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 Chapter One

Kira looked over at her husband of two years and smiled a sneaky smile as he was about to get into bed “Baby, I’ve been thinking” she said as she looked at her younger husband, the slim 24-year old stood outside of the bed completely naked. He looked down at his busty wife in the bed nervously “What?” he said when Kira quickly continued “I can’t do this anymore” Chris’s face fell “What do you mean?” Kira looked up at him and continued “I go to work every day and you do nothing, you don’t do anything around the house, you just wait till I get home to do it all and I’m sick of it”. Chris opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out “I do things around the house, I’m sure I do” he thought as Kira continued firmly “So I have found a way to motivate you to do more stuff around the house”.

Chris regained his composure “Oh really? Ok?” Kira began to tear up “You have to agree to this or we are done, I can’t live this way any longer” Chris quickly nodded his head “I can't lose her, I love her and I will do anything to fix this” he thought as Kira wiped away her tears and smiled “Good, now baby go and get a shower and I want you to cut away all your pubic hair” Chris looked at Kira confused “Is this still about you trying to motivate me?” Kira nodded. “Maybe it’s more sex, we haven’t had it in ages, oh maybe blowjobs, yes she always wants me to be hairless for a blowjob” Chris thought and left the room with a smile on his face, he quickly showered and shaved and went back into the bedroom wearing the towel that he had used to dry himself. He walked over to his side of the bed when he saw a white rectangular item on the bed “What’s that?” he questioned, Kira smiled “That is to motivate you baby” Chris looked confused once again “What do you mean?” Kira sighed and got up off her side of the bed and walked over to her husbands side, she gave him a gentle kiss on the lips and quickly removed the towel from around his waist “I think it’s obvious, you are going to wear diapers” Chris let out a nervous laugh “I’m what?!” he half shouted in amazment Kira Christ over and began to unfold the diaper on the bed, Kira looked at Chris with pleading eyes and said “You agreed to this for our marriage, now sit down on the diaper” Chris didn’t take his eyes of the diaper “Why a diaper?” he finally blurted out, Kira sighed again “Let me put it on you and then you will find out” Chris eyed the diaper “So I sit on the diaper and then I get an explanation, this is crazy but if I don’t then she will leave me” he thought with a sigh as he reluctantly sat down on the awaiting diaper “I’ve said I’m going to do this for our marriage so I guess I have to, it’s just a diaper people wear these” he thought as Kira smiled and pushed him down in a lying position across the bed.

Kira pulled out baby powder and gave a generous sprinkling over Chris’s penis and balls, she then lifted up the front of the diaper and tightly taped it shut. Chris looked down at his new underwear “What have I got myself into? Well, a diaper but why? Why am I wearing a diaper?” he thought when he looked up at his wife who was now holding what looked like big plastic underwear, it was baby blue in colour and Chris could see that it looked padded “What’s that?” he nervously asked, Kira, smiled but said nothing as she began to put the underwear on Chris’s feet and pulled them up his legs towards his diapered crotch. Chris was in shock when Kira pulled the blue garment over his diaper “What is this? There’s something between the crotch I can’t put my legs together, It’s so thick all over and what is that?” Chris had noticed what looked like a combination lock coming out from the waist of the diaper pant, Kira slowly went to it and pulled tight and then changed the numbers on the lock. Without saying a word Kira climbed back into her side of the bed and lay down, Chris slowly adjusted himself and lay next to her too stunned to talk.

“What the fuck?!” were the words that broke the tension, Chris looked at Kira and repeated “What the fuck? Why am I wearing a locked diaper? Where did you get this from? Why is the crotch so thick on it?” he asked getting angrier with each question, Kira’s eyes narrowed and her voice was calm but Chris knew she was angry “Don’t you swear at me! You made me do this! If you would just do something, anything to help me out I wouldn’t have to” She turned her head away from him and continued “They are locked because that’s how I’m going to motivate you” Chris’s jaw dropped and he mouthed “What the fuck?” but Kira didn’t see it as she continued “I will unlock them when I get home from work, if you have completed a worklist” Chris looked down at the diaper, his baby blue padded crotch staring back “What? So I have to wear this all day? Then you will take it off me?” Kira turned her head back and looked at her husband “Exactly, you will get a diaper change once you have done all the jobs. Chris turned bright red “A diaper change? Wait I have to use it?” Kira nodded “Well It will be locked on you so yeah”. Chris was in shock “Wearing a diaper? Using a diaper? I will have to pee I won’t be able to not pee in it all day, what?” Chris suddenly realised something “Wait, what if I don’t complete the list of jobs?” he asked nervously, Kira looked down at the diaper and said “Well then I won’t change you until you finish that list and the next day's list”. Chris shook his head in disbelief as he shouted “What? So if I don’t do the list, I won't get out of this until the next day? But what if I have to poo?” Kira looked back at her husband and bluntly said “What about it? It's a diaper it’s what it's for”. She then rolled away from him and turned off the light “Night night baby boy I love you” she said, Chris didn’t say anything he just stared down at his crotch.

Chapter Two

Chris hadn’t moved he just lay in the darkness while Kira slept next to him thinking what had just happened “My wife has put me in a diaper? Am I wearing a diaper? Why didn’t I stop this? It’s because she used that ‘it’s for our marriage’ line, How long this going to last? Why did she get this locking thing, I’m going to be waddling around everywhere, how am I going to do jobs that involve going outside while wearing this? I must have been so bad for her to go this far” he sighed and closed his eyes.

Chris had a very restless night, he couldn’t get comfy, every time he rolled over he would wake up to the unfamiliar feeling of the diaper between his legs. Eventually, the bright sun of the morning came and Kira’s alarm went off waking her up slowly, she rolled over to cuddle Chris when she remembered the diaper and smiled “Morning baby, how did you sleep?” Chris sighed “Lousy, I couldn’t get comfortable” Kira giggled “Oh you will get used to it” she said and Chris’s jaw dropped “What you mean get used to it? How long this going to last?” Kira shrugged her shoulders and got out of bed and went to the bathroom to pee, Chris was about to get out of bed to use the bathroom as he needed to pee also but then he moved and remembered the diaper “Kira, can you take this off me now? I need to pee” Kira came back into the room with a confused look on her face “Take it off you? Baby I said I will change you when I come home from work if your good that is” Chris was getting angry “No come on take it off me! I am not wetting a diaper this has gone too far” Kira’s eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms “Now you listen this is the last time I’m telling you, you are going to wear that diaper all day until I get home or our marriage is done, you can pack your bags and take your diapered ass out”.

Chris couldn’t look at his wife in the eyes, he just looked down “I don’t want to lose her but I don’t want to be in diapers, Oh god I have to do this” he thought and he looked at Kira and nodded “OK” he said through gritted teeth. Kira smiled and began getting ready for work “Now put a shirt on, your not spending the day in bed get up” Chris reluctantly got out of bed and for the first time took a step in the diaper, his face grimaced “I have to waddle while wearing this, it’s obviously a diaper that’s around me” he thought as he waddled towards the wardrobe, he pulled out a shirt and put it on and it rested just on top of the diaper he then grabbed some sweatpants and was about to put them on when Kira said “No, when you're in the house you won't be covering up your diaper, leave your pants off until you have to go outside” Chris’s jaw dropped open and he was about to protest but decided against it, he aggressively threw the pants onto the floor and waddled out of the bedroom into the living room.

After ten minutes of Chris watching TV while Kira got ready for work, Kira entered the living room and sat next to her diapered husband “Here take this” Kira handed him a piece of paper “This is your job list for today, I want them all done before I get home” Chris glanced at the list not really reading it, Kira continued “I think you should do the bottom one first, it's going to take the longest” Chris nodded his eyes fixed on the TV feeling too embarrassed and defeated by the situation that he didn’t want to talk to his wife. Kira gave him a kiss on the forehead and cheerfully said “goodbye”, Chris halfheartedly said “Bye” as she left. He heard the car pull away and he let out an angry shout “How dare she do this to me?! Make me wear diapers like some baby! I’m an adult I shouldn’t be treated this way!” he unclenched his fists and sighed and looked at the first few jobs on the list “Washing up, easy and vacuum the floors OK, I can do these and then when she gets home I will be out of this but first a few hours playing on the PS4 help me forget that I’m wearing this horrible thing” he said to himself.

As Chris began to play he felt the pressure on his bladder once again “Can I pee in a diaper? No I’m not going to do that” he thought and he continued to play. After half an hour the urge to pee had gotten to breaking point and he shook his head as he looked down at the blue locking pants covering his thirsty diaper “I don’t have much of a choice, Yeah I can do it” he tried to pee sitting down but it wouldn’t come out, he sighed and stood up but still he couldn’t make himself wet the diaper “This is ridiculous” he said to himself, he waddled to the toilet and stood over it as he would if he was going to use it. Straight away he felt the strange sensation of the warm urine enter the diaper and he felt the pee cover his lower half, finally he stopped peeing and just stood there in shocked silence “I’ve just wet a diaper, I shouldn’t be peeing in diapers” he slowly turned and waddled back to the couch and decided to carry on playing video games to try and forget about the warm urine that surrounded his groin.

Chris couldn’t get comfortable in the now wet diaper, what was once warm had now begun to cool and become itchy, it was at this time he looked at the clock “Fuck” he said as he saw it was 11 am. “I have about five hours to finish everything on the list, I need to get out of this tonight, it’s humiliating!” he grabbed the list and read the first item “Vacuum the floor, easy” Chris got off the couch and waddled to the cupboard where the vacuum cleaner was kept and got it out. As Chris entered his and Kira’s bedroom with the vacuum cleaner he looked out the window and went white as a sheet as he quickly ducked down behind the bed onto the floor “Fuck sake Kira, why did you open the blinds fully? If anyone walks past they are going to see me in this fucking thing!” He slowly got onto all fours and crawled around the bed, his diapered bum swaying back and forth as he did “Now crawling around on my hands and knees like a baby” he said to himself while shaking his head, he got to the window and reached up and closed the blinds “Ah that’s better” and he stood up and began vacuuming the house, after half an hour Chris had finished the house and with a smile on his face he put the vacuum cleaner away and looked at the next item on the list.

Chris slowly made his way through the list they were mainly easy tasks like washing up or put dinner on and he was feeling very confident he was going to get out of his wet diaper after he put a roast in the slow cooker. He was about to read the last item on the list when he heard the rain come pouring down outside “Oh it’s raining, good we haven’t had any rain in ages” he thought then read the last item and fear crossed his face as he once again looked out the window to the rain “No stop bloody raining, why did it have to rain!” he shouted as he looked back at the list and he shook his head “I can’t paint the gutters in the bloody rain, how am I going to get out of this now?” he thought with panic. H began to waddle up and down the house nervously “Wait? Paint the gutters while wearing this diaper, even with my sweatpants anyone will be able to tell I’m wearing a bloody diaper, not just the bulge but by my stupid waddle” he thought as he looked down at the diaper once again. He eventually sat down on the sofa with a sigh and stared at the rain “If it wasn’t raining would I go out wearing this? Well, no point in worrying about it, it’s raining I can’t do it. It’s not my fault I can’t control the weather so I did all the jobs I could do”. He sat back on the sofa and decided to watch TV to help him forget about the bulge between his legs “Not long now until Kira gets home and takes this off” he thought.

Chapter Three

Chris was startled when he heard the front door open, he looked up at Kira nervously but she gave him a stern stare which made his insides hurt “Why aren’t the gutters painted?” she asked flatly Chris looked down sheepishly “It’s raining?” he said weakly, Kira walked into the house and took off her jacket and sighed “It didn’t rain till the afternoon, what was the last thing I said to you?” Chris looked at her confused “I can’t remember” he admitted, Kira sighed again “I said to do the last item first, see you never listen to me, well I hope you like that diaper because you're staying in it until tomorrow”. Chris stood up, he was furious “What the fuck do you mean?! I did everything else on your stupid list, now take this fucking thing off me!” he shouted but Kira just stood there expressionless “Right, after dinner you're going straight to bed young man” Chris’s jaw dropped and he shook he head “Didn’t you hear me, take this off me?” Kira sighed but calmly said “Baby you have been naughty talking to me that way and if you don’t do as your told I will send the pictures I took last night to all your friends and family”

Chris’s jaw dropped open, he felt light-headed as he stammered out “You did what?” Kira smiled “I took pictures, I guess you slept better than you thought you did in your diaper” she giggled as she looked at her husband's stunned face “You looked so cute in your big diaper that I had too but if you are naughty I will share those pictures and I will leave you. I will tell everyone that I left you because you wore diapers” she smiled a wicked smile as Chris stood frozen to the spot not knowing what to say, his head spun he couldn’t think of anything but the idea of Kira sending the photos out and it sent a chill right through him. Finally, Kira said “Now serve up dinner, while I go get a shower, it smells nice baby”, she then went into the bathroom and closed the door leaving Chris standing in the living room with his wet diaper still on. “If she has said she is going to share the pictures then she will, I know her too well, I can’t have them seeing me wearing a diaper, even if I say it was her idea it’s still me wearing it. I’m stuck in this situation if I try to get out of it she will send out the photos and leave me. What have I gotten myself into?” he thought as he shook his head and sighed.

Slowly he waddled towards the kitchen and began to serve up dinner as Kira showered, eventually, Chris heard the shower turn off and she entered the kitchen wearing her pyjamas. She grabbed her plate and gave Chris a kiss on the cheek as she said “Thanks, baby” she then gave him a tap on his diapered bottom as she walked into the living room. Chris grabbed his own plate and sat next to Kira on the sofa, they ate in silence as they watched TV, “Maybe if I apologise I can get out of this, I just need to swallow my pride, which is pretty easy when I’m wearing a fucking diaper” he thought and once he had finished he looked over to Kira and swallowed hard “I’m sorry I got mad” Kira looked at him and smiled, “It’s OK, I understand it’s a big change for you but you have to get used to it” Chris looked away embarrassed “Get used to it? How am I going to get used to it?” he thought then said “So will you unlock this thing?” Kira looked at him confused “No” she said bluntly, Chris looked back at her “Why?” he said like a wining child and Kira smiled “Baby you didn’t finish the list, you can try again tomorrow, now that you have finished its time for you to go to bed” with that Kira stood up and grabbed Chris’s hand and tried to pull him off the couch. “Seriously?” he questioned, Kira looked down at her husband “Yes, I meant what I said now come on” Chris sighed “Come on Kira” Kira was becoming angry, “I said its bedtime for you so it’s bedtime, do you want me to send those photos?” Chris looked down at his diapered crotch but didn’t say a word as he slowly stood up, Kira kept hold of his hand and guided them towards the bedroom. She helped Chris remove his t-shirt and said “Get in Baby” Chris rolled his eyes as he got into his side of the bed, Kira smiled and began tucking him in, she then gave him a kiss on the forehead and left the room.

She has put me to bed! it’s not even 7 pm and I’m in bed wearing a wet diaper because my wife told me too, what is happening?” Chris lay in the bed for a while going over the last 24 hours in his head when suddenly he felt his stomach rumble “No I have to poop, I usually go after I have had dinner, no I’m going to hold it off till I get out of this tomorrow, hopefully, I can hold out that long”. After an hour Chris yawned and began to feel sleepy from the tiring and stressful day and soon he was fast asleep.

Chris’s eyes opened the urge to pee waking him up “It’s still night outside, I need to pee” he began to get out of bed when Kira’s arm grabbed his “Where you going?” she said sleepily “I need to pee” he replied “No” she said as she pulled him back into bed “Silly baby, you’re wearing a diaper, use it” Chris sighed “I can’t use it in bed” Kira rolled over and said “Yes you can baby” Chris shook his head in disbelief as he lay back down on the bed, he spent the next ten minutes trying to pee, he was about to give up when the familiar warm urine entered his diaper and he felt disgusted with himself “I’ve wet a diaper twice now” he shook his head as he looked over at his wife and sighed.

Chris was surprised when he woke up as he couldn’t remember falling back to sleep after his wetting, he looked over and saw that Kira was already out of bed, he stretched in his bed and felt the familiar diaper between his legs and he sighed. Kira entered the room all ready for work “I got to go I’m running late my alarm didn’t go off, here is your list for today and don’t forget you need to finish yesterdays list to get a diaper change tonight” and before Chris could respond Kira was out the room and left the house. Chris put the list on his bedside cabinet and stood up “OK I better get this over with, I don’t have a choice and I will need to get out of this diaper tonight so I will have to do everything on the list now I will put on sweatpants and it should hide the diaper” he thought nervously. He waddled over to the wardrobe and pulled out the sweatpants and put them on, he smiled as they reached over his diapered crotch and over his large padded bum “Right now for a shirt” he said and he grabbed a baggy orange shirt and pulled it over his head, he seemed satisfied and waddled out of the bedroom towards the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror for a long time and sighed “Am I really going outside like this? My ass looks huge if anyone looks they will notice it”. He then felt a stomach cramp “Oh god I need to poop, No I need to hold it off until Kira gets home” he shook his head as he waddled towards the back door where he put his shoes on and waddled out to the shed, he was constantly looking around making sure nobody from the houses that surrounded his were looking in, his chest felt tight and his mouth was dry as he felt the cold breeze around him.

He got to the shed and grabbed the small ladder, the paint can and a paintbrush “OK I will start with the gutters around the back first then I might be more comfortable to do the ones at the front” he said to himself unconvincingly. In no time at all Chris had the back of the house painted and was pretty satisfied with himself until he had to move to the side of the house and start painting in the driveway, he grabbed the ladder and looked out onto the street and saw nobody was there so he quickly placed the ladder down and began painting, constantly looking around and shaking slightly his painting of the gutters took longer now than they did before. After a while, he had finished painting the side and began to paint the front “The side took me ages because I kept looking around, if I just paint I will be finished quicker” he thought and so he began, he had finished the front but then he noticed that he had missed a bit next to the front door “I’m going to have to do that, it’s the first thing Kira will notice” he said to himself disappointingly. He placed the ladder down beside the front door and climbed up it with his diapered bum facing the street, he quickly finished the painting and looked at his work satisfied when he Christ over to put the lid on the paint when he heard an “Excuse me?”.

Chris froze “I heard that I definitely heard a woman speak, she is behind me and I’m still Chrisding over” his throat was dry as he closed his eyes “My diapered ass must be at her eye level, she has definitely seen it, I have to just ignore that she has seen my big diapered ass” then for a second time he heard “Erm excuse me?” which sent shivers down his spine and he swallowed hard as he slowly stood back up and walked down the ladder. “Right I have to look at her I can’t ignore her, just pretend like everything is normal” he thought as he slowly turned around, his face was red with embarrassment as he looked at the attractive young woman carrying a clipboard, he awkwardly smiled and said “Hi” and the woman smiled back “Can I have a moment of your time to talk about solar panels?” Chris swallowed again as he shook his head “No I’m OK thanks” Chris blushed red again as the woman looked like she was looking down at his crotch “Ermm yeah you sure?” Without thinking, Chris pulled down his long orange shirt and quickly and nervously said “Yes I’m sure, thank you” She looked up at his face with a puzzled look as the woman seemed lost for words and just said “OK thank you” Chris awkwardly smiled “Have a nice day” he said and the woman smiled back “Have a nice diaper” she quickly coughed “I mean day. Have a nice day” she blushed and walked away quickly.

Chris was frozen to the spot “Did that really just happen? Oh god it did, a stranger saw me in a diaper” he blushed and quickly turned and grabbed the ladder and the paint and waddled to the back of the house, he couldn’t stop thinking of the woman and what she would tell people, he put the ladder and paint away and waddled back to the house when he felt the stomach cramps again but this time much worse “I need to poop, I don’t have much choice, it’s just going to get worse” he got into the house and went straight to the toilet “Am I really going to do this? Poop in a diaper for Kira to change me out of it later? She decided this if she doesn’t want to change a poopy diaper then she shouldn’t have made up this stupid rule, I can’t believe I’m going to do this. Oh god, I’m going to poop into a diaper”. He felt another cramp and slowly sat down on the toilet, while shaking his head he closed his eyes as he began to push but was unable to push anything out, he sighed as he opened his eyes “There’s no give while sitting, oh god I’m going to have to squat” he rolled his eyes as he stood up and moved a few steps forward and squatted down like a toddler and pushed again. Straight away Chris could smell the mess enter his diaper and it made him feel sick, he continued to push and the poop entered his diaper, as more came he could feel it being pushed around his bum. After only half a minute he stopped pushing “I could poop more but that should do for my stomach anyway” he thought as he gingerly stood up and felt a sickness between his cheeks, he shook his hips but the poop stayed stuck in position, he slowly put his hand on the diaper and grimaced “I really just did that? I pooped a diaper like a baby?” he slowly left the toilet and waddled to the bedroom and picked up the list for today’s jobs.

Chris started ticking items off the list as he began to complete them they were mostly the same as yesterday, washing up, clean the bathroom and put dinner on. He decided he would put the dinner on before Kira got home so he went down to the last item “Go and get some milk, cheese and baby wipes” Chris felt light-headed and he re-read the task again “Go to a shop? Why didn’t I read the list, I can’t go the shops in a shit-filled diaper” he sniffed “I smell awful, everybody would know what I have done” he blushed bright red “If I don’t I won't get out of this shit and piss filled diaper until tomorrow night though, Oh god I have to don’t I”.

Chapter Four

He stared out the front window for a good while trying to build up the courage to go outside “Quicker I go the quicker I’m back and I won't have to deal with that again” he thought with a shudder. He let out a large sigh as he grabbed his jacket from beside the door and put it on over his shirt, he then grabbed his keys and tried to stop himself from waddling as he walked to the car but as he got halfway he realised it wasn’t helping and would probably bring more attention to himself, he opened the car door and sat down with a squish and the colour from his face drained “How could I forget to sit down slowly. Oh god, I can feel it squishing against my cheeks I bet it’s everywhere now” He quickly put the windows down and drove off to the shops.

As he arrived at the mall he swallowed hard as he saw a number of people around, he waited in the car for a moment once again trying to build up the nerve to go, eventually, he slowly got out of the car and only walked a few steps forward when a gush of wind came out of nowhere and pressed his shirt against his inflated groin. He saw a woman look at him with a very confused look and he went white as a sheet and decided that was it and turned back and got back into the car “Nope not going to the mall” he said to himself he then sat for a moment “I need to get the items though I can’t wear a poop-filled diaper till tomorrow” he thought when suddenly he realised something and he wanted to smack himself in the head “Of course there is a corner shop just down the road, I can go there”.

He pulled out of the mall and drove to the small corner shop, “Well a lot fewer cars here, I can do this” he then took off his jacket and got out and waddled into the shop and gave a big sigh of relief as he saw that he was the only one in the shop “OK milk, cheese and baby wipes” he said to himself and went on the hunt, he quickly found the milk and cheese but was unable to find the baby wipes he cursed under his breath “Why did it have to be the baby wipes?” he thought as he continued to waddle around the shops, he then looked at the counter and saw a young woman was standing behind the counter “OK I’m just going to have to ask her” he slowly waddled over and placed the milk and cheese on the counter “Just these?” she happily asked, Chris blushed as he nervously said “No, where are the baby wipes?” the girl smiled and said “Oh yeah, follow me” she got out from around the counter and walked down an aisle with Chris waddling behind her she pointed down to a bottom shelf “Here we go sir” she said as she turned to Chris she then sniffed the air and grimaced “oh sorry for the smell, I think someone has dropped something nearby” Chris blushed “Oh god she can smell my diaper, I need to get those wet wipes and get out of here” he thought and he quickly Christ down quickly to pick up the baby wipes, as he did so he heard the young woman gasp and then said “Oh never mind” Chris stood back up with the baby wipes in hand and looked at her confused “Never mind?” he asked as she blushed on his behalf and said “Erm your shirt is tucked into the back of your erm pants”, Chris looked over his shoulder and saw his shirt had got caught in the waist of the thick blue diaper pants and to his horror his sweatpants had lowered showing a clear view of his bulging underwear. He felt light-headed as he quickly tucked his shirt and sheepishly said “Thank you, that’s it” the young woman put her arm out suggesting he go first and Chris blushed as he waddled in front of the woman back to the counter, he could feel the woman's eyes on him as he waddled toward the counter and he blushed bright red as the urge to run came sweeping over him. The woman made her way around the counter and scanned the items “We have baby lotion and baby powder if you need it” she said which made Chris blush bright red as he shook his head nervously, he quickly paid without looking at her and finally found his voice to say “Thank you” as he turned and began to walk out of the shop. The woman giggled “Please come back anytime” which caused him to blushed bright red all the way to the car. When at home he sat down on the couch his head spinning at the day events “Three women have seen my diaper, three in one day how can I be that unlucky. I can’t believe that I didn’t check my shirt before I entered the shop. I might as well have entered wearing no pants and a sign saying shit-filled diaper wearer” he sighed. He didn’t turn the TV on and just sat thinking through the day's events when suddenly he remembered Kira’s rules and quickly pulled off his pants and sat in just his diaper until Kira got home.

Kira opened the door with a smile on her face “Hello baby, good work on the gutters” she then stopped and sniffed “Did baby go poopy?” Chris looked down in disgust, Kira continued to walk in and stood in front of her husband “I said did baby go poopy?” Chris blushed as he weakly said “Yes” Kira smiled “Awwww it’s OK baby, that’s why you're in diapers” she giggled as Chris looked at her confused “I’m in diapers because you forced them on me” Kira nodded “Yep so you could do your jobs with no interruptions” she smiled “Now what’s for dinner?” Fear ran through his face “Erm I’m going to make a curry” he quickly said “Oh OK, well get to it smelly” Chris stood up and waddled to the kitchen where Kira gave him a playful smack on his bum “I can’t believe I forgot about dinner” he thought. Kira went and got a shower and changed and then she sat on the couch and waited for dinner to be served up. Chris delivered the meal and they both sat on the couch and ate, Kira complained to Chris about her day and Chris half listened as he ate thinking to himself it can’t be as bad as his day, once the meal was finished Kira took the plates back into the kitchen and then went back into the living room and grabbed Chris’s arm “Come on baby, time to change your diaper” Chris couldn’t help but smile as he followed Kira.  

Kira led them into the bathroom where she first took off Chris’s shirt and then went down to the lock on the diaper, hiding the combination from Chris she unlocked the plastic spreading pants and pulled them down revealing the stained diaper “OK baby, now take this off and place it in the bin then jump into the shower” She then left with the locking panties and Chris quickly took the diaper off, scrunching up his face as the fresh foul smell entered the room, he then put the diaper in the bin and quickly jumped in the shower. Chris was practically giddy at being free from the infantile clothing, he thoroughly cleaned his groin and bum and got out of the shower, he began to dry himself with a towel then left the bathroom and walked into the bedroom. As soon as he entered the bedroom he felt a great weight on his shoulders, he looked over and saw that Kira was waiting by the bed with a fresh diaper. “No No No” he protested and Kira frowned “Baby stop arguing and come and get your diaper on, look what it has done to you, you did everything on the list just like I asked, it’s working baby” Chris blushed “I can’t” he shook remembering the woman that saw him, Kira shook her head “Fine if you don’t want to save our marriage and keep those photos private then don’t” Chris’s jaw dropped “It’s not that, it’s just” Kira looked at him confused “Just what?” Chris sighed “Three people saw me in the diaper today” he blushed as Kira smiled, he shook his head “If I get into this then no more tasks outside” Kira thought for a moment then nodded “OK I won't send you outside” she said which did little to ease Chris’s nerves as he stared at the diaper on the bed. Kira patted the bed “Come on” Chris sighed as he slowly walked over to Kira and removed the towel “Really?” he asked which Kira just nodded, Chris let out a defeated sigh as he lay down, just like the other night the diaper was tightly taped up and the plastic pants locked in position. Kira stood back and admired her work “Perfect baby, now you must have had a very stressful day I think you should go to bed early” Chris’s eyes widened “Again? Really?” Kira nodded “Yep” she moved his legs around and for the second night in a row Chris was in bed before 8 pm.

Chapter Five

Chris woke the next morning to an empty bed again when Kira entered “Morning baby, here is your list for today, I know number three says weeding but you can just do the back garden” she then kissed him on the forehead and quickly left before Chris had a chance to respond. Chris looked at the list “I’m going to read them all today” he said to himself “1, washing up easy, 2, dusting I can do that and the last one is weeding, no dinner? Oh, it is Friday we will be getting pizza” Chris quickly got out of bed and stood still next to the bed as he spread his legs and he began to wet the new diaper “I hate how quickly I’m getting used to this” he thought as the warmth of the urine surrounded his lower half.

He quickly completed all the inside jobs on the list and waddled over to the wardrobe to grab some pants and a shirt to put on to cover up his diapered shame, he opened the wardrobe and it was empty “Where are all my clothes? My jeans? My shirts? Even my shorts are gone” he then looked in his underwear drawer and his jaw dropped “She has replaced all my underwear with diapers, what is she thinking?” he sighed then waddled out of the room and saw the list where he left it “I have to do the weeding to get out of this tonight” he opened the back door and felt anger boil up in him as he prepared himself to go outside in just a diaper “Why has she removed all my clothing?” he thought. After a few minutes of staring outside he decided to bite the bullet and do it, he opened the door and quickly got to the job at hand. He tried to keep focused on weeding but with every noise around him, he would freeze and quickly look around, a job that should have only taken ten minutes almost took an hour but finally, he was finished and he rushed back into the house. As he entered he looked into the bathroom and slapped himself on the forehead “I could have just wrapped a towel around me” he then sulked back into the living room and began to watch TV.

As Chris was watching a movie he heard a knock at the door, his heart began to beat fast but then he looked over at the clock on the wall and breathed a sigh of relief “Oh it must be Kira, the door must be locked” he got up off the couch and waddled towards the door, he unlocked it and then opened it. His face turned a bright shade of pink as a red-haired woman was standing at the door, beside her was a big brown box, she looked at Chris and laughed then said “Erm a package for Kira, can you sign here?” He was still blushing bright pink as he took the clipboard and began to sign “Oh god what must she be thinking, I’m standing here wearing a diaper, I want to die this is so embarrassing” he thought as he gave her the clipboard back. The woman nodded and said “So a fancy dress party coming up?” Chris stammered “W...what?” the woman pointed down at Chris’s diaper “A fancy dress party? You're going as one of the rugrats?”. Chris half smiled and quickly nodded as he grabbed the large box and began to pull it into the house “Yes” he said, the woman smiled “It’s very good, you just need a blue shirt and a screwdriver and your set” Chris half smiled again and nodded his head as he closed the door. He felt light-headed as he leaned against the back of the door “What the fuck” he said to himself.

He had moved the box to the side of the room and resumed his place on the sofa when the door opened and in came Kira with a smile on her face “Hello my baby” she cheerfully said. Chris didn’t look at her as he said “Hi” back. Kira walked over to Chris and gave him a kiss on the forehead “Why is baby cranky? Does he need a diapee change?” she mocked which caused Chris to blush but before he could answer Kira walked away “Well let’s see if you have done the list” she then went off and checked everything on the list and re-entered the room with a smile “Good baby” she cooed “Looks like someone is going to get a fresh new diapee tonight” Chris blushed but didn’t know what else to say so kept quiet. Kira then walked towards Chris then stopped just noticing the box “Oh I have a present” she said then a big smile appeared across her face “Have you been showing the delivery people your diaper little baby?” Chris looked at her with anger in his eyes “Well I didn’t have much fucking choice with you hiding all my clothes, where the fuck have you put them?” Kira’s smile left her face and she pointed towards the bedroom “Bed now” she shouted. Chris looked at her bewildered “What? No, I want my clothes back, I want out of this diaper now”. Kira crossed her arms and stamped her foot “I said bed, now get your diapered bum to bed now or you will be in so much trouble” Chris was about to protest when he saw Kira grab her phone from her pocket, she said with anger “I will do it, don’t you test me” Chris began to panic and got up off the sofa and waddled towards the bedroom with Kira following close behind. He slowly got into the bed while staring daggers at his wife, Kira looked down at him and calmly said “If you are good you can come out and get some pizza later.”. She left the bedroom leaving Chris feeling defeated “I can’t win, she is turning me into her child, no she is turning me into her baby. How can I get out of this?” he thought miserably

Chris stayed in the bed too scared to get out as he listened to his wife moving all around the house “What is she doing?” He thought as she went out the back for the third time, from the bedroom Chris could hear a lot of movement and some strange noises coming from the living room but he couldn’t figure out what his wife was doing. He heard her open the front door and for a moment thought it was the pizza but as he then heard the car unlock he realised she had gone to the car, she quickly returned to the house and Chris heard her drop a bag down. After about ten minutes she entered the bedroom and looked down at her husband “Now I will let you out of bed if you promise to be a good baby” she quickly pulled the sheets off of Chris exposing his diaper, she grabbed her phone and pointed it at Chris “Now Baby, promise me you will be a good baby” Chris blushed and looked at Kira with pleading eyes “Please Kira” he began but Kira put up her hand to stop him “All I want to hear is that you will be a good baby” Chris didn’t know what to do then Kira continued “I will give you to the count of three, if you don’t say it then we are done and the photos are being shared to everyone” Chris began to sweat “She is serious” he thought. Kira put up one finger “I’m sick of threatening you so this is the last time, after this, you will do as you are told. One” Chris began to shake “I will do as I’m told? What does that mean?” he thought. Kira put up her two fingers “All you have to do is promise to be a good baby. Two” Chris looked deep into Kira’s eyes and as she put up her third finger Chris quickly said “I promise to be a good baby” he blushed a bright shade of red as Kira lowered her hand and smiled “Good, now follow me,” she said and left the bedroom.

Chapter Six

Chris slowly got out of bed “What have I got myself into?” he said to himself as he waddled out the bedroom and towards the living room where he stopped suddenly. “What is that?” he asked in amazement as he pointed towards a baby's playpen sitting in the middle of the living room, Kira smiled “It’s a playpen silly” she then walked towards Chris and grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the playpen “Get in” she said bluntly, Chris stood in shock “In the playpen?” he asked and Kira smiled “Yes Baby, get into your playpen”. Chris was about to protest when Kira’s expression changed to anger, he lowered his head and lifted his leg over and stood inside the infantile structure. Kira smiled “Sit down silly” Chris blushed as he sat down on his diapered bum inside the baby playpen. Kira smiled and sat down on the sofa next to the playpen, Chris looked at the pink bars that surrounded him “This is what all that noise must have been about” he thought, then he looked down at the plastic-covered mattress he was sitting on and was surprised to see different types of baby toys sitting around him, he looked up at Kira who was on her phone “What is she expecting me to do? The TV is off so does she expect me to play with these toys? Is she turning me into a baby?”.

Suddenly a knock at the door distracted Chris from his thoughts and he began to panic as Kira stood up and walked towards the door “I’m sure nobody can see me from the door, I hope nobody can see in” Kira opened the door and Chris was shaking but from his view inside the playpen, he couldn’t see who was on the other side of the door. Kira had the pizza in her hands and closed the door and Chris let out a large sigh of relief as Kira walked towards him, she sat back down on the couch and sorted out the pizza’s “Ah this must be your baby pizza” Chris was handed the pizza box which he looked at with hungry eyes, he opened it and felt disheartened “Just a cheese pizza?” he asked, Kira turned to him and nodded “Yeah I know you usually have all that spicy stuff but that’s not good for little babies so I got you a cheese pizza, now eat up little one”. Chris suddenly didn’t feel hungry anymore “A little baby? She is turning me into her baby, I need to do something to stop her. But what? I promised I would be good and if I’m not I’m going to lose her and everyone will see me wearing a diaper, I can’t lose her. I can’t imagine my life without her but I also can’t imagine my life as her baby” Chris sighed and slowly began to eat the pizza.

After they both had finished their pizza’s Kira turned to Chris “Have you pooped?” she asked and Chris’s jaw dropped “What? No” Kira shook her head “Well you better poop soon, I’m only going to change you once so if you don’t poop now then you won’t be getting out of that diaper until tomorrow”. Chris shook his head “What? But it's Friday do I not get out of this for the weekend?” he asked but Kira shook her head “Nope, you get out of the list on the weekends but not out of the diaper”. Chris looked down at his waist “Can I go to the toilet?” Kira laughed “No you silly baby, you're wearing a diaper” Chris blushed “I can’t poop in a diaper” Kira laughed again “You did it the other day, you can do it again” Chris hung his head in shame he was about to speak when Kira continued “Poop now baby or you can sleep in it”. His head was spinning but and he couldn’t see any way out of it, he grumbled to himself as he moved around inside the playpen and got himself into a squatting position while resting on his feet and he began to push.

Kira sat on the sofa with amazed wonder across her face “Good baby” she giggled as Chris closed his eyes and grunted. Soon a loud fart entered the room and the mush entered his diaper, he continued to push and soon his diaper was full of his warm mess. He didn’t want to look at Kira but she had left the couch and walked in front of him and squatted down “Good baby” she said as she lifted his head up “Now I’m going to get a shower then I will change you”. Chris looked at her with pleading eyes “Can you change me now?” Kira smiled “Oh no, I don’t want the shower smelling while I’m in there, now sit back down on your bum and wait” Chris stayed still so Kira repeated herself “Sit back down” Chris looked at her “Do I have too?” he pleaded and Kira nodded. Chris slowly moved off his feet and sat down on his diapered bottom, he blushed as he felt the mess squish against his bum and a fresh stink entered the room. Kira smiled “Good baby,” she said as she picked up a rattle and placed it into Chris’s hand “Play with this while I go for a shower” she then stood up and walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Chris threw the rattle onto the padded floor of the playpen “What the hell is happening?” he said to himself “How can I get out of this? How can I stop her treating me this way? If I’m good will I get to be myself or again or will she see it as me accepting my life as her baby? I’m so lost”.

Chapter Seven

Kira showered and returned wearing only a towel and Chris stared at his beautiful wife “Time for a shower stinky” she said with a smile and she Christ down and helped him out of the playpen. Chris hung his head in shame as he walked towards the shower, Kira unlocked the blue plastic pants and removed the poop-filled diaper, she held her nose with one hand as she said “OK stinky clean yourself up” she then left the bathroom with the old diaper. Chris got into the shower and quickly cleaned himself, he spent a long time in the shower thinking “So she is turning me into a baby, but I still have to do stuff during the week? How far is she going to go with this and for how long?” he thought when he heard Kira shout “That should be long enough now get out” she said and Chris sighed as he slowly got out of the shower and began to dry himself.

He walked into the bedroom holding on to the towel where Kira waited for him with a fresh diaper spread onto the bed. She smiled at her husband “Come on baby lets get your cute little bum into a fresh diaper” she giggled as Chris blushed “Can I have a break from it?” he said with pleading eyes but Kira shook her head “No baby, now come on don’t be naughty” Chris sighed and slowly walked towards Kira and sat up on the diaper. Kira smiled “Good baby” and she pulled the front of the diaper up encasing him inside the infantile underwear once again. She then grabbed hold of the plastic pants and pulled them up to his legs and locked them into place and Chris felt the familiar padding all around his groin. Kira stood up and smiled “OK baby, now let's get you back into the playpen” Chris hung his head in shame as he waddled back into the living room followed by Kira who was staring at his padded bum with a smile. The rest of the night they watched TV with Kira sitting on the sofa and Chris sitting in the playpen feeling miserable. Then Kira announced it was bedtime and she helped Chris out of the playpen and they went to bed.

The next morning Chris woke up in bed alone once again and he sighed as the familiar feeling of the diaper between his legs depressed him, he slowly got out of bed and waddled towards the living room where his wife was waiting for him. Kira quickly saw him and stood up next to the playpen and clapped her hands “Come here baby” she cooed and Chris blushed and slowly waddled towards her, she gave him a hug and patted his diapered behind “OK baby, you get in your playpen, no list for you today” Chris half-smiled that he didn’t have to do any chores but looked at the playpen with disgust “Come on, do I have to?” he protested. Kira just smiled and began to move him towards the playpen she placed her hand on his diapered bum and seeing no other choice he stepped over the small pink bars into the playpen. Kira smiled “Sit down baby” she cooed and Chris slowly sat down in the infantile prison feeling humiliated and defeated. Kira smiled and placed in some baby toys around him, the TV remote and his game control “There you go baby, so you won't get bored” she smiled and walked into the study. Chris looked down at the toys around him wanting to shout and get out of the playpen “If I do that then she will leave me, I have to put up with this to keep her” he thought as he picked up the controller and began to play a game.

Chapter Eight

It had been eight weeks since Kira had decided to slowly turn her husband into a baby and in that time Chris had slowly got used to his new way of life, he continued to-do items on the list during the week, when Kira would get home she would make him sit inside the playpen and the full weekend he would stay sitting in his playpen. He still hated having to poop in the diaper every night after Kira got home so he had decided to do it just before so she wouldn’t see him doing it. On three occasions Chris didn’t finish items on the list and had to stay in the diaper for an extra day which Chris and Kira both hated, Kira didn’t enjoy the smell of Chris’s poop-filled diaper and really didn’t like sleeping next to it so she changed that. Kira ordered a single bed crib, she removed her husband's bedside cabinet and moved the main bed over and placed the crib next to the bed, after the first night of protests Chris found himself sleeping in the crib every night which made Kira happier to see her baby in a crib and to be further away from a poop-filled diaper. She also bought adult baby clothes, like onesie’s and overalls and short shirts that wouldn’t hide his diaper, Chris hated all of them but was glad for the overalls to cover up his diapers on the weekends. She also bought Chris an adult size high chair and replaced the baby playpen with an adult-sized playpen. Kira had decided that before she got home from work she wanted to see Chris in his playpen waiting for her so every work night before she got home he would sit in the playpen with a messy diaper, once home she would put him in the high chair where he would eat his meals. Kira then would send him off to the shower to clean himself up and then wait in the bedroom to place a fresh new diaper on her husband. She had decided that they would be the perfect time for a baby like him to be put down for the night so she would place him in the crib and give him a kiss then leave the room, Chris was never out of the crib past 8 pm.

Kira had also decided that at all times Chris should be sucking on a pacifier if he was found not sucking on the pacifier he would be punished. Kira had decided to punish her new baby in some interesting ways, her favorite punishment was to make him stand in the corner with his arms crossed behind his back she loved to see his large padded rear squirm in the corner. On weekends if he was naughty Kira would pick up some of his baby toys and a blanket and lead her husband out to the back garden, she would then place the blanket down and tell him to sit on the blanket, he would be wearing only his diaper as his wife handed him noisy toys like a rattle.

For the first couple of weekends if he was good he would spend the day in his playpen playing video games or watching movies with Kira coming over and checking on his diaper or to give him a drink. She would never change his diapers but it always made Chris blush when his wife would walk over and check them. After a while of Chris’s new life, Kira slowly restricted Chris’s gaming and made him play with the toys in his playpen more with the thinking that it was too grown-up for such a big baby, after a few weeks Chris didn’t play on his PS4 at all during the weekend anymore so Kira decided to sell it and buy more baby items for her husband. She also stopped him from watching the shows he liked and would only put on baby appropriate shows for him, without his PS4 and TV Chris began to hate the weekends and looked forward to the weekdays where he would have more freedom on his own where he could watch what he wanted and not have to sit in the playpen all day.

Chapter Nine

Chris slowly woke up in his crib, the thick baby blue blanket covered up his wet diaper. As he yawned he realised that the pacifier that he had to have in his mouth at all times was out of his mouth, he quickly looked around the mattress for it and he finally found it under the blanket, he let out a sigh of relief and placed it back into his mouth. He stretched and then lay waiting for Kira to come and let him out of his crib as she usually did each morning. He smiled to himself “Ah Monday, a day to myself. Yes I have to do the list but at least I don’t have to sit in the playpen bored out of my mind” he thought when suddenly he heard a knock at the door which made him jump “Who would be coming around at this time?” He thought as he strained his ears to hear what was going on, the door opened and he heard Kira talking to someone “Who is that?” he thought as he heard a woman’s voice, he then heard the door close but the two women were still talking, Chris’s heart began to beat fast as the voices became louder “No way they can’t be coming in here” Chris stared at the door to the room wishing for them to turn around and go back but still the voices came.

Chris stared in disbelief as he saw Kira’s friend Claire walk into the bedroom her long blonde hair framing her big smile. Chris turned three shades of red “No way, Claire is here, I barely know the woman and here she is seeing sucking on a pacifier in a crib wearing a wet diaper, what the hell can I do?” he thought nervously as Claire quickly broke out in an “Awwwww” as she walked towards the crib. Kira following behind her “Isn’t he adorable” she said as Chris closed his eyes while Claire nodded her head “He is, Hello Baby Chris, I’m Claire I’m here to babysit you” she cooed. Chris’s eyes shot open and he looked at Kira to see if it was a joke but Kira just smiled back and nodded. Kira walked past Claire and towards the crib and lowered the side of it and before Chris could grab it she pulled away the baby blue blanket exposing his naked chest and wet diaper that was covered in always present blue locking pants to Claire, he wanted to scream as Claire stared at his padded crotch “Awwww simply adorable” she cooed. Kira smiled and placed her arms under Chris’s armpits and guided him out of the crib as she did every morning. Chris stood in front of the two women wearing nothing but the locked diaper “Why is she here to babysit me? She is shorter than me, she is only 5’4 I’m almost 6ft and she is going to babysit me? What does that even mean?” Kira smiled and began to leave the room, she walked past Claire and Chris didn’t see any other option but to slowly follow her as he did every morning when Claire put her hand in front of Chris stopping him, Claire turned her head around and looked at Kira “I think the baby should crawl, it would make it easier to babysit if he crawls around everywhere” Kira smiled and nodded “Great idea Claire, baby Chris get down and crawl after the grown-ups” Chris was about to protest until Kira put her hands on her hips and stamped her food “Now little boy” she shouted and Chris shook his head as he slowly went down onto his hands and knees and crawled, Kira and Claire both said “Good baby” and giggled as they left the room followed by the miserable adult baby crawling after them while sucking on his pacifier.

Chris crawled to the living room and just like on the weekends he waited next to the playpen, Kira continued to get ready for work so Claire Christ down and placed her hands under his armpits and helped Chris get into the adult-sized playpen. He sat down and stared at the floor not wanting to look at the woman. Claire placed a rattle in Chris’s hand and stood back up “Look at a grown-up when they are talking to you baby boy” she scolded, Chris slowly lifted his head up and looked at Claire “Good boy, now I want to hear you shake that until I say stop baby boy or you will be in trouble” Kira put her shoes on and smiled “You be good for aunty Claire” she walked over and gave him a kiss on the forehead and then left.

As soon as Chris heard Kira’s car pull away he threw the rattle down and began to stand up but before he got to standing Claire stood over him with her arms crossed “You naughty baby!” she shouted Chris was put off guard but continued to stand “Kira has given me pictures of you, you sleeping in your crib, playing in your playpen basically you being the baby that you are now if you want them out for everyone to see then carry on being naughty”. Chris closed his fists “I can’t believe Kira would do that, I don’t have a choice I can’t have everyone seeing that. This is so humiliating so I have to just sit here and get babysat by basically a stranger” he lowered his head and slowly sat back down Claire smiled “Good baby boy, now pick up the rattle and shake it till I say so” Chris slowly picked up the rattle and began to shake it, Claire nodded and was satisfied she then walked towards the desk.

Chapter Ten

Chris had been shaking the rattle for thirty minutes his arm was getting tired and he was sick of the noise it made, he couldn’t help but smile when he saw Claire walk towards him, she smiled back and bent over which caused Chris to blush as he looked down her top at her large cleavage. “Good baby, you can now stop that if you want too” she cooed to him, he gladly dropped the rattle and Claire smiled down at him. Chris nervously sucked on the pacifier as Claire folded her arms “Now little boy for being naughty you are going to be punished” she said as she placed her hands under Chris’s armpits “Let's get you out of this playpen” she said and Chris sighed as he slowly stood up and as he was about to step over the railing of the playpen his eyes widened as he felt Claire’s hand push up on his padded rear and guide him to the other side. “I can do it myself,” he said from behind his pacifier and Claire smiled “I’m sure you can baby boy but I’m just helping, now get down on to your hands and knees and follow me” she smiled and turned to walk back into the study. Chris stared at the blonde skinny woman walking away, her skinny jeans hugging her firm buttocks as she walked and Chris sighed “I can’t believe this pretty woman is seeing me like this” he shook as Claire stopped and turned her head towards Chris “Excuse me baby, stop being naughty and follow me or do I have to tell Kira” Chris gasped and shook his head and slowly got down onto his hands and knees and stared at the floor as he crawled after Claire.

As Chris miserably crawled towards the desk where Claire had sat down he saw something out of the corner of his eye, he nervously looked into the corner of the room inches away from the desk and saw a bright pink potty sitting in the corner “What’s that?” he asked from behind his pacifier while not taking his eyes off the potty. Claire giggled “That’s your punishment Baby, you are going to sit on that potty until I say you can get off” Chris looked up at Claire “But..” he only managed to say before he cut off by Claire “And I’m pretty tired of you talking like a big boy while sucking on a pacifier, if you want to talk to me you have to baby talk. If you talk like a big boy you will stay on that punishment seat for longer, understand baby?” Chris stared at Claire “Why did Kira get her here, the only part of this new punishment that I actually enjoyed was when Kira went off to work and I have a few hours to myself, now I don’t even have that” Claire folded her arms “Baby, on the potty now” Chris let out a big sigh and slowly crawled the few inches past Claire towards the potty. As he got closer he couldn’t believe his eyes “This is not a baby potty, it’s actually an adult version, how did Kira get this?” He thought as he slowly moved onto the potty and sat down on it with his knees under his chin utterly miserable “I don’t think I can take much more of this” he thought to himself as he heard Claire typing behind him.

Time dragged along for Chris he had nothing to do as he sat on the infantile potty thinking of how he got into this mess and if he could even get out of it when his eyes widened “Oh god I need to pee, I don’t want to wet this diaper more while Claire is sitting behind me” he looked down at his padded crotch and the pink potty “What I wouldn’t give for her to just let me use this potty, it’s much better than using a diaper” he thought while Claire continued to type behind him. A few minutes had passed and finally, he swallowed hard “Oh what the hell” he thought and he began to let the warm pee into the diaper, blushing bright red hoping that Claire didn’t know what he was doing. He had no idea how much time had passed sitting in his now cold wet diaper when he heard Claire stand up and from the desk “OK baby, now you can go back to your playpen and play with your toys” Chris couldn’t help but smile and was glad that Claire couldn’t see it “I would rather be in there than on this, at least there I have something to do to pass the time” he thought as he slowly got up off the potty and crawled after Claire out of the study and back into the living room. Once at the playpen Claire once again placed her hands under Chris’s armpits and helped him up and once again she placed her hand on his padded rear and guided him into the playpen, Chris didn’t say anything this time he just sighed as he stood for a moment on the other side of the playpen then he slowly sat down on his diapered bum. He picked up a teddy bear when there was a knock at the door and Chris’s chest tightened, he looked up at Claire who smiled down at him “Who could that be?” she said in a tone like she already knew the answer and Chris’s heart began to beat fast “Oh god what has she done?” he thought as Claire walked towards the door and opened it. “Hello,” she said warmly Chris heard a faint “Hi” back but couldn’t recognise the voice and he was glad that whoever it was couldn’t see him from outside but then Claire said the words that scared him worse than ever “Come on in, I have somebody for you to meet”. Chris was shaking as his eyes kept fixed on the front door “I should run, I can’t have any more people see me like this” he thought as a woman came through the door and her jaw dropped open and she let out a nervous laugh as she said “Chris? Why are you pretending to be a baby?” Chris felt light-headed as his younger sister Eve stared down at him.

Chapter Eleven

Chris was sweating profusely as he nervously stared up at his sister, he couldn’t take his eyes off her as he sat inside the playpen with the pacifier in his mouth and the diaper wrapped around his waist. “How am I going to explain this? What am I going to do?” he thought, he opened his mouth but Claire quickly spoke up “Isn’t he adorable” Chris quickly blushed and finally looked away from his sister. Eve was a slim blonde-haired woman, she was 19 years old and was training to work in childcare. She slowly walked into the room staring at her older brother “I wouldn’t say cute, why is he wearing that and why are you here?” she asked Claire, Claire smiled and walked to the playpen, stopping next to it she squatted down and placed her hand on Chris’s head “I’m here to babysit the baby” she giggled and Chris quickly stared at the floor “What do I do? If only I wasn’t wearing this diaper If I could have just taken it off back when Kira started this” he thought as Eve looked puzzled “Babysit him? Why does he need a babysitter in the first place?” Claire smiled “Well he begged Kira so much to be turned back into a baby that Kira finally gave in” Chris quickly looked at Claire with his eyes as wide as they could go “What? Oh god no. I can’t let Eve think that I wanted this but if I speak up then she will send out those photos, even if Eve sees me like this, it’s still not my brothers or my parents” he thought with a shudder.

Eve let out a laugh “He wanted to be a baby? Why on earth do you want that Chris?” Chris couldn’t look at his sister as she slowly walked towards him “Well Chris why do you want to….” she stopped suddenly and her face turned to disgust “Have you pissed yourself? Are you wearing a wet diaper? Wow, you do want this don’t you” Chris quickly looked at the floor his head was spinning “What do I do? I can’t just sit here and let her think I wanted this but I can’t anger Claire or Kira” he felt tears forming in his eyes as Claire patted his head “Yeah he will need changing soon” she giggled. Eve shook her head “I just don’t understand, why won't he talk to me?” Claire giggled “He is a baby, he can only speak baby-talk” Eve let out a laugh “Of course, wow yeah so he is actually going on with this. My big brother is actually a baby, weird” she said as she walked in front of the playpen.

She squatted down in front of her brother “So is he still Chris or does he have a new name?” Claire smiled “Still Chris but Kira and I just call him baby” she turned to Chris “Say hello to your big sister baby boy”. Chris felt like he was going to throw up, when he suddenly felt the urge return tenfold “No no no, I can’t wet this diaper even more, not while my sister is right in front of me” he shook his head “I’m going to have to say hello to her” he let out a sigh and slowly looked up at his sister blushing bright red he said “Hi” then quickly looked down the shame of what was happening running through him. Claire shook her head “No baby, that won’t do at all. You have to say hello to your big sister properly in your best baby voice” Eve looked at Claire puzzled “No, it’s OK, this is to weird already without him speaking to me like a baby” Chris’s legs slowly began to move up and down as the urge to pee was becoming very great but Claire and Eve hadn’t noticed as Claire said “No, we don’t want to raise a rude baby boy, he has to learn his manners. Now baby say it properly”. Chris’s legs suddenly stopped moving as he felt the two woman look at him and before he could do anything he felt the warm urine enter into his diaper, he continued to pee as Claire cleared her throat “Talk like a baby to my younger sister while peeing my diaper, this can’t get any worse” he thought as looked up at his sister once again.

He was bright red and swallowed hard, he gave a quick glance to Claire who frowned at him and he rolled his eyes and looked back at Eve, he let out a sigh and said in his best baby voice “Hewo big sister Ewe” and he quickly looked down at his padded crotch as he felt himself finally stop wetting his diaper. Eve let out a giggle “That was cute” she said to Claire then looked back at Chris and nervously said back “Hello baby boy” she looked back at Claire “That felt weird” she said with a smile.

 Chapter Twelve

I have been living this horrible new life for too long, my wife has been treating me like a baby for so long that I know do what she says for fear of being punished or Kira releasing the photos, Ive become so pathetic that even her friend can boss me around and I will obey her. Now my sister is here, and she is seeing me wearing a diaper and acting like a baby and I cant bring myself to argue with Claire and tell my sister that this isnt what I want, I dont want to be a baby I want to be treated like a man again but instead, I just sat here while wetting my diaper and talked like a baby towards my younger sister. Im pathetic” Chris thought with a heavy heart as the two women watched on. Eve couldn’t take her eyes off her older brother sitting inside the playpen wearing nothing but the wet diaper and locking pants while sucking on a pacifier “So you change his diapers?” she finally asked, Claire laughed “I haven’t yet but maybe I will someday, that’s for Kira” Eve shook her head “Right?” she said still staring at her infantile older brother. Claire shook her head “Where are my manners, do you want a drink?” Eve looked at Claire confused “A drink?” she shook her head “Oh sorry this whole thing has confused me, yeah I will have a coffee” Claire smiled “Not a problem, you can look after your baby brother while I make it” she giggled as she went towards the kitchen.

Chris hadn’t moved an inch since he was made to say hello to his younger sister his mind was a fog of horrible thoughts “So my sister knows, she is going to go and tell my parents and then my brothers will know and by this time tomorrow the whole family will be over to look at the adult baby, oh god I cant let that happen. I cant have them all see me like this, but if they do see me like this then Kira has nothing over me, the photos won't mean anything if they have seen me” his chest became tight “Is that what I want? It would get me out of this but then I will be known as the adult baby” he let out a sigh. Chris looked up and saw his sister sitting on the sofa, she half-smiled towards him which made him blush then he realized something “Wait this is it, my chance...” he thought but then Claire returned holding two hot drinks. Claire sat down beside Eve, she placed her drink down and smiled “Now Eve you have to promise me something” Eve looked at her confused and Chris copied her expression “What is she up to?” he thought as Claire continued “You can’t tell anyone about this, nobody at all” her smile left her face and Eve could see that Claire was deadly serious “This has been a very difficult time for both Kira and Baby Chris, they don’t want anyone to know, so they can adjust maybe in a few months time then more people can find out but right now for the happiness of both of them please don’t tell anyone”.

Eve was in shock “So Chris plans to stay as a baby for at least a few more months?” she asked “Claire nodded “At least” she added which caused Chris to gasp “At least few more months of this? How long is she going to keep me like this? Keep me as a baby?” he shivered as Eve was trying to work something out “Right, so I don’t tell anyone that this is happening then where do people think he is?” Claire smiled “Work, a long contract a few hours away, he only comes home for one day then back to work so nobody else gets a chance to see him” Eve shook her head “They have thought of everything haven’t they” Claire half smiled “Almost, but we now need you to help with this, your family and if you say you have seen him or spoke to him it looks more believable and less like he has disappeared” she laughed “or that he is dead” Eve halfheartedly smiled and thought things over, she looked over at Chris who was still sucking on the pacifier nervously “Fine, I won’t tell anyone, I will keep up the lie on one condition” Claire looked at her puzzled “Oh and what’s that?” Eve cleared her throat and Chris could tell that she was now feeling very awkward, she looked at Claire and swallowed hard “If I can babysit him once in a while”.

Chris’s eyes went wide “What the hell does she mean babysit me? Im not going to have her treat me like a baby” he thought as Claire asked “Really? Why?” Eve nervously smiled “Well I’m training to work in childcare and nobody I know has any babies and this will be good practice” she cleared her throat again as Chris’s head began to spin “She wants to practice looking after babies on me? Im not a baby and I dont want to be one!” he shouted in his head. Claire nodded “I will run it past Kira but I’m sure that won’t be a problem” Eve smiled and quickly stood up “OK I better be going?” she said quickly “Claire stood up “But you haven’t drunk your coffee” Eve shook her head “I don’t think I need any more excitement today” she turned to her older brother and smiled “Don’t worry Chris I won't tell anyone and I will be back soon” she turned to Claire and smiled and then quickly headed towards the door “OK bye” Claire said and with that Eve left.

Claire let out a sigh of relief “Well that went well” she said as she approached Chris inside his playpen “I didn’t think that she would want to babysit you, I’m going to have to talk to Kira about that, with her being here so much we can’t have you being a naughty baby” Chris stared daggers at Claire “The first chance I get I’m going to tell her what's going on, next time I won't be caught so off guard” he thought but it just made Claire giggled “You silly baby, you look so silly staring at me like that with a pacifier in your mouth, Now I think it’s time for you to go for a nap” she said and before Chris had a chance to react her hands were once again under his armpits guiding him out of the playpen and once again as he stood over the small wall she placed her hand on his padded bum which made him blush. “Down on your hands and knees little baby, crawl like the good baby you are” she giggled as Chris hung his head in shame and began to crawl towards the bedroom.  

Chris crawled into the bedroom and towards the crib where Claire had first seen him only a few hours ago, Claire placed her hands under his armpits and helped Chris into the crib, as soon as he entered the small infantile confines Claire pulled the side up and locked it in place. “Perfect” she said as she quickly reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, Chris looked on confused from inside the crib as Claire held the phone up to her ear “Hi, Yes she came over. Brilliant idea having me here instead of you it threw her off guard completely….” she paused for a second “Nope she didn’t yell she didn’t get angry or anything it worked how you said it would….” she paused again “Yes he has been a bit naughty but he was a good baby for Eve” she giggled as Chris clenched his fists “I cant believe they both had this planned out for Eve, they organized it all!” he screamed as Claire continued “Well there is one thing that surprised me, Eve wants to come over and babysit the baby...” she paused and laughed “Yes Baby Chris, I said I would talk to you about it but I have a few ideas” Claire smiled at Chris “Well I have seen something that looks like a pacifier but is a ball gag, so whenever Eve comes over we put that on him he can’t speak” she giggled as Chris shook his head, “And I have also seen these mittens and booties, the mittens make it so the baby can’t grab anything and the booties stop the baby from standing, we put all them on the baby at once and he won’t be able to be a bad baby for his big sister” she began to laugh “Yes I will send you the links, OK goodbye” she placed the phone back in her pocket and smiled a wicked smile towards Chris “Yes we have it all planned out for Baby Chris” she giggled again.  

Chapter Thirteen

Chris’s chest ached as he sat inside his playpen, it had been three weeks since Chris was introduced to his new babysitter Claire and now every day he had someone looking after him. He would wake up inside his crib every morning and Claire would be there to get him out while Kira got ready for work and Claire would put him to back in the crib in the evenings, he never saw or heard Claire leave and after a few days of Claire being his babysitter, his crib was moved into the spare bedroom that had now become his nursery. Claire implemented new rules for Chris that made his new life even more miserable, now that he wasn’t allowed to walk anywhere but crawl around like a baby Claire had decided that he wouldn’t be able to shower himself and that he should get regular diaper checks and changes whenever a grown-up seemed it was right. That night Chris pooped his diaper as he did every night before Kira got home but instead of being allowed to go off to shower Claire changed his messy diaper. Chris tried to argue and fight her off but in the end, Claire won and he lay on the floor feeling utterly humiliated as the young woman changed his messy diaper. He was shaking throughout the experience feeling utterly ashamed as Claire lowered the front of the diaper down revealing his poop covered manhood he felt tears enter his eyes.

She had also decided that Chris couldn’t be left alone at any time or he could hurt himself on something, so at all times a grown-up had to be with him unless he was in his crib. After she implemented this new rule she unexpectedly removed Chris from his playpen and had him follow her, he was very confused about where he was being led to when they arrived at the toilet. Claire opened the door and walked inside the small room, she told the adult baby boy to sit down on his bum which he did with a confused look on his face while Claire lowered her skinny jeans and revealed her black silk underwear to Chris. His eyes went wide as he stared at the pretty woman's groin inches away from him when she quickly lowered her panties down which caused him to gasp as he stared at her vagina with his heart racing and his cheeks red before Claire sat down on the toilet and began to pee. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he looked down at the diaper between his legs and he suddenly felt very childish, the young woman used the toilet while he sat in his diaper watching her pee. Claire noticed this and smiled to herself as she began to talk baby talk towards him while she used a toilet and he sat in his damp diaper.

Kira ordered all the items that Claire had suggested and they had both been in talks with Eve over the phone about when it would be best to babysit her infantile brother. While Chris sat inside his playpen Kira spoke to Eve about the rules to babysit him including not to leave him alone at any time while he was out of his crib which caused some concern from Eve, Chris began to panic at the idea of having to follow his younger sister around the house and to the toilet. Claire assured Eve that she could tell the baby boy to face away while she sat on the toilet and he should listen and if he didn’t then she could punish him, Chris shook at the thought of being punished by Eve as he continued to listen to the horrible conversation from the confines of his playpen. As the days got closer to when Eve was coming to babysit, Chris became more and more anxious. Kira and Claire had tested the items they had bought on Chris and they were very happy that Eve could babysit him without being a naughty boy, which Chris hated, he couldn’t get over the idea that his sister was going to treat him like a baby and he had no choice in the matter.   

Chapter Fourteen

Chris was sucking on the oversized pacifier while Kira was sitting on the sofa across from him reading a book, he was moving a toy car around with his mitten hands between his legs “Any minute now” he thought nervously as he glanced towards the door “I know it’s today that’s why I’m wearing all of this” he shuddered as he stared at his mitten hands “I can’t do anything while wearing these, my fingers and thumb are useless” he sighed as he looked between his legs “At least I don’t have to wear the locking pants today but that just means that it’s obvious that I’m wearing a disposable diaper, a white thick wet diaper hugging my waist, Oh god can you tell its wet? Has it changed colour? I don’t want to know” he shook his head as he looked down at the rounded booties that covered his feet “I can’t walk even if I was allowed too” he rolled his eyes “And worst of all this horrible pacifier stuck in my mouth, it’s inflated inside my mouth and I can’t do anything to get it out, from anybody's view it just looks like a normal pacifier that I’m sucking on but its definitely not, I can’t talk at all and my mouth is so dry” he thought as he looked back at Kira “I can’t believe she has turned me into this and now she is going to leave and let my younger sister babysit me for a couple of hours”.

Kira smiled down at her infantile husband “Awww don’t you look so cute baby, is baby enjoying playing with his car? I think he is, can you show mummy your car baby” she cooed, Chris turned bright red “I hate when she talks to me like that, I’m not a baby” he thought as he lifted up the car in front of him “I better do as she says though I can’t get punished today not before Eve comes here” he thought as Kira smiled “Good baby, what noise does a car make?” she cooed again. Chris closed his eyes “I can’t even make the noise of a car with this horrible thing in my mouth but I have to do something” he thought as he swallowed and began to moan over and over again which caused Kira to giggle “Close baby they go brum brum, maybe one day you will get it”. Chris hung his head in shame as he placed the car back down on the plastic of the playpen “I can make the noise if I didn’t have this in my mouth” he thought while sulking.

Chris continued to push the car around on the floor as he looked up at his wife, she was wearing short denim jeans that showed off her long legs and a green tank top that hugged her skinny body as she read her book on the sofa. Chris looked down at his naked chest and thirsty thick diaper between his legs and he felt like screaming “I’m no longer her husband, look at me wearing a wet diaper inside a playpen while she sits on the sofa reading. She looks so hot right now and I’m so wet. Why is she still doing this to me? Does she want me around still? Why has she turned me into a full-time baby that gets babysat by Claire during the week? Every night Kira gets home, either Kira or Claire feed me some horrible baby food then Kira checks and changes my diaper and then puts me to bed. I have no idea when Claire leaves but she is here every morning and now Kira has put the crib into the spare room, basically turning it into a nursery. Why is she doing this? Why am I letting it happen? At first, it was because of the photos and the videos but with these mittens and everything I don’t even have a choice in this life, I can't do anything now” he shrugged his shoulders “Will this ever end?” he thought.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door that broke the silence of the room and Chris’s heart began to race as Kira smiled down at him “Oh baby, I wonder who this could be” she cooed as she stood up from the sofa and walked towards the door. She opened the door and smiled “Hello, welcome the baby is all ready for you” she said as she stepped out of the way. Eve walked into the house, she passed Kira and nervously smiled down at her infantile brother “Wow, yeah there he is” she said. Kira nodded as she closed the door and walked towards her baby husband “Yep, now he has been fed and had his bottle so you won’t need to worry about that” she said as Chris blushed bright red “She did that on purpose so Eve won't have to take the pacifier out of my mouth” he thought as Kira looked over at the clock “In about an hour he usually gets put down for a nap, for about half an hour to an hour. I guess it depends on how long of a break you want” she laughed as Eve nervously smiled “And after the nap?” she asked. Kira looked down at Chris and smiled then turned back to Eve “Then I think he will be ready for a diaper change”. Chris went white as a sheet and Eve blushed bright red as she stammered “A change? Right erm OK, I’m not...” Kira smiled “I understand its weird if you can't change the baby but if you could place another diaper onto the one he is wearing that will stop any leaks” Eve swallowed and nodded “Right I will try to change him but if I can’t how many? Just one?” she asked. Kira shrugged “Depends? I would put three more on just to be on the safe side” she said as Chris’s mind was racing “She might try to change my diaper? My younger sister might change me? She might see me naked” he shuddered as he continued his horrible thought “If she doesn’t change me then I will have to wear four diapers, stay in a wet and possible messy diaper and have three more placed on me, I’m not sure what's worse” he thought as his vision became blurry and his head suddenly became very heavy “This is so messed up” he thought.

Chapter Fifteen

Chris slowly raised his head up as he felt something touch his forehead and pat his head but he couldn’t tell what it was after a moment his vision came back into focus and he was surprised to see his sister standing in front of him with a nervous smile and Chris’s chest ached. “Did Kira go? I’m really getting babysat by my younger sister?” he shook his head slowly as he turned bright red. Eve nervously smiled as she approached the playpen and squatted down in front of it “Don’t be shy Chris, I won’t tell anyone and I will treat you just like any other baby” she smiled again which made Chris sigh from behind his pacifier “I’m not a baby, I don’t want this but I can’t do anything to get out of it” he thought miserably as Eve continued “Now baby why don’t you show me some of your toys and what they can do” she cooed.

Eve continued to stare at her infantile older brother as Chris didn’t move when she sighed “If you don’t be a good baby and do what I say then I will have to...” she blushed slightly and nervously smiled “...I will have to give you a spanking and then tell your mommy that you were naughty” she let out a giggle as Chris went white as a ghost. He wanted to scream as his sister continued to smile at him from the other side of the playpen “I have fallen so far, from a husband that didn’t have to work to an adult baby that has to show his younger sister the infantile toys that keep me busy during the days” he let out a frustrated groan from behind the pacifier. He took hold of a large toy car in both his mitten hands and held it out in front of him “That’s a car, can baby make a car noise?” Eve cooed, Chris looked down at the floor embarrassed as he lowered the car in between his legs “I know I won't be able to make a car noise with this pacifier in my mouth but I will have to make some noise otherwise she might get angry” he shook his head “Wait this is Eve she wouldn’t do anything, why am I so afraid of women now? I guess after Kira and Claire turning me into this and punishing me or threatening to punish me if I misbehave has made an impression on me. Eve wouldn’t do that though I need to keep some dignity in front of her” he thought.

Eve frowned “Baby what noise does a car make?” she asked but Chris didn’t respond as he lowered the car down between his legs, Eve sighed “Alright then” she said flatly and she stood up, Chris looked forward at his sister's legs who walked towards the dining table and grabbed a chair. Chris watched on confused as his sister brought the chair towards the playpen, he looked up his sister's toned legs towards her short denim shorts and up to her white crop top that showed off her flat stomach when he suddenly felt a grip on his arm and before he knew it he was being helped up and out of the playpen. Chris began to shake nervously as he stood in the rounded booties, he thought he was going to fall straight down when his sister sat down on the chair that she had pulled over and in one quick motion pulled him over her lap. She quickly took hold of both of Chris’s mitten encased hands and pinned them down on his lower back with one hand, he tried to break free from her grip but to his surprise was unable too. He couldn’t stop shaking as he stared down at the floor “How is she doing this? It must be because I haven’t so much as walked in months that I have lost my strength and I must have lost weight too because she did that so easily and now I’m draped over her lap just like a baby” he closed his eyes as he shook his head in frustration.

Eve quickly brought down her spare hand on Chris’s padded rear which made the grown man jump with pain as he let out a groan from behind the pacifier “That hurt so much!” he shouted in his head when suddenly her hand came slapping down once again and the pain vibrated through his body. Eve continued the spanking for a full minute as tears ran down her brothers face from the pain and humiliation, she eventually stopped and gently patted Chris’s padded rear “Now baby, if you’re a good boy for me for the rest of the day I won’t have to do that again and I won’t tell your mummy how naughty you have been when I let you off my lap I want you to crawl to a corner and place your nose against the wall with your arms crossed behind your back, you will stay there until I say so” she cooed with a cheeky smile. Chris took in a deep breath through his nose as tears continued to roll down his face when he felt the tight grip on his hands being released and he gently lowered himself onto the floor, without looking at his sister he quickly crawled over to a corner of the room and did as he was told.

Chris stared at the wall his bum burning from the pain but too afraid to move he continued to stay in the corner utterly humiliated “I’ve just had my diaper spanked by my sister, she is treating me just like a baby. I need to just accept this now I’m no longer an adult, I’m a baby. No grown man would let their sister treat them like a baby or spank them but here I am. I can’t get out of this, my wife treats me like a baby, her friend and now my sister all treat me like a baby and I really haven’t done anything to fight back. I’m pathetic. Will it get better if I accept it? I can’t see how though I hate all of it, I hate having to crawl around, I hate having to use diapers and I really hate Claire changing my diapers but what can I do now? I’ve become weak physically and mentally I am becoming what I hate and that is an adult baby” he thought with fresh tears in his eyes.  

Chapter Sixteen

Chris continued to stare at the wall utterly miserable as his sister Eve sat on the sofa watching him curiously, she couldn’t believe that her older brother was now as helpless as a baby with his bum clearly wrapped in a diaper. She shook her head and smiled to herself “If it makes him happy” she said to herself which Chris overheard and his eyes widened “This doesn’t make me happy, I hate being treated like this” he thought as he sucked on the large pacifier that was stuck inside his mouth. Chris shook his head “I’m going crazy staring at this wall but I guess it's better than looking at my younger sister while I suck on a pacifier. I wonder what she has planned for me? I wish she would just put me in my crib and leave me alone but I know that’s not going to happen” he thought with a sigh.

“OK naughty baby boy, come over to your big sister” Eve cooed which caused Chris to blush bright red “Baby boy? Big sister? This is so humiliating” he thought. Slowly he turned around while keeping his eyes fixed to the floor he got down to his hands and knees and began the demeaning task of crawling towards his sister, he felt his padded rear swaying and crinkling with every movement forward which made him blush even more. He arrived at Eve’s feet still staring down at the floor as Eve leaned forward and tussled his hair “Follow your big sister” she said nervously and before Chris could look up at his sister as he had been conditioned to do she had stood up. Chris crawled behind Eve as she walked out of the living room and down the hallway “Where is she going? Is she going to put me down for my nap already?” he thought with a slight smile but the smile quickly vanished as she turned. Eve walked to the toilet door and opened it, Chris’s chest began to ache as Eve stood over him “Now sit down baby while I use the toilet, it's where grown-ups go wee wee” she giggled nervously. Chris was white as a ghost and he surprised himself as he slowly sat down on his padded rear “Why am I doing what she says? I don’t want to be here? I also don’t want to be punished by her again and if I don’t do as I’m told she might do something worse than spank me. I’m pathetic” he thought with a shiver as he looked up at his younger sister. Eve was blushing bright red as she looked down at her older brother when she let out a sigh and shook her head, with one quick motion she pulled her jeans down revealing her red underwear. Chris was sweating with embarrassment “I can’t believe this is happening, that she is only seeing me as a baby nothing more. I don’t want to see my sister like this but I guess she didn’t want to see me as a giant baby” he thought miserably as Eve pulled her underwear down while quickly sitting down on the toilet. Chris wanted to look away, every urge in him told him to turn his head away but the fear of not following the rules and being punished made him watch.

Eve had stopped blushing, she was looking down at Chris sitting on his diapered bottom while sucking on his pacifier and she came to the realisation that he was no longer her older brother but her baby brother. He was acting just like a baby would, he was crawling around just like a baby and following every command that a grown-up was giving him. The man that she once knew was gone and was replaced by the baby that now sat in front of her watching her using the toilet, something that he wouldn’t be using in a very long time and with that realisation she felt the awkwardness of the situation leave her and she smiled down at her infantile brother. “Who’s a good baby” she cooed which caused Chris to blush bright red “You are, yes you are baby” she continued as she began to pee into the toilet. Chris’s head was pounding as he continued to look up at his cooing sister, she continued to talk baby talk to him as she used the toilet “I feel so utterly small, so much like a baby right now. I’m wearing a diaper while my younger sister coos at me while using a toilet. I miss using the toilet, I hate having to use a diaper it's so disgusting” he thought miserably when his eyes widened.

Chris felt the urge to pee quickly wash over him “No! Not now!” he thought as he began to shake his legs “I can't hold it though, I’ve been in diapers for too long as soon as I feel it I end up….” his thoughts were interrupted as he felt the warm urine rush into his diaper, he sat in silent shock as he felt his pee rush into the diaper covering his lower half before the diaper had a chance to soak it up. He sat uncomfortably in his warm soaked diaper as Eve finished using the toilet, she took some toilet paper and wiped herself clean. Chris watched in disgust as she stood up revealing to him her nakedness, she pulled up her underwear and pants while showing no modesty as she turned around to flush the toilet. “Why doesn’t she care? I just saw my sister naked and I feel disgusted but she doesn’t seem to care. What happened in such a short time?” he wondered as she turned and looked back down at him. She smiled down at her infantile brother who was still sitting on his padded rear “Good baby boy, now because you are being so good for your big sister we are going to play a game” she cooed.

Chapter Seventeen

  Eve walked back to the living room as Chris crawled miserably behind her, the weight and thickness of his now soaked diaper a horrible reminder of how much of a baby he now was. Eve Stopped in the middle of the room and turned around to her infantile brother “Now you sit their baby boy, your mummy left me some new toys for you” she cooed. Chris felt a pit in his stomach as he gingerly sat down on his soaked diaper “I can’t use this diaper again or it's going to leak” he shuddered “That would just drive home to Eve how much of a baby I now am that I use diapers so much that they leak. I really don’t want to play any stupid game, it's just going to humiliate me and make me feel like a baby” he thought with a sigh. Chris watched as Eve bent down and took hold of a bag that was resting beside the sofa, she stood back up and pulled out a stack of different colour paper sized card from the bag “These will be perfect” she said with a smile. She placed several of the cards on the sofa while Chris stared down at his soaked diaper in disgust “It’s stained! It's obvious I have used it, why did I have to look? Has she noticed? What is she going to do when she does? She wouldn’t change me” he thought as his chest became tight “I would die with embarrassment if that happened, there would be no way of coming back from that I would always be a baby in her eyes if that happened” he thought with dread.

Eve stood in front of her infantile brother and smiled “Now baby boy, let's see if you can play the game” she announced which awoke Chris from his thoughts, he looked up at his sister puzzled as she smiled down at him “What does she want me to do?” he thought nervously. Eve placed her finger on her chin and tapped it a couple of times “I wonder if baby can crawl over to the red space” she announced, Chris rolled his eyes “She is in performance mode, she is going to act like the host to this horrible game. What does she mean the red space thought?” he wondered when he noticed the red card at his sister's feet a short distance away from him “Is that what she means?” he thought as he looked to his left and noticed a bright green card on the floor, he looked to his right and saw the blue card then looked back at the red card in front of him “Right so I go to the cards?”. As he got up onto his hands and knees he suddenly turned bright red “What must I have looked like then? Looking around to make sure that the one in front of me is red? I can’t even explain to her that I didn’t see her place them down, nope it just looks like I’m a stupid baby that doesn’t know what the colour red looks like” he thought with a groan.

Slowly Chris began to crawl forward feeling utterly humiliated as he approached the red card with his soaked diaper swaying behind him, he stopped and placed his mitten encased hand on the card and sighed “I hope that’s it but I know it's not. I just want to be left alone and forget about what is happening” he thought miserably. Eve clapped her hands enthusiastically “Good job baby, it took a bit of thought but you got there in the end” she mocked as Chris kept his eyes fixed on the ground “I can’t look at her, I know I’m meant to and everything is telling me to look up at her but this is getting too much for me” he thought. “Now baby boy, go to the black card” she announced, Chris’s eyes darted back and forth “The black card? Did she put that behind me when I was sitting? No that means I have to turn around and crawl away from her, she will see my soaked diaper then” he thought as he nervously began to shake “I have to crawl to it if I don’t then she might spank me again and she will definitely know then that my diaper is soaked” he let out a sigh as he slowly turned around “She is going to find out sooner or later that her older brother is crawling around in a soaked diaper” he thought as he looked up and saw the black card a short crawl away from him. Slowly he began to crawl forward keeping his eyes fixed on the floor “I can feel her staring at me, what must she be thinking? Please don’t change the diaper, just leave me in it” he thought nervously as he placed his hand on the black card.

Eve began to nervously laugh from behind her older brother as she stared down at his pee stained diapered rear “Oh baby boy, you are soaked” she announced while still laughing, Chris wanted to cry his heart was racing and he couldn’t stop shaking with embarrassment. He stared down at the black card under his mitten hand with nervous sweat dripping from his forehead “What is she going to do? She can’t change me, I don’t care what type of punishment I will get from it. I will not let her do that to me” he thought as the panic built up in him. Eve forced herself to stop laughing and cleared her throat as she continued to stare at Chris’s wet diapered bum in amazement, she shook her head and as she did so she spotted the clock on the wall, she bit her lip and smiled slightly as she composed herself. “Alright baby boy its nap time for you little one, follow your big sister” she cooed as Chris let out a large sigh of relief from behind the pacifier “Yes she isn’t going to change me and I get to be left alone” he thought as he began to calm down from the fear that had been building up in him. He heard Eve begin to walk behind him and quickly he turned around to see that she was heading out of the room, “I need to catch up to her or something bad might happen” he thought nervously as he quickly crawled after his younger sister down the hallway towards his nursery.

Chapter Eighteen

  Eve opened the door to her older brothers nursery and paused as she stared wide-eyed into the infantile room “Wow this is where you sleep?” she shook her head as she looked around the room “It's just like a baby's nursery but everything is bigger” she walked into the nursery in stunned amazement as Chris slowly crawled in behind her blushing bright red. He looked up at the changing table and shook with embarrassment “Now that she has seen that I have a changing table is she going to get me on it and actually use it?” he shook again “I can’t go through with having my younger sister change my diaper, I will never be able to live it down” he thought with dread as Eve continued to look around the infantile nursery. Eve stopped in the center of the room and looked down at her infantile brother “Well aren’t you a lucky baby to have all this just for you, your mummy is very kind to do this for you baby boy” she cooed as Chris looked down at the floor in shame “I don’t want this, I hate having to sleep in here every night, sleeping in this room and wearing a diaper it's a constant reminder of my humiliating status of adult baby to my wife” he thought.

Eve moved over to the changing table and gave the plastic mattress a stroke as she blushed and slowly shook her head “No I can’t do it” she said with a sigh, Chris couldn’t help but smile from behind his pacifier “Great she isn’t going to change me, it's a small victory but its still a victory” he thought. Eve looked at her watch and shrugged her shoulders “Well it's almost time anyway so let's get you down for a nap little boy” she cooed as she walked over to the large crib, she lowered the side of the crib as Chris crawled towards her “This is good, no diaper change from my little sister and now I get a few hours away from her” he nodded “It's a small win but its still a win and I need to take anything I can get right now” he thought as he arrived at his sister's feet. Eve examined the crib “Oh no pillow, well I guess that’s right babies don’t have pillows” she said to herself as she turned around and bent over, placing her hands under Chris’s armpits she helped him up where nervously stood up on his wobbly feet, he couldn’t take his eyes off the ground out of shame as he stood nose to nose with his sister “This is so humiliating” he repeated in his head as Eve guided him around to the crib. Gently she guided him into the crib, removing one hand from his armpit and placing it on his wet behind to help give him a boost into the crib which caused both siblings to blush.

Chris quickly lay down in the crib with his head resting against the mattress, his cheeks red with embarrassment as the memory of his sister's hand pushing against his wet bum lingered in his mind “I hate this! She helped me into a crib, she helped by placing her hand on my bum! I’m a grown adult I can get into the crib on my own” he scrunched up his face and shook his head “Oh forget it” he thought. Eve stood over him with an awkward smile on her face as her older brother looked in every direction but hers, she stared down at his soaked diaper and cocked her head “No, that’s not going to last” she said and as Chris looked up at her curiously she quickly walked over to the changing table and bent over. Chris stared at his sisters bum, wiggling side to side as she looked under the table, he swallowed hard nervously “That’s where my diapers are kept, she hasn’t decided that I now need my diaper changing? Maybe when she touched my bum she realized how wet it is. Please don’t change me” he groaned from behind the pacifier.

Eve eventually stood up and Chris’s heart began to pound as she turned around carrying diapers, she walked back to her infantile brother while examining the diapers and shook her head “I didn’t know you had so many diapers baby boy, your mummy really does treat you doesn’t she” she cooed as she walked towards her brother's waist and placed the diapers down on the crib beside Chris “I couldn’t decide which would look the cutest on you so I decided on these three” she smiled. Chris closed his eyes his head pounding “Well it's good she isn’t going to change me but she is going to put more diapers on me and wants me to look cute? I’m her older brother I don’t look cute!” he shouted in his head as he slowly opened his eyes and saw Eve unfold the plain white diaper. She took hold of Chris’s legs with one hand and lifted them up into the air as she slid the diaper under his already soaked bum, she lowered his legs and pulled the front of the diaper up when Chris’s eyes widened as he looked down at the diaper “That’s a nighttime diaper, I only wear them when I go to bed because it holds so much. I’ve never worn it during the day. It's so big on its own now with the other diaper and another three this is going to be very uncomfortable” he thought as Eve tightly taped the diaper around his waist. Before Chris had time to get used to the new padding around his groin his legs were lifted up into the air and he felt the diaper slide under his bum once again, his legs were lowered and once again Eve pulled the front of the diaper up and taped it tightly into position. Eve stood back and smiled “Awww now that is cute but I think it's to dark, I think I have chosen right with the diaper that you can show off and not leak” she cooed as Chris stared down at the blue super boompa diaper, he tried to put his legs together but was unable to as he shook his head “A super boompa diaper? Is she deliberately choosing the thickest diapers? I really don’t like this, my bum is so far off the mattress already and with all this padding I feel even more like a baby” he sighed as Eve stood back at his waist and once again lifted his legs up. He stared up at the ceiling cursing as he felt the fourth and last diaper slide under his bum, his legs were lowered and quickly Eve lifted the front up and with a little struggle she secured the last diaper in place. Chris slowly opened his eyes, he could feel the large bulge between his legs and his waist was slowly becoming warm “I’m never going to be able to sleep wearing this” he thought miserably as he looked down at his large padded groin and let out a moan. Eve stood back and looked down at the Safari style diaper that wrapped around her brother's groin and giggled to herself “Awwww I was right, it looks so adorable and look how thick the diaper now is. You look just like any other baby I hope that makes you happy baby boy” she cooed. Chris closed his eyes and shook his head when he heard the side of the crib being raised up “Awww baby must be sleepy, you have a good nap baby” Eve whispered as she secured the side of the crib and silently left Chris inside his nursery.

Chapter Nineteen

  Chris lay uncomfortably inside his crib, the first diaper was soaked and the bulk of the other three diapers made it impossible to forget what had just happened to him. He shook with shame as he stared at the metal bars of his crib “I’m pathetic. I’ve just had my younger sister place more diapers on me and then place me inside my crib for a nap. If I ever get out of this how am I ever going to look at her again, she has treated me just like a baby since she has arrived” he let out a muffled sigh from behind his pacifier. Chris rolled onto his side and let out a groan as he felt the large bulk between his legs, he rolled back onto his back as he placed his mitten encased hands over the large diaper “I’m not even a man anymore, nobody that has gone through this can call themselves a man. I’m treated like a baby every minute of the day. It doesn’t matter if it's my wife, her friend, or even my own sister, I’m just a baby to all of them so why deny it to myself” he groaned again as he looked around his nursery. “I’m a baby” he shook his head in disgust “I hate it but it's what I am now, I wear and use diapers and I’m lying in a crib right now surrounded by everything that a baby would need. I hate being treated like this especially by my sister but this is what's happening and I have to learn to deal with it or I’m going to go insane” he thought as he closed his eyes.

Chris’s eyes shot open as he felt the front of his diaper being patted, he quickly looked out of his crib at Kira standing beside his crib with her hands on her hips, he nervously looked beside her to see Claire gently patting his large diaper with a smile “It’s huge, how adorable does he look” she cooed. Claire was wearing a tight yellow dress that hugged her slim figure while Kira was now wearing jeggings and a pink shirt Chris blushed bright red as the two women stared down at him “It’s not adorable it's humiliating, I wish they would just let me out of this!” he shouted in his head. Kira smiled down at her infantile husband “This is the perfect place for you little one, Claire had to convince me that this was for the best but now I see she was right” she said as she turned to Claire. Claire stopped patting the diaper and smiled at Kira as she wrapped her arms around her, the two women hugged and as they parted they looked deeply into each other's eyes and smiled. Chris’s eyes went wide as he watched his wife and her friend, Kira had her hands on Claire’s waist while Claire was squeezing Kira’s bum “What the hell is happening?!” he shouted in his head when the two women kissed. It was a slow and passionate kiss, Kira’s hands moved up Claire’s body as Claire squeezed Kira’s bum cheeks. Chris’s heart ached as he let out a frustrated groan from behind the pacifier which caused the women to part and look down at the infantile man. Kira smiled a wicked smile as she turned towards her husband “Awww does baby not like when his mommy’s kiss? Well baby will have to get used to it” she cooed as she turned back towards Claire and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before turning back to Chris.

Chris’s head was spinning, his chest ached and he felt like he was going to be sick as he looked up at his wife standing over him “Mommy’s? Kissing? It can’t be true” he thought as tears formed in his eyes. Kira frowned “Awww I thought baby would be happy. I wanted to leave you but then you would get half of everything I had. You hadn’t worked for it and you didn’t deserve it so I had to find a way to stop that” she smiled as tears began to roll down Chris’s face. “Claire came up with this brilliant idea to slowly turn you into a baby, she had always wanted a little adult baby to look after” she said as she looked over at Claire once again with a smile. Claire nodded “It was perfect, my love’s husband all diapered and ready for me to look after. You see little boy I have a secret” she smiled as she placed her hands on the bottom of her dress and pulled it up revealing a white diaper. Chris’s mind was racing as he stared at Claire’s diaper as she continued “I’m a diaper lover and I have always wanted my own adult baby to look after, boy or girl and when I and Kira fell for each other well it made sense” she smiled as she lowered her dress back down.  

Kira turned back towards him and looked at her husband up and down “We were both surprised though it didn’t take as long as we thought it would to turn you into this, you really are a baby at heart. I thought it would have taken a few days to get you to wear a diaper but you did it straight away and well after that you were ours” she cocked her head “I do still love you but it’s a different type of love now and this way we will always be together, me you and Claire one little family” she turned to Claire once again. Claire smiled a warm smile towards Kira, she turned and looked back down at Chris and the smile changed, it quickly became a cheeky smile “Well maybe we can add one more to our little family” she cooed. Chris looked at her puzzled but Claire didn’t see it as she quickly turned around and left the room, Kira was following Claire out of the room “I will leave you in here for a bit longer, we have a few things to do out there but we will come and get baby boy when we are ready” she said as she looked at her husband once again and smiled before closing the door.

Chris stared at the closed door for a moment, not moving or feeling anything as he thought about what had just happened over and over again until his head began to pound and he suddenly sat up inside the crib “What! They tricked me into this so I wouldn’t take Kira’s money? Claire wanted an adult baby? She wears diapers? What did she mean by adding one more? Is Eve still here? Did they mean her?” he shook all over as the anger built up in him “I can't let them get away with this! I….” his thoughts trailed off and his anger turned into despair as he felt the large diaper between his legs and looked around his nursery “How am I going to stop them? I couldn’t even stop my sister from treating me like a baby, I can’t believe that Kira is a lesbian and Claire came up with this whole horrible plan” he shook his head as he slowly lay back down in the crib. He closed his eyes as he let out a sigh from behind the pacifier “Is that why I never saw Claire leave? She moved into my bed with my wife while I got moved into here? Why is this happening? I just wanted to stay with Kira and now I’m stuck living my life like this” he groaned as he looked down at the large diaper wrapped around his waist.

Chapter Twenty

 Kira bent over Chris and lifted the back of his white dress, she pulled back the pink frilly plastic panties and took hold of the cloth diaper and pulled it away from her husband's waist and peered down. She shook her head as she released the diaper and plastic panties, she lowered the dress back down and sighed “Yes he has made a poopie” she said as Chris felt a wave of shame rush over him. Chris wanted to die from embarrassment as he stared down past his white frilly dress at the floor of his outside playpen while Kira gave her husband a pat on the large white baby bonnet that covered his head. She turned and walked back to her chair, she was wearing jeans and a green tank top with a push-up bra underneath as she sat down Eve shook her head “Has he really? I have never been around when he has messed himself” Eve asked with a bemused smile, she was wearing skinny jeans that showed off her long slim legs and her round bum, she had removed her shirt and was sitting in a black bikini top trying to soak up the rays from the warm sun. Kira nodded “Yep he must have done it for attention but it's not going to work, I’m not going to change him until I put him down for his nap” she said while shaking her head. “I wouldn’t have believed it if I couldn’t smell it but he really has messed his diapers like a baby, you’re such an understanding wife Kira” Susan said as she looked over at Chris disgusted. Susan was wearing a long white and orange flower dress, she was taller than both Kira and Eve and even though she was twenty years older she looked as young as the other two women. Eve nodded “You’re right mum, I wouldn’t have been so understanding if my partner had decided to make this change but it's strange, the more you hang around baby Chris you forget that he is an adult pretending to be a baby and just accept that he is an overgrown baby” she laughed.

Chris frowned as he continued to look down at his frilly dress “I wouldn’t have messed myself if Kira hadn’t given me two suppositories when she changed me before eve and my mum had arrived” he sighed from behind the inflated pink pacifier as he continued to move the blocks around in front of him with his pink mitten encased hands while he sat miserably inside his playpen. The warm sun shined down on the small party as the three women enjoyed their coffees in the back garden while Chris nervously sat hoping that none of his neighbors would be able to see him in his infantile state. He could feel the squishy warm mess against his skin and it sent a cold shiver through his body as he nervously looked up at the three women sitting in front of him “The second time my mum sees me in this miserable state and I’m made to mess my diaper while wearing a frilly white dress. I don’t know what's worse her seeing me in a shirt and a diaper or her seeing me dressed like a baby girl with this horrible white dress and baby bonnet and I can’t even do anything to stop her with the pink mittens and booties on and the pink inflated pacifier stuck in my mouth. To complete the look she even put pink plastic panties over the diapers to make me feel even more stupid and to make everything match” he shook his head as the women continued to talk about TV. Chris let out a sigh “It’s worse being dressed like a girl in front of my mum, it's like all my manhood has been stripped away and it cements that I’m no longer the young man that she raised up to be strong but a pathetic baby that is now sitting in a messy diaper. My heart ached when she came over earlier, I hate her seeing me like this and that’s where the bonnet comes in handy I guess. It cuts off so much of my view with how large and frilly it is that I’m glad I can just look down and they can’t see my face because of it”. He shook his head as a horrible thought came to him “I’ve gotten used to my little sister seeing me like this? How is that even happened, I’m her older brother but she comes around once a week to look after me so Claire can go out for the day and it has become routine for me and I guess it has become kind of normal” he rolled his eyes “Like any of this is normal” he thought. “It's a whole different level thought with my mum seeing me dressed like this and being treated like this, it hurts still. She is seeing her only son wearing diapers and acting like a baby and from what she knows I asked for this and Kira is being the supportive wife and I’m lucky to have her” he rolled his eyes.

Chris scrunched up his face as the smell from his diaper was slowly getting worse even for him “Why did she make me mess my diaper with them here? It's so humiliating being in a messy diaper around them, I have gotten used to it around Claire and Kira with them living here full time I don’t have much choice but this is just horrible. I think that’s why Claire decided to make me wear dresses and girl clothes because I had become numb to it all and just let it all happen, I have accepted that I can’t get out of it and just went along with it but when she brought in the dresses then I became embarrassed again. Claire keeps these mittens and booties on me at all times now, they only come off during bath times so for most of my day I can’t walk and I can’t even grab anything. Is that why my mum is here so I get embarrassed again? Is that why I was forced to mess myself so I would feel humiliated? Is that what Kira and Claire want to keep me embarrassed?” he wondered. He sighed from behind the pacifier “I still get embarrassed about this humiliating life though I might have become numb to it all but it's still horrible especially now that Eve has become confident enough to change my diapers before nap time. It’s so embarrassing lying there not even putting up a fight while my little sister removes my wet diaper and sees me hairless and naked. She doesn’t even react as she cleans me up and tapes me into a fresh diaper I must look just like an overgrown baby to her as I stare up at the ceiling while she prepares me for a clean diaper. I hate not having any body hair anymore I’m as bald as the baby that Kira and Claire have turned me into thanks to that lotion that Claire found. She pours it into my bath once a week and it removes all my hair, she rubs it all over, including my face but leaves my head. I remember Claire saying that continued and continuous use wasn’t advised with the lotion as it can kill the hair cells, it's advised to use it once a month for only three months” he sighed “I’ve been using it once a week for three months now and I think it has worked, I don’t notice any stubble form on my face or anywhere on my body”.

Chapter Twenty-One

  Kira looked down at her watch “Oh it's almost baby’s nap time, I will be back soon” she said as she stood up, Eve looked over at her infantile brother and scrunched up her face as the smell from his messy diaper attacked her nose “Are you going to change him now?” she asked. Kira nodded “Yeah I will have to change him before his nap or he will get a rash” she said as she turned towards her husband “Also did you notice him sulking because he wasn’t the centre of attention after he messed himself, I knew that’s what he wanted. He wanted us all to fuss over him” she said with a wicked smile. Susan shook her head “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen...or smelt it with my own eyes and nose. He really is just a baby now isn’t he” she sighed as she looked up at Kira “Well Kira you’re a better and braver woman than me to let him do this and to change his messy diaper” she said as she looked over at her son sitting inside his playpen still playing with the blocks.

Chris felt too ashamed to look up as he heard Kira walk towards him “Kira’s plan worked then my mum only thinks of me as a baby now” he thought as a cold shiver ran through him and he dropped the blocks in front of him. He swallowed hard “What's next for me now that my mum and sister both think of me as just a baby?” he shook at the thought “I’m just glad to get out of this diaper and getting away from them for a while but I hate them talking about it like I’m just a baby that messes himself when he wants attention” he thought as Kira stood over him. Kira bent down and gave her husband a pat on his large bonnet covered head “Come on baby let's get you changed out of that messy diaper and get you ready for nap time” she cooed. She unlocked the baby proof latch on the front of the playpen and opened up a panel, Chris blushed bright red as he scrunched up his face and slowly got up off his smelly bum and onto his hands and knees and crawled forward out of the playpen. Kira walked towards the back door with Chris crawling behind her with Eve and her mother staring at Chris intently “That dress does nothing to hide his diapers when he crawls, look at his pink panties they are so cute for a baby girl” eve said with a giggle. Kira opened the back door and smiled as Susan tutted “He doesn’t need to hide his diapers anyway everyone knows he's a baby” she said as Chris crawled into the house with tears in his eyes.

Chris’s heart ached as he continued to crawl towards his nursery, the horrible relization that not only did his sister see him as just an overgrown baby but now his mum did too was a crushing blow to him. “I can't let her see the tears in my eyes because of this” he thought stubbornly and as he turned the corner to enter his nursery and was out of his wife's view for a split-second he took his chance and he quickly wiped away the tears with his mitten hand. He continued to crawl towards his changing table followed by Kira, he slowly sat down on his messy bum and winced as he felt the mess squish against him. Kira smiled as she bent over and removed the large baby bonnet from his head “Arms up baby” she cooed and Chris blushed as he placed his hands up in the air. Kira unzipped the back of the dress and quickly guided up over her husbands head and up to his arms, Chris was now sitting in just his pink plastic panties that hid his messy diaper. He swallowed hard as he looked down at the pink inflated panties “My mum sees me as a baby, my sister sees me as a baby, my wife and her girlfriend treat me just like a baby, I can’t get out of this I just need to accept the fact that I am a baby. I hate it but what else can I do?” he thought with a sigh. Kira placed her hands under his armpits and helped him up, Chris stood briefly on wobbly feet as Kira guided him onto the changing table. He lay down on his back and stared up at the ceiling as Kira got everything she needed to change him out of his messy diaper and place him into a fresh one. Chris closed his eyes as he felt the pink plastic panties being pulled down and the strong smell of his diaper took over the room “Look at me, I’m just lying here waiting for her to change me, I’m not protesting I’m not fighting it I’m just happy to get out of this diaper. Yes if I do fight then I will get punished and probably left in my own mess for longer but I should still want to stop her but I can’t. I’m pretty sure even if I wasn’t wearing these booties that Kira would still need to help me up onto here, I haven’t walked in almost three months, my legs probably won't be able to carry me anymore. Same with my hands, I haven’t gripped anything for such a long time I bet they have lost strength also. I couldn’t even fight back now even if I tried I’m as weak and as pathetic as the baby that they treat me like”.

Kira releases the tabs on the front of his large white diaper and gingerly pulled it away from her husband, exposing the foul-smelling mess that he had deposited into it. Chris blushed three shades of red knowing that his filthy private parts were now on display to his wife, Kira shook her head “You messy baby, no wonder me and mommy Claire have to keep you in diapers, you big baby” she mocked as she of a wet wipe and began to clean Chris. Chris sighed from behind his pacifier as he continued to blush from behind his pacifier “I wouldn’t need diapers if it wasn’t for Claire and I only messed them because of you” he thought weakly as he felt his legs being lifted into the air.  He scrunched up his face as he felt the cold wet wipe against his bum cheeks “It doesn’t get any better, I’m still a grown man that is being forced to get his diaper changed by his wife. I still can't believe my life has turned into this, it's just crazy but here I am lying on a changing table while my wife cleans my poop covered bum and then places another diaper on me. To make it worse my mother and sister are sitting outside knowing that this is all happening and neither of them has any problem with it, in their eyes I’m just a weird guy that wanted to be a baby again and my wife is being supportive and treating me that way” he swallowed hard as he felt the messy diaper being removed from under him and the new fresh diaper quickly taking it place.

Chapter Twenty-Two

  The sweet smell of baby powder entered the air and before Chris knew it his legs were lowered and a fresh new diaper was taped tightly around his waist, with a sigh from his nose he looked down at the large white prison that covered him. “A comfidry diaper, the thickest diaper they have for me, usually my sleeping diaper as they hold a lot and have never leaked. I really don’t like wearing these they are so thick and loud” he thought. He was about to sit up off the changing table when he noticed Kira had another comfidry diaper in her hand “What is she doing with that?” he thought nervously as she unfolded the diaper and took hold of his feet, she lifted his legs back up into the air and slid the thick diaper under his bum and got it into position before lowering his legs once again. Chris's eyes went wide as Kira tightly taped the diaper around his waist “It's huge, how am I going to sleep wearing this? I haven’t been made to wear something so large since this whole thing started and Kira made me wear those horrible locking panties to bed” he thought miserably. Kira smiled down at her infantile husband and gave the front of his thick diaper a pat “Almost finished baby girl” she said as she bent down and picked up another diaper, she held the diaper out in front of her and smiled a wicked smile towards Chris. Chris frowned as he stared at the bright pink diaper “She is going to make me wear that as well? Is it going to fit with these already on me? Why is she making me wear these I’ve been good” he thought while shaking his head. Kira sighed “Don’t shake your head baby girl, mommy knows best. These diapers are Rearz pink princess and magical unicorn diapers, perfect for my baby girl and I ordered them in large so they can fit over your nighttime diapers” she said with a wicked smile as she unfolded the large diaper. Chris groaned into his pacifier as his legs were lifted into the air once again “Why is she doing this? Isn’t it bad enough that I’m being made into a baby but now with everything else she wants me to be a baby girl, I hate this I hate all of it” he thought as his legs were lowered and the large pink diaper was taped tightly around his waist. Chris looked down at his huge inflated groin and shook “It's huge and so girly, I hate it” he thought as Kira adjusted the diaper to make sure that it looked neat and tidy.

Kira smiled down at her husband “Now for your onesie baby girl” she cooed as she took hold of Chris’s mitten encased hands and lifted him up so he sat on his large padded bum on his changing table. Chris didn’t move as he watched his wife walk over to the draws with his nighttime clothes in, he tried to put his legs together but the thickness from the diapers between his legs stopped him. He sighed from behind his pacifier “How is this going to get any worse, it's been such a horrible day already, being made to mess my diaper in front of my mum and sister and for them to see me as only a baby now a huge girly diaper before I go for a nap. What else does she have planned?” he thought nervously. Chris groaned as Kira turned around holding out the oneise that he was about to wear, Kira smiled at her husband's response as she walked back to him “You are going to look so adorable baby girl” she cooed. Chris frowned as he stared at the light pink onesie that had a pattern of bright pink and red hearts covering the onesie, with pink and white frills on the arms and white frills that covered the bum with a pink bow at the top. Kira stood in front of her infantile husband “Arms up baby girl” she cooed, Chris sighed but knew that if he resisted then he would get punished so he slowly lifted his arms up. Kira guided the onesie over his arms and down towards his head, she poked his head through and smiled “There she is” she mocked as she pulled the onesie down his slim body towards the large diaper.

Kira placed her hands under Chris’s armpits “Off time” she announced and helped him off the changing table, Chris stood on wobbly legs once again as Kira guided him down to the floor and back onto his hands and knees. Chris looked behind him at his large padded bum sticking out as Kira took hold of each end of the onesie and pulled it tightly between his legs and popped the snaps in place. Chris frowned as he continued to stare at his lower half “The pink diaper is sticking out of the sides, why did she put such a large diaper on me to put this onesie on me if it doesn’t cover the diaper” he wondered. Kira gave Chris’s padded bum a firm pat and stood up with a smile “You look, adorable baby, now that you are all clean and ready for your nap lets go and give your grandma and aunty a kiss, they might be gone by the time you get up from your nap baby”. Chris shook as his eyes went wide and his mouth became dry “What? She wants me to go out like this? No wonder she put me in so many diapers to make sure that they saw I was wearing them and put me in pink diapers to show that I’m a girl now” he thought as he suddenly felt sick. Kira giggled slightly as she gave Chris’s padded bum a poke with her shoe “Now baby you be good and crawl outside or you will be punished. Maybe I can get grandma to give you a spanking for being naughty” she mocked with another giggle. Chris’s heart raced in his chest as he tightened his jaw “She would do it! I don’t put it past her that she would try to get my mum to do that to me. I can’t give her the chance, I don’t have a choice in any of this but I can try to make it less embarrassing by just going out there quickly and getting it over with” he thought as he slowly began to crawl forward.

Chapter Twenty Three

 Chris miserably crawled out of his nursery with his heart racing and nervous sweat appearing on his forehead “This is so humiliating” he repeated in his head as he sucked on the pacifier that was stuck in his mouth. He felt his large padded bum swing back and forth as he crawled, he could hear the diaper rustle with every movement and he could feel his wife walking closely behind him her eyes staring down at his large padded bum as he crawled in front of her. “I don’t want them seeing me like this, I look so ridiculous in this pink onesie and this huge diaper. I just want to go for my nap and be left alone, I’ve already been in front of them in a messy diaper and a dress but now with this huge diaper and the onesie it just shows how much of a baby I now am, I hate this I wish my life could return back to normal. I would sit around all day and play video games and watch movies while Kira went off to work but now I’m never left alone when I’m out of my crib, I even have to follow someone to the toilet if they need to go while they look after me. I will never be able to return to that life again but when will this one finish they can't keep me like this forever” he thought with a heavy heart as he crawled back towards the open back door and onto the patio where his sister and mum were still sitting.

“Oh wow, she looks adorable” Eve squealed as her older brother crawled into view. Chris blushed bright red and quickly looked down at the floor “I love that onesie and look how big her diapers are” she continued with a giggle. Chris swallowed hard as he continued to crawl towards his sister and mum not taking his eyes off the floor as Kira stood beside the back door and smiled “The baby girl wanted to come and give you kisses before she went for her nap” she announced. Susan shook her head “That’s a huge diaper, does he usually wear that for a nap?” she asked Kira laughed as she shook her head  “Not usually but she insisted that it would be a thick diaper for her today, maybe she doesn’t want another diaper change for a long while so this way she can stay in her diapers for a while”. Chris groaned slightly into his pacifier as he arrived at his sister's and mum's feet “She always has an excuse for what she is doing, now they won't question why I’m dressed like this” he thought with a sigh. Eve smiled “I will never understand why the fascination with thick diapers” she said as she looked down at her infantile brother, Kira laughed “Well don’t knock it till you try it I guess”. Chris’s eyes widened as he shook his head “Eve try them? No, it's weird enough being forced to be a baby with Claire walking around in diapers whenever she feels like it, I couldn’t even imagine my sister also doing it” he thought. Eve’s eyes widened and she blushed “What? No way” her mum shrugged her shoulders “I wouldn’t think your brother would like them so much but he does I guess you got to try it to see” she laughed. Eve shook her head again but before she could comment Kira announced “OK baby girl give your aunty and grandma a kiss”, Chris scrunched up his face as he felt another cold chill run through him “Right just get this over with and I can be left alone for a while” he thought miserably.

Chris sighed heavily from his nose as he slowly looked up at his sister, she smiled down at him for her chair “You have a good sleep little baby, if I’m not here when you get up then I will see you next time I’m over to babysit you” she cooed. She leaned down and gave her brother a kiss on the forehead and turned her head so Chris was staring at her cheek, he blushed bright red as he leaned forward and pressed the end of the pacifier against his sister's cheek and made a muffled kissing noise from behind the large pacifier. Eve gave her brother a stroke as she sat back up “She is such a good baby, your turn mum” she said as she looked over to her mum, Susan shook her head “I guess so if it makes him happy” she said as she lent down and turned her head away. Chris felt a wave of embarrassment rush over him as he looked up at his mum's cheek “I’m not happy, I’m miserable and I hate this but I can’t do anything to stop it. Even if I protest now then Kira will come up with some excuse to me acting like a brat then I will get punished, I just need to get this over with and get into my crib” he thought as he pressed the end of the pacifier against his mum's cheek and made a muffled kissing noise from behind the large pacifier.

Susan sat back up as Chris quickly looked down at the floor once again “Good baby girl, now come on nap time” Kira cooed from the back door. Chris smiled slightly as he began to turn on the spot “Finally I can get away from my mum while dressed like this” he thought when suddenly he felt several squeezed and prods on his large padded bum. He turned to look at his mum patting his bum and smiling “Wow it feels just like a proper diaper” she said to Eve. Chris quickly crawled away while blushing bright red as Eve giggled “It is a proper diaper, a proper diaper for a proper baby”. Chris quickly arrived at his wife’s feet and crawled into the house as his mum continued “I guess I just thought it was like a prop diaper but it's just like the disposables that he wore the first time around”. He groaned into his pacifier as he continued his crawl back to his nursery with Kira walking behind him “That went worse than I thought, I expected it to be bad but my mum propping and patting my bum like that really was humiliating” he thought miserably as he crawled to his crib and with a sigh sat down on his large padded bum. Kira smiled down at her infantile husband “You are being such a good baby for mommy, maybe later mommy and nanny Claire will give baby a treat” she cooed as she placed her hands under Chris’s armpits and helped him up and into the crib. Chris lay on his back with his large padded groin raised up off the mattress “A treat? What treat? She has never given me a treat before? Will she let me out of these diapers? Will I get to do something I want to do?” he thought as Kira pulled up the side of the crib, she went over to the curtains and pulled them shut leaving the room in mostly darkness. Chris was still wondering and hoping as Kira walked over to the open door “Sleep tight baby girl” she cooed as she turned the night light on and closed the door leaving Chris locked inside in his crib in silence with the faint sound of his mum and sister talking outside.

Chapter Twenty Four

 Chris groaned into his pacifier as he lay in his crib with the large padding of the diaper keeping his legs apart he shook his head in frustration at the uncomfortable situation he was in. “How am I going to sleep like this? I’m not going to be able to get comfortable with this huge diaper on and she didn’t even remove the pacifier. Not to mention what just happened out there, I was introduced to my mum as a baby girl. I wore a dress and messed my diaper just a few feet away from her and I couldn’t do anything about it and now she also sees me as just a big baby. She patted my bum and felt the diapers I really don’t want to imagine what is in store for my future now that both my sister and mum believe I want to live my life as a baby. It’s horrible enough that Eve babysits me but I think I would die of embarrassment if my mum started doing it also, Kira and Claire would love that though more time for them to be alone while I’m getting babysat. I wonder if my mum knows about Claire and Kira, what would she think about that? I don’t even know if Eve knows about them being a couple, I haven’t heard her mention it she might just think that they are friends” he thought as he shifted his weight slightly and closed his eyes.

Chris slowly opened his blurry eyes and surprised to find that he had fallen asleep pretty quickly, he noticed someone walking towards him. His eyes came into focus and he frowned as he saw Eve smiling down at him, she stood on the other side of the crib beside her infantile brother “Oh I’m sorry did I wake you baby?” she said softly. “Why is she still here? I thought she would have gone now and I could be left alone with just Kira seeing me like this” he thought miserably when he heard the door to his nursery close. Eve turned around blocking Chris’s view of the door and forcing Chris to look at his sisters round bum “Oh it's you, I just wanted to check up on the baby” she said as Chris rolled his eyes and looked up at the ceiling “That’s all she sees me as, just a baby that needs checking up on” he thought when he noticed Claire was standing directly in front of his sister. Claire smiled as she placed her hands on Eve’s hips and looked down at the shorter woman “Oh really? You didn’t want anything else?” she said softly. Eve shook her head slowly “Well maybe….” she said as she placed her hands on Claire’s waist and turned her head. Chris noticed that she was blushing as Claire continued to look down at her with a smile, Chris’s eyes went wide “What? What is going on? Why are they holding each other? It's because of her that I’m in this mess and now what is she doing with my sister?” he thought nervously.

Claire nodded as she smiled a wicked smile “So you came in here for diapers then? Awwww you are going to make such a cute baby” she giggled Eve’s eyebrows shot up as she shook her head “No, you know what I mean” she said with a hint of annoyance in her tone. Claire continued to smile “Shhh baby it's OK” she mocked as she pulled her close to her and moved her hands from her hips to her back and gave her a hug “You know how much I want to see it, please do this for me”. Chris shook his head as he groaned into his pacifier “Claire is trying to get my sister to agree to this? Why is she doing this? What does she have planned for her? Will she make her be a baby full time like she did with me? How would she get away with it? Eve lives with mum and she would never accept that both her children have decided to be treated like babies. She must have a plan but what does Kira think about this? They already have me being humiliated on a daily basis why do they need to do it Eve” he thought nervously. Eve sighed “I’m not ready to try it yet, now just stop it”. Claire nodded “I’m sorry I just know you would look simply adorable and you can stop it at any time, it's just for me. Kira won't know” she said as Eve pulled away from her and sighed again “OK, when Kira goes out and my mum can't be here either but I’m not promising anything” she said nervously. Claire smiled as she gave her a kiss on forehead “You have made me so happy, now let's get back outside before they become suspicious, you go first”. Eve nodded and walked over to the door to the nursery, she opened it and quickly left the room leaving Claire smiling down at Chris with a wicked smile “You are going to have a baby sister very soon baby girl”. Chris’s head was spinning “I need to warn her, I need to stop this. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like this” he thought as Claire pulled her phone from her jeans pocket “Just a message to your mummy to get her to go out for a while after your granny leaves and then I will be able to play with your baby sister. Oh, I can't wait to see her in a diaper” she said as she bit her lip. Her phone vibrated and she smiled “Perfect, mummy will go out soon. It's all coming together so perfectly I will have Kira and my two baby girls” she giggled to herself as she turned on the spot and quickly left the room.

Chapter Twenty Five

Chris groaned into his pacifier as he felt a stream of warm urine enter into his diaper, the now-familiar feeling of his own pee spreading around his groin and between his legs made him shudder with concern for his sister as he looked through the bars of his crib towards the door of his nursery. He frowned as a sudden wave of helplessness ran over him “I can’t do anything to stop this, If I can’t stop her from doing it to me how am I going to stop her doing it to Eve? Claire is going to get what she wants and I can’t warn Eve about any of this, I can’t tell her how horrible it is to wear and use diapers, how humiliating it is to be treated like a baby, how embarrassing it is to get a diaper change. How is this my life now? I’m wearing a huge wet diaper inside a crib while worrying that my wife’s girlfriend is about to turn my sister into an adult baby alongside me. I’m a grown man yet I’m as helpless as the baby that they treat me as, all I can do is watch what happens and hope that Eve can get out of whatever Claire has planned for her” he thought with a sigh.

Chris’s eyes widened as the door opened and he watched Claire walk into the room with a smile “It's time” she said with a giggle as she looked over at Chris laying inside his crib. She walked towards the infantile man and nodded her head as she continued to smile down at him “It’s time for you to meet your baby sister for the first time” she cooed once again. Chris’s eyes widened “She has done it already? Eve is also an adult baby now? This is too weird. No, I don’t want to see my sister in diapers” he thought as the side of the crib was lowered. Chris sighed as Claire placed her hands under his armpits “I could just not move and not let her take me out of the crib but what will that prove? She will just leave me in here for days until she decides that I’m ready to come out. It's happened before and it was horrible, I was left in here for two days and didn’t get my diaper changed once in those two days. I hated it and I really don’t want to go through that again so once again I don’t have a choice” he thought as he slowly moved out of the crib while being guided by Claire’s hands.

Once again Chris found himself sitting on his large padded bum on the soft carpet of his nursery at Claire’s feet, she stood to one side and Chris bit into the pacifier as he got onto his hands and knees “She wants me to crawl ahead of her so I will have a clear view of Eve, this is so wrong” he thought as he began to slowly crawl out of his nursery with his large pink padded bum swaying side to side with every movement. His heart was racing with nervous energy as he crawled down the hallway towards the living room where his playpen lived, he tightened his jaw as he sighed once again “I can’t believe this is happening not just to me but now Eve, how is Claire going to get away with this?” he thought when he looked up and his eyes widened. He stopped in his tracks in shock as he stared at his sister wearing the same black bikini top as earlier but between her legs was a large white diaper, she was sitting inside the playpen with her legs spread out in front of her. Eve was staring down at the diaper and hadn’t noticed her brother come into view when Claire gave Chris a gentle push on his padded bum with her foot “Keep it moving baby girl” she cooed. Eve quickly looked up and blushed bright red as Chris slowly crawled towards her before she looked back down at her now padded groin. Chris felt sick as he watched Eve blush with embarrassment “She doesn’t want this, how did Claire make her do it? She doesn’t have the mittens on or anything to force her into it” he thought as he approached the playpen. Claire bent over and released the baby proof latch and opened up the playpen, Chris quickly looked down at the floor as he crawled into the infantile prison while Claire closed the gate behind him.

He sat down on his padded rear beside his diaper wearing sister and looked up at her confused when Claire squatted down in front of her and smiled “You were such a good baby, staying in the playpen while mommy got your baby sister, that deserves a treat” she cooed. Eve continued to blush but smiled slightly as Chris watched Claire pull a small remote from her pants pocket, she pointed it at Claire and pressed a button. Chris heard a muffled buzzing noise coming from Eve, he watched her bite her lip and clench her fists as she looked up at Claire with a moan. Claire giggled as she pressed another button on the remote the buzzing got louder and Eve’s eyes closed as she pressed her inner thighs together which caused the diaper to rustle and she let out another satisfied moan. Claire nodded to herself and pressed a button and the buzzing noise stopped, she placed the remote back into her pocket and reached out and gave Eve a stroke on her head “Good baby” she cooed. Eve smiled as she blushed once again and stared into Claire’s eyes with affection, “See just like I said whenever you’re a good baby you will get a treat. Does baby like mommy’s treat?” Eve blushed and slowly nodded as Chris sat beside his padded sister in complete shock.

Chapter Twenty Six

Chris couldn’t take his eyes off his sister’s large white diaper that sat wrapped around her slim waist and even though she was wearing a diaper and her black bikini top he felt so foolish sitting next to her while still wearing his pink onesie with the frills covering his huge padded rear. He shook his head out of frustration as he looked up at his sisters blushing face “This just gets stranger and stranger, not only has Claire forced me into living my life as a baby but now she has got my sister into it too, but she is doing it a completely different way with her than me thought. I did hear that buzzing noise and Eve did seem to like it? Is Claire going to give her pleasure whenever she behaves like a baby? I get humiliated on a daily basis and she gets pleasure for being treated like this? Why would she go through with this? What has Claire promised her because the little bit of pleasure she might get can'tant be enough for the humiliation of wearing a diaper and being treated like a baby?” he wondered. Claire was still squatting down on the other side of the playpen smiling at Eve “Now I think you two babies should give each other a hug, baby Eve you do that and you get another treat and baby girl you don’t want to be a bad baby do you?” she said as she directed that last question to Chris. Chris frowned slightly as he bit into his pacifier “How does she keep making me feel even worse for being treated like this? I have tried to get used to this but she finds new and embarrassing ways to throw me out of my comfort zone. If I could even have a comfort zone being treated like this. My sister going from babysitter to baby is definitely something that has thrown me. It’s so strange to see her sitting theresittingthere in a diaper and doing what Claire wants, I wish I could ask her why she would ever go through with this but I probably never will be able to” he thought with a sigh.

Eve blushed as she slowly moved around on her padded bum to face her brother, she crossed her legs in front of her as she half smiled at her brother “Come on then” she said. Chris’s eyes widened “She isn’t even questioning this, she was told to hug me and she is going to do it, what has happened to you?” he thought as he sighed from his nose and copied his sister and spun around on his large padded bum and crossed his legs as he faced his sister. Eve quickly moved in and wrapped her arms around her brother and gave him a tight squeeze, which caused Chris to freeze up for a second, he slowly wrapped his arms around Eve they hugged. Claire smiled as she leaned in “Good babies” she cooed as Chris removed his arms Claire placed her hand on Eve’s back and Suddenly Chris felt Eve tense up.

Claire giggled “This is for talking like a big girl, you need to remember you’re a baby” she said firmly as Eve slowly removed her arms from around her brother while Claire continued “Now don’t be naughty and cover up or you won't get your treat” she said. Chris sat puzzled “What has she done? Don’t cover up? What does she mean?” he wondered as Eve swallowed hard and slowly moved away from Chris. Chris’s eyes widened as he watched Eve’s bikini top fall down to the floor and her large breasts were directly in front of him, he quickly looked away embarrassed for the both of them “Claire removed her bikini? She is now just sitting in a playpen in a diaper. Is that her punishment for breaking the rules?” he thought as he watched Claire reach out towards Eve. Chris curiously looked back, trying to avoid looking at his sisters breasts as Eve’s eyes widened, she watched Claire holding out an adult sized pacifier in front of her face “This will help you remember not to talk like a big girl, take it baby” she cooed. Eve looked at Claire with confusion in her eyes, but Claire just smiled as she placed the pacifier against Eve’s lips. Chris frowned as he looked at his half naked sister with the pacifier touching her red lips “She won'tont suck on a pacifier, well I didn’t think she would wear a diaper or act like a baby so what do I know? Has Eve always been like this? Always wanted someone to take control of her or has Claire managed to manipulate her to get what she wants?” he wondered. Eve sighed as she opened her mouth and Claire giggled “Awwww you look so adorable baby” she squealed. Eve frowned and opened her mouth to protest when once again the buzzing began, she quickly bit into the pacifier and closed her eyes as she let out a satisfied moan. Chris sat in front of his sister in shock as Eve placed her hands on top of the diaper and squeezed tightly, she let out another moan as the buzzing pulsated. She flung her head back and pushed her chest out as she bit into the pacifier when the buzzing stopped and she quickly blushed bright red as she lowered her head and saw her brother staring at her in disbelief, she looked down at her diaper and shook her head as a wave of humiliation washed over her. Claire smiled as she once against stroked her hair “Awwww was that not enough baby, well if you weren’t bad then you would get a longer treat” she said as she stood up. She looked down at the two infantile siblings and couldn’t help but smile “Now why don’t you two play together for a bit while I get your bottles ready, I think you two are going to be great baby friends” she said which caused both Eve and Chris to blush bright red.



Will you be continuing this story ? It's awesome.