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Chapter 01

Light poured into the bedroom through the thin curtains, the only noise that could be heard was of soft breathing as the small room was lighting up. Megan was fast asleep in her bed covered in her warm bed sheets where she slept peacefully until a new sound entered the room. The sound didn’t interrupt Megan’s blissful sleep but it was what the sound was connected to that slowly disturbed Megan’s sleep. Under Megan’s warm blankets and towards her groin the sound of gushing water was now in the room, the warm urine ran all around Megan’s legs and bum spreading wider and soaking her bedsheets. Megan moved slightly when her eyes sprang open with dread and she shouted out “No not again”.

Megan flung the wet bed sheets off her bed and stared down at her wet white panties “This is the fourth morning I have woken up to a wet bed” she shook her head as she slowly peeled herself off her bed and stood in the middle of her bedroom in nothing but the stained underwear. “I’m 28 I should not be wetting the bed” she thought as she stared down at her wet panties she let out a loud cry of frustration when suddenly her bedroom door swung open and her roommate Carol came rushing into the room still wearing her pyjamas with a worried look on her face “Are you alr...” she stopped as she looked at her roommate, Megan blushed “I need to hide my shame” she thought and before she had time to think of anything else she quickly bent over and grabbed the wet bed sheet off the floor and pulled it around herself. Megan’s face scrunched up when she had realized what she had done, she felt the urine covered sheets pressing against her and she shook. She looked over at Carol who now had a big smile across her face “You do know that those are wet don’t you?” she said while trying to hold in a giggle, Megan blushed “Get out of my room” she shouted but Carol didn’t move she continued to smile at her older roommate “Awww is little Megan getting all cranky” she mocked and Megan now feeling very angry with Carol shouted again “Get out!” but Carol shook her head “Nope now stop being a cranky bum and let me help you” Carol began to walk towards her roommate as Megan stood still draped in the wet sheet. Carol stood in front of Megan, even though Carol was younger than her roommate at only 22 she was a full head taller than her older roommate, she looked down at Megan and spoke softly “Now drop these sheets and run off to get a shower, I will sort this mess out for you” Megan looked up at her pretty roommate and sighed “I do need to shower and I definitely do need to take these sheets off me but I can’t have her seeing me naked” she thought as she looked up at Carol’s big smile. Carol’s smile disappeared as Megan hadn’t moved, she frowned at her and before Megan knew it the sheets were pulled off and Megan let out a little cry as her curvy body and ample breasts were now exposed to the room. Megan quickly lifted a hand up over her breasts and another over her damp groin and stared daggers as Carol “You were taking to long” Carol said as she balled up the damp sheets. Megan slowly began to walk out of her bedroom as Carol started stripping the bed, she kept her head down the shame of walking through the house in urine-stained underwear was too much for her “Wet the bed again, what is happening to me and I have been having slight accidents during the day as well, this long weekend has been awful, I have gone through so much underwear” she thought as she entered the bathroom and shut the door.

Megan slowly peeled off the damp underwear and turned on the shower as she waited for the shower to warm up she stood in deep thought “Why am I now pissing my pants? I never did it as a kid, I hope it doesn’t happen at work today” she shook “The embarrassment of pissing myself in front of so many...” her thoughts were cut off by a loud bang on the bathroom door and then Carol shouting “Hurry up little one, or do you need a hand?” Megan frowned “Shut up” she shouted back and quickly jumped into the shower. Megan slowly washed herself making sure she cleaned every part of her body at least twice, she wanted to make sure she got all the smell of urine off her. When she was finally satisfied that she was clean she got out of the shower and began to towel dry herself, she then wrapped the towel around her curvy body and left the bathroom. She got back into her bedroom and let out a sigh of relief as she looked at the bed and saw the new fresh sheets on it she closed the door and walked towards her underwear draw “I think I have a few pairs left” she thought to herself as she opened the drawer.

Megan’s eyes almost bulged out of her head as she looked into the draw “What the fuck” she shouted out as she stared, not at her few pairs of remaining panties but a full draw of pink plastic covered pull-ups. Her bedroom door swung open and Carol stood at the door with a smile on her face “What’s the matter?” she said with a giggle, Megan pulled out a pink pull up, she turned to face her roommate and held up the underwear “What’s this?” she said angrily. Carol laughed “That’s for you little one” she mocked, Megan rolled her eyes “Very funny, it’s because I wet the bed, now give me back my underwear,” she said with a sarcastic tone. Carol’s smile left her face and she looked at Megan with a puzzled look “They are your panties from now” Megan opened her mouth to speak but Carol quickly cut her off “You have been peeing all over the place this weekend and we can’t have you going into work wetting your panties, so I think it best if you wear pull-ups”. Megan’s hand that held onto the pink infantile underwear shaking with rage while her other hand held tightly onto the towel that was still wrapped around her she swallowed hard and calmly said “Now stop messing about, I am not going to wear pull-ups to work now give me back my underwear” Carol frowned at her roommate and crossed her arms “Now listen here little one” she said sternly “You are going to wear pull-ups, you can put them on yourself like a good girl or I will put them on you but either way you are not leaving this house until your cute little bum is in a pull-up”. Megan blinked a few times “What is she talking about? She isn’t going to put me into pull-ups. I’m not going to wear pull-ups!” she clenched her fist “This has gone on long enough Carol, I’m not going to wear them” she said defiantly, Carol shook her head “Fine” she said and with tremendous speed she walked over to Megan and grabbed her wrist, in one smooth motion Carol sat down on the edge of Megan’s bed while pulling her frightened roommate down across her knee.

Chapter 02

In the confusion of what had happened Megan let go off the towel, she felt dizzy and confused for a moment and it took her a little while to realise what was happening but when she felt her roommates legs across her stomach and looked down at the floor it hit her like a ton of bricks “I’m over her lap, Oh god I’m across her knees, how did she do that? Why am I now over her lap?” she was being pinned down across Carol’s lap, with an arm twisted behind her back Megan was unable to get up without going through tremendous pain. “Get off me!” she shouted but got no response from Carol, she became very angry and she kicked her legs up and down and shook head around when her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped as she saw the towel that was only moments ago hiding her nudity was now lying on the floor, she let out a shriek when she realised she was now nude across her roommates lap.

Carol was staring down at her roommates naked buttocks and smiled, without a word she gave a hard slap to Megan’s firm bum, Megan let out a cry of pain and turned bright red with anger “Get the fuck off me!” she shouted up at Carol who once again brought her hand down hard onto Megan’s bare bottom. Megan yelled out in pain again as tears began to form in her eyes “Get off me” she said weakly but once again Carol said nothing and her hand came crashing down onto Megan’s now pink bum. Megan let out another yell of pain and tears ran down her face “Please let go of me” she said in between sobs, Carol placed her hand on Megan’s sore bottom and gently tapped it and calmly said, “Now will you wear the pull-ups?” Megan shook her head and gritted her teeth “If it stops her from spanking me, I had better say yes, I will say yes and then refuse when I get up” she thought as she slowly nodded her head while wiping away the tears from her face.

Carol continued to pat Megan’s bum and nodded “Good” she said, then Megan felt Carol lean over her, she quickly looked over and saw Carol pick something up from the floor but didn’t see what it was, she tried to turn her body but Carol kept her pinned down “Can I get up now?” she asked. Carol giggled “Not just yet little one” she mocked, Megan clenched her fists “Why not!?” she shouted. Carol frowned “Do you want another spanking?” she asked with anger, Megan quickly shook her head “No, I just… I need to get ready for work” Carol nodded “Yes you do, now lets get your pull-ups on” Megan’s eyes widened “What no, I can do that?” she lied, Carol let out a sarcastic laugh “Oh come on you don’t fool me, now put your feet up so I can slide them on”. Megan didn’t move “I can’t let her put pull-ups on me, I am not going to work wearing them” she thought when suddenly Carols hand came down hard on her tender buttocks “Fuck!” she shouted as the pain ran through her, with fresh tears in her eyes she saw no other choice and lifted up her legs and bent her knees. Carol smiled as she looked at Megan’s red little bum across her lap she grabbed the pull-up off the bed that she had picked up earlier with her spare hand and opened it up and slipped one leg hole over one her foot and then guided the second leg hole over her other foot “This would be much easier with two hands” she said as she began threading the pink plastic underwear down Megan’s skinny legs. Megan rolled her eyes “Well I’m glad it’s not easy for you to put a pull-up on me” she said with anger, Carol laughed “Well after this first time I’m sure it will get easier”. Megan’s jaw dropped as Carol lowered her feet down so they were now straight “What does she mean the first time? This is it! The once and only time” she thought as she felt the pull up making its way up towards her bum.

Carol stopped pulling up the infantile underwear just under Megan’s bum “Hmm OK, now little one” she said with a calm voice “I’m going to let you up so I can pull it up over your perky rear, if you try and fight me then I will pull you back down for another smacked bottom, OK?” Megan shook her head in disbelief “So if I don’t fight her I will be wearing a pull-up and if I do fight her I will get another spanking and then wear a pull-up, I can’t win she is determined to get me into this stupid underwear” she thought and reluctantly she nodded “OK, I won't fight” she said with a pout, Carol nodded and pulled her new underwear down to just above the knees to make it easier for her to put on once Megan was standing. Slowly Carol let go of her arm and Megan slowly got up off her roommates lap blushing bright red as she stood in front of her with the pink pull up hanging just above her knees, she quickly placed her hands over her breasts and vagina which caused Carol to laugh once more “Oh come on, you have nothing to hide from me little one” Megan continued to blush but didn’t move her arms as Carol leaned forward and grabbed the pull-up and directed it upwards, Megan looked down in anger as the infantile underwear slowly made its way up her legs “How dare she make me wear this, I don’t need it. Should I stop her now and run?” she looked at the door and then shook her head “She would defiantly catch me and then give me another spanking” she shook her head and continued to watch Carol who heaved the pull-up over Carols round bum and up her curvy waist “My vagina is slowly being hidden from sight covered up with the childish underwear” Megan had fresh tears in her eyes as Carol smiled up at her “There we go, that wasn’t so bad now was it?” Megan felt the padding of the pull up over her bum, between her legs and over her crotch she felt so foolish standing in the middle of her room naked apart from the pull-up, she couldn’t get over what she was being forced to wear by her roommate. Carol stood up and walked behind Megan and adjusted the pull-up “Don’t want you to leak now do we” she mocked, Megan, opened her mouth to argue when Carol gave her another swat on her now padded rear, she jumped forward slightly and swore “What was that for?” she said as she rubbed her sore padded bottom. Carol smiled “That’s for making me go through all of this, it would have been much easier if you were a good girl, now get your work clothes out and put them on, or do you need a hand with that too?” she said with a wicked smile.

Chapter 03

Megan still had one arm across her breasts and the other over her crotch trying to hide the embarrassment of what she was wearing as she nervously looked over at Carol “Well are you going to leave me to get changed? She said, Carol let out a laugh “Oh come on little one, as soon as I leave you will be pulling off that pull-up and then try to think of a way to not get me to give you another spanking, now stop wasting time and pick out some clothes and then follow me” Megan looked confused “follow you wear?” she asked, Carol shook her head “Into my room so I can get changed, I can’t go to work like this” At that point Megan had only just noticed what Carol was wearing “She has on the pyjamas she went to bed in last night, how did I not even notice that? Her light blue pants and very baggy shirt were defiantly not appropriate for work, well neither is a pink pull-up but she is determined for me to wear it” she thought to herself as she let out a sigh and gingerly turned away from her roommate and began to walk the short distance towards her wardrobe. She suddenly stopped and looked down at her new underwear “I can feel the padding between my legs and on my bum as I walk, I’m not going to forget that I’m wearing this today” she thought when she heard Carol clear her throat, Megan shook her head “Alright alright” she said and with one hand she opened her wardrobe door and examined her clothes. “I don’t want to wear anything that will accidentally show this thing off,” she thought as she began to move clothes around with one hand while the other continued to stay covering up her breasts. After a minute Megan couldn’t find anything that she wanted to wear when Carol came charging up behind her “Your taking to long, I’m going to choose” she said and reached around Megan and quickly pulled out a light cream pantsuit and a white tank top “Here” she said as she thrust the suit into Megan’s unexpected hand.

Megan stared down at the clothing that Carol had picked out for her the notched collar of the jacket stared up at her, it was a sophisticated, two-button silhouette jacket that made it the perfect complement to the straight-leg skirt that she also held but Megan felt uneasy with the choice having worn the suit only once before “Last time I wore this I’m sure something was wrong with it, what was it?” she looked up at Carol who had just placed a white bra on top of the pile “I don’t want to wear this” she said weakly, Carol let out a laugh “Stop complaining, I still need to get dressed or we are going to be late, now come on” and with that Carol grabbed hold of Megan’s hand and began to drag her out of the room, Megan held tightly onto the clothes as she was pulled out of the room and down the short corridor into Carol’s bedroom.

Once in the bedroom Carol positioned Megan away from the door and then let go of her hand, she looked down at her small friend “Now I want you to be a good girl and go and sit on the floor over there and put your clothes on”. Megan quickly looked over at the corner of the room Carol had pointed out and then looked back at her confused, she opened her mouth to argue when Carol lifted her hand “Now I don’t want any arguments from you or I will have to put you over my knee again, do you want that young lady?” Megan quickly shook her head “No, but...” Carol quickly lent forward and gave Megan a hard slap on her bum, Megan jumped and let out a cry as the pain emitted from her already sore bottom “What did I just say, now go and sit down” Megan looked at the floor “I can’t get another spanking from her, I can’t even make a run for it, she is standing in front of the door” she wiped away a tear from her face as she turned away from Carol and slowly walked towards the corner of the room that she had pointed out.

Megan arrived at the spot and threw her clothes onto the ground, she could feel Carol’s eyes on her and she blushed and moved her hand up towards her breasts once again to cover her shame when she heard Carol clear her throat once again “Now I’m getting sick of that as well young lady, you have nothing to hide from me anymore, now move your hand away and if I see you trying to cover up again then you will be punished” Megan began to sweat as her hand slowly came down away from her breasts “I hate her, I hate this, how dare she do this to me. Just because she is taller than me, I’m still older than her” she sighed as she slowly sat and winced as she sat on her padded bum.

Chapter 04

Carol looked over to her roommate sitting on the floor facing away from her and couldn’t help but smile a cheeky smile “Excuse me” she cooed Megan sighed and turned her head around to face Carol “Yes what now?” she asked while rolling her eyes. Carol frowned “Less with the attitude little girl, now turn around and face me, I don’t want you doing anything naughty in your pull-ups” she giggled as Megan’s jaw dropped “What would I do in them?” she said with disgust. Carol shook her head innocently “I don’t know, don’t know what little pull-up girls get up to” she giggled as Megan turned her head back away from her and blushed. Carol cleared her throat again and Megan sighed “Fine” she said “I can’t believe I’m going to be sitting in front of her in nothing but a pull-up with my boobs on show, I really want to fight her but I know I wouldn’t be able to win” she thought as she stared at the floor and slowly turned herself around to face Carol. Carol smiled “Good girl, now get dressed” she said as she pulled off her baggy shirt revealing her large supple breasts, Megan wanted to look away from her friends nudity but she was unable to and she stared at Carol’s slim body and impressive chest when Carol looked over to her “It’s rude to stare” she said and Megan blushed “Now what did I say, get dressed or do you want me to help you with that too?” she giggled and Megan quickly shook her head “No” she said and quickly grabbed hold of the suit pants and threaded them up her legs. The bottom of the pants was at the pull-up and she let out a large sigh “Am I really going to go to work while wearing a pull-up?” she thought and she looked up at Carol who pulled down her light blue pants and was now fully naked in front of her. Megan felt embarrassed “Here she is being naked and looking sexy and I’m sitting on the floor wearing something a toddler would wear” she shook her head and gingerly she pulled her cream skirt up over her pull-ups. Megan then grabbed her bra as Carol slowly walked over to her wardrobe, her hands running up and down her body as Megan watched on for some unknown reason. Megan continued to stare as Carol bent over, her firm buttocks bouncing up and down as Carol sang out “Which pair should I wear?” after a short time she said, “Ah these” she stood back up and looked over at Megan who quickly blushed and began to put her bra on. “Why do I keep staring at her?” she thought as her breasts were finally supported “That’s better at least she can’t see my boobs” she thought as she looked up at Carol who was now putting on a very sexy black lace panties. Carol was guiding the panties up her legs and she smiled to herself when she saw Megan looking at her from the corner of her eye, she continued to pull the panties up over her smooth vagina and her firm bum, she spun around and grabbed her bum cheeks “Perfect” she said and then turned back to face Megan “Young lady I said get dressed, You’re taking ages” Megan blushed again as she nervously grabbed her tank top and quickly threw it over her head. Carol giggled and then went back to her wardrobe and grabbed a knee-length black skirt and a dark red shirt, she began to put on her clothes while watching Megan put on her jacket.

Soon both women were dressed and Carol smiled at Megan “Good girl” she cooed as she walked over to where her roommate was sitting, Carol held her hands out “Upsy daisy” she said and Megan looked away as she grabbed hold of Carol’s hands and was helped up to her feet. Carol looked down at Megan while keeping hold of one of her hands and smiled “Perfect” she said with a smile she then pulled Megan forward and examined her bum. Megan couldn’t stop blushing as Carol started to brush her down with her hands and then she heard her laughing and Megan stared at Carol “What is it?” she asked nervously, Carol shook her head “Nothing” she smiled and pulled Megan out of the room and down the hallway “We will get breakfast on the way to work” she said as the arrived at the front door where they kept their shoes. They began to put on their shoes with Megan feeling very light-headed, she could continually feel the padding of the pull-ups between her legs and it made her feel uneasy “Why is this happening? Why am I going along with it? Well I know why because I don’t want to be spanked but why is she doing this to me?” She thought as she began to put her black shoes on.

She was bending over while putting a shoe on when she looked behind her and let out a scream. In the reflection of the mirror she could see her padded behind in the cream skirt “See” Megan said. Megan shook and moved her hands onto of her pants and pressed them against her bum “Oh god you can see them now, I can’t go to work like this” she screamed. She stood up straight and turned to look at Carol with anger in her eyes “You can see it!” she shouted at Carol who was standing next to her with a grin on her face “You can’t, look?” Megan looked at her bum in the mirror and the pink pull up had noticeably disappeared behind the cream pants “See” Carol said. Megan shook her head and moved her hands onto her skirt and pressed them against her bum and the pink pulls up once again became clear through her skirt “Oh god you can now, I can’t go to work like this” she screamed.

Chapter 05

Carol looked at Megan impatiently “You are not wasting any more time, you’re wearing them and that’s that” Megan scowled at her roommate “I am not wearing this to work” she turned to walk down the hallway when Carol grabbed hold of her hand and stopped her “Yes you are, now listen here young lady, you took ages choosing something to wear last time and we don't have time for you to do it again so you’re wearing that now come on or do you want me to give you another spanking?” Megan had tears in her eyes as she turned back to Carol “Please let me change” she begged but Carol shook her head “No, now let's get going” and with a sharp tug she pulled Megan in front of her and gave her a quick slap on her padded rear as she passed. Megan shook as she faced the front door “I can’t” she said weakly and Carol let out a loud sigh “Yes you can, I’m standing behind you and I can’t see anything now come on” Megan shook her head “I knew I felt uneasy about this suit, I remember when I wore it last time and I was wearing a black thong under it and when I bent down someone noticed. Why the hell did I keep hold of it” she thought when suddenly she felt a hard slap on her already saw bottom “Come on!” Carol shouted from behind her, Megan gritted her teeth and quickly wiped away a tear from her face. Slowly she reached out to open the front door she held her breath as she opened the door and the cold wind came rushing passed them both, Megan froze as she looked down and saw her pants press up against her and the pink pull-ups became visible. She quickly turned to run back into the house but Carol shook her head and quickly left the house and closed the door behind her.

Megan stared at Carol “But what about my purse and my phone?” Carol smiled you won’t need them we are going to work” Megan frowned “I bet you have yours” Carol smiled and lifted up her hand which was holding onto a red leather handbag “Yep in here, now lets get to the car” Megan turned away from Carol and swore under her breath as she walked towards the car. Megan stood at the driver's side when Carol let out a laugh “I will drive” Megan looked at her puzzled “But it’s my car” she said, “But do you have the keys?” Carol said with a grin. Megan frowned “No but...” Carol interrupted her “Stop being naughty and go around the car” Megan clenched her fists and but let out a sigh “She is just doing this to annoy me now, I’m not going to give her the satisfaction,” she thought and she walked over to the other side of the car. They both got into the car and Carol reversed the car out of the drive and drove down the street.

Carol looked over at Megan who was pouting “What’s wrong little one?” Megan didn’t say anything she just slowly turned her head away and looked out the window, Carol giggled “Did you wet your pull-up?” Megan shook her head and looked at Carol outraged “No I didn’t and I’m getting sick of all of this, you can't do this to me” she said but Carol continued to smile. They pulled into a take away drive-through behind a car and Carol smiled at Megan “You hungry?” she asked and Megan shook her head “I’m starving” she said with an angry tone “Carol frowned at Megan “Well I have had enough of that” she then reached into her bag and to Megan’s surprise she pulled out a pacifier, Megan opened her mouth when Carol quickly said “You will suck on this and stop being so naughty or I won't get you any breakfast” Megan’s jaw continued to hang down as the car moved slightly forward “What? I’m not sucking on a pacifier, this is exactly what I’m talking about” Carol continued to hold up the pacifier “We are getting closer and you are still being naughty, wow you are going to be hungry without breakfast” and directly on queue Megan’s stomach grumbled, she frowned down at her stomach then up at Carol “Why is she doing this? I am starving but..” the car moved forward and they were next to place their order and Megan got a whiff of the food and sighed “Fine,” she said and Carol smiled “Good girl” Megan then snatched the pacifier out of Carol's hand and slowly placed it into her mouth. “Now suck little one” Carol giggled and Megan rolled her eyes and slowly began to suck on the pacifier “This is so demeaning, I’m wearing a pull-up and sucking on a pacifier all because of her,” she thought as she stared daggers at Carol. Carol drove forward and placed two orders of egg, bacon and cheese wraps with two large coffees, she then drove up to the next window and Megan quickly turned her head away from the young woman at the window blushing bright red as she continued to suck on the pacifier, the woman handed the food to Carol and in turn Carol tried to hand the food to Megan “Megan the food” Carol said and quickly Megan turned her head to grab the food and her and the woman at the window locked eyes, quickly Megan turned away as she heard the woman giggle, a wave of embarrassment washed over Megan as the woman then handed the coffees to Carol and once again Megan turned to grab them still sucking. Carol drove forward and reached her hand out to Megan’s face and removed the pacifier from her mouth “See it wasn’t that bad was it” she giggled “Now can I please have my wrap little one?” Megan didn’t say anything as she thrust the wrap at Carol. The two women ate and drank their coffees as they made their way towards work not saying a word to each other.

Soon they had both finished the food and drinks and Megan began to shake as the pulled up the driveway to work “As soon as I get in I’m going to rush to the toilet and rip this stupid thing off” she thought as Carol parked the car. Megan let out a sigh “I’ve still got to get inside first” she thought and then as Carol opened the door to her side of the car Megan became pale “No, I can’t be” she looked down at her crotch as she felt a light stream of warm urine enter into the pull-up. She quickly stopped and looked up at Carol who was looking at her with a confused look “Come on or we are going to be late” Megan shook her head as she looked up at the school.   

  Chapter 06

Megan felt a tremendous weight upon her as she stared down at her now damp crotch and then back up at the school “How? How did I just pee myself?” she shuddered. Carol was becoming inpatient as she began to tap her hand on the top of the car “Come on or do I have to give you another spanking right here?” she said with a hint of annoyance in her tone, Megan quickly shook her head “I can’t believe this is happening, she was right I do need them, theirs no mistaking that now and I’m about to go to work wearing a wet pull-up in a see-through skirt” she shuddered again as she began to get out of the car. She closed the door and Carol had walked around to her “What was that about? Why were you being so naughty?” Megan blushed and opened her mouth but quickly closed it “I’m not going to give her the satisfaction of being right” Megan shook her head “It’s nothing” she said. Carol didn’t look convinced but nodded “Fine, let's go in,” she said and she grabbed hold of Megan’s hand and began to drag her inside the old building.

Megan walked quickly with a worried expression as she tried to keep up with Carol, she was very self-conscious of the pull-up between her legs that had now become thicker with the added urine which made it so she had to slightly waddle as she walked. She could feel the warmth of it press against her which made her shudder with embarrassment as she nervously looked around hoping none of the students was in yet as they walked down the corridor. Carol led them straight Megan’s classroom and closed the door behind them and stared at Megan “You have wet it haven’t you?” Megan blushed bright red “No, of course not” she half-shouted faking disgust but Carol looked at her with scepticism “Show me then”. Megan’s jaw dropped “Show you?” she asked, Carol, nodded “Yes, show me you haven't wet your pull-ups”. Megan took a step back “I’m not going to show you my underwear here, stop being weird Carol”. Carol sighed “Fine if you won't show me your wet your pull-ups I guess you can stay in them till I change you at morning break” Carol smiled as Megan quickly turned away from her blushing “Change me? She is not going to change me into any other pull-ups, how does she even know?” she thought when she heard the door open. Megan quickly turned and saw two of her students enter the classroom, the two girls smiled at Megan and quickly sat down at a desk as Megan began to panic “Oh god, I’m now wearing a wet pull-up in front of 14-year-old’s, if any of them find out what I’m wearing it will be around the school in no time” she thought as she smiled at them nervously and quickly walked behind her desk with her hands placed over her bum “I can’t have any of them see me wearing pull-ups” she shuddered as Carol stood next to her with a big smirk on her face. Megan looked at Carol with hatred in her eyes as the last of the students came into the classroom and sat down, Carol turned to Megan and continued to smile as she said “Showtime” she then turned to face the class again.

Megan let out a long sigh and then quickly faked a smile “Good morning” she said as she looked across the room, in unison the class replied “Good morning Miss Thompson” Megan half smiled as she slowly sat down at her desk, she could feel Carol’s eyes burning into her as she sat on her damp padded bum. Megan slowly regained her composure “So now hopefully you have all completed your homework and have wrote up an outline for a story like we discussed on Friday, today you will start your story” she turned to Carol “Miss Bliss will go around the class and ask you about your story and will give you advice on what you have planned” Carol nodded “Yep so I guess I will start with you, Alice” Carol walked to the closest desk and began talking quietly with her as the class went silent and began to write. Megan let out a sigh of relief “Great, this way I don’t even have to get up out of my desk, can just sit here and let her do it all” she smiled slightly until she saw a hand stick up from the middle of the class, Megan followed the hand down to a young man with blonde hair “Yes Chris what is it?” Chris sighed “I just want some advice” Megan looked at Carol who had only just moved onto the second student “Can it wait for Miss Bliss?” she asked and Chris shook his head “Not really” Megan rolled her eyes “I knew it wouldn’t be that easy for me” she thought with a deep breath “OK” she said and slowly stood up from her desk feeling the ever-present wet pull-up between her legs as she walked towards the middle of the class.

Chapter 07

Megan slowly walked to the desk that Chris sat at, his desk was directly in the middle of the room there were three rows of desks behind him and three in front and his desk was on the end row, Megan looked around the classroom nervously as she arrived next to Chris “How am I going to do this?” she thought and she continued to look at the class “The students at the front of the class behind me are writing so they won't have any reason to be turning around I just have to try and not bend over enough to make the pull-up visible, but I’m going to have to bend over slightly to see what he needs a hand with, I hope nobody turns around” she thought as she blushed she looked down at Chris and smiled nervously at the teenager “So what’s the problem?” she asked.

Chris was a quiet lad who didn’t like to raise his voice when talking to someone which Megan didn’t usually mind but right now it was the worst possible trait somebody could have, she gritted her teeth as he began to speak and she was unable to hear him “Why does he have to talk so bloody quite” she thought, “I’m going to have to get closer to him, I hate quite kids today” she said with smirk and ever so slightly she bent forward on an angle towards him but she was still unable to hear him probably, she gritted her teeth and once again bent forward “...the ending would delve with...” Megan let out a sigh of relief as she could finally hear him but was very self-concussion on her padded rear now sticking out “OK lets sort this out quickly then I can go and sit down” she thought and she began to help him. After a few minutes of talking to Chris about his story, Megan smiled “So everything OK now?” Chris nodded and looked down at his desk as Megan began to back away “I don’t want to turn or he might see, just need to get back to my desk” she thought. Chris looked up “What about if I... Oh no, miss watch out...” but it was too late Megan’s legs got caught in a school bag and she began to fall backwards. Everything appeared to be going in slow motion as she fell but she was unable to stop it, she watched on her eyes wide with panic as all her students looked up from there work and stared at her as she fell. She landed hard on her back with a mighty thud that knocked the wind out of her, tears formed in her eyes as she tried to breath. She felt light-headed and dizzy, her mind felt foggy, not able to comprehend what had just happened and what was happening now, she found it difficult to move but she managed to look down her body and saw that the leg that had tripped over the bag was now resting on top the accused item and her other leg was lying flat on the ground, at first Megan didn’t think anything of it until she saw Chris’s wide eyes fixated on her and the crowd behind him pointing and giggling.

Slowly she tried to sit up and then she felt an arm behind her helping her up, she looked to see that it was Carol and to Megan’s surprise she had a very worried look on her face. Megan was almost sitting up when she saw Carol's arm reach out, she followed it as it went down her body towards her leg that was resting on the bag, Carol carefully took it off the bag and lowered it down on the floor beside her other leg. Megan continued to watch in a haze “Why did she need to do that before she helped me sit up?” she thought as Carol then pulled the bottom of Megan’s skirt down to her knees and like a jolt of lighting through the storm the haze in her mind dispersed and the horrible realisation dawned on her “They all just saw the pull-up” she looked up at the crowd of teenagers with a look of terror, they were laughing and talking among themselves “Oh god they have seen it, I need to get out of here” she thought with a panic. Carol helped her into a sitting position “Are you OK?” she asked, Megan clenched her fists and gritted her teeth “Am I OK? Of course I’m not bloody OK, it’s because of you this is happening you crazy woman!” she shouted in her head but instead she slowly nodded as she tried to stand.

Chapter 08

Megan slowly stood with help from Carol, as she stood her head was slightly spinning and she felt woozy “How am I going to explain to a class of teenagers that I was wearing pull-ups” she thought as the colour drained from her face. Carol looked at her concerned “Lets go to the nurse’s office” she said to Megan then turned to the class “Right everyone back to your desks and continue with your stories, when we get back we want at least the first two chapters to be drafted up” as the class slowly returned to their seats still laughing and pointing at their teacher Carol lead Megan out of the room.

Once in the corridor Carol looked at Megan again, Megan made a fist as she felt the anger boil up in her but before she had a chance to open her mouth Carol leapt forward and gave her a hug “I’m so sorry, everything will be OK, lets just see what the nurse says and then we will think of something” she released Megan and took a step back and smiled. Megan relaxed her hands and shook her head “Well that knocked the wind of out of my sails” she thought and she let out a sigh “Yeah OK” she said and they walked down the hallway towards the nurse’s office. Carol opened the door to the Nurse’s office and walked in followed by Megan, inside the room sat at a desk was a tall woman with short dyed red hair she looked up from her desk with a puzzled look on her face “What’s the matter Carol did one of the students get hurt?” Carol quickly shook her head and pointed to Megan “Poor Megan fell over and she seems pretty shaken up” The woman looked at Megan and then quickly stood up “Oh yeah, she doesn’t look too good, bring her over here”. Carol led Megan towards the medical bed and sat down, the nurse gave Megan a cup of water which Megan took with a smile. The Nurse turned to Carol “I will give her a check-up, you better get back to your class” Carol nodded nervously staring at Megan but slowly left the room. Once Carol had left Megan realised why she looked so nervously at her “She doesn’t want me to tell anyone what she did to me this morning, the spankings and forcing me to wear this stupid thing” she blushed remembering the damp pull-up between her legs “Do I really want to tell anyone about it though? It’s so humiliating” she shook as the nurse began to check her.

After the examination the nurse stood and smiled at Megan “Well everything seems OK but I think you should go home as you look as white as a ghost” Megan nodded with a smile “Yes, I can go home away from all this mess and Carol, I can get home and change out of this pull-up and not have to worry about it again” she thought at the nurse pulled out her phone “I will just call someone to cover your class and Carol can take you home” Megan’s smile vanished as quickly as it appeared “What why?” she asked the nurse looked at her confused “Well I can’t let you drive home in your state and I think you need someone to look after you today” Megan sighed “No I can’t have her look after me, I….” she paused in mid-thought as she felt a horrible warmth between her legs “Oh god not again” she thought as she stared down at her crotch.

Megan continued to stare down at her groin holding her breath until she finally felt herself stop peeing “Why am I doing this? What the hell has happened to me” she thought as she continued to look down at her, her chest suddenly became tight and she felt light-headed when she began to spot a wet patch on the front of her skirt, her eyes bulged out of her head and she began to shake. She quickly looked up to see if the nurse had noticed but she was on the other side of the room on the phone, she let out a sigh of relief then quickly looked back down at her wet groin. The wet patch on the front of her skirt and grown and she now felt the warmth of her urine on the back of her legs “Oh god it leaked, the stupid pull-up leaked, why the hell am I pissing myself without even noticing?” she screamed inside her head.

 Chapter 09

 Megan began to shake with embarrassment as she felt the warmth spread around her lower half “What am I going to do?” she thought as she looked up from the ever-growing wet patch on her skirt. She looked up at the nurse who was still on the phone and she let out a little sigh of relief “Well she hasn’t seen it yet, maybe I can get up and leave” she looked towards the door “But then what would I do? Carol has my car keys and there is going to be an obvious wet patch here after I leave, I will just have to blame it on the fall, I can’t tell her that I’ve been pissing myself all weekend so Carol decided to put me into pull-ups so I didn’t do it at school” she clenched her fists “What the hell is going on with me?” She sighed.

The nurse hung up the phone and with a smile turned around “So Carol is going to give you a lift...” she stopped and the smile quickly left her face and replaced with a worried look as Megan blushed bright red “...erm are you OK Megan?” the nurse said in her best bedside voice. Megan bit her bottom lip and slowly shook her head as tears formed in her eyes “I erm I, I don’t know” she wiped away the tears as the nurse walked towards her “It’s OK, there is a toilet behind me you just go and clean up, there are wet wipes and hand wash so don’t worry and bin bags under the sink to put anything in. I will go get you something to put on then you can go home and rest up” she smiled once again and before Megan had a chance to say anything she left the room.

Megan felt a great weight lift off her as the nurse left and she let out a small smile “Well she is good at that part of her job, I’m so glad she has left” she thought and slowly she stood up from the table “This is disgusting” she said to herself as she felt her skirt sticking to her. Quickly she walked into the toilets and closed the door “Right time to get this off” she said with a smile and she quickly unbuttoned the skirt and let it drop to the floor exposing the sodden pull-up. She turned bright red as she looked down at the infantile underwear “It’s so much bigger than it was this morning, no wonder it leaked. I need to go to the doctors after this I can not go around pissing myself like some child” she thought and slowly she grabbed hold of the wet underwear and gingerly pulled it down and off her feet. She wrapped her hand in toilet paper and gingerly picked up the sodden pull-ups and threw them into the bin, she stared down at them for a minute and shook her head “I need to hide them” she said to herself and placed more toilet paper on top of them. She pulled out a bin bag from under the sink and opened it up “Do I really want to keep the skirt? I hate it but if I leave it here, even in the bin someone might see it and remember me wearing it. I can’t take the chance I’m going to have to take it home” she thought and she quickly stashed the skirt inside the bin bag and tied it shut.

Megan got to work at cleaning herself with the wet wipes and after several minutes she was finally satisfied that she was clean, she then stood inside the toilet for a minute half-naked waiting “How long is she going to be? Should it take this long to find some pants for me to wear?” she thought. She let out a sigh and sat down on the toilet “I hope she can find something, oh god what if she can’t? What am I going to do then?” she began to shake nervously when there was a knock on the door. Megan smiled “Yes she got something for me to wear” she thought and she stood up from the toilet and went behind the door and unlocked it, she slowly began to open it nervously when it suddenly swung open almost knocking her into the wall and before Megan could stop her Carol entered the toilet “Awww I’m sorry little one did I scare you?” she cooed.

Megan was shaking “What are you doing here?!” she shouted but Carol just smiled and in a calm tone said “I’m here to get you changed and take you home little one, now come on out here” and she grabbed hold of Megan’s arm and pulled her out of the toilet. Megan quickly placed her other hand over her vagina as she was pulled back into the nurse’s office when Carol looked down and frowned at her “What did I say this morning?” Megan blushed bright red and swallowed “You wouldn’t do anything here though would you?” Carol smiled “The door’s locked nobody is coming in so do you want to test me young lady?” Megan looked down at the floor “I can’t believe I’m back to being threatened by her, but she did it this morning why wouldn’t she do it now?” she slowly removed her hand and Carol giggled “Good girl and look you have cleaned yourself up, good girl it won’t take as long to get you ready for home time” she cooed.

Chapter 10

  Megan was shaking as she was led back over to the medical bed, Carol couldn’t help but smile as she dragged her older friend across to the bed “Up you get little one” she cooed which caused Megan to blush “Why?” she asked Carol shook her head “So we can get you ready to go home silly girl” she said. Megan shook her head “I can get ready myself, I just need some pants and we can go” she said getting irritated, Carol sighed and quickly sat on the medical bed herself “I warned you little one” she said as she quickly pulled Megan across her knee. Megan’s eyes went wide as she stared down at the floor “Oh god, she is going to spank me, at work!” she thought as she tried to wiggle out of her friend's grip but Carol had her pinned down. “You naughty baby!” Carol shouted as she brought her hand down hard on Megan’s round bum cheeks, Megan let out a shout of pain “Stop Carol!” she shouted but Carol didn’t listen and she quickly swung her hand down again “No more big girl talk from you, you are my baby and you will act like it” she said as her hand came crashing down on Megan’s now red bottom “If you continue to misbehave then I will have to punish you!” she shouted as her hand continued to slap her friends bum.

Megan had tears running down her face, her bum felt like it was on fire as Carol continued to slap it “I need to do as she says at least till we get home, I can’t let her continue to spank me” she winced as the final slap landed on her now redraw bottom. Carol gently patted Megan’s bum as she cooed “Now will you be a good baby for mummy?” Megan blushed bright red as she wiped away the tears from her eyes “She wants me to be a baby? I’m not going to call her mummy but if I don’t then she is just going to continue to spank me” she shook all over as Carol continued to pat her bum “I hate this, she is taking everything away from me!” she shouted in her head. Megan swallowed hard as she said weakly “Fine I will be good, just don’t spank me again” she pleaded, Carol nodded and stopped patting Megan’s bum “That’s a start baby, now when I let you up I want you to get up onto the table and not make a single fuss for mummy” she cooed.

Megan slowly got up off Carol's lap and quickly began to rub her red painful bum “This hurts so much” she thought as Carol stood up off the medical bed and stepped back, Megan sighed as she slowly got up onto the bed. Carol smiled “Good baby” she cooed as she went over to a cupboard and opened it up “Now remember what I said, no-fuss baby or you will be in big trouble”. Megan looked at her confused “What does she have planned? Is she going to put another pull-up on me? Oh god, I hope not” she thought when Carol pulled out a large white diaper from the cupboard. Megan’s jaw dropped open, she shook her head and was about to speak when Carol quickly interrupted her “Don’t fuss baby, now I thought the pull-ups would work for you but you obviously need something more, the nurse told me where the diapers were and I think with everything that has happened she is right in suggesting that you wear one as you do need them like a good little girl” she cooed. Megan blushed bright red as Carol walked back towards her “She is going to put me in a diaper? Do I need diapers? Do I really need them? I have been peeing a lot and without knowing it” she scrunched up her face “This is so wrong!” she shouted in her head as Carol arrived at her feet.

Carol looked up Megan’s half-naked body and smiled “Now don’t struggle baby, as soon as it’s on then we can get out of here and go home” she cooed. Megan placed her head on the mattress of the medical bed and stared up at the ceiling “This is so humiliating! My younger friend is putting a diaper on me and I’m just lying back and letting her” she shook her head and closed her eyes tightly as she felt her legs rise up into the air. Megan felt something cold being sprinkled onto her bum and opened her eyes suddenly “What’s that?” she thought but as she took a sniff she realized that Carol was applying baby powder to her “What the hell? I don’t need that?” she thought when Carol cooed “That’s to stop you getting a diaper rash, with the amount of wees you have been doing you need it”. Megan closed her eyes again as she felt Carol rub the powder into her rear “I need it? Do I? This is all so wrong?” she sighed and scrunched her eyes up again. Carol slowly lowered Megan’s legs and she felt the soft fabric of the diaper on her bum cheeks “I’m not looking, I don’t want to see. I can’t believe in the same day I have worn a pull-up and now my bum is resting on a diaper” she thought to herself and kept her eyes closed. She felt Carol place the front of the diaper over her vagina and before Megan could react to the feeling of the diaper resting against her Carol quickly taped it tightly around her waist. Megan slowly opened her eyes and looked down at the infantile clothing in shock “I’m actually wearing a diaper, Carol has really put me in a diaper. How is this possible! No I need to get it off me I can’t wear diapers” she thought when suddenly she felt the front of the diaper become warm and her heart sank as Carol announced cheerfully “All done”.  



Any chance of more of this it's so good


Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it. I do have plans for it in the future