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Chapter 01

Laughter broke the silence of the house, the peaceful morning had shattered as the laughter continued from the small room down the hallway from where Chloe who was reading a magazine, Chloe shook her head and slammed her magazine shut “What the hell is she laughing at?” she said as she stood up and walked towards the room. “What’s so funny?” Chloe demanded as she stared at Alexis who was sitting at the desk on her computer. Alexis had short dyed red hair and was wearing her usual baggy shirt and surfing shorts that hide her slim body, she looked up at Chloe while still laughing and stared at her model girlfriend, her long blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail, her tight light blue top hugged her body and showed off her curves and her impressive bust, her long legs were accompanied by a short pair of daisy duke shorts. Alexis smiled “Have you seen this babe?” she pointed at the screen, Chloe shook her head and walked towards the monitor “It’s a story where a woman has been turned into a baby, she wears diapers and everything” Alexis laughed once again as she turned towards the screen “Can you believe it? People even enjoy these stories” she laughed again but Chloe wasn’t paying attention, she read every line she could with her eyes wide. Chloe was fascinated by the story when suddenly she felt a hand on her wrist and was shaken out of the story, she looked at Alexis questionably as she asked “Well?” Chloe shook her head “Well what?” she said feeling like she had missed a full conversation, Alexis giggled “Well would you want me to be your little baby?” Chloe’s cogs began to turn in her head and her heart began to beat quicker as she thought for a moment then she looked at her loving partner and smiled “Yes”.

Alexis sat back in her chair as she stared at Chloe and finally managed to say “What? You would?” Chloe blushed “Yes I would,” she said sheepishly, Alexis’s eyes darted back and forth “Since when?” she shouted. Chloe shrugged her shoulders “I guess since I read that story” Alexis nervously laughed “Your messing with me aren’t you, you don’t want that” Chloe shrugged her shoulders again “Yeah I do, Oh god how cute you would look crawling around in nothing but a diaper doing every I say” she bit her bottom lip “Yes lets do it, it’s turning me on so much”. Alexis looked at her girlfriend confused “Erm right I don’t know, let me think about it” she said as she quickly turned back to the computer. Chloe smiled and quickly turned around “OK baby” she said with a giggle and left the small room and returned to the living room and her magazine, she sat down and quickly placed her hand over her mouth to hide the laughter “She thinks I’m serious, Wow I can’t believe she thinks I’m serious but it serves her right for laughing at what other people are into, lets see how far I can go with this” she picked up the magazine and opened it up “Although I can’t deny that having her crawl around after me would be cute or having her do anything I say and if she doesn’t then I get to punish her” suddenly her heart began to beat fast and she felt a shiver run threw her as she continued to think about it.

Chloe looked at the clock then suddenly sat bolt upright in the chair “Shit” she shouted and quickly stood up “How did it get to that time already” she quickly walked over to the front door and grabbed her shoes as Alexis walked into the room “What is it?” she asked, Chloe sighed “I have a photoshoot I’m going to be late” she grabbed her purse and then paused and turned to Alexis and gave her a hug and a kiss then smiled at her and cooed “Now you be a good girl while I’m gone young lady” she then patted her bum and quickly turned away trying to hold in the laughter as she left Alexis speechless near the front door. Alexis closed the door while shaking her head “She can’t be serious, she wants me to be her baby? To wear diapers? To do everything that she tells me” a smile broke out on her face as she walked back to the small room and sat on the computer chair “OK well I like that bit but the other stuff. I do love her and I want her to be happy but could I wear diapers for her? I guess it’s not that bad just thicker underwear”. She shook her head “I can’t believe I’m going to wear diapers for her, well why wouldn’t I, I would do anything for her” she sighed “It must have been scary to tell me that and she did blush when she told me and I was laughing at it, oh god what must she think of me” she suddenly stood up “I know I will surprise her” she left the room and walked down the corridor “I will go to the pharmacy and get some adult diapers and when she gets home the first thing she sees is me, just how she wants me” a nervous smile appeared on her face “Wow I didn’t think I would be going out to buy diapers when I woke up this morning”. She put her shoes on and let out a big sigh “I can do this for you” she said with a smile and she left the house and walked to her car.

Chapter 02

 Alexis entered the pharmacy feeling very anxious as she scanned the isles “So adult diapers, I’m sure I’ve seen them here before” she thought as she continued to look around when suddenly a blonde-haired woman stood in front of Alexis with a big smile “Hello, can I help you with anything?” she said in a forced cheerful manner, Alexis thought for a moment “Do I really ask her for help on adult diapers? Oh why not, I don’t want to waste my money on something that Chloe wouldn’t like” Alexis nodded her head and nervously cleared her throat “Yes erm I’m erm looking for diapers, adult ones for adults” Alexis blushed bright red “What a balls-up that was” she thought as the woman continued to smile at her “Certainly this way” she began to walk down the aisle and Alexis followed her, they went up another aisle and the woman stopped and gestured to the shell “So these are the brands we have, who is it for?” the woman asked and Alexis looked at her confused “Why?” the woman’s smile slowly disappeared “So we can make sure that the item will be suitable for the person that needs it” the forced smile returned “So who is it for?” she repeated Alexis blushed “Do I say for me? I can’t tell a stranger I’m buying adult diapers for myself” she blushed even more but then she noticed the woman nod “Ah OK then” she then pointed to a pack and Alexis eyes went wide as the woman continued “These are the Depends, they are good for light accidents you pull them on like underwear or if you want something more dependable” she smiled at Alexis “excuse the pun, these ones have tabs on either side, they are more like diapers” Alexis opened her mouth to speak when the woman continued “Or these ones are rated very high, they are Molicare they come highly recommended for full loss” she grabbed the bag of Molicare diapers and held it up to Alexis “You think these will do? They are a size medium which should fit you...” the woman closed her mouth quickly and the smile disappeared, she blushed and looked away “I mean should fit whoever needs them”. Alexis stood for a moment not knowing what to do she felt a whirlwind of emotions run through her, she was feeling angry and embarrassed as she stared at the bag of diapers being held up in front of her, eventually she took a deep breath and snatched the bag out of the woman’s hands and turned quickly away from her “Is there anything else you need?” the woman shouted at her, Alexis shook her head as she continued towards the counter “Just let it go, it’s not worth getting angry over, she was trying to help” she repeated over and over again in her head. She quickly paid for the bag and walked back to her car and sat down in the driver's seat and placed the bag on her knees “How the hell did she know they were for me? Why did she think I would need these ones? Why did I buy them?” she said to herself as she looked at the bag “Well I have them now, guess I should go home and put them on” she shuddered “Still can't believe I’m doing this for Chloe” she sighed and placed the bag on the passenger seat when something began to nag her.

“Oh yeah accessories” she said to herself “I can’t be her...” she blushed bright red “…her baby if I don’t have baby stuff” she looked at the pharmacy “Well I’m not going to get them from there, no way” she shook her head “I know there is a baby store just a few minutes drive away, I will get the stuff from there”. She turned on the car and drove down the road towards the store, once arrived she parked up and looked up at the sign “I can’t believe I’m about to go and buy baby stuff for myself, what would I even need?” she looked over at the diapers and shuddered “Baby wipes? No, I’m not going to use the diapers. That’s not going to happen. I hope she doesn't want me to use them I can't do that no that will be doing too far but I could get the wipes she would like that and baby powder. Oh god what else, my mind has gone blank” she looked up at the sign of the giant baby sucking on a pacifier shaking a rattle and sighed “Well yeah a pacifier and something to ‘play’ with I guess oh and a bottle but that’s it, I’m not going to spend my money on anything else. Alexis sighed and got out of the car and went into the store, she quickly found all the items she needed and didn’t feel anyway as awkward as she did when she bought the adult diapers. After she paid she left the store and got back into her car and placed the bag next to the adult diapers “Right well I guess it’s time to get home and put all this on before Chloe gets home” she let out a nervous laugh “She is going to be so happy to see what I’ve done for her” she said and she drove back home.

Chapter 03

  Alexis drove back home and she began to feel more nervous the closer she got “Oh god it’s getting so close, I’m going to be wearing that soon” she thought as she turned the corner to her street “It’s fine, its just underwear I’m not going to do anything else” she pulled into her drive and turned off the car where she suddenly felt very anxious. She let out a sigh then grabbed all the items from the car and made her way into the house, she placed the bags on the sofa and stood staring at them “OK, now what? Do I just put them on or what?” she stood not moving for a moment thinking to herself when suddenly she eyed up the baby powder “Hmm maybe I should shave before I put that on me, yeah I will go for a shower and shave then I will put it on” she shook with nervous energy as she picked up the bags and walked into the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom she let out a sigh “OK, shower, shave and then diaper” she blushed and shook her head “For Chloe, I can do this” she said and she pulled off her baggy shirt revealing her slim figure and her supple breasts inside a black bra she bent down and pulled off her surfing shorts and her boxer shorts in one quick motion, she looked down at her vagina and sighed “I only have a landing strip but still it’s hair, I’m soon going to be bald, just like a baby” she sighed and she unclasped her bra. She turned on the water for the shower and grabbed her razor and got into the shower. She spent a long time in the shower trying to put off what was going to happen next for as long as she could but eventually she let out a sigh and turned the water off, she stepped out of the shower with water dripping down her body passed her now shaven vagina. She grabbed a towel and dried herself while continuing to stare at the bag of diapers “Oh I have to stop putting it off” she said to herself and she placed her towel on the floor and lowered herself onto it. She sat with her legs spread as she pulled the bag towards her and opened it up, staring down at the multiple white rectangles she let out a nervous laugh as she reached inside and pulled one out “Right so this is it, the thing I’m nervous about” she shook her head and slowly unfolded the diaper “Wow, it’s bigger than I expected” she said as she held it out in front of herself.

She placed the diaper on the towel and lent back putting her weight on her elbows as she lifted her bum off the towel and manoeuvred the diaper underneath her round bum. She stayed in that position for a moment or two until her elbows began to hurt and she slowly lowered her bum onto the soft fabric of the diaper, closing her eyes as she felt it crinkle with her weight “I can’t believe I’m doing this” she said to herself as she slowly sat back up and looked down at the unfolded diaper between her legs. She reached forward and grabbed it when she then paused and looked at the other bag “Oh right, the baby powder yeah lets try and make this more convincing” she said and she pulled out the powder and opened it up, she gave it a quick sniff and shrugged her shoulders “It’s not bad I guess” she said and then she looked down at her crotch “I really should try and even it out” she thought “Now how am I going to do this?” she thought for a minute then she lay back on the floor and grabbed the back of her knees with her spare hand and she rolled back slightly, lifting up her bum off the diaper. Then without being able to see, she began to pour the powder onto her bum and then some on to the diaper, after a short time she stopped “I think that might be enough” she said and she let go off her knees and sat back up on the diaper. She let out a cough as the powder puffed up into the air from either side of her bum cheeks and she shook her head “Shit, probably to much” she shook her head “How was I supposed to know, should I put some on my pussy?” she looked down for a moment and decided and shrugged her shoulders “It can’t hurt I guess” she then poured a generous amount onto her vagina and then placed the bottle on the floor “Right well now it’s time to pull it up” she reached forward again and grabbed the front of the diaper and slowly she pulled the front up, feeling a nervous energy run through her as she did. She pulled it up over her vagina and pressed it against her she then grabbed the back part of the diaper and released a tab and quickly she stuck it onto the front of the diaper. She did the same with the one underneath it and then went and did the same with the other two on the opposite side.

Once finished she looked down at the diaper not looking too convinced at her handy work “It will do” she said and she began to stand up, when she realised how lose it was. She quickly sat back down before it fell down and another puff of baby powder entered the room “Shit, why is it so loose?” she looked at the diaper “How am I going to make it tight? Usually, babies get theirs put on when they are lying down, oh stupid I was sitting up, I wasn’t even sitting up straight, no wonder it’s loose. Well, what am I going to do? I can’t take this off, the powder will go everywhere and I will still be cleaning it up when Chloe gets home” She thought for a moment and she looked at the bag “Another one on top?” she rolled her eyes “I never thought I would be wearing one diaper and now I’m considering wearing two, why don’t I just keep going three or four, hell why not the full bag, I’m sure Chloe would love that” she then paused her rant and thought “Would she? Oh god I have no idea, It could be a dream come true to see me wearing loads of diapers like in that story but do I want to?” she continued to stare at the bag. “Fuck it, in for a penny in for a pound, the full bag it is. I must be losing it” she thought as she emptied the contents of the bag onto the floor.

Chapter 04

  “Why did I say that, it’s not like I’m doing something normal hear, I’m about to wear a bag full of diapers, how many are actually here” she looked at the remaining diapers and counted them “Right nine, wow my ass is going to look huge with nine of those wrapped around it, good thing is if I wear them all at once then they are used and it’s going to be a long a while till I go back and get any more. So I’m going to do it wear eight diapers now so I don’t have to wear any for a long time, I guess that makes sense” she shook her head and slowly grabbed hold of one of the diapers and unfolded it “Well here we go again” she said as she lay on the bathroom floor and lifted her bum up to slide the second diaper underneath “Right so stay lying down” she said to herself as she looked down her slim body. She pulled the front of the diaper up and this time she pulled it tightly against her as she tapped it on “I think that’s better” she said and she sat up and grabbed another diaper. Soon she was wearing all ten diapers, as she taped the last diaper on she just stared down at her protruding crotch and shook her head “What am I doing? I hope Chloe likes this because it’s really weird” she then tried to put her legs together but the bulk in between her legs made it impossible “Wow, I can’t even bring them together, Oh god that means I won't be able to walk properly, I’m going to be waddling” she blushed with embarrassment and she placed her hand on top of the huge diaper “So far away from my own pussy, I maybe shouldn’t of put them on so tight” she gave a shy smile as she sat up.

“OK now what?” she said to herself as she continued to stare down at the large thirsty diaper between her legs, a nervous smile crossed her face “I should just go and sit out in the living room so as soon as Chloe gets home she sees me like this, I can’t believe she is going to see me like this. I really hope she likes it because this is such a weird feeling” she nodded to herself and tried to stand up but couldn’t “Bloody hell this is heavier than I thought” she said. She reached up and grabbed onto the countertop with one hand and grabbed the bag of baby items with the other and slowly she lifted herself up, she stood with her legs apart looking around her inflated waist “Wow, my ass is so big in this and I have no way of bringing my legs together, well time to waddle” she said with a blush and she opened up the door and slowly waddled down the hallway towards the living room. She constantly looked around at her waist as she moved down the hallway “I can’t believe how much my ass moves, It’s really heavy as well. I am glad I did it tight otherwise this would falling to the floor and all of this would have been for nothing”. She entered into the living room and slowly lowered herself on to the floor directly across from the front door, she nervously looked at the clock then at the front door “She should be coming home soon, I can’t believe I’m doing this” she blushed bright red. She looked in the plastic bag and pulled out the rattle “I will just have this, I’m not going to suck on a pacifier or a bottle I think that’s a little too much”. Alexis didn’t have to wait long and soon she heard the car pull up and the car door open and close “Oh god, What am I doing? I’m sitting here in a diaper? What if she doesn’t like this and she was just messing with me? No, she wouldn’t I can't think like that” she slowly shook the rattle as she heard footsteps approach the front door. She began to shake and her chest was tight as she saw the handle of the door turn she held her breath as the door swung open.

Chloe dropped the keys to the floor as she stared at Alexis sitting on the floor in the huge diaper, she let out a quick laugh then stopped herself as saw the nervous look in lovers eyes. Chloe swallowed hard “Oh god did she do this for me? Did she wear a diaper for me? No she can’t of thought I was serious and if I was would she go this far for it?” she continued to stare neither woman speaking as Alexis slowly shook the rattle. Chloe still stood frozen “Wait maybe she wanted this, that’s why she showed me that story, how else would she of found it? Yes, that must be it, she wanted to see my reaction and then decided today would be the day” she quickly smiled which eased the tension in the room and Alexis smiled back. Chloe closed the door “I can do this for her, I love her and if she wants to be a baby I will treat her like a baby” she took a step forward “Awww don’t you look adorable” she cooed.



Another good story set up, so perfectly poised, will there be any chance of a continuation?


This is really good!