister on to the floor while pulling Sam’s pants down to her ankles, Sam quickly turned around to pull her pants back up in a panic but as she grabbed hold of them she saw that Mia had her phone out, quickly with panic in her eyes she pulled the pants up and pulled her bed covers over her “Oh god, she was recording me? How much did she get? What does she want to do with it?” she shook with fear. Mia laughed “Too late” she giggled as she placed her phone in her pocket “I recorded it all, I have you waddling to your bed, I have your big white bum being exposed and best of all I have your face as you try to pull up your pants up over your diaper”. Sam’s jaw dropped open “Fuck”

Chapter 04

Sam didn’t move from under the covers she had pulled up over her, she knew Mia was still standing in her room “I can’t believe it, she has me recorded, my younger sister has the perfect leverage on me to do anything unless I get to that phone” she thought with a smile. Slowly she pulled her head out of the covers and stared daggers at Mia “What do you want?” Mia giggled “Well that’s a really good question” Sam sighed then looked at Mia’s pants pocket where her phone was hiding and Mia giggled again “Try and get my phone it won’t do you any good, I have already uploaded it to the cloud anyway” Sam gritted her teeth and clenched her eyes shut “Fuck, Fuck Fuck, I’m totally in her power, I can’t have her leak that video to anyone” she thought. She opened her eyes and looked at her sister and repeated “What do you want?” Mia smiled and said “Well I always wanted a baby sister” she let out a giggle as Sam’s eyes widened “What do you mean?” she blurted out in disbelief, Mia rolled her eyes “What do you think it means? You’re already wearing diapers and I want you to act like a baby for me” she gave a cold smile toward Sam that made her shudder “Get treated like a baby by my younger sister? Oh god, I can’t the humiliation of it but if she shows anyone that video that’s going to be a million times worse” she shook her head “Right and if I agree to that then you will delete the video?” Mia nodded quickly “Yep, now the parents are going on holiday tomorrow for a week so I want you to be my baby for the full week” Sam’s jaw dropped open and she shook her head “No not for the full week, a day maybe two” she blushed “I can’t believe I’m trying to negotiate my own freedom with my little sister” Mia shook her head “Nope, one week it’s not up for discussion smelly bum or I can just send the video to everyone and then we can see if mother and dad want to make you a baby for longer” Mia laughed as Sam’s eyes widened and she shuddered at the thought “Would they do that? They would be so ashamed of me wearing diapers that they might make me wear them all the time as a punishment but I couldn’t see them turning me into a baby” Sam sighed “Five days?” and before Mia had a chance to speak she continued “Then I will clean up the whole house for the final two days before they get back” She thought quickly. Mia laughed again and took a moment to think it through “OK five days as a baby, eight days diapered including this one” Sam blushed and looked down “I think that’s the best I’m going to get out of her” she slowly looked up at her younger sister and nodded “OK and then you will delete the video?” Mia nodded “Of course baby sister” she giggled.

Mia continued to stand in Sam’s room feeling very proud with herself as Sam continued to hide under the covers, Mia gave a cold smile towards Sam and said “Now baby sister get out of bed and come here, let me have a look at you” Sam shook her head “No, I’m staying here” Mia frowned “Don’t be naughty I need to check your diapers” Sam blushed and hid her face in the covers of the bed “They are fine” she lied which made Mia laugh “Oh come on, we both know they are not, I want to check if you need changing now or if it can wait” Sam shook her head “Oh god, why does she want to do that? This isn’t even the start of the humiliation that I’m going to have to go through in the next few days” Sam looked up at her younger sister with pleading eyes “Do I have too?” Mia giggled “Yes baby, come on or do you want me to share the video?” Sam quickly shook her head and she swallowed hard as she released the bedding from around her. Slowly she stood up beside her bed and looked down at her inflated groin “Why did I do this? It’s gone from bad to worse since I decided to wear today” she shook her head as Mia clapped her hands and cooed “Come on baby, you can do it” Sam blushed but with anger in her eyes she shouted “Shut up!” which caused Mia to laugh “I’m only teasing now get your big bum here”. Sam slowly waddled towards Mia looking down at the floor the entire way, she could feel her bum swaying side to side and the mess in her diaper sticking to her bum as she moved, her face was bright red as she approached her younger sister.

Sam stopped in front of Mia and let out a big sigh as Mia stared at her “Wow, well you defiantly do need changing baby sister” she said while holding her hand up to her nose “Who’s a messy baby” she cooed which caused Sam to blush but as she opened her mouth to tell her younger sister to shut up once again she had moved around behind her and began patting her messy behind and continued her cooing “You’re the messy baby, yes you are” Sam stood frozen, unable to move from embarrassment as her younger sister continued to pat her poop-filled diaper “I can’t belie this is happening, this should not be happening. This is my secret and now she is apart of it” she shook her head as Mia walked back in front of her “Well I think you will hold up for a little longer” she smiled.

Chapter 05

Mia stood in front of Sam with a cheeky smile on her face “Well we need to go get some supplies” Sam quickly looked up at her younger sister “What? No, we don't?” Mia shook her head “Yes we do, we need to get you a bottle, pacifier, some toys to play with and even more diapers” she pointed at the bag on the bed “They won't last the week” she said with a giggle. Sam shook her head “I’m not going out wearing this again, I can’t it was awful last time” she thought “Well if I don’t have a choice, let me take this diaper off and shower” she pleaded but Mia shook her head “Nope you are going out wearing a pair of mothers bright pink shorts” Sam gasped and shook her head “What? No way, no just no” the two sisters stared at each other for a moment when Sam asked “Why mothers shorts?” Mia rolled her eyes at Sam “Well, of course, young lady mother is a little bit bigger than both of us so they will fit over your big smelly bum easier, come on let's go and get them”.

Mia turned to leave but Sam didn’t move “No, I’m not going out and I’m defiantly not wearing shorts!” she shouted at her sister Mia stopped and sighed and not looking at Sam said “Now now baby sister, we can’t keep going through this for the next week” Sam began to shake “Shit the video, no she wouldn’t send it now would she” she thought as Mia continued “I tell you to do something and you do it, if you argue with me or don’t do as you’re told then you will get punished and if you still don’t do it then I will send out the video. I have nothing to lose but you have everything so baby sister you better be a good girl” Sam wanted to be sick “How have I let her have so much power over me? I’m under her control for the next week, I have to do everything she says I can’t let anyone see that video” she shuddered as Mia took a step forward “Now get down onto your hands and knees and follow your big sister” she giggled and took another step forward.

Sam was shaking all over and her mouth was dry “So it begins, the start of the humiliation, to crawl around after her like I’m a baby I never wanted to be a baby, I just wanted to wear diapers and now she is doing this to me” she sighed “I don’t have a choice” she thought. As she slowly lowered herself down onto her hands and knees she felt the mess in her diaper squish up against her and she quickly stared at the floor as she slowly crawled behind her younger sister. Sam could feel her huge padded rear swing side to side as she crawled behind Mia, she gritted her teeth “Why am I letting her do this? Can I get her to stop it? What if I got her into a diaper and took a video of that?” she shook her head “How the hell would I do that?

Mia left Sam’s bedroom with a smug smile on her face as her older sister crawled after her, she walked into the living room and stopped, Sam stopped at her feet not bringing herself to look up at her younger sister “I hate this” she thought as Mia looked down at Sam with a wicked smile “Awwww baby you look so cute” Sam blushed while still staring down at the floor “Shut up, shut up” she repeated in her head. Mia smiled “Now baby sister, let's see if you no the way to your mother's room, go on crawl and I will follow you” she let out a giggle as she heard Sam sigh.

Sam shook her head “She just wants to stare at me as I crawl, I so wish this wasn’t happening, I wish I wasn’t wearing a poop-filled diaper and being made to crawl by my younger sister and it’s just going to get worse from here” she scrunched up her face as she slowly crawled towards her parents bedroom. Sam could feel Mia’s eyes on her as she crawled and with every movement forward Sam swore under her breath till she arrived in her parent's bedroom.

Sam crawled to the foot of her parents bed and continued to stare at the floor as Mia entered the room and stared down at her sister “Now big bum, sit down and wait for big sister to come and change you out of them pants” Sam muttered something under her breath as she slowly sat back down on her poop-filled diaper with a squish “I’m not going to get used to this, how am I going to last a week?” she thought as Mia smiled down at her and walked towards her mothers wardrobe. Sam looked down at her inflated crotch on the verge of tears “I can’t do it, I can't pretend to be a baby for a week, I can’t be in diapers that whole time, oh god” she quickly wiped away a stray tear “I have to though, maybe I will get used to it, I might I mean I do like wearing diapers I just don’t don’t know how it’s going to be wearing them in front of Mia” she sighed as Mia returned holding up a pair of her mother's bright pink shorts.

Sam stared at the shorts in disbelief “No not them!” she shouted “Please Mia, not them” Sam stared up at the shorts, they were indeed a few sizes bigger than what Sam usually wore but that’s not what scared her “I remember mother wearing those, they are stupid shorts, they hugged her ass well but they are short at the back and the leg holes are huge, my diaper will hug the shorts making my ass look huge and strange shaped and stick out of the leg holes from the back and if I go upstairs or bend over then anyone will be able to see straight up the leg holes” she shook her head as Mia frowned “You bad girl, you don’t disagree with me or you will be punished, remember baby Sam?” Sam nervously nodded “I’m sorry but...” Mia lifted her hand up “Nope too late young lady you're going to be punished”.

Chapter 06

Mia stared down at Sam with a wicked smile “Now what should we do to punish baby sister?” Sam began to sweat “She wouldn’t do anything too bad now would she?” Mia thought for a moment then began to giggle “Perfect, for your first punishment you will wear a baby harness when we go out” Sam gasped “What?!” she shouted and Mia giggled again “You heard me, now first lets get these pants off and your shorts on and if you argue or try and stop me I will upload the video, I don’t want to have a naughty baby sister who doesn’t do what I tell her” she giggled as Sam blushed “I can’t win, she has me right where she wants me but what does she mean by a baby harness? How are we going to go out like that?” she thought with a shiver.

Mia bent down in front of her sister and pulled off her shoes and grabbed hold of the bottom of her pants “Now it’s time for these to go” she said with a cheeky smile, Sam blushed bright red as she felt Mia slowly pull on her pants “She is going to see the diaper on full display” she shuddered. Mia frowned at Sam “Lift up your smelly bum baby girl so I can pull your pants down” she giggled.

Sam closed her eyes tight as she slowly lifted her bum off the ground and her pants were pulled down exposing her ripe diaper “Oh god it smells so bad” she thought as her pants were pulled all the way down to her ankles “I can’t go out like this, I stink” she thought as she slowly sat back down on her smelly bum.

Sam opened her eyes to see Mia holding her nose “Wow baby sister you are a smelly bum” Sam blushed “Maybe she will let me change out of this now” she thought and slowly she nodded in agreement “Can I please go for a shower and then I will put the same amount back on” Mia laughed “Oh no baby sister, we don’t have time for that we need to go the shops” Sam opened her mouth to argue but Mia held up a finger “Don’t argue, remember what happens when you argue” Sam quickly shut her mouth and turned bright red as Mia stood up.

Mia picked up the pink shorts and placed her hands out in front of her “Grab hold of my hands baby sister and I will help you stand up” Sam rolled her eyes “She is really taking this to far” she thought as she slowly placed her hands out. Mia grabbed hold of them and Sam slowly rose off her padded bum and stood in front of her younger sister holding her hands. Mia smiled “Awwww baby sister sure does look adorable” Sam blushed and quickly stared at the ground, Mia continued “Now I’m going to lean down and I want you to lean on me while I put your shorts on, understand baby?” Sam nodded her head.

Mia released Sam’s hands and quickly lent forward and Sam leant forward resting her hands on the back of her neck, Sam looked down and saw that Mia had the shorts outstretched ready for her to stand in too. Sam sighed as she lifted one foot into the foot hole and then the other and then Mia pulled the shorts up her legs and easily over her diapered rear. Mia stood back up and grabbed hold of Sam’s hands as she admired the shorts “Perfect” she announced but Sam looked down in horror at the bright pink clothing covering her protruding crotch.

It’s obvious!” Sam shouted in her head “It’s obvious I’m wearing a diaper, I mean look at that bulge on the crotch” she shuddered and then slowly turned her head and looked at her rear and straight away tears formed in her eyes “You can see the diaper, it’s poking out through the leg holes!” She looked back at Mia with pleading eyes “Please” she whispered but Mia just smiled “Back down onto your bum baby” and she released Sam’s hands. Sam couldn’t stop shaking as she slowly sat back down on her sticky bum, she continued to stare at the shorts with amazement “She must be messing about, we can not go out with me looking like this” she thought.

Mia stood for a moment staring at her sister with a big grin on her face “Perfect, just perfect, now baby you wait here and I will be back soon” she announced as she turned and left the room with a spring in her step. Sam felt numb as she continued to look at shorts “No she wouldn’t take me out like this, she is just torturing me” she thought as Mia quickly returned carrying something in her hand. It took a moment for Sam to realise what it was but when she did her jaw fell open “That’s our cousins harness, he’s ten and always running away when we go out, would that fit me?” she thought as Mia approached her with the harness “Now this might be a bit tight but I’ve loosened it fully so I’m sure it will fit such a big baby” she giggled.

Mia quickly bent over and placed the harness over Sam’s shoulders, the harness dangled down underneath Sam’s armpits and Mia grabbed the front strap from either side of the harness and pulled it across Sam’s chest “Oh it is tight, isn’t it baby. It’s not going to go over your boobies, I know” she said then she placed the straps underneath Sam’s breasts and then lifted them up and then clipped the front straps together, Mia smiled “Yes, I knew it would fit” she cheered while going behind Sam and quickly attaching the back straps together “Yes, it fits now baby can’t run off from her big sister” she giggled as she attached the leash to the back of the harness.

Chapter 07

Sam stared down at her breasts “It doesn’t fit, look at me!” she shouted out and Mia stood back for a moment “It’s fine, nobody is going to be looking at a babies boobies” she giggled again as Sam frowned at her “Now stop that be a good baby” Sam rolled her eyes and looked back down at her chest “She has made them look so much bigger, everyone is going to stare at my boobs then see the harness and finally my diaper” she felt light-headed “I feel sick” she said weakly.

Mia didn’t look convinced “I’m sure you're fine, now let's get your shoes on then we can go” Mia squatted down in front of Sam and began placing her shoes back on, “I think we will walk to the shops down the street” she said with a wicked smile as Sam’s eyes bulged open as she finally looked up from her pushed up breasts into her sisters eyes “W What?” she stammered out as Mia shook her head “Don’t be a silly baby you heard me, we will go down to the shops. There is a small shop and a pharmacy, so we can get everything we need to make sure your a happy little baby” she giggled as Sam began to sweat.

Sam’s shoes were placed on her but Sam couldn’t get her thoughts straight “I’m going out wearing a stinking diaper, wearing shorts that show off my stinking diaper and wearing a harness that shows off how much a baby I’m being treated. If anyone I know sees me then it doesn’t matter what video is on her phone everyone will know by the end of the day that I wear diapers” she shuddered as Mia stood back up placed her hands out in front of her “Up we get baby” she smiled. Sam began to shake as she reached out for her sisters hands and slowly stood up, she stared down at her outfit and let out a little cry “I can’t believe I’m going out like this, why did I decide today was going to be the day I go out in public, nothing has gone right since” she sighed as Mia went behind her and grabbed hold of the leash on the back of the baby harness “Perfect little baby” she said with a smile. Sam didn’t move as she continued to dread the upcoming outing until she felt a hard swat on her padded rear, she felt the mess in her diaper squish up, she quickly looked around with anger in her eyes at her little sister “What was that for?” she shouted at Mia.

“I said it’s time to go,” she said with a wicked smile “You were being naughty, so I had to give you a spank. Now baby girl we are going to get moving” she began to giggle “Big sister will be right behind you”. Sam blushed bright red and turned back around and looked down at the tight-fitting harness “If she stays close behind me then it’s not going to look too weird, people will probably think I lost a bet or something. Yeah trying to do it for a laugh, I just got to stop looking so nervous and just act like it’s normal” she let out a deep breath “I can do this, mainly because I have no choice” she shook her head and slowly began to waddle forward with Mia walking behind.

Sam’s chest got tighter and sweat was dripping from her forehead as she slowly waddled towards the front door “I can’t believe I’m going out again. I said I would never do it again and here I am in the exact same messy diaper about to go out in public” she swallowed hard as her shaking hand reached out for the door handle “Here we go, act like it’s normal” she thought while she opened the door and the two sisters left the house. Sam was slowly waddling down the drive her eyes darting back and forth when she quickly looked at her and her heart sank “What is she doing?” she screamed inside her head. Mia was standing a meter behind her sister holding on to the leash of the harness “Why isn’t she getting closer? I can’t have it so obvious that I’m wearing this thing” she thought, suddenly she stopped but so did Mia. Sam stared at her “What are you doing?” Mia quickly pulled her hand up to her nose “I can’t get any closer baby sister, your poopy bum smells so bad from here” she said with a giggle. Sam blushed bright red as Mia continued “Come on baby, sooner we get there the sooner we get back and you can get your diaper changed”. Sam’s eyes widened, and she quickly looked around in a panic “I hope nobody heard that” she thought as she let out a sigh of relief “Nobody is around” she looked back at her sister and gritted her teeth “Fine, let's get this over with” she said.

Sam began to waddle down the street with her sister holding onto her leash behind her every time a car drove towards them Sam would hold her breath and quickly stare down at the floor “This is so humiliating, why can’t I even pretend it’s a prank or something?” she shook her head “It’s because it’s not, I’m really being treated like a baby by my younger sister and it’s so humiliating that I can’t even pretend its anything else” she sighed as another car drove passed them.

Chapter 08

Eventually Sam could see the shops with cars outside and people going in and out of the pharmacy “No, why is it so busy?” she thought as she began to shake once again, slowly they walked towards the small shop “I stink, why can I smell it so much more now oh god I’m about to go into a shop in a poop-filled diaper” she turned white and slowed her waddling to almost a standstill. Sam could hear Mia sigh from behind her, and she quickly walked in front of Sam “Right baby sister, we are going to go into the pharmacy first to get your supplies then into the shop, for being naughty and slowing us down you will suck on a pacifier like the baby you are”.

Sam stared blankly at her younger sister she opened her mouth but Mia quickly place her finger over her lips “Now, now little sister don’t you say a thing, we don’t want you to get in even more trouble than you’re already in” she giggled and quickly walked behind Sam “Into the pharmacy baby sister”. Sam couldn’t move “She wants me to suck on a pacifier while in the shop? I’m already wearing a poop-filled diaper and wearing a baby harness and now she wants me to suck on a pacifier? Is she trying to just humiliate me? I don’t have a choice I hate saying it over and over again but I don’t I have to do what she wants and it makes me so angry and helpless at the same time” she let out a sigh as Mia whipped the rains of the harness “Now baby girl” she commanded and slowly Sam began to walk towards the pharmacy.

Sam couldn’t stop shaking and she felt sweat form on her forehead “I need to pretend this is just a joke, I can’t show them how uncomfortable I am otherwise they will pay too much attention to me and see my diaper” she sighed and slowly formed a smile on her face as she waddled up to the door of the pharmacy “Here we go” she thought as the doors opened and she walked inside. Her eyes quickly darted around the small pharmacy hoping that she didn’t see anyone she knew and she let out a sigh of relief as she didn’t see anyone she knew.

“Come on baby sister, to the baby aisle” Mia said as she picked up a basket from behind and without thinking Sam quickly hunched her shoulders and looked down at the floor which made her appear a little smaller and she could now easily avoid any eye contact that came her way but she decided to fake the smile as well in case anyone looked in her direction “Great this should help” she thought to herself proudly. Sam waddled into the shop and she could feel the eyes of the strangers looking at her as she made her way past them but she tried to block it out as her and Mia walked into the baby aisle and Mia stood beside her infantile sister with a big grin “Wow we could get so much for you baby girl” she picked up a rattle and from the shelf and shook it “Yes you will need this to keep you busy, hold onto it baby” She said as she handed it to her older sister. Sam took the rattle and dropped her hand to her side to try to hide she was holding it while Mia continued to examine the aisle.

As they stood there Sam could only smell the foul stench from her diaper and she began to panic “Everyone is going to know that I’ve pooped myself, it’s horribly obvious from the smell and the fact that my diaper is visible in these shorts, I can’t believe I’m out in public like this” she shook as Mia held out a baby bottle for her to hold. Sam snatched the bottle from Mia’s hands and continued to look down at the floor, she didn’t notice that Mia was now frowning at her, Mia lent in close to Sam and softly said “You naughty baby, you better look at your big sister and apologise for being such a bad baby and snatching” Sam turned bright red “I hate her” she thought but not seeing any other option she slowly looked at her sister and while shaking with embarrassment she said in a very quiet voice “Me sowwy for snatching” she quickly looked away from her grinning sister but Mia wasn’t finished “Now you can stop walking hunched over and staring at the floor, all it does is make your big diaper bum stick out more” she began to giggle as Sam’s jaw dropped open “What? No, I thought...Oh god, I’ve been walking around advertising my diaper” a cold chill went through her as she stood up straight.

Mia smiled at her older sister “That’s better now I think I have everything, I know how much you want to keep hold of the rattle and bottle but if you could put them in the basket with all your other baby supplies we can almost finish” Sam rolled her eyes and quickly placed the items in the basket. After she dropped the items in she then looked at what her sister had already placed inside, and she felt sick as she stared at the pacifier “Is that the pacifier that she wants me to suck in the shops? No, she has baby food in there as well and formula, a few more baby toys to keep me “busy” during the day. I’m not looking forward to this at all” she thought as Mia began to walk out of the baby aisle keeping tight hold of the leash of the baby harness.

Sam followed her down the isles till they stopped and Sam felt her legs go weak “Adult diapers? No, oh come on Mia there is enough at home” she said quietly but Mia shook her head “No there isn’t we need more” she said and she examined the aisle “I think you have these on already” she examined a bag “Yes Molicare they are defiantly the same ones, she grabbed the bag and held it out to Sam “Take hold, I want to see what else they have” Sam reluctantly took the bag of diapers as Mia continued to look. “Oh these” she squealed “Superdry 24/7, they will be perfect won't have to change you for days” she giggled as she grabbed the bag “Perfect” if we need more, then we will come back in a few days” she smiled as Sam’s blushing face “Come along baby, time to pay then to the shops”.

Sam slowly led them to the counter while holding the bag of Molicare diapers while her sister walked behind holding on to the baby harness, carrying the bag of Superdry’s and the basket of baby supplies “This is so humiliating and if I use the diapers before the week has ended then I have to go through this all again” she thought with dread as she placed the bag on the counter. The young woman from behind the counter smiled at Sam “Hello, how are you?” Sam half-smiled to embarrassed to say anything as Mia placed the basket on the counter “And these” she said as she stood next to her smelly sister.

The young woman began to scan the items “Oh a new baby?” she said with a smile and Sam turned bright red as Mia giggled “Well you could say that” she turned to Sam “This little one has decided to be a baby again, haven't you baby sister?” Sam turned bright red “So humiliating, I can’t believe it!” she screamed in her head “Ok don’t bring any attention to it” she thought and she faked a smile and nodded her head fast. The young woman looked at Sam and let out a laugh “Ah OK, yeah why not?” she nervously laughed and continued to scan the items.

Once all the items were scanned and paid for Sam let out a sigh of relief knowing they would be leaving the store soon when Mia pulled the pacifier out of the bag and looked at the woman “Excuse me, these need to be put under a hot tap before use is that right?” the woman nodded “Could you do it for us, my baby sister wants to suck on it straight away”. Sam felt light-headed as Mia handed the pacifier to the young woman who smiled “Yes give me a moment” she said as she went into the back while Sam stood dumbfounded “This is the worst day of my life, I wish I would just die” she thought as the woman returned with the pacifier “Here we go” she said with a smile as she held it out. Mia quickly took it and positioned it in front of Sam’s mouth “Open up baby” she cooed “I’m going to kill her” she thought as she opened up her mouth and Mia popped the warm wet rubber nipple into her mouth. Mia smiled “Perfect,” she said “Thank you,” she said to the young woman and the two sisters left the pharmacy.

Chapter 09

Outside the pharmacy Sam stood slowly sucking on the pacifiers as Mia giggled beside her “Well that was fun and you look even more like the baby that you are now you're sucking on that” she giggled as Sam clenched her fist “Now, now baby you keep being a good girl for your big sister, only one more shop to go and then we can go back home and you can finally get out of that smelly diaper” Sam quickly looked around hoping nobody was around as Mia said that and thankfully for her nobody heard it “She doesn’t care, she doesn’t care how this affects me or who knows that I’m wearing a diaper. She is pure evil” she thought as they began to slowly walk towards the shop.

Sam slowly sucked on the pacifier as they approached the entrance “This is so humiliating” she thought when she heard someone shout her name from behind “Hey Sam?” Sam turned white as a sheet “Somebody I know is here, oh fuck no please no” she thought as she heard footsteps come up behind her and Mia “Hi Mia, it's me Britney” Sam went white as a sheet and her hands began to tremble “No no no, not Britney. My bloody cousin if she knows then she will tell her mother and and and she will tell my mother and then the whole family will know I wear diapers and Mia treats me like a baby. Fuck” she thought as she heard her walking closer “I thought it was you two, but wasn’t sure because of those shorts that Sam’s wearing, they aren't the usual fancy clothing that you wear they are pretty we...” she paused and nervously laughed “Erm Sam why you wearing a diaper?” she asked.

Mia began to giggle as she held tight onto the baby harness “Yeah Sam why are you wearing a diaper?” she giggled again as Sam hung her head in shame “Why did Mia say that? She didn’t have to confirm it? How am I going to explain this?” she looked down her nose and blushed “And I’m sucking on a pacifier, do I spit it out? If I do will Mia make up an even worse punishment? What do I have to lose if Britney knows then everyone will soon anyway” she let out a sigh when Mia said “It’s a dare, I have dared her to wear a diaper until tomorrow morning and she said she could easily do that so then I dared her too...” she pulled on Sam’s harness as she continued “Dared her to wear all this” she said as she looked Sam up and down “You know how competitive Sam gets so here we are and I’m taking baby Sam to the shops” she giggled.

Sam let out a sigh of relief “I hope she buys that, it’s not the worst excuse and it doesn’t implicate me too much, now I just have to act like it’s a dare” she held her breath as she slowly turned around to face her cousin. Britney was slightly taller than Sam even though they were the same age, she had dyed fire red straight long hair, she was a skinny young woman with long legs and a flat chest with a pretty smile. Sam and Britney had spent a lot of time together growing up but they had drifted apart, Britney had trouble making friends and Sam always thought she acted immature for her age. Sam blushed bright red as she continued to suck on the pacifier as a shy smile appeared and Britney burst out laughing “Wow, Sam I can’t believe you would go this far for a bet, I mean wearing a diaper till tomorrow morning that’s a long time but you do look super cute” Sam blushed bright red which caused Britney to laugh more “Wow what does she win” she asked and Mia’s eyes darted back and forth “Erm she gets all the spending money the parents left us” Britney’s eyes widened “Wow, how much is that?” she asked and Mia smiled “It’s $500, she will get to use it all on herself if she does everything I say” Britney nodded and looked at Sam who blushed bright red again.

It makes so much sense, $500 to wear this. If that was actually on the table then I probably would have gone for it” Sam thought for a moment “Actually, no I wouldn’t” she turned away from Britney who continued to smile “So what are you two doing? She asked and Mia smiled “Well we have just bought some more diapers for the baby and we are about to go to the shops to get some bits and pieces for tonight then back home, we better get going and we both hope you don’t tell anyone about this our parents would go mental if they knew all that money would go to Sam” Britney smiled and nodded as Mia continued “So nice seeing you, maybe we will see you around” she said as she turned to walk away.

Chapter 10

Britney sighed “Oh OK,” she said as the two sisters began to walk away when Britney bit her bottom lip and said “Wait” Mia stopped and looked at Britney questionably “What is it?” she asked, Britney, shifted on her feet and then asked “Can I join you two?” Sam froze on the spot “No she can’t come with us if she hasn’t noticed that I’m wearing a poop-filled diaper now she defiantly will when we get home” she thought as Mia considered it for a minute.

Britney stood impatiently as Mia stood thinking, finally she blurted out “Come on please, I have nothing to do tonight, I will do anything you ask” she said and with that a wicked smile crossed Mia’s lips as she looked at her infantile sister then back at Britney “OK, you have a deal but like you said you will do anything I ask OK?” Britney looked nervously at her cousin but nodded. Sam shook her head “What does she have planned? I bet it’s some way to embarrass me, I just want to get home and get a shower. I have been wearing this poop-filled diaper for far too long. I don’t care what happens after that I just need this horrible thing off me” she thought as she slowly sucked on the pacifier.

“Yeah, cool, so we going to the shops?” Britney cheered as she stood beside Mia, Mia nodded “Yep you can hold these bags” she said and quickly handed the bags of baby items to Britney. Britney looked down in the bags with a puzzled look “Oh alright” she said as Mia smiled and turned her attention back to Sam “Come on baby lead the way” she cooed and Sam turned bright red as she slowly waddled forward toward the shops, she could hear Britney giggling behind her as they followed “I can’t believe I’m going into another shop like this and now sucking on a pacifier and with my cousin watching as well” she thought as the small party entered the shops.

Sam turned white as a sheet as she quickly looked up in the busy little shop “Oh god, I can’t believe I’m doing this” she shook as she continued to waddle forward still sucking on the pacifier “This way baby” Mia announced as Britney left to go somewhere else, Mia guided her embarrassed older sister down the snack aisle. They stopped in front of the bags of Doritos and Mia examined the flavours, Sam stared down at the floor until she heard a voice say “I’m just going to get some chips” Sam couldn’t help but quickly look up at the tall guy walking towards her, he had brown messy hair a stylish beard and was wearing a tight white t-shirt that showed off his muscles and the tattoos on his arms, as he walked closer Sam sniffed and smelt the foul stench that was waiting in her diaper. She quickly looked down at the floor her face was hot with embarrassment, and she felt slightly dizzy as the man stood next to her looking at the chips. “This is so humiliating” she thought as she moved the pacifier to the far side of her mouth hoping that the tall man wouldn’t notice it “Please just go away, He is so hot and I’m standing here dressed like this” she shook and she felt the mans eyes on her “Fuck, why did I shake” she thought. The man looked down at Sam “Are you OK?” he asked with concern in his voice but Sam didn’t move her eyes were fixed on the floor “I’m not going to look up then he will just leave” she thought but Mia had other ideas.

Mia gently tapped Sam in the side “Baby a grown-up asked you a question, don’t be rude and answer him” Sam suddenly felt pressure all over her body, she felt light-headed and her knees felt weak “Oh god, I hate her, I hate her so much. I can’t look at him like this and oh god Mia would want me to speak like a baby. No way I cannot talk like a baby to him” she thought with dread. The man shrugged his shoulders “Right” he said and quickly grabbed a bag, turned and walked out of the aisle. Sam felt the pressure immediately leave her “That was the worst, I’m so glad he left but now he is going to tell all his friends that there is a giant baby down this aisle and it’s all because of Mia” she slowly looked up at her younger sister with venom in her eyes but Mia just smiled “That was naughty baby” she said as she grabbed a bag of chips “You didn’t do as I said so you will be punished, lets wait till we get home for that punishment” she said with a wicked smile. Sam’s eyes went wide “Another punishment? How could she expect me to talk to him? I can’t keep going through with this” she thought as Mia pulled on the harness and they left the aisle. Mia picked up a big bottle of cola and they paid for the items and made there way out the store where they met Britney again. Britney smiled at the sisters “So back to yours?” she asked and Mia nodded “Yeah, come on we walked” Britney nodded and stood beside Mia as they walked down the street back towards home.

Chapter 11

Mia and Britney didn’t really talk on the walk back and Sam was in her own little world of embarrassment replaying everything that had happened since she had decided to mess her diaper earlier that day until Sam saw the front door to there home “Yes finally we are back and now I can get out of this diaper” she thought with a smile from behind her pacifier. They entered the house and Mia turned to Britney “Give me that bag and I will give you these” She said looking at the bag of baby items that Britney was still carrying “Could you go and take these into the kitchen, put this in the fridge and put them in a bowl” she handed her the cola and the bag of chips and took the bag from Britney. Britney nodded and walked through the house towards the kitchen, while Mia led Sam back into her parent's bedroom.

Mia removed the baby harness and Sam let out a sigh of relief as she watched her breasts move back to there natural state "Finally, that was so uncomfortable and humiliating, being led around like a dog by my sister. I'm going to get her for this" she thought as she stood in front of her sister for a moment until Mia began to frown “Oh that’s right she wants me to crawl” she sighed and slowly lowered herself down onto her squishy bum. Mia smiled down at her infantile sister “Now your punishment will be to go and ask Britney to change you” Sam went white as a sheet and spat out the pacifier “You what!?” she shouted “No way, not going to happen” she began to shake as Mia continued to stand over her smiling “I think you will baby sister otherwise all your friends will see how much of a baby you are” she giggled as Sam shook her head “I don’t care” she lied as she continued to shake her head “No, I’m not going to get my diaper changed by my cousin” Mia giggled “I didn’t say anything about getting your diaper changed by her, you just have to go in there and ask her to change it” Sam looked up at her sister puzzled “So you just want me to go through the humiliating task of asking my cousin to change my poop filled diaper?” she shook and blushed at the same time as Mia nodded “Yep” Sam hung her head in shame “Then what?” Mia giggled “Then I will come in” Sam shook her head “This is so humiliating! But she thinks I’m doing this to win a bet so it could work that way I guess. I can’t believe Mia can be so cruel to me” she sighed “Fine” she said as she looked up at her grinning sister “Great, now you get your bum in there and ask” Mia giggled.

Sam rolled her eyes and began to stand when Mia quickly placed her hands on her shoulders “No, no, no baby sister” Sam looked at her confused for a moment then her eyes widened “No? you want me to crawl in there?” Mia nodded “You're a baby, you can only crawl” she mocked as Sam slowly went back down to her sticky bottom “Right so crawl in there and ask her to change my diaper, anything else?” Sam spat out. Mia sighed “No more big girl talk from you either young lady, you are a baby and you will speak as one at all times, I will let you off for that naughtiness because you were in shock but from now on no more big girl talk” she giggled as Sam looked down at the floor “I need to get out of this, she is going too far” she thought.

“OK go on baby” Mia cooed and Sam slowly got up onto her hands and knees, “One more thing baby, you love your pacifier you never want to be away from it, am I right?” Sam rolled her eyes “So she is now saying that I have to have a pacifier in my mouth at all times” she thought with a sigh and picked up the fallen pacifier from the floor and placed it back in her mouth. Mia giggled “Good baby”. Sam began to crawl out of her parent's bedroom down the hall towards the living room where Britney was waiting “I can’t believe I’m going to ask her to do this, what is she going to say? What is going to do?” she thought with a shiver as she approached the entrance to the room “Let's get this over with otherwise I will drive myself crazy with thinking about it” she thought as she stared down at the floor and slowly entered the room.

Chapter 12

Britney burst into laughter as she watched her cousin crawl into the room “What are you doing Sam?” she asked between giggles but Sam continued to crawl towards her staring down at the floor. Sam stopped just in front of where Britney was sitting on the sofa and slowly looked up with a bright red face, Britney began to giggle again as Sam slowly sucked on the pacifier and swallowed hard “What are you doing Sam?” Britney repeated. Sam sighed again “Pweez will you change me diapee” she said in a high pitch voice, Britney opened her mouth in shock as she sat back on the sofa “What?” she asked and Sam quickly looked down at the floor.

Mia came rushing into the room “You sill baby, Britney doesn’t change your diapers, only a mother can change you, guess you will be in that diaper for a while” she giggled as Sam clenched her fists “This is so humiliating” she thought as Mia said “Come on baby lets leave Britney alone” Sam shook her head “I can’t believe I just did that” she thought as she slowly turned to crawl away. Britney stared down at Sam’s diapered rear as she turned, she bit her lip and felt her cheeks become warm and her mouth became dry as she slowly said “I want in...on the bet” she weakly said with a blush. Sam stopped on the spot as she looked up at Mia’s confused face “She wants in on the bet? She wants to be treated like a baby?” Sam thought as she saw Mia’s expression change into a large grin.

Britney continued to stare at Sam’s padded rear as Mia walked over to her “You want in on the bet? So you want to be treated just like baby Sam?” Britney blushed as she stammered out “Yeah, well just for the bet” Mia giggled “Sure for the bet” she rolled her eyes as she looked up at her older cousin “Alright if your serious, on Sam’s bed is a bag of diapers go and put them on and come out wearing nothing but them”. Sam looked up at Mia with shock “You want her to just wear diapers?” she thought as Britney swallowed hard “Really?” she asked and Mia nodded “Yes now run along” she said gesturing towards her sister's room.

To Sam’s surprise she watched as Britney nervously stood up and walked towards her bedroom “Oh god is she really going to do it?” she thought when Mia turned her attention back to her “Right we need to get you out of that smelly diaper, it’s really disgusting” she said as she held her nose, Sam blushed but couldn’t help but smile “Finally I get out of this horrible thing” she thought as Mia began to giggle as she noticed her smile “Awww does baby want a change?” Sam’s smile quickly disappeared.

Mia turned to walk back to her parent's bedroom and cooed “Follow me baby” Sam shook her head “How am I going to get through a week of her treating me like this? What is Britney thinking wanting to be treated like this? Does she really think it’s for a bet?” she thought as she crawled after her younger sister. She arrived in the bedroom as Mia pointed towards the en-suite bathroom “Everything you need is in there once you are in the room you can stand up and clean yourself up, there are a few bin bags to put your dirty diaper in and a box of wet wipes, throw it all in the bin bags and seal them shut. Everything else in there is what I want you to wear when you come crawling out” Sam looked at her sister confused “What does she have planned?” she thought as she crawled past her into the en-suite.

Sam quickly closed the door behind her and let out a sigh “This is just horrible” she thought as she removed the pacifier from her mouth, she then looked around the room and gasped. Sitting on the toilet seat was four diapers and her mothers pink nighty, Sam shook her head “She wants me to wear that?” she felt a cold shiver run through her “It’s so short, it’s not going to cover my diaper” she rolled her eyes “That’s the point isn’t it and look at the frills that run all around it, the only thing that would be missing would be a baby bonnet” she sighed “How am I going to get out of this?” she thought again as she slowly stood up.

Sam removed her light grey shirt and the pink shorts, she looked down at her pink bra and slim body then at the large smelly diaper between her legs and sighed “I’m 21 years old and I’m about to remove a poop-filled diaper to put a clean one on! Something has definitely gone wrong with me” she sighed. She took hold of the bin bag and opened it up, she then rested it between her legs “This should catch the diaper and then I can quickly tie it up” she thought as she approached the diaper “This is going to stink” she thought as she held her breath. Quickly she untapped the diapers and watched them fall to the ground between her legs and into the open bin bag. She reached the last one, it was stained all over and was sagging between her legs. Sam had to breathe again but knew it was going to be disgusting, she turned white as a sheet as she closed her eyes. She gasped then as she took another deep breath in she could smell the state of her stained diaper and it made her feel sick “I can’t believe I was made to go outside while wearing that” she blushed “A cute guy stood beside me while I wore that” she shivered “I hate this”.

Sam held her breath again as she looked at her crotch “This is going to be so gross” she thought and quickly she released the tabs on either side and the heavy poop-filled diaper fell into the bin bag between her legs. Sam quickly looked away disgusted with herself “It’s everywhere, Oh god I can’t clean that” she wanted to be sick as she glanced back down at her poop stained crotch “Disgusting” she thought again “No I’m just going to jump in the shower” she thought as she stepped forward into the shower cubicle, she quickly turned the shower on and watched as the blue tiles suddenly became brown “Gross gross gross” she said as she stood completely still. She stood in the shower for what seemed like forever, she had slowly turned around several times not looking down as the water ran across her body “I must be clean by now” she thought nervously as she looked down and sighed “There is still some there, gross!” she shouted, slowly she poured soap on to her hands and let out a sigh “I am never going to mess a diaper again” she said as she began to clean herself.

Chapter 13

Brittany was inside Sam’s room pacing around nervously, she had undressed and just wearing her bra and matching panties “I can’t believe this, do I really want this? To wear a diaper in front of my cousins?” she stopped and stared at the bag in front of her and blushed “I do but it’s so embarrassing, at least I won't be on my own and Sam will be doing it too. But what if they find out? They would find it so weird if they thought I actually wanted to wear diapers and get treated like a baby” she sighed “Right I need to stop freaking out, they think it’s because I want in on the bet nothing more” she smiled and looked at the bag “How many does she want me to wear? She just said put them on, does she mean all of them?” she thought for a moment. She picked up the bag and looked in "I know I will put on two diapers, it's not too big and obvious but I will still feel like I’m wearing them” she blushed slightly as she removed the diapers from the bag. A shiver ran up her spine as she felt the soft plastic covered diaper in her hands “I can’t believe I get to do this” she thought as she unfolded the first diaper and placed it on the bed.

Sam stared at her slim body in the bathroom mirror as she dried herself, she sighed as she dried her long dark hair “One week in diapers being treated like a baby by my younger sister, how am I going to get through this week?” she asked her reflection. She shook her head and looked down at the toilet seat and sighed “Four diapers and my mother's nighty? Why did I let it get to this?” she asked her reflection again. She shook her head as she bent over and picked up the diaper, she felt the soft plastic in her hands and it sent a humiliating shiver through her and she felt a sense of dread as she stared down at the diaper “I don’t even want to wear diapers now, I just want everything to return to normal where my sister doesn’t have all this power over me” she said through gritted teeth. Sam unfolded the diaper and shook her head “I can’t believe she has those photos of me wearing a diaper but if she takes this humiliation any further then she will lose all the leverage she has over me, I won't put up with her treating me like a baby out in public not when someone we know could see again” she nodded “I guess I have that over her” she quickly shook her head and hung her head in defeat as she squatted down to the floor and placed the diaper between her legs. Sam sat down on the soft fabric and once again a cold shiver ran through her, she tried to ignore it as she lay down on her back while pulling the front of the diaper up and quickly taping it tightly shut.

Brittany’s heart was racing she felt a wave of nervous energy run through her as she stood, the diapers rustled loudly as she looked down at her padded groin which caused her to blush “Am I really going to go out in front of my cousins like this?” she asked herself as she placed her hand on her large padded bum. She smiled to herself and as she felt the surrounding padding “Yeah well Sam is going to be wearing them anyway so it's not going to be too weird and I did say I would do it to get on the bet” she said to herself with a nervous a smile. Slowly she walked towards the door and took a deep breath as she opened it and stepped out of the room to a bright flash that stopped her in her tracks, another bright flash shone in front of her before she could shield her eyes “What's going on?” she shouted out when her eyes adjusted and she saw Mia standing in front of her with her phone and a large a smile.

Sam shook her head as she stood up in the large diaper, she let out a large sigh as she took hold of her mother's nighty and quickly pulled it over her head. The pink nighty stopped just past her waist resting on the large white diaper, it hugged her chest promoting her breasts and bulged out from her waist over the diaper. Sam felt ridiculous as she looked at herself in the mirror she let out another sigh as she turned towards the door “I can’t hide in here all night, I’m sure Mia will come up with some weird punishment if I tried” she said to herself. She waddled forward and opened the door when suddenly her eyes widened “The pacifier!” she thought, quickly she looked around the bathroom for it when she spotted it resting on the floor behind the door. She squatted down and took hold of it and rolled her eyes as she placed it back in her mouth “Mia said that I love my pacifier and I have to have it in at all times” she shook her head as she began to suck on the infantile device. Sam was about to stand back up when she groaned “I have to crawl around, no point in standing now, if Sam comes in and sees me standing then I have no idea what she will do” she shook her head as she got onto her hands and knees and began to crawl out of the bathroom and into her parent's bedroom.

Britney stood in shock as Mia smiled at her “Awww what a cute baby you are and now we have so baby photos of you” she mocked. Britney swallowed hard as she tried to voice her objections but no words would come out she just stood in front of her younger cousin in her bra and the thick white diaper, she couldn’t think of what to do or say as Mia walked back into the living room “Come along baby” she cooed. Britney’s heart was racing “I should take this off, it's too weird” she thought when Sam came crawling into the living room sucking on the pacifier with her huge diapered bum swinging side to side. Britney’s eyes widened as Sam looked up at her and they both blushed bright red “I can’t believe Sam is going through all this, sucking on a pacifier, wearing that nighty and that huge diaper, crawling around like a baby for $500, she really must want that money” she thought. Mia sat down on the sofa and smiled as she looked over at her sister and cousin “Come on baby Sam don’t you look simply adorable and you are just in time” she said as Sam slowly crawled towards her with a confused expression as Mia continued “It's time to punish baby Britney for not doing as she was told”



Going very well :-)


PLS continue


This is a really good story!


Nice!! Pls continue