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 This was at the end of  Homeless as future chapter 01

I decided to edit it and make it into its own short story.

Chapter 01

Emma had kept Katie as her baby for just over a month and she was enjoying having the young woman be her dependable little girl but Emma had gotten annoyed at Katie’s rule-breaking and attempts to leave so she came up with a plan to give Katie what she wanted.

She had gone through the usual morning routine of waking up her adult baby who was sleeping soundly in her crib after she had breakfast and her morning breast milk from a bottle Emma took Katie back into her nursery to get her ready for the big day. After Katie was changed out of her wet diaper Emma placed four diapers on the confused adult baby, Katie hated the feeling of multiple diapers it made her feel more of the baby that Emma wanted her to be. Once the four diapers were taped on she pulled out a pink onesie with frilly lace around the armholes and across the bottom with baby embroidered across the front. Katie had worn the onesie once before but not for very long and since then had only worn diapers and nothing to hide her modesty, she was glad that she was now allowed to wear clothes again even if it was baby clothes it was better than wearing just a diaper.

After the onesie was placed on her and Emma had fastened the buttons on the crotch Katie knew what would be coming next, and just as Katie had predicted Emma had a blue denim pair of shortalls ready for her. Just like last time Katie was happy that the shortalls would cover up the ruffles across her bum and make her look a little more like a grown-up. Once the shortalls were placed on her Katie looked down at her inflated crotch, the four diapers underneath were clearly visible under the body-hugging shortalls. Emma placed Katie’s hair in pigtails and put on a pair of frilly socks and black shoes, she stood back and smiled “Perfect” she squealed and as she walked back to Katie she produced a blue adult sized pacifier from her pocket, Katie sighed but opened her mouth as Emma guided the rubber nipple in.

Emma lifted Katie off the changing table and into her usual crawling position. Emma walked out of the room with Katie following behind, Katie looked behind her as she crawled and sighed as her huge denim bum swayed with each movement. Katie began to get worried when Emma walked towards the front door and not into the living room as she normally did. When Katie saw Emma put her shoes on Katie felt light-headed, Emma bent down and put her face very close to Katie’s and confirmed Katie’s worst fears "We are going out, you can walk if you are holding a grown-up's hand, if you are not then you must fall onto your diapered bum and crawl, otherwise same rules, only baby talk allowed and you must call me mommy, understand baby?" Katie began to tear up the last thing she wanted was to go out dressed like a baby, Emma motherly rubbed the tears away and lifted Katie to her feet and opened the front door.

Chapter 02

Katie felt the warmth of the sun gently kiss her skin for the first time in a month and it brought a slight smile to her face until she took the first step towards the light and she realized that she had a slight waddle to her walk. She stopped not wanting to move her eyes fixed on the obvious bulge around her groin but Emma pulled on her hand and she soon waddled out of the door. Katie's eyes darted around in fear making sure that nobody could see her leave Emma’s house dressed as a baby, she wanted to spit the pacifier out of her mouth knowing that it would be the first thing people noticed then it would draw their eyes down to see the bulge of her diaper surrounding her waist. She thought at 5'2 it wouldn’t even look like she was a big toddler and even though holding onto Emma’s hand did make her appear smaller it didn’t make her that small and there was no mistaking that she was an adult dressed as a baby.

Katie felt very strange she hadn’t walked for almost a month, she had longed to be able to walk and feel like an adult again but now the only thing she wanted to do was hide away in Emma’s house. They slowly walked up the street Katie kept her eyes on the ground and Emma had to pull on her hand to make her keep up. Katie looked up and saw an old couple walk past them staring at her, she overheard one say “She is awfully big to be a baby isn’t she?” Katie felt light-headed but she quickened her pace to try to get away from the couple. Katie had no idea where they were going and when Emma turned a corner Katie almost fell to the floor, in front of her was a shopping mall, Katie slowed down to an almost stop when she saw all the parked cars outside the mall but Emma stopped and gave Katie a slap to her padded behind "Keep up baby Katie or I will spank you all the way inside" Emma quickly pulled on her hand and reluctantly Katie followed Emma inside the mall.

Katie instantly felt people staring as they entered the mall and she turned a bright shade of pink as the first lot of people looked at her as they walked past. She wanted to spit the dummy out and run away but she couldn’t think of anywhere she could go. She thought about the coldness of the streets and if she did run away now she would be homeless and wearing baby clothing including diapers, there would be nowhere she could go so she decided to try to get through this and get back to Emma’s. Katie tried to stop herself from waddling but she felt that just made her bum move from side to side more so she stopped and waddled alongside Emma. She kept her eyes on the floor as Emma guided them into a pharmacy. Emma went straight to the baby aisle where she handed Katie some squeaky baby toys which Katie handled with mixed emotions, she liked the idea of having some new toys to distract her from boredom in the playpen but hated that she had to carry them when obviously they were intended for her.

Emma led Katie to the counter and Katie felt such shame as the check-out girl was obviously younger than her and Katie couldn’t shake the horrible feeling of a younger girl seeing her dressed in such a humiliating way. The teenage girl scanned the items, she looked up at Katie with an odd expression when she placed the baby toys on the counter, she laughed and said "Oh is this your baby?" Katie’s face went bright red and she couldn’t think of anything to do so she did what she always did when she felt embarrassed and sucked furiously sucked on her pacifier. Katie’s eyes widened and she froze when she suddenly felt the warm urine enter her diaper, she was in complete shock she wanted the floor to swallow her, all she could think of was that she was wetting her diaper in front of strangers in such a public space just like the baby Emma wanted her to be. Emma cheerfully replied to the teenager "Yes she is my little baby, wave to the nice grown-up baby" People looked at Katie some shocked, some amused,  Katie hated every part of this she just wanted to get back to Emma’s house and away from all the people that were staring at her. Katie quickly lifted her hand and waved to the teenager, the teenager smiled and said “Awww, well you have a very cute baby” Katie looked down but all she could focus on was her inflated crotch. Emma paid for the toys and led Katie out of the pharmacy, Katie turned back around at the pharmacy and saw a lot of people pointing at her and the teenage girl gave a quick wave as she waddled away, she quickly turned back around and with a sigh of relief, Emma led them out of the mall.

Chapter 03

Emma led Katie a different way home unfortunately for Katie it was much busier and she could feel everybody staring at her. They entered a park and walked across the grass, a group of teenage girls were in the park, Katie quickly looked up and saw that they were very pretty, the one in front was a blonde and the other two behind her were brunettes, they were all wearing the same school uniform and as Emma and Katie were walking towards them one of the girls nudged the others and they all stared at Katie as they walked past the blonde shouted out "cute baby, does she need her diapers changing?" which caused them all to giggle. Katie was mortified and wanted to leave the area quickly so she quickened her waddle but without her knowing Emma stopped suddenly and even though she tried her hand slipped out of Emma’s grip.

To Katie’s horror once they stopped holding hands Emma took several steps backward. Katie looked at Emma with tears in her eyes she remembered Emma’s rules but looked over at the girls who were still watching her eager to see what was coming next and then back at Emma who had now folded her arms and narrowed her eyes. Katie knew what she had to do and with tears in her eyes, she fell onto her wet diapered bottom in the middle of the park. The teenage girls broke out into giggles as they saw the giant baby fall to the floor and sit with her legs wide apart. "Wow look between her legs, she is definitely wearing a diaper" one of the brunette girls pointed and the rest stared in silent amazement but broke out in laughter, Katie tried to block it all out she thought that if any of these girls had been through what she had at the hands of Emma then they wouldn't be laughing at her misery. Emma with a smile on her face clapped her hands together and stuck them out for Katie to grab, Katie felt light-headed and all she wanted to do was curl up on the floor and cry. Katie swallowed hard and suppressed the urge to cry and looked up at Emma who clapped her hands once again, Katie knew that she would now have to get onto her hands and knees and crawl towards Emma.

Everything in her body was telling her to run or scream out but she couldn't, the main thing she wanted now was to be back at Emma’s in a clean diaper where nobody could see her. Katie reluctantly got onto all fours and began to crawl towards Emma, she could hear the girls laughing and mocking her "What an adorable baby she is" the blonde said and another said "Isn't she very well-trained" the one that stung the most to Katie was "She looks and acts just like a real baby" Katie arrived at Emma’s legs and reverted to sitting on her padded posterior as Emma bent down and Katie grabbed her hands and she slowly stood up just like a toddler, Emma smiled at Emma and patted her bum “Good baby” she cooed and she continued to walk pulling the mortified Katie behind her. Katie could hear the girls shouting "bye-bye giant baby" as Katie and Emma left the park.

Chapter 04

Katie felt like running towards the front door when she saw Emma’s house in view, but Emma kept hold of her hand and they slowly walked down the street while Katie nervously looked around hoping nobody else would bring attention to her new life. As they entered Emma’s house Emma let go of Katie’s hand before Emma closed the door and Katie nervously dropped down on to her bum as Emma turned around and slowly closed the front door, Emma smiled down at her adult baby and walked down the corridor and Katie crawled after her into the living room. Emma stopped at Katie’s playpen and Katie quickly went back to sitting on her bum as Emma quickly lifted Katie up and placed her in the playpen surrounded by her infantile toys.

Emma looked down at her adult baby "Now we won’t be going outside for a long time, I did that to show you that people can be mean to little babies, I will keep you safe in here my gorgeous baby" Katie was relieved to be back in the confines of Emma’s home, she hated being outside dressed as a baby, she hated people staring and laughing and she hated the comments she got, she decided that if she has to be a baby it's better Emma just seeing her dressed up as one than anyone else. Emma walked over to her desk and began typing as Katie sat in the playpen, she slowly picked up one of the baby toys and began to play with it, she looked out the window and thought that being a baby wasn’t so bad she was inside and warm and she did have a bed which was better than before and even though she had to wear and use diapers she thought that she would eventually get used to it. Emma looked back at Katie playing with her infantile toy and smiled she was happy with the results of the day trip, her adult baby didn't want to leave the house anymore and wouldn't try to escape if left on her own her plan worked out perfectly she thought as she turned back towards her computer to accept the invite from Cynthia.

Katie and Emma return in Play Date 



Could the teen at the register be looking to babysit?