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Chapter 01

At 26 years old the beautiful brunette Louise is still in school, spending the last two years since her marriage working on her degree while her husband worked full time in order to support them. Her 32-year-old husband Glen is happy to support her and she loves him for it; but even so, there’s a secret she has sworn never to tell him. Louise is an Adult Baby. It all started one day while she was studying. She was scrolling through Tumblr when she accidentally stumbled across a profile with surprising content. ABDL content. She had found herself scouring the site until Glen came home, too caught up in reading about real people who apparently shared this same fetish to realize the time. It wasn’t long before she broke down and decided to create her own profile, tell her own story, and straight away she had had a torrent of followers and friendly comments. It all made her feel so good about herself. Eventually, she built up enough confidence to take a photo of herself in a diaper and sucking on a pacifier. She spent all day on just the one photo, re-shooting and editing it countless times until she finally decided to post it. Instantly, she received comments and messages telling her how cute and pretty a Baby Girl she is.  

When she read them, Louise blushed with delight, and after a few weeks, she became more confident and posted more photos. Some were of her in just diapers and a shirt, while others were of her in various adult baby clothing that she’d begun hiding from her husband.  but then one day while she was sitting at her desk in a tight pink shirt and a wet diaper she got a message that read ‘Hi Louise'. Her chest got tight as she read the message and re-read it over and over again, she finally decided to write ‘Who's Louise?' then she held her breath as she waited for a response, soon it came and Louise almost fell off her chair as she read ‘Miss Louise Cookling'. She re-read her full maiden name over and over in a panic "Someone recognised me, what am I going to do?" she took a few deep breaths and thought long and hard "The person doesn't know my new name or that I'm married, maybe if I block this person then it will go away, I will also have to delete the photos" she said to herself as she clicked the block button with a sigh of relief, she quickly deleted the photos and sat back in her chair when she heard a Facebook message. Louise looked at the message and was surprised it was off her 20-year-old nephew Jack it simply read ‘naughty' and Louise's chest tightened again "No way, it can't be" she quickly wrote back ‘what?' and once again held her breath waiting for the reply. It quickly came, she read it and all the colour drained from her face as she read ‘Naughty blocking me'.

Louise didn't know what to do she just froze staring at the screen for what seemed like an age then another message came from her nephew ‘Naughty Louise' Louise blushed bright "I have known Jack for 8 years, I was 18 and he was 12 and now he has seen me, seen me wearing diapers and wearing baby clothes" she took a deep breath and tried to think "He wouldn't do anything, would he?" she thought as she slowly placed her hands on the keyboard "I need to make sure it's him" she sighed as she began to type ‘What you talking about Jack?' she stared at the screen in nervous anticipation. The familiar sound rang out and Louise read the message ‘I'm talking about you being a naughty baby, I think you should say sorry for blocking me' Louise's heart sank as her worst fears were confirmed. She re-read the message and began to feel angry "Calling me a baby and making me say sorry to him? Who does he think he is?" she began to type ‘Listen Jack I'm still your Aunty and you can't speak to me like that' she was about to press send when the message sound came through the speakers again and Louise saw in horror the first picture that she had posted of her in the diaper sucking a pacifier, the sound went off again and Louise read the new message ‘I wonder if my uncle has seen this, should I email him and see?' Louise let out a little scream and frantically deleted the message she was writing and started a new ‘I'm sorry Jack, please don't send the picture' she pressed enter and sat on the edge of her seat her wet diaper between her legs a constant reminder of what was happening. A new noise came through the speakers and Louise looked quizzically at the scream to see that Jack was requesting a video call.

"Do I answer it? No I have to try and stay in control here" she thought as the call stopped and Jack messaged ‘Naughty Baby' Louise quickly wrote back ‘Jack listen you found something very private and I would really like to trust you in not letting anyone know about this' she gave a sigh of relief after she pressed enter "Hopefully that will work" she said to herself. ‘You can trust me If you do a few things for me'. Louise shook her head "What few things?" she thought and shook "What would he want from me?" she said to herself then she slowly typed ‘Like what?' Jack quickly replied ‘Answer the call and show me' Louise began to shake again "Show him? Jack can't see me wearing a diaper, I cant" but suddenly the video call began to ring again and Louise froze "Do I have a choice?" she thought as she accepted the call.

Chapter 02

Louise held her breath as the video came on and she saw her 20-year-old nephew grinning back at her, Louise gave a half-smile and softly said "Hi", Louise studied the young man his black hair was messy and sticking out all over his head, he had put on a bit of weight since Louise had last seen him as his face was rounder and he had a few spots dotted around his face and very poor attempt at a beard on his chin. Louise noticed that he looked nervous, after a while Jack finally spoke "Hi Aunty" he laughed straight away, Louise sighed and replied "Hi". Jack quickly broke out in an "Awwww good baby" which made Louise blush and clench her fist at the same time, she took a deep a breath and half smiled "Just got to keep him on my good side" she thought. Jack was still grinning as he said "Can baby wave hello?", Louise sneered and lifted her arm up and gave a half wave "Hello" she said bluntly.

Jack's grin disappeared "Well that won't do now will it, I want you to stand up and give me a curtsey and say ‘hello my name is Louise', in your best baby voice" the grin returned as Louise's jaw dropped open, she took another deep breath and calmly said "Now, Jack, I'm not going to do that" Jack continued to grin "Well I guess I can send those photos out, I read your blog and I remember you saying how much you like to put on a baby voice, so be a good baby and do it" he sat back like he had won a great argument. Louise looked down at the wet diaper between her legs "I can't do that, I stand up then he is going to see this, No I need to keep talking to him, he can't have the upper hand on me" she smiled back at Jack "Listen.." she was quickly interrupted by Jack "3" he shouted. Louise was taken back "He is counting down if I don't do it by one then will he send the photos?" she thought and then opened her mouth to talk when Jack shouted "2". Louise began to panic "Ok I do this then what? Whenever he wants me to do something he just has to threaten me" she thought for a minute then said "Fine, I do this then you promise you won't send the photos" Jack took a moment to think about it then reluctantly nodded "I promise I won't send the photos if you do this" he said. Louise began to shake "Am I really going to show my nephew my wet diaper? I can't let him send the photos out, once I have done this then it's over with, he has promised" she shook her head "How can I trust you?" she said, Jack looked a little hurt "Come on we are family" he said with a grin "now be a good baby" he mocked.

Louise still shaking slowly stood up "I can't believe I'm doing this" she thought as she looked down at the laptop and could see her wet diaper on display to Jack, she swallowed hard as she walked a few steps away and saw Jack's still grinning face and her body from the knees up to the top of her head "Ok I have to make this look believable or he won't be satisfied" she thought as she grabbed the corner of her shirt and pulled it away from her and dipped slightly into a curtsy, she put on a big smile as she said in her high pitch baby voice  "Hewwo me name is Loooeeeess" she then stood back up red-faced and walked back to the desk and sat down she looked at Jack who wasn't saying anything, he just continued staring at her with the big grin on his face, after a while she said "Ok?" Jack's grin quickly left his face and Louise looked on as it looked like he was doing something "Jack you promised" she said getting a little worried. Jack stopped and looked back up at Louise "Yep I promised, I won't be sending any photos" Louise let out a big sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, now I must start studying, I will..." Jack interrupted her "Wait for a minute little one" Louise paused and clenched her fists again "We had a deal she shouted" Jack grinned, "I said I wouldn't send any photos but I have just come in contact with a lovely baby video of you".

Chapter 03

Louise screamed "What you talking about?" her face was full of anger "I don't have a video?" then it hit her like shot through the chest "You're recording?" Jack sat back and smiled "I recorded you doing that adorable curtsy" Jack laughed as Louise opened her mouth to speak but Jack interrupted her "Now I'm going to leave you to think about it and when you come back and I hope your a good little baby" he smiled again then quickly waved and cancelled the call.

Louise sat in silence for a moment trying to get her head around what had just happened "He recorded me? He fucking recorded me in a wet diaper, pretending to be a baby, I can't" she took a deep breath "Nobody can see that, what will he want me to do for him to keep it though? Do another video? But then he will just use that against me" She shook her head and stood up from her desk slowly, she walked over to the drinks cabinet and poured herself a whiskey straight and downed it in one her face contorting, and she let out a loud "Yack" but she poured herself a second glass and walked back to her desk. "Glen would not accept this about me, I can't tell him I wear and wet diapers, he would never understand then he would leave me, I can't risk it" she took a quick drink of the whiskey and her face contorted again "God, how do people in the movies do this" she half smiled then turned to her laptop and took a deep breath she brought up Jacks profile and almost pressed call when she stopped herself "I can pretend to do this, it's just Jack, he can't have to much in mind" she quickly downed the rest of the whiskey let out a noise of disgust and then clicked call.

The call rang and rang but Jack didn't answer, finally, the call finished and Louise sat in her chair confused "Why didn't he answer?" Suddenly a message from Jack came up on her screen, Louise read the long message intently, it read ‘I want you to come around tomorrow during the day, my parents will be out so we will have the place to ourselves. Bring plenty of diapers and some of your adorable baby clothes, I will be a good babysitter for you baby Louise. You either type Yes or No to this message if you type anything else then I will be sending everything to Glen. I will give you ten minutes to reply if you don't then I will send everything to Glen'. Louise took several deep breaths in "What the fuck?" she shouted "No No, go over and get babysat by him? Wear diapers in front of him" She stood up quickly and walked to get another drink, she sat back down and sighed. "I don't have a choice" she slowly typed in ‘Yes', downed her drink and with a tear in her eye she pressed enter.

Chapter 04

Louise woke up late the next morning and rolled over and noticed that Glen had gone to work already she rolled back over and looked at the time "shit I have to go to Jack's soon" she began to shake as she slowly got up out of bed "How the fuck can I do this?" she thought as she stood up. "How can I wear a diaper in front of the boy that I used to babysit? How can I let him treat me like a baby when I'm so much older than him, If I don't he could ruin my entire life, Do I even have a choice?" She walked towards the shower and turned on the water and stood to watch the droplets fall before her. Louise stared at the running water for a moment just wanting to switch such a simple existence for her own. Louise got into the shower and felt the water wash all the stresses of normal life away, she forgot about Jack and her fetish and she just enjoyed the water dripping down her naked body. She then opened her mind to the present and the fear and nervousness of the day returned and she felt overwhelmed by it all and collapsed down onto the shower floor sobbing. After a long while she slowly stood up and turned off the shower, she stood for a while, her mind racing then she finally got out of the shower. She took a few deep breaths and grabbed a towel and began to dry herself, she looked at herself in the mirror and slightly jumped before she realized it was herself, so foggy her mind was. She walked to her bottle cabinet once again and grabbed a glass and poured a shot of whiskey into it, she quickly downed the glass and poured herself another, she carried that back into her bedroom where she placed it on her bedside table. She pulled out her adult clothes and her baby clothes and placed them side by side on the bed she stared at them both for a long while then picked up her drink and downed it. She put on her adult clothes which included, pink underwear and a bra, denim jeans and a red tight fighting top she then stuffed her baby clothes into a bag which consisted of a several folded up diapers, a pink shirt with frills on the arms, neck, and waist and a pacifier. She walked to the door of her house and pulled on her trainers, she looked at her drinks cabinet and smirked, she walked towards it and grabbed the bottle of whiskey and stuffed it into her baby bag then turned and slowly walked out of the house. She walked to her car her mind a fog as she sat down in the driver's seat, she slowly typed in the address of Jack's place into the GPS and on autopilot drove to his house.

Once she arrived at his place she pulled the whiskey out of the bag and stared at it for a second "I can't do this" she thought to herself, she slowly opened up the bottle and took a sniff of the contents inside and she quickly scrunched up her eyes as she held her breath, she pressed the bottle to her lips "No turning back" she thought as she lent her neck back and quickly drank up the remainder of the bottle. She threw the empty bottle down, grabbed her bag and got out of the car. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she slowly walked towards the house. She arrived at the front door and stared at it for a while "Am I really going to do this?" she thought but before she could answer herself Jack opened the door with a great big smile on his face.

Chapter 05

Louise stood staring at her nephew "I can't believe this is happening" she thought as Jack looked her up and down with the smile he then stood to one side a gestured her to enter. Louise sighed and slowly walked past Jack into the house, Louise looked around the familiar living room nervously when she suddenly jumped as Jack closed the front door. She stayed still not saying a word clutching onto her bag tightly "Why am I going along with this" she thought as she took a step forward when she suddenly felt a hard slap on her bum, she quickly spun around shouting "What the Fuck?" Jack smiled back at her "You cant do that?" she shouted again but Jack didn't say anything he just walked over to her and gave her another hard slap on the bum before Louise could say anything Jack calmly said "Bad baby, babies crawl" Louise blushed as she clenched her fists "I am not going to crawl Jack" she said through gritted teeth. Jack's smile left his face and he shook his head as he walked over to the sofa and sat down "Now I know you don't want to be a naughty baby or my uncle will find out everything so crawl over here and over my knee for a spanking young lady" the smile quickly returned as he shifted on the seat. Louise stood still gobsmacked "Crawl and then get spanked by him? Has he lost it? I'm his aunt, I can't let him treat me like this" she thought, she took a few deep breaths then said, "Listen Jack I.." But Jack lifted up his hand cutting her off "That's not how babies talk" Louise blushed again "The little shit, I'm going to have to go along with this" she thought then cleared her throat "I will not..." Jack cut her off again with tutting and shaking his head "I'm very disappointed in you Louise fine go then and I will send the video to my Uncle, see you around" he then gestured to the door. Louise's jaw dropped and she nervously looked at the door shaking "No I can't let him send them he could ruin my whole life" she then looked at Jack and slowly nodded then looked at the floor "This is so humiliating" she thought as she looked at the floor and sighed.

Slowly she dropped the bag that she was tightly holding and slowly dropped down to her knees she quickly looked up and saw Jacks big grin and shook her head "I can't believe I'm going to crawl in front of my nephew" she looked down at the floor and bent down onto her hands "Well here we go" she thought as she slowly began to crawl towards Jack. Louise kept her eyes fixed on the floor as she slowly crawled forward "I bet he is staring at my body, I bet he loves this, making me crawl around like a baby" she shook her head then realized she was at his feet. Louise stared at his feet not wanting to move until she heard a patting noise and Jack say "Come up baby, over my knee" Louise blushed but couldn't move then Jack patted his legs again "Now baby, be a good girl" Louise let out a sigh and she looked up at Jack with pleading eyes "Please Jack" she begged but Jack just patted his legs again and continued to smile down at her. "Well lets get this over with the dick head" she thought and reluctantly she sat up on her knees and Jack practically giggled as she slowly made her way closer to him "That's it baby now up you come" he cheered, Louise gritted her teeth together and quickly positioned herself over Jacks legs and buried her face into the sofa cushion wanting to scream "I know he is staring at my ass now and pretty soon he is going to be slapping it" she thought as she silently began to sob.

Jack stared down at Louise's perfect bum hiding under her denim pants and he wanted to scream with excitement, he slowly lifted up his hand and held his breath with nervous anticipation then pulled his hand down as fast as he could onto his aunties rear end. Louise let out a small cry from the shock but stayed still over Jack's knee, Jack raised his hand again and once again came slapping down onto her firm buttocks. Jack continued to slap Louise's bum getting faster and harder as he continued with Louise laying motionless over his lap. The pain was getting too much for Louise who had started to cry as her bum felt like it was on fire but she refused to show Jack that so she kept her face buried in the sofa. After a few more swats to Louise's bum, Jack finally stopped and Louise quickly lifted her head off the sofa cushion to wipe away the tears.

Chapter 06

Jack smiled down at Louise “OK baby, I guess we better set up some rules so you can be a good girl while I babysit you” he let out a little laugh and Louise buried her head back into the sofa “I wonder what he is going to come up with? He has already had me crawling and over his knee for a spanking, wait I need to set some ground rules myself” Louise lifted her head up and began to move off Jack’s lap when Jack gave her another hard swat to her bum, Louise let out a cry as Jack said “I didn’t say you could get off yet young lady” Louise blushed “Calling me young lady? I’m older than him” She stayed over his lap and stared down at the sofa “OK Jack some rules on both sides” she said and Jack let out a laugh “No, my rules only if you don’t follow them then I will send out the video” Louise shook her head “No that won’t do, I’m not going to do everything you say just so you don’t send out the video, I’m not going to be humiliated by you today and then tomorrow you blackmail me again, so I have some rules” Jack sighed and sat back on the sofa “Fine, what are they?” Louise thought for a moment “What are my rules? I didn’t think this through, Well obviously that he deletes everything after today, I know” she continued to stare at the sofa, “Tell me your rules first“ Jack leaned forward again and stared down at his aunt’s bottom “OK then, after I let you up, you will get changed into your baby clothes, when you are wearing a diaper you will be treated like a baby, you will crawl, you will talk baby talk and you will use your diapers, if you don’t behave like a good baby then you will be punished with either a spanking or you will go in the naughty corner or some other punishment” he let out a giggle as Louise’s mind was raced over what he said “OK my rules, I will not mess my diaper, You can not take any photos or videos of me today and I will see you delete everything of me you have and a very important one you will not change my diapers” Jack let out a sigh and thought for a moment “Either you mess your diapers or I change you” he said with a grin, Louise banged her head against the sofa “No Jack it’s not happening” Jack let out a sigh “Fine then get up” Louise looked puzzled as she slowly got up off Jack’s lap and stood up in front of him “What do you mean?” she asked, Jack looked at her and said “No deal, you might as well go, I will send the video soon” Louise took a step back “What? No, wait, OK erm...” She thought hard “Mess myself? I won’t need to go while I’m here, so I won’t need to mess myself” she smiled at Jack “OK I will use the diapers” Jack shook his head “and I will change you?” Louise shook her head “No!” she half shouted “You said one or the other” Jack lent back on the sofa “I changed my mind, you were being difficult, so both or nothing” he smiled a wicked smile at Louise which made her want to slap him “I can’t let him change me” she looked down at her crotch “He can’t see that” she shook at the thought. All of a sudden Jack stood up and walked towards the door and opened it “OK have fun trying to explain everything” he said mockingly, Louise sighed “Fine” Jack smiled “Good baby, now go and get changed and crawl your little bum back out here”. Jack closed the door and went back to the couch and sat down “I can’t believe he did that, I didn’t get anything I wanted out of that deal” she slowly walked over to her bag that she dropped earlier and picked it up and headed towards the bathroom when Jack shouted out “You have two minutes, if your not changed then I’m coming into help” he began to laugh as Louise rounded the corner and entered the bathroom.

Louise closed the door and leaned against it cursing under her breath she clenched her fists and gritted her teeth “I hate him” she said, she threw the bag to the floor and banged the back of her head against the door “This is going to be so humiliating” she said to herself as she stared at the bag. She let out a big sigh and shook her head “I need to get this over with” she thought and bent over and opened the bag, she pulled out the pink frilly shirt, the diapers and finally the pacifier and placed them on the sink with a shiver. She pulled off her shirt and quickly replaced it with the pink frilly one, leaving on her pink bra underneath, she then pulled down her denim jeans and stared at the crotch of her pink panties “He doesn’t deserve to see my vagina” she thought to herself “I wish I had more whiskey” she said then she pulled down her panties revealing her shaven vagina, she placed all her adult clothes into the bag and then grabbed one of the diapers from the sink and unfolded it, she placed the diaper on the floor and then sat on top of it “I had better hurry and put this on, don’t want Jack coming in while I’m half naked” she shook at the thought and then quickly pulled up the front of the diaper and taped it on “I usually feel safe and comfy while wearing, I don’t feel that now” she sighed as she stared down at her padded crotch “I’m just acting, I just need to act to save my marriage” she stood up and slowly opened the door while holding her breath and was about to step out when she stopped “He wants me to crawl doesn’t he” she blushed bright red and got down onto her hands and knees and began to crawl back towards Jack.  

Chapter 07

Louise crawled slower and slower as she got closer to the room where she left Jack, her padded bum swung behind her as she crawled and she let out a sigh “I usually love the sight of my bum in a diaper swinging behind me as I crawl around but now it’s just making me feel uneasy” she got to the corner of the hall way and stopped “I go around this corner and it begins, I can’t believe this is happening, I just need to pretend that I’m enjoying myself and be a good little for him then I won't have to see him again, we can move away and I won't have to deal with any of this again. I might even stop this fetish if it’s going to cause me this much suffering, Yeah stop this fetish and move away and start a new” she smiled to herself then took a deep breath and stared at the floor “Here we go” she said to herself and slowly rounded the corner back into the living room.

She didn’t look up as Jack cheered out “Wow you are so adorable, what a gorgeous little baby you are” Louise blushed bright red as she continued to slowly crawl towards Jack “Now what is he going to do?” she thought as she stopped in front of him still too nervous to look up. Jack stared down at his Aunt in stunned amazement, he couldn’t stop staring at her padded bum, he resisted the urge with every fibre of his being to bend down and give her diapered bottom a squeeze. Jack was in awe of her as he continued to stare at her he began to feel giddy, he couldn’t believe that this was really happening he took a few deep breaths to calm himself as continued to stare at his baby Aunt.

Louise continued to nervously stare at the floor when she felt Jack bend over her she uncontrollably began to shake. Jack placed his hands under Louise’s armpits and lifted the scared woman up onto his lap as he sat down on the sofa at the same time. He was tightly cradling Louise on his lap, his arms wrapped around her shoulders and her legs, he smiled down at her while staring down at her beauty. Louise looked down at her legs not wanting to meet Jacks gaze she felt very uncomfortable, with her legs tightly squeezed together she could feel the ever present diaper between her legs “He is my nephew, I can’t shake that, I’m sitting on my nephews lap wearing a diaper” she blushed as she felt Jack continuing to stare at her.

After a very uncomfortable moment of Jack staring at his aunt up and down, he nervously swallowed and announced “Bottle time” Louise looked up at Jack with a confused expression “A Bottle? Does he have a bottle for me? Oh god he is going to bottle feed me” she though and Jack’s arm that was around her legs moved away and Louise let out a sigh of relief as she opened her legs slightly “That’s a little better” she thought but then she blushed as she looked down “But now Jack can see my diapered crotch, should I move my legs back together or leave them” Jacks arm went behind him and produced a large baby’s bottle of milk Louise’s eyes widened and she forgot about her groin momentarily as the nipple of the bottle slowly made its way towards her mouth “OK, I have drank from a bottle before I can do it again, just have to ignore that Jack is holding onto it” she thought as she slowly opened her mouth and Jack popped the nipple into her mouth. Louise quickly closed her eyes as she began to suck down the milky substance “It tastes strange? I think? does it? It could be some other milk, Yeah it must be something like A2 or soy milk. Maybe even from all the whisky, I had before it’s why it tastes strange” she thought as she continued to suck on the bottle. Jack looked down at his adorable Aunt sucking down the milky substance, with her eyes scrunched shut he didn’t hide his wicked smile as he knew that Louise was drinking a very strong laxative and a quick working diuretic and soon her diaper would be used for its intended purpose. Jack’s smile grew as Louise finished the bottle, she slowly opened her eyes and blushed as she saw Jack staring down at her with a great big smile, quickly she looked away feeling nervous once again.  

Chapter 08

Jack smiled down at his infantile aunt “You’re such an adorable little baby but something is missing, where's babies pacifier?” he asked with a smile. Louise blushed bright red as she thought back “Oh yeah I left it in the bathroom, Do I tell him? How do I tell him that? Oh god, he will want me to talk like a baby” she sighed as she nervously looked up at her nephew. Louise could feel her face becoming warm as she swallowed hard “Me weft it in bafwoon” she squealed out in her high pitch baby voice, as soon as the words left her lips she quickly looked away her head feeling light and her heart beating a mile a minute “I can’t believe I just did that” she thought.

Jack let out a small laugh as he felt a wave of pleasure rush over him, his gorgeous aunt was still lying across his lap in a diaper while speaking like a baby. He couldn’t believe what was happening and wanted to cherish every moment of what was happening, he brought his hand up and began to slowly stroke Louise’s hair and cooed “Awwww what a silly baby you are, well that’s OK baby Louise. We can see if you’re a good baby for me” he laughed as Louise blushed bright red. Jack gently placed his hands under Louise’s armpits and slowly lifted her off of the chair and onto the floor where she sat on her padded rear, Jack stood up not taking his eyes off Louise and cooed “Follow the grown-up baby girl” he smirked as he slowly walked to the other side of the room.

Louise sighed “He just wants me to crawl around after him, I’ve done so much already and I have already crawled in front of him, I can do it again” she slowly shook her head as she got onto her hands and knees. She stared at the floor as she slowly crawled towards her nephew when she looked up and saw that he was slowly walking away from her “Where is he going?” she thought as she continued to crawl after him. Louise crawled after Jack out of the room around the corner when she suddenly began to shake, sweat began to run down her face as a sharp stomach cramp made her stop in her tracks. She looked down at her stomach nervously “No, no, no!” she shouted in her head “I need to poop, I can’t, no way is this going to happen. I’m just going to have to go to the toilet I am not messing this diaper” she shook hard when she felt a large swat on her padded rear. She let out a cry as her bum began to burn once again, she looked up with anger in her eyes when Jack bent down in front of her and grabbed her chin with one hand and began to stroke her hair with the other.

Louise suddenly felt very scared as Jack stared at her with a very angry expression “Now you are not being a good baby, so I will have to punish you” he gave a wicked smile that sent a cold shiver down Louise’s spine “After we get your pacifier then you will be punished, now follow me baby girl, you better not stop again”. He let go of Louise’s chin and stood up “Punish me? How is he going to punish me?” she thought as she felt another sharp pain in her stomach. Jack slowly began to walk towards the bathroom and Louise followed with every movement she felt the pain get worse.

Jack arrived at the bathroom as Louise was on the brink of tears “I need to ask, I can’t mess a diaper” she shuddered as Jack opened the door. Louise looked up at her nephew while shaking “Pweez me need go potty” she shouted out, Jack let out a cold laugh as he quickly reached into the bathroom and retrieved the pacifier sitting on sink, quickly he closed the door and once again bent down in front of his Aunt with a smile he cooed “Silly baby, you're wearing your potty remember you will use your diapers like a good baby, now open your mouth for your pacifier and then you can crawl back to the living room, I will follow baby this time” he laughed as he held up the pacifier for Louise to accept.

Louise stared at the pacifier with her mouth shut while shaking on the spot “I can’t just let that be my only fight to stop myself from messing” she thought but she then saw Jack’s face slowly turn back to the angry expression that scared her only a few moments before “I can’t get out of this, he is stronger than me, he has me in a diaper, he had me crawling around so if I do anything then he will just spank me or something worse” tears ran down her face “Oh god he is going to make me mess myself and there is nothing I can do about it” slowly she opened her mouth as Jack smiled and guided the rubber nipple into her mouth. Louise quickly began to suck on the infantile nipple as her body told her that she was going to poop very soon.

Chapter 09

Louise crawled back into the living room she was shaking nervously as she felt Jacks eyes on her rear “It’s going to happen, I’m going to mess my diaper and there is nothing I can do about it, If I fight then he will just punish me. How did I even let this happen” she sighed as Jack suddenly shouted “Stop baby”, Louise stopped in the middle of the room nervously as Jack walked around her a few times “Now don’t you move a muscle baby girl” he said with a wicked smile “This is your punishment, you are to stay completely still, if you move anything other than your pacifier then you will be punished even further” he squatted down in front of his aunt and smiled at her “I hope you’re a good baby and stay still you really wouldn’t like what I have planned if your not” he giggled as Louise’s eyes widened.

Louise didn’t move as she felt her stomach cramp up once again “Am I going to mess myself while staying on all fours?” she thought while nervously sucking on the pacifier “I hope he lets me move soon, I defiantly can't move before he says I know he is serious about the next punishment” she thought as the final cramp came. She felt the warm mess slowly pass past her bum cheeks and into the tight confines of her diaper, tears formed in her eyes as she tried to stop herself but it was no use and the mess continued to enter her diaper. “Fuck, I’m fucking messing a diaper in front of my nephew I am never going to live this down and never going to forgive him for this” she thought with anger as the smell of what she had done entered the room.

Jack laughed and squatted down in front of Louise “I think baby has gone poopy” he cooed, Louise turned bright red and felt slightly sick as Jack stood up and walked behind her. He squatted down again and said “Remember baby, don't you move” and before Louise had time to think about it Jack’s hand pressed up against her messy bum. Louise’s jaw dropped open as she felt the hand press firmly into her backside squishing the mess around “That fucker! I am going to get him for this” she thought as his hand rubbed her messy bum “Good baby” he cooed “Lets see how good you are” he giggled as he managed to take hold of a chunk of the poop that hadn’t been squished and slowly manoeuvred it down, Louise bit her the pacifier as she scrunched up her eyes “What is he doing? I can feel he is moving the poop around, this is disgusting” she thought with dread as Jack continued to move the poop until it was between Louise’s legs when he then removed his hand. Louise clenched her fists as she felt the warm poop resting against her vagina “Why did he do that? It’s so disgusting” she thought as Jack laughed “Wow you are being a really good baby, one last test for you baby” he said as he placed his hand over her vagina once again and patted, squishing the poop around her vagina and inner thighs.

Louise felt sick with disgust as she felt the mess spread around her groin “I can’t believe he did that, oh god what must it look like down there” she thought. Jack smiled as he kept his fingers on her groin and slowly he pressed on the diaper and began to rub up and down and Louise’s eyes widened as she felt a shiver run through her “No way!” she screamed in her head, but she continued to stay perfectly still on all fours. Jack quickened the pace a little and began to move his fingers around in circles as Louise began to breathe deep from behind the pacifier “No stop” she thought weakly, but she didn’t move as Jack continued to rub his fingers against her. Jack’s eyes widened as he noticed Louise slowly moving her hips with his motions as she let out a little moan, Louise’s eyes rolled back as she breathed deeply, she felt tiny waves of pleasure run through her she bit down on the pacifier as she let out another involuntary moan when suddenly Jack stopped and Louise’s eyes shot open.

She ached for him to continue as her body screamed for release “No you can’t stop now, I was so close!” she thought when she heard jack stand up and walk around to her, he sat down on the sofa and smiled down at his Aunt as she thought “Maybe if I rub my inner thighs together I can finish” Jack smiled and said “Now don’t you move baby” and Louise’s eyes widened.

Chapter 10

  Louise stared at the floor in a state of shock and embarrassment, the wave of pleasure and the urge to continue what Jack had started had slowly left her but an array of mixed emotions were battling it out inside her as she continued to stay perfectly still on her hands and knees. She continued to suck on the pacifier as the foul smell of her messy diaper wafted around her nose, she felt sick as she imagined what it must be like inside her full diaper. She closed her eyes feeling cold as Jack looked down at her from the sofa “Why am I not moving? Why did I let him do that to me? Would I stop him if he did it again?” she sucked harder on the pacifier “Nobody has ever done that to me while wearing a diaper it felt...” she paused suddenly “It felt disgusting, I was in a messy diaper but I knew he was moving my own filth around me while I felt the waves of pleasure. It’s been such a mixed up day but I liked it” her eyes opened wide “I liked him playing with me while I wore a messy diaper? No, I hated it but thinking back on it, it was hot. Wait a minute being forced to crawl, being spanked, drinking from a bottle were all horribly embarrassing, but they were actually hot” she wanted to shake her head but knew better and stayed completely still as she closed her eyes again “I like the embarrassment? The humiliation? The domination? No I don’t” she sighed from behind the pacifier as she thought back and felt a tingle run through her “Fuck, I do. How did I not know this about me? What am I going to do? Do I continue to let him do what he wants with me?” she thought as another wave of pleasure ran through her.

Five more minutes of silent contemplation past and Louise still stayed perfectly still, the warmth of her mess had slowly begun to cool, her arms and legs were aching, but she stayed perfectly still when Jack stood up, he walked past his aunt, and she could hear him leave the room “Can I move? Should I? If I do then he comes back I will just get punished” her heart began to race when she heard him walk back into the room. Jack then walked around and faced his aunt, he smiled down at her as Louise began to blush “What is going to make me do next?” she thought. Jack bent down and stroked his aunt's hair and simply said “Sit” Louise let out a smile “Finally!” she thought and slowly she moved back, she scrunched her eyes shut as she felt the cool mess spread around her more when she sat down on her padded rear. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Jack smiling down at her “Good baby” he cooed which made Louise blush “Now it’s time” he said and Louise began to shake with nervous energy “Now what? What is he going to do?” she thought when he pulled out his phone “Oh god is he going to take more photos of me?” she thought with dread. Jack squatted in front of his Aunt and held his phone out for her to see, Louise watched as the video began to play, her eyes widened as she saw herself slowly stand up from a computer desk and walk away “Oh god it’s the video that got me into this mess, what does he have planned for it? He isn’t going to send it now? I have done everything!” she thought as her chest became tight and the video ended.

Jack moved a finger over the phone and to Louise’s surprise she watched as Jack deleted the video “He did it, he deleted the video! Now what? Do I go home?” she thought with a hint of sadness, Jack stood up “I’ve had fun, today baby, now I have placed your bag behind you, you can put on your jeans to leave but that’s it” he smiled. Louise looked behind her at her bag and looked back at Jack confused “Can I now speak like a grown-up? Can I walk? Can I leave” she thought, she shrugged her shoulders “Guess I will have to ask” she blushed as she opened her mouth “Me gwon up now?” she asked, Jack laughed “Yes your a grown-up now, you won't get punished for talking or walking but before you ask you will not be getting out of that diaper, you can put jeans on over it and you can leave your cute shirt on to go home in” he said.

Louise swallowed “I’m free, no more punishments” she thought with excitement then felt suddenly sad, she shook her head as she removed the pacifier from her mouth and placed it on the floor “I shouldn’t feel sad about that, what is wrong with me?” she thought. She bit her lip as she slowly stood up “This feels weird, I feel like I shouldn’t be standing in front of him” she thought as she turned towards her bag and pulled out her jeans. She turned back to face Jack as she placed her pants in front of her, her mouth became dry and she felt shy when she asked “So this is it? I can go home and nothing else will be said about this?” Jack slowly nodded “I won't tell anyone what happened today” he smiled. Louise nodded as she began to pull her jeans up her legs, she blushed bright red as she jeans became tight around her diaper, she pulled hard and her jeans went over her padded underwear, the jeans pressed on the diaper all around her and she could feel her mess pressing against her. She managed to button up her jeans and looked down at her inflated crotch “It’s obvious I’m wearing a diaper, I wish I had brought another shirt but even my red shirt wouldn’t cover up my padded crotch. Thank God I’m going straight home” she thought as she picked up her bag.

She looked up at Jack, she opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it as she felt her cheeks turning bright red “Time to go home” she thought as she turned towards the door “Goodbye, come back anytime” Jack said with a giggle, Louise bit her lip as she opened the door and left the house. She closed the door behind her and let out a sigh “I can’t wait to get home” she thought, slowly she began to waddle towards her car, nervously looking around as her heart began to race. She made it to her car, she opened the door and slowly lowered herself onto the seat. Louise couldn’t remember the drive home, her thoughts were going over what had happened and what she had found out about herself before she knew it she was home and walking to her front door. She opened the door and went in “I need to get out of this diaper” she thought with disgust but as she walked by she saw that her laptop was open, and she had a message.

She waddled over to her laptop “A new Facebook message?” she thought as she clicked on it. An image from Jack popped up, he was holding onto her pacifier “Oh shit, I forgot to put it in my bag” she thought when a message appeared under the image ‘When do you want to come to pick it up?’ It read. Louise’s heart began to race and she bit her lip as she lent forward and wrote back ‘Tomorrow’.

Chapter 11

   Louise pulled up the driveway and looked up at Jacks house, a sly smile crossed her face as her heart began to race “I can’t believe this has happened” she said to herself as she looked down past her tight blue shirt which hid her wonder bra and at her padded waist hiding under her tight black yoga pants. She turned off the car and grabbed her bag as she looked over to the house once again “Six months ago I had to come here for one of the most embarrassing and humiliating days of my life and it awoke something in me” she blushed “I can’t believe it happened but I enjoyed what he did to me and I couldn’t wait for it to happen again. Nobody has ever taken control of me like that before, definitely not Glen he would never do anything like that he is too vanilla and I do still love him just this helps me get through the week. Once a week I come over and let him take control of me, humiliate me and treat me like a baby and at the time I hate it but afterwards, when I go over it at home it sends me crazy”.

Louise got out of the car and slowly waddled towards the house, turning bright red as she made her way to the front door “What does he have planned today?” her heart began to race again “He has never made me turn up wearing two diapers, yoga pants and none of my adult baby clothing, what is he going to do?” she thought with a nervous a smile as she looked around at her large padded bum sticking out of her pants. She turned back to the door and knocked, quickly Jack answered it with a large smile “Hello Baby” he announced which made Louise blush as she quickly looked down “Hello Daddy” she replied quietly. Jack laughed “Come in baby, let me have a look at you” he said as he stepped aside, Louise swallowed hard as she waddled into the house “I’ve only been calling him daddy for a few days now and I’m still not used to it, it feels weird” she thought as she looked up at Jack once again.

Louise smiled as she looked at the young man, the acne had completely gone and he had lost a lot of weight which had been replaced by muscle, she looked away bashfully “He told me he wanted to get some muscle to make it easier to look after me when I was being naughty but he looks completely different, very handsome” she thought. Jack smiled as she walked behind his Aunt and gave her large padded rear a pat “Awww it looks perfect, good baby” he cooed as he walked to face her, he smiled at her then looked down at her chest “Good baby wearing the wonder bra your boobies look great” he said with a cheer as he placed his hands on her chest. Louise bit her lip and clenched her fists as Jack fondled her breasts “I still feel weird with him touching me but I have to let him, he is my daddy” she thought as she released her fists.

Jack removed his hands from Louise’s breasts “Great and your diaper looks perfect” he cooed as he gave Louise’s crotch a pat and she felt shivers run through her as she felt the padding press-up against her as Jack continued “Now, we are going to do something different today my little baby” he said with a smile as he walked over to the sofa and sat down. Louise looked at him confused and opened her mouth but quickly closed it “Crap I almost forgot, I have to speak like a baby while I’m here” she blushed as Jack smiled “Well baby girl, we are going to go out today”.

Louise’s eyes widened as her jaw dropped open “Out? He wants to take me out, dressed like this? That’s why he wanted me to wear the push-up bra, guys are going to stare at me then see the diaper under my yoga pants” she slowly shook her head “I can’t go out anywhere like this” she thought as she stared at Jack with pleading eyes. Jack sighed “Did you just shake your head at me baby?” Louise quickly looked down at the floor “Oh shit, I did question him, I shook my head. Fuck why did I do that? Oh god, he is going to punish me now” she thought as her heart began to race. Jack stood up and slowly walked towards his Aunt with a wicked smile on his face “Now baby, you are going to do everything daddy says, isn’t that right?” Louise blushed and slowly nodded “Yes daddy” she said and Jack smiled “Good baby, now squat down” Louise swallowed “Squat down? Why does he want me to do squat down?” she thought but as she looked at Jacks stern face she slowly lowered herself down into a squatting position.

Jack smiled and stroked Louise’s hair “Good baby, now It’s poopy time” he cooed as Louise quickly looked up at him nervously. She began to shake as she looked up at the smiling young man “He wants me to mess this diaper? Then are we going to go out or will he change me?” she thought as she swallowed hard. Jack sighed “Now!” he shouted and Louise turned bright red as she looked down at the floor and without wanting to she felt her body relax “Fuck, I’m actually doing it, he has that much control over me? I don’t want to mess then go outside, Oh god” she thought as slowly she felt her cheeks part.

Chapter 12

   Louise bit her lip as she felt the warm solid mess enter into her diaper “How am I doing this? How does he have me so under his control that I mess myself when he tells me too” she blushed as she continued to stare down at the floor. Jack shook his head “No we can’t have that, look at me baby girl” Louise frowned “Look at him while I mess myself? Why is he doing this?” she thought but slowly she looked up to his grinning face and turned bright red “Good baby, now keep pooping like the dirty baby that you are” he cooed as Louise blushed even brighter as she felt more poop enter into her diaper.

Louise finally stopped pooping and she felt cold as her diaper hung low from the weight of her solid poop, the smell coming from her groin was disgusting she wanted to run into the shower but she stayed squatting looking up at Jack nervously. Louise stared at Jack with pleading eyes “Please let me take this off, I can’t go out while wearing this, it smells so bad and I’m never going to be able to walk around normally with this hanging in my pants” she thought but Jack didn’t say anything as he left Louise squatting in her own mess. Jack nodded “OK baby girl, you can stand up now” he said, Louise let out a sigh of relief as her legs were beginning to hurt, slowly she stood up while feeling the poop press-up against her as Jack continued to stand in front of her. She slowly averted her eyes as she smelt the mess in her diaper “I can’t go outside like this, not a chance” she thought as Jack slowly took a step forward and smiled “You are such a good baby girl, I’m so proud of you” he cooed as he wrapped his arms around Louise and hugged her. Louise couldn’t stop smiling as she felt his arms wrapped around her “He’s proud of me? I’m a good baby? Awww that’s so sweet, I really do like him he has become someone very special to me and I do enjoy these days even though he embarrasses me and humiliates me he knows that I like it deep down and he just wants me to be happy. Could I leave Glen and then me and Jack become something? No I can’t leave Glen I love him and he is so sweet to me but it’s not the same as this” she thought.

She wrapped her hands around him and let out moan as she enjoyed the hug for a moment when she felt Jacks hand move lower down her back and her eyes went wide “Oh god what is he going to do?” she thought as she felt his hand move lower onto her yoga pants with her diaper underneath. His hand continued down till it was now pressing up against the large poop that rested in the seat of her diaper as she began to panic when Jack whispered in her ear “You’re such a good baby” Louise blushed as he continued “Almost ready to go out” he said as he removed his hand from her diaper and Louise let out of a sigh “Oh good I thought he was going to….” she thought when Jack's hand came smacking down hard on her diaper and she went white as a sheet as she felt the mess squish and spread around her cheeks.

Jack stepped back and smiled as Louise’s shocked face “Turn around baby” he said Louise swallowed as she slowly turned around on the spot, she stared at the wall as she felt Jack’s eyes on her “So disgusting, It’s everywhere I can feel it all over my cheeks” she sighed as Jack laughed “That’s better” he said as he reached out and gave her bum a few hard pats “Now we are ready to go out” he said. Louise felt dizzy “Oh god we are going out, I’m going out like this, smelling like this while obviously wearing a diaper, what if people see and say something? What if they point?” she thought and a chill ran through her.

Chapter 13

  Jack walked towards the door with a cheeky smile spread across his face, he opened the door and gestured to Louise “Now come along baby it’s time to go” he mocked. Louise turned bright red as she looked down past her large breasts and at her inflated yoga pants, she swallowed hard as she slowly turned towards Jack and the front door. Louise slowly walked towards the front door, she shuddered as she felt the warm mess press up against her cheeks as she walked, Jack continued to smile at Louise’s discomfort as she stood beside him “Now baby” he said as he guided his padded aunt outside the house “Don’t worry I won’t let you be a stinky bum all day” he continued as Louise looked puzzled “Is he going to change me? When is he going to change me? Where is he going to change me?” she shook “Is he going to change me while we are out?” she thought as she turned around and saw Jack pick up a backpack from behind him “What’s in that bag? Diapers are in the bag he is going to change me while we are out” she thought as her head began to pound.  

Jack closed the door and turned towards Louise who was looking at him with dread, he smiled at her which didn’t help how Louise was feeling “After you baby, I want to see your cute little bum waddle to the car” he giggled as Louise blushed and quickly looked around hoping that none of his neighbours were around to hear him, she sighed as she turned and began to slowly walk towards the car. With every step, she could feel the mess move inside her diaper and the smell was so overpowering “Everyone is going to know I’m wearing a messy diaper, how can he do this to me? If anyone sees us while we are out that’s going to raise questions but if they saw us and then saw me wearing this then….” she shook her head and slowed her pace to an almost stop “…. This will ruin my life, I need to tell him this can't happen” she thought when suddenly she felt a hard slap on her padded rear, she jumped as the mess in her diaper spread around more “Quicker baby, you don’t want daddy to give you a spanking right here now do you” he said firmly. Louise bit her lip and shook her head as she quickened her pace towards the car “I can’t say anything now or he will punish me, he might do something much worse than make me wear a messy diaper out in public if I protest” her heart began to race as she felt a shiver run through her, she rolled her eyes “Something is wrong with me” she thought as she entered the car.

Jack sat down in the drivers seat and placed the backpack on the floor in front of Louise then looked at her and scrunched up his face “I think we need to have the windows down, did baby make a big stinky in her diaper?” he mocked as Louise blushed “He wants me to answer this, I can’t believe he makes me mess myself then I have to tell him I have done it” she thought as she turned towards the young man “I did a poopy in my diapee daddy” she said while turning five shades of red. Jack smiled and leant in towards her and gave her a kiss on the forehead “That’s OK baby after we have been into a few shops then I will change your messy bum” he said as Louise’s jaw dropped open. Jack shook his head “That’s what I forgot, I am such a silly daddy sometimes” he said as he lent towards the backpack and opened it up, Louise watched on nervously “What did he forget? What is he going to get out?” she thought when suddenly Jack sat back up with a teddy bear in one hand and an adult-sized pacifier in the other.

Louise’s eyes widened as she stared at the items Jack was holding “Does he want me to suck on that pacifier while we are driving? But the windows are down? Of course, the windows are down he didn’t forget them he knew exactly what he was doing” she thought as Jack slowly moved the pacifier towards his Aunt’s mouth “Open up baby, I don’t want you to get all fussy on the drive” he cooed. Louise stared at the pacifier making its way towards her and slowly opened her mouth to accept the infantile rubber nipple “I hope there isn’t much traffic on the road, everyone that drives past is going to see me sucking on this” she thought as the nipple made its way past her lips and onto her tongue, without thinking she began to suck. Jack smiled “Good baby, now this...” he said looking at the teddy bear “...Is Mr cuddles, you be a good baby and give him cuddles all the way to the shops, if you don’t cuddle him all the way then Mr cuddles and daddy will be sad with baby, do you understand?” Louise nodded slowly as Mr cuddles was handed to her, she quickly cuddled as Jack smiled at her “Good baby” he cooed as he turned on the car and began to reverse out the drive. Louise looked down at the brown teddy bear she was tightly squeezing against her large chest “I bet I look ridiculous, I’m sucking on a pacifier while cuddling a teddy bear. I can’t stop doing it or Jack will punish me, that was obvious by how he worded that, if I don’t cuddle this bear the entire trip then I will be punished” she thought as she slowly slid down in her seat.

Chapter 14

 Louise hugged the teddy bear while sucking on the pacifier, looking down past her large breasts she saw her bulging diaper underneath her leggings as Jack drove down the road. Louise felt her heart racing “I hope nobody looks in, I don’t look like a child sucking on a pacifier with this push-up bra on, I look like a grown woman acting like a baby” she thought with a shiver which caused her to smile unexpectedly. She stared dead ahead nervously while Jack continued to drive down the road, the wind was blowing around her face as she sucked on the pacifier. “I can’t believe I’m letting him do this to me, I’m going to go outside in a full diaper” she turned bright red as she swallowed hard “Why am I letting him do this? Why do I like him being in control of me? How did I not know this about me? I can’t continue with this but I can’t upset daddy” she sighed “He has me fully under his control” she smiled slightly from behind the pacifier.

Jack looked over and Louise and smiled “Who’s my good little baby” he cooed which caused Louise to blush as she tightly squeezed the teddy bear, he smiled as he reached his hand over and placed it on Louise’s leg “I think baby needs to show daddy how much she likes her diapers” he said with a wicked smile as he gently rubbed her leg up and down. Louise’s eyes widened as she turned to look at him “Here? Now?” she thought and just as if Jack had heard her he nodded as he turned his attention back to the road and he removed his hand from her leg. Louise shook all over as she looked down at her padded groin, she bit the inside of her lip nervously “Masturbate in a diaper while out in public? What if someone sees me? I’m already sucking on a pacifier like a baby why is he doing this?” she thought as a wave of excitement ran through her which caused her to sigh. She removed her hand from around Mr Cuddles and placed it on the front of her diaper when Jack shook his head “No baby, remember I said to cuddle Mr Cuddles all the way, to cuddle you need to use both hands. Why doesn’t Mr Cuddles help you baby” he said with a slight laugh. Louise looked down at the teddy confused for a moment before she blushed again “I have to hump a teddy bear while we are driving?” she thought as a shiver ran through her which caused her to silently swear to herself. She lowered Mr Cuddles down to between her legs as she placed both her hands on the teddy bears back and pushed Mr Cuddles into her large diaper. The teddy bear stared up at her from her groin which caused Louise to frown “It's like he is judging me” she thought as she shook her head and closed her eyes “Quicker I do this the better, we are on a quiet road and if I get on with this then nobody will see me when I finish” she thought as nervous energy ran through her.

Louise pressed Mr Cuddles tightly against her diaper, she squeezed her inner thighs together and a wave of pleasure ran through her which shot her eyes open, she stared down at Mr Cuddles as she repeated the movement and bit down on the pacifier with a moan. She quickened the pace as she felt the energy build up inside her, she let out another moan from behind her pacifier as her thighs squeezed against the diaper Her hands pressed the diaper up against her as her thighs squeezed the diaper, she bit her lip as she stifled a moan. Her body tensed up as another wave of pleasure swept over her. She found herself picking up the pace and her breathing became shorter she couldn’t think of anything but the pleasure she was feeling as she arched her back in her seat. She felt a wave of warmth rise up from her clitoris, up her belly, up her chest and then it turned into a whole-body experience. Louise knew she was getting to the edge but she knew she couldn’t go any further until her daddy told her she could. She bit into the pacifier again as she tried with all her might to slow down, her jaw tightened as she looked over at Jack with pleading eyes “Daddy can I?” she asked. Jack smiled as he continued to drive, not taking his eyes off the road, Louise moaned as her body began to shiver “Please daddy, baby wants to cumies” she said in her baby voice” Jack slowly nodded “OK, baby you can” he said. Louise quickly closed her eyes and she picked up the pace once again, her body shook and she let out a moan when suddenly her body was taken over by a wave of energy. She lost control over it and her body did what it needed to do. She surrendered to it and rode the experience like a wave in the ocean, she panted from behind the pacifier as she sat back in her chair while her body shook for a few seconds. Slowly she opened her eyes when she heard laughter coming from beside her, she swallowed hard “We have stopped? When did we stop?” she thought nervously as she slowly looked out of the window at two teenagers staring at her laughing and pointing.



Oooooooo i like the set up! This is gonna be good.


My favorite story so far


Love this story another chapter would be great!