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 Chapter 01

Hilary was reading the contract set out in front of her, she couldn't help but feel nervous as she finished the document and looked up at the tall woman in the white lab coat. She smiled at Hilary “Everything OK?” she asked in a soothing tone, Hilary cleared her throat “Erm yeah I guess, I’m just not too comfortable with not knowing the side effects” the tall woman laughed “Well that’s what your here for, you test the drugs and we can then find out what the side effects are”. Hilary blushed feeling embarrassed “I know but still makes me feel uncomfortable”. The woman nodded “Well everything should be fine it's a stress release drug, designed to shut off everything that makes you stressed” she smiled again and Hilary sighed as she brushed her long brown hair out of her eyes “OK” she said and slowly she signed the document. The tall woman handed her a small box of tablets “You obviously don’t know if you are on the placebo’s or the actual drug but either way we would like you to take one of these twice a day, if you don’t notice any changes after the first week then we would like you to double the amount and record anything you notice.” Hilary held the pills in her hand and began to feel nervous once again, she nodded to the tall woman and stood up “OK, Thank you” she said and left the office.

Hilary drove home in a trance the only thought in her mind was that of horrible side effects “Hair loss is a common side effect to drugs, Oh god I can’t lose my hair I love my hair. Weight gain is another usual one, I hope not. Everyone says I have a Romanesque body, wide hips and big boobs, I have spent so much time on my body I cant put on any weight” she shook at the idea as she continued to drive home “What else could happen? Spots, Ewwww or even boils, why did I sign up for this” she rolled her eyes as she pulled into her driveway “I didn’t have a choice, it pays so well and I need to the money, why is it so hard to find a job these days” she said to herself as she turned off the car and grabbed her bag containing the pills. She got out of the car and walked into her house “Well I better get started on this” she said and she walked towards the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water, she placed her bag on the counter and pulled out the box of pills, she opened the box and pulled out two pink pills “OK so it was two pills twice a day, then double it if I don’t see any changes” she sighed loudly “Bottoms up” she said and placed the pills into her mouth she took a large gulp of water to help them go down and swallowed them both “Well I guess we now got to wait and see” she said to herself as she sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV.

“So did you go?” a voice said and Hilary jumped, she had been lost in her own world that she hadn’t even noticed that her roommate and best friend Brigit had arrived home. Hilary looked at her pale friend, her auburn hair resting just above her shoulders with her blues eyes wide with anticipation “So did you go? Did you get any pills?” she asked, Hilary sighed “Yeah I went, I didn’t have much choice did I, I got some pink ones they are meant to help with stress” Brigit looked at her friend quizzically “So anything yet?” Hilary shook her head “No I don’t feel any different yet but it has only been...” she looked at the clock “...20 minutes, I don’t think it’s going to do anything just yet” Brigit began to giggle “What if it makes you do something weird, like give you cravings for toast or makes you incontinent” Brigit laughed as Hilary’s jaw dropped “Oh god I hope not...I don’t like toast” she laughed then shook her head “I’m sure it won't be anything too bad, I’m probably on the placebos anyway so it will just be easy money” Brigit nodded “Yeah maybe but if your not, It’s going to be fun to watch” Brigit laughed again as Hilary turned back to the TV and shook her head “Everything will be fine” she said trying to convince herself.

  The rest of the night passed by as normal the two women watched TV and had dinner until Brigit stood up and announced she was going to bed “Goodnight” Hilary said as Brigit left the room and went to bed. Hilary stood up from the sofa and walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of water when she saw the box of pills “Well she did say two a day, the last one was about six hours ago, I’m sure it’s fine to have the other two now” she said to herself as she poured a glass of water and took another two pills and swallowed them with the water. She went back to the sofa and continued to watch TV for a few more hours. Hilary was lying on the sofa and the show she was watching had finished she went to grab the remote to turn it over when she froze, she looked down her nose and saw her hand curled up into a fist she then felt her thumb inside her mouth and quickly removed it “What the hell?” she said “How long have I been doing that for?” she looked down at her thumb worried “I must be more tired than I thought to do that and not realise, I better go to bed” she turned off the TV and got up off the sofa and walked to her bedroom still with a puzzled look on her face “I can't even remember the last time I sucked my thumb” she wondered to herself as she arrived in her bedroom.  

Chapter 02

   Hilary entered her room, she walked over to her bedside table and turned it on “I just want to jump into bed straight away but...” she looked down at her skinny jeans and shook her head “...I’m never going to sleep comfortably in these” she sighed and walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out a green baggy shirt “Yeah this will do” she thought and she placed it on the bed. She unzipped her jeans and pulled them down her shapely legs and pulled them off her feet, she then grabbed hold of the bottom of her cream shirt and pulled it up over her head. She stood for a moment in nothing but her black underwear and smiled down at her slim body “I really hope these pills don’t make me put on weight” she shook her head and then unclasped her bra and dropped it to the floor exposing her large breasts, she bent over and picked up the green shirt and pulled it on, covering her nakedness and quickly got into her bed.

Once lying down she yawned and looked over at her light with a puzzled expression “Why did I suck my thumb? Why would I do that? Maybe it was the pills?” she let out a nervous laugh “Yeah right like pills can make me suck my thumb?” she shook her head “I’m just overtired it’s been a long day” she turned off her bedside light and lay in the darkness for a while trying to remember she closed her eyes drifting off to sleep when she suddenly remembered “That’s right, I was six when I last sucked my thumb, I remember my mum said I did it when I was nervous” her eyes shot open “Wait the pills? They are to stop stress I sucked my thumb when I was nervous and when your nervous you get stressed out so did the pills make me suck my thumb to stop me from stressing out?” she thought for a minute then rolled her eyes “What am I talking about, of course they didn’t, pills can’t do that” she closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Hilary slowly opened her eyes and rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling, the faint ray of sunlight entering the room through the curtains. She was still half asleep as she continued to stare up at the ceiling, she slowly stretched and her mind awoke. She smiled “Oh wow, I feel so refreshed and calm, I can’t remember the last time I had such good sleep,” she thought and she sat up in her bed “Now that must have been the pills! Defiantly the pills to make me sleep like that, I will continue to take them if I continue to sleep so well” she thought and she got out of bed.

She stood for a second when her legs began to wobble “What the fuck!” she shouted, she began to sweat, she felt lightheaded and very sick, her stomach tightened and before she could stop herself she fell forward. She landed on her hands and knees with a terrified look on her face but suddenly she didn’t feel ill anymore “What happened” she thought as she looked down at her legs “It must be because I slept so long and I’m stiff from not moving, I should of stretched longer or something” slowly she sat up on to her knees “It was weird though I can't remember that ever happening before, was that the pills?” she shook her head “Oh god I have to stop that, I can’t keep asking if it was the pills every time something happens” she thought as she sat “Hmmm well lets try that again, Day one walking” she laughed to herself and placing one hand on her bed she lifted herself back up. She stood for a moment nervously looking down “Now we are not going to do that again are we?” she asked her legs then she nodded “Good, you scared the shit out of me, now that I have mastered standing once again it’s time to get a drink and carry on with this drugged up life” she smiled and walked out of her room.

As she left her bedroom and walked into the kitchen she paused as she looked out the window at the nearly darkened sky “Wait what time is it?” she thought and quickly looked at the analogue clock on the wall which read 5:45 “How do I feel so refreshed when I’ve only had a few hours sleep? I went to bed at about midnight” she shrugged her shoulders and walked to the sink and poured a glass of water, she grabbed the box of tablets and popped two out and placed them in her mouth and quickly swallowed “Well I’m getting to this early” she thought.

She walked out of the kitchen when she heard Brigit’s bedroom door closed behind her “Oh shit did I wake you?” she said quietly as she turned to see Brigit walking towards her fully dressed “What? No, I’m about to go out, going out for a meal, how do I look?” Hilary looked at her confused “Wait? What time is it?” Brigit sighed “Yes Brigit you look great if I was a guy I would jump you” she mocked and rolled her eyes “It’s ten to six at night”. Hilary’s eyes widened “What? Oh god I slept all day” Brigit let out a laugh “Wow the joys of being unemployed, up all night and asleep all day” Hilary shook her head “No, I went to bed at midnight and the next thing I know it’s now, I can’t believe I slept for so long”. Brigit shrugged her shoulders “You must have needed it or it could have been those tablets, you can't be stressed if your in a coma” she laughed and picked up her keys “Well I will see you when I get home, if you’re awake” she laughed again. Hilary shook her head “Yeah sure, have a good night” she said.

 As Brigit left Hilary continued to stand frozen “I slept for so long” she thought “Oh god I hope that’s not a side effect, I don’t want to sleep the days away” she turned towards the living room when she felt her legs wobble again “Oh shit, no not again!” she shouted out and once again she began to sweat, she felt lightheaded and very sick, her stomach tightened but before she had a chance to fall she quickly lowered herself down on her hands and knees out of instinct as she felt the illness quickly vanish.

Chapter 03

  Hilary stared down at the floor with her mouth gaping open “What the hell was that?” she shouted in disbelief as she continued to stay on her hands and knees, she slowly looked down her slim body towards her shapely legs “What are you doing?” she accused her legs. She looked up at sighed and slowly sat back on her legs “That was weird, it must be because I slept for so long my heads messed up a little” she said to herself as she shook her head. Hilary sat for a moment too afraid to stand “I don’t want to feel like that again but I can’t just stay sitting here” she looked at the sofa “It’s not that far away maybe if I...” she bit her lip “Really? I’m considering crawling to the sofa rather than trying to stand again” she pictured herself standing and her head began to spin and her stomach tightened and she quickly snapped the image out of her head “OK fine, I guess I will crawl” she let out a sigh.

Slowly she got back on her hands and knees and shook her head “I can’t believe I’m crawling around” she thought and slowly she crawled towards the sofa. With each movement forward she felt a small strange new feeling, she looked puzzled but continued to crawl “What’s going on? I feel a little turned on. How is crawling like a baby a turn on?” she thought to herself as she reached the sofa. Slowly Hilary got up off the floor and onto the sofa where she sat down and suddenly she stopped feeling the hint of pleasure that was running through her just moments ago “Now that’s just weird” she thought as she turned on the TV.

Hilary drifted off into her own world as she stared into the TV, she lost all perspective of what she was watching or how long she had been staring at the TV. She was feeling very relaxed and she didn’t have a care in the world, she could feel the soft cushions under her and the see the bright colours and hear the joyful music coming from the TV and she had no urge to move.

She could feel her thumb in her mouth slowly moving back and forth as she sucked on it, she could also feel her other hand twirling her hair around her finger. She didn’t care that she was sucking on her thumb she was feeling relaxed and calm and she continued to stare at the bright colours of the TV while sucking her thumb.

Slowly she felt a warmth flow from between her legs, she let out a slight smile as she felt the warm feeling spread out from her crotch around her legs and over her bum. The warmth stopped spreading and sat surrounding her and Hilary felt a wave of pleasure run through her, she stopped playing with her hair as she let out a slight moan from behind her thumb and her now free hand pressed against her body and slowly moved down. Her hand slowly moved over her right breast, she took a deep breath in as she slowly squeezed it and her hand continued moving down. Her hand moved over her flat stomach and down to the warmth of her pants and she could feel a great wave of pleasure wash over her, she let out another moan and she moved her hand over her pussy.

“What the hell are you doing!?” was the shout that brought Hilary back into the room, her thumb came shooting out of her mouth and she jumped forward on the sofa with a freight. Hilary stared at Brigit dumbfounded “What? Why did you..” she paused as she slowly looked down at her waist and all the colour drained from her face “What the fuck!?” she shouted as she stared down at her wet pants. Brigit shook her head “That’s what I was going to ask, why have you pissed yourself? It’s all over the sofa”. Hilary’s jaw dropped open “How did this happen? I was just going to watch TV?” she looked up at the TV puzzled “What the hell?” she thought as she stared at Paw Patrol on the TV “I wasn’t watching that,” she said. Brigit looked at the TV “Yes you were, I’ve been home for ten minutes and that’s been on the whole time, why were you watching a kids show while sucking your thumb and wetting your pants? Are you trying to relive your childhood?” she asked as Hilary continued to stare at the TV “I wasn’t watching that, what was I watching? Whatever show it was it was good, I remember enjoying it” she thought as she looked back at Brigit “I don’t know,” she said weakly.

Chapter 04

  Hilary sat frozen in her own urine not able to move from the shame of what she had done, she stared down at her damp wet green shirt with her mouth open as Brigit stood over her concerned “Are you OK?” she asked Hilary slowly nodded “What’s happening to me? Is it those pills? How could they do that to me?” she thought with a shiver as the urine between her legs began to dry. Brigit sighed “Right well go and get yourself cleaned up and I will clean up out here” she said as Hilary looked up at her with tears in her eyes “Thank you” she whispered as slowly she stood up, Brigit nodded “It’s OK” but Hilary turned bright red as she stood in front of her friend “I want to apologise to her but I can’t, it’s too embarrassing I wet my pants” she suddenly grabbed her head as it ached “Argh I’ve got a killer headache” she shouted. Brigit looked at her confused “Well go and clean up and I will get something to help with your head” she said as Hilary smiled and walked past her towards to the bathroom.

Hilary closed the door of the bathroom behind her and sighed “I’m never going to live this down, she is going to mock me forever for pissing myself while watching kids shows” she shook her head “I can’t even remember the show, all I remember was the bright colours and the music” she walked towards the sink and stared at herself in the mirror “Is it really the pills doing this? I’ve not even been taking them for long” she sighed once again “Right I need to get these off me” she said as she looked down the green shirt sticking to her groin.

Slowly she lifted the damp shirt off while holding her breath “Gross, gross, gross” she repeated in her head as she pulled the shirt over up over her head. She stared down at her wet black panties “I can’t believe the last time I saw these I thought that I looked sexy, now they are dripping wet and not in a good way” she let out a sly smile then quickly removed it “No, I can’t make jokes I’m standing in piss covered panties at my age while my younger housemate is clearing up my mess. Defiantly no more pills I can’t get any worse” she shook all over. Slowly she peeled off her damp panties and turned towards the shower and turned on the taps “Ah a nice shower and I will feel much better” she said to herself as the room slowly filled up with steam.

Feeling the warm waterfall down her naked body Hilary felt at peace, she didn’t have any thoughts in her head as she enjoyed the relaxing feeling of the water washing away the evening's accident. “Bliss” she finally thought, and she slowly began to wash her perfect naked body. Eventually, she stepped out of the shower and quickly dried herself with a towel “I so needed that” she thought when she took a step forward and yawned “What? How can I be tired? I slept for so long?” she thought as she wrapped the towel around her left the bathroom.

Slowly she walked towards her bedroom yawning a few more times, as she entered her bedroom her eyes suddenly felt heavy “How am I so tired all of a sudden?” she questioned. She looked around her bedroom and saw that there was a glass of water on her bedside table with two tablets sitting next to it, she yawned once again as her eyes felt even heavier, she stumbled towards the table and grabbed the pills and popped them in her mouth and then drank the full glass of water “That should help” she said to herself as she released the towel and let it fall to the floor “I just need to lie down for a minute” she said as she gingerly lowered herself onto the bed and before she knew it she was fast asleep.

Slowly her eyes opened and her head felt two sizes too small as she stared up at the ceiling through blurred vision “What time is it?” she thought. Hilary rolled over onto her side and made out a glass of water and two tablets sitting next to it, she smiled “Perfect these will get rid of my headache” she said and quickly she reached out and swallowed the tablets and the water. She rubbed her eyes as she slowly sat up in the dim light and looked down at her naked body “I fell asleep after the shower? I can’t remember anything after leaving the bathroom. That’s so weird, I’m glad I’m not having any more of those pills there’s no telling what will happen next” she thought. She stood up from her bed and walked towards her wardrobe where she pulled out a long green dress and matching white bra and panties. She put her underwear on and then pulled the dress on over her head and smiled “Perfect for just hanging around the house in” she said to herself as she left her bedroom.

As she entered the bright kitchen she read the clock “Oh 11:00” well it must be the morning with the sun out, that’s good I didn’t waste the day” she said to herself with a smile. She then made her way to the living room and paused “What the hell?” she half shouted as she stared at the coffee table. Slowly she walked towards the large bag of adult diapers sitting on top of the coffee table and shook her head “What?” she nervously laughed. She noticed a post-it note stuck on the top of the bag, she grabbed the note and began to read ‘Hilary, I saw these and thought of you, maybe try them next time you decide to use the sofa as a toilet, HAHA, Love Brigit’.

Hilary shook her head “I hate her” she said with a smile as she sat down on the sofa beside the bag, she turned the TV on and began watching Peaky Blinders, but she kept glancing over at the bag of diapers. “Why do I keep looking at them?” she thought while turning red “Maybe I should put one on” she laughed “What? No, why would I think that?” she turned back to the show but suddenly found herself staring at the bag again “I can’t go through what happened last night. What if it happens again?” she shook her head “Yeah I need to wear one just in case” she looked at the bag confused as she slowly began to open it.  

Chapter 05

  Hilary shook her head and turned the TV, without thinking she turned it onto the baby channel as she slowly turned her attention to the bag of Molicare diapers. She continued to stare at the diapers sitting in a row inside the bag “Am I really considering this? Wearing a diaper? I really don’t want to wet my pants and the sofa again but I also don’t want to wet a diaper, I haven’t had those pills in a while so if it was them then I should be OK today” she pulled a diaper out of the bag and sighed “I could just laugh it off as a joke if Brigit catches me wearing one. Don’t want to waste them” she nervously smiled as she slowly unfolded the large diaper. She stared at the diaper with and a strange excitement began to build up in her, her heart began to race and her mouth suddenly became dry as she fondled the soft infantile underwear “So I’m going to wear a diaper, I’m 25 and I’m about to wear a diaper” she suddenly stopped feeling the diaper as she realised she was smiling ear to ear “What? Why am I so happy about this? I definitely shouldn’t be happy about wearing a diaper” her heart continued to race and she shook her head “But I am, maybe it’s because its out of the norm, it’s a slightly taboo or maybe I just really want to wear it” she looked at the diaper puzzled “Why would I want to wear it?” she said to herself.

Slowly she placed the diaper on the seat next to her and took a deep breath “This is getting weird” she said to herself but an urge pushed her forward, she couldn’t stop herself as she slowly pulled up her green dress to her belly button exposing her red panties she let out a nervous breath and a shy giggle as she quickly sat up and moved onto the waiting diaper. She felt the soft fabric of the diaper on her bum cheeks, but she sat feeling a little disappointed “Why do I now feel like this?” she thought as she looked down at her red panties and suddenly felt anger build up in her and was disgusted at the sight of the red fabric covering her private parts. “It’s them!” she shouted as she quickly grabbed hold of her panties and sat up off the diaper and pulled the red underwear down to her knees and she sat back down on the diaper and felt an overwhelming sense of satisfaction run through her.

Hilary continued to sit on the diaper with a large grin on her face “Wow, this is comfy. Why is it so comfy?” she thought as she looked down at her groin “Well I guess I need to finish putting it on” she said and her heart began to race once again she shook her head “Very weird” she thought as she grabbed the front of the diaper and pulled it up over her vagina and rested it against her stomach, she then grabbed the back left of the diaper and wrapped it around her waist then taped it on. She felt a strange tingle run through her as she moved her hands away and she looked down at the diaper puzzled “What am I feeling now?” she said as she shook her head. She then pulled the back right of the diaper to the front and wrapped it around her and taped it on.

She looked down at the diaper fastened around her and suddenly she felt every muscle in her body relax, she slumped back in the chair as her mind became empty. Hilary smiled as her lazy eyes watched the TV, she couldn’t make out what she was watching but she was enjoying all the colours and the music. As she drifted in and out of thought she lazily looked down and noticed that she was slowly sliding off the sofa and down onto the floor, she couldn’t think of any reason to stop herself so she let her body slowly sink off the sofa and land diaper first on the soft carpet. The colours and the music of the show continued to keep her happy as she slowly noticed that her hands were gently clapping with the music and she felt drool leave her mouth and slowly make it’s way down her chin as she drifted off out of thought once again. A warm feeling suddenly entered her groin and she felt it slowly spread around her vagina and down onto her bum cheeks she looked down at her diaper and thought “I’ve wet myself?” she slowly felt a wave of shame wash over her and she could feel herself blush bright red “I wet a diaper, just like a baby” she thought as she felt tears form in her eyes. She was about to cry but as she opened her mouth her thumb suddenly appeared inside and without thinking she began to suck on her digit, she smiled from behind her hand as she continued to suck “That’s better” she thought as she drifted out of thought once again.

Hilary heard a baby laugh as she drifted back and noticed she was now lying on the soft carpet still sucking her thumb and her dress had been removed, she was now lying in the middle of the floor wearing her wet diaper and red bra. Her legs were up in the air and her right arm was trying to grab them as she heard the laughter once again “Oh it’s me” she thought with a smile. She continued to lie with her feet up in the air when she felt something strange happening, she couldn’t put her finger on it until her eyes squeezed shut as she felt her bum loosen up. She felt her cheeks part and warm poop slowly entered into her diaper, she felt her body continue to push as the mess slowly made its way around her diaper she could feel it load up in the diaper and slowly spread around her cheeks but she was unable to stop herself, move or do anything but concentrate on pooping.

Eventually, she stopped and Hilary felt cold with humiliation, her legs were still up in the air and she slowly parted them as she looked down at her now full diaper “What have I done?” she thought. She smelt the mess emanating from her groin and she suddenly felt sick “Oh god, I’ve actually messed the diaper” she thought as she continued to suck her thumb “What am I going to do? I can’t just stay here in my own mess. It’s so disgusting” she thought. Slowly she lowered her legs and placed her feet flat on the floor “I need to get up and out of this” she said. Suddenly she was back in the room fully awake and aware of her surroundings, she was able to move and think and she felt disgusted with herself as she felt the warm mess inside her diaper.



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