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Chapter 01

Denise had been living with her sister for three months and Sam was beginning to feel like her older sister had overstayed her welcome, she didn't help around the house and didn't help look after Sam’s daughter, she always wanted her daughter to have a younger sister but the right man never came along, maybe someone else can fill the role.

Denise and Sam were half-sisters who had the same mother, Sam was 22 blonde and tall at 5'9 and recently had her breasts increased, she was all about her looks and wanted to be a model, Denise was 27 brunette and 5'4 with an average body, she was the immature one of the two, never took life seriously and after her long-term boyfriend broke up with her she had nowhere else to go but Sam’s. "She doesn't do anything with her life anyway, just sits around watching TV, I can do this just need to find out how" Sam was talking to herself on the laptop one evening, she was researching subliminal messages and was hoping that this would be the best way to control her sister. "Wow theirs an app I can download and put whatever messages I want on her phone" Sam was getting excited and went to see if she could grab her sister's phone, she found it next to Denise who was asleep on the sofa and downloaded the subliminal message app, Sam typed in two messages and put the phone back next to her sister, Sam giggled as she walked away.

The next day Denise did what she usually does and spent her day on her phone, Sam was worried at first that she might notice the messages but after an hour or so she hadn't said anything so Sam smiled to herself knowing that she would have seen the messages hundreds of times by now and they would slowly work there way into her subconscious. Later that day Sam had ordered Chinese for dinner and after the three of them had eaten, Denies went back to the sofa and had her phone in one hand while sucking her thumb with the other, Sam’s eyes went wide and a big smile came across her face "It's working" she thought, "Hey Denise, do you want any more Chinese?" Denise took her thumb from her mouth and turned to her sister "No thanks, mommy...I mean Sam, wow that was weird" Sam giggled as Denise plopped her finger back into her mouth and turned around to face the TV. "It's working, wow it's actually working and so fast, OK tonight two new messages," Sam thought to herself. It was coming close to 9:00 pm and Sam wanted to test out the messages for that day so she walked up to Denise and snatched her phone from her "Time for you to go to bed" Sam commanded, Denise looked up at Sam confused "I'm not going to bed yet mommy" Sam smiled and said again "Time for you to go to bed" Denise pouted but to Sam’s surprise Denise started getting up "fine, can I have my phone back" Sam was stunned "erm in the morning" Denise sighed and went to her bedroom and closed the door. Sam was giddy at the results, she looked at Denise's phone and opened the app reading the two messages she already had "Suck your thumb" and "Sam is Mommy" Sam nodded her head "Yes I'm mommy, now what to add to it, a little sister for my daughter but how old, Could I take her right back to the start? Make her grow up again as someone who would help around the house" Sam added into the phone excitedly "You're a baby" and "Good baby". Sam put the phone down.

Denise was in her room very confused with what was happening "Mommy isn't Mommy, I mean Sam isn't Mommy, Bloody hell what is that third time today" Denise walked over to her bed and stopped "Why then am I going to bed, just because Mom, grrr Sam said so" Denise stood for a moment she thought to herself "Don't know what's going on but I'm getting my phone back" Denise took a step and realised she was sucking her thumb, she quickly pulled it out her mouth "Seriously?" She questioned her thumb,

Denise made her way out the room and over to the sofa and grabbed her phone, she jumped a mile when she saw Sam stand in front of her "I was just getting my phone" Denise stammered "Why am I so afraid of her?" Denise questioned herself. Sam smiled "Goodnight" Sam said with a smile "Yeah night" Denise turned around and went back into her room, as she closed the door she quickly ran into bed. "It's too early to sleep now, just play on my phone for an hour or two".

Saturday and Sunday had passed and Sam had noticed a big change in Denise if Sam asked her to do something she wouldn’t but if Sam said "be a good girl and..." then Denise would do it no questions asked, Sam tried it with little things like "be a good girl and do the washing up" and to both of there surprise Denise would do it. "Maybe I don't need her to be a baby she could be my slave, do what I tell her, but Alice would like a baby sister and I do miss having a baby to look after, I also don't have a choice, I did put in she is a baby so that will start sometime I guess".

Monday morning and Sam had taken her daughter to school and got home to see just as usual her sister wasn't awake yet, "I wonder how long she spent on her phone last night?. All those messages for her to read but what if it works and she does become a baby again, that means feeding and toys and" Sam giggled to herself "diapers, wow I hadn't even thought of that, wait with diapers come messy diapers, I hadn't thought of that either, could I change my older sisters diapers? Can't be much different from Alice’s could it? But that means having to get diapers for her, adult diapers? Like what Miley Cyrus wore in that rubbish video, I will go now and get supplies and see what happens when it happens" Sam turned around and left the house.

Chapter 02

Denise woke up with her thumb in her mouth, she carried on sucking on it as she reached for her phone, the time read 8:00 am and Denise was surprised she was awake at that time, she usually didn't get up till 10 or 11. She lay back down when she noticed something, a dampness in the middle of her bed, Denise pulled the covers back and saw to her shock that she had wet the bed and her black panties, she jumped out of bed but quickly fell onto her bum, tears formed in her eyes "Wait no I fell, don't cry at that" she said to herself, she gingerly got up using the bed as support "What's wrong with my legs?" She finally found her balance and her legs found their strength "That was weird, I wonder if mommy is home?" Denise didn't even notice she had said mommy instead of Sam, she stripped the bed and slowly walked towards her door "I don't think she is in" she said out loud and opened the door and walked towards the washing machine. Denise stuffed the sheets in and slid off her wet panties revealing her freshly shaven vagina and leaving herself naked she put them in the wash as well. Denise walked to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror "It must have been the dodgy Chinese mommy got last night, wait what was that?" Denise had noticed something this time but couldn't put her finger on it, she turned the water on and got into the shower, after the shower, she dried herself off and wrapped the towel around herself and walked to her bedroom again. Denise left the door open and sat on her mattress, instinctively she grabbed her phone and started browsing the web until she became bored and went onto youtube and searched for Teletubbies when the first episode started she lay on the mattress letting go of the towel that was hiding her nudity and rolled onto her stomach "Why the hell am I watching Teletubbies? This is for babies, ok let's turn it off" but Denise didn't move and continued watching the infantile show.

Sam pulled into her driveway with a few bags of supplies on the back seat "I can't believe I can pick up adult diapers from the pharmacy, these are going to look so cute on her" Sam giggled to herself as she lifted the bags out of the car and walked up towards the house "my baby sister, no my adult baby sister, no if she is calling me mommy then she is my adult baby daughter" Sam laughed and entered her home. Sam heard the Teletubbies song as she closed the front door behind her, she slowly walked towards Denise's room with the bags in hand trying not to disturb her older sister, as she approached Denise's bedroom she could see her older sister lying down on her stomach naked on top of the bare mattress with phone in hand, she was oblivious to Sam watching her.

Sam entered Denise's room and gave Denise a freight when Sam dropped the bags on the floor "What do you think you're doing? Get out" Denise shouted at Sam but made no attempt to cover up her nakedness. Sam wanted to laugh but held it in and played the role of mother "Why are the sheets off the bed young lady?" Denise looked down at the mattress ashamed "I decided to take them off", Sam wanted to burst but held it straight "are you being a good baby?" Denise looked up at her sister and without meaning to said "I wet the bed" tears started to form in her eyes "Why did I tell her that and why am I crying at this?" Denise though. Sam looked at Denise and was feeling a little sorry for her, she walked over to the bed and sat down next to her older sister and slowly scooped her up with little protest from Denise and soon had her cradled on her lap, Sam looked down at her naked sister "Awwww it’s OK baby girl, mommy make it all better" Denise didn't know what to do "This is getting weird now, this can't carry on, mommy needs to let go of me" Denise thought "No your Sam, let go of me I'm an adult" Denise shouted out trying to get away from her sister. Sam smiled "Be a good baby and settle down and let me cuddle my little girl" Denise settled and allowed her younger sister to cradle her "I don't have a clue what is happening, why am I not getting out of this?" she thought as Sam began to pat her naked bum "No this is going too far now?" Denise thought but her thumb had appeared in her mouth and she wasn't moving from her sisters grasp "Why am I staying in this stupid position" Sam slowly moved Denise onto the mattress and had her lie on her back "be a good baby and stay there" Sam giggled to Denise "Ok now it's time to get up and away from her" but Denise didn't move. Sam turned around and grabbed a bag, the bag of adult diapers, as she turned back to Denise she could see the shock in her eyes "What the hell are they?" Denise snapped at Sam, Sam giggled "These are for you my little princess, seeing as you wet the bed you definitely need them don't you, look they have a wetness indicator on it so when you go wee wee I will know" Sam removed a diaper from the bag and unfolded it in front of Denise "You are not fucking putting that on me!" Denise shouted and tried to move off the bed but was unable to "What have you done to me?!" she shouted but Sam just smiled and said "Be a good baby and speak baby talk" Denise looked at her sister confused "Me not spwek" Denise stopped in shock "What the fuck was that?" She thought, "Yoo do somefwin to me, why me speak baby? Denise started to tear up "how has she done this, I can't move and can only speak baby talk, oh god she is going to put that diaper on me isn’t she" Sam placed the diaper on top of the mattress and gently lifted her sister on top of it "Pweez don do tis mommy" Denise was sobbing as she felt the soft diaper on her bottom.

Sam looked down at her older sister with a smile and cooed "It's ok baby, I will change your diapers as soon as you use them, now be a good baby and use your diapers when you have to" Sam pulled the front of the diaper up covering her older sisters private parts in the white fabric and began to tape it tightly in place "Pweez mommy no me no need diape me big gwrl" Denise's eyes scrunched up "for fuck sake, how can I tell her to stop if I can't even talk like an adult" Sam looked down at her sister in her first diaper since she was potty trained and a huge smile came over her face "Oh wow baby Denise you look simply adorable, I can't wait to dress you up in some cute dresses and take you outside" "Dresses? I haven't worn a dress in years and does she mean go outside wearing a diaper? No way is that going to happen" Sam picked up a shirt from the bag and held it in front of Denise "Isn't it cute, nice and pink and look Minnie mouse on the front, now let's get this on you and go into the living room, be a good baby and sit up" Denise sat up with her eyes wide "That's it every time she says to be a good baby I do what she says, wait, no she told me to use my diapers, no no I can't, I won't, I need to get out of this!"

Sam pulled the tight pink t-shirt over Denise's head and pulled her arms through, the shirt stopped just above her belly button, not hiding the thirsty diaper one bit. Sam placed her hands under Denise's armpits and lifted her onto the floor where Denise sat on her diapered bottom "this is really happening isn't it, I'm in a diaper under Sam’s control" Sam looked down at her adult baby sister "Be a good baby girl and crawl for mommy" without wanting to Denise's body got on all fours and began to crawl after Sam into the living room "I can't stop myself, I'm a prisoner in my own body" once in the living room Sam set out a towel in the middle of the room and ordered Denise to sit on it while she went into the garage, as Denise sat down she came to a horrible realisation "No fuck No" tears rolled down her face "It's happening I'm wetting the diaper, how? This feels so wrong, it's so warm, I hope this diaper can soak it all up" Denise carried on peeing feeling the warm urine spread all around her groin and towards her bum cheeks, yet she couldn’t stop herself “This is disgusting, I can’t believe I’m wetting a diaper. What has she done to me?” She thought as Sam re-entered the room carrying a foldable playpen, she placed it around Denise and stood back admiring how adorable her sister looked unaware of the state of Denise's diapers.

Chapter 03

Sam was jumping for joy at the sight of her older sister helplessly sitting in the playpen “You are going to make such an adorable little baby for mommy” Denise blushed bright red and looked down at the floor “I’m an adult wearing a diaper, how is that cute?” she thought. “Be a good baby and look at an adult when they are talking to you” Sam commanded and Denise looked up at her new mommy “That’s a good baby, we can’t have you being a rude little stinker can we” Sam giggled, Denise gave Sam an evil stare “I am going to get you for doing this to me” she thought, “No need to look at me like that, I’m sick of you freeloading off me without me getting anything I want in return, I wanted a new baby and a baby sister for Alice to play with and now I have it, it’s not like you were doing anything with your life anyway” Denise continued to stare at her sister “What gives you the right to take my life away?” Denise thought.

Sam giggled at her infantile sister and cooed “Have you used your diaper yet?” Denise went bright red which made Sam giggle “Awww baby, don’t get embarrassed, that’s why your wearing diapers, don’t want you to go tinkle on the floor do we” Sam bent over her sister and to Denise’s shock the back of her diaper was pulled back “Well you haven’t gone poopy yet, I will change you then” Sam stood back up as Denise’s eyes went wide. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing “She isn’t going to change me till I mess the diaper?” she shook at the thought “That’s never going to happen and I need to get out of this wet one now” she thought as she pleaded to her sister “Chu tway me out diapee now” Denise scrunched her face up “Me no baba” Denise started to bang her fists against the foldable playpen in frustration. Sam calmly said “Be a good baby and stop that” and Denise stopped, Sam giggled “Well as you are in such a rush to get into a fresh diaper, I can help you with that” Denise looked at her sister puzzled “Is she going to change my wet diaper? Oh god to have her change me just like I’m a baby, I couldn’t think of anything more embarrassing” as Sam smiled “firstly be a good baby squat down low” Without wanting to Denise got into a low squatting position, and she looked up at Sam “Why does she want me like this?” She thought as Sam squatted down.

Sam was now eye level with her sister and slowly with an evil smile said “Be a good baby and poop now” Sheer terror ran through Denise as she felt her body begin to push “No No No” she pleaded with Sam “Silly baby, I’m the boss of you, If I say poop you poop” Denise continued to push, her eyes scrunched shut with tears running down her face and she let out an unladylike fart and groan “No I can’t believe I’m doing it I can’t stop myself this is so humiliating. Oh god, I’m doing it, I’m trying to shit my pants just because she told me too” a wave of humiliation swept over her as she farted again, Sam was still squatting in front of her sister staring at her with fascination. After a few minutes of pushing and groaning the first load entered into the waiting diaper, Denise’s eyes went wide and the colour drained from her face as she felt the load squeeze passed her cheeks and enter into the diaper “It’s so hard and I have to push hard, I feel sick I can feel it push against the butt of the diaper. Oh god, I can feel it the poop is pushing up the back of the diaper and down into the crotch. There is no end in sight I’m just going to keep on pooping till I’m empty”. After a few minutes Denise stopped, her eyes stopped scrunching up and she looked directly at her sister who was looking back with a huge smile “Good baby” she said.

Denise was horrified she could feel the poop between her cheeks, the sticky warm mess a reminder of what she had done “Be a good baby and sit on your bum” Sam sneered as Denise’s feet gave way and she fell quickly onto her messy bottom with a squelch. Denise screwed up her eyes as she felt the mess spread across her bum cheeks and a fresh odour wafted into the room. “What a little stinker you are baby sister” Sam giggled “I will change your diaper when you cry to be changed just like the baby you are” Sam stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Denise sitting in her own mess in the playpen confused “Cry like a baby?” she thought.

Chapter 04

Denise had been sitting in her messy diaper for ten minutes but to her, it had felt like a lifetime she was constantly reminded of the mess that now surrounded her lower body, she wanted to scream at the unfairness of it all but she knew that wouldn’t help she knew what she had to do but was unable to. “To get out of this messy diaper I have to cry like a baby? Why doesn’t she just make me do it? I can’t bring myself to do it, I’m miserable and upset but to act so infantile in front of her I just can’t” Sam had left the room busying herself with other jobs that needed to be done, keeping an ear out for her now infantile sister to begin crying. Sam entered the room and looked at Denise “Baby Denise” Denise looked up at her sister and turned bright red “I hate her calling me that” she thought as Sam continued “I guess you like wearing a messy diaper then, well that’s fine by me, you can stay in it when we go out” Denise’s eyes widened “oooog” Denise said but she meant to say “Go Out?” which made Sam laugh “Yes baby ooog”.

Denise began to shake as Sam left the room and went into Denise’s bedroom “I can’t go out wearing a diaper, Oh god I’m wearing a diaper full of my own shit, I can’t do it” Sam returned with her arms behind her back and a big smile on her face “Now usually I wouldn’t have my baby wear this kind of thing but seeing as it’s such a special day I think you can wear it just this once”. Sam moved her arms from behind her and Denise’s face went white, Sam was holding out Denise’s white yoga pants. “Pweez mommy no yoyo pwans” Denise scrunched up her face in disgust “I hate talking like that, come on Sam enough is enough I can’t go out in them. They show off everything when I’m wearing normal underwear you can see through them as clear as day”. Sam bent down and grabbed Denise’s feet and slowly pulled the yoga pants up Denise’s legs, Denise tried to fight but was unable to move as the yoga pants got higher up her legs Denise couldn’t help herself and she began to cry, the crying got louder as Sam reached the bottom of Denise’s diaper “Me no wana be baba” Denise cried out and Sam stopped and smiled at her older sister “Awwww come here baby” Sam stepped over the playpen and sat next to Denise, she pulled her close and gave her a hug “Shhhh Shhh baby it will be ok, now calm down” Denise’s crying slowly calmed down and she could think clearly again “I hate this, I hate it all, I guess I can get out of this messy diaper now” Sam continued to hug her infantile sister as she stroked her hair she pulled away from her and looked at Denise in the eyes “Be a good baby and no more crying” Denise suddenly stopped and Sam smiled “There that’s better, I see your adjusting to your baby life very quickly baby Denise” Denise was confused “I cried as she wanted and now she uses it against me? I can’t win” Sam looked at Denise again and said “I don’t want to take you out with you crying everywhere” she giggled as Denise’s jaw dropped open.

“Now be a good baby and stand up” Sam commanded and Denise got to her feet the white yoga pants sitting just under her diaper, Sam stood up and gently pulled the yoga pants up and over the poop stained diaper. Denise felt the tight pants being pulled up and pressing against the messy diaper, she looked over her shoulder and could easily see the diaper through the yoga pants. She looked back at Sam terrified, Sam smiled and grabbed Denise’s hand “Be a good baby and follow mommy” Denise followed Sam back into her own room and Sam had Denise stand in front of the full-length mirror. Denise wanted to cry at what she was looking at but was unable too “I’m wearing a pink mini mouse shirt that only reaches my belly button and you can clearly see the diaper through the white yoga pants, Oh god you can actually make out a wet stain on the diaper, she can’t take me out like this, not a chance” Sam patted Denise’s diapered bum which made Denise squirm as she felt the mess move around, she stood in front of Denise and smiled down “Time to go baby girl”.

Chapter 05

Sam grabbed hold of Denise’s hand and pulled her towards the front door, Denise tried to pull back but she was much weaker than her taller sister before Sam opened the front door she stopped and looked at Denise “That’s enough of that young lady” she thought for a minute then smiled “Be a good baby and fall down onto your bum if a grown-up isn’t holding your hand” Denise’s jaw dropped “fall down on to my bum?” she thought when Sam quickly snatched her hand away from Denise’s grip, Denise watched in slow motion as Sam’s hand slipped away from hers and she felt herself suddenly fall down with a loud squelch she landed on her diapered bum, Sam smiled down at her “Perfect, now you won't try and pull away from me when we go out” she giggled as she held her hand out for Denise. Denise sat horrified that hard fall down had spread the mess in her diaper up between her crotch and she could now feel the warmth of the poop in the front of her diaper “Fuck fuck fuck, I didn’t think it could get any worse but the mess is now everywhere” she wanted to cry but once again couldn’t she just stared at her stained crotch. “Excuse me baby,” Sam said with anger which caused Denise to look up and see the outstretched hand, Denise sighed and took her sister's hand and slowly stood up. Sam smiled and kissed her older sisters forehead “Good baby” she patted Denise’s diaper which caused her to jump and Sam announced “Let’s go baby” and she opened the door and they walked outside.

Denise’s eyes darted around hoping that nobody was outside as they left the house and walked down the driveway “Where are we going?” she thought as Sam kept a tight grip of her hand and they crossed the road, Denise’s heart was pounding and she was concentrating so much on who was around that she hadn’t noticed that she was waddling as she walked. She kept her eyes down mostly trying to stay as close to her younger sister as possible “I hate this, She might as well have taken me out in just a diaper they way these pants are” she looked at her inflated crotch and shuddered. Sam turned a corner and Denise looked up to see a child’s playground was in front of them “Come along baby, you can play on the swings” Sam cooed and Denise looked up at her sister with pleading eyes “Pweez Swam...” Denise stopped herself and Sam giggled “Don’t worry I won’t push you too high baby girl”. Denise stared at the park “Not a park, where I have to sit down in my mess and Sam pushes me like like I’m a little kid” she thought as the sisters entered the park and continued towards the swings.

Denise looked up and saw a young woman pushing her young daughter, Denise turned bright red as she noticed the woman looking at her and Sam “What must she be thinking? She must obviously notice the diaper” Denise finally noticed the way she was walking “Oh god I’m waddling, how did I not notice that” she tried to correct herself but that caused the mess between her legs to squelch together “Oh god, that’s disgusting! I bet it looks so bad down there” she thought as she quickly stopped. Once at the swings Sam smiled at the mother and daughter “Lovely day isn’t it” she said the woman smiled back “Yes it’s great when we can go out and play, I’m Kirsty and this is Keeley” Sam smiled “I’m Sam and this is Denise” Sam turned to the swing and patted the seat “Sit down baby girl” Denise lowered her head in shame as she slowly sat down on her messy bum. Sam grabbed both of Denise’s hands and placed them on either side of the chains “You hold on tight little one” she cooed as she moved behind her sister and gently pushed the swing.

Denise noticed the woman staring at them as she slowly went back and forth “Please don’t say anything, please just push your daughter” Denise thought as Sam gently pushed her. Kirsty suddenly stopped pushing her daughter “Have you pooped Keeley?” the little girl shook her head “Are you sure?” she asked again. Denise felt her chest tighten “Please don’t bring attention to my diaper, please Sam” Denise wished but to no avail “Oh that must be this little stinker” Sam cheerfully said. Denise’s heart skipped a beat as she caught the woman’s shocked expression in the corner of her eye and turned bright red. Kirsty stammered out “You serious?” she asked and Sam nodded “Yep she needs her diaper changing, but she isn’t getting it till we get home” Denise hung her head in shame “I can’t believe she is telling a stranger this. This is so humiliating I want to die” she thought as Kirsty half laughed “Isn’t she a bit old for diapers?” Sam smiled “No she acts like a baby so she gets diapers, age is just a number” she laughed and Kirsty joined in “I suppose, Is she yours? How old is she?” Sam smiled she is one year old and yes she is mine, my second actually my other daughter is at school” Kirsty laughed again “Alright then, well yeah I definitely think she needs her diaper changed” Denise tried to block the conversation out and concentrate on the swinging motion, but she couldn’t help but hear every horrible word.

Chapter 06

Denise was utterly miserable on the swings, she could constantly feel the diaper and the mess between her legs as Sam pushed her, she could smell the foul stench coming from her groin and it made her want to be sick as she sat next to the young mum and her daughter. After a few minutes on the swings, the young girl Keeley shouted out “I want to go in sandpit” Kirsty quickly stopped the swing and stood in front of her daughter “What do you say?” Keeley looked sheepish but said “Please” Kirsty smiled and helped her daughter off the swing, Denise half smiled “Yes they are going, leave us alone and stop talking about me” she thought when Sam suddenly stopped the swing “Do you think Keeley would like someone to play with?” Kirsty smiled and looked at Denise with a puzzled look, Denise closed her eyes “Why did you ask that Sam? Please say no, please say no” Denise wished but Kirsty cautiously said “Sure? Why not?”.

Sam walked to the front of the swing and grabbed Denise’s hands and pulled her up off the swing, they followed Kirsty and Keeley a little bit behind to the sandpit where Keeley quickly jumped in and Kirsty sat on the bench next to it, Sam led Denise into the sandpit and quickly jolted her hand away forcing Denise to sit down on her bum Denise looked up at her sister with anger in her eyes “She just did that to be cruel” she thought as Sam smiled down at her sister “Have fun playing baby and you be a good baby and play with Keeley and be a polite baby” she said as Denise looked up at her with fresh anger in her eyes “I have to play with her? Oh god, I just want to sit here and be left alone” she thought as Sam turned around and joined Kirsty on the bench. Kirsty turned to Sam “I can’t believe I didn’t notice the diaper earlier but it’s obvious now, I guess you just don’t expect to see it on someone like her” Sam nodded “Yeah well I have my hands full with that one” Kirsty laughed “I bet, I’m glad I don’t have to change her”.

The two grown-ups continued to chat on the bench for a long time while Denise miserably played in the sand with Keeley, Keeley stuck out a baby style shovel and asked Denise “You want?” and without even thinking about it Denise took the shovel and said “Fank woo” in her high pitch baby talk which made her blush bright red as Keeley giggled “I can’t believe I’m being treated even younger than her” Denise thought with a shudder when she noticed that she was digging with the shovel “I don’t have any control!

Every time Keeley asked Denise a question she had to answer in her baby talk which at first made Keeley giggle but she soon got used to it and the two children played together in the sandpit. After a while, Keeley began to yawn and Kirsty decided it was time to take her home “She has had a busy day, didn’t think she would find a friend to play with” she smiled and held out her hand “If you want them to play together again then call me” Sam took her hand and pulled away Kirsty’s business card and smiled “I will give you a call” Same said as Kirsty walked over to the sandpit and picked up Keeley and waved to Denise “Bye Bye Denise” Denise didn’t want to but because she was ordered to be polite she felt her hand lift up and she lisped “bye-bye” which caused Kirsty to go “awww aren’t you a cutie” she said which caused Denise to blush bright red. Kirsty turned back to Sam and shouted “Have fun changing her diaper” and turned and left. Denise felt light-headed “That has to be the worst experience of my life, I can’t believe what just happened” she thought as Sam walked up behind her “I guess it’s time to go home baby” she smiled and reached out her hand, Denise quickly took it “I want to get out of here as soon as possible” she thought and soon the sisters were leaving the park.

As Sam led her older sister down the street toward there house Denise looked up and saw that two men were walking there way, Denise quickly looked down to the floor “Oh god they were actually attractive and I’m wearing a diaper, I’m wearing a messy diaper!” she screamed in her head. The two men stopped before Sam and Denise and let them walk past them, Denise felt there stares on her as she waddled passed them “Please don’t say anything please” she thought and after a few steps away she was feeling confident until she heard one of them shout out “I think she needs her diaper changing” Denise wanted to run home and quickened her pace but Sam stopped dead. Denise almost lost her grip on her sister but managed to keep hold, she kept her head down “What is she doing?” Sam looked at the guys and shouted “You think?” she questioned and turned to Denise and asked “Do you need a diaper change baby?” and to Denise’s horror she pulled the back of Denise’s yoga pants down exposing the full view of the diaper to the men, she pulled back the top of the waist of the diaper and peered in “Pooey, Yep I think your right, I will go and change her now, come along baby” She started walking away from the shocked men. Denise felt like her face was on fire “I can’t believe it, How did that just happen? They saw I was wearing a poop-filled diaper? Oh god, I hate this. I hate her I hate being treated like this!” she screamed in her head. They soon crossed the street and were standing in front of Sam’s house, Denise looked up and felt extremely happy to see the home. Sam led them up the driveway and opened the door and entered the house.

Chapter 07

As soon as they entered the house Sam quickly let go of Denise’s hand and she fell down onto her smelly bum she grimaced as she felt the mess of her diaper mush once again to her bum, she sat in shock “I can’t believe she did that, she showed the diaper to those men, they saw that I was wearing a diaper, they saw that I was wearing a messy diaper” she shook at the memory. She noticed that Sam had moved away from the door and was now standing by the makeshift playpen, she wasn’t saying anything just standing watching her “She wants me to crawl over to her, why doesn’t she just command me to do it” she thought “I had better do it or she might do something even more horrible to me” she slowly got up onto her hands and knees and while staring at the floor she slowly crawled over to her sister. Sam smiled down at her smelly sister “Good baby” she cooed and she bent down and helped Denise into the playpen. Denise once again sat on her filthy bum “I really wish I could take this diaper off, it’s disgusting” she thought as she looked up at Sam and her big smile.  

Sam giggled to herself “Now baby sister I hope that little outing proves who is the boss and who is the baby” she laughed as Denise’s face turned bright red “Oh we could ask those men who the baby is” she said between laughter and Denise felt hot under the collar, Sam calmed herself down and continued “Now I don’t want to have full control over you baby sister I want you to do things by yourself like a good baby, so I will be giving you back some control” Denise couldn’t help but smile “Yes then I will be able to get out of here” she thought to herself. Sam continued “Now I’m going to let you talk like a big girl but if I hear you talking like a big girl then you will be punished, understand?” Denise looked at her sister confused “What’s the point in letting me talk normally if I get punished for it? What is she planning?” she thought as Sam said, “Be a good baby and talk like normal” Denise opened her mouth “I would love to shout and swear and scream at her but I will just end up being in a worse position,” she thought and quickly closed her mouth and sighed. Sam smiled “OK the next one is crawling, I will let you stand up but once again if I see you walking around pretending to be a big girl you will be punished” Denise rolled her eyes “I get it, you still want me to a pathetic baby but want me to do it myself”. Sam nodded as she said “Be a good baby and only crawl outside”, Denise ran through what Sam had just said “So I can now walk around but only in the house if I go outside I will be forced to crawl, how am I going to escape if once I’m outside I will be crawling” she shook at the thought as she continued to look at her younger sister.

Sam continued “From now on when you want a diaper change you must cry like a baby, I might change this rule later on but for now I like it. So be a good baby and cry when you want to” Denise felt tears in her eyes and she softly began to sob “I knew I wanted to cry from the humiliation of the two men seeing me but now I can actually do it again” Sam giggled “Awww don’t worry I will change your diaper soon” she looked around for a moment “Hmmm what next?” she said as Denise’s bum was becoming very itchy from the mess all around it “Why can’t she just change my diaper and get it over with” she blushed at the thought as Sam announced “I know, Be a good baby and tell grown-ups that you want to be a baby” Sam giggled as Denise’s jaw dropped “What the fuck? So if anyone asks me why I’m in this miserable state then I’m going to answer that I want to be in this little wimpy thing, would anyone believe that? Who would want this?” she thought. Sam frowned “Now baby I think it’s time to change your poopy diaper” Denise wanted to smile but hid it from her sister “Yes I get to finally get out of this horrible thing” she thought, “OK I will be right back, need to get your diapers” she said and she walked into Denise’s rooms where the diapers were “Should I try and make a run for it? I can run now and I could easily make it to the front door” she looked at the front door and sighed “But once I get outside I can only crawl around and I will be in a dirty diaper and if anyone asks me I will have to tell them that I want to be a baby” she shuddered as Sam came bouncing back with a bag of diapers.

Sam pulled a diaper from the bag but she caught a glimpse of the clock out of the corner of her eye “Oh no! Is that the time?” Denise looked at the clock and it read 12:16 “What does that mean?” she thought as Sam turned to Denise “We need to go pick up your big sister soon, we don’t have time to clean your bum bum” Denise’s eyes widened “But” she let out and Sam frowned “We need to make sure you don’t leak through so lie down” Sam said as Denise continued sitting with a puzzled look on her face “What does she mean leak? How is she going to do that?” Sam folded her arms “Baby Denise, I told you to lie down now you can either do it yourself or you can be forced too” Denise swallowed hard “I would rather have control of my body” she thought as she slowly lowered herself down onto her back. Sam smiled and stood into the playpen, she sat down on her knees and placed the diaper on the floor. Sam leant forward and pulled Denise’s yoga pants down to her knees and Denise blushed as she looked at the smelly diaper, Sam looked at the messy diaper and nodded “Yes you will need this” she said and before Denise could figure out what she was talking about her legs were lifted into the air with one arm and Sam slid the new diaper under the stained one “No I’m not getting changed, I’m getting added protection” she shook her head as Sam pulled the front of the new diaper up and taped it on “There we go and look at that it only took a few minutes to do, maybe I should put another one on just in case” she said while staring at Denise’s padded crotch.    

Chapter 08

Denise stared down at her expanded groin with shock and horror as Sam smiled a wicked smile “Yes one more and then we can go and pick up your big sister” she cooed as Denise continued to stare down at her diapers “Wear three? Three diapers outside? I can’t and the first one is covered in my own mess” she shook as she finally looked up at Sam who cooed “Bum up baby”. Denise swallowed hard “I need to plead with her not to do it but she wants me to talk like a baby, I have to do it. I can’t go out wearing so many diapers” she stared at her sister with pleading eyes “Pweez no more” she said but Sam just smiled “I’m the boss remember baby, If I say bum up then you lift your bum up” Denise shook her head and tried once again “Pweez no more diapeess” she said while turning bright red. Sam sighed “I’ve already told you, bum up now do you want me to make you or will you be a good baby and do it yourself?” Denise sighed “I can’t believe she isn’t changing her mind even after I spoke like a bloody baby” she thought and she slowly lifted up her padded rear.

Sam smiled down at her sister “Good baby” she cooed and she pulled out two diapers from the bag and unfolded them, Denise’s eyes went wide as she stared at the two diapers “No” she said but Sam frowned and quickly placed them under Denise’s raised bum “I decided two more would be better for baby, you didn’t seem happy about wearing three so maybe you will be happy wearing four” she giggled as she placed her hand on the front of Denise’s crotch and slowly pushed her down onto the two awaiting diapers. Denise felt tears welling up in her eyes as Sam pulled the two diapers up between her crotch and fastened them tightly around her waist.

Sam smiled down at her sister “Perfect” she cooed and she grabbed hold of the yoga pants and quickly pulled them up to the bottom of Denise’s huge diaper. Denise was in a state of shock as she stared down at her huge groin “I need to get out of this” she thought and without thinking she placed her hands on the tabs of the diaper and was about to pull when Sam shouted “Be a good baby and don’t touch your diapers!” Denise’s hands flung away from the diaper before she could do anything, she looked up at her sister with anger in her eyes “I’m not going out like this!” she shouted. Sam quickly stood up and shouted “Be a good baby and talk baby talk!” and Denise quickly shut her mouth “Fuck sake, I can’t win! I can’t get out of this now I’m back to talking like a baby” she thought as Sam stood thinking then said “Be a good baby and never harm mommy or Alice” she smiled as Denise looked at her confused “That’s to make sure that you don’t get too frustrated one day and try to hurt me, I’m sure you wouldn’t though because you love your mommy” she giggled as Denise rolled her eyes.

Denise continued to lie on the floor with the yoga pants just below her diaper and Sam standing over her “Now baby, you will stand up and let mommy pull the yoga pants up over your diapers and then we can go” Denise sighed “I don’t have a choice, if I don’t do it myself she will just make me do it. I’m fully under her control and I can’t stop it” she slowly shook her head as she sat up and slowly stood up in front of her taller sister. Sam smiled and gave her sister a kiss on the forehead “Good girl” she cooed as she bent down and grabbed the yoga pants and yanked them up, it was a tight squeeze and Denise felt every bit of the mess from the first diaper squish up against her but eventually, the yoga pants were up over Denise’s diapers.

Sam stood back up and smiled “Give me a twirl baby” she cooed, Denise sighed “This is so humiliating,” she thought as she looked down at her diapers clearly on display underneath the white yoga pants. Slowly she began to spin around on the spot as Sam squealed “Simply adorable but I think we can make it cuter” she said. Sam quickly grabbed hold of her sister's hand and pulled her smaller sister through the house and towards her own room, Denise waddled fast behind her sister blushing bright red as she felt her bum swing side to side as she was pulled through the house. Once in the room Sam released her sister's arm and smiled down at her “Sit on your bum baby and wait for mommy” she cooed Denise rolled her eyes and slowly lowered herself down onto the floor as Sam walked into the walk-in wardrobe.

Denise sat uncomfortably on the floor in her four diapers feeling the mess from the first one squish up against her she wanted to scream when she suddenly thought of something “I can run for it, I’m close to the front door. I could stand up and run outside” she smiled but then her heart sank “But then once I’m outside I can only crawl and now I can’t even speak like an adult and will have to say I want to be a baby if anyone asks” she shook “Should I even attempt it? I might be able to at least break free from her” she thought when suddenly Sam returned and Denise’s chest began to hurt.

Sam slowly walked up to Denise with her arms hiding behind her back and cooed “Now baby this is to help you to be less shy when we go outside” she smiled and pulled her arms from around her and held out a skirt. The skirt was a short plaid red checkered design and Denise’s eyes went wide as she stared at the skirt “That’s a schoolgirl skirt, it’s what you wore for a fancy dress costume” she looked down at her huge waist and the visible diaper under the yoga and pants and sighed “I guess it will hide the diaper more than these though” Sam giggled as she made her way to her sister “I think it’s going to look so cute on you baby, now stand up, and we can get you ready to go out”. Denise stood back up and Sam wrapped the skirt around her older sister and stood back and admired her infantile sister “Perfect, give me a spin” she cooed. Denise sighed once again as she stared down at the skirt “This is so humiliating” she thought as she slowly spun around and the skirt lifted up slightly, Denise quickly placed her hand on the skirt and pulled it down which made Sam frown “Nope we can’t have that baby” she looked at Denise with a wicked smile and said “Be a good baby and don’t touch your skirt” she giggled as Denise’s eyes went wide.

Chapter 09

  Sam walked over to her sister and gave Denise’s messy bum a pat as she looked down at her older sister “Now it's time to pick up your big sister” she cooed. Denise swallowed “Big sister? Alice is only 5 years old, Mommy wouldn’t have me be a baby around her would she?” she wondered nervously. Sam gave her sister a kiss on her forehead as she quickly took hold of Denise’s hand and pulled her along behind her towards the front door, Denise’s heart was racing as she waddled behind her younger sister in her messy diaper. Sam opened the front door and Denise blushed bright red “I can’t believe I’m going out like this again, this is so humiliating” she thought with a sigh. Sam turned to her sister “Be a good baby and walk outside only if you're holding the hand of a grown-up” she smiled as Denise frowned at her younger sister, “That will do until we get baby a stroller for when we go outside” she giggled as she turned back to face the street. Denise’s eyes went wide with fear “A stroller? She wouldn’t take me out in a stroller?” she thought with dread as she was quickly pulled out of the house.

Sam closed the front door behind them as she looked at her sister “Now you will be able to keep up with mommy as we walk to the car baby girl?” she cooed, Denise blushed as she looked over at the car on the driveway as Sam continued “If baby can’t then I will have to carry baby to the car, so can baby walk beside her mommy like a good baby?”. Denise’s eyes widened as she quickly nodded “I am not getting carried by her, Mommy would probably try to carry me like a baby and I don’t need any more attention brought to myself right now” she thought with a sigh as Sam smiled down at her. Sam walked towards the car with Denise waddling beside her miserably, her eyes darted up and down street nervously as she felt the mess in her diaper press against her bum cheeks as she waddled. Her chest ached as she held onto her sister's hand “How am I going to get out of this? I can’t run for it, I can't shout or scream for help without sounding like a baby right now. Mommy really has thought of everything to stop me from getting free from her” she thought with a tear in her eye.

The two sisters arrived at the car and Sam opened the back passenger door “Get in baby” she cooed, Denise did as she was told wanting to get out of from the open as soon as possible and quickly sat down in the back seat with a squelch which caused her to frown. Sam took hold of the seat belt and lent over her infantile sister and bucked in her and quickly closed the door. Denise shook her head “Why did I sit down like that? I should have known what was going to happen. I felt more of my poop spread around, I can feel it between my legs now and all because I wanted to get out of the view from nobody out there” she thought. Sam jumped into the driver's seat and quickly lowered the windows “Wowe baby, you sure are going to stink out mommies car” she mocked as she turned on the engine and drove the car off the drive and down the road. Denise sighed from the back seat as the wind blew her hair around, she lifted her thumb up to her mouth and began to suck as she got lost in thought.

Oh great now we are driving to a school with the windows down and I'm dressed like this, I really hope I don’t have to get out of the car when we get there” she shook nervously at the thought. Sam continued the drive down the road in silence as Denise sat miserably in her filth in the back seat “I need to start acting smarter if I’m stuck like this, I can’t think of any way of getting out of this right now but I will find some way of doing it. I can not let her control me like this forever. If I do what she says then she will lift the commands. Mommy…” she shook her head “Sam! She is Sam, not mommy, why do I keep thinking that? I need to keep an eye on that” she thought when she noticed her thumb in her mouth and her eyes widened. “What am I doing?” she thought as she removed it from her mouth and sighed. She looked over at Sam driving and frowned “She wants me to do things on my own but act like a baby, she is twisted and even though that’s humiliating it's the only freedom I have right now. If I do everything she says I might find a way to tell someone what's happening to me and get free of this living nightmare” she thought as the car pulled up at the school





Can't wait for more!