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It had been a hard couple of months for Margery the 34-year-old single mother had lost everything, she had to sell her much loved business at a loss and her 18-year-old daughter Nicole had dropped out of college, the only saving grace was that the sale of her house cleared all of her debts, but she now found herself homeless with no job or savings. Margery was never close with her mother Patricia, the 62-year-old woman had always had strange ways to discipline her when she was growing up and that had left a bitter taste in Margery’s mouth but with no other choice, Nicole and herself moved back in with Patricia.  

Mother and Daughter had been living with Margery’s mother and Nicole’s grandmother for just over a week and Margery was surprised at her mother’s lack of involvement, Nicole had become difficult to live with, she didn’t do anything around the house anymore and spent a lot of time out drinking with friends. Nicole had gotten herself a part-time job at a supermarket and had decided that because she was now earning money and working and her mother was not that she didn’t have to listen to her anymore. This caused a lot of friction between mother and daughter and the two had many heated arguments over the week but Patricia never intervened.

Patricia had been watching and judging her daughter and granddaughter and had decided the perfect way to put a stop to the arguments, a punishment for one and a lesson in responsibility for the other. Patricia spent the next week organizing her plans and when the second Friday of her family living with her had come around everything had arrived and without her daughter or granddaughter knowing she set up the spare bedroom for its new purpose.  

Chapter 01

Margery awoke in the single bed, it took her a moment to realize where she was as she looked around the dimly lit room up she saw all of her belongings in boxes scattered around the bedroom where she had been living for the last two weeks, she stretched and let out a sigh as she banged her arm on a box piled high next to the bed, the small room had become a lot smaller in the last few days “Why did mother want all my stuff out of the spare room, I have no space to move in here. What does she want the spare room for? It’s not like anybody else is using it” she sat up in bed and brushed her short black hair back away from her eyes, she pulled the bed sheets away from her revealing her blue pajama shirt and matching pants “It’s Saturday which means Nicole isn’t working, oh great she is going to be here all day, I’m sure we are going to get into a fight again. She isn’t working tomorrow, so she will probably be going out with her friends and drinking, I keep telling her she is too young for that, but she doesn’t listen” Margery spent a few more moments thinking to herself then decided to get out of bed. She slowly got out of bed in the dim light she was worried that she would accidentally knock something over, she gingerly stepped around a tower of boxes and arrived at the bedroom door with a sigh of relief.

Margery left her cramped bedroom and walked down the hall towards the kitchen to get herself her morning coffee, she passed by the living room and was surprised to see her mother and daughter sitting on the sofa side by side. “Come in here Margy” her mother shouted out, Margery stopped and shook her head “I hate being called Margy, makes me sound so childish,” she thought as she double-backed on herself and stood at the entrance of the living room.

Margery looked at her beautiful 18-year-old daughter, her long black hair was tied up into a ponytail, she was wearing a tight-fitting black tank top that showed off her skinny body and her ample chest, that she and Margery both had in common, and she was wearing a pair of denim skinny jeans that hugged at her long skinny legs. Nicole was slightly taller than her mother but neither of them was as tall as Patricia, the 62-year-old woman was a head taller than her daughter and much stronger, she enjoyed going to the gym, and she didn’t let her age slow her down. Patricia was wearing a loose fitted shirt and jogging pants, her very short greying hair sat neatly on her head.

Margery looked at them both quizzically “What’s going on?” she asked while thinking “I don’t think I have ever seen Nicole sitting in the same room with mother while the TV is off”. Patricia smiled up at her daughter “Come and sit down we have a lot to discuss” she patted the spare spot next to her, Margery cautiously walked into the room “OK, what’s going on?” she asked while looking at Nicole, she sat down next to her mother and Nicole shook her head “I don’t know” she said, and they both looked at Patricia with puzzled expressions. Patricia smiled at the two of them and then turned towards Nicole and took her hand “Now dear, You have been very naughty since being here, you are too young to be going out drinking all the time, you need some responsibilities” Nicole’s jaw dropped and looked over to her mother who was nodding, she was about to argue when her grandmother continued “So from now on you will be very busy at home so you won’t be able to go out all the time”. Nicole shook her head “No, you can’t stop me going out and enjoying myself” Margery shook her head “She is in for it now, mother hates being told no” she thought as Patricia frowned at her granddaughter “You don’t say No to me, I’m grandmother show me some respect!” she shouted at Nicole while keeping a tight hold of her hand, Patricia turned to Margery “I hope you’re paying attention” she said and with little effort she pulled Nicole over her knee, Margery looked on stunned as her daughter's upper body rested across her lap, Nicole’s terrified face looked up at her “She can’t spank my daughter, I don’t even spank her” she thought and was about to speak up when her mother's hand came crashing down on Nicole’s round bum, Nicole let out a cry of pain and quickly looked away from her mother as tears began to form, Margery was now feeling the same fear that Nicole was as she remembered the pain and embarrassment that her mother used to deliver to her when she was younger.

To Margery’s surprise her mother didn’t bring her hand down onto Nicole’s bum again, instead she gently began to rub it “I’m sorry Nicole but you got to learn, next time your naughty I will give you a proper spanking” Margery felt her daughter shake from fear as Patricia lifted her up off her lap and had her stand in front of them, Nicole quickly wiped away the tears and stood embarrassed in front of her mother and grandmother. Patricia smiled again and said, “OK, now I want you to go stand in the corner facing us with your arms behind your back, you may not leave the corner till I say so, understand?” Nicole looked over at her mother with pleading eyes but before Margery had a chance to speak Patricia said “Don’t look at her for help, now do as your told” Margery quickly stared daggers at her mother “How dare she” she thought as Nicole slowly walked over to the only empty corner of the room, opposite the two women on the couch. She folded her arms behind her back and sighed, she quickly looked down at the floor not wanting to look at her mother or grandmother.

Patricia continued to look at Nicole but began speaking to Margery “See that’s what happens when you don’t discipline your children, they become naughty” she turned her head and stared at her daughter “I thought I had taught you that much” Margery shook her head “I don’t think spankings are good for a child” Patricia laughed “Not good? You turned out OK apart from being unable to raise a good daughter” Margery was about to argue when Patricia lifted her hand up “I have to give her responsibilities, like the ones you had when you were her age” Margery looked at her mother confused “I had a baby to look after at her age, of course I had responsibilities” she said bluntly. Patricia nodded “Exactly so we need a baby for her to look after” she smiled at her daughter “A baby? Where are we going to get a baby from?” she asked nervously, Patricia took her daughters hand and began to stroke it “Well seeing as your not doing anything” she turned back to look at Nicole while Margery was thinking of what her mother had said “So I’m not working what has that got to do with anything?” she thought as she too looked at her daughter who hadn’t moved from the corner but was now staring at them with a worried look on her face, Patricia smiled and turned back to her Margery who still had a confused look on her face, Patricia laughed “Well obviously you're going to be the baby”.

Chapter 02

Margery began to nervously laugh as her mother continued to look at her while stroking her hand, she glanced over at her daughter in the corner of the room who looked as confused as she did She looked back at her mother and she nervously laughed again and asked “What do you mean?”, Patricia sighed “I think it’s obvious” Margery blurted out “It really isn't?” Patricia rolled her eyes and sighed like it was a chore to have to explain herself, she sat back and took a deep breath “Listen when you were young...” “Yes Yes I know I had Nicole young but it taught me to have responsibilities but what does that have to do with me now?” Margery interrupted, Patricia frowned at her daughter “Don’t interrupt me!” she shouted, Margery suddenly jumped and felt very small as her mother looked down her nose at her “Now I was getting to that, I’m going to turn you into a baby” Margery’s jaw dropped and she heard a little gasp and a giggle from the corner of the room where her daughter stood. Margery was about to speak when her mother continued “When Nicole comes home from work she will look after you and it will teach her what it’s like to have to look after someone” she let go of Margery’s hand and smiled then nodded to herself, “OK so let's get this started” she said and she stood up and went over to the other side of the room where a large bag had gone unnoticed, Margery continued to sit in stunned silence “What does she mean? Is she going to make me a baby? How is Nicole going to look after me?” she thought as she looked at her daughter who hadn’t moved but was looking at her with a puzzled look. Patricia returned with the bag and she set it down on the sofa where she was sitting, she bent over and unzipped the bag and peered in. Margery stared at the bag in wonder “What does she have in there? What would she need?” she thought as her mother placed her hand inside and slowly pulled out a large white plastic covered diaper.

Margery’s eyes almost bulged out of her head as she stared at the diaper her mother was holding “That’s a diaper?” she asked already knowing the answer, Patricia smiled as she stood up in front of her stunned daughter and cooed “Yes it is good girl, it’s your diaper and when it’s covering your cute little bum bum it will wait for you to go poopy so mommy Nicole can change you”. Nicole let out a nervous laugh “You can’t be serious?” Patricia turned away from her stunned daughter towards her granddaughter and frowned “I’m deadly serious young lady, now be quiet while I deal with your baby or you will find yourself in one of these as well!” she shouted, Nicole quickly shut her mouth and looked at her mother for guidance but Margery sat staring at the diaper not moving or saying anything. “She wants me to be a baby? To wear and use diapers? So my daughter can change me?” Margery thought as she nervously moved her gaze away from the diaper and towards her mother “But I can’t be a baby, especially to my daughter. It’s absurd I have responsibilities and...” Patricia let out a harsh laugh that interrupted her “You don’t have anything, you have no job or money, you are back living with me. All you have is a naughty teenager that needs to learn a lesson that you obviously haven't taught her so as a punishment to you and a lesson for her you will become a baby” Margery opened her mouth to speak again but no words came out.

Patricia sighed and shook her head, she pushed the bag across the sofa away from her daughter and sat down next to Margery. She took Margery’s hand and looked into her eyes, Margery began to shake as her mother calmly said “Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way but you know all too well that when I decide on a punishment for you then the punishment will be carried out, I will not change my mind and I will not listen to anything you have to say” she smiled a cruel smile “Remember when you were 18, just after you had finished school, the summer before you went to college and you were naughty enough to swear at me, well after I gave you a spanking what punishment did I give you for a month?” Tears formed in Margery’s eyes “I don’t want to remember it” she thought as Patricia continued “You remember very well, Do you know Nicole?” she turned her head towards her granddaughter, Nicole shook her head quickly “No” she said weakly, Patricia smiled and looked back at her daughter “Well Nicole your mother thought she was old enough to use such naughty words at me so for a full month I made her suck on a pacifier, if I saw her not sucking on it then she would be spanked, if she spoke at all then she would get spanked” Nicole let out a gasp as tears rolled down Margery’s cheeks “I got spanked five times a day for the first week for just trying to speak. I missed out on so much, while all my friends were out partying and enjoying themselves I was sitting inside sucking on a pacifier, I can’t go through something like that again” she thought “Please mother” she pleaded but Patricia shook her head “I have decided this is the best way, maybe it will even bring you two closer” she laughed and then looked down at the floor and with a cold tone she said “Now Baby, be a good girl and lie down on the floor”.

Chapter 03

Margery was shaking with fear, she looked down at the floor then up at her mother with tears in her eyes “If I don’t go onto the floor then she will spank me like I’m her naughty child but if I go onto the floor then she is going to put a diaper on me. I can’t go on the floor in front of Nicole and show her that I accept this punishment but I can’t get spanked in front of her either. Maybe if I go on the floor it would show Nicole that I’m so scared of my mother that maybe Nicole wouldn’t do anything to anger her and receive a similar punishment. Yeah maybe if I can justify it that way, that I’m doing this to protect Nicole then I can do this” she thought and wiped away the tears from her face as she looked at the floor once again and sighed.

Nicole stood in the corner of the room her hands still folded behind her back looking out at her grandmother and mother, she was in absolute shock at what was happening “I don’t want to look after my mother especially if she is going to be a baby how insane is that. Grandmother has lost it does she really expect her to lie on the floor and accept being put into a diaper, mother wouldn’t do that, nobody would do that” she thought as she watched her mother still shaking slowly nod to grandmother and then look over at her with a sympathetic smile. Nicole’s jaw dropped open as her mother slowly got off the sofa and sat on the floor facing away from her “What are you doing?” she shouted at her mother but her Grandmother gave her a look that sent shivers down her spine and she quickly shut her mouth “Why is grandmother doing this? Why is mother accepting it? I can’t believe she just sat on the floor without even a fight, how pathetic” she thought as her grandmother picked out the diaper from the bag, got off the sofa and sat on her knees at her mother's legs with a smile.

Margery’s head was spinning she still had tears in her eyes as she looked at her mother holding onto the large diaper “I’m doing this for Nicole, she might not understand now but one day she will understand” she thought as her mother unfolded the giant diaper and Margery’s chest became tight. Patricia sighed “Enough of that crying young lady, oh I know what you need” she turned around to the sofa and pulled the bag onto the ground next to her. She placed her spare hand into the bag and rummaged around “Now where is it? Ah found it” she said to herself. She turned back to face her daughter and pulled out of the bag an adult-sized pacifier.

Margery heard Nicole gasp as the giant nipple of the pacifier left the bag and was slowly making its way towards her mouth, Margery’s eyes were wide with fear as she looked at her mother who was smiling “Now baby this always settled you down when you were upset the first time you were a baby, let's hope it works for your second time” she let out a wicked little laugh as the pacifier reached Margery’s lips. Margery kept her mouth closed as she stared at the large rubber nipple “Why a pacifier? I hate pacifiers. I don’t want to suck on another one for as long as I live” she thought as she continued to keep her mouth closed. Patricia frowned at her daughter “Naughty baby, you open your mouth now or I will have to give you a spanking young lady” Margery shook with fear “I’ve committed myself now, I did get down here to wear a diaper so sucking on a pacifier isn’t the worst. Oh god what am I thinking but I can’t turn back now” she let out a little whimper as she slowly opened her mouth and closed her eyes as the pacifier made its way inside and rested on her tongue. She closed her mouth around it and let out a sigh as she slowly opened her eyes to see her mother's beaming smile “Now suck on it, like a good baby”. Margery rolled her eyes and began to suck on the nipple as a wave of humiliation washed over her “I can't believe that she has me sucking on a pacifier again, I’m in my thirties this should not be happening”.

Chapter 04

Nicole’s jaw dropped she couldn’t believe what she was seeing as her mother sucked on the adult-sized pacifier with tears rolling down her face, she looked over to her grandmother smiling down at her daughter and she felt a wave of anger run through her she clenched up her fists and bit her bottom lip. “How dare she do this to my mother, I can’t just stand by and watch her do this,” she thought but then she felt the pain emitting from her bum cheeks and her hands fell to her side and she shook her head “But what can I do? She easily pulled me over her lap and spanked me and mother is too afraid of her to do anything but what she says, if I get involved then she might spank me again and I can’t go through that again” Nicole looked down at the floor feeling defeated “I can’t believe my mother the woman who raised me is now lying on the floor sucking on a pacifier waiting for a diaper” she shuddered as she slowly looked up at the strange scene playing out in front of her.

Margery wiped away the tears from her face as she slowly sucked on the pacifier feeling utterly humiliated as she saw her daughter from the corner of her eye shake her head and look down to the floor, fresh tears formed in Margery’s eyes “I’m sorry this is happening but I can’t do anything, I can't fight her or it will be worse for me and you might even get caught up in it, I can’t have her do this to you” she thought as she looked back at her mother who was still holding onto the diaper. Patricia continued to smile down at her daughter “Now, I’m going to pull down your pajama pants and then we...” she looked over at Nicole with a grin “...are going to put the diaper on you”. Nicole and Margery both went pale at the thought, neither one of them wanted it to happen as Patricia looked back at Margery “OK baby girl” she giggled and placed the diaper on the floor between her daughter's legs. Margery began to shake as her mother leaned forward and grabbed hold of the waistband of her pants, as Patricia began to pull them down Margery instinctively grabbed hold of her pants to stop her mother. Margery began to shake and she sucked on the pacifier furiously as her mother frowned down at her “Oh god what is she going to do, I didn’t mean to do it” she thought. Patricia shook her head and released her hands on the pajama pants and sat back she looked over to Nicole and with a wicked smile she barked “Girl come and sit on the sofa now!”. Nicole jumped and was considering staying still but her grandmother's eyes were fixed on her and it scared the life out of her, she slowly walked to the other side of the room and sat down on the sofa close to her grandmother nervously looking between her mother and grandmother.

Margery looked at her daughter confused “What does she have planned now? Please don’t punish her for what I did” she thought as Patricia smiled at Nicole “Now we will start your lesson early” she then looked back at Margery and frowned “You are a naughty baby and naughty babies get punished!” she shouted, Margery turned bright red and began to sweat “I’m not a bloody baby, how far is she going to take this. Oh god, she is going to spank me, I’m going to be spanked by my mother at the age of 34 while my daughter watches on” she shuddered as her mother quickly lent forward again and grabbed hold of Margery’s arms and then she began to stand, pulling Margery up onto her feet. Margery stood facing her mother shaking with fear when suddenly Patricia smiled and before Margery knew what was happening her mother let go of her hands and pulled her pajama pants down to her knees, she looked down in shock but before she could even attempt to pull them up she was being pulled over. Her eyes and mouth went wide and she dropped the pacifier to the floor as she was quickly and forcefully guided over her daughter's lap, Nicole looked down in utter disbelief as her mother’s bare bum was staring up at her.

Chapter 05

 Margery was shaking with fear and embarrassment as she stared down at the floor and the fallen pacifier, it didn’t matter how hard she tried she was unable to get off her daughter's lap. Her mother stood over her pinning her down to her daughter's lap with a large smile on her face “Good, now Nicole you ready to give the naughty baby a spanking?” Margery’s eyes widened “NO!” she shouted, Patricia frowned “Naughty baby!” she shouted then she squatted down beside her daughter “Oh I know what baby wants” she smiled and picked up the pacifier “Open wide baby and if we hear another word from you then you won't just get punished from your mummy but from your great-grandma also” she giggled as Margery’s mouth fell open “My mummy? I will never call Nicole that” she thought as the nipple of the pacifier approached her mouth.

Margery scrunched up her face as the pacifier went into her mouth and tears rolled down her face “I can’t even shout out or I’m going to get spanked by both of them, I can’t believe this is happening” She shook as her mother stood back and gave a gentle pat to her bum. Margery sucked on the pacifier nervously shaking “My naked bum is over my daughter's lap in a perfect position to get spanked and if I argue about it then after my daughter spanks me then my mother will finish the job. If I continue to suck on this horrible thing I might be able to stay quiet during this horrible ordeal” she thought with a shudder.

Nicole continued to stare down at her mothers’ bare bottom in shock as her grandmother stood over her “Am I really going to spank my mother? Do I have a choice? I mean she is pinned over my knee by this mental woman but what if I don’t then what would she do?” she blushed “Would she spank me again? Would she try and put me into that diaper?” she shuddered “So if I spank  my own mother, then I don’t get punished, I don’t have a choice do I?” she let out a sigh as her grandmother smiled “Go on sweety, give your naughty baby a spanking”

Nicole bit her bottom lip as she felt her mother shake on her lap “I have to get this over with for both of us, I’m sorry” she thought and she swallowed hard as she lifted her hand up and quickly brought it down onto her mothers firm bottom. Tears formed in Nicole’s eyes as she heard her mother let out a cry of pain but once again she brought her hand down onto her mother's cheeks “I’m sorry, I really am but I don’t have any choice” she thought as her hand continued to slap her mothers now pink bum.

Margery let out another cry of pain as her bum started to burn, she had stopped shaking now but tears continued to roll down her face as her daughter's hand came slapping down onto her rear. She continued to suck on the pacifier and stare down at the floor “When is she going to stop? I have to do what my mother says after this, I can’t go through anything like this again” another hard swat on her bum “Fuck, this hurts so much and it’s from Nicole I can’t shake that, I’m getting spanked by my daughter” she thought as Nicole’s hand came down for the last time.

Patricia put her hand up and Nicole stopped the spanking she quickly wiped away the tears from her face and she looked down at her mothers red bum cheeks feeling very ashamed “All I want to do is give her a hug and say sorry but I know this witch wouldn’t let me” she sighed. Patricia smiled “You did a good job Nicole, your baby daughter should be a good girl now so you won’t have to do that again for a while”.

Patricia lifted her sobbing daughter off Nicole’s lap and quickly placed her back onto the floor on top of the awaiting diaper, Patricia was quickly aware of her nudity “I need to cover myself up, I can’t just sit here half-naked” she thought but as she moved her hands in front of vagina her mother shook her head “Don’t be naughty” she said sternly, Patricia swallowed hard and slowly moved her hands away “I can’t even cover myself up? This is ridiculous” she thought when suddenly she realized what she was sitting on and her eyes went wide as she felt the soft fabric under her warm bum for the first time “Oh god I’m sitting on a diaper, she is going to do this, she is going to put a diaper on me and have Nicole treat me like a baby” she shivered. Patricia got down onto her knees at her daughter's feet and looked down at Margery then turned and looked up at Nicole “Now I think for this first one, I will diaper her you just keep an eye on everything I do because before you know it you will have to change her diapers” she said with a cheer.

Both Nicole and Margery turned pale at the thought, Nicole couldn’t imagine having to change her mother's diapers and Margery couldn’t fathom having to use diapers and then wait for her daughter to change her out of them, they both felt sick at the idea but neither of them moved out of fear of Patricia. Patricia turned back to her daughter and smiled “Time to cover up your nudey bum” she cooed.  

Chapter 06

 Margery stared down at the front of the diaper in horror “This is really happening? My mother has gone insane” she thought as Patricia lent forward and gently pushed her down, Margery shook with fear as she was slowly pushed down onto the soft carpet “I need to cover myself up, Oh god I’m going to be covered up soon but with the most embarrassing clothing I can think of” she thought as Patrica turned to Nicole “Now the baby will want to sit up or move around when you diaper her but the best way to do it is to have her lie down on her back” she then turned back to Margery who had turned bright red “She is giving lessons on how to put a diaper on me? I’m not a baby!” she shouted in her head as Patricia continued the lesson “If the baby continues to be naughty then you can take her ankles in one hand” she took hold of her daughters ankles and lifted them up into the air and continued “and lift them up into the air” Margery shivered as her nakedness was obviously on display now and she felt very vulnerable with her full bum once again being on display. Patricia continued with a smile “As you can see the baby is in a vulnerable position to get her little bum spanked from here” and to prove her point she swatted at Margery’s already red bottom.

Margery let out a little scream and tears formed in her eyes “Why did she do that? I wasn’t doing anything wrong” she sighed “She just did it to prove that she can” she wiped away the tears as Patricia turned back to Nicole. “Now you keep her legs up and you grab the powder” she reached into the bag and pulled out the baby powder “You sprinkle a generous amount into the diaper and onto the babies bum bum” she then began to sprinkle the baby powder and smell quickly of the powder quickly filled the room. Margery shook with embarrassment as she felt the powder on her warm bum cheeks, Patricia then placed the powder on the floor and gently began to rub the powder around her daughter's bum. Margery was red as an apple as she felt her mother’s hand slowly rub the powder around her bum “She really means me to use these diapers that’s why she is putting powder on me. I can not and will not use a diaper” she thought.

Margery then turned to Nicole “Now that the baby has a generous about on her bum we lower her legs back down” Margery watched as her legs were slowly lowered and her bum sat onto the soft fabric of the diaper once again. Margery sighed “Just cover me up now, this is getting more humiliating by the second just put the bloody thing on me,” she thought with anger as her mother turned back to her and smiled “Now some powder on her front and then we can tape her up” she cooed. Margery’s eyes went wide and instinctively she brought her hands in front of her vagina “No” she said weakly from behind the pacifier, her mother frowned down at her “Baby, do you want your mummy to give you another spanking? If you don’t move your hands this minute then you will be right back over your mummy’s lap and I might even decide that there will be two babies living under this roof” she said coldly as she looked at Nicole. Margery swallowed hard “No I can’t get spanked by her again and I can’t let her do this to Nicole. I don’t have a choice” she thought as she let out a sigh and she removed her hands.

Patricia smiled down at her daughter “Now no more threats baby, if you misbehave again you will be punished, you are a baby you don’t care if grown-ups see you naked, you don’t care if you have to crawl and you don’t care if you have a full diaper. If you misbehave again you will be punished by me or your mommy”. Margery shook with fear as her eyes darted back and forth “I’m not allowed to even complain if the diaper is full? What the hell is that about?” she went white as a sheet “Oh god I could be sitting around wearing my own mess and I can’t even say anything about it” she suddenly felt sick. Patricia smiled at her daughter's face “I’m glad you understand that you need to be a good baby, now let's get this diaper on you” she cooed as she picked up the powder and sprinkled it onto her daughter's vagina. Margery tightly closed her eyes as Margery turned back to Nicole “Now you need to also rub it in on the front to make sure baby doesn’t get a diaper rash” Nicole blushed bright red at the thought of having to rub her mother's groin with baby powder. Patricia turned back to her daughter and began to rub the powder in as Margery quickly sucked on the pacifier “I hate this, I hate it, I hate it” she repeated as her mother rubbed in the powder.

Finally, the powder was rubbed in and Patricia sat back “OK and now to diaper the baby” she cooed and she grabbed the front of the diaper, Margery couldn’t help but open her eyes and stare down as she saw the front of the diaper go up and cover up her private parts and without saying a word Patricia quickly taped the sides up and Margery was sealed tightly into her diaper. “There and that’s how you put a diaper on the baby” she cooed “Now, Nicole I think you should have a practice. You might as well put another one on your baby. Won’t that feel good baby Maggie” she cooed as Margery’s eyes went wide.

Chapter 07

  Margery was hot with embarrassment as she felt the soft padding surrounding her waist and the plastic rustling as she moved even the slightest bit, she watched as her mother stood up and sat down on the sofa. Patricia looked across to her granddaughter and smiled “Go ahead baby, grab another diaper out and put it in on your baby. I want to make sure you can do it right” she said. Nicole looked at her grandmother nervously then slowly she turned her gaze to her mother and blushed “I can’t believe my mother is lying on the floor, sucking on a pacifier while wearing a diaper and I’m expected to put another one around her” she shivered as she looked back at her grandmother “I think I got the idea” she said with a nervous smile.

Patricia shook her head “I don’t think you did my dear, now you can practice on you Baby Maggie or you can practice on yourself but one way or another you will be putting a diaper on someone today” she gave her a wicked smile as Nicole gasped “If I don’t put a diaper on my mother then I have to put one on myself?” she blushed “I can not wear a diaper, no way” she thought as she slowly turned her head back to her mother who was looking at her sympathetically, she slowly began to nod and Nicole swallowed hard “She wants me to put a diaper on her? Really? Oh god, what’s going to happen after that though? This is just going to get worse” she thought as she sighed.

Margery closed her eyes “My mother has lost it, if Nicole doesn’t do what she says then she could end up in the exact same situation, I can’t let that happen if I have to go through this, so she doesn’t then I will” she swallowed hard “I don’t want any of this but I don’t have a choice if I resist then my mother will punish me and then punish Nicole. We both lose in this horrible situation” she thought as Nicole slid off the sofa and sat at her feet. Nicole stared at her mother's padded groin, she was handed another diaper by her grandmother and she took it without looking at her. Nicole didn’t move as she felt the diaper in her hands until Patricia sighed “Now come on!” she shouted which made Nicole jump “Unfold the diaper and do it exactly like I did” Nicole blushed as she unfolded the diaper and then looked back at her mother lying on her back sucking on the pacifier “OK” she said nervously.

Margery watched as her daughter placed the diaper on the floor “She is as embarrassed about this as I am, I’m so sorry Nicole” she thought as she continued to suck on the pacifier. Nicole took a deep breath and let out a long sigh as she tried to remember what her grandmother had done only a few minutes before. She took hold of her mother's ankles with one hand and lifted them high up into the air and slowly slid the diaper under her mothers bum, she then lowered her legs down and adjusted the diaper slightly with a nervous smile as her grandmother nodded “Good job” she said which caused both mother and daughter to blush.

Margery watched as her daughter leaned over slightly and picked up the front of the diaper, slowly she pulled it up over the first diaper. Nicole placed her hand on her mother's waist and took hold of one of the sides and quickly taped in on, as she was about to the same to the other side Patricia said “Make sure it’s nice and tight if it’s not you will have to put another one on her, so they stay on her little baby bum” Margery blushed at the thought “I never thought I would be wearing diapers again and now I’m almost wearing two and my own mother is threatening to make it a third. This is so messed up” she thought as she felt Nicole pull on the diaper tightly and slowly taped it together tightly on her. Patricia smiled “Now let's see how well you did” she said as she patted the sofa “Come and sit back up, let's give the baby some space” Nicole sighed as she sat back on the sofa next to her grandmother, she shivered as she quickly looked at her smile then back at her mother. Patricia looked down at her daughter “Baby Maggie now get on your hands and knees and crawl around like a good baby” she cooed. Margery turned bright red “I just got to do it and get it over with” she thought and with a roll of her eyes she slowly sat up, she looked up at her daughter who was slowly shaking her head at her “I don’t have a choice Nicole” she thought as she got up onto her hands and knees. Patricia giggled “See she is being such a good baby now, all she needed was a spanking, now when she crawls around keep an eye on her diaper. We want to make sure it stays in position as she moves around” she said as she turned back to her infantile daughter.

Chapter 08

   Margery slowly placed one hand in front of the other and began to slowly crawl away from the sofa and her family, she could feel the thick padding of the diaper between her legs as she moved she nervously looked behind her and saw her mother smiling down at her and the shame of the experience washed over Margery and she suddenly felt very weak. Her arms began to wobble as she slowly moved around “I can’t believe this is happening, I’m a grown woman being made to wear a diaper and crawl around like a baby” she shook and paused “I’m a grown woman wearing a diaper and crawling around like a baby in front of my daughter because of my mother. What the hell is wrong with that woman?” she thought as Patricia cleared her throat “We didn’t tell you to stop baby now carry on or you will be punished” she said menacingly

Nicole and Patricia were both staring down at Margery’s diapered bum, Nicole still couldn’t get her head around what her grandmother had told her even with her mother wearing a diaper in front of her it all seemed so surreal that she would have to look after her just like she was a real baby. Louise slowly looked over to her grandmother who was frowning down at her daughter “Why is she dead set that this is the way to teach me a lesson? Nothing about this makes any sense, I spanked my mother then placed a diaper on her and if I don’t go along with this what will happen to me? What would she do? She has always spanked me, would she turn me into a baby as well?” she shuddered as she watched her grandmother clench her fists “Baby Maggie you crawl around right now or you will be in so much trouble!” she shouted which made both Louise and Margery jump with freight.

Margery had tears run down her face as she slowly began to crawl again while still sucking on the pacifier, she could feel the thick diaper move as she crawled around in a circle. She looked up at her mother who sat back on the sofa with a fresh smile on her face “Perfect, you did a good job putting the diaper on your baby girl” she looked at Nicole who couldn’t stop watching her mother crawling around on the floor “Now Nicole, you need to understand that she is your baby, you have to look after her, while you are at school I will babysit but as soon as you get home then she is your baby, do you understand?” Nicole’s jaw dropped open and she shook her head she turned to her grandmother and continued to shake her head but unable to talk. Patricia laughed “I know it’s a sudden change for you but it will help you grow up” Nicole scoffed “And what if I don’t do it? What if I go and tell someone about this?” she said as she pointed towards her mother. Patricia smiled a wicked smile and then sat forward once again on the sofa “Well I did hope that you would accept that we are doing this for you and it was in your best interest” Nicole laughed again “This is for me?” Patricia shook her head “Yes, now I know what I need to do, let's put the baby down for a nap” she said as she took hold of Nicole’s hand and stood up pulling Nicole up with her.

Patricia looked down at her daughter and smiled “Now baby Maggie, follow your mommy” she cooed as she quickly left the room dragging Nicole closely behind her, Margery swallowed hard as she watched her daughter being dragged out of the room “I have to follow to make sure she doesn’t do anything to her” she thought and she quickly crawled after the two grown-ups. Patricia pulled Nicole down the hallway towards the spare room, she stopped outside the room waiting for Margery to catch up “Good baby, it is good to see your learning” she smiled “Now welcome to your new room little baby” she cooed and with that she opened the door to the spare room.

Nicole and Margery couldn’t believe their eyes, the spare room had been turned into an adult-sized nursery. A huge white crib was directly across from then, beside that was a large changing table with dozens and dozens of adult diapers underneath “Don’t you just love it?” Patricia said excitedly, she released Nicole’s hand and before Margery had time to react she was scooped up in her mother's arms and carried into the room. Patricia held her daughter against her waist and Margery quickly wrapped her legs around her mother out of fear of being dropped she shivered as she felt her mother's hand press up against her diapered bottom. “Now this is where the baby will sleep” Patricia announced with a buzzing eagerness “And this is where you will get your diaper changed and in there is all your baby clothes” she said pointing to the changing table and then the wardrobe “This is where your mommy will read to you or give you spankings if you have been naughty” she said with glee as she gave her daughters bum a pat. Margery felt dizzy as she took in the room “How has she created this horrible room for me? It has everything that a baby would need and it’s made for me” she felt light-headed as Patricia turned to the crib and lowered the side of it. “I think it’s time for baby to have a nap” she cooed as she lowered her daughter into the oversized crib, before Margery knew what was happening her mother pulled up the side of the crib and then lowered the top, sealing her into the infantile prison.

Patricia smiled down at her daughter “Now it’s time for you to have a nap little baby” she cooed and before Margery could respond her mother turned around to face Nicole. “Come in and see where the baby will be staying” Nicole hadn’t moved from the door it had taken her a long time to take it all in and she was in a state of shock to see her mother sitting inside an adult-sized crib wearing just a diaper while sucking on a pacifier “I can’t believe it” she managed to say. Patricia smiled and walked over to her and took her hand and dragged her into the room “I know it’s so precious, I can’t wait to show you all the cute clothes I have for her”. Nicole shook her head “This isn’t right, We can’t treat her like a baby just because you want to try and teach me a lesson, it’s wrong” she said nervously. Patricia shook her head and kept a tight grip on her granddaughter's hand “Well I guess I need to teach you a lesson that looking after a baby is much better than being one” she said coldly.

Chapter 09

 Nicole’s eyes widened as her grandmother's grip tightened on her arm, fear ran through her as she looked over at her mother inside the crib wearing nothing but a diaper “Oh god she can actually do it, she put my mother in a diaper she can easily do it to me” she thought nervously as Patricia frowned down at her “Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way little one, I don’t want to give you another spanking and I think you can be much better than your baby girl” she said as she loosened her grip on her arm slightly “But this is going to happen one way or another, I want you to experience what your baby is going through so you can better look after her” she smiled which sent shivers down Nicole’s spine.

Margery watched on from the confines of her infantile prison “What can I do? I can't let my mother do this to Nicole but I’m in no position to help her. Locked inside a crib while wearing only a diaper, if I say anything to mother she could make this worse for me” she rolled her eyes “How can it be any worse? I’m wearing a bloody diaper” she thought with a shiver “I know my mother though she can make this worse, I don’t want to even think about how but I know she can. Nicole is strong she will get through this” she thought nervously.

Patricia looked from Nicole over to the changing table “Now Nicole, I want you to go and jump up onto the changing table” she said calmly as she released her grip on Nicole’s arm. Nicole shook as she looked over at the adult-sized changing table with the plastic-covered mattress sitting on top of a pink wooden table with stacks of adult diapers underneath. She swallowed hard as she stared at the table “She wants me to jump on there? Will she put a diaper on?” she shook with embarrassment as her grandmother slowly turned to look down at her “Nicole I told you to get onto the changing table, now do it!” she half shouted which caused Nicole to jump, she quickly looked over at the changing table then at her diaper wearing mother and felt a wave of dread sweep over as she stared down at the floor “There is no way of getting out of this, I can’t run for She will catch me and I can’t fight her” she sighed as her head began to pound “I’ve just got to get this over with the quickest and painless way possible” she thought as she slowly walked towards the changing table.

Nicole placed her hands on top of the plastic-covered mattress and turned bright red “This is where I’m meant to change my mother's diapers? I’m never going to be able to do that, this old woman has gone mental” she thought as she jumped on up onto the infantile table and sat on the mattress with her legs dangling off the side. Patricia smiled as she approached her granddaughter “Great, now spin around and lie down” she said, Nicole looked down the changing table and couldn’t stop shaking as she began to do what her grandmother told her “Is She going to put a diaper on me? I can’t wear a diaper, I’m an adult!” she thought as she lay down. Patricia smiled down at her granddaughter as she stood over her menacingly “Good girl” she said coldly when suddenly she bent over Nicole and before the young woman knew what was happening her hands were shackled down to the table. Nicole’s eyes went wide with fear as she stared down at her locked hands “What are you doing?! Get me off here!” she shouted. Patricia shook her head and tutted “Now Nicole, I’m going to go through a few things that we can use on baby Maggie when she has been naughty” Nicole kicked her legs furiously as her grandmother grabbed an item from beneath the table “Now this will keep baby quiet” she said as she held up an adult-sized pacifier “Let’s demonstrate” she said. Nicole opened her mouth to shout out in protest but the large rubber nipple entered her mouth and Patricia held it in place. Nicole stared down her nose at the pacifier with wide eyes “What the hell is this?” she thought when Patricia pressed the end of the pacifier and Nicole felt the rubber nipple inflate inside her mouth, the rubber nipple covered Nicole’s entire mouth, she tried to shout out but only mumbles came out, she tried to spit it out but it wouldn’t move. Nicole’s eyes darted back and forth as she breathed through her nose “I can’t speak and I can’t remove it! I’m strapped down to a changing table while gagged!” she thought with tears in her eyes.

Patrica smiled “See that will be perfect when baby Maggie is naughty and she thinks she can talk like a grown-up” she cooed at her granddaughter. “Now Nicole I’m going to pull off your pants and your underwear and put a diaper on you, then I’m going to put you in locking panties, this is to show you what we can use on your baby if she is naughty and tries to take off her diapers” Nicole froze the color from her face drained she lay perfectly still with her eyes wide with anger “Put me in a diaper? No way!” she thought as her grandmother pulled out a pink diaper from under the table. “Now if you fight me then you will be spanked, if you continue to fight me then you will end up sleeping beside your baby in the crib tonight” she said firmly.

Nicole shook as her grandmother moved down to her ankles her mind was racing “I can’t let her do this but if I try to stop her then she will spank me and then I will still end up in a diaper. I can’t end up sleeping inside the crib beside my mum but I can’t let her do this to me. What the hell do I do?!” she screamed inside her head. Patricia took hold of her granddaughters ankles and began to pull her skinny jeans down and without thinking Nicole began to struggle, her eyes went wide as she realized what she has just done “No, why did I do that?!” she shrieked as Patricia easily took hold of Nicole’s ankles and lifted her legs high up into the air revealing her firm bum and without saying a word she landed a hard slap on her granddaughter’s defenseless rear.

Chapter 10

  Nicole jumped in pain as her bum began to burn from the slap on her already tender rear, tears ran down her face as she closed her eyes “This is really going to happen, She is going to place me in a diaper. I’m going to be wearing a diaper just like my mother because this crazy woman thinks it's what's best for us. How the hell am I going to get out of this? What am I going to do?” she shook as Patricia continued to pull off her jeans exposing her black underwear. Margery sat trapped inside the crib with tears in her eyes while she sucked on the pacifier “My mother has lost it, she already has me in diapers and now she is doing the same to Nicole and there isn’t anything I can do to help her. I want to scream and shout out but it’s not going to help at all. I hate seeing Nicole so upset but hopefully, it's just a temporary measure and she will be out of the diapers soon. I’m so sorry Nicole for bringing you into my mother's craziness” she thought with a sigh as she watched her mother take hold of her daughter's panties.

Nicole continued to keep her eyes firmly shut as she felt her grandmother gently pull down her underwear, her entire body tensed up “I want to flail my legs around, I want to kick and make sure She doesn’t come anywhere near me but I can’t. If I try anything then this is just going to get worse, I hate this and I hate her!” she thought as she held her breath and her panties were removed exposing her smooth vagina to the room. She couldn’t stop shaking from the embarrassment of what was happening as tears continued to roll down her face “This isn’t happening! It can’t be! It's just some weird dream” she thought to herself as her legs get lifted up into the air and her bum raised off the changing table slightly. Her eyes shot open as she felt something soft being placed down on her lower back and as her grandmother began to lower her legs she began to shake. Nicole felt the soft fabric of the diaper against her bum as her legs were positioned apart, she nervously looked down to see in dread her vagina slowly covered over with the infantile pink diaper. Her eyes were wide with panic as her grandmother tightly tapped the diaper around her waist, her head was spinning as she stared down at her diapered groin.

Nicole couldn’t stop crying as she heard the diaper crinkle and rustle with every little movement she made she felt cold all over as she continued to stare down at the humiliating underwear she was now wearing. Patricia smiled down at her granddaughter “Now it's not so bad is it” she cooed as tears continued to run down Nicole’s face, “Oh stop your crying, it's just a diaper and if your good you will be out of it in no time. This is just so you know what it’s like for your baby” she said as she turned and looked at Margery “Now you have been a very good baby so far, let's hope it lasts” she said with a frown which made Margery swallow hard “Now it’s time for the locking panties” she said as she quickly turned back to Nicole.

Patricia took hold of the pink panties and quickly guided them over Nicole’s feet and up her legs, Nicole gasped as they approached her groin “They are so thick, there is padding all around it, it looks like a flotation device for the groin” she thought as Patricia pulled them up over the pink diaper and Nicole’s waist was lifted off the changing table by the thickness that now surrounded her “What are these? They are so big and firm I can’t even put my legs together and I’m so far off the table now!” she shouted in her head as Patricia quickly locked the panties with a combination lock and stood back to admire her work “There we go, you see the locking panties are very big, they are great to use to punish your baby if you want her not to forget that she is wearing a diaper and that she is just a baby” she smiled as tears continued to run down Nicole’s face. Patricia sighed and shook her head “Well Nicole, I think you need to calm down so I’m going to put you down for a nap with your baby inside the crib then after the nap we will see if you want to be mommy or baby” she smirked as Nicole’s eyes widened.  

Patricia lent over her granddaughter and stared into her eyes “I’m going to release you now but I don’t want any naughty behavior from you, you will sit up, jump off the changing table and waddle towards the crib, I will lower the side of the crib and you will get in. If you do anything other than that then you will be staying in those locking panties for the next week! Do you understand?” Nicole was white as a sheet as she quickly nodded “She would do it, I know She would She has gone crazy. No way am I going to be stuck in a diaper, all I have to do is get into the crib with my mother and then once we get out then I’m free of this horrible thing” she thought. Patricia smiled down at Nicole as she released her from the changing table, Nicole slowly sat up on the changing table as her grandmother walked over to the crib where her mother was “Come on, the sooner you have your nap the sooner you can be out of this” she said. Nicole turned bright red as she maneuvered herself on the changing table, the thick plastic pants between her legs a constant reminder of what she was wearing. She jumped off the table and slowly began to waddle towards the crib “I can’t even walk wearing this thing, I have to waddle this is horrible” she thought as she approached the crib. Patricia lowered the side of the crib and stared down at her daughter “Baby Maggie, you lie down right now with your back against the bars!” she shouted and shaking with fear Margery slowly obeyed her mother and lay down in the crib. Nicole’s eyes were wide with shock “I can’t believe that she would just do as she is told, she is lying down in a crib while wearing a diaper. Why isn’t she fighting?” she wondered when her grandmother placed her hand on her rear and pushed her forward “In you go” she cooed and Nicole quickly found herself being boosted up into the crib. In no time Nicole was placed in, facing her mother, their heads just a few inches apart on the same solitary pillow. Their pacifier was almost touching and their large diapers were pressed up against each other. Patricia grabbed the blanket and with a few deft reaches under her daughter and granddaughter, she tightly wrapped them together so that they now were forced to be touching all over and were left breathing the same air. “Good Night little ones” Patricia cooed as she lifted up the side of the crib “Now for the baby monitor so I can hear everything so no talking baby Maggie it's sleep time” she said with a wicked smile. Before leaving the room she closed the thick curtains practically leaving the room in darkness and left the room closing the door behind her, Nicole stared into her mother's eyes with fear as they both lay pressed up against each other as her mother very quietly said “Sorry”.

Chapter 11

 Nicole’s eyes shot open as she heard a clicking noise, she stared confused at her sleeping mother in front of her while still half asleep when she remembered every horrible thing that happened to her which felt like a humiliating kick to the stomach, she let out a frustrated groan from behind the pacifier that was stuck in her mouth as she felt the diaper between her legs. She looked down and saw the large pink diaper wrapped around her waist and sighed then paused “Wait, we had a blanket wrapped around us, I remember because I could hardly move, I hate seeing this diaper on me” she thought miserably. Nicole lay inside the crib slowly waking up while staring at her mother in confused frustration “I can’t even remember going to sleep, how did I sleep like this? I slept in a crib while wearing a diaper, I don’t want to be treated like a baby it's so humiliating but wait what woke me?” she wondered when she heard another clicking noise.

Suddenly she felt a presence behind her and she nervously began to shake “Is it her? What is She going to do now?” she thought with dread as she tried to turn around but found there wasn’t enough room. Nicole heard a noise and the side of the crib was being lowered behind her, she sucked on the pacifier nervously as she was gently coaxed out of the crib. Nicole found herself standing in front of her grandmother, she was smiling down at her which caused Nicole to look down at the floor with embarrassment. Patricia lent towards her granddaughter “I think we need to have a little talk” she whispered as she gestured towards the door. Nicole stood completely still, too nervous to move “A talk? Is she going to free me from this now? Will I get to return to my own clothes?” she smiled slightly from behind the pacifier as her grandmother walked behind her and raised the side of the crib, locking her mother inside. Patricia turned around and sighed “Hurry up” she whispered as she gave Nicole a slap on her padded rear, Nicole jumped and slowly waddled towards the door and out of the room.

Nicole was blushing bright red as she waddled down the hallway back towards the living room, she could hear the diaper rustling from under the thick plastic panties which swayed side to side as she waddled. She arrived in the living room closely followed by her grandmother, she looked at the corner where she stood after being spanked and shuddered “I thought that was the most humiliating thing to happen to me, how wrong I was” she thought. Patricia sat down on the sofa and patted the floor with her for “Come and sit on the floor sweety” she said. Nicole sighed from behind the pacifier but did as she was told and nervously waddled towards her grandmother “What is going to happen next? Will she free me?” she thought as she sat down in front of her grandmother on her large padded rear. Patricia looked down at her granddaughter and smiled “Now this all started when you said that you could go and tell somebody about this” she said as she took hold of her phone and pointed the screen at Nicole “Now if you tell anyone then I will release these photos”. Nicole’s eyes widened as she stared at a picture of her mother and herself lying inside the crib with their diapers clearly on show, Patricia swiped the screen showing Nicole each embarrassing picture before placing it back in her pocket. Nicole was sweating with fear “She wouldn’t send them to people, would she? I can’t even argue that I’m being forced into it, I look so peaceful in those horrible photos. What am I going to do? I can’t tell anyone what she is doing or my life will be ruined, not just my life but my mother's also” she shook her head out of frustration as Patricia smiled.  

Patricia sat back on the sofa while looking down at her granddaughter “So do you understand that you can't tell anyone?” she asked, Nicole felt sick but slowly nodded “I can’t let anyone see me like that” she thought as she looked down at the large pink diaper resting between her legs. Patricia smiled and nodded “Good and you will come home and look after your baby as a good mommy?” she asked with a smirk, Nicole sighed from behind the pacifier “I would definitely rather be the mommy than the baby and it could be worse for my mother if it's not going to be me looking after her it will be my grandmother and I’m going to be a lot less strict with everything” she frowned “I can’t believe she is actually going to get me to do this, to treat my mother like a baby” she thought as she slowly nodded.

Patricia sat forward “Great, now let's remove this pacifier, we can’t have you being a mommy while sucking on a pacifier can we” she giggled, Nicole couldn’t help but smile “Finally! I’m going to be free of this horrible thing” she thought. Patricia reached down and placed her hand on the handle of the pacifier, Nicole looked down her nose in eager anticipation as she watched her grandmother twist the handle and then press the middle in. The pacifier quickly began to deflate and Nicole’s mouth felt huge, Patricia removed the pacifier as Nicole stretched her mouth and moved her tongue around “That was horrible” she said. Patricia laughed “Now you know what it's like thought and you shouldn’t have to put up with it again but baby Maggie might” she said as she sat back on the sofa. Nicole blushed bright red as she looked down at the large pink plastic pants wrapped around her waist “What about these?” she asked nervously. Patricia shook her head “I will take the plastic pants off before baby Maggie wakes up so she knows who’s now a grown-up” she said, Nicole couldn’t help but smile “Yes free from diapers, it's so humiliating wearing them” she thought but her grandmother continued “I will put some pants on you to hide the diaper from your baby” she said with a smile as Nicole’s jaw dropped open.

Chapter 12

Patricia smiled down at her diapered granddaughter who sat on her large locked pink plastic pants on the floor in front of her  “Now your baby should be getting up soon, I want you to go in with a bottle, first you check her diapers and change her if needed but if not get her out of the crib and have her follow you to the rocking chair, sit in the chair and have the baby sit across your lap and give her your bottle. After she has had her bottle then burp her and then bring your baby girl out here. Understood?” she asked. Nicole swallowed “Change her? Like into a fresh diaper?” she asked nervously, her grandmother sighed “Yes, she is a baby and will always be in diapers apart from bath times and in the middle of changes so that means she will be using her diapers. Listen child it's simple you will treat her just like any other baby, for the time being, you need to forget that she is your mother and just remember that she is a diaper wearing baby that needs you to look after her. Understood?” she said as she stared down at Nicole. Nicole nodded nervously “I havehave to do this or She might keep me in this horrible diaper, I will definitely not be using diapers. I still can't believe She got me in this and I still have to wear the diaper to wake my diaper wearing mother up, it's so strange” she thought. Patricia smiled “Good, I will prepare the bottle you go to your room and get something to cover your diaper then come back here so I can take those plastic pants off” she said and before Nicole could respond she was already on her way to the kitchen. Nicole slowly stood up and looked down her body, past her black tank top and large breasts to the humiliating large pink diaper that stuck out from her body “At least I get to take this off and soon the diaper will come off and I will be free of that, imagine if any of the guys at college saw me wearing this! I wouldn’t get a date again for as long as I lived here. I would be known as diaper lady all around town, I have to do whatever she wants to make sure that doesn’t happen” she thought with a shudder as she began to waddle out of the room.

Nicole waddled back into the living room holding a black pair of loose fitting yoga pants as her grandmother entered holding an adult sized baby bottle, Nicole shook her head “Does She have everything that a baby would use but for a grown up? Where did she get all this from? How did she get it? I’m never going to know any of this am I” she thought as her grandmother handed her the bottle “This is for baby Maggie, now let's take off your pink pants and get you changed then you are ready” she said as she bent over and took hold of the combination lock, Nicole tried to see what the combination was, but her grandmother had it well hidden. The lock was released and the chain loosened, Patricia began to pull the pants down revealing the humiliating pink diaper that was still wrapped around Nicole’s waist. Nicole couldn’t help but smile as she lifted her leg up for the plastic pants to be guided off her until she saw the humiliating pink diaper wrapped around her waist “It's still there, of course it's still there but I just wished it was a horrible nightmare and it didn’t really happen, the pink pants are off now just need to take these off, maybe she will let me take them off now before I go and see mother?” she wondered. She cleared her throat nervously “Can I take this off now you know bef….?” Nicole’s pleading was quickly interrupted as Patricia paused and looked up at her granddaughter “What did I say? Now I can put these back up and you can put those pants over both your diaper and your plastic pants and stay in that for the night. You need to listen young lady” she said. Nicole sighed “I hate her” she thought “I’m sorry grandmother” she said. Patricia shook her head as she guided the pants over Nicole’s feet and off “Now you can put your pants on, I don’t want two babies in this house” she said as she stood up and walked towards the sofa. Nicole swallowed hard “Two babies? Would She really try and make me into a baby just like my mother?” she shuddered at the thought as she pulled her baggy black yoga pants up her legs and over the pink diaper. Patricia sat down on the sofa and sighed “Well go on then” she said. Nicole slowly nodded as she turned and blushed bright red as she heard the diaper rustle from under her pants “It is smaller I guess but it's now so much louder, maybe when I’m in the nursery I can take it off then. I will have to put it back on before I leave but still, I will be free of it” she thought miserably as she began to walk out of the room. “Oh and don’t go doing anything silly in there, I have the video baby monitor on and I can see and hear every word” she said which caused Nicole’s shoulders to slump slightly as she left the room.

Nicole stood outside her mother's new room and took a deep breath “I can’t even give her any freedom from any of this or she will see us” she placed her hand on the front of her diaper and heard it rustle which caused her to shudder“I wish I could get some freedom from this” she thought.  “I don’t even know what I was planning apart from taking this stupid diaper off and maybe not treating my mother like a baby, I could have at least just given her the bottle to drink from by herself but now She will be looking and I could end up in the crib with my mother if I don’t do as She wants or even worse She could send those photos to people I know and not just mine but my mother's life will be ruined” she let out a long sigh as Nicole opened the door to her mother's nursery.


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