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 I found this story many years ago and I loved it but it's so short and I have always wanted someone to finish it, so I decided to do it myself. I have begun to edit the original part of the story slightly so it fits better when I carry it on. Once I have completed the editing then I will be able to continue this great story.

Kathleen's Diary By T. Prescott edited by DiaperedXtreme

Chapter 01

As Kathleen's friend backed out of her driveway, she smiled and waved as Kathleen cheerfully walked to her front door, readying her house key, the door suddenly swung open which made Kathleen jump as she looked upon her mother's angry face. "I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, Kathy," her mother said as Kathleen walked into the house half listening to her she entered the living room with her mother following continuing her angry rant "You come and go as you please with whats-her-face. And I know all about your little sexual exploits. I read your diary today while I was cleaning your..." Kathleen's jaw dropped open"Mom! How could you?! Can't I have any privacy in this house?" Kathleen shouted and she stormed past her mother but something reached out and yanked her back. "Young lady, I'm not finished talking to you!" Her mother had a firm grasp on her bicep, she stood in front of her small daughter and reached for her chin with the other hand. Squeezing on Kathleen's cheeks she said, "No daughter of mine will be some little whore!" Fear began to build up in Kathleen as she weakly pleaded "Mom, you're hurting me! Please let go," Her mother kept hold of her daughter and smiled "No, I've decided to not let go. You are still my baby girl and I am still your mommy whether you like it or not. Don't you remember when I had complete control of you? I dressed you, fed you...even changed your messy diapers. I've decided that the only way I'll get you back is to regain that sort of control, honey." Kathleen looked puzzled "What is she saying? I'm not her little girl anymore I'm an adult" she thought as her mother finally loosened her grip and Kathleen stood back a few steps shaking with fear "I'm not a baby anymore! I'm eighteen years old and I'll do whatever I damn well please," she cried out. Her mother towered over her and just shook her head and with a smile cooed "Well, I've never seen a wittle girl who was all gwown up waddling awound the house in a droopy diaper. That's adorable, sweetie," Kathleen stud frozen and her mind racing with what her mother was saying "What are you talking about?" Kathleen asked. Her mother smiled and grabbed a large, vinyl, soft pink zip-up bag from beside the sofa "What are you talking about?!" Kathleen repeated with anger as her mother unzipped the bag and looked at her daughter with a grin "I decided all of this while you were still at university and went ahead and did a little shopping! Now, these may be a little tight, but if it happens at least you'll be more aware of your new situation, honey." She quickly pulled an item from the bag and placed it behind her back, she stood directly in front of her daughter and smiled "You are going to look so cute" she said with a smile as she moved her arms in front of her revealing the large white diaper.

Kathleen let out a nervous laugh as she stared at the diaper her mother was holding "You are not putting me in that" she said stern fully. Her mother smiled and nodded "Yes I am my baby girl" she mocked as Kathleen's jaw dropped "No! You're not doing this to me!" She shouted again. Kathleen's mum frowned and she dropped the diaper to the floor, Kathleen watched the diaper fall to the ground when her mother reached out and grabbed her daughter's arms "Come here, baby. Mommy needs to put her little bundle of joy in a fresh diaper! You're not old enough for big girl panties. You'll make a terrible mess all over yourself!" Kathleen's face scrunched up in disgust but before she could try and get away her mother yanked her down to the ground. Kathleen let out a yell as she landed on her knees her mother quickly maneuvered her around and Kathleen was soon sitting on the floor with her mother at her feet. Her mother unfolded the diaper with nursery prints at the top and pinned Kathleen down. Kathleen squirmed and did her best to come out of the hold but her mother was too strong and she looked down at her now sobbing daughter and smiled a cruel smile "Now, mommy understands that you might try to hold in your pee pee and your poopies to prove you're still a big girl, so she went ahead and bought somethin' to take care of that." Kathleen's eyes widened while she processed what her mother was saying "She means for me to wet and mess a diaper?" She thought with dread and tears began to pour down her face at the horrible thought.

Kathleen's mother tore her daughters pants down and Kathleen stared down at her lower half unable to do anything when she saw her mother grab hold of her panties. Kathleen held her breath as her mother ripped her panties off with ease she was revealed and humiliated. She lay pinned to the floor half naked with tears pouring down her face knowing that she would soon be covered again, only in the most infantile way possible. All of a sudden Kathleen was easily flipped onto her stomach and her mother sat on her legs and placed one hand on her back pinning her down. "Get off me" Kathleen shouted with tears in her eyes but her mother didn't respond after a moment Kathleen felt her mother pushing something toward her bum. Her mother cooed to her daughter "These suppositories will make sure you poop your dydees like a good baby!" Kathleen let out a burst of surprise when the first was inserted. "Now, babies usually have wet poopies, not the solid stuff like grown-ups. So I'll go ahead and give you two more.... Won't it feel nice when mommy powders your poopy bottom and gets you back into a dry diaper?!"

Chapter 02

Kathleen's mother flipped her daughter back onto her back again and with her free hand, she quickly slid the disposable diaper beneath Kathleen's round bottom. A sudden jerk from Kathleen's long, tan thighs did little to keep her mother from lifting the front of the diaper up, covering Kathleen’s vagina in the disposable diaper. Kathleen looked her body and couldn’t believe what she was seeing, the thirsty diaper stared back at her and Kathleen swallowed hard as she looked up at her mother who was smiling ear to ear. "Now, what I put in your bottom should do the trick, but if not, I think the special ingredient in your ba-ba might help!" her mother enthusiastically explained, Kathleen screamed out "I'm n-not a baby and I am defiantly not drinking out of a bottle, get this off me!” she wiped her reddened eyes. Her mother frowned as she looked down at her daughter "Actually, honey, you are a baby so you shouldn’t be wearing that young woman's shirt...” She paused and smiled “... Right after a spanking!" she shouted viciously before standing up and dragging Kathleen by her feet across the carpet towards the sofa before Kathleen knew it she was picked up and flipped over and found herself across her mother's knees with her padded bum sticking up into the air. With steady hands she pulled the tight pink T-shirt over her daughter's head, encountering no trouble with getting the collar over the great mass of silky black hair atop it. She remained in a white bra, which was unclasped in the back and soon worked over her shoulders and off her arms, also with little difficulty. Instinctively, Kathleen's arms that had been dangling down came up to cover her supple breasts. Kathleen shuddered “Now nothing is left to hide the diaper, “ she thought as her mother held her in place by the back of her neck as her free hair covered her rosy face that was in continuous hysteria. The initial slap across her ass was cushioned by the thickness of the diaper, but her mother quickly learned the pain wasn't making its way through and brought her palm down much harder and faster. “I-am-your-mommy-and-you-will-do-as-I-say!" her mother spoke in intermittent cries corresponding with the spanking. "Now...turn over and drink your ba-ba, sweetie." At the neck and thigh, Kathleen was helplessly flipped to face her mother who quickly pulled out an adult-sized bottle from the pink bag and held it near her lips. Kathleen gulped as she opened her mouth without fuss and accepted the nipple of the bottle past her red lips and into her mouth, where she began to suck.

Kathleen paid no attention to her breasts being on display for all to see she was only focused on finished the strange tasting milk. "Good girl. That's it. Drink every bit," her mother encouraged and began to rub her stomach as the bottle's contents were slowly emptied. Kathleen stopped ever so often, choked up on the crying that still had yet to cease. "To the last drop. Mommy wouldn't want you crawling around in clean diapers for very long, now would she?" The colour drained from her face and she tried to spit the bottle out to argue with her mother but she kept a firm grip “I dont want to be in diapers at all let alone messy ones” she shook at the thought as the milk was nearing disappearance, her mother began to stroke her daughters hair and cooed "Now, I hate to spank you, honey, but when you have such a fit, I have no other choice. Fortunately, with all the muscle relaxants I added in your milk on top of the expected diuretic and laxative, you won't have much control over what Mommy decides to do to you next." With this, Kathleen's eyes widened, but the nipple that remained in her mouth silenced her gasp.

“Oh, and I haven't even thought about that hair! We need to get that out of your face, don't we?" Her mother reached over the arm of the sofa and grabbed two small hairbands. "One right...there...and right...there." Kathleen winced as her hair was twisted into two pigtails and pulled by its rubber. The bottle was removed and Kathleen let out a sigh of relief "Aww, see? That wasn't so bad now, was it?" her mother teased. Then with surprise, her mother caught a glimpse of her wristwatch. "Well, shoot! You just finished your bottle but it's dinnertime. I guess you'll just have two helpings." Fearing another full bottle of milk, Kathleen considered getting off her mother's lap and trying to run away, but found that she had little control of her body after consuming the great dosage of muscle relaxants her mother forced her to drink “What has she done to me? I cant even move” she thought with fresh tears in her eyes. Her mother set her back on the floor on her hands and knees and Kathleen looked up at her mother who was now standing in front of her with a huge smile "Crawl to the kitchen and mommy will fix your supper, baby." Her mother directed her with a curling index finger. Kathleen didn’t move “Im not going to crawl like Im an actual baby,” she thought and she stayed perfectly still. Her mother frowned once again and lent over Kathleen and gave her a swift slap on her padded bum, Kathleen let out a yelp and shook her head “If I dont then I get spanked, my bum hurts so much that I have to” she stared at the floor as she slowly began to move. Kathleen found it to be hard work just manoeuvring her diapered bottom along behind her, she looked up and saw that her mother was already in the kitchen, hunting through the cabinets. Kathleen turned to see in horror that this all was really happening “Covering my ass really is a diaper that goes between my legs and over my crotch. Mother has indeed put me back into diapers” she shook as her palms now loudly slapped across the linoleum of the kitchen, where her mother stood before her holding small jars in her hands along with a small spoon. "Let's see...peas and...carrots. You always loved those! And you even get to sit up in the highchair where mommy can reach your cute little mouth to feed you!"

Chapter 03

Kathleen looked at the tall wooden high chair in shock “Where did she get that from, that’s not a normal size high chair” she thought as her mother lifted her limp body into the infantile chair. Her mother had unbelievable strength and Kathleen could do nothing but be placed in the seat, fastened in, then locked into place by the plastic tray that came up from the side with her hands trapped under the tray Kathleen was helpless in the chair. Kathleen looked up from the tray with tears in her eyes as an approaching spoon was already prepared with a mouthful of green sludge her mother had dug from the jar of baby food. Kathleen shook her head with a tightly sealed mouth that refused to allow the disgusting peas inside “I’m not going to eat any of that, not a chance and I’m defiantly not going to have her feed me it” she thought when her mother frowned at her "Open up, honey. The sooner you finish these peas, the sooner you'll finish the carrots." Kathleen gagged at the mere thought of two entire jars of the vegetables. But Kathleen kept her mouth tightly shut determined not to let the horrible mush into her mouth. Her mum sighed and decided to set the jar down on the tray and with the newly freed hand she closed Kathleen's nostrils, leaving her no other choice but to open her mouth “I can’t believe she is going to these lengths to make me eat this, I won't be able to hold on forever” she thought . After holding her breath as long as possible and with panic in her eyes she finally gave in and opened her mouth where it was quickly greeted with the cold steel of the spoon. It crept past her lips and laid the messy peas inside, Kathleen scrunched up her face as the soon left her mouth and her mother prepared for another scoop when Kathleen got a deep whiff of the food and an even worse taste of it. She grimaced and before it could make its way down her throat, it was already back up “That’s disgusting, it doesn’t taste like peas” she thought as the mess dribbled out and down her chest. Her breasts were covered in dripping, wet peas, Kathleen felt dirty as her mother cooed "Awww, baby. You hafta get it down, or else mommy'll just have to open another jar." She wiped the regurgitated streaks off her mouth with a nearby dishtowel and then to Kathleen’s horror she began to wipe her breasts, Kathleen felt cold as her mother continued to clean her chest. She placed the dishtowel down and smiled at her daughter "Try it again baby."

Eventually, Kathleen successfully swallowed without vomiting, but halfway through the jar, a new urge came across. Low in her stomach, she could feel a tension that tightened and burned worse every minute. “No I need to pee maybe I can hold on but it had been hours since her last trip to the bathroom and whatever mother gave me in that horrible bottle,” she thought as she did her best to control the deep need to urinate. She squirmed in her seat and compliantly took each following bite to please her mother hoping that she would allow her to go to the bathroom once the horrible meal was over. The pressure was now reaching the point that she wanted to speak up “I’m not going to finish this horrible food before I explode. I need to ask to be allowed a trip to the bathroom like a small child” she blushed as she continued to think “ But would she let me go? She got me in this stupid diaper I bet she wouldn’t allow me such a privilege” Kathleen now brought her knees closer together--hopefully without her mum noticing. She did what she could to keep her mind off of liquid, but the great need for relief returned with every fleeting glance of the sink and the water that poured freely from its faucet with the turn of a knob. She continued to hold it as her mother scraped the remaining bits of peas at the bottom of sides of the jar and as one last bite was readied, Kathleen fought against the pressure with all of her ability. But as she gulped and the spoon was removed she opened her mouth to ask her when the fight came to an end and a steady stream of hot urine began flowing into the awaiting diaper bunched between her thighs.

Kathleen could feel it spreading out from her groin all over the diaper, she felt light headed as her mother was loosening the lid of the carrots “Well at least she hasn’t noticed me doing this” she thought when Kathleen noticed her mother suddenly stop, and sit silently. "I'd recognize that sound anywhere," she said with a big smile on her face. Kathleen looked down at her tray in panic “Oh god she knows, she knows I have wet the diaper, just like a baby” she shook her head as the diaper crinkled with a sagging weight. Her mother continued to smile at her and cooed "That's the sound of a baby going tinkle right in her diaper." Kathleen blushed bright red as her mother lifted up her daughters head and looked at Kathleen, whose lower lip began trembling with shame. Her mother's hand disappeared below the tray and Kathleen felt the cuff of her diaper shift along the thigh and Kathleen’s eyes went wide as her mother's hand found its way to the front of Kathleen's diaper. She continued to smile at her daughter as she cooed "Poor baby sure did go pee-pee." She removed her hand and continued "Mommy's gonna have to change your wet dee-dee--but not just yet," her mother said as she reached for the next jar of food. Kathleen’s jaw dropped “But it’s disgusting wet I need it off me now,” she thought for a second “Oh god do I even want her to change me? Like I’m just a baby” she shook as her mother removed the lid and said "Those diapers are far too expensive just to change when little girls can't control their bladders. And luckily they're strong enough to hold big messes. If mommy's not too busy after you poop on yourself, she'll come change you!" Kathleen repeated the words her mother just said to her in her head over and over again “No way!” she screamed in her head “Not only am I not aloud to use of the toilet to pee, mother doesn’t even want me to use it to poop. She wants me to use this?” she shook her head as the spoon scooped up an orange mess “Wait and she might not even take it off me if she is busy?” she felt sick as she cried out and tears started streaming down her cheeks once again but this time she was being force-fed a jar of strewn carrots a nasty spoonful at a time.

Chapter 04

 Her mother seemed to focus on nothing beyond feeding her baby, Finally, both jars were polished off and Kathleen let out a sigh of relief as her mother turned and walked towards the sink leaking her in the highchair. She turned the taps on and Kathleen blushed bright red as the embarrassment of wetting her diapers like a baby came rushing to her memory as the water rushed out of the taps into the sink. Her mother began to do dishes at the sink, occasionally looking over her shoulder and announcing “Just checking on you baby girl” which caused Kathleen to blush and look away as her mother turned back around and continued. Kathleen sat uncomfortably when her eyes widened when she came to the horrible realisation “This is so wrong but I’m in the early stages of developing a diaper rash” she shuddered with embarrassment “She didn’t use enough baby powder, I can’t believe I’m complaining about that but if she did a better job I wouldn’t be so uncomfortable now”. Kathleen looked up at the running water across the room and shuddered “It’s a constant reminder of the soaking weight left between my legs. I can feel it still and it’s disgusting the urine had not only soaked the front of the diaper but also leaked down to my bum and that’s where it’s burning from. These diapers are shit, why couldn’t she get something that would soak it all up, I don’t want to feel my own pee around me” she shook her head “And I need something to drink to wash the putrid taste of "supper" down why won't she give me something she must know that was disgusting.

As her mother was now drying the bowls and placing them in the drainer beside her, Kathleen's stomach felt bloated from the milk, peas, and carrots. “Oh am I going to be sick now from that horrible food? Would she give me more to eat if I was? No just don’t be sick, I am not going to taste that horrible stuff again” she thought when suddenly she shook “No it’s not coming up, no no no it’s going down” tears once again formed in her eyes as she realised it would actually do as nature intended. “She is going to have to let me out of the high chair, it’s simple I will just use the bathroom where I would rightfully take care of business like an adult” she opened her mouth to plead to her mother when she left the room without saying a word. Kathleen’s jaw dropped open “Where is she going? I need to get out of this and use the toilet” she screamed in her head.

In her weak condition, Kathleen searched the chair for the buckle of the restraint and the mechanism that would unlock the tray “I can get out of this, she is not going to stop me from using the toilet, I’m a grown woman” she shouted in her head but her arms had no strength and it was nearly impossible to move them let alone find and work the mechanism to release herself. She let out a frustrated groan “No, I can feel it I need to get out of this. I can feel it practically poking out of my bum, I don’t have a choice” she swallowed hard and cried out, "Mom! Please! Help! Mom, please." She let out a sigh of relief as she heard her mother walking back towards the kitchen “Yes she must let me out” she thought. Her mother walked to the kitchen doorway and stood there with a blank look. "Excuse me?" her mother asked. Kathleen looked stared at her mother with pleading eyes "Mom, ple--" but before she could finish her mother cut her off "Uh-uh." She waved a finger from side to side. Kathleen looked puzzled before realizing what she wanted to hear. She rolled her eyes and let out a sigh and said "Mommy, please let me out to use the bathroom." She said as she continued to struggle against the chair weakly. Her mother lent against the kitchen door and sighed "Honey, babies don't use the bathroom and you know that. Now, when I have time, I'll come back here and change you into a fresh diaper, but right now I'm busy." and before Kathleen had a chance to say anything else she turned around and walked back out of the room. Kathleen heard a door shut and she began whimpering “What the hell, she is going to leave me in here to mess myself” she felt sick once again as she now badly needed to poop and knew where it would end up. She sat there and cried while continuing to hold it back with what strength remained, her fingers gripped the edge of the tray and she grimaced as the struggle became unbearable. Whether she wanted to or not, the laxative was pushing her to the unthinkable. “I’m eighteen years old and I’m on the verge of messing herself because of my mother, I’m not a baby, I’m not a baby,” she thought as she began to cry.

She cried the entire time, not letting up even as she lost control of her bowels and slowly allowed the poop into the bottom of her diaper. She leaned up from the chair to keep from smashing the mess against her butt. As she did her best to lean upwards she saw her mother return to the doorway. She smiled at her daughter and cooed "And I'd recognize that smell anywhere, too." She walked to the highchair and put her hands over Kathleen's shoulders. Kathleen looked at her mother's hands in shock “She isn’t going to push me back down is she” shouted out “No” but her mother cooed "Babies don't sit up when they poop in their diapers. They don't really notice, and pretty soon you won't either, baby. Now sit back down. The poo poo will come out. Don't worry. Mommy will wipe your bottom clean no matter how messy you make it." and with that, her mother slowly pushed her down and Kathleen was slowly forced to sit. She hesitated, every inch of the way, she scrunched up her face in disgust as she felt the poop stuck to her ass until she sat flat. Her mother held her in place while still even more poop loaded her diaper and she cried, she felt cold as she imagined what the diaper must look like.

 Chapter 05

Kathleen, too, could now smell the odour she had caused. She felt cold with humiliation “I have messed myself, oh god I’ve messed a diaper, my mother is winning she is turning me into her baby” a cold shiver ran through her as she heard her mother clear her throat and slowly she looked up at her. Her mother stood there with a cold smile and cooed "Awww, Kathypoo, does Mommy need to change your smelly diaper?" Kathleen turned bright red and quickly hung her head in shame and began to cry. Her mother frowned and shook her head "Hmmm. Well, I guess I'll give you some time to think about it in your playpen baby girl." Kathleen shook her head “Did she expect me to answer her? How could I tell her that I need her to change me out of this horrible thing? Wait a playpen? What does she mean?” she thought as tears continued to run down her face.

The tray made a clicking noise as it was opened and swung to the side and her mother released the snap closure of the restraint that went over her crotch and around the waist. Kathleen’s mother looked down at her daughter “Now I need you to be a good girl and hold on tight, don’t make this difficult for mommy or you will be punished. Mommy needs you to wrap your legs around, OK baby?” Kathleen looked at her mother with a confused look but nodded her head “What does she mean? Wrap my legs around? Legs around what?” she thought as her mother quickly picked her up around her sides and laid her gently against her mother's chest, Kathleen quickly wrapped her legs around her mothers body fearing that she would fall otherwise and then to Kathleen’s horror her mother moved one hand under her padded bum to keep her supported. Kathleen wanted to cry again as her mother pressed her hand against the mess in her diaper Kathleen quickly buried her face in her mother's shoulder wanting the world to swallow her up.

Kathleen was carried down the hall towards Kathleen's bedroom as her mother opened the door Kathleen looked up at what was once her bedroom and her jaw fell open. “I can’t believe that she has gone this far the extent of my punishment and the lengths my mother has travelled in order to treat me like a baby again is insane. My posters that had once decorated my pink walls have been replaced with Disney themed wallpaper borders and cartoon characters in toddler wear”. Kathleen’s mother carried her shocked daughter into the door, Kathleen felt her mother lay her down into what truly appeared to be a playpen, a much larger one than those used by babies, though. From the playpen, Kathleen looked around the mesh walls at what was once her bedroom when her mother cooed "Don't you just love what I've done with the place, honey? Luckily, your dresser will double as a changing table. ...I still haven't gotten around to getting all those big girl panties outta there. I'll put all your diapers in there when I come back later for your changing. Until then, I want you to suck on this. Mommy doesn't want all your crying to keep her distracted from work." From her pants pocket, she withdrew a child's pacifier and plopped it into Kathleen's mouth without any objection. Her mother smiled down at her infantile daughter and giggled "Maybe when I return you'll tell Mommy whether or not you need a fresh diaper." and with that she quickly turned away, left the room and closed the door behind her, apparently locking it from the outside.

Kathleen was left lying in her own urine and poop right in the centre of a playpen that was sitting in what used to be her bedroom. “I need to get out of here and out of this, now that I’m alone I should be OK to run away” she thought and she tried to sit up but the drugs still hadn't worn off, she let out a groan of frustration and spat the pacifier from her mouth and it landed a few inches from her knees in an act of defiance. Through the mesh enclosure, she looked about her room once again “Oh god my bed, I don’t even get a bed to sleep in now” she thought as she stared at the large crib that now occupied the space. A diaper pail sat beside her "changing table" and plenty of wipes and extra diapers were stacked on what used to be her desk which made her shake with fear “All those diapers, how long is she planning on keeping me like this? She must of spent so much on turning my room into this” she suddenly began to tear up “She wouldn’t have spent all that money if she is just going to do it for a short time, Oh god how long?” she thought as she continued to look around the overwhelming scene of her new nursery. Her eyes grew heavy from the emotionally exhausting experience and she soon was drifting off to sleep in her playpen. As she lost consciousness, all the embarrassing things her mother had said about her current state were replayed in her head that haunted her dreams.  

 Chapter 06

"Wake up, sweetie," a voice awoke her in what seemed like just minutes after dozing off. Kathleen’s mind was a fog as she slowly woke and as she opened her eyes beneath the bright light the windows allowed in she found herself elevated to the point that she was level with her mother's waist while lying down. Kathleen let out a gasp as the events of the morning came flooding back “Oh god it’s real, it’s really happening” she thought as she looked down her body and saw the protruding stained diaper between her legs. She found that her skin slightly stuck to the plastic of what she lay on top of and baby powder circulated the area. She blushed bright red as she lay naked apart from the filthy diaper between her legs and her mother looking down at her impatiently. She blew a strand of loose hair from her eyes and holding a folded disposable diaper she softly hit Kathleen's knee with it and produced a bottle of baby powder from under the changing table. She smiled down at her infantile daughter "Well, it's about time, sleepy head. ...I think there's something you need to tell me," her mother said with raised eyebrows in expectation. Kathleen looked at her mother confused “What does she want me to say? I can’t ask her to change me, how embarrassing but I can’t stay in this horrible thing. What am I going to do?” She thought as her mother continued with a more irritated tone "I have you on the changing table, but you need to come to grips with what's happened. I need to hear you say it. Perhaps it will lengthen the duration of your stay as a baby if you do not admit the truth. And it's quite possible that your verbal acceptance will deduct some of the time off your punishment. Well?". Kathleen swallowed hard but couldn’t do it “I can’t I just can’t do it. How the hell am I supposed to ask her to do that?” she shuddered when her mother shouted, "Say it, or else I'll give you so much laxative in your next bottle that you'll be shitting liquid for days." Kathleen’s eyes widened and before she could stop herself she quickly said "No, no. Please, mommy. Don't. I know I'm just a little baby. I belong in diapers because I can't control when I use the restroom and I'm not potty trained. I need you to change me." Kathleen spewed out not knowing what she was saying. Her mother nodded "Exactly." She sounded pleased but looked down at her daughter with a serious expression that sent chills through her "Be that as it may, your baby treatment won't end until you are unable to spit out such an explanation. Babies cannot talk that way. And furthermore, we both know that you still have a great deal of control over your bowel movements, etc, no matter how well you seemed to prove otherwise when you sat right in that chair and did your business. When I'm finished, I'll be the first to know that you've peed or pooped in your diaper."

Kathleen's jaw dropped as her mother loudly pulled the sticky tapes from the sides of her diaper “What does she mean? She doesn’t want me talking? I won’t be able to know when I mess myself? No way is that happening?” she thought as her mother pulled down the front of the diaper and released into the air the sickening smell of urine and faeces. Her mother held onto her nose "Whoo-ee, baby! Mommy's gotta hand full with your poopy bottom, doesn't she?" Kathleen quickly shut her eyes feeling very sick from the smell that she had created “This isn’t happening, It’s not happening” she repeated in her head as her mother gathered her ankles in one hand, gently she began to clean up her daughter's soiled cheeks with baby wipes. Kathleen shivered as the cold wet wipe touched her bum “Oh god this is happening, my mother is cleaning me, she is cleaning and then putting me in another diaper, I don’t want another diaper on” she thought as her mother deposited the wet wipes into the soiled diaper and slid it out from under her daughter's ass. Now letting Kathleen's legs back onto the surface, she balled the diaper up and tossed it into the pail beside her. Kathleen opened her eyes and looked down at her naked body and winced, out of instinct she placed her hands over her vagina out of view from her mother. When her mother turned back around she frowned at her daughter "And that's another thing, young lady. I'm tired of you thinking you have anything to hide I just cleaned up your poopy bum you have nothing to hide from mommy. When will you learn?” She shook her head and then a smirk came appeared on her face “But that reminds me! I think you'd have an easier time going poopee if mommy just did a little something." Kathleen looked puzzled “What does she mean?” she thought as once again her mother grabbed her legs and lifted them up into the air “Oh god what is she going to do?” she thought as her mother prepared something from behind her legs.

Kathleen suddenly jerked forward as she felt something between her bum cheeks “What is she doing? She screamed inside her head but her mother continued and Kathleen let out a cry as she felt fingers intrude into her ass hole. "Shhh," her mother whispered. "Mommy's just gonna stretch your bottom out a little. Eventually, you won't be able to tell if you're making a messy." She inserted her index finger into Kathleen's rectum completely, and once in, moved it in circular motions. Kathleen was crying as minutes passed in her discomfort until one finger turned into two. Kathleen cried out in pain as the digits made their way in. She felt as though she were messing she wanted to scream out for her mother to stop but knew that if she did then she would be in even more trouble. She gritted her teeth as her mother began to move her fingers in and out of her bum. When the fingering finally ended, Kathleen’s legs were lowered and her bum landed on a fresh diaper. Her asshole felt gaping and she couldn’t stop shaking “All that from covering myself up? What will happen if I break another one of her rules” she scrunched up her face. Her mother sprinkled a generous amount of powder about her crotch before pulling the diaper up to be fastened at the sides. Kathleen looked down in horror as once again a diaper was taped around her waist sealing her inside the infantile underwear.

 Chapter 07

  Kathleen’s mother smiled down at her daughter, a cold smile that sent shivers down Kathleen’s spine “Now baby girl, it’s time for you to go back into your playpen and play with some of your new toys” she cooed. Kathleen looked down at the playpen “Play with toys in there? How long for and what if I don’t play with the toys will she do something to punish me?” she shuddered as her bum continued to throb in pain “I can’t go through that again, I’m going to have to make it look like I’m playing just for now then when I can I will make a run for it” she thought.

Her mother then reached under the changing table and pulled out a pair of pink booties “What the hell are they? It’s bad enough you’re having me wear diapers but baby booties?” she thought as her mother smiled down “These are so your feet don’t get cold and look here” she said while pointing at the top of the booties “It’s got a rope running through so mommy can make sure so you can’t accidentally take them off” she giggled as she quickly began to place them on each of her daughters feet. Kathleen immediately noticed something strange as her foot went into the soft fabric of the pink bootie “It’s like wearing mittens on my feet? There is so much padding inside these stupid things will I be able to walk in them? If I can’t walk in them then I will just have to take them off, it doesn’t seem to hard” she thought with a small smile as she felt her mother tie the booties up.

Her mother smiled and reached under the table once again and pulled out a large pink pair of mittens “Now these are to keep your little hands warm and so you can’t try and take off your diapers” she smiled as Kathleen stared at the horrible mittens “What? How are they going to stop me doing that?” she thought nervously as her mother threaded the first mitten onto her hand.

Shit she’s right, It’s got so much padding inside I won't be able to grip anything and my thumb is stuck against my fingers so I don’t even have that to help me grip so how am I going to take off the booties and get out of here” she shook her head out of frustration as her mother placed the other mitten on her hand and then she tied them tightly up.

“Now one last thing and you will be ready to play,” she said in a soft tone and pulled out an adult-sized pacifier from her pocket “Now open up baby” she cooed, Kathleen stared at the infantile object with wide eyes “She wants me to suck on a pacifier? Why is she doing this? So what if I slept with a few guys, I’m young I meant to this is not meant to happen” the pacifier reached Kathleen’s lips and she swallowed hard as she opened her mouth to accept the rubber nipple into her mouth.

Her mother smiled at her while keeping hold of the pacifier “Good Baby, now I just need to press this button and we are finished” she said as she pressed the centre of the pacifier. Kathleen’s eyes went wide and she tried to spit the pacifier out but her mother held it tight as she felt the nipple slowly expand inside her mouth “What the hell? It’s inflating?” she thought with terror in her eyes.

The pacifier stopped expanding when it filled Kathleen’s mouth, her mother removed her hand and Kathleen tried to spit it out but there was no use the nipple was too large and Kathleen now had to breath through her nose as she looked down at the infantile gag “I can’t speak while wearing this? Oh god, what has she done to me? I can’t speak, I can’t grab anything, I can’t walk and I can't use the bathroom” fresh tears formed in her eyes “She has made me as helpless as a baby” she thought as tears rolled down her face.

Her mother admired her work for a moment, staring at her diapered daughter she couldn’t help but smile “Perfect, now you can go into your playpen” she cooed and she gently picked Kathleen up off the changing table and held her close in a hug as she walked back towards the playpen in the centre of the nursery.

Kathleen was placed down on her padded rear surrounded by the bars of the playpen, shaking nervously she looked around the empty infantile prison “What am I meant to play with?” she thought as her mother walked over to the giant crib. She bent down and pulled out a large box from under the crib and carried it back to the playpen and set it down beside her. She squatted down and smiled at her adult baby daughter “Now let’s see what we have here” she cooed as she reached into the box and pulled out a teddy bear “Awww yeah you can play with this” she giggled as she placed the teddy inside the playpen next to her shocked daughter. Kathleen stared at the small bear “What am I meant to do with that? I’m a college student I can’t play with a teddy bear” she thought as her mother reached into the box and pulled out an adult-sized rattle “Ah perfect baby, now you can play with these and I will be in to check on you later” she said as she dropped the rattle into the playpen next to the teddy bear.

Kathleen’s mother stood up and folded her arms she looked down at her daughter “Now you be a good baby and play with your toys” she commanded, Kathleen began to sweat and quickly leaned forward and tried to pick up the rattle with one of her mitten hands but was unable to pick it up, she rolled her eyes “Of course I can’t pick it up with one hand, she wanted to make sure of that” she thought, and she reached out with her other pink hand and lifted the rattle up and slowly, nervously she began to shake it “Is this what you want mother?” she thought with hatred in her eyes. Her mother smiled down at her “Good baby” she cooed and she left the room once again locking it from the outside.

Chapter 08

 Kathleen threw the rattle straight away and she watched it bounce off the mesh of the playpen and land on the floor beside the teddy bear, she rolled her eyes as she watched it settle “I can’t even do that right anymore” she thought as she sat on her padded rear “What am I going to do? I can’t stand up I probably couldn’t even get out of this bloody playpen like this” she shut her eyes “I can’t believe she has done this to me, I’m a grown adult sitting in a playpen wearing a diaper. What else does she have planned for me?” she shuddered remembering back to what she had said “She said this won't end till I’m unable to talk at all, does that mean that this is going to stay in my mouth?” she shuddered “She wants to be the first to know if I have used my diaper? How is that even going to happen? I will never get used to messing a diaper how would she ever be the first to know?” tears formed in her eyes.

“This is going to last for a very long time, she has this all planned out I’m not going to be getting out of this until she decides I’m completely a baby again” she looked down at her diaper “Could I pretend? Make her believe that it doesn’t bother me when I use it” she blushed bright red “That’s easier said than done but if it means that I can get out of this horrible situation earlier then I don’t have a choice” she shook her head “So I can’t fight her, if she wants me to speak I have to talk like a baby, if I use the diaper then I can’t bring any attention to it” she shook with embarrassment ‘I’m going to have to use a diaper, just like a baby just to stop her from treating me like this. I can do this” she shook her head “I hope I can”. Kathleen stared off into space for a long time not moving just thinking of what she had to do to please her mother and get out of this horrible situation when suddenly she felt a rumbling in her stomach and her eyes widened “No way, I can't need to mess again, oh god no, please no” she thought but she then felt the familiar cramp that she felt earlier and she knew it what was coming “I can’t mess a diaper again” she turned white as a sheet as she thought about last time sitting in the warm sticky mess “It’s disgusting, no I can’t” she thought but without any warning she felt the first poop enter into her diaper “What? NO?!” she screamed in her head as she tried to quickly move up off her bum, she quickly got up onto her hands and knees when she froze as she felt the warm sticky poop enter into the diaper “Oh god it’s not solid, it’s not solid at all” she shook as she felt it slowly spread around her bum cheeks and go between her legs and still it came.

The smell was awful and Kathleen wanted to be sick as she imagined what her lower half looked like right now “Oh god it’s everywhere, what am I going to do?” she thought with dread when finally it stopped, she could still feel the poop between her bum cheeks as she continued to stay on her hands and knees “If my mom comes in and sees me like this and knows that I have pooped the diaper then she will never change me” she shook her head in disgust “If she hadn’t stuck her fingers in me it wouldn’t have come out as easily” she shook her head again “That’s why she did it, is she going to do it again? Keep doing it till I have no control?” she hung her head “She is going to win with this I just need to try and get it over with as soon as I can, this is the first test” she looked at her soiled diaper and sighed “I have to sit back down before she comes back in, she will know I’ve pooped from the smell I just need to make it look like I don’t know. This is so disgusting” she thought as she held her breath and slowly lowered herself back onto her padded rear. Kathleen closed her eyes tightly shut as she felt the warm sticky mess squish against her skin and spread further around her groin “I have to do it, I need to do it” she repeated in her head as she settled back down on her bum.

She didn’t dare to move as she felt the mess between her legs and all over her cheeks “OK, I did it, I sat down in my mess so when she comes in I just have to act like it doesn’t bother me” she blushed “How am I going to do that?” she thought when suddenly she heard noise coming from outside the door and she began to shake, when she suddenly saw the teddy bear “I will pretend to play with that and hopefully that will work” she thought and she quickly grabbed hold of the bear with both her mitten hands as the door began to slowly open.

Chapter 09

  Kathleen’s heart was racing as the door slowly opened she turned bright red and quickly stared down at the floor she felt the mess sticking to her bum and the horrible smell wafted up into her nostrils, she scrunched up her face “Oh god I messed myself, how the hell did I think this was a good idea? What if she sees through it and doesn’t change me” she shuddered as she slowly looked up towards the door “Is she coming in?” she thought as she looked at the door and let out a gasp from behind the inflated pacifier as her heart ached.

Kathleen stared up at her best friend standing at the door, sweat poured from her forehead as Natalie stared down at her friend sitting in the playpen cuddling a teddy bear while wearing a diaper. “Kathy what are you doing?” she nervously asked as Kathleen couldn’t turn away she continued to stare at her in shock. Kathleen felt a lump in her throat and her head spun as she continued to stare up at her friend “What the hell is she doing here? Oh god, she is seeing me wearing a diaper, A fucking messy diaper. How am I going to explain this?” she thought as the colour drained from her face. Natalie took a step into the room and quickly stepped back holding her nose “What is that smell?” she asked when Kathleen’s mother came around the corner and smiled down at her infantile daughter. Kathleen began to shake as her mother looked down at her “What do I do? Do I scream out from behind this pacifier and hope Natalie will help me? Both of us can take my mother down well we could if I didn’t have these mittens and booties on” she thought as her mother chirped “Oh that? I think the baby has a poopy bum don’t you baby” she smiled as she pushed Natalie into the room with her following close behind.

Kathleen shook with embarrassment as her friend was led into the smelly room by her mother she finally managed to turn away and stare down at the floor but still shaking as she heard them walk towards her. “What is she doing here? What am I going to do? Why the hell did I decide to mess the diaper?” she thought as tears welled up in her eyes, Natalie stood in front of her friend still holding her nose and shaking her head “What’s going on?” she asked. Kathleen continued to stare down too ashamed to look up at her friend when her mother walked beside the playpen and looked down at her, she smiled at Natalie “Well we both thought it was time that you found out Kathleen’s little secret” she said as Kathleen’s eyes widened “What the fuck? What is she going to tell her?” she thought with dread.

Her mother continued as she looked back down at her daughter “You see Natalie, Kathleen has been wanting to become a baby for so long and now that the first year of college is over she had decided to do it full time” Natalie gasped “What? You mean...” she trailed off as Kathleen’s mother nodded “Yes she messed her diapers by choice, I told her that she could only become a baby full time if she showed someone close to her. Well, she reluctantly agreed and that’s why she is so shy and won't remove the pacifier to talk to you”. Natalie looked down at her friend and nervously laughed “So she wanted to be a baby? That’s why she changed her room to look like this? How long she been living like a baby?” she asked not taking her eyes of her friend, Kathleen’s mother smiled “She told me about it just before she started college, I was shocked just like you but over time I got used to it and knew it’s what she really wanted, so I made a deal with her If she did a year at college and still wanted to be a baby full time then I would fully support her” she said as Natalie shook her head “Right” she said.

Kathleen’s ears were burning with rage as she closed her eyes “She had all of this planned! She locked this pacifier in my mouth so I can’t talk, she changed my room to look like this so it makes it look like I have been doing this for a while, she has the full story sorted out that I actually want to be treated like this” tears ran down her face “Why did I mess the diaper and just sit in it? That just proves it! How do I get out of this now? My best friend has seen me like this and with my mothers lies she thinks it's by choice” she shuddered again.

Natalie removed her hand from her nose and scrunched up her face, she slowly squatted down in front of her friend and saw the tears in her eyes “Why is she crying?” she asked, Kathleen’s mother let out a short laugh “Wouldn’t you? I bet she didn’t think I would bring you in to see her so early in her new life and she is embarrassed at being seen in a messy diaper” Natalie slowly looked back at her friend “Why didn’t you tell me Kathy? I would have accepted this part of you even with it being so weird” she shook her head “I’m sorry it’s a bit of a shock I mean I only dropped you off home this morning. I didn’t expect anything like this” she sighed “If this is what you want then I will support you and help you any way I can” Kathleen’s mother smiled “That’s great now obviously we don’t want everyone to know about this...” Natalie nodded her head and laughed “I’m sure that's true if anyone asks where she is I will tell them she has gone….” Kathleen’s mother interrupted “To stay with relatives”. Natalie half smiled “Yeah, that would work,” she said and turned back to her infantile friend.

Chapter 10

 Kathleen stared daggers at her mother “She has this whole thing planned, Natalie will tell everyone I have gone to stay with family while I will be living my humiliating life as a baby, I can’t even protest in front of, what can I do? Mumble like a baby, fling my arms and legs around like a toddler having a temper tantrum, I have to keep some form of dignity in front of her and not make a scene” she rolled her eyes “Even though I’m sitting here in my own mess in front of my best friend and she isn’t doing anything to help me out of this horrible situation, how can she actually think I want this? Who would want this?” she slowly shook her head “I don’t want to be a baby” she thought as Natalie stood up.

She walked over to Kathleen’s mother and held her nose again “I don’t know how you can stand the smell though, she definitely needs a diaper change” Kathleen’s mother laughed “I’m trying to get used to, I don’t have much choice she keeps wanting to mess her diapers, this is the second messy diaper she has had on today” Natalie’s jaw dropped and she let out a short laugh “What? Really?” she asked. Kathleen’s mother nodded “Yeah go and check out Kathleen’s diaper pail beside her changing table, you will find her old messy diaper in there” Natalie shook her head as she looked over at the pail “No I’m good thanks, I can’t believe she has messed two diapers already” she said as Kathleen’s mother shook her head “I know, well she isn’t going to get a diaper change for a while, maybe that will stop her from messing herself whenever she feels like it” she smiled a wicked smile as she looked down at her daughter who hung her head in shame.

Kathleen had turned bright red as she listened on to her friend and mother talk “What must Natalie think of me, she doesn’t know that I didn’t have a choice but to mess myself, that I can’t take this diaper off me now even though it’s the thing that I want the most right now. She must really think that I want this now if I have already used one diaper and I’ve already messed the second one” a shiver ran through her “So how am I going to get out of this? Nobody is going to ask where I am, I’m unable to get myself out of it if she keeps putting drugging me or placing these mittens on me, she has thought of everything” fresh tears formed in her eyes as she slowly looked up towards her friend and mother.

Her mother smiled her wicked smile as she placed her hand onto Natalie’s shoulder “So Natalie I was wondering if you would like to babysit her sometime” Natalie swallowed “Erm really?” she nervously said as she kept her hand over her nose, Kathleen’s Mother smiled her warm smile and nodded “Yes I mean you two are still friends and it would be a good to get a night off once in a while” Kathleen’s heart ached “Get babysat by Natalie? What does that even entail? She would come over just me wearing a diaper and sucking on a pacifier and her being the adult and she would treat me just like a baby? Feed me? Or even change me?” she shook as Natalie turned and looked back down at Kathleen, to her she just looked like an overgrown baby a pacifier in her mouth while wearing a diaper but it was still her best friend who was sitting in her own mess and she quickly turned away “I erm will have to think about it” she said. Kathleen’s mother nodded “Yes of course, I just thought it would be a good way for you to keep your friendship going” Natalie smiled “I don’t think it would keep going if I had to change her messy diapers” she laughed nervously “Anyway I’m going to go, I will let you know if I change my mind and don’t worry I won't tell anyone” she said. She glanced back at her blushing friend and gave a little wave “Bye” she said and before Kathleen could respond she left the room quickly followed by her mother who closed the door leaving Kathleen once again alone.

Kathleen’s head was pounding as she stared at the closed door “I’m not getting out of this, I can’t get out of this. I’m an eighteen-year old that has been turned into a baby all because I slept with a few guys, I’m eighteen I had only just had sex for the first time a few months ago and then that quickly ended and so I found someone else I liked and we slept together. It doesn’t make me a whore like mom said, It’s all about becoming an adult” she sighed as she looked down at her diaper “Well that’s not going to happen for me now is it” tears began to roll down her face “I’m not going to be an adult for a long time, no more parties, no more dancing. I only just started getting guys attention but that’s now over and what about when this ends will I be free of diapers?” she wiped away the tears from her face with her mitten hands “Oh god if what mom says is true then I’m going to have to go through potty training again, so even if I am allowed to return to a normal life I’m still going to be reliant on diapers” she shivered “She has complete control of me and will have for a very long time” she thought.

Chapter 11

  Kathleen couldn’t move, she sat inside the prison that was her playpen in her messy diaper with tears rolling down her face. “I can’t get out of this, my life is over. My mother has thought of everything, she has everything to torture me into being her pathetic baby and she has a perfect excuse why she can keep me this way to my friends so nobody will come looking for me” she groaned as she looked down at her diaper. “I should have done something to show Natalie how much I hated this but I couldn’t move, the humiliation of siting inside a playpen while wearing a diaper overwhelmed me and with everything my mother was saying I just sat in shock” she sighed from behind her pacifier. “That was my chance to get out of this and I couldn’t do it, what’s wrong with me. I should have screamed, kicked and clawed until Natalia knew that I wanted freedom but instead the embarrassment of sitting in front of my best friend while wearing a messy diaper kept me silent. I hate myself for not doing anything but I couldn’t move” she sighed from behind the pacifier once again as she miserably looked around her nursery.

Kathleen’s mother entered the nursery with a large smile on her face “Well that went well, she is going to be good and keep your little secret” she cooed as tears formed in Kathleen’s eyes “I can’t believe Natalie actually thinks that I want this, why on earth would I want to wear and use diapers” she shook. “She saw me in a used diaper, why the hell did I have to mess it again it just proves to her that I’m a baby. I hate sitting in my own poop I really want to be free of this horrible thing” she scrunched up her face in embarrassment. Her mother walked in front of her and squatted down while holding her nose “I think baby needs her diaper changing” she cooed, she removed her hand from her nose and reached out to the pacifier “Now I’m going to take this out and you are going to ask me to change you and why I need to change you while speaking like the baby that you are” she took hold of the handle of the pacifier and frowned as she looked her daughter in straight in the eyes “But if you pretend you’re a grown up I will put this back in and you won't even remember what its like to talk by the time I’m finished with you”.

Kathleen swallowed hard as her heart began to race “I have to get free from this horrible diaper but I have to talk like a baby to do it, she is making this so hard. I don’t want to have this pacifier stuck in my mouth for the rest of this horrible ordeal but to only talk like a baby is so humiliating” she rolled her eyes “Not as humiliating as wearing your own poop though, I just need to have small victories if I do this then I get out of the diaper and I want that more than anything right now” she thought with a sigh. Kathleen’s mother played around with the handle of the pacifier and suddenly it began to deflate in her mouth, Kathleen let out a satisfied moan as she moved her tongue around in her mouth “That’s so much better” she thought as her mother removed the pacifier and Kathleen opened and closed her jaw “There’s no way I could have that stuck in my mouth for long” she thought as her mother looked at her expectantly. Kathleen went white as a sheet and began to sweat as she swallowed, she closed her eyes and with a large sigh she opened her mouth but she was quickly cut off “You need to look at a grown up when you are talking to them baby girl” she said sternly. Kathleen shook as she slowly opened her eyes “She is making this harder and harder, with my eyes closed I could imagine her not being here and not looking at me” she thought.

Kathleen looked at her mother and turned bright red “Pweez change baby diapee, me went poopie and me don’t likes it, pweez change me mommy” she said while holding down the urge to be sick. Her mother smiled “Good baby, mommy will change your smelly bum bum after you have had your bottle” she cooed. Kathleen gritted her teeth as her mother stood up, she bent down and lifted Kathleen up and over the mesh wall of the playpen and sat her back down on her messy bum. Kathleen scrunched up her face as she felt more of the poop squish up against her “I can’t believe it, she said she would change me after I told her that! Why isn’t she changing me out of this horrible thing?” she shouted in her head as her mother began to walk out of the room “Follow mommy baby girl” she cooed.

 Kathleen looked at her encased feet and hands and shook her head “I can’t walk while wearing these, she wants me to crawl around” she shook her head as her mother stood at the doorway “Now young lady or you will be punished” she snapped. Kathleen jumped and while shaking with fear she quickly got up onto her hands and knees and began to crawl towards her mother. Kathleen grimaced as she felt her large padded rear swing side to side as she crawled while parts of the mess inside the diaper stuck to her bum and came loose with every movement she made “She is winning! I now can talk but I’m too afraid to otherwise I get that pacifier locked in my mouth. As soon as she threatened a punishment I did what she wanted, she has turned me into her baby” she thought with dread.

Chapter 12

  Kathleen took one last look at her new bedroom and shook all over, she turned away and followed her mother down the hallway in a state of shock “That nursery is now my room, she has removed every part of my adult life and replaced it with this horrible one. Even if she changed her mind where are all my things? Will I get them back?” she shook her head “All of that stuff in there must have been expensive she doesn’t want me to be an adult anytime soon, she hasn’t just removed all my stuff but everything! Including my friends, Natalie saw me like this! She believes that I want this and she is going to make sure nobody will come looking for me. I am a prisoner in my own home and in the worst way possible! I’m going to be humiliated and embarrassed on a daily basis being treated like this” she thought miserably as she entered the living room.

Kathleen’s mother walked to the far side of the room opposite the window to the street, Kathleen winced as she felt the warm sunshine through the open window when she noticed a large padded rocking chair against the wall with a small table beside it. Kathleen noticed the large adult-sized baby’s bottle sitting on the table and winced at the thought of another bottle feeding. Her mother sat down on the rocking chair placing her feet firmly on the floor to stop it from moving as Kathleen looked up at the chair. It looked strange to Kathleen, it was a dull green colour and looked very soft but something was strange about the chair. Kathleen cocked her head as she stared at it while still on all fours “The armrest on the left side is higher than the one on the right, why? Is it meant to be like that? Is it a cast-off? Also, it's very wide, mom is sitting more to the left with the higher headrest while there’s loads of space on the right. It's strange” she wondered. Her mother smiled down at her as she patted her legs “Up baby” she cooed, Kathleen gritted her teeth “I really don’t want to get up on her knee but...” she crinkled up her nose “the smell of this diaper is disgusting and its just another reminder of what is hindering inside” she thought with a sigh. Slowly she crawled the short distance forward and her mother quickly helped her up. Kathleen’s mother adjusted her daughter around and Kathleen soon found head resting perfectly on the armrest while her back was hovering across her mothers knees and her padded rear sat on the remainder of the chair, her legs were raised up slightly and positioned over the lower armrest which caused her to dangle her feet over the chair. Kathleen was in shock as she shook her head, she looked down past her breasts and her slim body at her legs dangling off the rocking chair “She put so much thought into this chair! I’m not putting any weight on her while I’m in a perfect position to be fed that horrible bottle” she thought with a shudder.

Kathleen looked around and began to panic when she looked over at the open window “The blinds are open! Anyone who walks past our house will be able to see in! They could see me like this! My breasts! This diaper!” she began to shake with fear as she quickly looked up at the ceiling “Maybe not, we do have the garden out the front of the house and we are on the other side of the room and I am curled up like this, maybe nobody can see me unless they are really looking” she shook her head. Her mother smiled down at her daughter as she produced the bottle, Kathleen looked over and stared at the infantile bottle with wide eyes “Another bottle? The last one did so much to me, it had so much in it. I couldn’t move and I couldn’t stop myself from using this horrible diaper. Is this one going to do the same thing? Would she do that again to me?” she thought with a shudder. The bottle reached her lips and with a gulp, she opened her mouth without fuss and accepted the nipple of the bottle past her red lips and into her mouth, where she began to suck.

Kathleen scrunched up her face as she tasted the strange milk once again “She has put stuff in it again? Why? I want control of my own body!” she shouted in her head as a tear ran down her face. Good girl. That's it. Drink every bit," her mother encouraged and began to rub her stomach as she did earlier as the bottle's contents were slowly emptied Kathleen thought back to those hours earlier as more tears ran down her face. “I had a life, I had interest from guys and I was interested but now who is going to want me like this. I wish I could go back to before Natalie dropped me off and just tell her to keep on driving, I would never be in this mess if I didn’t come home. I wouldn’t be wearing a messy diaper, I wouldn’t have my breasts on show to my mom, I wouldn’t be drinking from a bottle. I wouldn’t be a baby!” tears rolled down her face as she stopped sucking on the nipple to choke up on the crying that had begun. "To the last drop. Mommy will change baby right after she has finished her bottle and been burped" she cooed, the colour drained from Kathleen’s face “Burped? I don’t need to be burped!” she thought when she felt the mess inside her diaper move slightly and a shiver ran up her spine “I don’t need any of this but it's still happening! With these booties and mittens on I can’t do anything and if she has put more muscle relaxant in this bottle I will hardly be able to move once this bottle is finished” she thought as the milk was nearing disappearance, her mother began to stroke her daughters hair and smiled down at her daughter “You are being such a good baby, I’m so proud of you little baby girl and we are going to have so much fun together”.



Would love you to write more about Kathleen - being babysat by the friend who dropped her off at the beginning of the story or a younger female relative; a full baby wardrobe (dresses, bubble rompers, etc.); exposure outside the home including in a stroller, etc. Thanks for a wonderful story.


Thanks for the ideas and thecompliments I will see what I can do 😊


Question what happened with chapter 07 from Kathleen Diary because the one that's there is from Sarah's toddler life hihihi


Wow, just saw that Thanks for brining it to my attention i will fix it as soon as possible


No problem. Really like the story's by the way, love that you stick to the abdl and don't wonder of to more extreme things.