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Chapter 01

"Another day," Ryan said to himself as he slumped down at his desk, as he turned his PC on he looked out across the office to the open window where the trees swayed and hoped something interesting would happen to change up the day. He looked back at his screen and began to type in his username and password when he overheard something that stopped him, he listened intently "You hear we have been sold" he heard one of his co-workers say, Ryan immediately stood up which got the attention of the small group "You hear that Ryan, we have been sold?" Ryan shook his head "What? What does that mean?" The man smiled "It means that we could all be out of the job or it could mean that only the full-timers keep their jobs, either way, it's exciting times ahead" Ryan half smiled and slowly sat back down at his desk. He placed his hands on his short dark brown hair and shook his head “Why did I wish for something interesting” he thought as his mind raced "We have been sold? Might I lose my job? I can't lose my job, I'm only surviving pay check to pay check if I lose my job I lose my apartment, I can't lose my job I will do anything to keep it" he thought as he stared at his computer that was patiently awaiting his password to be entered.

Ryan stared at his reflection in the monitor for a moment, his young handsome face looking back at him, he smiled his goofy smile as he shook his head and finally logged on and began to start work when he noticed that everybody else was standing around chatting, he thought it odd but carried on when an older co-worker came over and half laughed "Hey, are you trying to brown-nose the new owners?" Ryan blushed and shook his head "No I just thought..." The old worker fully laughed this time "You thought, your an apprentice, I have heard the new owners don't even do apprenticeships so your all out of look, keep an eye out the new boss is going to be making the rounds later" Ryan nodded "What does she look like?" he asked the man shook his head "All I know is that she is wearing a business suit and she is only in her thirties, maybe you have chance" he smiled and walked away leaving Ryan panicking at his desk. "They don't do apprenticeships? What am I going to do?" he placed his head in his hands and took a deep breath "I guess I need to look for another job, no point in working like he said” For the next hour Ryan looked all over the internet for jobs in his field but couldn't find anything, by the end of the hour he was almost pulling his hair out when a woman in a fancy business suit walked up behind him.

Ryan hadn't noticed Lucy he was still transfixed on finding another job so as he clicked on various websites desperate Lucy stood and silently admired him, she looked him up and down and a slight smile crossed her face. Finally, Ryan sat back in his chair and after rubbing his eyes and sighing he finally noticed Lucy and jumped "Oh I'm sorry" he said and he stood up from his chair and put his hand out Lucy smiled and looked down at the 5'ft man and took his hand and shook it. Ryan pulled his hand away and began to shake with nervous energy, he looked up at the tall woman, her fiery red hair was tied up in a bun, her big green eyes were slightly hidden behind some stylish glasses that Lucy looked down, her tight black business suit clung to her hourglass figure. Ryan's heart fluttered as he managed to stammer out "Hi, I'm Ryan the erm the Intern" Lucy's smile broadened "I'm Lucy, so your an intern? We don't have any interns do we" she placed her hands on her hips and said "We will have to find something else for you won't we" Ryan looked at Lucy confused "Will we?" Lucy smiled "I have a few ideas little Ryan, wait for my e-mail" she laughed and walked down the office. Ryan watched as she walked away not able to take his eyes off her, admiring the way her suit hugged her bum and then went down to her shapely legs, he let out a sigh and a smile as she turned out of his view.

Ryan sat back down confused but couldn't help but smile "Well I guess I won't be out of work then but what will she want from me?". The day passed along and everybody that wasn't working earlier were now busy, busier than Ryan had ever seen them. Ryan repeatedly loaded his e-mail but still nothing off his new boss, as the day passed he became more and more nervous. Ryan was still staring at the screen as he saw all his colleague's leaving he sighed as he sat back "Well I guess she couldn't find anything for me" but as he was about to close his messages he received an e-mail, he held his breath as he saw it was from the new boss, the subject read ‘Idea?' he opened the e-mail which simply read ‘Come to my office now'. Ryan felt his chest tighten as he slowly stood up and walked across the empty office floor towards the closed office room of his new boss. Ryan took a deep breath and knocked, he quickly heard Lucy's gentle voice call out "Come in", Ryan opened the door and saw Lucy sitting at her new desk her fiery red hair had been removed from its bun and was now hanging down framing her face perfectly, her glasses were on the table and Ryan noticed her green eyes gently looking at him, she smiled and said "Close the door and sit down", Ryan quickly did as he was told and sat down on the opposite side of the desk in front of her. Ryan's chest felt tight and he began to sweat as they sat in silence. Finally, Lucy spoke, "So Ryan, I have an idea, now like we said we don't have interns but I don't want you to lose your job because of me, now how much do you need your job?" Ryan blurted out "I need it so much, I will do anything to keep it" Lucy smiled and sat back in her chair she picked up her glasses and placed one arm of the frame in her mouth "Perfect" she said removing the arm slowly "Well as you said anything that's great, tomorrow morning you will come straight into here, you will be working in here all day, understand?" Ryan looked puzzled but nodded his head. Lucy sat forward "I will have a contract for you tomorrow to sign, it will pay more than intern work but you have to be committed to it" Ryan smiled ear to ear "Yes thank you, perfect" he blurted out, Lucy smiled "Good now get off home, I will see you here first thing in the morning" Ryan quickly stood up from the chair and left the office, he practically skipped across the empty office to his desk and grabbed his things and left.

Chapter 02

Ryan returned to work the next day the excitement that he had felt had all but gone, he became more nervous as he got to the office "What if I can't do what she wants me to do? What if I mess it up?" he nervously walked past his co-workers without saying a word and arrived at Lucy's door. He took a deep breath in and tried to hide his nervousness as much as he could knock on the door. Lucy's voice sang out "Come in" which made Ryan feel even more nervous as he slowly opened the door. He kept his eyes on the floor as he entered the room and closed the door behind him, he stood on the other side of the door for a moment not moving until he heard Lucy roll her chair back, Ryan quickly looked up and stared at his new boss "She is prettier today than yesterday" he thought as Lucy stood up from her desk, her dark blue business suit showing off the curves of her body with her knee-high skirt accentuating her legs, her fiery red hair was in a ponytail today and her big green eyes stared at Ryan from behind her dark glasses as she walked from around her desk. She smiled "Good morning Ryan come on in and sit down," she said as she sat on the edge of her desk, Ryan blushed as he walked towards her and sat down in the chair inches away from her.

"Now Ryan" she began in a calm tone "On the desk there is a new contract" she pointed to the contract in front of Ryan "As you can see it pays more than being an intern but as you might also see in the duty's area it says miscellaneous, which means if I ask you to do something you do it" she gave a cold smile towards Ryan that made him feel uneasy, he swallowed "Like what?" he asked. Lucy leaned back slightly on the table and looked up "Let's say if I tell you to..." she clicked her tongue "….I don't know, to sit on the floor and colour in for the day, you must do it" she looked back at Ryan and smiled "Understand?" Ryan looked confused but nodded his head "So I do whatever you tell me to do and I get paid for it?" Lucy laughed "Yes, it's that simple" Ryan looked down at the contract "Why is this making me feel uneasy? It's more money" he shook off the uneasy feeling and picked up the pen next to the contact and quickly signed it.

Ryan looked up at Lucy with a nervous smile "So what do you want me to do?" he asked. Lucy stood up from the desk and walked back around and sat down in her chair, for a moment she just stared at Ryan with a big grin and Ryan could almost hear the cogs moving in her head which brought back the uneasy feeling. Lucy opened a draw in her desk and pulled out a book and dropped it on the table, Ryan looked at it confused "That's a colouring book?" he thought, Lucy then pulled out some crayons and once again dropped them on the table, Ryan looked at Lucy with a puzzled look "What erm what you want me to do with them?" Lucy leaned back and laughed "I want you to go sit on the floor and colour in," she said. Ryan nervously laughed "Really?" Lucy leaned forward on her desk and looked down at Ryan "Yes" she said bluntly "Get to it, you’re on the clock" Ryan continued to stare at the book in disbelief, he hadn't moved when Lucy said "Or do you not want this job? I can rip up the contract now and send you home if that's what you want?" Ryan shook his head "No no OK I will do it" he nervously grabbed at the book and the crayons and stood up from the desk "Erm where do you want me?" Lucy pointed to a spot in the corner "There so I can keep an eye on you" she smiled. Ryan shook his head "What is going on? Is this a prank? Are the other employees in on it?" he thought as he walked to the spot that Lucy had pointed to. Lucy then pointed to the floor "Bum on the floor mister, I want two pages completed before I come and check up on you" Ryan blushed as she slowly sat on the floor, he opened up the colour book, pulled out a red crayon and sighed "What have I got myself into?” He thought as he began to colour in with Lucy eagerly staring at him.

Chapter 03

Ryan coloured in the book slowly, he kept looking up at Lucy and every time he did she would notice and smile back at him "What's going on? My new job is to colour? Why would she keep me on to do this? Actually, why would she give me a pay rise to do this?" After an hour or so Lucy stepped up from her desk and walked around, she stood in front of Ryan and bent down "OK show me how much you have done" Ryan looked up at the pretty woman bending over and blushed as he looked down her cleavage, he slowly lifted up the colouring book and Lucy took it. She stood up and stared at it shaking her head and tutting "No no this will never do" Ryan began to sweat "What does she mean?" he thought as she looked down on him "I'm very disappointed in you Ryan, I expected more from you" Ryan began to feel hot "What have I done wrong? Did I not do enough?" he thought as Lucy walked back around her desk. She bent over and Ryan skipped a heartbeat as he stared at her bum facing him "Wow" he thought as Lucy stood back up and she turned around, to Ryan's surprise she was holding an immature red shirt with spider-man on it, she walked back over to Ryan and bent over again "Take your shirt off and put this one on, I think you will be able to work better if you wear this" she then placed the colouring book and the shirt in Ryan's hand. He looked at her confused "I erm I'm OK wearing this shirt" Lucy stood up and placed her hands on her hips which made Ryan feel very small "Remember your job role, if you don't like it then go" Ryan felt hot as he looked down at the shirt and sighed "Where do you want me to change?" he asked which caused to Lucy smile. "You’re OK there unless you want me to help you?" Ryan blushed and quickly said "No, it's OK I can do it" Lucy continued to smile as she walked back around to her desk and sat down, not taking her eyes of Ryan as she sat back in her chair. Ryan looked down at his button-up white shirt and sighed then looked back at Lucy "OK it's just a shirt, I'm getting paid, I need to get paid" he said to himself and he slowly began to unbutton his shirt, he looked up at Lucy who was biting her bottom lip which caused him to blush and quickly look away as he removed his shirt and quickly pulled the red shirt on, straight away he found it a little short as it stopped just above his belly button but it was very loose which confused him for a second until Lucy shouted out "Perfect, now get back to colouring in" Ryan quickly looked up at Lucy with her big smile covering her face but it made him feel embarrassed and he looked back at the colouring book and began to colour in once again.

After an hour had passed Lucy once again stood up from her desk and walked over to Ryan, she bent over and softly said "The book mister" Ryan blushed and handed her the colouring book. Lucy stood up and once again tutted and shook her head as she went through the pages "Nope Ryan this is not good enough" Ryan looked up at Lucy confused "What do you mean?" he blurted out. Lucy looked down at him with a frown "Excuse me, young man?" Ryan quickly lowered his head embarrassed "OK if you won't answer me maybe you need to be punished" a big smile crossed her face as she sat down on the spare chair "Stand up young man" Ryan shook his head "What is going on? Do I stand up? Yes, I must I'm getting paid for this" he slowly stood up and looked at Lucy. She smiled at him, a warm smile that removed all of his nervous energy and he smiled back "What erm what were you thinking?" he tried to say with confidence but it failed. Lucy laughed and looked at him "I want you to lean over my knee and stay still while I give you a spanking".

Chapter 04

Ryan's head was spinning "What? What is she asking? I do what?" Lucy just sat smiled up at him as he stood with a perplexed expression on his face, she coked her head and said "Well if you don't want to then you can walk out that door and we won't see each other again" Ryan stood for a moment staring down at Lucy's beautiful body and her hypnotising smile and slowly nodded "It could be worse I guess, she is sexy and I am getting paid, it's one spanking why not" he thought as Lucy held out her hand and Ryan smiled as he took it and Lucy guided him down over her lap. He felt the soft texture of her skirt as he lay down and once in the position he began to panic "What was I thinking I can't let her spank me? Do I have a choice now? I have basically committed, oh fuck I'm lying across my bosses lap" Lucy had a huge smile on her face as she brought up her hand, she looked down at Ryan's bum staring back up at her and felt a flutter inside her "Now little one, after this everything will change" she said looking down at Ryan, Ryan thought for a moment "Yes I know it will be different after this, you don't go back to a normal working relationship after being spanked" he sighed "but whatever it is I can handle it" he thought as he nodded and Lucy's hand came down hard across his bum. Ryan let out a soft cry not from the pain but from the sudden shock and realisation what was happening, he felt Lucy's hand slap across his bum again "OK that's enough" he thought and he tried to stand up but Lucy's spare hand pushed him back down "Don't be naughty" she said and she swatted at his bum once again, Ryan shut his eyes "What am I doing?" One more swat came down on his bum and he felt a tear form in his eye as his bum began to burn.

Lucy let go of his back and began to stroke the back of his head "I'm sorry little one but I have to punish you if your naughty" Ryan shook his head "What does she mean? I can't put up with being spanked by my boss?" He slowly stood up when Lucy grabbed his hand and smiled "Come here" she said and gently she pulled him down to sit on her lap, she wrapped her arms around him and cuddled him. Ryan was in shock as his face pressed up against Lucy's cheek his eyes were fixated on her cleavage as she cuddled him "Should I get out of this? It's not so bad and I am getting paid" he sighed and Lucy released the hug "What's wrong?" she said with a concerned look on her face Ryan looked sheepishly "I don't know, I just feel...." he trailed off and Lucy nodded "It's too much for one day isn't it” she thought for a minute then smiled at him “I know. Why don't you go put your shirt back on and leave early and we will continue again tomorrow" Ryan half smiled then thought for a second and asked, "What's going to happen tomorrow?". Lucy smiled "More of the same but no more colouring in, you’re not very good at that" Ryan blushed which caused Lucy to giggle "Awww that's cute, don't worry I'm sure your good at other things" Ryan slowly stood up off Lucy's lap and walked to his shirt "Also" Lucy continued "Don't bother wearing that button-up shirt tomorrow or those dress pants, just come in a normal T-shirt and sweatpants" she smiled and Ryan was hypnotised by the beauty of her smile that he just said "OK".

He quickly removed the red shirt and placed his white button shirt on as Lucy watched him from the chair. Once Ryan had his shirt on Lucy stood up "Give mommy a hug" she said and outstretched her arms Ryan looked at her confused but shrugged it off and walked back towards her and they hugged, Ryan felt his heart skip a beat as they embraced "Should I stay? Yeah, I think I should" he thought as the hug ended and Ryan stood back "I can stay if you want me to?" Lucy smiled ear to ear but then quickly removed it from her face "No, I think it best If you come in tomorrow, now I will have different clothes for you and I don't want any complaints when you come in tomorrow, you will change into them and wear them for the full day, OK?" Ryan nervously smiled "OK," he said then he turned to leave the room and Lucy followed. Just before he opened the door she patted him on the bum "Be a good boy" she cooed then walked back to her desk and sat down. Ryan slowly opened the door and gave a smile to Lucy as he left the office. He walked down the rest of the office in a daze "What just happened? Is she treating me like a little boy? It wasn't bad apart from the embarrassing spanking but that really wasn't bad after that hug" he walked to the lift and waited in silence "Is she going to treat me more like a little boy tomorrow? What else would I be doing if not colouring in?" the lift arrived and he got in "Whatever it is I will do it, I get to spend time with Lucy and I'm getting paid to do it, it doesn't matter what it is" he let out a big smile as the doors closed.

Chapter 05

Ryan was standing in the lift feeling tired, he had a very bad night sleep replaying the events of the day in his head having a full mix of emotions as he kept thinking of everything that happened between himself and Lucy. He stood nervously feeling very anxious but slightly excited to spend the day with his boss again "She has bewitched me with her beauty, I can't wait to see her smile. Oh god what if she hugs me again" his heart skipped a beat as he stood in his black sweatpants and white T-shirt as Lucy had asked for him to wear. He felt very awkward wearing his casual clothes at work and he got stares from the other workers as he left the lift and walked towards Lucy's office. His heart began to flutter as he knocked on the door and he heard the familiar soft "Come in" that made his heart race. He opened the door and saw Lucy smile up at him from her desk and he couldn't help but smile back "Morning" he said as his cheeks went red, Lucy nodded her head "Good morning Ryan" Ryan slowly entered her office and closed the door.

Lucy gestured to the chair and Ryan quickly sat down, Lucy stared at Ryan for a moment which made him feel uncomfortable then she sat back in her chair "Well little one, a new day and I think we need to go over the rules" Ryan swallowed hard "The rules?" he asked and Lucy nodded "Yes, we can't have you wanting to leave midday again so we are going to have a few rules set out for you, OK little one?" Ryan blushed and nodded, Lucy sat forward at her desk and looked seriously in Ryan's eyes and said bluntly "You do everything I say, No questioning what I say you just be a good boy and do it" Ryan felt his chest tighten and he suddenly felt very thirsty "Right and if I don't?" he nervously asked. Lucy smiled but it wasn't the smile that made Ryan's heart flutter this smile made him feel uneasy as she slowly said "If you don't do as I say you will either get a spanking or you are fired" she sat back and crossed her arms "So little boy what do you say?". Ryan's mind was racing he took a deep breath and focused "She said anything, like what? Well, yesterday she made me act like a little boy, does she want me to carry on with that? I can't lose this job, I looked again last night there are no other jobs available this is it" he closed his eyes and slowly nodded "OK" he said, as he opened his eyes Lucy's smile had changed back to her warm one and it eased Ryan a little.

"Good boy, now take off your clothes," she said with an eagerness and Ryan's eyes went wide "My clothes?" he asked Lucy sighed "What is the rule, I want to see how serious you are about this," she said with a hint of anger. Ryan felt light-headed "Take off my clothes in her office?" he stammered out "What if someone comes in?". Lucy smiled "Nobody will come in unless I say they can, don't worry now be a good boy". Ryan blushed and took a deep breath as he slowly stood up from the chair "OK I'm going to take off my clothes in front of my new boss for work, what the hell am I thinking?" he shook his head and slowly pulled his shirt off he then looked down at his pants and back up at Lucy who nodded at him and Ryan swallowed and pulled his pants down, he was standing in just his white tighty whities feeling very awkward, his hands placed at his sides "Should I leave my hands there, what do people do with their hands in this instance? Should I do a pose? No, I'm just going to stand here like a pole" he blushed as Lucy stood up from her desk and walked around it towards him. Ryan was bright red as Lucy stood in front of him and looked him up and down, she then walked behind him and he could feel her staring at him, she then walked back in front of him and smiled. After a while Lucy said "Good" she then walked over to a cabinet drawer and pulled out a big bag, Ryan stared at the bag in wonder "What's in that?" he then shook his head "Idiot she said she would have clothes for him, oh god what has she got for me to wear?" Lucy walked back over to her desk in front of Ryan and then turned around and placed the bag on the table, she bent over her desk and slowly began to move items from the desk over to one side. Ryan couldn't take his eyes off her bum bent over her desk in her tight skirt, his heart began to race in his chest as he continued to stare he looked down in horror as he saw his pants were bulging "No, I can't have an erection while wearing just my underwear, oh god what is she going to say?" Ryan slowly placed his hands over his shame as Lucy finished moving items around and had made a big open space on her desk, she then opened up the bag and pulled out a white sheet and placed it on the desk "Perfect" she said and then turned back around to face the blushing Ryan. She looked down at his hands and raised an eyebrow "What are you doing young man?" he asked, Ryan looked down feeling shame wash over him "Nothing" he sheepishly said. Lucy tutted and said "Right" and then before Ryan had time to react she placed her hands under his armpits and lifted him slightly off the floor and around towards the desk "What the hell?" He thought as she gingerly laid him on the desk, his head was off the desk and he was holding up his head up himself, his legs were dangling down to the floor with just his upper body on the table Lucy took a step back and looked at Ryan with his hands still covering his crotch and shook her head "No, this won't do" she said as Ryan stared at her too shocked to move. She then grabbed his hands and moved them to his side which caused Ryan to blush and look away "Oh god, this is so embarrassing" he thought but Lucy didn't even comment as she grabbed his feet and lifted them up into the air with one hand, she smiled and looked down at Ryan and with her warm smile said "Time to put you into some proper underwear".

Chapter 06

Ryan began to shake "What do you mean?" he nervously asked as Lucy smiled and lowered Ryan's legs she then reached into the bag once again and pulled out something blue with patterns over it that read ‘Zap, Bam and Boom' all in different speech bubbles across the blue fabric, Lucy looked down at Ryan and smiled "They will have to go" she pointed at the underwear and Ryan shook his head "No they don't" he said and Lucy sighed "Do you want a smacked bottom young man?" Ryan shook his head again as sweat began to drip down his forehead, he let his head fall back and closed his eyes "What do I do? Do I let her take off my underwear? But what is that she is holding? It looks like kids underwear, she is going to put me in children's pants?" Lucy began to tap her foot impatiently "Well young man?" Ryan lifted his head and looked at Lucy and sighed "Go ahead" he let his head fall back down and squeezed his eyes shut. Lucy smiled and placed the blue item on the table and reached forward for Ryan's underwear eagerly. Ryan felt Lucy's hands on his underwear and he blushed bright red as she began to pull them down, he felt the air on his penis and balls and soon felt the underwear slide up his legs and off his feet, he was extremely tempted to cover himself up but didn't instead he gritted his teeth and he formed fists "I can't believe this is happening" he repeated to himself. Suddenly his eyes shot open when he heard Lucy giggle, he stared at her as she smiled down at him "Awww you have shaved everything, it's so cute" Ryan blushed and rolled his eyes "My penis is cute? I can't believe she just said that?".

Ryan heard a rustling noise and looked at Lucy questionably, Lucy had picked up the blue item again and to Ryan's shock Lucy began to unfold it and Ryan couldn't believe his eyes "What the hell is that? That's oh god that's a diaper, she wants to put a diaper on me? No" he began to shake his head and tears formed in his eyes, he took a deep breath "It's a diaper but that's it, it's just a piece of clothing, I need this job" tears began to roll down his face as Lucy lifted up his feet into the air with one hand and slowly placed the soft diaper under his bum with the other. Ryan began to shake and stared up at the ceiling as Lucy pulled out another item from the bag, Ryan's head shot up and stared in disbelief as powder began to fall onto his penis and balls, he stared at Lucy's hand as she shook more powder out onto him and a quick sniff of the air confirmed his worse fears "That's baby powder, she is putting baby powder on me, why the hell is she putting baby powder on me?". Lucy stopped pouring the baby powder onto Ryan and lowered his legs she then lifted up the front of the diaper and tightly taped it around his waist. Ryan looked down in shock "It's a proper diaper, it has tapes on it" he moved his legs together and with a rustle of the diaper his eyes went wide "There is a bulk between my legs, it is actually designed to be used" he shook "Does she expect me to use it?" he shook his head but then sniffed the baby powder and he felt cold.

Lucy stood back and smiled "Awwww you look adorable little Ryan" she giggled and stood back in front of him and grabbed his hands and lifted him up into a sitting position "Perfect, just perfect" she beamed as Ryan miserably looked down at his padded crotch "Don't worry you will get used to it little one" she smiled and Ryan shook "Get used to them? How long am I going to be wearing them?". Before Ryan had time to react Lucy lifted him off the table and pulled him close to her, she had one hand on his back and the other under his padded bum, Ryan quickly wrapped his legs around her waist out of fear of being dropped and his head rested against Lucy's shoulder. Lucy held him tight and turned away from the desk and walked up and down her office while holding the diapered man "See it wasn't so bad now was it?" she cooed but Ryan was too distracted with the fear of being dropped "How is she carrying me around so easily?" he thought when Lucy suddenly stopped and slowly began to let go of Ryan, he unwrapped his legs from her waist and planted them on the floor and stood for a moment looking at the pretty woman. Lucy couldn't help but stare at the young man standing in front of her wearing nothing but the blue diaper and she let out a little squeal of joy which made Ryan blush.

Chapter 07

"Perfect, just perfect" Lucy squealed as Ryan stood nervously in front of the tall woman, he looked down at his new underwear in disbelief "How has she gotten me into a diaper?" he thought. Lucy went over to her bag and pulled out a baby blue shirt and held it out in front of her, Ryan looked up from his diaper at the shirt and his eyes went wide as he read the big block lettering on the front of the shirt "It says ‘Lucy's Baby Boy' is that what she wants from me? Am I going to be her..." he swallowed hard "...her baby" he shook his head as Lucy slowly approached him.

"Arms up" Lucy cooed and Ryan blushed "I don't want to wear that shirt but it's better than standing here in just a diaper," he thought, he looked down as he slowly raised up his arms. Lucy quickly pulled the shirt over his head and down to his waist where it stopped at the top of the diaper. "Awwww you look precious little Ryan" she cooed once again, Ryan continued to look down at the floor he shifted his legs slightly and heard the rustle of the diaper and felt very ashamed "Why does she want this?" he thought when Lucy pointed down to the floor in the corner where Ryan had spent the previous day colouring and smiled "Back in your spot little one" she cooed. Ryan turned and slowly walked to the spot blushing bright red as the diaper rustled and moved "I'm not going to get used to this, I'm wearing a diaper in front of one of the most attractive women I have seen, It's not right. How has she got me into this?" he thought as he reached the spot and slowly lowered himself down onto his padded bottom and crossed his legs in front of him. Lucy quickly came over with a join the dots book and handed it to Ryan, he looked at it and sighed as he read ‘For Kids ages 2-4' he quickly flipped through the book "All of them only go up to 10 at the most, Does she think I can't do anything harder?" he looked up at Lucy with a frown which caused Lucy to giggle "Well young man" she said with a smile "If you did a good job with colouring yesterday you could be doing that but let's see if you can be a good boy and do a few of these" she smiled as she handed Ryan a few crayons "I didn't do anything wrong colouring yesterday? I was in the lines and all that” he suddenly shook his head “Why am I defending my colouring in" he thought as he shook his head and dropped the book onto the floor and picked up a green crayon for the first join the dot image of a frog.

Lucy smiled down at the diapered man then looked at the clock "Oh wow is that the time, you're making me run late young man" Ryan didn't look up as he joined dot one and dot two together, Lucy walked back around her desk and sat down "Little one" she cooed and Ryan stopped what he was doing "What does she want now?" he thought as he slowly looked up at Lucy "Good boy, now we both have a lot of work to do if you need to get my attention then put your hand up, do you understand?" Ryan nodded his head and quickly looked back down at the book "Of course I understand it wasn't complicated" he sighed again and continued with the book.

Half an hour had passed and the two adults continued with their work in silence, Ryan had finished the tenth page of the childish book and as he turned the page he felt a problem "I have to pee" he quickly looked up at Lucy "I have to put my hand up to ask her to use the toilet? I'm going to have to change back into my clothes to go to the toilets, no way am I going out wearing this" he shook at the thought "Well I better tell Lucy so I can change quicker" he blushed as he slowly raised up his hand. Lucy looked up from her computer and smiled "Yes little one did you finish?" Ryan lowered his hand and shook his head "Not yet, I erm I need to go the bathroom" he blushed as Lucy continued to stare at him with her big smile. After a moment she let out a giggle and said: "Little one why do you need to go the bathroom?" Ryan was caught off guard and stammered out "I, I need to erm I need to go to the toilet" Lucy giggled again "Oh you are a silly one, now look down between your legs little boy" Ryan gave her a questioning look but looked down between his legs "What she mean? It's the diaper?" he quickly looked up with his eyes wide and Lucy giggled again "Smart boy, you're wearing your toilet now I don't want to hear another word about it, I will change you later don't worry about that. Now get back to your book" She quickly looked back down at her laptop as Ryan continued to stare at her.

Chapter 08

Ryan's heart was pounding in his chest as he felt the urge to pee grow "What do I do? Do I just pee this thing like she wants me to?" he scrunched up his face at the thought of it "No I can't pee myself, I will just have to hold it" he thought as he squeezed his legs together to try to stop the urge. He continued to sit on the floor trying to distract himself with the join the dots book but it was no use "I really need to go" he thought and he shot up his hand high up in the air, after a moment Lucy looked up from her laptop and smiled at Ryan "Yes little one?" she said with a soothing tone which made Ryan blush, he composed himself and quickly said "I really need to use the toilet, I can't go in this" he looked down at the blue diaper between his legs and then back up at Lucy with pleading eyes. Lucy sighed "I've already told you that you are wearing your toilet, now you are being naughty" she quickly stood up from her desk and walked around it towards Ryan "You are going to be punished for distracting me from work with your silliness" she stood in front of the small man, bent over and quickly helped him up. Ryan stood in front of the tall woman feeling very small and intimidated, Lucy's smile had left her face and she was now frowning down at him, she lifted up her hand and pointed to a corner in the room "Little one" she said sternly "You will stand with your nose in the corner until I say you can leave, if you say another word you will be over my knee for a spanking, do you understand?" Ryan blushed "I can't get spanked by her again" he slowly nodded his head and turned to go towards the corner but Lucy quickly stopped him, he turned back around with a puzzled look on his face when Lucy placed her hand inside her pocket. Ryan's eyes widened as Lucy pulled out a blue pacifier, "A pacifier and diapers? She really is turning me into her baby" he thought as Lucy guided the pacifier towards his mouth "Wait that's not a normal-sized pacifier, that's huge. First adult-sized diapers and now adult-sized pacifiers" Ryan blushed bright red as he opened his mouth and accepted the giant nipple. Lucy smiled down at him "Such a handsome little boy you are" she said and patted the top of Ryan's head, Ryan quickly looked down to the floor. Lucy giggled "OK naughty bum, corner time for you" Ryan slowly turned around and waddled the few steps towards the corner, he pressed his nose into the corner with his hands by his side and closed his eyes "I can't believe I'm doing this" he thought when he heard Lucy walk up behind him "Fold your arms behind you, I don't want you fidgeting while your being punished" Ryan shook his head "Why am I doing this?" he slowly folded his arms behind him and he heard Lucy squeal with delight "So precious" she said as she patted Ryan's diapered bum, Ryan jumped slightly but Lucy continued to pat his padded read "Good baby" she cooed and Ryan heard her walk back towards her desk.

Ryan closed his eyes and slowly sucked on the pacifier "I'm a grown man, If any of this gets out I will be a laughingstock, I can't believe I'm letting her do this to me" he then remembered her smile and his heart skipped a beat "Yes she is very pretty and she has a great body but I don't want this. To be her baby, to do everything that she tells me" his eyes sprang open as he felt his penis enlarge "No I don't want her to boss me around and spank me" he felt his penis throb "No, I'm getting turned on thinking about it, do I want this?". Ryan spent the next few minutes remembering what had happened the last few days and as he was thinking of it he was feeling more and more pleasure of it "Something is wrong with me, I'm getting turned on by this" he thought as he continued to suck on the pacifier.

He let out a big sigh from behind the pacifier when suddenly he felt the urge to pee rush over him and he began to panic "Well I may like being bossed around I do not like being made to pee myself" he thought as he squeezed his inner thighs together and held his breath "I need to use the toilet but Lucy said this is my toilet" he blushed as he felt a wave of excitement rush over himself "No" he shouted inside his head. Ryan began to lift up his feet "I bet I look just like a toddler, I am doing the pee dance while wearing a diaper" he blushed thinking of what Lucy saw of him and then shook his head and continued to dance on the spot but it was no use and he knew it was only a matter of time, he gently banged his head against the wall and mumbled a curse as he felt himself losing the battle.

He felt the damn break and he froze on the spot as the warm urine rushed into the diaper. He bit the inside of his lip and scrunched up his eyes as the pee made its way around his balls and wet the lower part of his bum cheeks "I'm actually doing it, I'm wetting a diaper" he felt shame wash over him. After what felt like forever to Ryan, but was only a minute, he finally stopped peeing. Ryan screwed up his face as he smelt the urine coming from his crotch, he moved his legs apart slightly and felt the diaper sag with the extra weight which made him blush once again. He stood frozen for a moment feeling the fresh dampness between his legs when his chest tightened and he heard Lucy stand up from her desk and slowly walk over to him.

Chapter 09

Ryan closed his eyes hoping that Lucy wouldn’t say anything he began to tremble as he felt her breath on the back of his neck “I can’t believe I just wet a diaper with my boss watching” the shame washed over as he slowly felt Lucy’s hand reach out and touch the now soiled underwear. Lucy’s hand slowly rubbed Ryan’s padded bum and as her hand moved down to the bulge between his legs he scrunched his eyes shut and blushed bright red “Please stop” he thought and to Ryan’s surprise her hand stopped between his legs and then the colour drained from his face “She can feel the warmth, oh god she defiantly knows now” he thought. Lucy smiled to herself as she held the warm diaper in her hand, she moved in close to Jack and cooed “Awww poor baby, did you go wee wees in your diaper?” Jack instantly felt light-headed, he wanted the floor to open up and swallow him up as the embarrassment of what Lucy said echoed through him. He stood in silence too ashamed to talk, Lucy’s hand slowly left the warm bulge between his legs and Ryan let out a sigh of relief “At least she can’t feel it anymore” he blushed again when he realized the thought and slowly banged his head against the wall. Lucy couldn’t stop smiling as she stared at the small diapered man standing in front of her “I think baby did do a wee wee but if he won't tell me then I will have to check” she said mockingly and before Ryan had chance to think of what she was saying his jaw dropped and his eyes bulged as he felt two of Lucy’s fingers poke into the diaper from between his legs, he couldn’t think as he felt the fingers probe around inside the diaper, he shook with embarrassment when one of the fingers gently brushed his balls. As quickly as her fingers entered the diaper they were removed and Lucy cheerfully announced “Yep baby has a wet diaper”.

Ryan’s head fell with shame “I can’t believe this is happening, I can’t believe I let it happen and for what? A few extra dollars? I have just wet a diaper like I’m some kind of baby” he clenched his fists angry at himself when he felt a hard swat against his padded bum, he jumped out of shock but was too embarrassed to turn his head and look at the attractive woman when he heard Lucy say with an angry tone “No need to get angry with me because you went wee wees, I think you need to relax”. Ryan slowly released his fists, his mind was in a fog of frustration as he tried to figure out what to do “I, She, I, No I, What do I mean?” he thought with frustration when Lucy grabbed at one of his hands and pulled it away from behind his back which caused Ryan to turn on the spot and for the first time since he wet the diaper he was forced to look at the pretty woman. Her smile made his chest feel tight and he blushed but couldn’t bring himself to say anything as Lucy pulled him reluctantly out of the corner and towards the spare chair at her desk. She sat down and with her spare hand she patted her knee “Sit down baby” she giggled but Ryan was so embarrassed to move, Lucy sighed and with one quick motion she pulled him close and scooped him up, before Ryan knew it he was sitting on his boss’s lap, his feet just inches off the ground with his now wet diaper resting on her legs.

Ryan couldn’t bring himself to look at Lucy and he stared across the room as the tall woman began to bounce him up and down, she stared at him and cooed “Relax baby, it’s OK I’m here” Ryan blushed and continued to stare into the distance as Lucy continued to bounce him up and down gently cooing to him “Can you look at me, I want to see your cute little smile, can you smile for me baby, be a good boy and smile for me” Ryan tried to force it but he was feeling so embarrassed about the way that she was talking to him that he let out a shy smile. Lucy giggled “Awww what a cute smile” she cooed but Ryan continued to look into the distance refusing to look at Lucy. “What’s the matter Baby?” she asked but Ryan didn’t say anything “What do you think is the matter?” he thought but couldn’t bring himself to talk. Lucy looked at him with a concerned look and she stopped bouncing him up and down “Oh I know what it must be” she said and Ryan had a puzzled look on his face “What does she think it is?” he thought when Lucy placed a hand on his back and gently pushed him forward and with her other hand she pulled the back of the diaper away, Ryan blushed bright red and finally looked at Lucy who was peering into the back of Ryan’s diaper and without looking at Ryan she said “Nope, no poopy” she then looked up at Ryan’s shocked face and smiled “Ah there you are, hello cutie” she cheerfully announced.  

Ryan didn’t know what to do, he felt an array of emotions running through him but he couldn’t bring any of them to the surface, it felt like they were all competing with each other inside him and then with Lucy cheerfully smiling at him he broke. Tears formed in his eyes and without even fighting it he began to cry. Lucy quickly and motherly pulled him in close to her and gave him a big cuddle, Ryan’s arms stayed at his side unable to move as he buried his face into the loving woman’s shoulder. She began to bounce him up and down on her knee again and cooed “Shhh shhh little one, it will be alright, I’m here for you”.

Chapter 10

Ryan slowly calmed down as he felt the warmth of the tall woman engulf him, he had his head buried into her shoulder as she bounced him up and down and he suddenly blushed “I can’t believe I did that, I cried just like a baby, I’m falling right into her hands. I’m wearing a wet diaper and I just cried like a baby, how has she done this to me?” he rubbed his head against Lucy’s shoulder and sighed. Lucy slowly stopped bouncing him up and down and cooed towards the young man “Are you OK baby?”, Ryan was too embarrassed to answer “I can’t look at her but I can’t stay here with my face buried into her shoulder” he swallowed hard as Lucy repeated her question “Are you, OK baby?”, Ryan took a deep breath and nodded “Yes I’m OK” he weakly replied. Lucy smiled and began to rub his back “Good Good” she said and moved her hands under Ryan’s armpits and gently pulled him away from her. Ryan felt a great fear build up in him as his face was slowly pulled away from Lucy’s shoulder, quickly he looked down at the floor as he was pulled away from her.

Lucy gave Ryan a big smile which Ryan saw out of the corner of his eye and blushed as he found himself placed on the floor. He quickly scrunched up his face as he felt the dampness of the diaper press-up against his bum as he sat on the floor not knowing what to do “What should I be doing now? I want to get out of this diaper firstly. I should ask for her for a change” he blushed at the thought when Lucy stood up from the seat and cleared her throat and cooed down to him “Back to your book little one” Ryan quickly looked up at Lucy with a confused look on his face “Back to my book? What about the diaper?” he thought as he tried to gain enough courage to talk to the attractive woman. Ryan took a deep breath and felt his chest tighten and his face blush as he weakly said “What about the diaper?” Lucy held back a smile as she looked down at the adorable man sitting at her feet “I will change you when you need it, now go on crawl over to the spot and carry on” Ryan’s jaw dropped “But I need it now” he half-shouted, Lucy placed her hands on her hips “Crawl” she said. Ryan blurted out “Crawl?” he asked, Lucy nodded “Yes crawl on over baby boy” she couldn’t contain herself any longer and let out a little giggle as Ryan looked over to where he was sitting earlier. “Crawl? Like a baby? I need to get this diaper changed not crawl around the office” he thought “I’m so far down the rabbit hole now is there any way of getting out? I am sitting in a wet diaper I guess crawling isn’t too much removed from that” he let out a sigh. Lucy was becoming impatient and she began to tap her foot to prove her point that Ryan was taking to long but he still didn’t move “Hurry up baby, you have already distracted me enough this morning” she said with a hint of annoyance in her tone. Ryan shook his head and slowly got onto his hands and knees “I bet she is staring at me, just don’t look behind” he thought as he slowly crawled towards the book. He couldn’t help himself and he looked behind and saw Lucy staring back at him with a great big smile on her face, he quickly turned back around and shook his head “Why did I look?”.

Ryan sat down on his damp diapered bum and sighed as he noted that the urine had become colder and had started to become a little itchy, he looked up at Lucy with pleading eyes but all she said was “Good boy” and she walked back to the desk and sat down. He picked up the match the dots book and opened it up to where he was at and carried on joining the dots with a large sigh “Am I really becoming her baby? Do I want to be her baby?” a cold chill ran down his body “I guess I need to ask that question, this is day one of this new role and I’ve already wet the diaper and cried like a baby do I want it to carry on passed today?” he looked up at Lucy and couldn’t help but smile at her beauty “I do want to spend time with her but...” Ryan began to feel a headache come on “...I just don’t know, would life be that difficult if I accepted it. I mean it’s just during the working week and I am getting a lot of money for it, all the things I can buy with that money” he half smiled and looked up at Lucy again “Maybe I could get used to it” he thought when suddenly there came a knock at the office door and Ryan jumped a mile. His eyes went wide and his chest became tight and he looked over at Lucy with panic “She wouldn’t let anyone in here would she?” he thought when Lucy calmly looked up from her desk and stared at Ryan with a cold smile and loudly said, “Come in”.

Chapter 11

Ryan began to panic he looked at Lucy then back at the door everything appeared to be going in slow motion as he sat on the floor in his wet diaper “Did she really just say that? I have to move, I can’t let whoever it is on the other side of the door come in and see me like this” he thought with dread but as he went to move he found he couldn’t he was scared stiff as the handle of the door turned and the door slowly opened.

Ryan watched in stunned amazement as Rachel, Lucy’s secretary opened the door her big blue eyes fixed on him with a huge smile. She quickly closed the door behind her “He is adorable” she squealed as Ryan blushed bright red. The cute looking 26-year-old continued to smile at Ryan who quickly looked away from the pretty woman, she was wearing a white button-up shirt and a tight black knee-length skirt and her long blonde hair went down behind her back. “He sure is, what do you need Rachel?” Lucy asked and Ryan was surprised with her nonchalant attitude to the situation “I’m sitting here in a wet diaper, how is Lucy acting like this is normal. I can’t believe Rachel has seen me like this why didn’t I move when she was coming in, we never really talked when she was the secretary to the last owner but I always thought she was cute and then she got pregnant, she has been on maternity leave I think she has only been back a few weeks” he thought as Rachel finally broke her gaze away from Ryan and looked at Lucy “Ah yes sorry, you have that meeting in five minutes” Lucy quickly stood up from her desk “Oh yes, I forgot about that, time has gone past so fast today” she walked over to Ryan and knelt down in front of him “I got to go to a meeting but Aunt Rachel is going to look after you, OK baby? Good” she said and before Ryan could react she stood up and turned to face Rachel. “What does she mean Rachel is going to look after me? I don’t need anyone to look after me” his thoughts were cut off when he heard Lucy walk towards Rachel and say “I think he is wet but he hasn’t pooped yet so he won't need changing but...” she looked up at the clock quickly “... Yeah he will need feeding, if you could do that” Rachel smiled as Ryan blushed bright red “I can’t believe she told Rachel that I’m in a wet diaper, what does she mean I will need feeding?” he thought as Rachel nodded her head “Not a problem I have plenty for him” she let out a little giggle as Lucy smiled and walked past her, she stopped at the door and looked down at Ryan “Now you be a good baby for Aunt Rachel, I will be back soon” she said and she quickly left the office. Ryan sat stunned as Rachel stared down at him with a big grin “OK baby Ryan, time for lunch” she giggled again and walked towards him.

Ryan watched the pretty woman walk towards him and was stunned at how good she looked so soon after having her baby, she smiled at him which made Ryan feel nervous and then she sat down on the carpet a few steps away from Ryan with her back resting up against the desk and her legs straight out in front of her, she adjusted her skirt and then looked at Ryan who had a confused look on his face and cooed “Come here baby”. Ryan didn’t move as he looked nervously at the cute woman “What is she going to do when I get over there?” he thought as Rachel cleared her throat and frowned at him “Excuse me young man I said come over here, now you better do as I say or Lucy will hear about it and then you will be in trouble. Now be a good baby boy and crawl here”. Ryan blushed and let out a big sigh “I don’t want to get into trouble but I don’t want to crawl” he shook his head and swallowed and slowly got onto his hands and knees “I can’t believe I’m crawling around again” he thought as moved the short distance towards Rachel.

Ryan arrived beside Rachel constantly looking down at the floor when Rachel said “Now baby, flip over onto your back and rest your lower back on my lap, that's a good baby” Ryan slowly did as he was told and Rachel cupped his head in her arm and smiled down at him “Good baby” she giggled as she looked down his body “Awww those diapers are cute, I haven’t seen those type before are they comfy?” she turned back to look at Ryan and laughed at his confused blushing face “I guess you will grow to like them” she laughed again. “Comfy? No they are not comfy, they are wet and bulky and I will not get used to them” he shuddered at the thought. Rachel looked down at Ryan and smiled “Lunchtime” she cooed and she lifted a hand up to her chest and to Ryan’s amazement, she began to unbutton her white shirt.

Ryan’s eyes bulged out of his head as Rachel slowly unbuttoned her shirt revealing her white Bra he felt a throbbing in his wet diaper as he stared at the woman’s breasts through her bra “What is going on?” he shouted in his head when suddenly Rachel pulled down her bra exposing her supple breast and nipple to him. Ryan’s mouth was dry as she smiled down at him and cooed “I hope you enjoy your lunch baby” she giggled as she slowly lifted Ryan’s astonished face closer to her breast while her spare hand wrapped around Ryan’s back pulling him closer to her with ease. Ryan was inches away from Rachel’s nipple he couldn’t stop staring at the vision in front of him when he suddenly gasped and looked up at Rachel “Lunch?” he said. Rachel giggled “Yes baby, this is perfect for a growing baby boy like yourself now open up” Ryan looked back down at the nipple and felt cold “She wants me to drink her breast milk? I can’t do that” he looked up at Rachel again and shook his head “I, I can’t” he stuttered out Rachel sighed “Baby don’t argue with me or I will have to give you a spanking now be a good little boy and drink up” her hand forced Ryan closer to her nipple as he felt his throbbing penis inside the diaper he slowly opened his mouth and placed it around the teat. Rachel looked down at him “Now suck baby, it’s not going to come out by itself, you silly baby” she giggled as Ryan blushed and quickly closed his eyes and began to suck on her nipple.  

Chapter 12

Ryan was bright red as he sucked on Rachel’s nipple and the warm watery substance began to pour into his mouth, he felt his penis become hard inside his wet diaper as he lay across the pretty woman's lap, the only thought running through his mind was “I can’t believe this is happening, is it good or is it bad?”. He tried to pull away a few times but Rachel kept her hand firmly on the back of his head stopping him from getting away “Good baby, you drink it all up for your Aunt, that’s a good baby” she cooed down to the small man. After about a minute Ryan finally finished the breast and stopped sucking on the nipple he opened his eyes and looked up at Rachel with a confused look but Rachel kept his head locked into place “You just stay right there baby until I say your finished” Ryan quickly closed his eyes out of embarrassment as his mouth stayed around the young woman's nipple “Wow, this is actually happening, I have my mouth on Rachel's boob” he began to feel excited when his penis throbbed inside his diaper and the situation came crashing down on him “I’m wearing a wet diaper while sucking on this gorgeous woman’s boob, she only considers me a baby, she doesn’t think anything else of it” he gently shook his head as Rachel released his head “All gone she announced” she then placed her hands under Ryan's armpits and moved him around so that he was on his knees with his head resting on her shoulder and she began to rub his back “Let it all out” she cooed as Ryan's eye’s widened “She is trying to burp me, right this is it, I can’t let this carry on” he thought.

Ryan pulled himself away from Rachel and quickly got onto his feet “Right that’s enough” he said “I can’t….” he was cut off when the door opened and Lucy walked into the room frowning at Ryan “What do we have here?” she said in a cold voice “Who said you could stand baby boy, back down on your hands and knees” she pointed to the floor with her index finger. Ryan shook his head “No” he said when Rachel suddenly stood up beside him buttoning up her shirt she too frowned at him, she was only a few inches taller than him but with both women frowning at him he suddenly felt very small. Lucy took a step forward “Get down on your wet bum now or you will be punished young man” Ryan nervously shook his head “No, I have had enough of this” he said weakly. Lucy smiled “Awww poor baby, well there isn’t anything you can do about it, I am your legal guardian and I’m in full control of all your estates and you have been deemed mentally unable to look after yourself” Ryan’s jaw dropped open “What? What the hell are you talking about?” Lucy smiled “Well baby boy, that form you sighed yesterday wasn’t for a promotion or a pay rise it was to make me your legal guardian...” Ryan felt light-headed and he slowly backed away as Lucy continued “...and the meeting that I was just at was with a lawyer and a doctor, they watched the footage of you colouring while wearing a diaper and both deemed that you have had a mental breakdown” Ryan’s head was spinning and he felt sick “Footage?” he asked, Rachel laughed and pointed to the corner of the room “A camera right there, filming you this whole time” she smiled at Lucy “So everything is in place then?” Lucy nodded “Yep, this little baby boy is all ready to take home” Ryan backed into the corner “No, Lucy please, I don’t want this” he begged but Lucy walked towards him “Now baby, this can go one of two ways, the easy way and you get back on your bum and crawl or I pull you over my knee and give you a spanking then carry you, It’s up to you but I recommend going with the first option” Ryan shook his head “No you can’t do this, I’m not a baby!” he shouted but it fell on deaf ears and Rachel stood beside Lucy “Be a good boy for us Ryan, we don’t want to punish you but we will if we have too” Ryan had tears in his eyes and his body felt very heavy “They are both stronger than me, they can easily pull me across either of their laps and spank me, Oh god I can’t get spanked by them but I can’t crawl and make it show that I accept this” he held on to his now pounding head as Lucy said “You have the count of three, if your not on your hands and knees by three then you will get spanked” Ryan looked at Lucy with pleading eyes “Please” he said but all she said back was “One” Tears were now rolling down his face as he looked at Rachel “Please Rachel” but she just giggled and said “Two”. Ryan was sweating and as he looked at Lucy open her mouth he dropped to the floor onto his hands and knees, it wasn’t till he was staring at the floor that he realised what he had done and he swore under his breath.

Lucy smiled down at Ryan “Good baby” she cooed and she walked back a few steps towards the door “Come to mommy” she cooed again, Ryan shook his head with tears rolling down his face he slowly crawled towards Lucy “I don’t have a choice” he thought as Rachel stood behind him and slowly followed him. Once in front of Lucy she looked down at him and cooed “Good baby, now time to go home, follow mommy” she left through the door out of the office. Ryan froze his heart beating out of his chest "Go out there" he thought until a sharp swat from Rachel to his padded bum made him jolt forward “Move that bum baby” she giggled and slowly he crawled out of her office staring only at the floor. He tried with all his might to ignore the stares he was getting from as he crawled across the office floor behind Lucy with his wet diaper, he knew they were all watching him and judging him but he couldn't do anything to stop it. He felt utterly defeated and with every crawl away from the safety of Lucy's office it was a crawl away from his past life, no longer was he Ryan the apprentice he had a new role, he was now Ryan the Baby



I can't wait to read more!!