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Chapter 01

  Adriana opened her eyes slowly “What did I drink last night?” she asked herself as she felt very groggy and had a mild headache, she slowly shook her head side to side trying to rid herself of the groggy feeling, she then attempted to lift her hand to her face but her eyes opened wide as her hand wasn’t able to move. Adriana looked out but could only see darkness, she turned her head and that’s when she felt the collar around her neck keeping her strapped down to the mattress “What the hell is going on? Where am I? What am I strapped down to?” she thought as she began to panic. She once again tried to move her hands, but they were secured down to the mattress that she was lying on, she then tried to move her fingers, but they were encased in something. “What the hell is happening,” she thought as she then tried to move her feet, but they were also strapped down.

The grogginess had all but left her as she began to shake with fear and tears formed in her eyes, she felt something warm and soft was covering her entire body but couldn’t tell what it was. She looked around the in the darkness but couldn’t see anything “Hello? Is anyone there?” she shouted and to her surprise, she heard a response “Yes, Yes hello?” came a frightened girl’s reply not too far away from where Adriana was lying. Adriana smiled briefly “Someone else is here, maybe she can help me out of this?” she thought “Hello, can you let me out?” the voice was on the verge of crying “No I’m strapped down and by the sounds of it you are too”. Adriana’s smile left her face as she began to shake out of fear once again “I’m Adriana” she said weakly, she waited for a moment when finally the girl replied “I’m Lucy, are you strapped down to a mattress?” she asked, Adriana nodded “Yes, arms legs and neck, you?” Adriana could hear crying again as Lucy replied weakly “Same”.

Adriana tried to kick her feet, but they were unable to move, she then felt something between her legs “What’s that?” she questioned, Lucy stopped crying long enough to ask “What’s what?”. Adriana squeezed her inner thighs together and felt a bulge between her legs, she did it a few times and realised she could hear a rustle every time she did it “What’s what?” Lucy asked again with more of a panic, Adriana stopped and asked “Do you have something between your legs?” Lucy’s crying started again as she weakly said “Yes”. Adriana tried to look down at her crotch “What is it?” she questioned and to Adriana’s amazement Lucy let out a short laugh then continued to cry as she asked, “You don’t have kids do you?” Adriana looked puzzled “What do you mean?” she asked as Lucy continued to cry “That thing between our legs is a diaper”. Adriana’s eyes went wide “A diaper? Are you sure?” Lucy replied bluntly “I work in a daycare I know what a diaper is” Adriana couldn’t comprehend what was happening as she began to cry too.

“What was the last thing you remember?” Lucy asked, Adriana had to think hard, her memory was very groggy “I think I went to bed?” she shook her head as she slowly remembered “No, I remember I had just left a restaurant, I was out with my friends. I said goodbye to them and walked to my car, then I erm I got in the car, yes I got in the car and then a spray came out of the wheel then I woke up here. Oh my God, I’ve been kidnapped!” Adriana tried to move as hard as she could but there was no movement in the restraints, she settled down on the mattress and swore under her breath, after a moment she asked “What do you remember?” she heard Lucy sigh “Me and a friend had finished work and I asked her for a lift home. We got into her car and just like you a spray came from her steering wheel, she fell forward onto the wheel and I became very groggy the next thing I know the door opens and I hear some talking and I’m asking them for help and then one of them sprays me and I woke up here ages before I heard your voice”.

The two women lay in silence for a moment then Adriana asked “Can you remember anything about the people?” Lucy thought hard “No I think they were both women, they seemed confused and one was on the phone with someone, that’s all I remember” Adriana then quickly asked “Why diapers? Why did they put us in diapers? How long are they going to keep us here?” Lucy began to cry again and Adriana closed her eyes wishing it was all a nightmare.

Suddenly the lights were turned on and the room was lit up, Adriana’s eyes slowly adjusted to the light and looked around, her jaw dropped open when she was that she was strapped down in an adult-sized crib she heard Lucy shout out “What the fuck?” Adriana looked over and could see that she was also lying in a crib just a short distance away from her, she could see Lucy’s blond hair was in pigtails and that she was wearing a bright pink baby onesie, the onesie stopped at her crotch exposing her legs just like a baby's. She slowly turned her head and looked down at her own clothing, she wanted to cry as she saw she was wearing a white-footed onesie. Her full body was covered in the soft material, she then noticed her crotch and tears ran down her face as she stared at the protruding mound that was hidden under the footed onesie “I’m wearing a diaper” she said softly, she turned her head and inspected Lucy again and saw that her crotch was also inflated, Lucy was looking back at her with fear in her eyes “What do they want from us? Dressing us up like babies?” Adriana shook her head “I don’t want to know”.

Chapter 02

 Adriana was lying in her crib it had been a very long time since the lights had turned on but nothing else had happened since Lucy had been very quiet since she had seen what she was wearing and Adriana had given up trying to start a conversation. “What do they want from me? My family aren’t rich so it wouldn’t be a ransom” then her jaw dropped and tears formed in her eyes as she couldn’t shake a horrible feeling “It’s my body, they want to make me a sex slave?” she shook then remembered the diaper “But why put us in a diapers and a crib? Sex slaves, that wear diapers? Oh god, I don’t want to know” she thought.

Adriana did model part-time, and she did get a lot of compliments from men, she looked over at Lucy and even though she was wearing very infantile clothing she could tell that Lucy was very attractive as well. “Why diapers?” she asked again but Lucy didn’t respond so the two woman just lay in silence trapped worrying what the future held for them both. Adriana's eyes went wide when she felt the urge to pee “No way am I using this bloody thing, I need to get out of here” she thought and then as the pressure built she shouted out “Help, somebody help, I need to get out of here”, after five minutes of shouting Lucy turned her head “Shut up, they are not going to let you out because you're shouting” Adriana stared at Lucy “Well it’s better than just lying in silence” Lucy sighed “I’m concentrating” she said, “Concentrating? What on?” Adriana asked but as Lucy blushed at the question she realised what she was concentrating on “How long have you needed to go?” Adriana asked and Lucy frowned “Since before the lights turned on” Adriana’s eyes widened “That long? How are you keeping hold?” Lucy looked away “By concentration now shut up” Adriana frowned “I was only asking, I need to stop myself,” she said with a whimper.

They continued to suffer in silence till Adriana heard Lucy shout out “No, No, No” Adriana looked over and saw the disgust on her face and knew that she had lost her battle and was now wetting the diaper that hid between her legs. Lucy began to sob again and Adriana didn’t know what to say, so she just said “Sorry” Lucy didn’t say anything back and Adriana continued her own battle not to wet her diaper. The pressure was getting too much for Adriana as she shouted out “Fuck you” and the damn broke, warm urine left her body and filled up the thirsty diaper, she looked down at her crotch with disgust, she could feel the urine spread all around her groin between her legs and down the back of her bum. Her bladder finally was empty and her diaper was full.

She didn’t move an inch not wanting to feel the urine-soaked diaper any more than she had too “I’m now wearing a wet diaper, oh fuck I’ve just wet a diaper while in a crib, whatever they have planned for us I don’t want it” she swallowed hard and turned her head and saw Lucy’s embarrassed face. “How old are you?” Adriana asked, Lucy, turned her head and with a tear answered “I will be 20 tomorrow, well unless it’s now tomorrow and this...” she trailed off and began to cry again, Adriana quickly asked, “Got a boyfriend?” Lucy stopped crying long enough to answer “No well No” Adriana half smiled “Is that a maybe?” Lucy stared at Adriana and snapped “What does it matter anyway? We are both wearing wet diapers who cares if I had a boyfriend or not” Adriana sighed “I’m trying to forget about the diapers by talking to you but if you don’t want to then fine stay silent” Lucy turned her head away “Good” she said weakly. Adriana gritted her teeth “I need to talk to distract myself, I need to stop thinking about where we are” she thought then shouted out “No not good, I need to talk” but Lucy didn’t say anything.

Suddenly the lights turned off and the two women were in darkness once again, very quietly Adriana could hear something “Do you hear that?” Lucy didn’t speak “I swear I hear music?” she continued, the music slowly got louder and Adriana realised that it was a lullaby “A lullaby? A fucking lullaby? What are they thinking?” she shouted, Lucy said bluntly “They are treating us like babies” Adriana's eyes widened, and she turned her head “Why?” she asked Lucy sighed “I don’t fucking know but look at it we are locked in cribs and we are wearing diapers and a lullaby is playing as the lights turn off. We must be getting treated like newborns I guess, leave us alone for the first night to adjust then tomorrow...” she trailed off as she began to sob again, Adriana swallowed hard “Tomorrow we get out of here” she said.

Soon both women were fast asleep, not because they were tired but because of the gas being pumped into the room that put them both into a deep sleep. As the diaper-wearing adults slept the lights were turned back on and a door opened, two women walked in. They were both wearing tight nurses outfits that hugged their bodies and showed off their perfect figures. The blonde nurse walked over to Adriana’s crib “Did you hear the mouth on this one Kelly?” The red-headed nurse was at Lucy’s crib “Yes she is very naughty she was shouting for a long time” she giggled and looked down at Lucy “This one though is very submissive she will be perfect” The blonde nurse laughed “Yeah and to think we were only after her friend, what a stroke of luck to get her as well”. Kelly nodded “And did you hear what this little one said, Trish?” Trish shook her head “No, What?” Kelly giggled “It’s this little baby’s birthday tomorrow” both women laughed then Trish said, “How right she is”.

Kelly lowered the side of the crib and unstrapped Lucy’s legs and began to unbutton the crotch of the onesie exposing the wet diaper, she quickly untapped the front of the diaper and lowered the stain covered diaper. Kelly expertly cleaned up Lucy’s freshly shaven vagina and then lifted up Lucy’s legs with one hand and cleaned her bum then removed the wet diaper and replaced it with a clean one, she poured a generous amount of powder onto Lucy’s bum and vagina then lowered her feet and taped up the fresh diaper. Trish had lowered the side of Adriana’s crib but had left her diaper alone instead she produced an adult-sized pacifier from her pocket and popped it into Adriana’s mouth, the pacifier had a strap running from it which Trish quickly attached together at the back of Adriana’s head “There that will stop her potty mouth and shouting” she giggled as she pulled up the side of the crib and looked at Kelly “You need a hand with that one?” she asked, Kelly shook her head “No I’m alright, I’ve changed her wet diaper and I’m done” before she pulled up the side of the crib she unlocked Lucy’s right arm and placed her thumb into her mouth and then secured her hand up by her head. Trish laughed “Perfect, good job” Kelly smiled as she lifted up the side rail, “I think we are going to have one very cranky baby tomorrow” the two women laughed as they left, the door closed behind them and the lights turned off.

Chapter 03

  The lights once again turned on and Adriana slowly opened her eyes, her brain felt like it was in a fog, “Where am I” she thought as she tried to move but couldn’t and the horrible realisation that she was strapped down and it wasn’t just a horrible dream came washing over her. “What the fuck is this?” she thought as she looked down her nose and saw the end of a pacifier sticking out of her mouth and the fog vanished from her brain “Why the fuck do I have a pacifier in my mouth” she tried to spit it out but it wouldn’t move she then noticed the straps coming from the sides of the pacifier and travelling around her face towards the back of her head “It’s strapped on? I have a pacifier strapped to me!”.

She tried to scream out but only soft muffled noises left her mouth and entered the bright room, she turned her head towards Lucy and saw she still had her eyes closed and was now sucking on her thumb, she screamed once again and this time her muffled cried stirred Lucy who slowly woke. Lucy quickly removed her thumb from her mouth and with her hand still close to her mouth she looked at Adriana in confused shock “Are you ok?” Adriana nodded her head but anger was in her eyes. Lucy looked down at herself then shivered “Is your diaper still wet?” Adriana looked at Lucy with fresh anger “Why do you want to know about that? Of course its wet, I’m a grown-up in a wet diaper” she shouted in her head, she took a deep breath and slowly nodded. Lucy began to tear up again and looked back down at her crotch “Mine is dry”.

Adriana felt a wash of emotions run through her “Why has she got her diaper changed and I didn’t? What makes her so bloody special?” Adriana’s eyes widened at the shock of her thoughts “I’m angry and jealous of Lucy because she has had her diaper changed and I haven’t. What is happening to me? what are they doing to me?” she thought as she looked at Lucy, she felt sadness for her “Lucy had someone come and look at her most intimate area and then clean it and put the most infantile clothing over it while she slept, I don’t know if I actually want that” she thought, and she sighed “I’m so confused”.

Adriana tried to say sorry but only a muffled noise came out, Lucy somehow knew what she was trying to say and mouthed “Thank you”. The two women continued to lie in their cribs for a long time, with Adriana’s pacifier stuck in her mouth and Lucy’s continued sobs there was no talking and it was driving Adriana crazy, all she could think about was why had Lucy been changed while she had not, but instead been gagged by a pacifier.

After a long time of thinking, she decided to try and forget it and imagine what she would do when she got out of there, she pictured herself walking on the beach with the sun bouncing off her tanned skin. Her small green bikini making all the guys stare at her as she walked on by. She began to feel better as she carried on imagining herself, but then she moved her leg a little and felt the dampness of the diaper between her legs and her perfect beach day was ruined. Adriana now imagined her green bikini bottoms had changed into a big white diaper and all the guys were staring at her for a completely different reason, they slowly began to laugh and point and Adriana shook herself from the beach and she was back in the room with tears in her eyes.

Chapter 04

 The door suddenly opened which made the two diapered woman jump, they both looked at the bright light coming from the doorway with fear. They were about to meet their captors “I’m not going to show any fear towards them, no weakness I’m going to try, and keep my dignity” Adriana thought, Lucy, however, looked terrified as a woman and a man entered the room. Adriana looked at them with anger in her eyes as they approached the side of her crib, they both looked to be in their early thirties the man had short neatly parted hair with stylish glasses and a scruffy beard, he smiled down at Adriana and it sent chills through her. The woman had short-styled black hair with plenty of makeup on her pretty face she also smiled down at her and cooed “Aww she is adorable”.

Adriana wanted to scream she began to move her legs and arms as hard as she could, but they wouldn’t move “Adorable? Wait till I’m out of here and I will show you how adorable I can be” she thought as a third woman entered the room wearing a nurses outfit, Adriana noticed on her chest was an ID that read Trish, she stopped at the foot of Adriana’s crib and announced “So this is the baby you have chosen, I hope your happy” Adrian’s eyes widened at the announcement as she began to scream from behind the pacifier but only mumbles and groans were audible “Baby? I’m not a fucking baby and I will not let you treat me like one”. The woman looked concerned “She has an attitude on her doesn't she” she turned to the nurse who smiled “Don't worry that will fade by the time you come and pick her up” Adriana shook her head “It will defiantly not, I’m going to fight this all the way” she thought as the couple nodded satisfied and the man looked at the nurse “Can we take the onesie off? Just so we can see her better” the nurse nodded “I will do that for you”.

Adriana began to sweat as Trish walked to the opposite side of the crib that the couple were standing and lowered the side “You are not showing anyone my body, I’m not a baby” she screamed in her head once again. Adriana tried to struggle and shout but to no avail, as nurse Trish began to unbutton the front of the onesie, Adriana blushed furiously as nurse Trish continued down to her crotch and quickly flung the onesie apart exposing the room to Adrian’s breasts and her wet diaper. Adriana couldn't help but tear up as she saw the wet diaper between her legs for the first time “It’s true I’m actually wearing a diaper, a wet diaper. These strangers have no right to be looking at me like this”. The couple smiled and nodded and the woman looked at the nurse “Perfect, she is just perfect”. The man nodded as Trish pulled up the side of the crib “I'm glad you like her” she smiled and walked back towards the door. The couple turned to leave and for the first time noticed the terrified looking Lucy looking back at them “Aww look at her” the woman said “she is cute, does she have a mommy and daddy?” she asked the nurse, Trish shook her head “Not yet, I agree she is adorable, but she hasn't been selected yet” the woman looked at the man with a sad face, the man sighed and turned to Trish if you don't find anyone we will take her” the woman smiled “They can be sisters” she squealed as she looked back and forth between the two caged woman. Trish smiled “That sounds like a good idea, now if you come with me then we will sort out the paperwork. The woman’s smile left her “Aww I just want to take them home right now”, Trish half laughed “After there training they will be all yours” she said as the three of them left the room and the door closed.

Adriana and Lucy lay in stunned silence as they tried to comprehend what had just happened when Lucy began to cry loudly, Adriana felt anger boil up in her as she looked down at her nakedness and the humiliating wet diaper that covered her most private area “Training? What training? No way they can’t be training us to be babies and then go home with them to live as a baby?” she wanted to scream again but new it wouldn't help, so she slowly turned her head towards Lucy. Lucy looked at Adriana “So that's our fate?” she sniffled “They are going to make us into babies”.

 Chapter 05

Adriana slowly opened her eyes she couldn’t remember going to sleep as she tried to think back to the last thing she could remember but it was a blur she then suddenly realised that she could open her mouth “Yes that stupid thing has gone” she thought as a big smile crossed her face. She shouted out “Yes” she then looked over to where Lucy was lying but the crib was no longer there and the smile disappeared “Lucy” she shouted out but no answer came, she looked around the room in a panic hoping that she had just been moved somewhere else but the room was empty, she was alone.

Adriana felt miserable as she continued to lie strapped down in her crib she looked down and saw that her onesie had been buttoned back up but she could still feel the wetness between her legs “Why did they come in here when I was sleeping and remove the pacifier but not change the diaper, I don’t care if someone sees my vagina now I just want out of this horrible thing, it’s so cold and itchy, Why did they take Lucy? I can’t go through this on my own” she sighed “Wonder where they have taken her, I hope she is OK”. She felt bloated and looked down at her stomach “How do I feel so full” she wondered when her stomach made a gurgling noise and her eyes widened “No No” she shouted out “I can’t do that, no not that” she felt a cramp and a chill ran through her as she knew what had happened when she slept “They gave me an enema, while I fucking slept they came in here and gave me an enema to make me shit myself, well it’s not going to happen” she thought “It’s not going to happen” she shouted with a defiant look on her face. After a few more minutes the cramps had become more severe and Adriana was now shouting out in pain, tears began to roll down her eyes “I don’t have a choice, I either let it go and mess myself or continue till the pain is too much then mess myself” she bit her lip “I’m going to hold on, I don’t care about the pain” she thought as another cramp hit her, and she let out a small scream.

After a few more minutes with sweat and tears dripping down her face, she knew that she was about to lose the battle she shouted out “Fuck you” as she gave in. The warm mess entered her diaper quickly surrounding the seat of her diaper, Adriana began to cry at the humiliation as she continued to poop her diaper. The poop continued to come out, and she shook as felt it making its way all over her bum cheeks “Please stop please” she begged herself but wave after wave of poop entered her diaper. Colour left her face when she felt it continue to come out and slowly move forward towards her legs and then move up to her vagina, she looked down at her inflated crotch fresh tears running down her face as she finally stopped. She took deep breaths to try and calm herself but suddenly her nose was assaulted by the smell of what she had done and she gagged a few times “I...” she looked down in disgust at her full diaper and shook her head “I didn’t have a choice I tried to stop it but I couldn’t” she thought as she lay tears running down her face in the crib in her freshly messed diaper.

Adriana shook her head “I need to get out of this thing, it’s so disgusting” as she lay in her crib she heard the nursery rhyme come on once again but this time she heard words “What’s the song saying” she thought as she strained her ears, after a few minutes the song got louder, and she could hear the words clearly ‘Good babies speak baby talk ,Good babies babble, Good babies cry, Good babies, get diaper changes, Good babies speak baby talk ,Good babies babble, Good babies cry, Good babies, get diaper changes’ Adriana rolled her eyes “That’s the best they can come up with, what a horrible song”.

The song continued to play over and over again, Adriana felt like she was going insane, as the time passed her diaper had become very itchy, and she hated the feel and the smell that was coming from her “I need to talk baby talk to get this thing off me as the song says? Do I really want to do as they say? I do want this diaper off me, it could be worse I guess” She opened her mouth and turned bright red “Am I really going to do this? I don’t have a choice I need to get out of this diaper” she thought and quietly she said “Goo goo gaga” she blushed bright red and was going to stop when she noticed the music had gotten quieter “So if I carry on it will happen? Oh god, these guys are fucked” she rolled her eyes and said louder “Goo goo gaga bloo moo goo aag”. She rolled her eyes “I feel so stupid” she thought as the music got lower again, she continued to make silly noises but the music didn’t get any lower “Why isn’t it getting lower now? Do I have to baby talk, I need to get out of this diaper, whatever it takes” she sighed and turned bright red when she said “Me baby, me baby” tears formed in her eyes as she continued “me need diaper change” a wave of humiliation fell over her as the music slowly got quieter and stopped. She looked around the room in terrified anticipation for someone to enter “Ok come on I’ve done what you wanted now come in and get this thing off me” she thought but suddenly she felt very tired “What’s going on? No, they are doing it again? They are knocking me out?” Adriana was almost asleep when the door opened and in walked nurse Trish “Wow we got a smelly baby don’t we” she cheerfully said to Adriana. All Adriana could do was blush she didn’t have the energy to talk, all she could do was try and keep her eyes open. Nurse Trish continued “Well don’t you worry baby girl, nursey will clean you all up and put you in a fresh diaper” Adriana couldn’t keep her eyes open “No not a fresh diaper, I don’t want any more diapers” she thought as she watched Trish walk up to her crib, the last thing she saw was nurse Trish lower the side of the crib, smile down at her and say “Sweet dreams baby”

Chapter 06

 Adriana’s eyes sprang open “What happened?” she thought as she lay on her back, then the memories came flooding back like a nightmare. She moved her mitten hand to her crotch and then sat up in shock “I can move” she shouted in excitement she looked around and saw she wasn’t in the crib that she had been strapped down to for so long, she was now sitting on the floor on a pink soft blanket in a bright white room, she couldn’t see a door or any windows and it sent a chill down her when she realised it was very similar to a cell. She looked down at her bright pink onesie that covered her full body and sighed “Well at least I’m out of that crib” she thought, she then moved her legs and felt the now familiar bulge between them and before she could catch it a smile crossed her face “I’m out of the messy diaper” then she shook and the smile disappeared “Nurse Trish changed my diaper? She saw me like that, so vulnerable and so naked” she began to feel angry again “I hope she enjoyed the smell” she thought and smiled. Adriana put her mitten hands at the front of her onesie and tried to open up it up “I need to get this diaper off me, if I can get it off then put this onesie back on at least that’s something” but her mitten hands were unable to grab at the buttons on the front of her onesie, and she let out a little scream “So I’m locked in a onesie, whatever” She looked around the room and in the opposite corner to her were baby toys and teddy bears “So this is where they let us play? Well I’m not going to play with any of this stuff” she thought.

She slowly got up on to her knees “There must be a way out of here” she thought as she moved from her knees to her shaky feet she slowly stood up straight when her ankle rolled, and she fell down onto her padded bum “Fuck” she shouted out “What was that?” she pulled her foot up towards her and saw that the bottom of the booties she was wearing were almost completely rounded “I can’t stand up wearing them” she thought then she rolled her eyes “Of course I can’t stand up in them, they don’t want me standing if I’m meant to be a baby”.

After a moment of just sitting Adriana heard the now-familiar lullaby music begin to play “Oh god not this again” she thought as the music got louder, and she heard the words ‘Good babies play, Good babies crawl, Good babies get diaper changes, Good babies speak baby talk, Good babies babble, Good babies cry, Good babies get diaper changes’ it repeated over and over again slowly getting louder and louder. “Fuck sake just make it stop” Adriana screamed inside her head “I have to crawl now and play with the toys to make this song stop?” She sighed as she looked over at the toys in a pile across the room “I can't keep doing what they tell me, I spoke like a baby and I got a diaper change I need to put a stop to it, or they are going to win” she folded her arms in front of her and looked down at the floor “I’m not going to move” she said weakly.

The music got louder and faster and it started to hurt Adriana’s ears, she closed her eyes tight and placed her mitten hands over her ears “Fuck sake, I can’t do it” tears began to roll down her face as she shook her head “Fine” she shouted out. She moved her hands from her ears and placed them on the soft pink mat and got onto her knees, the music continued to blare as she shook her head “I will crawl to the toys that’s it” she slowly began to crawl and the music slowed back down and got quieter, she let out a sigh of relief as she slowly made her way towards the toys, she looked behind her and saw her padded bum swinging from side to side and the anger boiled up inside her again, she turned her head and looked at the floor as she continued to crawl. Slowly she made her way towards the toys and sat back down on her diapered bum and stared at them “I am not playing with these toys” she thought as the music repeated over and over again.

She sat next to the toys as the music played she soon felt a headache come on “Oh god turn the fucking song off” she thought as she looked around the room but the music continued with the horrible lyrics of ‘Good babies play, Good babies crawl, Good babies get diaper changes, Good babies speak baby talk, Good babies babble, Good babies cry, Good babies get diaper changes’ she scrunched up her eyes as her hands darted forward and picked up an item with both her mitten hands, she opened her eyes and saw that it was an oversized babies rattle “Right I have a bloody toy now stop the music” she thought but the music continued and out of frustration she began to shake her hands and the rattle made noises and to Adriana’s surprise the music quietened down. She looked at the infantile object and shook it again and the music lowered again, a smile crossed her face “Yes it’s stopping” she thought as she continued to shake the rattle and finally the music stopped and Adriana let out a little laugh “Yes it’s gone” she thought, she continued to shake the rattle for a moment then stopped “What am I doing? I said I wasn’t going to crawl and I did, I said I wasn’t going to play with the toys and I am” tears began to roll down her face “They are winning, they are turning me into a baby”.

Chapter 07

 Adriana dropped the rattle and as soon as she did she began to hear the music once again “No no more music” she quickly crawled over to a giant teddy bear in the corner and began to cuddle it and the music stopped, with tears in her eyes she hugged the teddy bear tight “I don’t want to be a baby I want to be me, I want to go out partying and drinking I want to go to the beach and have guys stare at my body, I have worked hard for this body, I go to the gym and I go for runs and it’s all been for nothing if I am to be made into a diaper-wearing crawling baby” she wiped the tears on the teddy as she continued to squeeze “I can’t be treated like a baby, I’m 24, not some damn baby, they can’t do this to me. I can believe what they have done to me in such a short period, I wet and messed a diaper, I talked baby talk to get it changed, I crawled and I have played with toys, I can’t be the first one they have done this too and what about Lucy, that poor young girl on her birthday she could be going through the same treatment. I wonder if she would be fighting back” she shook her head “No way, she was crying her eyes out just being in the crib, she would be crawling around and talking like a baby as soon as they told her” she shook her head again “Poor girl”.

After a while, Adriana felt pressure on her bladder again “How do I need to pee again? I haven’t had anything to drink, wait that’s a point how am I not thirsty, my mouth felt dry as soon as I woke up with that bloody pacifier strapped to me but I when I woke up with it gone I felt refreshed, are they giving me drinks when I’m knocked out? I don’t feel hungry either, so they must be doing more to me when I’m unconscious” she shivered and let go of the teddy bear. Slowly the music played and Adriana rolled her eyes “This again” she thought, she quickly went back to the rattle and picked it up with her hands and began to shake it but the music continued to get louder “What now? I’m playing with it” she shook the rattle again but still the music grew “Is it because I have already used that one? They want me to use a different toy?” she quickly dropped the rattle and scooted herself over on her diapered bum to a large jigsaw puzzle, the four animal-shaped pieces had big handles on them and were on the floor next to the infantile board of a cartoon jungle, the board had the same images as the puzzles, the pieces were of a lion, a zebra, an elephant and a rhino and Adriana rolled her eyes “Well this isn’t going to be hard” she thought as she went to pick up the puzzle piece of the lion with her mitten hands. As the music continued to play she tried to pick up the piece a few times with one of her mitten hands but was unable to pick it up “I can’t use my thumb wearing these stupid things” she thought as the music continued to grow louder she sighed and moved her other hand to the puzzle piece and pinched the handle with both hands and slowly lifted it up and the music stopped and Adriana couldn’t help but smile, she moved the piece across to the board and over the lion, but she then realised that the lion in her hand was slightly off-centre “I hate these mittens, I now have to concentrate to play with a bloody babies game” after a lot of adjustments she finally dropped the lion into place “Finally” she thought then before the music could start again she went for the zebra puzzle piece.

After a long while she was finally on the final puzzle piece and just before she picked up the rhino she felt the pressure on her bladder again, she tried to put her legs together to suppress the urge but the bulk from her diaper didn’t help at all, she picked up the rhino as her legs moved up and down like a kid trying to stop herself from wetting “Just concentrate on this” she thought.

As she moved the final piece across the board a little voice appeared in her head “Why am I fighting it? I can’t get out of it, I’m going to have to use it sooner or later, why not just do it?” she shook her head “Because it’s disgusting, I’m not a baby and I will not wet a diaper” the little voice scoffed “But you have wet a diaper, even pooped a diaper, your also playing with baby toys, you're having trouble playing with baby toys, just wet the diaper and you don’t have to worry about it” she froze “But I...” she couldn’t think of an argument for a second then shook her head “I’m not a baby, I’m being forced to do this, I won’t wet a diaper on purpose” the little voice chuckled “Good because you're doing it by accident” Adriana looked down at her groin as she felt the damn burst and once again she began to wet her diaper “No No No” she shouted out as she felt the warm urine enter the crotch of her diaper and spread under her warming up her bum cheeks. The colour went from her face as she continued to sit still with the puzzle piece in her mitten hands when the music started up again, and she snapped out of frozen terror and with tears in her eyes she placed the rhino in its correct place.

Chapter 08

After several mind-numbing hours of playing with the infantile toys Adriana wanted to break down and just cry, she had made her way through most of the toys getting bored with them as soon as she picked them up but gritted her teeth as she pretended to play just so she didn’t have to hear the music and the repeated singing. She was playing with a stacking ring she had just placed the third green ring over the cone with great difficulty because of her mitten hands when the pressure on her bladder had got too much once again “I tried holding it again but is there really a point I’m not getting out of these” she sighed as she paused and began to let loose into the diaper once again when the music started again. Adriana rolled her eyes and picked up the next colourful ring with her hands she slowly continued to play with the toy as the warm urine-filled up the diaper once again. As she placed the ring down above the others she finally stopped peeing and she realised with tears in eyes what was happening “They are making it so playing with the toys is more important than me pausing to urinate, they are making it so I don’t even pause what I’m doing to wet my diapers. Oh god, that’s what it must have looked like both times, I only paused for a short time and then continued to play as I sat and wet my diaper like a baby”.

As Adriana placed the final ring on top of the tower she heard a noise come from behind her she turned around and saw a door open up “Should I run for it? This could be my only chance” she thought but then nurse Trish stood in the doorway with a big grin across her face which sent shivers down Ariana’s spine, she was wearing a nurses outfit with what looked like a diaper bag over one shoulder. Nurse Trish took a step forward into the room and the door closed and Adriana sighed “Why did I hesitate? What the hell is she doing in here?” she thought as Trish walked over to the pink blanket that Adriana had woken upon. Nurse Trish sat down on her knees at the end of the blanket and then looked over to Adriana and smiled, she patted the blanket and cooed “Crawl over here baby and nursey will change your diapers”. The colour went from Adriana’s face as she stared at the woman “This must be to prove that I’ve been listening. Well I’m not going to crawl over to get my diaper changed by you. I wonder what happens if I don’t crawl over though” she thought as nurse Trish continued “Or Baby girl you can continue to play with the toys all day and night” she gave a wicked smile as Adriana’s jaw dropped open “Would they make me play with them all night? If I got tired and stopped they would just play the music and then it would get louder and faster until I played, it’s basically torture”. Nurse Trish patted the blanket again “I can’t play with the toys all night and I will get out of this wet diaper I guess, Oh god I’m going to do it” her chest felt tight as she got onto her hands and knees and began to crawl, she kept her eyes firmly on the floor as she crawled towards the blanket. Once she reached the blanket Trish commanded “On your back baby girl” Adriana slowly got onto her back with Trish at her feet and stared at the ceiling “I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’m volunteering myself to get my diaper changed by this woman” tears formed in her eyes as Trish lent over and began to unbutton the bright pink onesie, she noticed Adriana’s tears and cooed “Awww don’t cry baby, nursey will change your wet diapers in no time” Adriana’s lip began to quiver as she tried to hold back a torrent of tears “I’m not going to cry in front of her, I’m not going to show her that she has me beaten”.

Soon Trish had unbuttoned all the buttons on the front of the onesie while Adriana continued to stare at the ceiling trying to block out what was happening. Trish smiled “Let’s get this onesie off you baby girl, it’s starting to smell as bad as your diapers” she giggled and Adriana blushed but didn’t move, Trish grabbed hold of Adriana’s hands and lifted her up into a sitting position with little difficulty and suddenly Adriana was staring at one of her captors and rage built up in her. Trish grabbed hold of Adrian’s arm and slowly pulled her arm out of the onesie, she then went to work on the other arm and the onesie dropped down to around her waist exposing Adriana’s supple breasts. She felt very vulnerable as she looked down at her bare chest and quickly covered herself up with her arms, Trish let out a short laugh “Baby girl, Who do you think put you in that onesie in the first place and I’m about to change your wet diaper, you have nothing to hide from nursey now pull your arms away like a good baby”. Adriana stared down at her arms and didn’t move “I can’t just show her my nakedness like it’s nothing. Even though she is about to see my vagina” Trish placed her arms on her waist “Pull your arms away now baby girl” Tears began to roll down Adriana’s face as she slowly removed her hands revealing her breasts, Trish smiled “Good baby” Adriana started wiping the tears away from her face with her mitten hands while Trish grabbed hold of the onesie at Adriana’s waist and began to pull it down, Adriana lifted up her padded bum and she stared down at her crotch as the diaper was fully revealed to her and soon the onesie was pulled down her legs and she was sitting in just her wet diaper “There it is, No mistaking it, I’m wearing a diaper, Oh god there is a wet stain on the front” Adriana blushed. Nurse Trish smiled and gently pushed Adriana back down onto her back, she sat back on her knees and smiled “Oh you can have this while I change you baby, but you must hold it with both hands” she then opened up the diaper bag and pulled out an adult-sized bottle “A baby bottle? She expects me to drink from that?” suddenly she felt very thirsty and without thinking she took the bottle with both her mitten hands and pressed the nipple into her mouth and began to suck down the milky substance then quickly paused “What am I doing? Why am I drinking from this bottle?” she slowly continued to suck on the nipple and rolled her eyes. Trish smiled “Good baby, now time for your diaper change” she announced which made Adriana blush, Trish then quickly untapped the diaper and Adriana froze as she felt the front of it pulled down “Oh god I’m getting a diaper change, I’m 24 and I’m having a diaper change” she began to shake. Trish ignored the shaking and continued, she pulled out a baby wipe and as she pressed the cold wipe against Adriana’s vagina, Adriana jumped slightly at the shock but Trish just smiled and began to clean up the excess urine from the adult babies crotch. Adriana continued to shake as Trish lifted up her legs and gently wiped her bum clean “This is really happening, Fuck this is real” she then looked down and her eyes widened as she looked at her vagina “Somebody shaved me? I’m completely hairless, I had a landing strip there but now I’m fully hairless” tears formed in her eyes again as she continued to suck on the bottle. Trish removed the wet diaper and in one quick motion a fresh diaper was placed under Adriana’s bum, Trish then sprinkled the powder onto Adriana’s crotch and bum and then dropped her legs down and quickly tapped the diaper tightly in place. “It’s over I had my diaper change and now I’m back in another, my third diaper and this one won't leave me till it gets used for its intended purpose, Fuck I hate this”.

 Chapter 09

Adriana finished the bottle and Nurse Trish quickly took it from her mitten hands and placed it into the diaper bag, she then stood up and looked down at the pretty young woman and smiled. Adriana nervously looked up at the woman shaking all over as she continued to lay on the pink blanket wearing nothing but a white thick diaper. “What is she going to do to me next? What can she do to me? She already has me crawling around and wetting diapers what else is there?” she thought with dread as nurse Trish folded her arms.

“Now baby, as you might remember you met your new parents yesterday” Adriana’s eyes went wide “Oh god I remember now, that creepy couple that came in. Are they going to be my parents? No way I’m not going to let them treat me like that. It would be so much easier to escape there place than here I still have a glimmer of hope of getting out of this” she thought as nurse Trish continued “Well they have decided what your name is going to be, from now on you will be baby Ruby” she smiled a wicked smile as Adriana’s jaw dropped open “They want to change my name? Ruby? Not a chance I’m Adriana!” she thought.

Nurse Trish continued to smile down at the infantile woman and said “Now baby Ruby, let's see if you will be a good baby, I want you to say ‘I’m baby Ruby and I love my mommy and daddy’ OK baby?” Adriana’s head was spinning “Be a good baby? So if I don’t do it I will be punished? I can’t say that?” she shook her head “If I don’t say it then I will be punished, I could say it, it’s just words I don’t have to mean it” she opened her mouth but her tongue wouldn’t work “Oh god I can’t it’s to embarrassing I’m not Ruby” she thought when Trish cleared her throat “Don’t be a bad baby for nursey or you will be punished, remember in your cutest little baby voice you say ‘I’m baby Ruby and I love mommy and daddy and I really love my diapers” she smiled a wicked smile as Adriana swallowed hard. “She now wants me to say that? I guess the sooner I speak the less I have to say, she wants me to admit I love diapers” she shivered “I got to get this over with” she thought as she slowly opened her mouth “I can’t believe I’m doing this” she thought as she lisped out in a high pitch baby voice “Me bway Wuby” she turned bright red and her mouth felt dry “Just need to get it over with” she thought as she continued the horrible speech “Me wuv mommy and daddy and me weally wuv my...” she stopped the word caught in her throat as she turned the brightest red possible, she closed her eyes and shouted out “Diapers”.

She slowly opened her eyes as Nurse Trish continued to stand over her frowning “I didn’t get all of that baby, do try to do it again and all together, that’s a good baby girl”. Adriana frowned back at her she felt anger build up in her but as she tried to make a fist she felt the mittens on her hands stopping her and she let out a sigh “I can’t do anything, I can’t stand up to take a swipe at her because of the booties and I can’t even make a fist because of the mittens. I just got to say it, I’ve said it before and I can do it again” she let out a deep breath and once again lisped out in a high pitch voice “Me bwaby Wuby, me wuv mommy and daddy and me weally wuv my diapees”. Her chest felt tight and she wanted to be sick “I can’t believe I just said I love my diapers” she thought as Nurse Trish smiled down at her “That’s a good baby Ruby, now you stay in here a bit longer playing with your toys then nursey will take little baby to get some yum yums” she cooed as she bent down and picked up the diaper bag. Trish then quickly turned around and a panel in the wall opened up and she walked through, the panel quickly disappeared leaving Adriana alone once again.

Adriana continued to lay on the pink blanket stunned “They are winning, they are turning me into a baby. They even made me verbally say that I love diapers” she shuddered “What can I do to stop them from doing this to me?” she thought as the music softly started again “No!” she shouted out as she shook her head. Slowly she sat up as the singing repeated over and over getting louder and louder. Tears formed in her eyes as she stared down past her supple breasts and flat stomach down to her inflated crotch “I can’t get out of this they are turning me into a baby” she thought as she looked at the toys in the corner “I need to play or this song is never going to stop” she sighed as she got onto her hands and knees “What else can I do?” she thought as the music got louder and quicker “I need to play with something like a good baby” she thought as she crawled towards the toys her diapered bum swinging side to side.

Chapter 10

  “Baby Ruby?” she shook as she began to play with a doll, she breathed a sigh of relief as the music faded away and stopped as Adriana sat in her diaper beside the infantile toys. She had fresh tears in her eyes as she continued to move the doll around the floor with her two mitten hands “They are removing everything that made me an adult, including my name! I don’t want to be a baby but every time I fight back it just gets worse for me, do I sit back and let them turn me into a baby and just accept my fate?” she slowly shook her head “I can’t just let them do this to me” she thought when the voice said “They have already done it though, look at you! You are no longer Adriana the gorgeous young woman, you are Baby Ruby the diaper-wearing, diaper using little baby. Just sit back and let them treat you like a baby, you don’t have to worry about anything, no work, no bills all you have to do is play and eat like a good baby”. She sighed “It’s true in such a short period they have turned me into a baby, if they can do this to me so quickly what's going to happen if I stay here? There is no way I could fight them every day and just become miserable. Maybe if I don’t fight and then when they take me out of here I will still be able to break free” a slight smile appeared on her face

Yes, I need to just stop fighting and I won't get conditioned as much to be a baby, I won't get that horrible song going on, I won't get punished I will still be me, I just have to bite my tongue and wait until I can get out of here then when the time is right, I will make a run for it, everyone is going to call me baby Ruby so I just need to pretend that I’m her and then when it’s time to escape I’m back to adult Adriana” a wider smile appeared on her face as she continued to play with the toy when suddenly she froze as her stomach cramped up. She looked down at her stomach and shook all over “No, I can’t” she thought when the music began once again and quickly she began to move the toy around. “No! This is so unfair I had a plan to get through this!” she thought as fresh tears rolled down her face “I can’t pretend I’m baby Ruby when I need to actually use this diaper, I can’t even stop playing with the toy or the music will start up again. I need to keep playing and mess myself at the same time. I hate this!” she screamed in her head.

Adriana’s stomach cramped up once again and she felt like she was going to be sick “I can’t wear another messy diaper” she thought when it happened, her eyes widened and she froze once again as she felt the flood gates open and a tidal wave of warm sticky mess rushed into the seat of her diaper. She gagged at the smell as she felt the poop spread all over her bum cheeks and into the front of her diaper, she hadn’t noticed the music until it became unbearable and she quickly moved the toy around as she continued to fill her diaper. “I’m sitting in my own shit again! How did that even happen? It was only a few minutes warning and then it just happened. They must have put something in the bottle. Yes, that must be it otherwise why would it happen? So I can’t even trust the food or the drink here everything they do or give me is to turn me more into a baby. I want to get out of this horrible diaper!” she couldn’t help but begin to cry. Something told her to cry to let it all out and from deep inside her she let out a loud cry out, she flung her arms around in frustration as a waterfall of tears streamed down from her face, she couldn’t think of anything other than wanting to be free of the messy diaper and every second that past while sitting in her own filth caused her to cry louder and feel more miserable.

Adriana slowly began to calm as she heard someone whisper “Shhh baby, nursey is here baby, nursey will change babies dirty diaper, shhh little one it's OK you’re being such a good baby” Adriana felt like a great weight had been lifted off her as she found herself in the arms of Nurse Trish being cradled and the nurse looking down at her with a warm smile “Yes, I’m getting this diaper off me!” she thought with a smile back as the tears began to stop. “That’s a good baby, now let's get you into a nice clean diaper baby Ruby” she cooed as she released Adriana and stood up. Adriana quickly got onto her hands and knees and as nurse Trish walked towards the centre of the room Adriana crawled behind her with her messy bum swinging from side to side. Trish stood at the pink blanket with a diaper bag already waiting for her and Adriana obediently lay down on the blanket “I just don’t care, I can not stay in my own mess I don’t care that she is going to change me like a baby at least I won't get a twenty-four-year-old wearing a messy diaper” she thought as nurse Trish got down onto her knees at Adriana’s feet and she removed a large purple diaper from the bag “This will look adorable on you” she cooed but Adriana didn’t care “Just hurry up and get this off me, don't care what diaper you put me in next just not this one” she thought anxiously as Trish bent over and released the tabs on either side of the diaper.

Nurse Trish lowered the front of the diaper and a fresh smell of poop entered the room, Adriana wanted to gag but Trish didn’t react as she began to expertly clean up the front of Adriana’s shaven vagina with wet wipes. Soon the front of her was clean and Trish took hold of Adriana’s ankles in one hand and lifted them up into the air, she felt Trish begin to clean the smeared poop off her bum cheeks and with every wipe from the cool wet wipes Adriana felt happier “I’m going to be clean” she thought when the messy diaper was pulled away from under her and the final little clean up happened and the fresh diaper was placed under her bum. Adriana’s heart sank and she felt miserable as Trish began to pour baby powder over her bum “I’m being placed back into a diaper and for all I know this one could end of the same way and I’m going to become a blubbering mess until I know I’m getting changed out of it” her legs were lowered and Trish pulled the front of the purple diaper up and taped it tightly around her waist. Adriana looked down at the diaper and shook “Why did I do that? Why did I cry so much? I don’t usually cry but I cried just like the baby they are turning me into. How are they doing all this? I can’t believe I’m back in another diaper!”.



OMG I love how you put the charextors to sleep giving them a terrifying bsense of the unknown or what happened to them while they slept. I also love how you used loud noise to compel them to be good babies! Such a unique and original idea!


Will you ever write from Lucy’s point of view?


I've just finished the next chapter and it's scheduled to go up next week.




Very good story, I’d absolutely love to see this story expanded