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 Chapter 01

Julie was 15 when she had her daughter Katherine, Katherine's father was nothing like Julie, Julie was only 4'7 while Katherine's father was 6'4, they had only been dating for a few months when she fell pregnant and as soon as he found out then he left her and never spoke to her or his daughter since at first Julie had a difficult time until when Katherine was 4 years old Julie won the lotto, she couldn't believe it and her money problems were over, she didn't buy a big house just a three bedroom two bathroom house for her and Katherine. As Katherine grew up it was obvious that she got her height from her father not her mother at the age of 10 she was already taller than her mother and when puberty hit she grew to the height of 6'1. Julie and Katherine had a distant relationship, they never really got on and because of the height difference, it was difficult for Julie to discipline her daughter when she was growing up.

Katherine was now 19 tall and strong, her brunette hair was past her shoulders and she usually had it in a ponytail, she had a built figure with a large bust, she had decided to start weightlifting when she was fifteen and her mother had turned the spare room into a gym for her after Katherine begged and pleaded for it so her mother decided to give in knowing she would use it almost as much. Julie was now 34 and still very skinny, she had red short hair and for her 30th birthday she had decided to give herself a boob job, she did use the gym as much as her daughter but for fitness and had kept a very fit figure. Julie was vain about her image, she would always wear makeup and wear the latest fashion clothes, she loved to wear anything that would show off her bum that she had worked so hard on. Julie had decided to treat herself and go on a six-week holiday leaving Katherine home, Katherine had huge plans for parties and people to come over but after the second day of her mother being away, Katherine had visited the doctors and been told that she was unable to ever have kids. This devastated the young woman and she cancelled all the plans she had, she stayed at home thinking about what could have been when a strange idea came into her head, she thought the idea was too strange so made herself forget about it but after a few days the idea came back and this time Katherine didn't think it was so strange, she had decided it would be perfect. She spent the next couple of days ordering items off the internet and rearranging the house. She began to count down the days till her mother came home off her holidays, the items had arrived and Katherine had set them up in her room and decided to take her mothers larger room, everything was set up ready for Julie to come home and be her daughters adult baby.

Chapter 02

Katherine was eagerly waiting at the front door, she kept changing her mind on how she was going to do it, she first thought of ambushing her mother as she came into the house and take hold of her and force her to be a baby straight away. She also thought maybe she should do it slowly and be all nice to her and slowly turn her mother into the baby. After a few hours, she had decided to just see how it would play out, one way or another Katherine was going to have her mother back in diapers and calling her mommy so it didn't matter what she planned. A big smile crossed Katherine's face as she imagined her mother crawling around in diapers “She is going to look simply adorable, she is the right height to be my baby girl. I can't wait to have the baby all to myself” she said to herself.

Finally, the door opened and Julie entered her home with a frown on her face dragging in her suitcase behind her, Katherine quickly met her mother at the door “Your home” she squealed, Katherine looked down at her mother wearing skinny denim jeans and a tank top which Katherine thought made her look silly wearing that at her age. Julie looked up at her daughter while taking off her shoes “Hi Kath, I see you kept the house standing, good job now stop standing there like a big tree and help me with this suitcase, also what are you wearing a tent?”. Julie was referring to Katherine's yellow summer dress which Katherine liked very much. Katherine decided there and then with that one sentence that her mother had sealed her fate. She grabbed her mother's small hand in hers and smiled as she said “I have a surprise for you” and before Julie could respond she was being pulled into the living room “What the fuck? What surprise?” Julie asked out of frustration. Once in the living room, she looked around and saw a playpen sitting against the wall and shook her head “A playpen? How did you manage to get someone to get you pregnant? Oh great, I'm going to be a granny before I'm 40” she said with a sigh. Katherine who still had hold of her mother's arm frowned and without saying a word dragged her mother over to the sofa, Julie tried to fight her daughter off but was no match for her “What the fuck you doing?!” she shouted. At the sofa, Katherine sat down and pulled her shocked mother over her lap “What the hell do you think you're doing?” Julie screamed as she tried to get off her daughter's lap but Katherine didn't say a word as her big hand had her mother pinned down at the waist. Julie squirmed and swore out of frustration when a large hand landed hard on her small bottom which made her let out a cry as she tried to kick herself off of her daughter's lap but she was unable to free herself.

Julie lay pinned by the much bigger woman with anger building up in her she shouted “What do you think you're doing? I'm your mother now let me go!” she demanded but Katherine didn't say a word as her hand once again landed hard on her bum, before Julie could protest again Katherine's hand slapped her bottom again and her pace quickened as she continued to spank her mother. Julie was close to tears now her bum felt like it was on fire and she felt utterly humiliated being over her daughters lap getting a spanking like she was a child. After a minute Katherine stopped, Julie had tears running down her face as her daughter slowly patted her bum. Katherine calmly said, “Now Baby, Welcome home to your new life”. Julie's eyes went wide “What the fuck are you...” a hard slap on Julie's bum stopped her from finishing her sentence and fresh tears appeared in her eyes, Katherine shouted at her mother “Naughty Baby!”. Julie was about to protest again but feared another slap to her bum so she calmly said “Kath wh..argh” another slap to her bum stopped her talking and was quickly replaced by a scream of pain as Katherine brought her hand down hard onto her mothers bum. Katherine once again shouted at her mother "You will call me mommy!”, Julie's eyes widened and her jaw dropped, she weakly said “What?” she scrunched up her eyes expecting a slap to her tender bum and was relieved when she heard her daughter about to speak. Katherine calmly said, “Baby Julie you will call me mommy from now on, understand?” Katherine began to tap her mother's bottom lightly, Julie was terrified she didn't want another slap to her bum so she swallowed her pride and said through gritted teeth “OK mommy, let me off your lap and we can talk about this”.

Katherine couldn't stop smiling she knew she was so close to having a baby girl all to herself, she got chills when she heard her mother call her mommy but something wasn't right. Katherine kept Julie pinned over her lap, patting her tender bum as she thought, Julie was too scared to say anything so she decided to bide her time. Katherine suddenly realized what was wrong and gave her mother a hard slap across her bum “Argh, what was that for?” Julie blurted out, Katherine went back to patting her mothers bum “Baby Julie, you only speak baby talk, if you talk like a grown-up you will be punished” she said calmly. Julie had a very confused look on her face “Has she lost it? She must have taken something for her weight training and it messed with her brain or some other drug when I was away, she has gone mental” Julie thought. Katherine looked down at her mother's bum in her skinny jeans and tutted “They will have to go” she said and before Julie could figure out what she was talking about she was readjusted on her daughter's knee and a hand had reached around to her waist, quickly her pants were unbuttoned and slowly pushed down “No, No, your not taking my pants off” Julie protested and tried to reach for her pants, the hand that had her pinned down grabbed both of Julie's hands and pinned them down to her lower back. Slowly Katherine managed to pull down her mother's skinny jeans revealing her red bottom and her black thong.

Katherine's hand landed hard on her mothers bare bum making Julie cry out in pain, Katherine continued to spank her mother for another ten swats each slap getting harder and harder “I said Baby Julie, you will only speak baby talk!” Katherine shouted during the slaps while Julie was trying to fight back the tears. “She has lost it, my daughter has gone crazy, my ass is in so much pain, how am I going to get her to stop this? I'm going to have to do as she says until I can get away, Speak like a baby a call her mommy, I can do that if it means no more spankings” she thought as she went red with embarrassment and gritted her teeth and said “Pweez stop spanking baby” she rolled her eyes and continued “Mommy”. Katherine practically squealed with excitement “Good baby, now that wasn't so hard was it, if you continue to be a good baby then no more spankings”. Quickly Katherine lifted her mother up and sat her on her knee and gave her a big hug “I don't want to spank you, baby” Katherine said softly to her mother “But when you are naughty I am going to have to, so please be a good baby for mommy” she cooed which sent shivers down Julie’s spine. Katherine released Julie from the hug and smiled at her, Julie looked at her daughter and was terrified “She does look different, manic almost, those eyes looking right into me” she shivered as Katherine continued “Now let's get this shirt off you little one” Katherine said as her hands quickly went to either side of her mother's shirt and began to pull up. Julie was too scared to resist as her daughter removed her shirt leaving her now sitting on her daughter's lap in just her bra and thong, with her skinny jeans were still around her ankles she felt cold with embarrassment “This is ridiculous I'm her mother I can't be treated this way” she thought and she was about to shout at her daughter when the clasp of her bra was opened and Katherine quickly removed it exposing her breasts. Julie's jaw dropped as she quickly covered up her boobs with her hands, Katherine's eyes narrowed and she grabbed her mother's hands “Baby Julie stop being naughty, babies don't mind being naked and you're a baby so remove your hands or you will be punished” Julie's hands were pulled away from her breasts as she stared daggers at her daughter “Punished? How is she going to punish me? Another spanking? Why is she doing this to me?” she thought. Katherine bent across her mother and grabbed the jeans from her mother's ankles and yanked them off and threw them to the ground, Julie looked down at her self and shook her head “I'm now sitting on my daughter's lap with my arms at my waist in just a thong, not covering my boobs encase she spanks me again, what is happening?” she thought nervously. Katherine smiled at her as she placed her hands under her mother's armpits and lifted her off the sofa and walked towards the playpen, while holding her mother out at arms length, Julie’s eyes were wide with fear of being dropped as she eyed the playpen “Is she now going to place me in the playpen? Like some baby? Well once I'm in there I can figure out the best time to run, I don't mind going out in just a thing if it means getting away from her”. But Katherine walked to the other side of the playpen where a changing mat was waiting, she began to lower her mother onto the mat but Julie placed her feet on the floor in defiance “I'm not going to lie down on a changing mat” she thought to herself while too afraid to say it out loud but as Katherine's hand removed itself from her armpit and made its way towards Julie's bum her legs gave out in fear and she was then easily lowered onto the mat.

Julie swore to herself as she lay on the mat “Why did I give in so easily? She didn’t even spank me again and look I’m now lying on a changing mat like some toddler” she thought as her legs spread apart with her daughter positioned between them smiling down at her. “Now it's time to take these off” Katherine cooed while pointing towards her mothers thong, Julie’s eyes widened and she shook her head “No, No” she said as she shook her hands out in front of her but that just caused Katherine to giggle. “Silly baby, you won't be needing grown up panties for a very long time” she cooed which sent shivers down Julie’s spine "What does she mean I'm not going to need them? What am I going to wear?” she thought nervously. Katherine grabbed Julie's legs and lifted them up with one hand and Julie watched on in disgust with herself “Am I going to fight this? My daughter has me in a diaper changing position removing my thong if I fight she has a perfect angle to slap my bum again. Why am I so scared of her? She spanked me so hard earlier and she has no problem doing it again. What does she have planned for me?” she thought with dread. Julie turned bright red as Katherine began to pull the thong down with her free hand exposing her mother's cleanly shaven vagina. With every fibre of her being, Julie had she wanted to cover up her nudity but she was too scared too, her daughter had said she would punish her for covering up and she didn't want to risk it “Now I’m naked! I’m bloody naked! What am I going to do?” she wondered with a sigh. Katherine couldn't stop smiling as she looked down at her naked mother “Now baby, let's get you dressed” she cooed as Julie watched in amazed horror as her daughter leaned over the playpen and pulled out an adult size pink diaper “A diaper? Fuck that?!” she shouted and she began to sit up on the changing mat. Katherine dropped the diaper and leaned forward at her mother, she placed both hands on her shoulders and pinned her down to the changing mat. Julie was kicking and swearing at Katherine leaned over her mother keeping her pinned down, Katherine manoeuvred one of her hands behind her mother's shoulder and quickly flipped her mother onto her stomach pinning her legs down underneath Katherine's bum. Julie was now face down on the changing mat lunging her arms behind her randomly “Let me go, you can't do this to me you stupid bitch, I'm your fucking mother!” she screamed but Katherine once again grabbed both of her mother's arms and pinned them to her back. Julie began to cry realising she was once again stuck at the mercy of her daughter “She can't put me in diapers, I'm 34 I can't wear diapers like a baby” she thought as she struggled on the floor.

Without saying a word Katherine picked up the diaper with her free hand, Julie's eyes widened and she began to struggle again as she felt the fabric of the diaper being pushed between her thighs. Katherine tutted and gave her mother a hard slap on her already red bum, Julie immediately stopped struggling as the pain ran through her body and tears began to roll down her face “This can’t be happening!” she shouted in her head. Katherine kept her hand on Julie's arms not letting her move as her other hand pushed her mother's legs up causing Julie to raise her groin off the changing mat, Katherine pulled the front of the diaper up covering her mother's vagina while the back was covering her very red bottom. Julie shook “She is making me wear a diaper? I'm her mother and she is forcing me into diapers, this is not right!” she screamed in her head. Katherine sat up a little off Julie's legs and manoeuvred her mother to lean her hips to one side so she could tape the diaper in place but she found it was very difficult to do so with one hand. Katherine thought for a moment then decided to see what her new baby would if she let her go so she slowly released Julie's arms, Julie let out a sigh “She has let go of my arms? Is this a test? If I try to stop her I will just get punished, I have to pretend to go along with this, lull her into thinking I will do as she says and then make a break for it even though it does mean I have to wear a diaper” she thought as she blushed bright red. Katherine was surprised but very happy that her mother had left her arms resting on her back, Katherine smiled and began working on taping up the diaper. Once the diaper was taped into position Katherine got off her mother and stood up to admire her work, Julie slowly rolled onto her back and looked down in amazement at the pink diaper that was now covering her most intimate parts.

Chapter 03

Julie wanted to scream “I'm wearing a diaper? A real diaper? A pink diaper is now around my waist, my mental tree sized daughter has put me into diapers” She screamed in her head as she looked up at her daughter and was terrified when she saw Katherine's smiling expression looking down at her. Katherine bent down and put her hands under Julie's armpits, Julie was too scared to do anything as her daughter lifted her up off the ground with ease. Katherine held her arms out straight and looked at her mother up and down, Julie felt very exposed and vulnerable as her daughter was looking at her naked body that was only covered by the most infantile clothing possible. Katherine couldn't stop smiling her baby was now ready, she wanted to scream with happiness but she contained it as she looked her new baby up and down. Katherine then pulled her into her arms and began to twist Julie around. Julie let out a surprised cry as she found she was being cradled tight against her daughter, her head was resting on her daughter's breast while Katherine's arms were under her supporting her, one supporting her head and back and the other hand was under her legs from the knee up and supported her padded bum. Julie was red with embarrassment “She has her hand on my bum, I'm pressed up against her boob, why won't she stop looking at me with that horrible smile” she thought, Katherine began to walk up and down the room with her mother in her arms “You are going to be so loved, my baby girl, if you are a good baby you can get loads of cuddles and hugs but if your bad then you will get spankings and timeouts, I do hope your a good baby” she cooed down at her, Julie's eyes widened “I don't know which is worse, these cuddles or a timeout, I know I don't want another spanking” she thought miserably.

Katherine walked back to the playpen and placed her mother onto the soft fabric of the floor diaper first and stood up looking down at her infantile mother with a smile. Julie sat on her diapered bum with her legs straight ahead of her not knowing what to do “I’m in a playpen, she really wants to treat me just like a baby, she is crazy! Should I run now? No, she would defiantly catch me” she thought as she sat humiliated inside the confines of the playpen. Katherine looked down at her new baby and something looked wrong to her then it clicked “I know what's wrong” she said with a smile, Julie looked at her daughter confused “What do you mean? What's wrong is that you have your mother wearing nothing but a diaper inside a playpen!” she shouted in her head. Katherine bent down once again and grabbed her ankles and slowly spread her legs apart “There we go baby, you need your legs apart to keep your balance, mommy doesn’t want you falling backwards” she cooed, Julie looked down at her unladylike sitting position and was tempted to close her legs again but was fearful of the consequences and shook her head in disgust.

Katherine still bending over the playpen grabbed a soft cube and placed it between her mother's legs, she then stood up, crossed her arms “Play with the toy baby” she commanded. Julie looked down at the cube, it had various colours and patterns on each side, a few animals faces and rings and handles were coming off it “How am I meant to play with it?” she placed her hand around it and as she squeezed to pick the toy up and it made an oinking noise. Katherine smiled “Use both hands baby and can baby find the piggy?” she said as Julie rolled her eyes and placed her other hand on the infantile toy, she began to move the cube around and looked for the cartoon pig but as she moved it around a flap opened up on one of the sides of the cube revealing a mirror and Julie stopped and looked at herself in shock. Katherine giggled “No silly you're not a piggy your a baby” Julie felt angry "I know that I’m not a pig but I’m definitely not a baby I just wanted to see what I looked like, wow that sounds stupid” she continued to move the cube around and found the cartoon piggy which made Katherine go “Awwww, good girl now keep playing” she said. She watched her mother a little longer and nodded to herself and turned and walked over to the sofa and sat down.

Looking down at her mother in the play-pen, “Since Baby girl been such a good widdle baby, Mommy has a treat for hers” Katherine cooed, she walked over to the VCR and turned it on. “What is she going to put on, anything is better than playing with this bloody toy” Julie wondered. When the show started, Julie wanted to cry, for Katherine had taped the kiddie show, ‘Barney’ Cooing to Julie, Katherine said, “I think that this may be too old for baby” she continued with a smile “Tomorrow, Mommy will put on ‘Sesame Street’ for baby, won't that be nice?” she cooed. Julie wanted to cry “She thinks that Barney is too grown-up for me? Mental she has gone mental!” she screamed. As the show finished Katherine said to her mother in a commanding voice, “Since you are a baby, babies don't care to be naked. So baby girl better not try to cover herself when Mommy takes her clothes off or Mommy spank baby” Julie looked at her confused “Is Katherine planning to make me go around naked again I don't know if its better than wearing a diaper? I don’t want her to see me nude but I guess its better than this” she thought as she looked down at the pink diaper resting between her legs. "Also baby girl no touch her diaper. Only Mommy or other grown-ups can. If baby touches her diaper, Mommy spank” she commanded as Julie shook her head and began to sweat “Other grown-ups? Who else is going to see me like this?” she thought nervously. Katherine stood up from the sofa walked over and continued “You are a baby, babies crawl” With that statement, Katherine leaned over the play-pens rail and pulled the tape of her mother's diaper off and re-taped it loosely. Helping Julie out of the play-pen, Katherine sat her on the floor. “Let's see how much baby has learned” she cooed down at her mother, “Now follow Mommy” she said. Julie rolled her eyes “What does she want from this? She is crazy!” she thought as she watched her daughter walk away and she suddenly felt nervous she was about to stand to follow Katherine, but she stopped and sighed “I'm now considered a baby in her crazy eyes and babies crawl” Julie sighed and got onto all fours and began crawling, following her daughter around the living room. As she crawled around, her diaper slowly began to slide down, finally stopping at her knees. Julie stopped and looked down at the diaper while blushing bright red “What do I do? I can’t continue to crawl around naked I don’t want her seeing me nude” she thought. She was about to pull it back up then stopped "Oh crap I'm not allowed to touch it. So great I have to leave it there?" Julie turned bright red as she left the diaper around her knees as she continued to crawl after her daughter. Katherine stopped and smiled as she looked down at her infantile mother “Awww you are such a good baby” she cooed as she gently placed Julie on her back and tried to re-tape the diaper but it wouldn't stick so she pulled the diaper off leaving Julie naked “Oh well we will have to get another diaper for you baby, follow mommy” she cooed. Julie sighed and got onto her hands and knees and crawled after her daughter out of the living room towards Katherine's bedroom.

Chapter 04

Julie crawled after her daughter out of the living room and as she came close to the front door she slowed her pace “If I slow down enough Katherine won't notice then I can make a run for it” she thought as she watched her daughter continue to walk, Julie had practically stopped when she was near the front door and nodded her head to herself “Now” she thought and she quickly stood up and made a run for the door a smile crossed her face as her hand stretched out to the handle but before she could grab it a hand grabbed her and a chill ran down her as she turned her head and saw her daughter holding tight onto her arm. Katherine stared down at Julie and without a word she bent down and scooped up her mother around the waist. Julie found herself facing down in the air being held up by her daughters strong arm, she turned her head and could see her daughters rear, she was shaking nervously “Why did I try to go for it? I should have waited longer but I saw my chance and it was too tempting” she sighed.  Katherine was supporting her mother's small frame with one arm on her waist as she looked down at her mothers already red bum she gave it a quick swat “You bad baby!” she shouted as Julie cursed at the pain which gained her another smack to her tender bum as she was carried away from the front door and freedom.

Katherine carried her mother into what was once her bedroom and sat her on the changing table, Julie looked around in amazement “Where did she get all this from? I'm sitting on an adult-sized changing table and that's an adult-sized crib. She has even painted the walls pink, it's disgusting”. Katherine gently pushed her mother down which shook Julie from her thoughts as her back touched the plastic of the changing mat. Katherine looked down at her mother and gave a wicked smile “You naughty baby, you will be punished for that, you need to remember that your a baby” Julie began to shake with anger “I'm not a baby, I'm a grown woman!” she shouted and she began to get off the table but her daughter pinned her down quickly and stared at her “You're my baby, I thought you had learned that but I guess you need more teaching” she reached under the table and brought up a strap and pulled it over her mother's waist and attached it on the opposite side and pulled it tight. Katherine did the same three more times and soon Julies top half was strapped down to the changing table. Julie struggled but was unable to move she was about to speak but saw the glare from her daughter and decided against it “What is she going to do to me now? I don’t want to wear a diaper again!” she thought. Katherine pulled out a diaper from under the table and with one hand she lifted up her mother's legs and slid the diaper under her bum she then lowered Julie's legs and disappeared under the table. Julie heard a snap and saw her daughter stand up, her hands now had rubber gloves on and Julie looked confused “What is she going to do?” she thought as Katherine once again grabbed her mothers legs and pulled them up with one hand, Julie's legs were pushed further up and her knees were now resting against her stomach and she blushed “Oh god how is my daughter seeing me like this? I'm her bloody mother I brought her into this world how can she do this to me?" she thought with tears in her eyes when she froze in terror as she felt something against her bum cheeks, she scrunched up her eyes “No Please” she pleaded as she felt something go into her bum. Julie began to cry as she felt her daughter's fingers push there way inside her, she tried to kick her legs but couldn't move them “You better stop that or I might go further inside your little bum bum” Katherine cooed and Julie stopped struggling as she continued to cry. Slowly Katherine removed her fingers and smiled “That will help remind you that you're just a baby” she then poured baby powder over Julie's crotch and bum then lowered Julie's legs down and Julie scrunched up her eyes as she felt the soft fabric of the diaper on her bum. Katherine lifted the front of the diaper up and taped it tightly she then disappeared under the table again and pulled out five more diapers to Julies shock. Katherine looked at her mother “This will also remind you that you are just a baby now” she giggled as she began to unfold the first diaper.

Chapter 05

Soon Katherine had taped her mother up into six diapers and stood back to admire her baby, Julie lay on the changing table in shock, she looked down at her inflated crotch and shuddered “I’m wearing six diapers and I’m not going to get out of out it until I mess it” Julie shuddered “I need to convince her to let me out of this, maybe if I play her stupid game and talk like a baby then she will let me out to use the bathroom” she thought and with a sigh she looked at her daughter “Mommy, pweez take the diapee off me” Julie immediately scrunched up her face with embarrassment. Katherine had a big grin on her face “I’m sorry baby but you have been naughty so you need to be punished, once I have found your poopy diaper then I might change you if I’m not too busy” she giggled as Julie’s jaw dropped “Once she has found it? Might she change me? What the fuck, maybe if I try again” Julie swallowed hard “Me be good baby if mommy take diapee off” Julie blushed bright red as Katherine giggled “You will be a naughty baby if you have your diaper off, now I think it’s time for you to go to bed you have had a very tiring day” Julie was about to protest but couldn’t think of anything to say to change her daughters mind.

Julie then watched Katherine walk over to the cupboard and she returned with a large white body suit “What the hell is that? It’s like a onesie but look at the crotch it’s so inflated. Oh god the feet are enclosed and so are the hands, are they mittens?” Julie then looked up at the head of the onesie and she went white as a sheet as she shouted out “What the hell is that?”. Katherine frowned and Julie quickly looked worried “Shit I spoke” she thought as Katherine frowned down at her “This is your onesie you silly little girl, a spreading crotch to remind you of how much of a baby you are. These mittens are so your hands don’t get cold and so you can't grab anything other than what mommy wants you to grab and this” Katherine held up the head of the onesie “This is so you can go to sleep it has a zipper on the back so you can’t accidentally take it off while you sleep. See the zipper across the eyes will close when your in your crib and the zipper over the mouth will close around your nighttime pacifier, don’t worry there is a little hole for your nose to breath” Julie wanted to scream out “You are not putting that on me” but she knew that she had little choice. Katherine placed her mother's feet into the onesie and began to pull it up her legs towards the crotch she then lifted up her mothers diapered bum and pulled the thickly padded crotch over her already thick diaper. Julie looked down “It’s so thick and warm, I won’t be able to even walk with this bloody thing on” Katherine then stopped and looked at her mother “Now, Baby, I’m going to take the straps off you and put the onesie on you, It’s going on you one way or another and it will be better for you if you're a good baby” Julie swallowed and slowly nodded her head “I don’t want another spanking” Katherine slowly unstrapped her mother from the changing table and sat her up, Julie wanted to throw a punch at her daughter but she felt her stomach make a noise and froze in fear. Katherine grabbed her mothers arms and pulled them thought armholes into the encased mittens at the end she then zipped up the back and Julie shook “I’m locked in now, I can’t get out of it now, my hands are pinned together there is no way I can grab the zipper on the back”. As Julie was looking down at her encased hands Katherine quickly flipped the hood over Julie's head who let out a little shriek but Katherine continued and zipped it closed around the neck. Julie could only see through a small slit and she began to shake again. Katherine stood back and admired her mother's onesie “Awww you look just like a baby snowman” she giggled. Before Julie had time to react she was picked up off the changing table and carried over to the crib where she was placed lying down on her back. Katherine leant over her and it made Julie feel small “Now, baby, I’m going to put in your nighttime pacifier you be a good baby and open your mouth for it or I won't change your diaper for a full week” Katherine said with a smile that sent chills down Julie, Julie saw the pacifier and sighed as she opened her mouth for it “I don’t know what she would do, she might even leave me in this crib for months she has gone that crazy” she thought as the large adult pacifier entered passed her lips, Katherine quickly closed the zippers on either end of the mouth opening and connected it to the pacifier making it impossible for Julie to spit it out. Katherine then looked at her mother and said “Night night baby” she then zipped Julie’s eyes shut leaving her in darkness. Julie heard the side of the crib being pulled up and then her daughter walking away and finally the door close, leaving Julie trapped in her crib.

Chapter 06

Julie was shaking inside the crib "What am I going to do? She has me defeated, I tried to run she got me, I tried to fight back and I lost. What can I do to get out of this?" she thought. She squeezed her legs together and felt the unfamiliar bulk on her inner thighs, she squeezed again and felt the bulge of the diaper press against her vagina and she shook. "No, I can't feel like that while wearing this," she thought as she stopped herself from squeezing her legs together again. "Why is she doing this? Why is she making me her baby? I'm her damn mother, I raised her I fed her, she is my baby, I've changed her diapers more times than I can count and now she is doing this to me, what the fuck?". She tried to sit up but the bulge between her legs prevented her and she quickly gave up. Julie lost track of time as she lay inside the crib, unable to see and nothing to do but suck on the pacifier strapped inside her mouth she tried to sleep but couldn't get comfortable every time she drifted off she would move and feel something unfamiliar, either the diaper around her waist or the pacifier stuck in her mouth. "Why did I have to try and run? I would have just been put in here with one diaper on and nothing more, I could have lived with that, maybe. But this many diapers and the bulge that is there, I can't forget I'm wearing a diaper like a baby with this huge thing on".

After a while Julie heard the door open "I hope that's Katherine, I hope she lets me out of here" she then heard the side rail slide down and felt someone staring at her "Is it, Katherine? Yes, it must be, she wouldn't bring anyone else in here to see me like this". After a moment Julie heard Katherine say "You ready to be a good baby now?" and without thinking, Julie began to nod her head "What am I doing?" she suddenly stopped and heard her daughter happily cheer "Good baby Julie". Julie felt her daughters huge hands against her face and suddenly the zipper was undone, the bright light shone into her eyes as she squinted, it took her a moment to adjust but she then saw her daughter standing over her with a big smile. Katherine placed her hands under Julie's armpits and lifted her out of the crib and placed her on the floor on her hands and knees "Crawl baby Julie" out of fear Julie got onto her hands and knees and began to slowly crawl "If I do as she says she will get lax and then I can try to make my escape again" she thought as she crawled out of the nursery and back towards the living room with Katherine following behind. Katherine stared at her mothers diapered bum swaying side to side as she crawled in front of her and felt so much joy and happiness that she wanted to pick her up and give her a big hug but she contained herself and watched with a smile on her face as her adult baby crawled towards the living room. Once in the living room, Katherine couldn't contain herself anymore, she bent down and scared Julie half to death as she was quickly scooped up and placed on the hip of her daughter.

Chapter 07

Katherine began walking around the room while bouncing her mother up and down on her hip and patting her huge padded rear “You are so cute my cute little baby, you are my baby girl forever and ever” she giggled as Julie scrunched up her face from behind the mask and continued to suck on the pacifier that was zipped on “I am not her baby and I will defiantly not be her baby forever, I’m going to get out of this and then we are going to get her some help” she thought as Julie continued to bounce her up and down. After a few minutes Katherine stopped walking and bouncing Julie up and down, Julie tried to look around but the gap for her eyes was small and obstructed a lot of her view. Katherine looked at her mother and cooed “Now, baby, it’s time for you to go into your playpen again, I want to see you being a good baby and playing with your toys” with that Kathleen slowly lowered Julie into the playpen where Julie sat on her big padded bum “Great now I’m back in here, I guess it’s better than being stuck in the crib at least I can see, kind of but now and I have to play with baby toys” she thought as she looked around the small playpen. Julie managed to see a rattle close to where she was sitting “I guess I have to pick it up and play with it otherwise she will do something to me but what can she do? I’m locked into a diaper, I’m also locked into this bloody onesie straight jacket thing, How can it possibly get worse?” she thought.

Suddenly Julie jumped as Katherine shouted “Baby!” Julie looked over to where the voice was coming from and saw her daughter sitting on the sofa staring down at her “You better play or I won't be letting you out of that onesie for a week” Julie shook at the thought and quickly picked up the rattle and began to shake it “Would she really leave me in this for a week? How she is acting I would probably say yes she would” Julie shook again at the thought of being stuck in the onesie for a full week and continued to shake the rattle. Julie continued to shake the rattle becoming very bored very quickly “Oh come on please give me something else to do or think about so I’m not so bored” she thought and her wish was granted in the worst way possible as she finished her thought she felt her stomach tighten.

Julie froze on the spot “No the suppositories” she shook her head and looked down at her padded crotch as her stomach gurgled “I can’t believe they are actually working!” she shouted in her head. Julie suddenly heard Katherine clear her throat and Julie quickly began to shake the rattle again “I can’t use a diaper especially not for that” she thought and she looked over to her daughter and began to moan. Katherine didn’t move as her mother continued to moan from around the pacifier, a full minute had passed and Julie’s stomach pains were getting much worse so she decided to bang her hands on the padded floor when she finally saw her daughter stand up she stopped and let out a little smile from behind the pacifier “Yes she is coming over, she will ask me what's wrong and I will tell her I need to use the bathroom” she nodded to herself then the smile disappeared “Would she let me use the bathroom, she does have me in diapers” she shook as Katherine stood on the other side of the playpen.

Katherine stared down at her mother and sighed “Now I want you to stop that now, I don’t want a naughty baby, I want a good baby so you be good” Katherine turned to walk away when Julie began to moan and bang her hands again “I need to get her attention, this is enough of this rubbish I’m not messing a diaper” she thought as Katherine turned back around with a very angry expression “Fine” she said and she bent down and released the pacifier from the zipper and slowly pulled it out of Julie’s mouth as soon as Julie had the chance she blurted out “I nee...” but Katherine placed her finger over Julie’s mouth and shouted “Wait!” Julie quickly shut her mouth “I need to tell her now” she thought as another stomach cramp came Katherine then began to unzip the hood at the neck and gently pulled it off her mothers head. Julie couldn’t help but smile to finally get the hood off her as Katherine stood back up and folded her arms “OK baby, what did you need to tell mommy?” she smirked as Julie opened her mouth and then quickly closed it “She wants me to speak like a baby or she will punish me” she blushed bright red as she looked down at the playpen floor and opened her mouth again when Katherine cleared her throat “Silly baby, I’m up here, you need to look at grown-ups when you are talking to them” Julie grumbled and slowly looked up at her daughter “She is making this very difficult” she thought. Julie suddenly felt a pain in her lower stomach and with tears in her eyes she said “Me need toilet now” Katherine smiled down at her mother “Why would baby need a toilet?” she laughed and Julie blushed “Me need to go….” she stopped herself feeling the shame wash over her as Katherine said “You need to go what?” Julie sighed “Me need to go poopy” Julie quickly looked away from her daughter feeling utterly embarrassed as Katherine laughed “Silly little baby, you go poopy in your diaper, only grown-ups use the toilet” Julie looked back up at Katherine her mouth wide “I do...” but Katherine interrupted “And if I hear you mention using anything other than your diapers then you will be punished, don’t worry baby mommy will change you even if you make a big stinky” she giggled and bent down in front of Julie with the pacifier in hand, Julie began to speak again “But I...” but Katherine interrupted again “Now baby I’m going to put this back in your cute little mouth and you are going to suck like a good baby or do I have to put the hood back on you?” Julie didn’t know what to do “If I argue again then I will get that horrible hood put back on, she isn’t going to change her mind, she wants me to use this diaper” tears formed in her eyes as she opened her mouth. Katherine smiled and placed the pacifier back into her mother's mouth and then gave her a kiss on the forehead “Don’t worry baby, you will get used to it” she cooed and quickly she walked back to the sofa. Julie had tears running down her face and was shaking as she felt her stomach cramp up for the last time “I’m actually going to do it, I’m going to mess a diaper” she thought as she let out a loud fart, the warning sounds of what was to come.

 Chapter 08

Julie was shaking with dread as she watched a large smile appear on her daughters face from across the room “What does she have to smile about? If I use this diaper like she wants me to then she will be the one to change me, we will see who’s smiling then. What am I thinking about I defiantly won't be the one smiling, just the thought of her seeing me like that makes my skin crawl” she felt her stomach tighten as she looked down in horror at her padded waist “It’s not going to be an if, it’s going to be a when. I can’t get out of this horrible thing, I can’t stand, there is nothing I can do but mess myself” tears began to roll down her face as she continued to suck on the pacifier.

Julie slumped forward in pain as her stomach tightened again, she let out a cry from behind the pacifier and grabbed hold of her stomach “I can’t hold this any longer” she thought as her bum cheeks squeezed together. She looked up at her daughter with pleading eyes but Katherine continued to sit on the sofa staring down at her with a cold smile. Julie quickly looked away “I can’t believe she is going to go through with this, make me actually mess myself, she had snapped in the head. How am I going to live this down I will always remember this horrible moment when I had no other choice but to mess myself” she shook her head “What do I do? I won’t be able to mess myself while sitting down, I need to squat. I’m going to look like a toddler squatting down trying to poop, how humiliating but I don’t have a choice my stomach is hurting so much I need to poop” she thought. Julie wiped away the stray tears from her face with her mitten hands and then sighed “I won't be able to get into any good position with this great weight around my waist, I need to get onto my stomach firstly” she thought. In one great motion she swung her arms,hips and leg to one side and with great difficulty she managed to roll over onto her stomach, once on her stomach she shook her head “Bloody hell that was difficult” she thought as she continued to suck on the pacifier “I can’t believe how far I have fallen in such a short period, I’m having trouble to even squat just so I can poop my pants with some comfort and all the while a pacifier is sticking out of my mouth. How has my daughter turned me into a baby so quickly” she shook her head “No I can’t think of that now, I need to get up before I get another stomach pain” she thought and she placed her mitten hands on the soft fabric of the large playpen and pushed herself up and soon Julie was on her hands and knees again.

Almost there!” she shouted in her head as she slowly moved back to sit on her knees, her huge padded bum resting ever so slightly on her ankles when she noticed something, she looked down at her feet and let out a groan of frustration “Those bloody boot things, they have no give! How did I not notice before but they don’t move, There must be a piece of metal or something running down them to keep them flat at all times? I can’t move back onto my toes and then onto my feet from this position while wearing them!” she shook her head in frustration “How am I going to get up now” but as soon as she finished the thought her stomach had decided her time had run out and with a loud fart she felt her cheeks part and horror appeared on her face.

Chapter 09

Julie continued to sit on her knees as she closed her eyes tight and found that she was slowly sucking on the large pacifier in her mouth, her face was white as a sheet as she felt the warm mess squeeze past her bum cheeks and into the waiting diaper. Tears began to roll down her face and she began to shake as more of the wet mess spread around the diaper covering her cheeks “This isn’t happening, it’s not, It cant be! I am not messing a diaper forced on me by own daughter. Nope it must be a nightmare and I’m still on the cruise hallucinating after having something bad to eat” she thought as tears continued to roll down her face, she took a sniff and instantly wanted to be sick. The foul smell from her diaper had already entered the air and Julie’s eyes opened wide as she smelt the foul stench “It’s happening, this is real I’m actually messing a diaper” she shook her head as she finally felt her bum relax and the mess stopped coming.

She slowly looked down at her padded groin and shuddered “What am I going to do? I can’t get out of this on my own” she looked up and saw that her daughter was staring at her with a smile on her face from her chair. Julie quickly turned her gaze away and blushed bright red “She knows that I’ve done it, is she going to change me? Do I have to ask to be changed?” she shuddered “Oh god I’m going to have too and she will want me to speak just like a baby to do it” she closed her eyes “Why is this happening? I don’t deserve this” she thought when she suddenly heard footsteps coming towards her.

Katherine stood over her mother with a large smile on her face “I think baby has done a poopy” she cooed and Julie turned bright red as Katherine squatted down in front of her mother “Has baby gone poopy? Does baby need mommy to change her diapees?” she continued as Julie felt dizzy from the humiliation. Julie kept her eyes closed unable to open them and look at her daughter “I need to get out of this, it’s disgusting but can I really ask her to change me? I’ve talked like a baby before and I can do it again if it means I don’t have to sit in my own mess” she shook as she slowly opened her eyes and looked at her grinning daughter.

“There she is, my baby was hiding but I found you” Katherine cooed which made Julie swallow hard “I’m not your baby!” she shouted in her head. Julie took a deep breath and rolled her eyes at the same time “Me went...” she paused “I can’t say it, it’s too embarrassing” she thought. Katherine frowned at her mother “You went where baby? You have been in your playpen, you silly little thing” she cooed as she stood up “You know what, I think baby’s little knees will be getting tired, you should sit down on your bum bum” she cooed as she bent down and placed her hands on her mother's shoulders. Julie’s eyes went wide as she felt Katherine begin to push her back. Julie began to panic “No, I can’t sit down, I can’t sit in my own mess” she thought and without thinking she sputtered out “No pweez mommy” in a high pitch baby voice. But it didn’t do anything to stop Katherine who continued to push her mother down, Julie had no choice as she was pushed down onto her messy rear.

Julie’s mouth went suddenly dry and her body shook all over as she felt the warm mess press up against her bum cheeks as she sat inside the playpen, she slowly looked down at her groin with wide eyes “I’m sitting in my own mess, oh god I need to get out of this” she thought and she swallowed hard and looked up at her daughter who was now standing tall in front of her. Julie sighed from behind the pacifier “Me went poopy, pweez change baby diaper” she pleaded in the best baby voice she could do. Julie felt cold as she watched her daughter smile down at her “I can’t believe I just admitted I pooped in a diaper and that I want her to change me. Kill me now, I hate this!” she thought as Katherine slowly shook her head “Not just yet baby” Julie’s jaw fell open and the pacifier rolled out of her mouth “What?!” she shouted.

Katherine frowned and squatted down in front of her mother once again “Mommy said not yet, you are wearing plenty of diapers little one and they can hold a lot more than one little poopy bum” she cooed and she reached and picked up the pacifier. Julie shook her head with tears in her eyes “Please Kat...” she stopped as Katherine stared at her, she swallowed “Shit I spoke like an adult, she is going to punish me, I need to fix this” she thought and quickly said “Pweez mommy, change baby diapee” she turned bright red as Katherine smiled and placed the pacifier back into her mother's mouth “Mommy has already said not yet baby, if you be a good baby then mommy will change you faster” she giggled as she watched the sadness in Julie’s eyes “Now stop being sad just suck on your pacifier and play with your toys like a good baby, you will soon be happy” she cooed and she watched Julie intently as she slowly began to suck on the pacifier once again.

Chapter 10

Julie stared down at the playpen floor utterly humiliated, the foul stench from her messy diaper was surrounding her and it made her feel cold as she slowly sucked on the pacifier “This is not right, Katherine has lost it! Completely lost it! My own daughter is making me sit in my own filth while sucking on a pacifier, I need to get out of this! I can not let her do this to me, I’m a grown woman and her mother she can’t turn me into some damn baby!” she thought as she looked down at the footed onesie that surrounded her slim body “But I can’t do anything while I’m wearing this, I can’t grab anything and I can’t even walk! I’m trapped as a baby until she takes this off me but when will that be and how much more do I have to endure? I have been spanked, stripped naked and forced to talk like a baby, I’ve been completely humiliated and I can’t take much more of it” she sighed from behind her pacifier as Katherine continued to watch her from the sofa.
Katherine watched as her mother continued to sit in the playpen not moving a muscle, she shook her head as she stood up and walked back over to the playpen, Julie began to shake as her daughter stood in front of her “You naughty baby, I said play with your toys” Julie began to sweat as she looked over to the pile of toys “I have to get up to play something, I’m not getting up from this spot I don’t want to feel anything else squish against me” she thought as she looked down at the mat nervously. Katherine smiled “Well if baby doesn’t want to play with her toys she must want to play with her mommy” she cooed which caused Julie to swallow hard as she nervously looked up at her daughter and shook her head slowly. “What does she mean play with her? What weird game would she have in mind?” she shook at the thought as Katherine bent over and quickly placed her hands under Julie’s armpits. Julie began to panic as she looked at her smiling daughter “I have the perfect game for baby to play” she said as she slowly began to lift Julie up, Julie's bum slowly raised up off the floor as her daughter continued to smile at her “We are going to play booty bounce” she cooed and before Julie could react Katherine pushed Julie back down forcefully onto her messy rear.

Julie’s eyes widened as she spat the pacifier out when she landed with a squelch, she felt the poop spread all over her backside and up between her legs and over crotch she wanted to be sick as she began to shake “It’s….it’s everywhere! I can feel it everywhere! Oh god this is disgusting” she thought when Katherine suddenly began to lift her bum up off the floor again. Julie shook her head “No No” she said weakly from behind the pacifier as Katherine once again forcefully pushed Julie back down onto her stinky bum. Julie felt even more of her mess spread around her and she began to cry as Katherine removed her hands from her mother's armpits, she once again took hold of the pacifier and placed it in her mothers mouth who began to suck on it without thinking. Katherine stood back and folded her arms “Now baby, when I say play with your toys you play with your toys, I don’t want a naughty baby!” she shouted.

Julie shook as tears continued to flow down her face, she quickly wiped them away with her mitten hands as her daughter continued to stand over her “This is disgusting, if I don’t get up to play with a toy will she do it again? Or will she do something worse? She has me completely helpless while I’m wearing this. Why didn’t I put up more of a fight earlier?” she thought as she shook again and slowly got up off her large diaper and onto her hands and knees. Julie slowly crawled the short distance to the toys “I can’t grab them with one hand wearing these mittens, I have to sit down to take a hold of anything and I have to sit down on my bum, I hate this it’s disgusting! I will do anything to get out of this horrible thing” she thought as she gingerly sat back down on her messy bum. She eyed the toys and saw a teddy bear which she reached out for with both her hands and took hold and quickly hugged, she squeezed the teddy bear tight against her as Katherine bent down and gave her mothers hair a stroke “Good baby, now you continue being a good baby and you will get a diaper change, won't that be nice to be wearing a fresh diaper and not be a stinky bum anymore” Julie blushed as she continued to hug the teddy bear “It would be good to get out of this diaper but to be placed right back into another one is just horrible, Oh god she is going to change me? She is going to see me in that state” Julie looked down at her bulging crotch and shuddered “I don’t even want to imagine what it looks like in there, Only just 24 hours ago I was on a cruise in a bikini having guys all over me and now I’m sitting in my own filth hoping that my daughter will change my full diaper. I will do anything to get out of this diaper but how far is this going to go and for how long? I hate wearing diapers and I definitely don’t need them, I don’t want to wear any more diapers. I don’t want to be a baby!

Chapter 11

Julie continued to cuddle the teddy bear while sucking her pacifier as her daughter stood over her with a smile “Your such an adorable baby” she cooed which made Julie blush “Im not a baby! Im your mother!” she rolled her eyes as she smelt the foul smell emitting from her diaper “To even think that sounds stupid while Im sitting here in a full diaper sucking on a pacifier just like the baby she wants me to be, I just want to get out of this horrible diaper!” she shouted in her head. Julie nervously continued to cuddle the teddy bear as Katherine looked down at her smiling “What is she wanting? She wants me to play with these toys? What else do you do with a teddy bear than cuddle it?” she thought as she looked down at the bear “I guess I could make it walk around” she blushed “How stupid, make it actually look like Im playing with a bear at my age” she rolled her eyes again “I have to stop thinking that way while Im wearing a diaper, whatever I do isnt nearly as humiliating or embarrassing as wearing my own mess” she let out a sigh from behind her pacifier. Slowly she took hold of the small bear’s arms and held it up “Right maybe this will stop her from staring down at me and finally get me a diaper change” she thought hopefully as she began to move the teddy bear around in front of her like it was walking.

Katherine smiled from ear to ear as she watched her mother move the teddy bear around “Awww that’s so adorable little baby, you are being so good for mommy” she cooed as she squatted down in front of her mother, Julie blushed but she didn’t stop moving the teddy around in front of her “I hope this works I just want out of this horrible diaper” she thought. Katherine reached forward and took hold of the teddy bear “Now baby, we are going to play a little game to see how much you have learnt” she cooed. Julie began to sweat as she released the teddy bear “What kind of game?” she wondered as Katherine placed the teddy on the floor in front of her adult baby “We are going to play the pointing game” she cooed which caused Julie to look at her confused “Pointing game? Im sure its just a way to embarrass me” she thought as Katherine continued “Now can baby point to her teddy bear?” Julie sighed as she lifted her mitten hand up and pointed it at the teddy bear in front of her. Katherine clapped her hands with excitement “Good baby, now can you point to your toys?” she cooed as Julie continued to suck on her pacifier and pointed towards the toys in the corner of the playpen. “Wow you're such a smart baby” Katherine cooed “Now point at your smelly diaper” she cooed once again, Julie blushed and her mouth suddenly became dry as she slowly pointed down at her groin “I hate that not only am I wearing a messy diaper but my own daughter knows about it and won't do anything about it, why won't she just change me?” she sighed. Katherine nodded “Now point at mommy” she said with eagerness, Julie swallowed “This is just to humiliate me and make me admit that she is now my mommy, whatever if it gets me out of this diaper I will do it” she thought as she pointed towards her daughter.

Katherine practically squealed with excitement “That’s right little one, I’m your mommy now can you point at the baby” she said excitedly as Julie swallowed hard “This is so humiliating, having to point to myself admitting that Im a baby, well Im not Im a grown up and Im going to get out of this nightmare” she thought as she slowly turned her hand around and pointed at herself. She squealed again “Good baby, that’s right you're the baby” she said as she stood back up “Your now being such a good baby for mommy, I’m so proud of you” she cooed. Julie looked up at her Katherine nervously “Does that mean she is going to finally change my diaper? I need to get out of this mess, I can feel it everywhere sticking to me” she thought.

Katherine bent over and placed her hands under her mothers armpits and easily lifted the smaller woman up out of the play, Julie couldn’t help but smile as she felt the pressure herself being lifted up off her smelly bum “I’m going to get a diaper change then?” she thought anxiously but Katherine carried her back to the chair where she had been sitting. She smiled at her mother as she lowered her down onto her leg with another squish she went white as a sheet as she sat straddling her daughters leg, with her entire weight pressing on the diaper she felt more of the mess squish and stick to her as her. “For being such a good baby I’m going to give you a little bounce on my knee then we can go and clean up your smelly bum” she cooed. “What the hell? I did what she wanted, I played with the toys and I played that stupid pointing game! I want out of this diaper! This is going to be horrible being bounced up and down means that its just going to spread around more, Im going to be covered in my own filth by the time I get changed” she sighed.

Chapter 12

Katherine gave her mother a kiss on the forehead as she stopped bouncing her up and down her knee “You are so precious now lets get your diaper changed” she cooed which caused Julie to shake with nervous energy. “I wanted this diaper off me so much that I forgot that my daughter is going to see me covered in my own mess before she puts another diaper on me. I hate this so much. I’m not a baby I’m a grown woman! I’m this crazy woman's mother yet here I am sitting in my own filth while she does what ever she wants with me” she thought with a groan. Katherine lowered her mother down and had her sit on the floor which caused Julie to grimace as Katherine stood up “Back to your nursery baby girl” she cooed, Julie let out a sigh as she got up onto her hands and knees “I just got to remember that this will get me out of this horrible diaper, I have to remember the end goal here that I will be free of a messy diaper, one win at a time” she thought as she began to crawl forward.

Julie felt ill as she felt the warm sticky mess between her bum cheeks as she crawled forward “I’m never going to complain about a wedgie again, this is so disgusting” she thought with a sigh then a sudden feeling washed over her that made her panic “Will I ever feel a wedgie again? Will I wear underwear again? Sexy panties? Thong? Will I ever be able to even pull my own underwear from my own bum or is this is for me? Forced into a horrible life of diapers and messing myself?” she shook all over as tears welled up in her eyes. “I have to get out of this but I have no idea how, she has complete control over me I just hope that one of my friends or somebody comes looking for me” she thought with dread as she entered the nursery once again.

Julie looked up at her nursery in shock once again “I still can't get over what she has done, how much she has spent in doing this to me. She turned her entire bedroom into a nursery for an adult she wouldn’t have spent all this money and all this time and effort if its just going to last for a few days. I’m in this horrible situation for a while unless I can get out of it” she thought as Katherine gave her a gentle kick on her rear “Almost there baby, to the changing table little one” she cooed. Julie slowly crawled towards the changing table as Katherine stood beside her “Sit down baby, I’m only going to lift you up if you sit down” she said while shaking her head. Julie tensed her jaw as she slowly lowered herself back onto her messy bum , she once again felt the large mess inside her diaper squish against her and she sighed “I’m doing this to get out of it, I won't have to put up with it for long” she thought with a groan.

Katherine smiled down at her mother “Good baby” she cooed as she bent down placing her hands under Julie’s armpits and lifted her up, she gently sat her down on the changing table. Katherine went behind her mother and lowered the zip on the back of the onesie, she opened the back and took hold of her mothers hand and guided it free of the confines of the large onesie. Soon Julie’s arms were free and the front of the onesie fell forward exposing her breasts, Julie looked down and let out a satisfied sigh “I don’t care, I thought I would never be free of that horrible thing” she thought. Katherine smiled down at her mother as she gently pushed her shoulders so Julie lay down on her back “That’s it baby, babies lie down on the changing table” she cooed. Katherine took hold of a strap and wrapped it around her mother's stomach and secured it tightly under the table as Julie rolled her eyes “I’m not going to try to get off the table while this is still on me” she thought as she stared down at the onesie that was still wrapped around her waist. “Almost fully free!” she thought with a slight smile as she lifted up her hips and Katherine slid the large padded onesie off her diaper and down her legs, leaving her naked apart from six diapers that were wrapped around her waist. Julie looked down at the diapers and shook her head “Oh god, now I’m free of that thing I still have to go through with this, I really don’t want this!” she thought as she began to shake.

Katherine positioned herself at her mother's feet and she began to take off the many diapers, Katherine had got to the final diaper, it was stained all over and clearly needed changing, the smell coming from it was horrible and Julie wanted to vomit as she stared up at the ceiling. “I can’t do anything to stop this, I’m tied down to the table and if I try she might leave me in it, I have to just let her change me” she thought as she turned white as a ghost. Katherine and Julie both held their breath as Katherine slowly untapped the side of the diaper, she lowered the front of the diaper and a fresh stink of poop entered the room and Julie gagged at the smell “This is disgusting!” she screamed in her head. Katherine shook her head and smiled at her mother “Oh it’s everywhere baby girl” she cooed which made Julie feel even more sick “How am I going to be her mother after this?” she thought. Katherine shook her head “Well babies can’t help but use their diapers, that’s why they wear them, it's my job as your mommy to make sure you get cleaned up and a fresh diaper put on you, now wouldn’t that be nice baby girl?” Katherine cooed. Julie squeezed shut her eyes “I’m not a baby! You are forcing this on me! The last thing I want right now is another diaper on!” she shouted in her head.

Katherine took a wet wipe and began to wipe away the poop from her mothers crotch, Julie was in shock at what was happening “My daughter is actually changing my poop-filled diaper! What the fuck is happening!” she screamed in her head. Slowly Katherine lifted up Sarah’s feet into the air, exposing Julie’s poop covered bum. Katherine didn’t say anything as she began to wipe clean Julie’s bottom after a few minutes she lifted Julie’s feet higher so that they were now passed Julie’s head. Julie slowly opened her eyes and gingerly looked down at her once most private area and shuddered “This is actually happening, I’m having my diaper changed just like a baby” she thought with a tear in her eye. Soon enough Julie finally felt the messy diaper being removed and she couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief but after a few more wipes her legs were lowered and she felt the softness of the new diaper under her bum and she felt cold. “I can’t wear another one, I don’t want to go through that again, If I argue now though she might put suppositories in me again and I don’t want another messy diaper” she shook “Oh fuck the only thing I can do is just accept it. I hate this!” she screamed as Katherine poured a generous about of powder onto Julie’s groin. She lifted the front of the pink diaper up and tightly wrapped it around her mother's waist and taped it into position. Julie looked down at the diaper that covered her and sighed “I’m never going to get used to this” she thought.

Chapter 13

Katherine gently placed her mother back into the playpen after carrying her from the nursery, she bent down over Julie and smiled “Now baby, you pick up a toy and play like a good baby or mommy will make you play a game” she cooed. Julie blushed bright red as she looked around at the toys scattered around her “I don’t want you anywhere near me right now, I would rather shake that rattle than have her treat me like a baby” she thought as she picked up the rattle and slowly began to shake it. Katherine clapped her hands “Good baby” she cooed as she produced a large adult-sized pacifier from her pocket, Julie raised her eyebrows as she stared at the infantile object “She wants me to suck on that now? Of course she does with everything else she has made me do I really shouldn’t be surprised” she thought with a sigh as she opened her mouth and accepted the large rubber nipple of the pacifier into her mouth. Katherine stood up “Suck baby” she cooed which caused Julie to quickly look down at the floor of the playpen feeling very ashamed as she slowly began to suck on the pacifier.

Julie watched her daughter walk back to the sofa and sit down as she sat miserably inside the confines of the playpen gently shaking the rattle in her hand, she looked down past her breasts at the pink diaper and shook with embarrassment “How has this happened?” she thought as a tear formed in her eye. She quickly wiped the tear away “I’m not going to let her see me cry, who knows what she will do. I need to do something, I’m sitting inside a playpen naked apart from this horrible diaper and I’m not even putting up a fight. I’m not covering up my nudity or trying to hide this humiliating underwear, I’m just sitting sucking on a pacifier while shaking a rattle”. Julie shook her head “I’m 34 years old and she is my 19-year-old daughter, I’m not some damn baby and she shouldn’t be treating me like this. I changed her diapers but now...” she shook all over “...I can’t believe she changed my diaper, I wish I had never felt or smelt any of that. It was so humiliating being forced to wear my own mess while my daughter treated me like a baby, it was the worst. I can't let it happen again” she sighed. She once again looked down at the diaper “But here I am wearing another diaper and if Katherine gets her way then this won't be coming off me until I use it for its intended purpose” she swallowed hard “I can't let that happen, I won't let that happen. I’m not going to let her put me through that, I will get out of this” she thought.

Katherine stood up from the sofa and began to walk back towards the playpen which caused Julie to shake with fear “What does she want? Did she hear what I was thinking?” she rolled her eyes “Don’t be stupid but what does she want now, I thought she was going to leave me alone” she thought nervously. Katherine squatted down in front of her mother and smiled “Baby girl, its time to practice your words” she cooed, Julie looked up at her daughter with a puzzled look “What the hell does she mean? Practice my words?” she thought. Katherine continued “I’m your mommy, can baby say mommy? Try to say mommy in your best baby voice little girl” she cooed. Julie swallowed hard from behind her pacifier as she turned bright red “That’s what she wants me to do? She wants me to talk like a baby, I’ve already done that today why does she want me to do it again?” she frowned as Katherine’s smile slowly disappeared “Don’t be naughty baby or mommy will have to punish baby again” she said. Julie gasped and her eyes widened “No, I’m not going to go through any of her punishments again, right so I just have to call her mommy and talk like a baby again” she thought as her heart raced in her chest. “Mommy” Julie said in a high-pitched voice from behind the pacifier, Katherine smiled once again “Good baby and you are baby Julie, can baby say baby Julie?” she cooed as Julie looked down at the floor once again “This is why she is doing it, to remind me that she is now in charge and that I’m just a baby” she sighed as she looked at her naked chest and the diaper that was wrapped around her waist “Well at the moment she is in charge and I am wearing a diaper like a baby but it's not going to last” she thought. “Me baby Julie” she said in her now familiar baby voice which caused her to scrunch up her face feeling disgusted with herself as Katherine smiled “Good baby, now baby point at your diapers and tell me what they are”. Julie swallowed again as she sucked on the pacifier “When is this going to end?” she thought as she pointed towards her groin with her free hand and said “Diapees” which caused her to turn bright red and shake with embarrassment as Katherine clapped her hands. “What a smart baby I have and such a cute baby, yes you are baby Julie” she cooed “Baby Julie, show mommy how smart you are and tell me your name and why you need your diapers and who will be changing your diapers” she said with wide eyes and a smile that send shivers down Julie's spine. Julie was shaking all over with fear as she bit the inside of her cheek and she closed her eyes “I was just thinking about stopping her and getting out of this and now I’m terrified if I don’t do what she says then she is going to make this worse for me. Those eyes and that smile though she has lost it, she really has gone crazy and there isn’t anything I can do. I need to just go along with this and not make it any worse for myself” she swallowed hard as she slowly opened her eyes and saw her daughter still smiling at her. Julie looked down at the diaper “It can be so much worse, I know that for a fact. I’m only wearing one, It's not wet or messy and I don’t have a pacifier gag in my mouth. I can't go through any of that again I just need to keep her happy” she thought as she faked a smile from behind the pacifier. “Me baby Julie, me need diapees cos me baby an me not potty twained. Mommy will change baby Julie’s diapees when baby has gone weewees” she said in her baby voice.

Chapter 14

  Katherine squealed with excitement as she stood over her mother “You're so adorable my little baby and you are being such a good baby for mommy” she said enthusiastically. Julie blushed bright red as she looked down at the diaper wrapped around her “I can’t believe I just said that, I just announced that I’m a baby and I’m not potty trained. I hate this. I’m older than her! I shouldn’t be dressed like this! I shouldn’t be treated like this! I want to get out of here and forget that any of it happened” she thought miserably. Kathleen continued “I’m so proud of you my little baby, we are going to have so much fun together. I’m going to take you to the beach, we are going to go shopping and I can't wait to show you off to my friends” she squealed with excitement again as Julie’s eyes widened. Julie’s heart raced in her chest as she turned as white as a ghost and looked up at her daughter in amazement “She wouldn’t take me outside dressed like this, would she? I’m her mother, everyone knows me around here they can't see me wearing a diaper and being treated like a baby by my daughter. I would die from the humiliation of it. Does she want to introduce me to her friends? She must be joking what would they say? Do they already know and that this her plan and they want to come and torture me with her?” she swallowed hard as her daughter looked down at her confused “Is everything OK baby?” she cooed. Julie slowly shook her head as she looked down at the floor “She really has lost it hasn’t she but wait...” a small smile appeared on her face “If she does do that, yes it will be humiliating but it helps me get out of this, I will be able to either get away from her or tell someone what's happening. Her friends can't possibly be going along with her treating me like this. I will be able to get out of this if she does that. It does mean going outside dressed in a diaper but if it means freedom that it's a sacrifice I will have to make” she thought with a satisfied sigh and nervous shiver.

Katherine continued to look down at her infantile mother concerned “What's the matter baby girl? Do you need a diaper changing?” she asked as she bent down and placed her hand on her mothers back and pushed her forward slightly with one hand. Julie shook her head as she was forced forward “No I don’t need changing? That’s not what's wrong? What’s she doing?” she wondered. Katherine took hold of the back of the diaper and pulled it away from Julie as she peered down at Julie’s clean bum “Nope not gone poopie, if you have gone weewees then you can wait a little longer baby girl” she cooed as she released the diaper and stood back up. Julie let out a sigh “She really thinks I’m just going to sit here and just look miserable if I mess myself? I will be screaming for her to take this off me if I end up in another messy diaper” she thought with a huff as Kathleen smiled down at her “Such a good baby” and she turned and went back to sit on the sofa.

Julie looked up at her daughter and frowned “Would I do that though? If I did scream and shout at her to change me then she wouldn’t change me out of it, she would leave me in my own mess for ages and I can't stay locked in a messy diaper again no way! It’s so disgust and humiliating” she sighed “So my other option is to just sit here miserably if it happens again? Or ask her to change me in my horribly humiliating baby voice?” she shook her head out of frustration “How has she done this to me? I’m a grown woman and she has turned me into her compliant baby in an afternoon. It's the threats of painful spankings or being tied down in that crib, having that horrible suit thing back on me or being left in my own mess that has her winning. I really can’t see any way of getting out of this while I’m home alone with her, she is too strong and fast and with these booties, mittens and everything else that she has I’m no match for her. I will get out of this though I will not stay as her baby” she thought miserably.

Chapter 15

  Julie felt the rubber nipple enter her mouth and without thinking she began to suck, warm milk entered her mouth as she slowly opened her eyes and looked up at her daughter leaning over her holding onto the large baby bottle. “Morning baby Julie, how's my precious little baby today” Katherine cooed down at her, Julie blushed bright red as she continued to suck from the bottle still half asleep, “Now baby is awake, you can take hold of the bottle but remember use both hands little one, mommy doesn’t want you to drop it”. Julie slowly pulled her hands out from under the pink blanket that covered her and brought her mitten encased hands up to either side of the bottle and took hold, Katherine smiled down at her as she released the bottle and stood up and walked over towards the pile of diapers sitting under Julie’s changing table while Julie sighed as she stared up at the ceiling while slowly waking up.

A shiver ran through Julie’s body as she felt the cool damp diaper between her legs for the first time and she let out a small frustration groan “I wet the bed again? I tried to make sure I wouldn’t do it last night. When I get out of this I will have to force myself to stop wetting the bed at night, I am not living the rest of my life wearing diapers to bed” she thought miserably as Katherine returned holding a fresh diaper. She stood at her mother's waist and as she bent over and pulled the pink blanket off of her infantile mother to reveal the pink snap crotch onesie that covered her she placed the fresh rearz safari diaper, baby wipes and powder beside Julie. Katherine popped open the onesie as Julie lifted her head up off the mattress and looked down past her breasts and her flat stomach to the large urine-stained diaper that wrapped around her waist, she winced as she placed her head back down “Why do I even look, I can feel that it's wet. I guess I just wish it was my own imagination and I need to see it for myself, I can’t believe I’m now a bed wetter” she thought as she stared back up at the ceiling while sucking down the milk. Katherine quickly removed the tapes on either side of the diaper and lowered it down exposing Julie’s hairless damp vagina to her while Julie scrunched up her face as she blushed bright red “Once again I need to think about something else, I have to distract myself from what is happening” she thought.

Katherine took hold of Julie’s ankles in one hand and lifted her mother's legs high up into the air as Julie sighed “Right distraction time, how did I sleep?” she rolled her eyes “Better, I am getting used to going to sleep early and the diaper doesn’t distract me anymore. It took me a while to get used to the bulk of the diaper between my legs while I slept, I would wake up so many times to the strange padded feeling but now I  don’t notice it” she thought as she felt a cool wet wipe rub press against her skin. She shook as Katherine continued to clean her, Julie looked at the large baby bottle that she was sucking on “Halfway through” she thought” as she continued sucking on the rubber nipple. “I wish it was a coffee rather than milk. I’m craving a coffee so much, I’m craving so much that I used to take for granted the main one right now though is pillows. It's so strange sleeping without a pillow but I know that when Katherine was a baby she didn’t have a pillow so with her treating me like this then I shouldn’t either but it's so weird. I miss my phone! To just be able to spend the day wasting time, playing games or looking things up rather than spending the day playing with the baby toys or making barn noises. I get so bored sitting in that playpen pretending to play but I have to keep doing it otherwise Katherine will play with me instead and that’s more humiliating” she thought with a sigh.

Julie felt the damp diaper being removed from under her and she heard her daughter take hold of the fresh diaper and ready it for her, she felt the fresh diaper being placed under her as her legs were lowered she felt the softness of the new diaper under her bum and she felt a wave of sadness run over her as Katherine poured a generous about of powder onto her groin. Julie snipped the sweet air as she sighed “Another diaper, I hate wearing these horrible things, its so humiliating to wear them and not have any choice but to use them to have to sit in my own filth until my daughter changes me. I wish I could get out of this but I can’t find a way to do it” she thought with a groan. Katherine lifted the front of the pink diaper up and tightly wrapped it around her mother's waist and taped it into position as Julie looked down miserably at the diaper that covered her once private parts and sighed. Katherine began to pat the front of Julie’s diaper as she smiled down at her infantile mother “All ready for the day baby girl” she cooed, Julie blushed as she felt her daughters hand continue to pat her diapered groin “I wish she would stop that, she is patting my vagina and doesn’t seem to think there is anything wrong with it. I’m your mother stop touching me there!” she shouted in her head as she finished the bottle.



Very nice story... please let us hear more


So excited for more! Hope thisnupdayes frequently :)


Any updates here? Or similar stories with this kind of setting?


I do plan on updating the story it's a story that is very special to me, another story like this is Patricia's Punishment: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patricias-15020258


Yes can't wait for more...


Wonderful update!