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Chapter 01

Fiona nervously chewed on her nails as she looked out the bus window, she looked around hoping to see a familiar face but she knew it wasn't going to happen. She rested her head against the back of the chair in front of her as her blonde hair fell over her face she signed “New job, new rules, and new people” she said to herself and sat back up, she quickly tied her hair into a ponytail while she watched the red desert rush on by “I hate starting a new job, you don't know anyone”. Fiona had just got a job as a confined space sentry she wasn't sure what it entailed until she did the course and found out that she would be required to sit outside a confined space for long stretches while work commenced inside, she thought it sounded boring but easy money so when she got told she would be flying to a mine site for her first job she was bouncing off the walls thinking about the money but now that she was on her way to the mining village she couldn't remember why she felt so happy.

The bus pulled into the village and everyone began to pour off the bus, Fiona nervously grabbed her rucksack and placed it over her shoulders and followed everyone off the bus “Now I have to find someone wearing the logo” she thought as she stepped off the bus into the heat of the desert, she placed her hand on her head and signed “I forgot about the heat” she thought and quickly looked around. After a quick scan she saw a tall man with a shaved head standing around in a uniform “It could be him” she thought and slowly walked up to him, as she approached she saw on his work shirt it read ‘DLA' the company initials and she let out a smile as she stood in front of the man “Hi, I'm Fiona” she said faking a cheerful manner while feeling intimidated and nervous, the man was a lot taller than her but at 5'3 a lot of people were, he was also a lot bigger than her, she was a skinny young woman with a large chest size that she was happy with and a very pert bum that she had spent a lot of work on, she was very proud of her bum. The man quickly looked up from his clipboard that he was carrying and nodded and looked straight back down “Ah yes, Hi Fiona, first time?” Fiona nodded and the man smiled “Not to worry, my name's Leo I'm here to help, so let's have a look” Leo turned around and quickly picked up a large duffle bag, he turned back around and before Fiona had a chance to react he thrust it into her arms, she almost fell over from the weight of it but caught herself as Leo looked down at the clipboard once again “OK inside is everything you need for your shift, the key to your room is also on the bag, your room is A3, that's lucky your just to the left down there, very close” He paused and checked his clipboard again “Bus will be leaving at 6 am, need you on the bus then wearing everything in that bag” he smiled and then looked at Fiona “See you then” he said and to Fiona's surprise he walked away. Fiona stud for a moment “Erm right” she said to herself “I guess I better find my room” she carried her new heavy bag in the direction Leo pointed and quickly found her room.

Fiona opened the door to the small room and looked around, in the room was a single bed, a wardrobe, and bedside cabinet “Well it's not the worst place I've stayed in” she said to herself as she closed the door. She dropped the duffle bag down on the floor next to the bed and then removed her rucksack from her shoulders and placed it on the bed, she sat on the bed next to her bag and looked at the duffle bag “Well let's see what's in here then”.  She opened up the bag and pulled out a white helmet she nodded and placed it beside her, she then pulled out a couple of hivis yellow shirts and sighed “Well it's going to be very hard to make myself look cute wearing this” she thought as she placed them beside the helmet. She reached back in and pulled out two long navy blue pants, she held up a pair and inspected them “Well I guess I won't have guys staring at my bum in these” she said and placed the pants on the bed as well. She looked at the items “Something's missing” she stared for a while then remembered “Oh yes the safety glasses” she placed her hand in and felt something strange “What's that?" she said and pulled out a clear ziplock bag with two rectangles inside “Strange, I wonder what they are” she examined the bag and saw a label ‘Day 2, 1 and 2' she quickly placed her hand back in the duffle bag and pulled out another one zip lock bag looking the same with the label reading ‘Day 1, 1 and 2' she looked at the bags for a moment puzzled. “What are these?” she said to herself, she placed the ziplock bags on the bed and began to unzip the other one, she placed her hand inside the bag and felt the soft fabric of one of the rectangles as she slowly began to pull it out of the bag she realized what it was “It's a diaper? What? Why are diapers in the bag?” she placed the ziplock bag that contained the one diaper on the bed with all the other items from the duffle bag as she examined the diaper “Wait, it's not just a diaper, it's an adult size diaper” she quickly dropped the diaper and it fell into the duffle bag “No!” she shouted “No it must be a wind up, they can't be serious, have us wear diapers?” she quickly stood up and walked away from the bag “No it can’t be, must be a mix up or a prank, yes it's a prank” she bent over the duffle bag and looked inside looking for something “What's that?” she said as she pulled out a piece of A4 paper, on the top of the paper it had the company logo ‘DLA' on the top and under it was a list of the items. Fiona's eyes widened when she read down the list, just under ‘Safety Pants Small x2' was ‘Adult Diapers Small x4' she looked down at the bag again “They can't expect me to wear them” she looked at the paper once again and under the list read ‘All items are for your protection and/or efficient operation of works. All items must be worn at all times during the working day of 6 am to 6 pm. If you do not correspond to this ruling then your contract will be terminated and will relinquish all pay.' Fiona quickly sat down on the bed again and stared into the duffle bag at the diaper “If I don't wear it, I won't get paid?” she placed her head in her hands and swore, “What the fuck?”

Chapter 02

Fiona stared blankly in front of her at the blank wall for some time running through what she just read “So if I don't wear a diaper I could get fired, I need to talk to someone, this can't be right” she finally said to herself she reached into her jean pocket and pulled out her phone, she looked at it and swore “No signal?” She shouted and quickly stood up lifting her arm high into the air but her phone still had no signal. She stared at the phone “What am I going to do?” She asked the empty room. She continued to stare at the phone willing it to work but it didn't, after a while, she let out a shout and spun around and threw it onto the bed, it bounced once and landed on top of the diaper like it was mocking her. She clenched her fists up “A diaper?” she said to herself she shook her head and began to pace up and down the small room thinking to herself “Would they really make us wear diapers or is it one big joke? I need to think of this from the companies point of view. My job is to sit outside a space while people work inside, they have a lot of people to swap out so work can continue all day, whereas we only have a few people so we might not be able to swap out for toilet breaks so if we did have to stay at the spot all day it would be better than pissing our pants, it does make sense” she thought and stopped pacing and looked at the diaper resting on her bed and cringed “So that means I might have to piss in a diaper tomorrow, I can't use a diaper” she shook her head and sighed.

After a while of going through the scenario in her head her stomach grumbled and a smile appeared on her face, she walked over to her phone and read the time “It's half past six the canteen is open now and if anyone from DLA worked today they will be in there and I can ask them” the smile got larger as she quickly placed her phone into her pocket, grabbed her room key and left the small room. She closed the door behind her and then looked around “Where is the canteen?” She said to herself with a sigh “I wish that guy was better at his job then I wouldn't be in this state” she thought as she continued to look around. After a moment she saw a couple of guys walking together “They are either walking towards the canteen or away from it, I think I will go the way they came, no follow them, Yes follow them” she walked behind the three men and a smile grew on her face as they walked towards a large building “Yes I found it” she thought as the men entered Fiona followed close behind.

Inside the canteen, Fiona was assaulted all with all the different smells from the food and her stomach grumbled in delight. She slowly walked in staring at everyone hoping to see the company logo but she couldn't see it on anyone as she made her way towards food, she picked up a plate and grabbed a healthy serving of rice and a chicken curry and as she went to grab a knife and fork she saw the glimpse of the logo, she quickly looked back up and saw three woman sitting together side by side a bit away from her, they were all laughing and all three of them had the DLA logos on. Fiona felt the urge to run up to them and ask them all the questions she had stored inside her but she calmly walked over to where they sat and nervously sat across from one of the girls. Fiona sat down and smiled at the pretty woman, she had black hair with bright blue tips, her nose was pierced and she wore black lipstick “Maybe I shouldn't have sat across from her” she thought as the woman stared at her. Fiona quickly looked at the other two women, the one in the middle was blonde with pale skin and green eyes she smiled at Fiona and quickly turned to the woman sitting next to her who looked just like her but with died red hair, Fiona immediately concluded that they were twins. Fiona picked up her fork and stared at her food “I need to make contact with them” she thought and she nervously looked up to the blue-tipped woman across from her, Fiona smiled again and said “Hi I erm I work for DLA too” the blue-tipped woman rolled her eyes but the blonde in the middle quickly cheered “Cool a new girl, Hi Fiona, don't mind Kelly here” she said looking at the blue-tipped woman “She is shy around new people” the blonde woman giggled and Fiona smiled nervously, the blonde placed her hand on her chest and said “I'm Sky and this is my sister Dawn” she said as she pointed towards the red-haired woman, Dawn smiled back at Fiona which put her at ease a little. Sky looked Fiona up and down and smiled “So this is your first time? Got over the shock of it all?” she asked, Fiona nervously laughed “Almost just one thing is bothering me” she quickly blushed and both Dawn and Sky giggled. Before Fiona could open her mouth Sky half-whispered “The padded underwear?” Fiona nodded furiously which caused Kelly to laugh furiously which shocked Fiona, she stared at the woman across from her who tilted her head and said bluntly “You will get used to it” she then abruptly stood up and grabbed her plate and walked away. Fiona stared at Kelly keeping her eyes on her bum as she slowly vanished from sight, she turned towards the twins in wonder, Sky nodded her head while Dawn shook hers. Fiona looked at them confused when Dawn said “I'm still not used to them but it's what we have to do to get paid” Sky nodded “Yeah I'm used to them and like Dawn said you have to if you want to get paid”.

Chapter 03

Fiona had hundreds of questions for the two attractive sisters but after she had rushed through her food and was about to ask them questions Dawn sighed and brushed her bright red hair nervously with her hand and looked at her sister blushing bright red “We need to go I need to erm...” she suddenly looked down beneath the table and Sky smiled “Ah Yeah, I need to get out of mine too, I’m soaked” she said which caused Dawn to blush more and she averted her eyes from Fiona. Sky turned to a stunned Fiona and smiled “Well we will see you tomorrow morning, have a good sleep” they both stood up and Fiona felt very disappointed but faked a smile and said “Yeah, cheers you too” the two women stood up and walked away and Fiona’s eyes fixed onto there bums as they walked. Fiona stared at Dawn her long red hair was flowing down her back and her work shirt was untucked, she wore the blue baggy work pants that obscured her bum a lot but she was sure she could see some padding there “Well nobody will be able to tell I guess”. She then looked at Sky and her Jaw dropped, her shirt was tucked in and she wasn’t wearing the blue baggy work pants but she was wearing a pair of denim jeans her bum stuck out from the pants and didn’t follow the shape of normal underwear “It’s obvious she is wearing a diaper, why would she do that?” she thought to herself as the two sisters went from sight and Fiona sat alone thinking to herself.

After a while Fiona left the canteen and walked back to her room not knowing if she felt any better with her situation “I won't be the only one wearing them but still I will be wearing a diaper and more than likely using one just like the other girls” she shuddered at the thought of wetting the diaper when she reached the door to her room “If everyone else is doing it then I guess it’s not the worst” she thought to herself as she quickly entered her room and then she let out sigh as she saw the diaper sitting on her bed “I need to move that, lets just not think about it until the morning” she said to herself as she quickly walked over to the bed and placed all her work gear and the diapers back into the duffle bag and pushed it to the other side of the room. She sat on the bed and shook her head “How did I get myself into this situation” she said to herself, she then looked at her phone and grumbled at it “Still no service” she said then she read the time “8:00 pm! Wow I was in the canteen a lot longer than I thought I was, I really should get ready for bed I’m going to have to get up early” she said to herself as she got off the bed and went over towards her bag and lifted it off the ground. She pulled out a pair of bright pink with white dots pyjama shorts and a short light pink top that had a picture of a pie and underneath it read ‘cutie pie’ on the front, she placed the bag back on the floor and grabbed her pyjamas and walked into the bathroom. Once in the bathroom Fiona placed her pyjamas on the sink and then turned the shower on she pulled off her white shirt and her skinny jeans and stood for a moment looking down at her slim body and her black panties and sighed “I can’t believe I’m not going to be wearing underwear tomorrow” she said to herself as the room slowly filled up with steam. She unclasped her black bra and let it drop to the ground revealing her supple breasts, slowly she removed her black panties and looked at her smooth vagina then she jumped into the shower, she stood silently in the shower letting the warm water fall down her naked body. She didn’t do any of the natural things that she normally did in the shower she didn’t clean herself and she didn’t wash her hair she just stood still trying not to remember what tomorrow would bring.

After a while she turned off the shower and let out a sigh “I didn’t want it to end” she said to herself as she grabbed a towel and began to dry herself. Once she was dry she pulled on her pyjama pants and top on then looked at herself in the mirror “Ha cutie pie, I’m not going to be a cutie pie tomorrow” she thought to herself. She left the bathroom and turned off all the lights, she then walked towards the bed and picked up her phone and set the alarm and then got into the single bed. She closed her eyes but every time she did she pictured either Dawn or Sky’s diapered bum “I can’t believe I’m going to be wearing a diaper tomorrow” she thought over and over again. After a long while of tossing and turning Fiona still hadn’t gotten to sleep “Why can’t I sleep? Well obviously it’s because of tomorrow, Why?” she let out a cry of anger and sat up “What if...” she looked over to her wardrobe and shook her head “...No, but maybe it will calm me down about doing it tomorrow, if I put one on now and see how it feels” she blushed bright red “I can’t believe I’m talking about wearing a diaper to see how it feels”. After a while of going back and forth on the idea she finally decided, she got out of bed and walked over to the duffle bag, she opened it up and grabbed the diaper that lay on top and took it back to her bed.

Once in bed she let out a nervous laugh as she eyed the diaper in her hands “This is so wrong” she said to herself “But once I do it then I should get some sleep” she carefully unfolded the diaper and stared at it “OK well it’s defiantly a diaper” she said to herself as she turned it around in her hands “So that’s the tabs to make sure it stays on so that means that this bit is the back” she nodded to herself and then placed the diaper down onto the bed in front of her “OK now it’s time” she said to motivate herself “Shorts on or off? I think they should be off” she said and she pulled her shorts down to her knees and gingerly moved forward and sat down on the soft white fabric. She felt a nervous shiver run through her as she placed her hands on the front of the diaper and pulled up the plastic-covered underwear “Oh my god, Oh my god” she repeated as she pulled the front up over her vagina and rested it against her “I think it would be easier to do this lying down” she thought and slowly she lay down on the bed and grabbed hold of the tabs of the diaper “Well this is it” she said as she pulled the sides of the diaper as hard as she could and taped it in place.  

Chapter 04

 Fiona stared down at her padded waist as she slowly sat up which made the diaper crinkle between her legs, she blushed “I’m wearing a diaper, I’m actually wearing a diaper a crinkly, padded urine soaking diaper” she thought. Slowly she placed her hand over her crotch and felt the soft plastic “There is no mistaking it, it’s a diaper. It feels so strange to be wearing one. I’m actually wearing it, it’s going over my vagina between my legs and covering my ass” she said as she moved her hand between her legs “OK, so I’m wearing it but I don’t feel any better about tomorrow. I feel embarrassed about wearing it now when I’m alone, how am I ever going to deal with going outside wearing one? Wearing it and even possibly using it around people? No I can’t do that it’s bad enough to be wearing one but to actually have to use it” she shuddered at the thought “No, this hasn’t helped but what do I do now? Do I take it off and try to get and sleep or...” she blushed again “...do I keep it on and try to get used to it? It’s probably late so the only way to get used to it would be to just keep wearing it” she let out a sigh “I should not have to be thinking like this before my first day of work, this shouldn’t even be coming up I’m about to start a job with people I don’t know in a strange place and to top it off I have to deal with this? They should have warned me if they had warned me then I wouldn’t have taken the job though” she said to herself through gritted teeth.

Fiona slowly lay back down on her bed and grabbed hold of her phone and read the time “Fuck it’s 11 pm, my alarm goes off in six hours” she said with a yawn, she placed the phone back down and looked down her slim body “What do I do? Do I try to sleep in it? I will at least be used to wearing it tomorrow if I’ve already worn one for six hours” she gingerly rolled onto her side with a rustle and felt the thickness of the diaper between her legs “Wow, I didn’t expect that” she thought. Ever so slightly she adjusted her legs and the bulge between her legs moved which sent a tingle through her which caused her to gasp and her eyes opened wide “No way, No, that’s not right” she thought as she lay totally still “I can’t stay completely still all night but if I move then it might happen again...” a shy smile formed on her face then suddenly disappeared “No, I will not do that in this” she thought when she let out a yawn “Yes that’s what I need to do, just need to sleep” she thought and she quickly closed her eyes “Just sleep and deal with it all in the morning” she thought and slowly she drifted off.

Fiona couldn’t remember going to sleep but she slowly opened her eyes as she let out a moan, she suddenly felt a wave of pleasure run through her as she stayed half asleep. She found her hand rubbing up and down on something plastic on the front of her crotch and she bit her bottom lip as her body tensed up, she was unable to stop what she was doing in her dream-like state and she didn’t want to as another wave of pleasure swept over her. She found her hand was picking up pace and her breathing became shorter she couldn’t think of anything but the pleasure she was feeling as she arched her back “Yes almost there” she finally thought and her body felt like it was melting and exploding at the same time she didn’t have any control as a giant flood of sensation’s rushed through her and she collapsed onto the bed her vagina pulsing.

Slowly Fiona opened her eyes and she left the dreamlike state she was in as the feeling of what had just happened wore off she blushed bright red and brought her hand up to her head “I didn’t? Did I? I just masturbated while wearing a diaper. Oh god, what is wrong with me? How did that happen?” she rolled her eyes.

Chapter 05

Fiona slowly opened her eyes, her head was foggy as she heard the constant beeping coming from her phone, she rolled over and heard a crinkle and felt something strange between her legs and her eyes shot open. She quickly reached out for her phone and turned the alarm off then looked down at her groin and shuddered “I fell asleep wearing a diaper? How did that even happen?” she shook her head “This is so messed up I masturbated in a diaper I was only meant to wear it to see what it was like not to do that in it” she sighed as she reached for her phone.

“Fuck!” she shouted at her phone as she read the time “It’s five to six! Fuck! How did that happen?” she shook her head “I have five minutes to get up, shower and change and make it to the bus” she jumped out of bed in her diaper, her mind was racing “I don’t have time for a shower” she began to shake as she looked down at the diaper “I don’t have time to take this off and put on the other one” she felt her heart ache “I just have to put my uniform on and get to the bus, I can’t be late” she sighed as she went to the duffle bag and pulled out her work pants and work shirt, she quickly pulled off her pyjama top and threw on her hi vis yellow shirt and began to button it up when she stopped “I’m not wearing a bra, oh shit I don’t have time” she continued to button up her shirt and then grabbed hold of her pants and placed her foot inside and bit her bottom lip “Fuck I’m going to be going out in a diaper that I have worn all night” she shuddered “I hate this but I don’t have a choice” she thought as she placed her other foot inside the pants and pulled them up, as she got to her diaper she turned bright red as it became a tight fit and she felt the diaper press-up against her, she looked down confused then rolled her eyes “I gave them my size but they didn’t think about the size of the diaper, no wonder it’s tight, this would just fit me normally” she blushed bright red as she squeezed the pants together and buttoned up the tight pants and looked down at her bulging crotch “Fuck, it’s obvious, I just need to make sure my shirt stays dangling down and it might hide it”. She pulled on her socks and her boots and grabbed the helmet, she sighed to herself once again as she took a step forward and she felt her bum move “I can’t believe I’m going out like this” she thought.

She opened her door and took a deep breath as she stepped outside and closed the door behind her “OK I’m outside in this, it’s not to bad” she blushed and then quickly walked towards where she was dropped off the day before. She blushed bright red as she could feel her bum swinging and she had to adjust her walking with the thickness between her legs, she turned the corner and saw the bus and let out a nervous smile “It’s still here” she thought, and she slowly walked towards it but her chest became tight as she saw other people walking towards the bus, and she couldn’t stop thinking about the diaper that was resting in her pants. She was bright red as she walked onto the bus and smiled at the bus driver, she walked up the middle of the bus when she saw a hand waving at her. Fiona let out a sigh of relief as she quickly noticed Sky was waving at her “Oh good, they are on here, that’s going to make it a lot easier” she thought as she walked towards where Sky was sitting, Sky smiled at her “Come sit down” she said and Fiona sat down on her padded rear.

Sky looked at her puzzled “Where were you at breakfast? Don’t you have any lunch?” Fiona blushed as she shook her head “No I slept in I didn’t have time” Sky smiled “Ah don’t worry we have some food in the crib room we can give you some” Fiona smiled “Thanks” she said as she moved uncomfortably sitting in her diaper. Fiona blushed as she moved “I’m really not used to this, the diaper is pressing tightly against my vagina, any type of fast movement and it’s going to set me off, I can not get turned on at work because I’m wearing a diaper” she thought miserably. Fiona looked at her and giggled “Uncomfortable?” Fiona continued to blush and slowly nodded “Yeah, it’s so weird and my pants are so tight” she sighed and Fiona laughed “Yeah they gave you the size waist you asked for and not the size waist you need, they did the same to me, it took them months to give me larger pants, in the end though I got used to it being tight around me that I actually feel more comfortable with the tight pants now” she said as Fiona looked at her confused.



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