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 Chapter 01

Danielle looked around her room nervously, she squeezed tight to Mr Buggles as she sat on the single bed with her legs crossed and with Mr Buggles on her lap. Danielle didn’t go anywhere without her light brown teddy bear that she named Mr Buggles almost 20 years ago, even though Mr Buggles had lost an eye and was frayed and bald in areas Danielle always felt better when she gave him a squeeze or talked to him and the young brunette was needing Mr Buggles more than ever right now. She slowly examined the small white room and the two other beds that occupied it, Danielle’s bed was in the centre against the back wall beneath the window where she could feel the warm sun kiss the back of her neck gently as she looked at the two other beds in front of her, each against the remaining free walls of the square room facing each other. Directly in front of Danielle was the white door where she knew at any minute her new roommates would enter which caused her to squeeze Mr Buggles even tighter. She looked down at her teddybear “It’s OK, I have done the hard part I completed rehab and I have now been sober for 60 days, I just have to get through this part of my recovery then I can go home” she half-smiled as she looked up at the door again.

Suddenly the door swung open, Danielle jumped and tightly squeezed hold of Mr Buggles as she stared at the door with a worried curiosity. A tall woman stood at the door looking down at Danielle “So who are you?” she snarled as she stared at Danielle, the tall woman had short blonde hair hanging down from her head, she was wearing a baggy white shirt and sweatpants so Danielle couldn’t tell what her figure was like but she could see the muscles on her arms which scared the small girl.  Danielle swallowed hard “I’m Danielle, n.. nice to meet you,” she said weakly as the tall woman walked into the room. She was closely followed by a smaller skinnier woman who walked quickly, she had long messy black hair and Danielle thought she could look very pretty if she spent some time on her hair, she gave Danielle a quick glance then turned away and walked towards one of the spare beds where she sat down and pulled out a book and began to read. The tall woman continued to stare down at Danielle which was making her feel nervous “I’m Beth” she said with a hint of disgust, she continued “She’s Laura” She walked over to the last spare bed in the room and sat down and looked at Danielle “Look Laura, they have decided to give us a baby to look after, what was it again Baby Danielle?” she laughed as Danielle blushed and reluctantly let go of Mr Buggles.  Laura let out a little laugh then went straight back to her book, Beth continued to smile at Danielle “No don’t let go of it, you might lose it then we will have a sad baby on our hands” she laughed again as Danielle looked away from Beth. She shook her head and quickly looked down, she didn’t know what to do she desperately wanted to hug Mr Buggles to make her feel better but knew that would only make things worse so she just sat miserably staring at her teddy bears head.

Beth sat back on her bed and let out a laugh “Well this is going to be fun, I don’t think we have had a baby in here before have we Laura” Laura looked up from her book and shook her head “Nope” she said quickly then went back to reading as Beth continued “This is my fourth time back here, it never works but my family always try, It’s your third time here Laura?” Laura sighed and looked up “Third” she said “Are you going to be talking to me a lot?” she said sounding obviously annoyed. Beth shrugged her shoulders “Yeah maybe, I’m just surprised they let babies in here” Danielle lost it she quickly looked up at Beth and shouted “I’m not a fucking baby OK, now shut up!” she quickly looked back down at the top of her teddy bear as Beth smiled and Laura began to shake her head “Nope that won't do, now you listen here...” Danielle clenched her fists again and looked up at Laura “Shut the fuck up!” she shouted then quickly looked down at her Mr Buggles and gave him a big squeeze, she began to shake with fear she knew her temper would get her into trouble and now she was fearing the consequences from the tall imposing woman.

The room was silent for a while when Laura finally said “Beth” the tall woman looked at the small woman sitting on her bed “Yes?” she asked, Laura looked back at Danielle “I think your right, we have never had a baby in here, I think we should make her feel at home” a wicked smile appeared on her face as she looked back at Beth “Go and get that special item of clothing that Cindy has to wear” Beth looked at Laura confused for a moment then a suddenly realisation crossed her face as Danielle’s eyes darted back and forth trying to figure out what they were talking about, her chest had become tight and she was feeling very sorry for herself. “Really?” Beth asked with a laugh, Laura nodded then looked back at Danielle “Actually get a full bag full” Beth laughed again and quickly got off her bed and left the room as Laura continued to smile at Danielle “You will soon learn not to fuck with me”.

Chapter 02

  Danielle was shaking and she didn’t bring her eyes up off the bed as she squeezed tight to Mr Buggles, she shook her head regretting what she said but she was too scared to apologise to Laura so she sat frozen to the bed. Laura eagerly waited for Beth to return her eyes darting towards the door and back to the scared woman on the bed, the wicked smile not leaving her little face as she began to get impatient. Finally she snapped “Where is she!?” she shouted which made Danielle jump, Danielle looked up and swallowed hard while shaking she quickly looked at Danielle then back at the bed and weakly said “I’m sorry for what I said, we all have to live here so lets get along shall we?” she looked back up at Laura and forced a smile. Laura looked at the small frightened woman sitting on the bed cuddling onto her teddy smiling at her, she tilted her head and let out a sigh “We will get along just fine, after you go through your punishment” the wicked smile returned “If you do as we say tonight then everything will be just peachy” she laughed as Danielle shook and looked back down at the bed.

After a few minutes of awkward silence Beth came galloping through the door carrying a big bin bag “Sorry it took me so long, I didn’t know what size to get so I got loads of different ones” Laura sighed “You didn’t know what size? Look at her, she isn’t hiding another person under that teddy bear” Beth began to laugh but then saw Laura’s expression and quickly stopped “I’m sorry I should have thought” Laura shook her head “Yes you should, now give me the bag and let's see what you got”. Danielle was trying to piece together what they were saying, she had gathered that they wanted her to wear something but she couldn’t figure out what it was and the not knowing scared her. Beth dropped the bag on the floor next to Laura’s bed, Laura scooted across her bed towards the bag and opened it up, the wicked smile crossed her face once again. Danielle watched nervously as Laura jumped off the bed and grabbed something out from the bag and hid it behind her back as she walked towards Danielle’s bed. Laura cooed “Now baby girl if you want everything to peachy then you will put this item on like a good girl but if you want trouble then Beth...” She gestured for Beth to come and join her which she did with a sense of urgency and stood next to Laura with her arms crossed “...Beth will hold you down while I put it on you” Laura and Beth both smiled down at Danielle who swallowed hard “OK..” she said weakly “What is it?” Laura’s wicked smile appeared on her face as she pulled her arm from around her back revealing to Danielle a white plastic covered rectangle. Danielle looked at it confused “What is it?” she repeated as she stared at the white item, Laura laughed “Oh maybe when you get a closer look you will know” she said as she threw the item at Danielle. Danielle quickly let go off Mr Buggles and caught hold of the item, it crinkled as she felt it and then she noticed it could fold out, slowly she unfolded it and her jaw dropped as she held in front of her face an adult-sized diaper.

Danielle looked up at Laura and nervously laughed “I can't wear a diaper” she said but Laura scoffed “Yes you can baby like I said we can either have this peachy or Beth can hold you down, either way, you're going to be wearing that diaper very soon”. Danielle shook her head as she looked back down at the infantile garment then she shook with fear at the thought of Beth holding her down while Laura pulled down her pants and seeing her most private area “I, I...” Laura cut her off “Stop arguing either you're going to put it on or I’m going to put it on you, but you better start doing it now or I will” Her wicked smile sent chills down Danielle’s spine as Beth laughed beside her. Tears formed in Danielle’s eyes as she couldn’t see any other way out of this, she didn’t want to wear the diaper but she defiantly didn’t want a stranger to strip her half-naked and force it on her. She let out a sigh “OK, but I want privacy” she said and Laura rolled her eyes “Fine, we will go on the other side of the door but you have two minutes” Laura tapped Beth on the arm and they both turned and walked out the room closing the door behind them. Danielle was left in the room holding onto the diaper shaking with fear and embarrassment “I’m really going to wear a diaper? Why is she doing this to me? What if I don’t put it on….” she was cut off when she heard Laura shout through the door “It’s been 30 seconds, you better get a move on” Danielle swallowed hard and moved Mr Buggles away and looked down at her denim jeans “I don’t have a choice” she said to herself as tears ran down her face.

Chapter 03

  Danielle placed the unfolded diaper beside her on the bed then turned back to her jeans “Right, it’s just a piece of clothing the only difference is that babies wear them but it’s still just underwear” but as she thought that she couldn’t stop shaking, she tried to grab the button on her jeans but it was very difficult “I can’t believe this is happening, I should report this but who too? I don’t have a phone and they are standing on the other side of the door so I can’t get out of here. This is just not fair” she thought as she finally managed to unbutton her jeans. She unfolded her legs straight in front of her and shook her head “oh god, oh god, oh god, it’s not just underwear it’s a diaper, it’s what babies wear and that’s what they want me to be” she said as she pulled her pants down her slim legs revealing her black panties, a fresh tear formed in her eye as she pulled her pants off her legs and looked down at her black underwear when suddenly a thought came to her head “Oh I know I can put that horrible thing on over my panties” she said with a smile when she heard Laura shout through the door “No you can’t, we want it on properly and we will check, You have one minute you better hurry up”.

Danielle’s jaw dropped open “How did she hear me? Shit there goes that plan wait one minute I got to hurry up unless I want to be pinned down” she thought with a shiver. She grabbed hold of her panties and with a sigh she pulled them down her legs and off her feet, she swallowed hard as she now looked down at her smooth vagina “Now for the hard part” she thought and she lifted herself up off the bed and slowly lowered herself onto the already unfolded diaper, she winced as she felt the soft fabric under her bum and heard the crinkle of the outer plastic. “I’m now sitting on a diaper, this shouldn’t be happening but it is and I have to do this or go through something much worse” she sighed as she spread her legs apart and grabbed hold of the front of the diaper between her legs. She began to shake again as the diaper slowly came up over her vagina “Oh god” she nervously squealed as the front of the diaper rested on her, she let out an involuntary laugh “Oh god” she repeated as she grabbed hold of a tab and rolled her eyes “Almost there” she said and she began to tape the diaper together, she did the same for the other three tabs and soon she had secured the diaper on her.

Danielle stared down at her new underwear in disbelief when suddenly the door swung open, Laura and Beth stood staring at her with amazed looks on there faces. Danielle blushed bright red but was unable to move as the two women entered the room “Oh wow, you actually did it” Laura said with amazement as she walked towards Danielle, Beth began to giggle behind her as she closed the door behind her. Danielle looked away from Laura “Why can’t I move? I just need to pull the covers over me so she can’t see it but I’m not moving, Why am I not moving?” she sighed as Laura’s expression changed back to her wicked smile “Well don’t you look like a cute little baby” she laughed and continued “Now for the rest”.

Danielle quickly stared at her “What?!” she shouted, Laura smiled “Awww the baby doesn’t understand” Beth giggled behind her “Maybe we need to spell it out to the baby” Laura nodded as Danielle’s jaw dropped open “They want me to put more on? Why? Oh god how many do they want me to wear?” she thought as Laura looked over at the bag “We have plenty left for the baby to wear, let's see how many she can put on”. Danielle shook her head “No I’m not wearing anymore, why don’t you put them on!” she shouted and then bit her tongue “I shouldn’t have said that” she thought as she continued to stare at Laura nervously. Laura shook her head “No baby, you see I’m a grown-up, I don’t need them but you do, you need all of them” Beth nodded “Yeah your the baby not us, we don’t need diapers” she laughed but Laura shook her head and sighed “Don’t get too cocky Beth or there might be two babies in here tonight” Beth looked down at Laura shocked “Sorry Laura” she said and shut her mouth.

Laura bent over and picked out several diapers and threw them onto Danielle’s bed inches from her feet “Well get to it put them all on or I will get Beth to give you a spanking little baby” she smiled and it sent shivers down Danielle as she stared at the fresh diapers on the bed.  

Chapter 04

  Danielle’s head was spinning as she heard Beth trying to hold back her giggling “I have to wear more? I can’t believe these two are so cruel I just want to get better but all I want right now is a drink, a way to escape this horrible situation” she shook and her new padded crotch rustled which made her blush “I’m wearing a diaper, is it so bad to wear more? It’s better than getting Beth to spank me and make me” she looked up at the tall Beth and shook her head and sighed “Fine, I will put them on” she said.

Laura nodded “Good, get to it baby” she said as Beth brought her hands up to her mouth to hide her laughter, Laura turned to Beth with a frown “Then after you have done that maybe Beth can join you” Beth’s eyes widened and her laughter stopped, she quickly lowered her head hands “No Laura, please” she pleaded as a wicked smile appeared on Laura’s face and she turned back to face Danielle.

Slowly Danielle scooted forward towards the end of the bed and stared down at the large bag full of diapers and gulped “There is so many, how many does she want me to wear?” she thought as she reached down in to the bag and pulled out a soft plastic rectangle, she rolled her eyes as she looked up at Laura “Fine, how many?” she asked bluntly. Laura looked down at the bag and shrugged her shoulders “Let's see how many you can get on, whatever is left Beth can wear” she let out a wicked laugh as Beth turned bright red and slumped her shoulders “Really?” Beth asked but Laura didn’t look at her as she nodded “Come on baby, get to it”.

Danielle shook her head as she unfolded the diaper “I hate this, everything about it is unfair, just because I was hugging Mr Buggles I get treated like this by these two bully's” she thought as she stared at the large adult diaper. She placed the unfolded diaper on her bed beside where she was sitting and was about to move to sit on it when Laura cleared her throat “Hmmm” Danielle looked up at her with a puzzled look “What is it now?” she asked, Laura looked back down at the bag and pointed “Well there is an awful lot of diapers in there, we are going to be here all day if you put them on one at a time, grab a few and put them on all at once. We don’t have all night baby” she looked back at Danielle with her wicked smile and “Hurry up baby” she added.

Danielle rolled her eyes “Whatever” she said and pulled out a handful of diapers out of the bag “Just get this over with and then complain about it to someone tomorrow” she thought as she unfolded the diapers and placed them on top of the diaper waiting patiently next to her. She looked down at the small pile of diapers “Is that better?” she asked through gritted teeth. Laura clicked her tongue “Yeah that will do for now, then we can see how many more can go on around you little baby” she giggled as Danielle blushed “She is going to pay for this, I don’t know how, but she will” she thought.

Slowly Danielle lifted herself with her padded bottom rustling she moved onto the pile of diapers and sat down, she turned bright red as she stared down at the infantile underwear. She let out a large breath and rolled her eyes as she took hold of the front of the first diaper and pulled it up towards her. She tried to pull the diaper tightly against her but found it wasn’t staying tight, she let out a sigh “I’m going to have to lie down to get this tight” she thought as she blushed “I’m going to look just like a baby” she closed her eyes and slowly lowered herself down onto the bed as she heard Beth giggle once again.

Her legs were dangling off the end of the bed as she lay on top of the opened diapers, she opened her eyes and pulled the diaper against her once again and quickly taped it into place tightly. She moved her legs together and was shocked to feel the bulge between her legs “I’m only wearing two and it’s so big already, I’m going to look so stupid with all of these on” she thought as she grabbed hold of the next diaper. She pulled the front of the diaper up and once again taped it tightly around her waist, she continued to place the diapers up and tape them on ignoring Laura and Beth staring down at her as her crotch became thicker and thicker.

Eventually the pile of diapers were all taped around Danielle’s waist as she slowly sat up staring down at her huge padded crotch “I can’t believe it, I’m wearing seven diapers this is so wrong” she thought as she looked up at Laura who looked down at the bag “Next lot” she said and Beth burst out into laughter. Laura stamped her foot and turned to Beth “Right that’s enough grab a few for yourself, Beth, I want you diapered as well” Beth’s jaw dropped open “Really? Laura? Please?” she begged but Laura didn’t move. Danielle sat with a puzzled look on her face “She wouldn’t do that, she is so much taller than Laura she could easily stop her from doing anything, she would never do it” she thought as Laura slowly pointed at the bag. To Danielle’s surprise, Beth sighed and slowly walked towards the bag and pulled out five diapers. Laura smirked “Get on your bed and put them on” she demanded. Beth opened her mouth to protest, but she quickly closed it as she looked at Laura, she sighed again as she walked towards her bed.

 Laura turned back to Danielle “Carry on baby girl” she cooed but Danielle continued to stare at Beth as she sat down on her bed, she placed the diapers beside her and without asking she pulled down her sweatpants and her white panties down to her ankles. Danielle's eyes went wide “What is she doing? She didn’t even ask Laura if she had to put them on under her pants. What does Laura have on her to make her do that?” she then looked at Laura with her wicked smile “What is she capable of to get Beth to do that?” she felt cold as she quickly pulled out more diapers from the bag.



I can't wait to see what happens!