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 Chapter 01

“Boys, what are you doing?” Michelle shouted at the small huddle of boys at the back of the class, they quickly saw the teacher and ran away in different directions revealing the small boy in the centre crying. Michelle walked towards the boy “Were those boys hurting you?” she asked the boy shook his head “Were they picking on you?” he nodded and Michelle looked upset “Don’t worry about them Michael come and sit up next to me” she said with a smile. Michael stopped his crying and smiled back up at the kind teacher, Michelle put out her hand and the boy took it and followed her to Michelle’s desk in the corner of the room. Michelle’s desk was in the corner of the room where she could see most of the classroom, it was a plain area with nothing on the walls and just one cabinet behind her, she pulled over a child's chair and placed it behind her desk “Sit down Michael” she said as she patted the chair. Michael smiled and sat down on his diapered bum and frowned straight away, Michelle sat down on her office chair next to him and smiled “It’s ok” she said with a smile, she then looked up at the class and shouted out “Liam, Grey and Billy, you three need to go to the principles office and tell him what you just did to Michael” The young boys looked down to the floor as they slowly walked out of the classroom. Michael stayed at the front of the class for the remainder of the lesson, the young boy was very happy to be close to Miss Henderson and knew that she wouldn’t mock him for wearing diapers, Michelle looked down at Michael and smiled “You ok?” she asked and Michael nodded.

Michelle Henderson was a 31-year-old teacher, she loved teaching and it was always her dream to teach, She taught grade 2 and Michael was one of her favourite students he was funny and kind but she felt sorry for him because he still wore diapers and was regularly picked on for it. Michelle was an average height brunette woman with bright green eyes and a very pretty face, her smile had the power to light up a room. Her voluptuous body was very seldom seen during her working day usually wearing baggy clothing but when she went out on the weekend she would wear her tightest clothes to show off her body. Today was no different as she wore a big brown woolly jumper that went down to her knees, hiding her black leggings that hugged her lower body.

The bell went and Michelle dismissed her class for lunch but Michael didn’t move from his seat as the class emptied, Michelle turned to the young boy “Are you not going for lunch?” she asked, Michael shook his head and Michelle gave him a sympathetic smile and stood up “Good because I have something for you, I was going to bring this out later but we can have it now, just the two of us” Michael looked up at his teacher with a big smile “What is it?” he asked and Michelle giggled “Well” she said as she opened up the top draw on the cabinet behind her desk “A little birdie told me it was a special day today so I got something for a special day” Michael's eyes widened as Miss Henderson pulled out a small cake from the draw he looked up at her as she announced “Happy Birthday Michael” he blushed and said “Thank you”. Michelle placed the cake on the table and then lit the candle “Blow out the candle and make a wish” Michael looked up at Miss Henderson then back at the cake then he felt the diaper between his legs and sighed, he took a deep a breath and thought “I wish I wasn't the only one who wasn't potty trained” he then blew out and the candle went out.

Michelle’s head suddenly began to ache and she bent over in pain, the room went black and a rush of noise went passing by her like a hundred people all talking at once and then it all stopped at the same time. Michelle slowly stood back up and noticed Michael staring up at her confused “You OK?” he asked Michelle nodded “Yes, I’m fine thanks now why don’t you run off to lunch and we can have the cake after you have had something to eat” Michael looked disappointed but slowly got up off the chair and left the room, Michelle pulled her office chair behind her and sat down. Her eyes widened as her bum touched the seat “What the hell is that” she thought as she looked down at her crotch, she slowly pulled up the long woolly jumper and stared in disbelief at her inflated crotch “Know way, That’s a diaper” she said as she took her finger and carefully prodded her inflated crotch “How did this happen?” she asked the empty room. She looked up at her classroom and shook her head when she noticed in the corner of her eye her name on the previously blank wall, she slowly turned her head and saw a bright yellow sticker poster in front of her she read the bright pink words at the top ‘Miss Henderson’s Training Chart’ a confused look came over her face “What the hell is this?” she thought then she noticed under her name in smaller text read ‘Remember to use the toilet’.  

Chapter 02

Michelle’s jaw dropped then she looked down at the diaper hiding under her black pants once again and slowly she grabbed the top of her pants and lifted the waist up and she couldn’t believe her eyes as the white padded underwear stared back at her “I’m wearing a diaper? How did this happen? Why am I wearing it?” she thought as she continued to stare down at her crotch. She slowly stood up and heard the crinkle of the diaper and blushed “Right I need to get this off me and then figure out how it got on me” she said to herself as she lowered her long jumper and looked around her lower body making sure the diaper was not visible. She looked at the door of her classroom and cursed “I wish we could lock the doors and then I could just take the bloody thing off here”. After a few minutes of pulling her jumper down and her pants up she finally got enough courage and slowly walked towards the door of the classroom she paused after a few steps and looked at her padded rear “I’m waddling, I’m actually waddling, I need to stop that” she thought and she squeezed her legs together and grimaced as she felt the padding hugging her thighs. She took a few more steps forward while looking behind her “Oh god that just makes my bum move more, so what do I do, waddle like a toddler or have my diapered bum shake side to side?” she reached the door still not making up her mind when she thought “I have to walk across the hallway and into the teachers office to get to the toilets, thank god it’s lunchtime, I should be OK” she let out a sigh and opened the door.

She slowly began to waddle down the hallway while her eyes darted around wishing nobody would come out of the classrooms or down the other end of the hallway. Soon she arrived at the teachers office and smiled “Almost there” she thought but as she placed her hand on the door handle she heard voices coming from inside the room and she began to sweat “Oh great people are in there, I just need to walk in and go straight to the toilets” she held her breath as she slowly opened the door and walked into the room. As she closed the door two sets of eyes stared back at her, she smiled nervously and one woman sitting down who was wearing a nurses outfit smiled back “How are you doing Michelle?” Michelle nodded her head and quickly said “Fine” as she pressed her legs together in preparation to stop herself from waddling, she eyed the toilet across the room and moved away from the door and towards the toilet she quickly walked past the two people sitting down and as she passed them she finally noticed who the nurse was talking too, it was George Williams “Oh god it’s George, he teaches sports, he is so handsome and fit and I’m wearing a diaper” Michelle blushed as she quickly walked past the young handsome man and she smiled as she opened the door to the toilet, she opened the door and she heard the nurse shout out “Good girl” which Michelle blushed at as she entered the toilet.

What does she mean good girl? Does she mean it because I’m fine? That must be it. What’s her name again? She hasn’t been working here long, I don’t even think I’ve talked to her before and I’m sure she hasn’t spoken to me” she shook her head and said “Ok time to take this off” she looked down at her waist. She lent against the door and looked at the toilet for the first time and felt a strange uneasy feeling, she shook it off as she lifted up her jumper to her belly button and pinched it in place with her elbows, she then grabbed the top of her black pants and slowly pulled them down over the diaper while bending over she stood back up and stared at her new underwear for a moment in disbelief “How did this get around me?” she thought when out of nowhere she felt the urge to pee “Where did that come from?” She thought and she looked at the toilet and that uneasy feeling came back “It’s fine I will just take this off and then...” she began to sweat “....and ermm then use that thing” she said nervously, She began to shake as she stared at the toilet “What’s happening?” she thought and the urge to pee got more intense, she started dancing on the spot and to her surprise she placed her hands on the top of her diaper and squeezed it tight against her “I can use the erm the thing” she thought but she couldn’t bring herself to move closer to it “I need to pee, I can’t use the diaper” she quickened her dancing as the urge was becoming unbearable “This is so wrong” she said and then she stopped her dancing and the colour from her face went white as she felt the warm urine begin to flow into the front of the diaper “What?” she shouted as she looked down in shock. She felt the urine travel all around the bottom of her diaper and she shivered when she felt it reach her bum cheeks, she opened her legs wider as the diaper swelled up and then she stopped and she stared down at the wet stain on the front of the diaper.

“What the hell just happened” she said to herself as she lent up against the door, she moved her arms up to her face and the jumper fell over the diaper. She placed her face in her hands and shook her head “How did that happen? Why didn’t I use the toilet?” she removed her hands from her face and stared at the toilet with the uneasy feeling flooding back “I’m not scared of the toilet. I’ve used it all my life, then why didn’t I use it then?”. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes when she heard a knock on the door, her eyes shot open when she heard the nurse shout out “You OK Michelle, do you need a hand?”.

Chapter 03

Michelle shook her head “A hand? A hand with what? I don’t even know this woman” she thought as another knock came on the door “Do you need a hand?” the nurse repeated, Michelle spluttered out “No, No I’m fine” she sighed and stood up from the door and looked down at the wet diaper “I just need to sit down and collect my thoughts” she thought as she began to waddle towards the toilet with her pants still around her knees she noticed that the diaper was much thicker between her legs now and she shook when she noticed she was now waddling more than before. She slowly sat down on her diapered bottom she scrunched up her face as she felt the damp diaper press against her “I’m wearing a wet diaper, I can’t believe it, how the hell did it happen?” She shook her head in disbelief and looked down at her wet diapered crotch “OK, what happened? I was in the classroom with Michael and I know for a fact I wasn’t wearing a diaper then and then he made a wish” Michelle’s jaw dropped open “No way” she shouted out “He wouldn’t have made a wish for me to be in diapers? Wait a wish coming true? But here is the proof, I’m wearing a diaper a wet diaper. I don’t know what’s happening” she began to tear up when suddenly the toilet door swung open.

Michelle let out a little scream at the shock and stared daggers at the nurse standing on the other side of the small room, the nurse gave a sympathetic smile towards Michelle “Poor Michelle” she cooed and it wasn’t till then that Michelle remembered that her pants were still down and her wet diaper was on display to the nurse, she frantically grabbed at her pants and began to pull them up while blushing bright red “Get out!” she shouted but the nurse just stood at the door “Come on Michelle we need to get your diaper changed” she cooed. Michelle opened her mouth but no words came out as she finished pulling her pants over her diaper, the nurse continued to stand at the door smiling down at her. Michelle studied her for the first time she looked younger than Michelle in her mid-twenties and she was much shorter than herself just over 5 foot, she had a very pretty face that was framed by her blonde hair, she had a little extra weight but she carried it well. “Can I help you?” Michelle finally managed to blurt out, the nurse smiled and began to slowly walk towards Michelle “No dear I’m going to help you” she reached out her hand for Michelle to take it. Michelle just sat stunned “What are you talking about? I don’t even know your name, how are you going to help me?” Michelle snapped, the nurse let out a little giggle “You don’t know me? Don’t be silly I’m Chrissie, did you bump your head or something?” she looked at Michelle with a concerned look and continued “Come on Michelle” she said and quickly grabbed hold of her hand and to Michelle’s surprise was pulling her off the toilet seat with ease. Michelle couldn’t stop herself from being dragged out of the toilet, she had to bend over as she waddled behind Chrissie to keep her arm from being pulled out the socket by the short but strong nurse who was walking much faster than she wanted to with the wet diaper between her legs. Michelle was amazed by the strength of Chrissie as they entered the staff room and she blushed seeing George still sitting on the chair, she quickly went to pull down her jumper with her free hand while also trying to stand up straight to hide her padded bum as Chrissie led them across the room. But it was no use and she continued to walk scooped over across the room “My bum is sticking out, I wish I could stand up straight or even walk my own speed” she quickly looked behind her to see her padded bum swinging side to side and her eyes widened and quickly turned her head away from George when she heard him say “Did she make it this time?” Michelle felt light-headed “What? How does he know?” she thought as Chrissie shook her head “Nope not this time, I’m going to change her now, we will talk later” Michelle wanted the earth to swallow her up as she nervously looked over to George who nodded then gave her a sympathetic look, Michelle quickly looked at the ground her head spinning as she was pulled out of the staff room and down the corridor and into the nurse's office.

Nurse Chrissie quickly let go of Michelle and she stood by the door rubbing her hand as Chrissie walked over to a cabinet “What is going on? Wait no! She told George she is going to change me? No way is she going to do anything with me” She stood frozen to the spot as Chrissie pulled out a fresh adult-sized diaper from the cabinet and turned around to face her with a big smile. “Now I know you don’t like it but it has to be done, get up onto the table and it will be over in no time”.

Chapter 04

Michelle couldn’t move she was in complete shock “You want me to what?” she asked nurse Chrissie, the nurse just smiled “Don’t be silly Michelle we both know you need your diaper changing, come on get on the table just normal” Michelle took a step back “Like normal?” she shouted out the nurse frowned “Yes, are you feeling ok Michelle your acting very weird?” Michelle’s eyes widened “I’m acting weird? You’re the one that wants to change my diaper?” Michelle suddenly blushed and Chrissie sighed “I don’t want to change it but it has to be done, we can't have you going back to class with a wet diaper, you might get a diaper rash, now come on stop messing around and get up on the table” Michelle continued to stand frozen “Back to class while wearing a diaper? A diaper rash? Oh god, I could get one, I’ve been in this wet diaper for a while now” she shuddered at the thought. Nurse Chrissie walked over to the stunned woman and took her hand and before Michelle knew it she was being led to the table “Come on dear” Chrissie cooed as they reached the table. Michelle looked at the table then back at Chrissie “I’m not getting on that, just give me the diaper I will change myself” she demanded, Chrissie shook her head “No, No Michelle I have to be the one to do it, so we can make sure you don’t leak” Michelle’s shook her head “No I can do it?” she shouted Chrissie tutted and calmly placed the diaper on a side table and turned to Michelle and said “Fine if you want to act like a child then I will treat you like a child”.

Michelle opened her mouth to speak but before she knew it Chrissie had reached up and grabbed hold of her ear, she let out a scream as Chrissie lowered her arm bringing Michelle down with her. Michelle was bending over in fear of losing her ear as Chrissie walked a few steps and Michelle followed with tears in her eyes. Chrissie walked over to a chair and sat down pulling Michelle over her knee in the process, she let go of Michelle’s ear but before Michelle had a chance to fight back her arms were pinned down on her back with one very strong hand. “Let go of me, you can’t do this to me” she finally managed to shout out, the nurse shook her head “You are very forgetful today little girl, as I have told you before I can do this. It’s in your contract that I must change your diaper when you are wet, otherwise, we might get parents complaining that their kids are being taught by a smelly baby” Chrissie let out a giggle as Michelle continued to struggle “What? Why would I sign that?” she thought when she suddenly felt the back of her jumper being brought up and her black pants being pulled down exposing her wet diaper. Michelle turned bright red as Chrissie patted her wet diapered bottom a few times and then she came to a horrible realisation “No way, is she going to spank me? This can’t be happening” tears began to roll down her face “Please Chrissie I don’t do this” Michelle pleaded but Chrissie didn’t react as she quickly untapped the diaper and let the back fall down exposing Michelle’s toned bum to her. Michelle froze again, she stopped kicking and wriggling she just lay across the woman’s lap with her eyes scrunched shut “This can’t be real, it just can’t. I don’t wear diapers and I don’t get spanked by the nurse. “I’m going to wake up soon and this will all be over” she thought but then a strong hand came crashing down onto her bare bottom and she let out a scream as she straight away felt the pain emanating from her bum. Chrissie brought her hand down again and tears began to roll down Michelle’s face, Chrissie shouted “Now you will be a good girl for nursey?” Michelle opened her mouth to answer but before the words could make it out Chrissie’s hand came crashing down on her now red bum and Michelle let out another scream of pain and shook her head “Yes I will be good” she shouted out and Chrissie smiled, she brought her hand down and began to pat Michelle’s bottom “Good Girl” she cooed.  

Chrissie let got of Michelle’s arms which she used to quickly wipe away the tears, Chrissie then helped Michelle to her feet and the diaper fell to the floor, Michelle looked down at the diaper and quickly pulled down her jumper to cover up her shame which caused Chrissie to giggle again “I’m going to see it soon enough, no point in covering up, now go and get on the table” Michelle hung her head in shame but kept a hand on her jumper and the other rubbing her red bum, she slowly walked to the table with her pants still around her knees while Chrissie picked up the used diaper and threw it into the bin. Michelle sighed as she reached the table and slowly got on to it “Well it’s not a dream, I would of defiantly woken up from those slaps if it was a dream” she lay down on her back and stared up at the ceiling as Chrissie returned and picked up the diaper “Well lets get to this” she said with a smile.

Chapter 05

Michelle couldn’t stop shaking as the nurse positioned herself at her feet she stared at the ceiling wishing that this really wasn’t happening “Why are you shaking Michelle? Are you OK?” Chrissie asked but Michelle didn’t say anything as she continued to stare at the ceiling “Of course I’m not OK, I’m about to let you a younger woman put a fresh diaper on me and if I protest you’re going to spank me again” she sighed as she continued to shake. Chrissie looked down at Michelle with a concerned look on her face “You don’t seem like yourself, Michelle, maybe your coming down with something I should check your temperature” She smiled and walked away from the table as Michelle continued to stare at the ceiling “Take my temperature, I can tell her if I’m sick or not” she sighed again as Chrissie returned to the foot of the table “OK we will take your temperature first then I will diaper you” Michelle blushed at the mention of being diapered and opened her mouth awaiting the thermometer when Chrissie grabbed hold of her legs and lifted them up into the air, Michelle closed her mouth and looked down at her crotch as Chrissie slowly pushed her knees closer to her face “What are you doing?” she shouted out while trying in vain to move her legs, Chrissie poked her head from around Michelle’s bum with a confused look on her face “I’m taking your temperature dear” Michelle’s eyes opened wide as her knees pressed up against her stomach and she felt very vulnerable she opened her mouth to argue when she suddenly felt something cold touch her bum cheeks “No don’t….” she shouted out but before she could finish her thought she let out a small cry as the cold item slowly made its way inside her bum.

Michelle froze as she felt Chrissie move the thermometer deeper into her bum she wanted to scream and shout but was unable to do anything but stare down her body and wondering what a sight this must be. Chrissie stopped pushing the thermometer in “Now don’t move for a few minutes so it can get an accurate reading, otherwise we might lose it” she giggled as Michelle swore to herself “Why is this happening? I’m a grown woman I should not be in this position, I shouldn’t have a thermometer up my butt”. Michelle felt the thermometer inside her and cringed she let out a large sigh and finally got her voice back “Why the hell are you taking my temperature down there?” she shouted, Chrissie once again poked her head from around Michelle’s bum with the same confused look on her face that she had earlier “Because this is the way I always take your temperature, it’s what I’ve been instructed to do. You really are behaving very strange Michelle” she shook her head and moved her head back out of sight, Michelle rested her head down and once again stared at the ceiling “Been instructed to by whom?” she thought. Michelle laid in silence trying to forget what was happening but Chrissie had other ideas “So you been doing squats?” Michelle looked puzzled “What?” she blurted out, “It’s just your bum is looking a lot firmer than last time I, I noticed when I was spanking you that your bum was looking good” Michelle didn’t know what to say “She was checking out my ass while she was spanking it? What is wrong with her?” she thought as Chrissie continued “I need to do squats especially if I can get such a nice bum like yours, is it from squats? She asked Michelle scrunched up her eyes “Stop talking about my ass while a thermometer is sticking out of it” she thought and quickly said “Yes, squats” Chrissie let out a whistle “Wow well done your bum looks great” Michelle sighed “It would look great if it wasn’t red from you spanking me and I didn’t have something sticking out of it right now” she thought as she rolled her eyes. After a few moments Michelle felt the thermometer slowly leave her and let out a sigh of relief, she tried to move her legs off her stomach but Chrissie still had a firm grip on them “Nope you don’t have a temperature Michelle” she announced and Michelle heard her drop the thermometer into a metal bowl. “Why won't she let go of me?” she thought when she suddenly felt soft fabric being pushed under her lower back and she scrunched up her face “I completely forgot about the diaper, I was so worried about my temperature being taken that I forgot that she was going to put a diaper on me but now here it is, underneath me ready to be taped on just a like a baby” she shook at the thought and closed her eyes.

Michelle felt something cold being sprinkled onto her bum and opened her eyes suddenly “What’s that?” she thought but as she took a sniff she realized that Chrissie was applying baby powder to her bum, she sighed and scrunched her eyes up again. Chrissie slowly lowered Michelle’s legs and she felt the soft fabric of the diaper on her bum cheeks “I’m not looking, I don’t want to see” she thought to herself and kept her eyes closed. She felt Chrissie grab the front of the diaper and cover up her vagina in the infantile clothing “Is it a good thing or a bad thing that my vagina is now covered up with a diaper? At least Chrissie can’t see it but I am now wearing something that is for babies” she shook her head as she felt Chrissie tape up the side tightly “All done” Chrissie cheerfully announced and to Michelle's horror patted the front of the diaper “How dare she pat my crotch” she thought.

Chapter 06

Michelle swallowed hard and looked down at her new padded underwear the plastic-covered diaper shined back up at her and she shook her head in disbelief “I can’t believe I’m wearing another diaper” she sighed as she slowly sat up and the diaper rustled between her legs. Chrissie examined her work and nodded “Nice and tight, good you shouldn’t leak this afternoon” Michelle blushed bright red at the thought of having a leaking diaper as Chrissie continued “Now you need to hurry back to class, lunch is almost over if you need another change at the end of the day I will be in here” she smiled at Michelle and then picked up the metal bowl with the thermometer in and walked over to the bin and threw it away. Michelle slowly got off the table “I will not be coming back to you to get changed” she said under her breath as she stood up from the table and stared down at her inflated crotch, she looked behind her and saw her bum sticking out “I’m sure these are thicker than the other ones, my bum didn’t stick out that much” she thought as she bent down and pulled her black pants up, she had a hard time getting them over her padded rear but eventually they were over “They are thicker?” she blurted out. Chrissie who was now sitting at her desk spun her chair around “What was that?” she asked Michelle blushed and shook her head “Nothing, just they erm feel thicker than the other ones” Chrissy stared at Michelle with a confused look “Yes they are, I have to put you in thicker diapers after lunch” Michelle stared down at her crotch and not looking at Chrissie and asked “Why?” Chrissie spun back around in her chair “You know why, I’m getting fed up with all these silly questions Michelle, now run along back to class” Michelle stared at her diapered crotch ignoring Chrissie “I can’t teach a class wearing this” she thought to herself as she took a tentative step forward and felt her bum swing, she quickly pulled her long jumper down to try and hide her new underwear. Nurse Chrissie was filling out some forms not looking at Michelle so she quickly waddled out of the nurse’s office not wanting to speak to the horrible nurse again but as she got to the door she heard Chrissie shout “Run along to class, that’s a good girl” Michelle blushed and quickly left the office.  

Once on the other side of the door and away from the nurse Michelle leaned up against the wall next to the door and sighed she looked at the door and read ‘Nurse Chrissie’ Michelle shook her head “She shouldn’t be a nurse I can’t believe that actually happened, She spanked me, She changed my diaper. I’m a grown woman I shouldn’t be anywhere near diapers and then the worst part of it all she even took my temperature up the bum” she shook and closed her eyes “No way, I let it all happen, I was naked from the waist down with my legs pressed against my stomach, she had full view of my ass and my vagina, I have never felt so vulnerable or exposed before. How is this happening?” She waited for a moment thinking when her eyes shot open “Michael did this with a wish so I need to find him and get him to make a new wish” she thought with a smile across her face and she began to slowly walk towards her classroom her eyes darting around hoping nobody could see her obvious waddle.

Michelle entered her classroom and quickly waddled over to her desk where she paused for a moment and stared at the bright yellow sticker poster in front of her that read ‘Miss Henderson’s Training Chart’ she sighed as she looked it at properly for the first time and saw that every day of the week this month had a frowning face stuck on “I haven’t kept a dry diaper all month?” she shook her head and then as she was about to sit down she paused and looked at the poster again “Why is it here for everybody to see? Why would I let everyone know something so private?” she made her way to the poster and stood in front of it and re-read ‘Remember to use the toilet’ and felt a wave of anger wash over her, she frowned at all the frowning faces and she clenched her fists “Well it’s not staying up” she shouted out and quickly she grabbed a corner of the poster and ripped it from the wall. She scrunched the poster up into a ball and threw it into the bin under the desk she smiled to herself as she sat down though she scrunched up her face as she felt the diaper bunch up against her. “OK now that’s gone I just need to keep seated for the afternoon and I will be OK,” she said to herself, the bell rang out and she jumped. She stared at her inflated crotch slightly peeking out from her jumper and then up at the door nervously, her chest felt tight as she heard the children slowly walk towards the classroom.

Chapter 07

The door opened and the children walked over to their seats all the fun and excitement that they had before lunch had drained out of them. Michelle eagerly looked around for Michael but couldn’t see him, as the kids finally sat down she darted her eyes around again in a panic “Where is he?” she thought to herself then let out a sigh as the kids began to mutter to themselves. Michelle cleared her throat and the class stopped talking “Where is Michael?” she asked with a slight panic, the kids turned to each other wondering when Liam shouted out “He went home Miss” Michelle cursed under her breath “Why?” she asked, Liam shrugged his shoulders. “Why has he gone home? I need him here, now how am I going to get him to make a wish and get me out of this horrible mess, I guess I need to wait till he gets back tomorrow” she thought as she continued to look out on her class.  

After a moment of deep thought she shook her head and nervously smiled “Well this afternoon we are going to be learning more adding and subtracting” the class let out a collective moan as Michelle looked around in her desk drawers “Where are they?” she said to herself “I’m sure I brought in those tennis balls” after a minute of looking she gave up “I’m going to have to try something else” she thought and then sighed “I need to stand up and use the whiteboard” she thought to herself. She looked down at her crotch and took a deep breath, she slowly stood up while pulling down her jumper as much as it would go and slowly she moved from behind her desk towards the whiteboard a few steps away. Michelle couldn’t help but blush as she felt her padded bum swing left and right as she waddled the few steps towards the whiteboard, she pressed her back against the board as she picked up a marker pen and addressed the class “OK so I’m going to draw two bowls of fruit, when I have finished I want you to put your hand up when you have counted how many apples are in the first bowl and how many there are in the second” she smiled “Hopefully they will be concentrating on the bowls they won't notice my padded bum” she thought as she slowly turned around to face the whiteboard “I can’t believe I’m doing this while I’m wearing a diaper” she thought and she began to draw the first bowl of fruit.  

Michelle had just about finished drawing the first bowl of fruit, she had drawn a couple of apples and various other fruits inside it and she slowly forgot about the diaper between her legs until she turned around towards the class and felt the padding between her legs. She blushed as she announced to the class “OK that’s the first bowl, now count all the apples you see and I will draw the second bowl”, she took a few uncomfortable steps to the right of the board trying not to bring any attention to her padded rear and began to draw the second fruit bowl when she felt a feeling deep inside of her and she froze on the spot. The marker pen stopped moving and Michelle bit her bottom lip as she stared at the whiteboard in front of her, she couldn’t bring herself to move as she felt her stomach churn. “No way, I can’t do that here,” she thought and as suddenly as she felt it, the pressure went away, she let out a sigh of relief and continued to draw the bowl. As she was drawing the kids looked and began to giggle as Michelle’s knees dipped slightly, she arched her back and stuck her bum out, the kids were now pointing muttering to themselves but Michelle continued drawing completely unaware of what her body was preparing itself for.  

Michelle suddenly stopped again and she pressed the tip of the pen hard against the whiteboard, the colour from her face had drained out and she couldn’t bring herself to move “Oh god, No, I can’t be...” she thought to herself as she stared at the half-completed bowl of fruit. She slowly felt a warmth appear in the seat of her diaper she continued to stand frozen to the spot as she felt more of the warm mushy mess enter her diaper “How am I messing myself? I can’t even feel myself pushing?” she thought as tears formed in her eyes. As more of the gooey mess entered her diaper she suddenly felt the front of her diaper become warm and spread over the front of her groin “I’m wetting and pooping a diaper without even knowing it? I need to get out of here” she thought but was still unable to move as tears ran down her cheeks. After what felt like a lifetime Michelle finally stopped filling her diaper and she could finally move, she slowly stood back up straight and felt the mess of her diaper press against her bum “Wait I was squatting? That means the kids would have seen me...Oh god” she blushed bright red and then realized that the marker pen was still pressed against the board, she slowly moved her hand away from the large spot she had created and placed the marker down “What do I do?” she thought as she wiped away the tears from her eyes, she sniffed and her face scrunched up “That stinks, is that from...of course it is, it’s from my diaper” she shook all over “If I can smell it then the kids can, so I just go back to my desk? I can’t leave them alone” she stood for another moment when “I will go to my desk and think of something else for them to do,” she thought and slowly and carefully she turned feeling the heavy load of her diapers moves with her she shook at the thought of what her bum looked like now and slowly she waddled towards her desk, the extra weight and thickness between her crotch making her waddle that much more than before. Michelle was a bright red as she felt her bum cheeks stick together as she waddled she tried to focus on the desk not paying any attention to the children.  

As she reached her desk she swallowed hard “I didn’t even think about sitting in it” a look of disgust appeared on her face and she shook her head, slowly she lowered herself onto her chair, flinching every time she felt another squish or squelch against her bum. Soon Michelle was sitting on her chair, feeling completely disgusted with herself, she stared down when she heard a girl's voice speak up “Miss, Miss?”. Michelle didn’t look up as she said “Yes what is it?” she heard somebody stand up and walk towards the classroom door and Michelle looked up from her desk confused “Where are you going, Stacy?” the girl looked back at Michelle with her own confused look and said “I’m going to go get the nurse for you miss” Michelle blushed and before she could open her mouth to object Stacy had left the classroom.  

Chapter 08

Michelle sat at her desk in her messy diaper stunned, she stared at the door in fear “I don’t want Nurse Chrissie to come back, what is she going to do? She isn’t going to change me here is she?” she shook her head “No, of course, she isn’t, so is she going to take me back to her office then why would she need to come here first?” she thought as the kids began to mutter to themselves, a few minutes had passed and Michelle hadn’t moved transfixed on the door, the children had become loud and Michelle was having a hard time thinking after another minute lost her temper “Shut up, I can’t hear myself think!” she shouted and the kids suddenly stopped and stared at Michelle with amazement.

Michelle nervously watched the door in silence, she then heard footsteps walking towards the door and she held her breath as the door opened. Little Stacey smiled up at her teacher, Michelle gave her a nervous smile back as she bounced back to her seat and sat down. She quickly looked back at the door and her chest tightened, she felt light-headed and all the colour had gone from her face as she watched George walk into the room.

George gave her a sympathetic smile “Hello Miss Henderson, I’m here to take over while you get...” he nervously cleared his throat “... Get changed” Michelle’s head spun as she carried on smiling and staring at the attractive man “He knows? Does he know I’m wearing my own mess? And he knows that I’m going to the nurse’s office to get it changed” she shook as George walked towards the desk “You OK Miss Henderson?” he said with a smile. Michelle opened her mouth but couldn’t speak she was all too aware of the mess that was sitting in her pants and the odour that was coming forth from it she continued to stare at George walked closer when she managed to blurt out “Stop” George stopped with a confused look on his face “Erm the kids are learning maths, if you could finish drawing the fruit bowls and ask the kids how many fruits are in one and then the other” George looked at the whiteboard and then back at Michelle and gave her a warm smile “Not a problem Mrs Henderson” he cheerfully said and walked the few steps towards the whiteboard and picked up the marker. Michelle let out a sigh of relief “OK I need to get out of here” she thought and she placed her hands on either side of the armrests of the chair and slowly she lifted herself up off the chair. Her face scrunched up as she felt the diaper stay firmly stuck on her bum “OK walk quick or slow? Well theirs no need in hiding that I’m wearing a diaper everybody knows..” she blushed “...everyone knows I’m wearing a diaper, what the hell has happened, anyway so I can walk quickly and it doesn’t matter if my bum swings or if I waddle” she shook her head “I can’t believe I’m thinking this way” she thought as she took a step forward and felt the diaper move and slowly separate from her bum she scrunched up her face again “I don’t even want to imagine what my bum looks like” she thought as she began to quickly waddle forward. She focused her attention on the floor and held her breath as she walked passed George hoping he wouldn’t comment or look at her as she waddled past him. She reached the door and placed her hand on the handle when George shouted to her “So you will be about thirty minutes at the nurses?” Michelle felt cold “He knows that the nurse changes me, I bet he thinks I’m just a giant baby, who would be attracted to that” she suddenly felt sad as she stared forward “Yes, half an hour” she said with no emotion and then she quickly opened the door and left the classroom.

Michelle looked down the quiet hallway and slowly began to waddle towards the nurse’s office “I can’t let her change me again, especially with a messy diaper” she shuddered as she reached the door that read ‘Nurse Chrissie’ and frowned “No, I don’t need her to change me, I’ve had enough of this” she said and she waddled past the door and continued down the hallway “I don’t have to go through the embarrassment of her changing me and then going back to my classroom with everybody knowing what happened. No, I’m going home” she thought and she turned a corner and saw the door that led outside and smiled “Yes I will go home and I will come back tomorrow, without a diaper and get Michael to make a second wish” she waddled with a purpose through the door and towards the car park.

She reached her car and with her fingers shaking she placed her hand into her jumper pocket and pulled out her car keys, she took a deep breath and placed the keys in the lock and opened the door. She gingerly sat down on the seat not wanting to cake her bum in any more of her mess than she had too, she closed the door and after a moment she wanted to gag “It stinks” she said to herself and she quickly turned on the engine to put the windows down “That’s better, bloody hell I stink” she said and with a smile she placed her car in reverse and left the school.

The drive home was uneventful Michelle was in a dream-like state going over in her mind what happened during the day “I really should be worried about leaving during the day but I’m not I needed to get out of there” she said to herself “I am not going to have that woman treat me like a baby and clean me” she shook at the thought as she pulled into her driveway and a big smile crossed her face as she looked at her home “Finally home, where I can take this thing off and not have to think about it” she said to herself as she got out of the car. Michelle waddled up the driveway to her front door “Get in, shower and then have a few glasses of wine, it’s been a horrible day”. She put out her hand to unlock the front door when it suddenly swung open, Michelle jumped and stared in amazement “Mum? What are you doing here?”.

Chapter 09

Michelle stood at her door staring down at her mother with her mouth open, the little woman was wearing black sweat pants, a baggy blue shirt and running shoes she equally looked confused at Michelle “Why are you home so early?” she asked while brushing her short brunette hair back from her face. Michelle blushed as she felt some of the mess in her diaper slowly peel away from her bum “I erm...” she said then thought “Wait why is she at my home, I haven't seen her in almost three months” she shook her head as she asked “...no wait why are you here mum?” Michelle’s mother continued her puzzled look “What do you mean? I live with you silly” Michelle’s head spun “You what?” she said but her mother didn’t answer she gave an exaggerated sniff and quickly held her nose then frowned at her daughter “Why didn’t you get the nurse to change you while you were at work?” Michelle opened her mouth but blushed bright red and quickly looked around hoping nobody was walking past “No way, she knows I wear diapers too? Does everybody know?” she thought as her mother reached forward and grabbed her hand, she pulled the stunned Michelle forward slightly into the house and quickly stepped behind her daughter and placed a hand onto her padded rear and squeezed “Yep you definitely need changing” she nodded as Michelle grimaced “Get off that” she said and took a step away from her mother and quickly turned around in shock “That was disgusting, my mother actually touching my poop-filled diaper, why would she do that?” She thought as she stared at her mother. Michelle’s mother sighed “Why didn’t you get that changed at work and why aren’t you at work?” Michelle blushed “Ermm I felt ill and decided to come home early” Her mother’s expression changed to a sympathetic look “Awww poor baby” she said and Michelle blushed once again “I’m not a baby!” she shouted a little louder than she meant to, her mother nodded “OK dear, well you go and sit down and watch some TV, I’m going to go for a run then when I get back I will change you, how does that sound?” Michelle gasped “My mother changing my diaper? No way” she shook her head furiously “No it’s OK, I will do it” her mother frowned at her “Michelle don’t be silly you know how this works now go and sit down and wait for me” she smiled slightly and quickly turned and began to jog down the driveway and out of view of Michelle.

Michelle stood for a moment stunned then she slowly closed the front door and let out a sigh “What does she mean I know how this works? I can take this horrible thing off me” she said to herself she then looked down at her crotch and said “OK time to go” she announced then looked back up, her house seemed to be the same as she left it in the morning, from the front door she could see the hallway that led into the living room and beyond that was her kitchen and her back garden, directly to the left of her was her bedroom and she smiled as she quickly entered. She looked around “Everything seems the same” she said to herself, her bed was in the centre of the room like it was in the morning, her en suite bathroom was at the far end of the bedroom to the right of her bed with the door closed, her walk-in wardrobe was direct to the right of her with the door also closed and then she noticed something different. “Where’s my chest of drawers?” she looked to the left of the room just under her window where only this morning the white storage unit was placed “That’s strange” she thought. She slowly waddled towards her en suite with a smile on her face “I’m going to have such a long shower and get all this filth off me” she thought but as she arrived at the door she looked puzzled “What’s this?” she thought as she stared at a keypad that was on the wall next to the door “What the hell is this about?” she tried to open the door to her bathroom but it was locked tight. “What? Why the hell is it locked?” She looked at the keypad “I must know the code, it is my bathroom” she reached forward and pressed in the four numbers she used for everything “3983 she said to herself” but the keypad flashed red “What?!” she shouted and she tried more numbers but each time it flashed red “No, I’m locked out of my bathroom, How am I going to shower? I know try the other one next to the spare room” she slowly turned and began to waddle out the room, she reached the door when something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. She looked to the left at the door to her walk-in wardrobe and swore to herself as she saw that too had a keypad on the wall “What is going on?” she said to herself. Michelle stood in front of the keypad and tried the same code in a desperate attempt “3983” she said but the keypad flashed red, Michelle tried to open the door out of frustration but it was locked tight. She let out a sigh “If my bathroom and the wardrobe has this stupid keypad on them I bet the other ones in the house do too. So I can't get a shower or even get to my clothes” she looked down at her crotch “I could take this horrible thing off but I have no way of cleaning myself up and what if I don’t know I’m pooping again and I make a mess somewhere in my house” she shuddered at the thought “So what do I do? Do I do what my mum said and go and sit down? Wait is that why she is living with me? Does she let me into the rooms so I can change?”. She shook her head “I need to get out of this stupid world!” she screamed.

After a while she slowly waddled towards her living room utterly miserable and gingerly sat down on the sofa “I can’t believe this is happening, it’s insane I have no privacy or anything, I now have to wait for my mother to come home so I can get out of this thing” she said to herself and she turned on the TV to help her forget about what was happening. Michelle was flicking between shows not really paying attention when she stopped and her jaw dropped as she stared in disbelief at the TV “Wait did I just see that?”. Michelle stared at the TV “Hi, I’m Katy Perry” the camera was showing the top half of the singer “I’m sure I saw it..” Michelle sat forward as she watched Katy who wearing a tight-fitting blue latex top, she continued “I always wanted to find the perfect fit for me, to go with my curves and the way my body works so I made my own” the camera panned out and Michelle’s eyes bulged out of her head as she saw the world-famous singer standing in a matching blue diaper “No way!” Michelle shouted.

 Chapter 10

Michelle stared at the TV with a dazed wonder as the commercial finished she turned off the TV and looked down at her inflated crotch with a puzzled look “So...wait? I’m not the only one? Even Katy Perry wears diapers? Is it just woman or men too?” but her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as her expression turned to shock. She looked down at her diapered groin “How do I need to pee again? I can’t have anything left” she shook her head as she suddenly felt the urge become greater. Quickly she stood up about to go to the toilet out of instinct when she stopped herself “Wait, I can’t get into the toilet” she sighed and looked around with a confused look on her face “I don’t want to wet myself again” she whined as she began to lift her feet up off the ground. Michelle bent down and placed her hands onto her padded crotch and winced “No not again, I hate this!” she shouted as she felt the warm urine leave her body and slowly make its way into the already full diaper. Michelle stood frozen with her eyes closed as she continued to pee into her diaper feeling the fresh warmth of the urine cover her once again when suddenly she began to feel something warm running down her leg. Her eyes shot open and she looked down at her black pants when she saw drops of water fall from between her legs down onto the wooden floor. Michelle was concentrating on her horrible situation so much that she hadn’t heard her mother walk into the house, she was standing silently watching her daughter as she too watched tiny droplets leave the diaper and fall onto the floor. Michelle’s jaw dropped open “I’m leaking?” she said and then she heard her mother for the first time “Oh dear” Michelle jumped with shock as she looked up at her mother blushing bright red, her mother continued “Well I guess I will change you then I will go get a shower” she said with a sigh.

Michelle stared at her mother feeling horribly embarrassed “I, I..” her mother took a step forward “Yes dear?” she cooed, Michelle shook her head “I can’t believe this stupid thing leaked, I’m actually leaking in front of my mother” she shook all over. Michelle took deep breaths and slowly began to regain her composure “I erm I don’t need you to change me, just give me the codes and I can sort this out myself” she said with frustration. Her mother let out a little laugh and then suddenly stared at her confused “Don’t be silly, you know you can’t do it on your own. I don’t want to clean up your poop covered bum but I have to otherwise you will be waddling around in a filthy diaper until you go back to work tomorrow” she shook her head “Now wait here I will go get the changing mat, don’t want you wandering around the house dripping everywhere” she said and before Michelle could open her mouth to argue her mother had turned and walked into the spare room. Her mother stopped outside the door and quickly entered a code and Michelle could see a green light flash and her mother opened the door and entered the room. Michelle didn’t move as she felt more of the warm urine run down the inside of her leg “Why does the spare room have a keypad on the door as well? What is in there? Wait what did she say she was going to get? A changing mat? She is going to change me out here?” Michelle felt light-headed “My mother is actually going to change my diaper? She is going to see everything?” Suddenly Michelle felt like she was going to be sick when her mother returned with the changing mat and a large bag. She threw the mat down onto the floor and dropped the bag down, she looked at her daughter and sighed “OK, let's get this over with” she said with a sigh and she got down to her knees at the foot of the changing mat. Michelle looked down at the large mat “An adult-sized changing mat? Why am I surprised when I saw Katy Perry advertising her own brand of diapers, that bag must have more diapers inside, I know that I need to wear them but I don’t need my mother to change me” she thought as she looked at her mother. her chest was tight and her head was spinning “No, not by my mother, I didn’t have a choice with the nurse she spanked me but my mother wouldn’t” she thought when she paused “Why can’t I do it myself?” Michelle asked. Her mother sighed “Oh come on your just wasting time now, you know why” Michelle shook her head “I forgot, why can’t I just do it myself?” she asked again and her mother looked at her concerned “What you mean you forgot? Oh please don’t say it’s happening to you?” Michelle shook her head “What? What’s happening to me?”. Her mother now looked at Michelle with worry “That’s how it starts, you start forgetting things and then before you know it...” she clicked her fingers. Michelle shook her head “You’re not making any sense, just let me change myself!” she shouted and then blushed “I can’t believe this argument is actually happening” she thought as her mother shook her head “Fine if it will help you remember then go ahead”.

Michelle nodded her head “Good” she said and her mother stood up “Go on then but you're doing it here go on then try to do it” she said while walking into the kitchen. Michelle didn’t look at her mother instead she looked down at the changing mat “Well I should lie down, would probably make sure that nothing escaped” she thought as she shook her head in disgust, she slowly lowered herself onto the changing mat trying not to put any pressure on the diaper as she got into position. She pulled her jumper up to just beneath her breasts and stared down at the black pants, she blushed as she placed her hands on her pants and began to pull them down over her heavily stained and damp diaper, she pulled them down to her knees and nodded “That’s far enough for now” she thought and quickly looked to see where her mother was “Ah she is still in the kitchen, good”. She reached over towards the bag and pulled it close to her “I can do this, what was mother talking about?” She thought as she opened the bag and quickly pulled out a diaper and baby wipes “This is going to be so disgusting” she thought as she placed the fresh diaper and wet wipes down and slowly moved her hands towards her used diaper. Her hands began to tremble as the got close to the tabs “What’s that about?” she thought but shook it off and continued.

Her hands reached the tabs of the diaper and as she began to pull she heard loud crying and her eyes had become blurry, she could feel dampness on her face as she had trouble breathing “What's happening?!” she thought with panic. The crying continued and Michelle finally realised it was coming from her “I’m crying? Why am I crying? I don’t feel like I’m crying” she thought as she managed to see through her blurry eyes that her hands had fallen away from the diaper and she was unable to lift them back up “What’s happening?! I don’t have any control! It feels like I’m watching it through somebody else’s eyes!” she screamed inside her head.

 Chapter 11

Michelle could make out her mother walking back to her from the kitchen carrying something in her hand and sighed, she looked down at her and shook her head “You knew this was going to happen, you can’t change your own diapers until you are potty trained or this happens”. Michelle’s body continued to cry as her mind raced “My body is acting just like a baby would? Does this happen to everyone?” she thought as her mother sat down at her feet and then she saw what her mother was carrying “A bottle? It’s an actual babies bottle, no wait it’s an adult-sized one, she isn’t going to give me that is she?” she thought. Michelle’s mother slowly moved the bottle towards her and even though Michelle didn’t want to take it she watched in amazement as her hands quickly took the bottle with both hands and pressed the rubber nipple past her lips into her mouth “What am I doing?” she thought as she began to suck down the milky substance.

Immediately she found it easier to breathe, the crying had almost stopped and the tears were no longer running down her face she continued to stare at her mother while sucking on the bottle “I can’t believe that has calmed me down, what the hell is going on? When I get control of my body back I need to ask a lot of questions” Michelle then had a horrible thought that sent shivers into her soul “I will get control back, won't I? Yeah I must my mum wouldn’t let me turn into this forever, I wonder how long it lasts for” she thought. Her mother sighed “Well I better get this smelly thing off you” she said and she looked down at the filthy diaper and shook her head “Why you didn’t just get changed at the nurse's office is beyond me, you have a lot of explaining to do young lady”. Michelle felt her cheeks blush “I hate when she treats me like a child” she then looked at the diaper and scoffed inside her head “Well I guess I can’t get any more childlike though”.

Michelle’s mother slowly began to remove the tapes from the front of the messy diaper, Michelle noticed that she looked disgusted and she was going very slow which Michelle was grateful for “I can’t believe this my mother is about to change my diaper, my mother is about to see my most private parts, parts that she shouldn’t be seeing ever, I hate this and I hate that I can’t do anything to stop it” she thought as her eyes were fixed on her diaper she couldn’t stop herself from looking down at her padded crotch while sucking on the bottle as her mother slowly pulled away the front of the diaper. A foul stench entered the room and Michelle’s mother quickly turned away and held her hand up to her nose “Wow Michelle, you let everything go didn’t you” she said as she slowly turned back to her grown daughter's messy covered groin. Michelle tried to distract herself from what was happening the sheer embarrassment of what was happening was getting too much for her but she was unable to look away from her foul-smelling groin “This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening” she repeated in her head as her mother pulled out a wet wipe “Oh god it’s happening, she is going to clean my vagina” Michelle felt light-headed and a cold chill ran through her as her mother began to clean her private parts. With one hand Michelle grabbed hold of her daughters ankles and lifted them into the air as Michelle continued to suck on the large nipple “Now she is going to clean my messy bum, just like I’m a baby, I’m a grown woman this should not be happening!” she screamed inside her head as she felt a cold wet wipe press against her bum. Michelle shuddered every time she felt her mother touch her and it felt like it was never-ending but finally to Michelle’s relief she was clean, her mother moved the dirty diaper out from under her and placed a fresh down “Oh god another one, I’m never going to get used to wearing this horrible thing. Tomorrow I will see Michael and make him wish for things to be normal again and I won't have to deal with diapers again” she thought as her mother lowered her ankles onto the soft fabric, sprinkled baby powder onto her groin and lifted the diaper up sealing her in.

Michelle dropped the bottle from her mouth and slowly she moved her hands “I can move again” she shouted with a smile as her mother stood up with the dirty diaper in the bag “Oh good, now after I have binned this, you can explain to me why you’re acting so weird today and you might as well take those pants off and put them in the wash. Michelle’s smile disappeared “Can I get any other pants?” Michelle’s mother let out a single laugh but didn’t answer as she walked to the front door. “She wants me to sit around wearing just a diaper? What the hell?” she said to herself as she slowly stood up on wobbly legs, she looked down at the damp pants and shook her head “I don’t have a choice, I can’t wear wet pants all night” she sighed as she slowly removed her black pants and waddled towards laundry the crinkling noise of the diaper seemed so much louder now and with every step she blushed bright red. She returned to the living room where her mother was sitting on the sofa “Right I need to get some answers” she thought and she made her way to join her.

Chapter 12

Michelle felt sick with embarrassment as she slowly walked to her mother with her diaper clearly on show “Why wouldn’t she give me any other pants to wear, I can’t believe I don’t have anything covering the diaper” she thought as her mother looked up at her and with a confused look “Why are you blushing? It’s not the first time I have seen you in just a diaper” she laughed to herself “I mean only last weekend you spent the full day in just a diaper and a bra and you didn’t have a problem then”. Michelle’s jaw dropped “Last weekend?” she said and her mother nodded “Yes” she tutted “Something very strange is going on with you” she said but Michelle wasn’t listening she stud still in deep thought “Last weekend? I went to the pub at lunchtime then to the movies with girlfriends. Mum wasn’t even living with me” she shook her head as her mother continued to stare at her with a worried look “I hope you're not too stressed, I told your father that being a teacher and not potty trained was too stressful for you” Michelle blushed again. “Stop blushing, it’s not something new!” her mother shouted which caught Michelle off guard “I can’t tell her the truth or she will think I’m crazy, she thinks I’m looking my memory for some reason maybe I can play to that and I should be able to find out more” she thought and slowly she lowered herself onto the sofa wincing as she sat on the soft fabric of the diaper.

Michelle looked at her mother “What happened just then?” she gestured towards the floor where only a few minutes ago she had lost all control of her body and her mother changed her diaper, her mother looked worried “Oh god, it’s happening isn’t it, the stress of work has got to you and your regressing, I’m so sorry my dear” she shook her head and looked away “I guess I could look after you, some of my friends have had to do it with there children and they seem happy...” she trailed off as Michelle shook her head “What? Regressing? I’m not I just have a few blank spots, can you tell me what happened?” her mother looked back at her and sighed “Fine if it can help. Well, let's see when someone who isn’t potty trained tries to change their own diapers after they have been used there body regresses the stress becomes too much. That’s what happened to you before thankfully it only lasted the length of the change, I have heard it lasting from a few minutes to a few days” Michelle’s eyes widened “That’s crazy?” she blurted out “I mean how is it stressful?” Her mother laughed “You tell me, you were just crying like a baby” Michelle blushed “OK but why when I was at work did I almost use the toilet? That would mean...” she trailed off as she looked down at the diaper between her legs. Her mother shook her head “This is getting silly Michelle, you can take off your diaper if you haven’t used it, how else are you going to become potty trained but once you have used it then someone else has to change you” Michelle’s eyes darted back and forth “That’s why the nurse was so adamant about changing me, if I had tried to do it I would have regressed right there and I wouldn’t have been able to teach my class”.

After a few moments of silence Michelle opened her mouth again but her mother cut her off “Is this another stupid question?” she asked irritably, Michelle shook her head “I don’t know, everything is upside down it could be I guess” her mother shook her head “Fine, what?” Michelle cleared her throat “What did you mean by being to stressed to be a teacher?”, her mother let out a long sigh “Right well if you are not potty trained like yourself then you are more susceptible to get stressed and the more stressed you get the more your brain tries to stop the stress with blocking off little things, like memory and before you know it” she clicked her fingers “Your back to being a baby forever”. Michelle let out a gasp as she stared at her mother “Ever since this day has started I’ve been stressed out, Oh god what if it happens to me before I can make Michael make the wish again, what if that doesn’t work and I’m stuck in this world and that stresses me and I end up as a giant baby” Her chest had become tight and she was feeling light-headed as her mother let out another sigh “I’m sorry Michelle but by the way you have been acting I’m very concerned, I think you should take the day off tomorrow”. Michelle shook her head frantically “No, I need to go in tomorrow, I can’t miss it”.

 Chapter 13

Michelle and her mother sat on the sofa in silence for a moment when her mother announced “I think you need to take that jumper off, It stinks” Michelle looked down at the jumper and blushed “No, it’s fine” her mother frowned at her “Stop messing about, take it off, it’s too warm for a jumper anyway” Michelle sighed and took a sniff, which made her scrunch up her nose quickly, her mother frowned “See, you must have got some wee on it when you leaked” Michelle blushed and shook her head “Fine” she said and she pulled off the jumper revealing her black sports bra, Michelle looked down stunned “Wait I wasn’t wearing this” she said, her mother looked at her worried again “You must have forgotten what you put on” Michelle shook her head “I put on a black shirt, I’m sure of it” her mother just shook her head “OK dear” she said in a patronising tone, Michelle looked down at her sports bra and blushed bright red “Wait why haven't I noticed till now, I don’t understand” she thought

Michelle suddenly felt very foolish sitting on the sofa in just her bra and big white diaper “Even with my slim figure and my big boobs I look ridiculous with this thing hugging my waist” she thought. Michelle’s mother looked at her puzzled “When did you get so toned?” she asked, Michelle looked up from her diapered waist to her mother “What do you mean?” her mother shook her head “I’m sure your stomach wasn’t that flat or toned last weekend, strange” she said. Michelle was very confused with what her mother had just said “I wasn’t this toned? But I have always been like this, I go to the gym three times a week I have worked hard on making myself look like this but wait what did that horrible nurse say, oh yeah she said that my bum looked better and asked if I had been doing squats” Michelle blushed “She said after she had spanked my ass though but does that mean that the Michelle from this world didn’t work out? Well, why would she if her ass is hidden inside a diaper 24/7 and everything she wears is to cover it up so wait that means I have the body from my world but then why can’t I control bodily functions” she shook her head and stared off into space.

Her mother suddenly remembered “Oh yeah I’m going to go for a shower” she stood and noticed the time “I don’t feel like cooking after changing you, I will order us pizza what do you want?” Michelle blushed “How can she say it like it’s normal, well I guess it is normal for her” she quickly snapped out of her thought as her mother continued to stare at her “I will have a hot and spicy, thanks” her mother laughed “Well I hope I won't be changing you after that one” she continued to laugh as she picked up Michelle’s jumper and walked to the laundry and placed it into the washing machine with her damp pants, she turned it on and shut the door, she the pulled out her phone and quickly placed the order “OK should be here in 20 minutes” she announced then she walked towards the bathroom and entered a code on the pad and went inside as Michelle sat in her diaper and bra feeling disgusted “I better not get stuck in this world, I will never get used to people talking about the state of my diapers so openly” she thought when suddenly she began to panic “Wait if she is in the shower, how will she get the pizza? She won’t will she. Oh god, she expects me to get the pizza wearing just this?” She suddenly stood up in a panic “I can’t answer the door just wearing a diaper and my sports bra, I need to put something over it” she looked around and her jaw dropped open “No blankets or sheets or anything? Where have all my blankets gone? My mum must have put them away” she let out a little cry of anger when she heard the shower turn on “She won't take longer than twenty minutes would she? I have no idea, I haven’t lived with her for years I can’t remember how long it takes her to shower” she shook her head “So what do I do? I know I just won't answer it, yeah I will just hide” she smiled to herself but then it quickly disappeared “But if mum hears it she will shout out and then what will I say? She will think I’m regressing and won't let me go to work tomorrow” she let out another cry of anger. Michelle began to pace up and down but quickly stopped as it was a constant reminder of the situation, the diaper crinkling and waddle as she walked, the movement of her bum brought home the situation she was in that much more. Michelle didn’t know how long time had passed when she finally heard the shower turn off, she let out a sigh of relief “She should be finished soon and then she can get the door and….” when suddenly there was a knock at the door “Get that will you Michelle” her mother shouted and Michelle felt tightness in her chest as she stared at the front door.

Michelle held her breath as she slowly waddled towards the door, every crinkle noise feeling like a small dagger to her chest. The door knocked again and her mother shouted out again “Michelle can you get that” Michelle let out a sigh and shook her head “I’m doing it” she shouted back then shook her head “Why did I do that? I can’t even say I didn’t hear it now, I’m just going to pretend like it’s normal, in this world it is, I guess” she arrived at the door and swallowed hard “Here we go” she said to herself and she opened the door. Standing on the other side of the door was a young man in his 20s he was skinny with a few spots on his face, he nervously smiled at Michelle which showed off his braces “Oh god, I can’t believe he is seeing me like this, even if I wasn’t wearing a diaper I’m still basically in my underwear, he shouldn’t be seeing that” she thought the young man cleared his throat and held up the pizza bag “So we erm have two pizzas and two drinks” he said and he opened up the bag and handed Michelle the pizzas as he placed the drinks on top of the pizzas Michelle noticed him staring at her chest, she cleared her throat and he blushed “You have a good day” he said and quickly he walked away. Michelle went back into the house feeling a little better about the situation “Well at least he wasn’t staring at the diaper” she thought as she waddled back into the living room she placed the pizzas on the sofa and opened the fizzy drink, she quickly drank half the bottle and let out a large sigh “I needed that” she said to herself and she opened up the pizza and took a piece, she slowly sat down shaking her head “Nope can’t get used to the feeling of a diaper on my bum as I sit down” she thought as she took a big bite of her hot and spicy pizza out when her mother returned to the living room holding onto her phone with a very angry look on her face. Michelle looked at her mother confused “What’s wrong I got the pizza?” her mother shook her head and shouted“I was just on the phone to Chrissie, she just told me that you left work halfway through the day, you didn’t tell anyone you were feeling ill, you just left when you were meant to go to her to get your diaper changed!”.

Chapter 14

Michelle’s mother continued to stand staring at her “Well what do you have to say?” Michelle shook her head sheepishly “I don’t know” her mother sighed “What do you mean you don’t know? I’m getting pretty sick of your strange behaviour Michelle, because you left school early they are suspending you for the rest of the week without pay now tell me why you did it” Michelle looked horrified “No they can’t I need to go in tomorrow” her mother snorted “Well you can’t so deal with it now tell me why you did it” Michelle shrugged her shoulders and looked into the distance “I don’t know, I just had to get out of there. I couldn’t stay in that place after I had done that” her mother shrugged her shoulders “Done what?” Michelle sighed “After I had...” she blushed and shook her head “..after I had messed my pants, I didn’t want to stay there and I defiantly didn’t want her to change me, god no” her mother rolled her eyes “I’m getting seriously worried about you Michelle, so instead you decided to come home and get me to change your poop-filled diaper and oh great that means I’m on diaper duty for the rest of the week. Well, I’m not doing it again tonight no way” and she turned around and left the room. Michelle’s head was spinning “I’m suspended how am I going to get Michael to make another wish and get me back to normal if I can’t go to school. I can not put up with this for a week oh god my mum changing my diapers every day for a week” she shivered “I need to think of something” she thought when her mother returned carrying something plastic in her hands.

She walked around the sofa and placed the large pink object beside Michelle on the floor, Michelle looked down and shook her head in disbelief “What? No way!” she shouted but her mother shook her head and pointed down at it “Yes get on it now” Michelle stared at the adult-sized pink potty chair in disbelief “I am not sitting on that, I’m fine just here” and she picked up another piece of pizza and began to eat it when her mother grabbed hold of her arm “Michelle don’t make me spank you, now you sit down on your potty now” Michelle rolled her eyes “You can’t spank me I know I’m stronger than you and I need time to think now stop messing about and sit down and have some pizza” Michelle smiled as her mother loosened the grip on her arm. Her mother sighed “Fine, I might not be able to spank you but I will just not change you” she then walked over to the sofa and sat down “I mean why should I care if you sit in your own mess till you go back to work” she grabbed a piece of pizza and began to eat with a smug smile. Michelle continued to eat nervously “Would she? No, she wouldn’t I can control myself next time I need to use the… she has the code to the bathroom. Well I will just go out and get someone else to do it” she smiled “Not a problem I will just get someone else to do it,” she said smugly as she took a bite of pizza. Her mother snorted “No you won't, well I mean you can’t, only a blood relative, spouse or delegated person can everyone knows that and seeing as you can't go to work and I don’t see a man about that just leaves me and I won’t do it unless you start behaving” Michelle froze “Is she joking? That can’t be right?” she stared at her mother questionably “Why can’t anyone else do it?” her mother rolled her eyes “Oh for goodness sake Michelle, it's against the law for someone else to change you” Michelle half laughed “That’s ridiculous” her mother shrugged her shoulders “It’s the law, it’s to stop creepy old men seeing young woman’s diaper area, so stay sitting there, enjoy your spicy pizza because when that diaper gets full I’m not touching it” she sat back on the sofa with a smug look and picked up another piece of pizza.

Michelle stared at the pizza and shuddered “What the hell am I going to do” she looked at the potty sitting next to her and sighed “If I sit on it then it’s admitting defeat but it also means I won't be sitting in my own filth for the next week. How the hell does this world run like this?” she shook her head and put the pizza down “Fine” she said and slowly she stood up from the sofa “Keep your diaper on for now, you shouldn’t need to poop again, I will pull your diaper down later just in case but now I’m enjoying my pizza. Michelle shook her head and mumbled a curse under her breath “What was that?!” her mother shouted, Michelle chose to ignore her as she slowly stood in front of the infantile chair “Right it’s a potty, it’s a step up from a diaper, apart from the fact that I will still be wearing a diaper while sitting on it” she rolled her eyes as she turned away from it and slowly lowered herself down onto the large plastic seat. Michelle’s padded rear sat down on the infantile toilet and Michelle was feeling utterly humiliated sitting on the plastic chair, the back of it was raised up to support her lower back and there was a lip in between her legs to hide her modesty just like a normal-sized potty. Michelle’s feet were planted on the floor with her knees bent in front of her “This is embarrassing, well I’m not staying like this” she thought and she quickly spread her legs forward to make her feel less childish. Michelle’s mother cleared her throat “Nope, sit proper young lady, feet on the floor” Michelle sighed “Fuck sake, Fine” and she moved her feet back. Her mother grunted and stood up, she quickly walked into the kitchen and opened a drawer, she slammed it closed and walked back towards Michelle, and she held out an adult-sized pacifier “Put this in your mouth right now or I swear I will not touch your diaper ever again”. Michelle stared at the pink pacifier in her mother's hand “What? No? Why?” Her mother frowned “You do not swear at me, after everything I do for you, you don’t disrespect me like that, now you sit on that potty and suck your pacifier and be a good girl or I will never touch your diapers again, I will remove my name from the list”. Michelle thought for a moment “Is she serious? All I did was say Fuck? Bloody hell” she sighed and took the pacifier from her mother's hand and slowly looked at it “It’s a huge rubber nipple, just like the bottle, right well I guess I have too,” she thought and slowly she opened her mouth and placed the nipple inside her mouth. “Now suck” her mother commanded and Michelle rolled her eyes and looked down but seeing the diaper between her legs made her very aware that she had to do what her mother said and slowly she began to suck on the giant nipple while blushing bright red.

Chapter 15

Michelle continued to sit on the potty wearing her sports bra and large diaper while sucking on the giant nipple of the pacifier she shook with embarrassment “I’m a grown adult, I bloody teacher and I’m sitting on a potty while wearing a diaper and sucking on a pacifier, this is so humiliating and demeaning I can’t believe I’m allowing this to happen” she let out a sigh “But I don’t have a choice I’m stuck having to do what my mother tells me, so I can get a diaper change” Michelle turned bright red “I can’t believe I’m thinking this way, I want to go home so bad! Back to my world where none of this happens where I can wear underwear and not have my mother dictate my life”.

A loud noisy fart woke Michelle from her depressing thoughts, she turned bright red as the foul stench from the gas exited her diaper and made its way up to her nose, she wrinkled up her face “That’s disgusting” she thought when her eyes suddenly went wide as she felt her cheeks spread apart. “No I can’t mess another diaper, I need to get out of this and just use the potty,” she thought but before she could move she felt the warm mess enter into her awaiting diaper.

Tears formed in her eyes as she could feel more and more of her poop enter into the diaper and spread itself around her bum cheeks she looked up at her mother and was shocked to see her holding a hand up to her nose but not moving from the sofa beside her “Why didn’t she rush over and take this off of me, so I could have used the potty? She must have known with that fart that I was going to poop” she shuddered as she finally felt herself stop messing.

Michelle sat on the potty feeling cold as she slowly sucked on the pacifier, she couldn’t bring herself to move a muscle hoping that she could avoid any more of her mess spreading around her round cheeks. “This is so disgusting, I’ve messed myself twice now it’s so much worse than wetting myself at least when I do that it goes warm then most of it gets soaked up but with a mess” a shiver ran through her which caused her to move slightly, she felt the poop in her diaper move “Fuck, don’t move. Yeah, this is what I mean the constant reminder that it’s there and it’s clinging to me. I need to get this off but the only way that can happen is if” she swallowed hard “If my mother changes me, can I really go through that humiliation again?” she thought as she slowly looked over to her mother.

Michelle’s mother noticed her daughter looking at her and slowly shook her head “No, I’ve already done it once tonight and I’m not going through that again. You’re going to have to wait till the morning”. Michelle’s eyes went wide “What?” she spat out the pacifier “You’re going to leave me in my own mess overnight are you crazy?” Michelle's mother frowned at her “It’s not my fault you messed yourself twice in one day! I did warn you I wouldn’t change you again” she tutted “Well theirs not point you sit on that now is there, I was going to let you use the potty if you peed but no point now so you might as well come and sit back on the sofa” she said and patted the cushioned seat next to her.

Michelle pouted “What do I do? If I stay sitting on here then it won’t squish up against me as much but I am still sitting on an adult-sized potty like some baby. I can’t win I sit on the sofa and it will squish the poop around and I stay on here then I’m just being an overgrown baby” she shook her head and her mother sighed “Fine!” she said and Michelle watched as her mother stood up and walked in front of her “What does she mean fine? What does she have planned now? Is she going to make me sit on the sofa?” she thought as her mother folded her arms “I think it’s time for you to go to bed then young lady” Michelle looked up at her mother and opened her mouth but was quickly interrupted “I’ve had enough of your attitude tonight and it must mean that your cranky so it’s time for you to go to bed” Michelle's eyes widened “I don’t want to go to bed, not while wearing this” she shouted while pointing at her diaper but her mother didn’t say a word as she reached down and grabbed hold of Michelle’s arms and easily pulled her up to her feet.

Michelle stood in amazement staring at her mother “I need to get out of this, maybe if I beg” she thought as she swallowed hard “Please, please change me. I can’t wear this to bed” she begged but her mother just shook her head “No, come on off to bed” she said. Michelle didn’t move she was frozen on the spot when suddenly her mother spun her around on the spot and gave her messy diaper a hard swat, Michelle let out a cry and went white as a sheet as she felt the poop from her diaper squish and move around her diaper, she looked at her mother with tears in her eyes when she saw her raise her hand again and Michelle quickly began to walk away “No I can't have her swat the diaper again” she thought with a shudder “So I’m going to go to bed because I don’t want my mother to spank me? I’m going to go to bed in a messy diaper?” her chest felt tight as she looked behind her and saw that her mother was following her with her hand raised “No, she can’t hit it again” she thought and slowly she began to waddle towards her bedroom with her head hanging in shame.
Once in the bedroom, her mother waited at the door as Michelle walked towards her bed “Come on get into bed I’m not going till I know you're in and the sooner you get to sleep then the sooner I change you” she cooed which made Michelle blush bright red. Michelle sighed and turned away from her mother as she pulled off her sports bra, Michelle heard her mother laugh from behind her as she looked around confused “You're now hiding your boobs? I changed your messy diaper earlier. I’ve seen you naked more times than I can count, hiding your boobs from me is just silly” Michelle blushed “I hate that she is right about this, hell I’m now standing wearing just a messy diaper I must look so stupid but still I don’t want her seeing my boobs, so she won’t”.

Michelle slowly lowered herself into her bed very gently, trying not put any pressure on her messy bum as she finally lied down in her bed. Her mother nodded “Right well you have a good night sleep” she laughed “I’m sure you won't but maybe it will help you remember to respect me in the future” and with that, she closed the door leaving Michelle in her bed alone. Michelle didn’t move as the foul stench of her diaper covered the room “I’m never going to get to sleep wearing this” she shook her head “I hate this so much, I wish so much that I was back in my own world. I don’t even care if I have to wear diapers at least I would be in control of it all. I wish so much” she said to herself when her head suddenly began to ache, a strong pain rang through her body, the room went black and a rush of noise went passing by her like a hundred people all talking at once and then it all stopped at the same time and Michelle was fast asleep.

 Chapter 16

Michelle awoke with the sun shining in her eyes, she slowly woke up and rolled over when she felt the weight of the diaper between her legs and quickly sat up “That’s disgusting, I slept all night in a messy diaper. I don’t even want to imagine what the state my bum looks like” she shuddered as she slowly lay back down in her bed “Another day of this horrible world, where my mother is going to do whatever she wants with me as a form of blackmail for changing my poop stained diapers” she let out a sigh as she stared at the window “It’s so wrong, I shouldn’t be under her thumb like I am”.

Slowly she lifted the bedsheets off her and stared down at the full diaper “I think I’m going to be sick” she thought as she slowly got up out of bed. She stood for a moment and looked behind her to see the state of her poop-filled diaper “It’s so bad, I can’t believe I have let my mother change me out of this” she thought and she slowly waddled forward towards her en-suite bathroom. She opened the door and went inside and washed her hands then splashed some water on her face. She dried herself with a towel and then as she was about to leave she spotted the toilet with a confused look on her face “Wait?” she thought, and she slowly walked back into her bedroom and stared at the wall in an amazed wonder “The keypad is gone? What’s happened?” she thought to herself as she turns and pauses again “My chest of drawers are back?” she slowly waddled over to the chest with a puzzled look on her face “Wait? No does it mean?” she bit her bottom lip “No I can’t even think of it but if she isn’t here then yes it must be,” she thought as she quickly opened up her bedroom door and waddled fast down the hallway towards the back of the house.

She turned to face the bathroom and a smile crossed her face “No Keylock, one last thing” she thought and she slowly turned to the room where her mother was staying. She held her breath as she reached out to the handle her chest became tight “Please Please Please” she thought and slowly she turned the handle and opened it up. “YES!!” she screamed into the empty room “I’m free, Yes” she waddled into her kitchen and the smile suddenly disappeared as she looked down at her smelly crotch “That means I have to change myself” she shook her head “Well that’s fine I will just have a long shower and I won't have to wear a diaper again” she smiled again as she began to waddle back towards her bedroom.

Michelle entered her bedroom and quickly waddled towards her en suite she entered the room and turned on the shower and placed her hands on the diaper when she froze “No, It won’t happen would it, I’m in my world if I take off the diaper I will be fine” she shook “But why am I still wearing the diaper? Maybe I will regress if I try” she slowly waddled out of the en-suite “How am I going to test this out? If I take it off and regress then I will be a babbling baby and all alone” she sighed “Fuck!” she shouted and stared down at her soiled diaper “I don’t have much choice, if I regress it might not be for long and I will be fine it needs to come off” she said as she placed her hands on the diaper, she began to pull on the tabs when suddenly she paused as she went white as a sheet “No, no, no” she said as she felt the warm urine enter her diaper “What? No I’m in my world why can’t I….” she stopped and placed her hands over her head “NO!” she shouted.

Michelle didn’t move as she continued to pee into her diaper “That’s right I made a wish last night before I went to sleep and no I wished last night to be back in my own world but didn’t care if I still had to wear diapers, No it can’t be that cruel please no” she shook as the last of the urine stopped “So my wish worked even with the added details of diapers?” she hung her head “So I’m stuck in diapers?” she shook her shoulders “Can be much worse” she thought.

Slowly she walked back into the en-suite “Well lets try this I’m sure everything will be fine” she said and quickly she grabbed hold of the tabs of the diaper and pulled them off, the diaper fell to the floor with a messy thud but Michelle kept standing “I didn’t regress?” she smiled but that didn’t last as she smelt the foul stench of the open diaper. Quickly she jumped into the shower and let the water clean her perfect body “I could stay in here all day, I feel so clean but I have to get rid of that messy diaper” she thought as she glanced down at the diaper “OK get out and get rid of that thing then go from there”.

She jumped out of the shower avoiding the messy diaper and quickly left the room and closed the door “I’m not looking forward to going back in there” she said to herself as she walked towards her chest of drawers with a smile “I can’t wait” she said but as she opened up the top draw her smile vanished “No!” she shouted as she stared down at the rows of diapers of different colours and sizes “I don’t have any underwear, just diapers well of course I don’t have any underwear” she sighed “But it’s not as bad as it was in diaper world, I still have my life it’s just changed a little” she said as she grabbed a pink diaper and walked back to the bed with it “I’m sure in time I will get used to it, I have my freedom I can change out of it whenever I want I don’t need anyone to do it for me and nobody knows that I’m wearing them” she smiled once again “It could be worse” she said to herself as she unfolded the diaper and placed it on the bed.

Chapter 17

Michelle stepped out of the shower with the water dripping from her slim body she grabbed hold of the towel as she began to dry herself with the towel she walked over to the small mirror above the sink. She wiped away the mist on the mirror and smiled to herself slightly “It kind of feels like a strange dream, like it happened but it didn’t happen. It’s been three months and I can definitely say it happened, it changed my life and not for the better but really not for the worse just changed” she said as she wrapped the towel around herself.

She left the bathroom and entered the small hallway, closing the bathroom door behind her when she heard a clicking noise which caused her to frown “I have been asking the landlord to get this fixed, he said he had sorted it” she said as she quickly turned around and tried to open the door but it was locked shut. She let out a sigh and shook her head “Well it’s not like I need it as much as the last person that lived here but it’s still annoying” she said to herself as she turned and walked towards her bedroom. She opened the door to her new bedroom and sighed as she looked in “It’s not as big as my old bedroom, hell the apartment isn’t as big as my old one but I had to get out of that last place, too many horrible memories” she thought. In her bedroom she stood beside her bed and looked down at the white diaper that awaited her “I have tried, I really have but I can’t potty train myself full time, sometimes my body has control and other times it doesn’t it's like my body forgets to let me know. I’m not complaining that much I have grown used to them and I know how to dress so nobody notices and it's been three months and nobody has, I just wish I had a choice over it but it could be worse” she smiled slightly “At least I can change myself and I don’t have to wait for anybody else to get me out of a messy diaper. That was so embarrassing I really hated having that nurse change my diaper” she shuddered “But that’s not going to happen now” she said as she removed the towel from around her naked body and let it fall to the floor.

She gently lay down on the bed and positioned the large diaper under her round buttocks, she smiled slightly as she felt the soft fabric under her. She reached over to her bedside table and grabbed the baby powder, she opened it up poured a small amount on her hairless vagina, she lifted up her legs and reached between and sprinkled the powder on her buttocks. Michelle placed the powder back on the bedside table as she lowered her legs back down, she took hold of the front of the diaper and pulled it up and quickly taped it tightly against her with a sigh of relief. “I’m glad I got it on this time before I used it, I would hate to have to clean that up today” she said to herself as she looked down at her padded groin. She slowly stood up with a rustle and walked over to her wardrobe “What to wear today?” she thought as she rubbed her hands over the rear of her diaper “It’s Saturday and I’m not going anywhere so I guess just this blue shirt and some black pants will be fine” she said as she took hold of the items. She placed the shirt back on the bed as she quickly pulled the black pants up her legs towards her diaper, she reached the diaper and pulled it over the large mass that surrounded her waist and looked down “Yeah it will do, nobody’s going to see me” she thought as she ran her hands over the front and back of her diaper and nodded. Michelle looked down at the shirt then at her breasts “I will forget about a bra today, it's the weekend” she said with a smile as she took her shirt and placed it over her head and pulled it down.

Michelle walked out of the bedroom towards the sofa, she sat down and turned on the TV with a relaxing sigh “Yes a day of TV, a nice relaxing day” she thought as she flipped through the channels. She stopped suddenly on the news channel when she heard the words ‘Breaking news, Katy Perry wears diapers’, Michelle suddenly sat forward “Breaking news? Katy Perry wears diapers? No way? No way? I’m not the only one and look at that list its not just her!” she shook her head “What has happened? This looks exactly like it did in the diaper world, I’m so confused” she thought as she turned off the TV “I wonder if its just women or has it happened to men?” she sat back on the sofa and placed her hands on the diapers “Has it followed me from the diaper world? Like the diapers did? Maybe I’m not really home” she shook her head. “I love wearing my diaper now, it’s the feeling of safety knowing I have it as a back up with what’s happening with me. Maybe it happened to them and they think the same thing? Maybe I wasn’t the only one” she said to herself as she shook her head.

Michelle sat for a moment her head racing when she felt the now unfamiliar feeling “I have to pee?” she said to herself “Well great, I don’t have to use the diaper” she smiled as she stood up. She turned and the froze as she placed her hand on her head “The lock, oh crap, I knew I should have made sure that was fixed. I don’t want to wet this diaper but I’m bursting” she said with frustration as she paced on the spot “I don’t have a choice thought, it’s so frustrating I have to clean myself and put on a fresh diaper, I don’t have that many left, not many places sell them in this world” she said as she quickly placed her hands between her legs. She shook her head as she looked down “Well I don’t want to get these pants wet, means I have to do more washing” she thought as she began to pull her pants down revealing the thirsty diaper. She quickly sat back down on the sofa and pulled her pants off and lifted her legs up as she began to feel the warm urine enter into her diaper, she let out a moan of satisfaction as the pressure left her and her lower half was covered in her pee. She sat for a moment looked down at her now wet diaper “That’s better” she said as she gave her damp diaper a pat “It's really not bad, it’s warm and it compliments the diaper well” she thought with a smile. She slowly stood up and examined the diaper “Well I didn’t soak it, I could leave it on or should I change now?” she thought as she looked down “I will change now” she said with a nod but as she looked up her eyes widened and her mouth suddenly became dry “Mum? What are you doing here? I can explain” she said nervously as she stared at her mothers confused expression.

Video to this chapter here 



The inclusion of the nurse has very excited for Ch. 03


Top story by far! I think Michelle might need her temp checked, don’t you?




More than I’d like to admit. Everything from the "how I was trained" to the "Do you squat?" was fantastic


My favorite story here :)


Best story!