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 Chapter 01

The cold weather had come to Australia and for Katie that made her situation a lot harder and an offer more tempting. Most people think of Australia as hot as a desert but when it comes to the winter months the temperature can reach 0c and when you are living on the streets (like Katie was) each night becomes a struggle to stay warm. Katie was a pretty 20-year-old, 5'2 skinny with jet black hair and very impressive bust size, she had a lip piercing on the left side of her mouth and had a few tattoos on her arms and legs basically Katie was a modern punk, she had wanted to become a teacher but never really had the motivation to follow through with it, she had finished school at 18 and had made no attempt to work or further her education. Katie was living with her parents after she finished school but it had become harder and harder as her mum was an alcoholic and her stepdad wanted nothing to do with her, after a very heated argument between Katie and her stepdad Katie's step-dad threw her out and with no friends that could put her up the poor girl had no choice put to live on the streets.

Katie had been on the streets for a few weeks she didn't have a sleeping bag or warm clothing she had been begging for money and food when the city hit its lowest temperature for the year, Katie knew she might not survive the night. Until what seemed to Katie a guardian angel took pity on the poor girl and offered her a room to stay, Katie was apprehensive at first but as a cold wind came in and hit Katie like needles she took the women up on her offer.

Emma was a 30-year-old writer, she was divorced because of a tragedy that their relationship couldn't get over, her daughter had died before she turned one and Emma had become increasingly lonely after five years alone. Emma was 5'10 blonde hair skinny with impressive bust size, she had seen Katie a few times when she walked to get a coffee and as the winter air hit her as she passed the young woman she didn't even think as she asked if Katie wanted to stay with her.

"It's not a fancy place just two bedrooms one bathroom but you can stay a night and see where you go from there" Emma nervously said, Katie felt like Emma may not have thought it through but didn't want to say anything to make her reject her offer and leave her out in the cold "Sounds great" Katie tried to sound cheerful but it was hard to do while shivering. A minute later and they arrived at Emma's one-story house "Come in, Come in don't let the warmth out" Emma pulled Katie into the house. Katie was consumed by the warmth and a big smile came across her face as she looked around at the house that needed a good clean "Looks very nice" she lied "Oh thank you, It may need some work but I'm in the middle of writing a new book and I get so consumed by it that I forget to do other things" Emma was quickly picking up old newspapers and throwing them in the bin "Ah yes I completely understand, I'm the same when I draw" Katie didn't care how dirty the place was, it was warm and indoors "You must be tired dear, you must jump into the shower then off to bed" Emma was leading Katie towards the shower before Katie could object "Through here" they arrived at the bathroom and Emma gently nudged Katie inside and closed the door on her "Wow I guess I must smell, she really wanted me to shower" Katie said to herself. Katie slowly got undressed, removing her jeans, black t-shirt and her black underwear, Katie admired her naked self in the mirror "I have lost a little weight in my tummy, that's good I guess" She walked over to the shower and turned it on, when the water was hot enough she got in and spent a long time cleaning herself, Katie was in her own world enjoying the hot water dripping down her face towards her neck and over her breasts. She eventually got out of the shower and was drying herself when she realized her clothing had gone from the room. The bathroom door swung open and Katie jumped quickly covering her nudity "ermm where are my clothes" she asked "Oh I put them in the wash for you" Emma cheerfully replied, " So what will I wear tonight?" Katie was a little concerned "Well you are just going to bed so you can sleep naked, that's not a problem is it?" Katie shook her head "So where will I be sleeping?" "Ah follow me" Emma was practically bouncing down the short hallway with Katie slowly following her wearing nothing but a tightly gripped towel. Emma opened the door and Katie's eyes widened.

Chapter 02

The room was a baby's nursery complete with crib, playpen and changing table "I can't sleep in here" Katie stammered "Why not? It was my daughter's room but you can use it, it's better than where you were before, warm and comfy, there's a bed" Emma walked over to the crib and lowered the side rails "There's a crib" Katie replied bluntly, Emma appeared hurt "Semantics you will fit in it, its all I have and all I am offering" Katie looked at it and didn't think she would probably fit in it, she looked out the window and saw rain had begun to fall and that quickly made up her mind. Katie sighed "Ok sorry, thank you" Emma smiled and walked over to Katie and grabbed her hand pulling her towards the crib, Katie looked in judging the size and without warning, she felt hands under her armpits, as she was being lifted up, Katie accidentally let go off the towel she had been tightly holding and it fell to the floor exposing her nudity. The young women let out a little scream from the shock of what was happening, Emma smiled and placed her new housemate into the crib on her knees. Katie quickly grabbed the sheets in the crib and covered herself, Katie snapped "What was that? I didn't need your help to get in" Emma just smiled "It looked like you didn't know how to get in so I was showing you" Emma raised up the side rail of the crib "There you go now you can't hurt yourself and roll onto the floor, it must be weird to be in a bed once again." Katie didn't know what to think she slumped down onto the crib's mattress, she was contemplating leaving but a quick glance at the rain outside once again quickly changed her mind, she sighed "OK I will see you in the morning" Emma hadn't stopped smiling since placing Katie into the crib "Nighty-night" Emma slowly walked out the room keeping her eyes and smile on Katie, Emma turned off the light and closed the door leaving Katie sitting in the baby crib.

Katie looked around the nursery room she was staying in and couldn't believe that Emma had convinced her to stay here for the night "So naked in a crib, warm but still naked or fully clothed cold and wet on the street, it's an obvious choice but it's still very weird" Katie laid down and found she had just enough space if she bent her knees, she covered herself with the sheets, which she now noticed were pink and had a Disney princess on them, and got settled for the night.

Chapter 03

Katie slowly awoke to the sun coming into the room and as she opened her eyes and stretched she banged her hands on the sides of the crib like a jolt she remembered where she was, as she sat up in the crib the door opened, Katie quickly covered up her nudity with the pink sheet as Emma entered the room towards the crib "Good morning dear, how did you sleep?" Katie was annoyed at the invasion of privacy but gritted her teeth "fine" she responded, "Can I have my clothes back?" Emma looked embarrassed "I'm sorry they are not dry yet, you will have to wait" Katie was disheartened "Can I borrow your clothes to wear then?" Emma laughed "Don't be silly, you are too small to wear any of my clothes, Oh I know" Emma turned and went towards a cupboard under the changing table and pulled out a pink shirt with Minnie mouse embroidered on it "This should fit you" She held it up and walked towards Katie, as she got to Katie the shirt did look the right size for her "You got anything more grown-up?" Emma looked hurt "It's fine, it's fine but what about pants? Katie quickly responded "Ermm I don't think there are any pants that will fit you" Emma went back to the cupboard "Ah these will do" Katie started nervously laughing as Emma held up pink pull-ups "You're joking right? I'm not wearing that, I will just wrap a towel around my waist or something" Emma smiled and walked towards Katie "No, No you have to wear pants I think this will do just fine" Katie was sweating she didn't know what to do, Emma was much taller and stronger than her and she couldn't run outside naked "It's only till my clothes are dry then I'm out of here OK?" Emma nodded "Arms up" Emma cheerfully ordered. Katie quickly questioned "What? I will put the shirt on myself, give it here" Emma kept smiling "You are going to need a hand putting it on, now hands up" Katie was about to protest again when Emma's smile left and she folded her arms, Katie felt very small and intimidated, she swallowed hard and lifted her hands up slowly, as she did the sheet that was covering her nakedness slid down exposing her breasts once again to Emma. Emma smiled and put the shirt over Katie's arms and head, Emma lifted all of Katie's black hair out of the way and continued to pull the shirt down. The shirt got tight around Katie's breasts and Emma had to pull harder to get it over the young girl's ample chest and once over the shirt stopped just above Katie's bellybutton rather than down by her waist as it was designed. Katie looked down at her shirt to see Minnie mouse smiling up at her "Ok this is just weird but give me them so I can get out of this crib" Katie pointed at the pull-ups, Emma smiled and gave the pull-ups to Katie "be careful not to pull them up too hard don't want them to break now do we" Katie didn't want to look at the ridiculous underwear so she quickly put them under the sheet that was hiding the rest of her nudity and put them on being careful not to show anything to Emma "There we go they are on now lower the rails so I can get out" Katie crossed her arms like a pouting child which made Emma laugh. Emma lowered the side rail and started to help Katie out of the crib "I can get out on my own" Katie was getting increasingly more annoyed with her host "I'm just trying to help" Emma said with a smile. Katie was now standing in front of Emma wearing her pink Minnie mouse shirt and her pink pull-ups, feeling very stupid "You look cute but it doesn't go with your piercing or your tattoos, never mind" Katie was glad it didn't go with them she wasn't planning on wearing the stupid outfit for long. Emma and Katie left the nursery and entered the living space, "I am going to carry on writing if you could clean the house while your clothes dried that would be great". Katie didn't mind cleaning she knew she had to make it up to Emma somehow for letting her stay the night and cleaning was an easy way to do it but she couldn't shake the fact of having to do it in such infantile clothing really bothered her but she started anyway. Emma was at her desk and would occasionally look up to see how Katie was getting on, she giggled to herself when she looked up once and saw Katie was bending over cleaning the coffee table her pull-ups on full display. An hour had passed and the silence was interrupted by a ding "ah that must be your clothes done in the dryer" Emma said with enthusiasm, Katie was very happy to finally get back into her own clothes and stopped the cleaning while Emma got up from her desk and walked to the dryer, she quickly returned with all of Katie's clean clothing, Katie quickly grabbed them and went into the bathroom to change, Katie quickly removed the small t-shirt and put her black bra on and her black t-shirt she quickly looked at herself in the mirror still wearing the pull-up and quickly pulled it off in disgust, she slid her black panties up and then her jeans and had a sigh of relief when she saw herself in the mirror again "I'm never going to tell anyone about this" she said quietly. Katie left the bathroom to find Emma sitting on the sofa "come sit down" she said, Katie made her way over to her and sat next to her feeling uneasy "You did a good job cleaning and as I said I get wrapped up in my book a lot so I was wondering if you would like a kind of job, you can live here with me and do the cleaning, washing and make dinner and I will pay you" Katie was taken back "ermm where would I stay?" Emma smiled "In the nursery, if you give me a few days I will get furniture that will fit you and it also gives me time to write a contract out for you, the deal is up in 3 days so take sometime to think about it" Emma quickly got up and went to the front door, unlocked it and opened it up "I hope to see you again" Katie was still on the sofa and unfortunately knew that Emma wanted her to leave so she stood and walked to the door, feeling the cold on her arms before she got there "Thank you for having me, it was a little weird but thanks for the offer, I will let you know" Emma smiled as Katie passed her and quickly closed the door on her, Katie instantly hated the temperature change and she was very hungry she half wanted to bang on the door straight away and accept her offer but something about it made Katie feel uneasy.

Chapter 04

Katie returned to the streets for the next few nights but on the third night, she had decided to take Emma up on her offer, even if it made her feel uneasy it was warm and it paid. Katie knocked on Emma's front door and very quickly Emma answered it "Awwww you came back, excellent now come with me" Emma grabbed Katie's hand and dragged her into the house quickly closing the door and they both went into the living room where a man was sitting "Hello you must be Katie" Katie was freaking out now she didn't know what she hot gotten herself into "He is my notary, just hear to stamp the contract after you have signed it" Katie had a sigh of relief "Yes so if you are happy with it just put your name here and sign here and I will stamp and it's all official" the man looked at Katie expectantly, Katie looked at the contract "Shouldn't I read it first" Emma got up and put the pen in Katie's hand "Nooo it's just boring legal stuff to do with my writing" Katie felt very pressured into signing the document and when she put pen to paper Emma practically squealed, the man stamped the document and gave a wicked smile to Emma, he then quickly left the house with Emma's thanks. Emma looked like she was going to burst with excitement "Ok Katie you are now mine" she giggled, Katie looked confused "I was going to keep this a secret and slowly do it but what the hell you just signed an agreement that made me your legal guardian."

Katie's jaw dropped "What the fuck do you mean" Emma quickly grabbed Katie's arm and sat on the couch pulling Katie over her knee in the process. "Get off me you fucking bitch" Katie shouted but Emma had her pinned down and all Katie could do was kick her legs in defiance. Emma brought down her hand onto Katie's denim-covered bottom, Katie let out an involuntary "ouch" as the pain started emanating from her bum, Emma proceeded to spank Katie's bottom. Katie's bottom felt like it was on fire by the third slap, by the seventh slap, Katie was crying and begging Emma to stop. Emma spanked Katie for a full minute. Finally, she stopped and Katie rolled off her lap and onto the floor. She knelt in front of the taller woman, rubbing her bottom with one hand and trying in vain to stop the flood of tears with the other. Shaking her finger at Katie, Emma said, "If you misbehave again, babykins, you'll get another spanking. Do you understand?"

Feeling defeated, Katie said "Yes" and began to stand. She only got to her feet before she found herself being hauled over Emma's lap again. Emma began to spank Katie's' sore red bottom again, Emma said angrily, "Babies crawl and you are a baby!" Katie cried and said, "All right, I'll crawl! Stop spanking me, Emma!" Emma continued the spanking as she commanded, "Babies speak baby-talk. And you will call me ‘Mommy'."

"I won't talk like a baby! And I definitely won't call you ‘Mommy'!" wailed Katie. Katie's refusal lasted for a few more slaps to her already sore bottom. In moments Katie cried out, "Pleeze ‘Mommy', stop spanking baby! I'll er...me be good baby!" Emma stopped the spanking satisfied with what she had heard. Emma kept Katie pinned across her knee "I don't want to spank you baby but when you use naughty words or pretend to be a grown-up I will have to, it's your fault really, you looked so damn cute in them pull-ups I decided I wanted to see you in even cuter clothing" Emma giggled "What do you mean? I'm a grown-up" Katie shouted, Emma, tutted "I see you need another lesson" With Katie still across her knee Emma easily pulled down Katie's jeans and panties exposing Katie's red bottom to her, Emma just gave one very hard slap to Katie's already tender bum "You are a what?" Emma asked, Katie knew there was no way of getting out of it but couldn't bring herself to saying it. Another hard slap to Katie's cheeks and Emma repeated: "You are a what?" Katie swallowed hard but still, no words came out, her bum was in so much pain and she knew that one more slap would make her cave. Emma tutted and her hand once again came crashing down onto Katie's red cheeks, Katie let out a loud cry and blurted out "Me a baby" Emma squealed with delight "I am your?" Katie closed her eyes as she said "Mommy" Emma squealed again, "Good baby, see it's not so hard is it, now I'm going to let baby off my lap and I am going to take all babies pretend grown-up clothes off and you are going to be a good baby through it all. Isn't that right?" Emma lightly tapped Katie's bum while waiting for the response, Katie wanted to scream and punch at her capture but as the pats to her bottom got harder Katie felt she had no choice but to say "Me be good baby".

Emma let Katie off her lap and she sat on the floor rubbing her bum with one hand and placing the other in front of her groin, Emma slapped her hand away "Naughty baby, you don't cover up, most babies like to be naked and if I see you doing it again you will be spanked" Katie looked at the floor all the fight gone from her. Katie's pants and panties were around her knees when Emma grabbed the pants and slid them off her then she slid off the panties. "Arms up baby" Katie did as she was told and Emma removed Katie's black t-shirt, Emma reached around and unclasped Katie's bra exposing her breasts once again, Katie wanted to cover up but remembered Emma's warning and left her hands by her side. Katie was now sitting naked in front of Emma "It's time to get you in your crib baby Katie, crawl little girl" Katie sighed and got onto all fours and began to crawl to the nursery. Katie was bright red with embarrassment being forced to crawl naked in front of a stranger, she looked at her and saw that Emma was following her towards the nursery. Emma couldn't stop admiring the naked crawling women, she stared at the woman's body her cute red bum crawling in front of her sent chills down her body. Emma squealed with excitement as they entered Katie's new nursery.

Chapter 05

Katie hadn't noticed anything different to the nursery as she crawled towards her new bed, it wasn't till she had arrived at the crib that it appeared much larger than she remembered it being, as she was studying her new bed Emma came up from behind and quickly lifted Katie up and placed her into the crib. Katie let out a little scream from the shock of being lifted and once again placed into the crib, she came to the realization that this was indeed a bigger crib than the one she had stayed in only a few nights before. Katie was in shock that she was now in an adult-sized crib "Isn't it adorable, I got it especially for you my little baby", Emma was practically bouncing with excitement "Now let's get these on you" Emma quickly locked Katie's right arm into a restraint that was attached to the bed and with surprising speed, Emma attached Katie's left hand to a second restraint before Katie had time to try and free herself, Emma bent under the crib and pulled on the straps securing Katie's hands at her side and to the crib mattress. "What the fuck are you doing? Let me go?" Katie screamed with a look of fear in her eyes. Emma's smile had left her face and it terrified Katie who straight away regretted what she had said. Emma got another restraint and placed it around Katie's neck like a collar, once again pulled on it from under the crib and Katie was forced to lie down in her infantile bed, Emma disappeared under the table and when she returned placed something out of the view of Katie, Katie was shaking as Emma placed two more restraints on Katie's legs, Katie thought she was going to be tied down to the crib totally unable to move but Emma surprised her and pulled the ends of the restraints up and attached them above Katie's head. Emma slowly tightened the restraints causing Katie's legs to lift up off the mattress while separating and go above her head, Emma stopped and Katie's feet were now past her head and far apart. With her vagina and groin in a very vulnerable position Emma returned to the bottom of the crib, she placed her fingers between Katie's bum cheeks and pulled them apart, Katie tried to wriggle free but she was tightly bound to the crib, Emma took the item and slowly started to push it up into Katie's bottom, Katie screamed out at the invasion she could feel it slowly sliding into her as tears formed, Emma, twisting it as she slowly and carefully pushed the item all the way into the handle. Emma stood back and smiled "That is just one of the punishments you will receive if you are naughty, now I'm going to leave that penis in you all night" Katie was shocked she could still feel it inside her and was very uncomfortable, she turned her head away from Emma not wanting to look at her. Emma lowered the restraints on her legs and attached them at the opposite end of the crib, locking Katie down to the mattress. Emma turned something on at the foot of the crib and lifted the side rail of the crib, gave a wicked smile to Katie and slowly left the room, leaving Katie in complete shock. She couldn't think straight her mind was rushing around and unable to comprehend what was happening and wished it was just a nightmare.

Chapter 06

Katie lay forced to the crib naked she slowly looked around the room "Not much else has changed since the last time I was in here, oh the playpen has been removed and is that changing table bigger?" She said to herself as she shuddered "Wait? An adult changing table she isn't going to have me wear diapers like some damn baby is she? She can't be that fucked up in the head can she?" As soon as she finished the sentence the door swung open making Katie jump and an angry Emma came marching towards the crib "You naughty baby, you speak babytalk or baby will get punished" Katie looked at her confused and Emma's expression changed to a smirk and pointed at the foot of the crib, Katie's eyes looked over and saw a small round object attached to the crib facing her, "That my little baby is your baby monitor, I can see and hear everything you do and I heard you be such a naughty baby" Katie began to panic as Emma lowered the side of the crib.

Emma stood over Katie and for the first time Katie had noticed that Emma was holding a pair of scissors, pointing to Katie's pubic hair, "That will have to go" Katie cried out, "No!" "Does Baby Katie wantum Mommy to spank baby again?" Katie just shook her head, "No." She laid there sobbing as Emma slowly clipped away all of Katie's pubic hair, leaving a stubble. Once reduced to stubble, Emma smeared shaving cream on it and shaved the remaining hair away, she was as hairless as a newborn baby. "Dere," cooed Emma, "Mommy take all dat nasty hair away from Baby Katie." Katie continued her sobbing as Emma prepared items at the foot of the crib. Taking baby lotion and baby powder, Emma rubbed it all over the young women's bottom and pubic area, Katie squirmed and wiggled with every touch but was unable to get away from Emma's touch. She lifted an item and showed it to the 20-year-old, Katie started to cry, as Emma was holding an adult-size diaper. Katie shook her head and cried out, "No!, Please don't make me wear that!" Smiling, Emma replied, "But Baby Katie, all babies wear diapers. that's because they're not potty-trained. And you being a baby, you're not potty-trained now, are you." It was a statement, not a question. Katie shook at the thought, Emma wanted her not only to wear the diaper but to use it as a baby too. Emma lifted Katie's bottom off the mattress and slid the diaper under her. Gently she laid Katie on it as Katie felt the end of the penis touch the diaper she started to cry. Emma pulled the front up between her legs and taped the ends together. Katie was encased in an adult diaper. "Baby Katie your diaper looks adorable and you look so cute just two more things and you are ready for sleepy time" Emma giggled and leaned towards Katie's face, "We must take this silly thing out, it's not for babies" Katie closed her mouth not wanting the last bit of her adult life to be removed "Baby Katie if you do not open your mouth then your diaper will have another little friend enter and find its way inside you" Katie opened her mouth in shock and Emma grabbed it open, slowly she removed Katie's piercing "Don't worry baby Katie, you will have something more age-appropriate in your mouth instead" Emma cooed and inserted an adult-sized pacifier into Katie's open mouth "Suck baby Katie" Emma stood back and folded her arms as Katie felt she had no choice but to suck on the infantile item. Emma smiled lifted the side rails and practically skipped out of the room before she left she turned on the night light and turned off the main light "Goodnight my gorgeous baby" Emma giggled and closed the door.

Chapter 07

Katie couldn't get her head around what had happened she was strapped down in an adult crib a dildo up her bum and a diaper taped around her crotch. Katie spat the pacifier and looked down at her new underwear in disgust "What the fuck has happened, that bitch is crazy, I can not be here in diapers" as soon as Katie had said that to herself the door swung open the light turned on and Emma came rushing over to the crib and lowered the side rail Katie shook with fear she had forgotten about the baby monitor already and new that Emma had heard everything. "You naughty baby, I saved you from living on the streets, I thought having your bum full would make you realize you have to be a good baby, maybe having a wet diaper will force you to accept your just a baby" Emma screamed. Katie was shaking with fear she didn't want to wet her diaper just like a baby. Emma opened up the diaper exposing Katie's hairless vagina, Emma slid down her own pants and white panties standing over her captive half naked she jumped into the crib and sat down between Katie's legs, the two women's vaginas touching, Katie turned her head away not wanting to look at Emma but Emma grabbed Katie's face and turned it back. Katie was trembling when she felt the warmth of the urine hit her body and the horrible reality hit her. Emma was moaning and biting her bottom lip as she carried on urinating onto Katie and the diaper. Emma was looking at Katie the whole time, as she finished she had a huge smile on her face. Emma jumped out of the crib and pulled her panties and pants up, "Now baby you are not going to get your diaper changed till the morning maybe next time you will be a good girl" Emma slowly closed the wet diaper onto Katie's body and taped it in place Katie shook at the feeling of the warm urine surrounding her, her diaper had become thicker than before, Katie found it even more uncomfortable and humiliating and she began to cry again. "Awwww what's up baby girl, oh I know what you want" Emma grabbed at her own white t-shirt and pulled it over her head revealing her white bra, Katie's eyes widened as she saw Emma slowly remove her bra and expose her curvy body to her new adult baby. Emma loosened Katie's collar and climbed back into the crib, Emma gave her a kiss on the top of Katie's head. "Shh shh shh, that's a good baby. Have some nice milkies and you'll feel all better," Emma whispered as she placed one hand behind Katie's head, with the other on her breast. Katie wanted nothing in the world less than to drink milk from the women's teat but wasn't foolish enough to think there was any avoiding it anymore. She opened her mouth and, crying even harder now, put her lips on the nipple. Katie sucked, but could immediately tell that this would difficult she needed to use her tongue to help her to latch on properly. Finally, the first wave of milk came, which was perhaps the worst part of the whole experience for Katie. Mentally, there was no suggestion that she was pretending anymore. Milk was flowing directly from a slightly older women's breast into her mouth, and Katie was dutifully swallowing it while laying across her lap in a sodden diaper. Slowly, Katie sucked her way through her humiliating breastfeeding. The first breast took Katie nearly 20 minutes to drain. The milk was far more watery than normal milk and some of it dripped down onto Katie's breasts. When she finished, Emma moved quickly to make the other breast available, and Katie once again had to endure the humiliating process of suckling Emma's nipple until it ran dry. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she finished. Seemingly just to add another level of humiliation Emma pulled Katie up so that her head rested on her shoulder and patted her back until Katie let out a loud burp, which she had to admit did make her stomach feel better, even though she hadn't felt particularly poorly at the start. Emma smiled down at her adult baby and lowered her head back onto the crib mattress, Emma got out of the crib and tightened Katie's collar stopping her from sitting up once again. Emma picked up the pacifier Katie had spat out earlier and shoved it into Katie's mouth "Suck baby" Katie obeyed and began sucking, Emma bent down and picked up her shirt and bra but didn't bother to put either on "Now you silly little baby girl remember the baby monitor at the end of the bed, if you spit that pacifier out then you will be punished if you try to pretend to speak like a big girl you will be punished, do you understand baby? Katie nodded her head "OK now you are a naughty baby, what are you? Emma stood over Katie staring at her, Katie sighed and from behind the pacifier weakly "Me a naughty baby" Emma smiled and covered Katie with a pink blanket "What are you?" Katie sighed again "Me a naughty baby" Emma carried on smiling as she raised the side rails on the crib "What are you? Katie shouted "Me a naughty baby" Emma giggled "That's right baby you are, but with my help you will be a good baby" Emma walked over to the light switch and turned it off leaving only the nightlight to illuminate the room "Goodnight baby" Emma cooed to Katie as she left the nursery. Katie looked up at the camera knowing that even though she had left Emma was still watching her, she wanted to spit the dummy out but didn't want to be punished again. Katie's diaper had become cold and itchy she wanted to gag when she thought back on what Emma had done to her, Katie wiggled and felt the dildo inside her, her bottom was aching on the outside and the inside, her breasts felt sticky and shivered at the thought of Emma's milk being left on them. Katie tried to sleep to try to make the day end but couldn't, everything that had happened rushed around in her head and everything that could happen scared her awake.

Chapter 08

Morning finally arrived and Katie hadn't been able to sleep in her infantile bed, Emma slowly came into her room "I saw you were awake baby, did baby have a good sleep?" Katie didn't speak knowing if she did she would be punished. Emma walked over to her adult baby and lowered the side rail on the crib, Emma removed the blanket that covered the twenty-year-olds supple breasts and wet diaper and proceeded to check Katie's diapers, Katie's eyes widened as Emma put her fingers inside the diaper "Oh baby you have a wet diaper" Katie rolled her eyes thinking that was the most obvious statement. Emma unfastened the tapes and pulled it away from between Katie's legs exposing Katie's vagina and bottom to her, Emma smiled as she looked down at the wet diaper between Katie's legs. "I think baby has learned her lesson, I think it's time your little friend goes back into his draw" and with that Emma's hand disappeared below Katie's legs and Katie felt the penis move inside her and let out an involuntary moan which made Emma giggle "Don't worry baby you will get to play with your little friend again" she carefully pulled out the rubber penis from Katie's bottom before administering lots of baby cream to the area, Katie was relieved to finally have the dildo removed from her poor bottom. Emma removed the soiled diaper and produced a fresh one immediately she slid the diaper under Katie's bottom and taking baby lotion and baby powder, Emma rubbed it all over the young women's bottom and vagina, Emma brought the diaper up between Katie's leg, fastening the tapes, Katie felt the diaper tighten as she pulled on the sticky tapes and sealed them on either side. As soon as the dildo was removed Katie felt the urge to poop but she held it not wanting to go through the humiliation of messing her diaper. Emma smiled at her work as she produced an adult size baby bottle from her pocket as she removed the pacifier that Katie had been sucking all night Katie quickly sucked on the nipple of the bottle happy for the liquid, once the bottle was finished Emma placed the pacifier back in and Katie began to suck. Emma produced a damp cloth from the opposite pocket and began to give her new adult baby a sponge bath, spending a lot of attention on Katie's breasts, making Katie shiver at the arousal she was feeling, once she was clean Emma smiled and bent down to give Katie a kiss on the forehead. The crib was closed and to Katie's shock, Emma left the room without saying a word, Katie didn't want to stay in the crib any longer she thought she would be finally getting out. Katie didn't know what to do when her stomach made a grumble and Katie knew what was going to happen next, "Emma Emma please I need to use the bathroom" Katie wailed but Emma didn't come, tears were now in Katie's eyes as she knew it would be soon "Erm mommy please me need to potty" Katie hoped that would work but still nothing. Katie knew she couldn't stop it and with a loud, unladylike fart, Katie lost her battle and began to mess herself. There seemed to be a few distinct waves and several more pockets of gas loudly escaped before Katie, exhausted from the evacuation and the battle that had proceeded it, began to cry. As the poop cooled and began to itch, not to mention the smell, Katie thought about just how much she hated the feeling of the messy diaper and the utter disgusting feeling of what she had done, she didn't care for the humiliation of being changed she just wanted out of the poop covered diaper.

For Katie, it had seemed like forever but it had been five hours and Emma finally arrived in the room, she walked up to Katie and folded her arms "You are a naughty baby, you call me mommy and you speak baby talk" Katie felt small "Me naughty baby, mommy pweez change me diapee" Katie wanted to be sick with making such an infantile request. Emma lowered the side rail and produced a bottle, Katie opened her mouth expectantly but her eyes widened when she tasted the familiar taste of Emma's breast milk, she tried to turn away but Emma kept the bottle in position, Katie finished the horrible substance and the bottle was removed. Emma looked down at Katie "You have been naughty I will change your diaper later, now you lie there thinking of how much of a naughty baby you have been". Katie's mouth opened but the pacifier was placed in to stop her speaking, the side rail was closed and Emma left once again, Katie quickly cried herself to sleep. Emma returned at dinnertime to find Katie sleeping, sucking on the nipple. She woke her adult baby up startling her. Keeping the nipple in her mouth, knowing that she would be spanked if she spoke as an adult, Katie lowered her eyes and cried out, "Ma-Ma!" Smiling, Emma tickled Kathy under her chin, as one would do to a baby. She lowered the side rail, talking baby-talking to Katie. Slowly, she removed the blanket and removed Katie's leg restraints. Katie couldn't stop herself from smiling knowing that her messy diaper would finally be removed, Emma lifted Katie's legs and slowly her diaper was soon opened and the momentous task of wiping her filthy, smelly bum began. Katie was unsure whether she felt better or worse having a diaper change at the age of twenty. Finally, the wiping ended, cooing, Emma said, "Ah, poor widdle baby, hers got a didee rash!" Katie started to cry at having a rash just like a baby. Still cooing to Katie, Emma said, "Don't cry, Baby Katie. Mommy will put boo-boo medicine on it."

First, she took baby wipes and clean up Katie's pubic area. She took diapering and spread the white ointment all over the redness. This felt good to Katie, it relieved the itching and after a thorough powdering, another diaper was taped up. Emma loosened the collar around Katie's neck and helped Katie sit up in her crib Emma spoon-fed her warm pabulum. Katie swallowed the baby pabulum. She did not like the bland baby food, but she was quite hungry and finished every spoonful of the pabulum. Once she finished the pabulum, Emma laid her adult baby down, inserted the pacifier, and pulled the side rail up and closed the lid, securing it. Katie was again locked in.

Chapter 09

Every day, Emma took care of Katie. She would wake her up at 8 am., check her diaper, feed her pabulum and bottle of Emma's milk. After breakfast, Katie was given a sponge bath, put into clean diapers, the crib was locked and at lunchtime and dinnertime, she was spoon-fed pabulum and bottle-fed. Her diapers were checked and changed if they were in the least bit wet but she managed not to mess herself yet. This treatment would continue for four days. Katie had been a good baby for Emma as she always believed that if she stayed good then she would be freed from the crib and then she might be able to make her escape, also because of how embarrassing and humiliating her first night of being a baby as she didn't want anything like that to happen to her again.

On the Saturday morning after four days of being babied, Emma entered her nursery wearing a dressing gown and cooed, "Baby Katie, Mommy going to take baby to breakfast". Katie had a big smile on her face if she couldn't make her escape today then she would definitely be happy to be out of the crib. Emma lowered the side rail and unfastened the restraints on Katie's arms and helped her out of the crib. Katie dropped down onto her wet diapered bottom and proceeded to crawl after Emma into the rest of the house, Katie crossed through the living room, past the playpen and toys, and into the kitchen. When she arrived there, Katie was surprised to see an adult-sized high chair as she was staring Emma helped her up into the high chair that sat waiting for her. Katie was strapped in, with Emma cooing "We wouldn't want our precious babykins to fall out", The tray of her high chair was soon locked into position against her chest, and Emma crossed the kitchen to begin preparing the oatmeal, Katie's mouth was watering. As it heated in the microwave, Emma fastened an embarrassing bib around Katie's neck. It read, Mommy's Little Princess in pink letters across a plain yellow fabric, Katie hated being referred to as Emma's baby even if it was just from a bib. Soon enough, the microwave beeped and Emma brought her over her steaming hot oatmeal and began spoon-feeding it to her. Katie accepted the spoon and even though It tasted bland it was still better than the pabulum that she had been forced to eat for every meal the past week. Just as Emma was shoveling the last spoonful of oatmeal into Katie's increasingly dirty mouth, Katie felt the urge to pee and as she usually got a diaper change after breakfast she thought it best she just go, as the nipple of the baby bottle containing Emma's milk made it's way to Katie's mouth a warm stream of urine entered Katie's already soaked diaper. Emma tilting her head back from behind and put the bottle of her own milk into Katie's mouth. Of all the ways to be fed from a bottle, Katie found this new way the worst, Being fed in the high chair, as she was now, was particularly embarrassing to Katie. With her head tilted back, the bottle feeding forced her to look up at Emma, who had put her face very close to Katie's and whispered coos to her. Beyond this, Katie felt particularly infantile because of the way that the bottle simply poured into her mouth and she had to suck even more furiously than normally just to keep up with the flow of the bottle. Fortunately, after just a few short minutes of torture, Katie finished the bottle. Emma quickly and efficiently used her bib to clean up the oatmeal and milk that had remained on Katie's face and replaced her pacifier before removing the tray from the high chair. After she unbuckled the straps, she helped Katie down to the floor. "Follow mommy my little baby" Emma cooed to Katie, Katie followed her to the bathroom and was told to lie down on the tile floors, Katie did as she was told knowing that it would mean that the wet diaper would be removed and she was happy about that. As Emma was removing Katie's diaper "Wow baby you sure did go tinkle, maybe try and keep the next one dry" Emma giggled, while Katie turned bright red, she hated being mocked for wearing or using her diapers but she hadn't had any choice being locked in a crib for a week. "Crawl into the shower baby girl" Katie looked at the shower thankful that she wasn't getting a sponge bath today. As Katie got into the shower Emma removed her dressing gown revealing her naked hourglass figure to her adult baby. Katie's eyes widened she now knew that they would be bathing together, the shower could easily fit both Katie and Emma inside of it. Emma stood in the shower above Katie, Katie's head is between her legs she turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up, "Baby Katie, look at mommy" Katie didn't want to look up knowing what was so close to her face. "Baby Katie look at mommy" Emma repeated. Katie slowly looked up and saw Emma's freshly shaven vagina inches from her nose, past that was her belly that was protruding a little and then her perky boobs hid Emma's face from view, Katie felt very small and intimidated. "Good baby, now crawl forward I will wash you first". Katie slowly got to her hands and knees and crawled into the water, Katie felt the warm water hit all over her body and for a split second she had forgotten that she was now considered a baby and felt refreshed but that all came crashing down when Emma bent over with a cloth and started scrubbing Katie's bum and vagina. "Who's my good baby?" Katie knew what her captor wanted to hear and she rolled her eyes "Me am good baby" Emma giggled. "That's right baby, now sit down on your bum bum" Katie did as she was told and Emma bent down and cleaned the rest of her. Katie couldn't stop looking at Emma's breasts hanging down as she was bent over, Emma continued to clean every part of her, Emma spent a long time cleaning Katie's breasts once again and by the end of the clean Katie's nipples had become erect which made Emma giggle. Katie looked as Emma was putting the soap down and picking up the shampoo Katie read that it was baby soup and baby shampoo the realization that even in bathing she was considered a baby upset her after her hair was washed Emma ordered her to sit at the other end of the shower again. Emma began to wash with her own soap and shampoo and with nothing else to do, apart from suck on her pacifier, Katie stared at her 'mommy' she thought that she could run now but with the floor being wet, her legs not being used in a week and not knowing if there was a lock on the door she didn't think she would get far. Emma turned the water off and ordered Katie to exit the shower, Katie crawled out and sat down on the floor quickly followed by Emma, Emma quickly went to work drying Katie and when she had decided her body was dry she reached behind her and pulled out a diaper from under the sink. Katie sighed at the sight of the diaper after a week of wearing nothing but diapers she was enjoying being away from them. Emma slid the diaper under Katie's bum and taped it tightly onto her, Emma wasn't satisfied she turned around and pulled another three diapers from under the sink and opened them up. "No pweez mommy" Katie lisped out from behind her pacifier, "Mommy thinks it best for baby" with that Emma quickly slid on the other three diapers onto the twenty-year-old adult baby. "Much better" Emma squealed, Katie didn't think so, she thought her bum was now too big and the thickness between the legs was too much. Satisfied by the diapers Emma continued to dry Katie's hair, once Katie was all dry Emma set to work on drying herself while Katie watched sucking on her pacifier as the grown woman cleaned every intimate place on her body. Emma was almost done drying herself when she stopped, looked at Katie and shrugged her shoulders "Mommy has to go wee wee" Emma sat on the toilet in front of Katie "This is where grown-ups go wee wee you are just a baby so you go wee wee in your diaper" Katie watched on as she could hear Emma using the toilet, she felt so envious of anyone who was allowed to use a toilet, she hated having to use diapers for her bodily functions.

Chapter 10

Emma finished and flushed the chain she quickly wrapped the towel around her and told Katie to follow her, the pair arrived in Emma's room where Katie hadn't been before "You stay there at the bottom of the bed" Emma pointed to the spot and Katie crawled, Emma was going through her wardrobe picking out underwear as Katie looked on in envy, she was missing wearing underwear, how it made her feel and how it looked on her she never thought she would miss something so simple as underwear. Emma selected a frilly white pair of matching panties and bra and was quickly putting them on, she selected a pair of black jeggings and a brown woolly jumper. Katie didn't think much of the outfit as she had felt the urge to poop, as she still hadn't brought herself to messing the diapers she tried to hold it, Katie surprised herself when she managed to and the pressure had gone. "Off to your nursery baby" Katie gingerly got up and crawled to her nursery, when they arrived Emma quickly picked Katie up and placed her on the changing table "Time to get baby ready for the day" Katie sat with her legs dangling over the edge of the table Emma opened the drawer of her dresser across the room. She soon returned with a relatively simple pink onesie for Katie to wear. Katie sighed she hated pink and would always wear black if she had a choice, now here she is being shown a pink onesie with frilly lace around the armholes and across the bottom with baby embroidered across the front. Emma pulled the onesie over Katie's head and fastened the buttons in the crotch, Katie looked down she was happy that for the first time in a week her breasts weren't showing but hated how much of a baby the outfit made her feel. Emma told her to stay where she was. She soon returned with an item blue denim pair of shortalls, while they were quite babyish Katie was happy that they would cover up her onesie somewhat. Soon, though, her delight was diminished. As Emma brought the shortalls up her legs, she realized that they were closed on the bottoms with the same humiliating buttons that her onesie had, thus making it obvious that they were hiding diapers that may need changing it also hid the tattoo on her leg which Katie thought made her look even more like a baby. Still, at least the ruffles on the seat of her onesie were mercifully covered up. Emma looked at her adult baby and tutted "I know what's wrong we need to get that out of your face, don't we?" Emma reached under the changing table and grabbed two small hair bands. "One right...there...and right...there." Katie winced as her black hair was twisted into two pigtails and pulled by its rubber. Emma picked up two white socks with frills on them and placed them over Katie's feet and to finish it off a pair of pink Velcro shoes. Emma lifted Katie off the table and told Katie to crawl to the mirror, at the mirror Emma lifted Katie up to stand she could see herself fully. Looking back at Katie was an oversized baby, the four diapers made her waist look inflated and the embroidered wording on the pink onesie could still be seen, Emma made Katie turn and Katie almost dropped her pacifier on the floor, her bum was huge and it was obvious she was wearing a diaper from the way the shortalls were sitting around her padded bum. Katie was just happy that she might look like a baby only Emma will see it, "Follow mommy baby" Emma cheerfully said and Katie got back to her hands and knees and crawled after her.

Emma had Katie crawl to the living room, where Emma placed Katie's heavily padded bottom on the soft fabric of the playpen, Katie looked around the playpen to find all kinds of baby toys scattered about, Emma patted Katie's head and said "Baby Katie you play quietly with your toys while mommy does her work". Katie didn't want to be punished for disobeying Emma so she slowly picked up a doll and pretended to move it around the floor, which seemed to satisfy Emma who walked over to her desk and began her work on the computer.

Chapter 11

Katie looked around the room, she had a clear view of Emma typing on her computer from her playpen but she didn't have a clear view of the front door. Katie waited for the right time she didn't want to mess this up, she didn't care if she was going to run out of the house in a huge diaper she needed to get out. As she pretended to play she kept an eye on Emma who kept looking around to check up on her, after thirty minutes Katie had noticed that Emma hadn't turned around and was typing voraciously and that's when Katie decided to do it. She spat out her pacifier and quickly stood up on wobbly feet, she jumped over the playpen and made her way to the door as quickly as she could. Upon reaching the door, Katie found that it was locked from the inside. She grabbed the doorknob and was struggling with it when she heard footsteps from behind her.

Standing behind her was Emma, Katie shuddered as she knew that she was about to be punished. Turning around slowly, she saw that Emma's arms were folded. Katie immediately dropped down to her diapered bottom "Pweeze er...Mommy." Katie cried, "Me be good girl. No spank me, pweeze Mommy!" Emma walked towards the infantile woman and began to stroke her hair, "Mommy's sorry Baby Katie, but you were very naughty and must be taught a lesson. "Katie began to shake as Emma grabbed her wrist and dragged her over to a kitchen chair. She sat down and pulled the adult baby over her lap. Katie had started to cry as soon as she was being dragged over to the chair, Emma opened the buttons on her shortalls and pulled them apart exposing the pink onesie underneath, she did the same for the onesie revealing the diapers. With little struggle, she pulled the diapers down exposing Katie's bare bottom. Emma started the spanking and spanked Kathy for two full minutes. Once the spanking was finished Katie's bum was bright red and tears were streaming from her eyes, Emma pulled the diapers back up and fastened the buttons on the onesie. Emma lifted the young woman off her lap and sat her on the floor she grabbed the shortalls and removed them, leaving Katie in just her pink onesie "Crawl to your nursery baby Katie" Emma commanded, Katie slowly got onto her hands and knees and crawled towards her nursery with Emma following closely behind. Katie crawled towards the crib and Emma lifted her, Katie looked up at Emma with pleading eyes "Pweez mommy I will be good, no more in the crib" Emma said nothing as she removed Katie's shoes and socks she attached the restraints to Katie's hands and feet and left the room. Katie felt horrible she had only a few hours of freedom from the crib and she didn't want to be locked in it once again. Emma soon returned with a bottle and popped the nipple into Katie's mouth, Katie began to suck down the horrible substance not knowing that she was drinking a strong laxative that would soon take effect on her. Katie had finished the bottle and Emma removed it from her mouth "You are such a naughty baby, what are you?" Katie sighed and said quietly "Me big nawty baby" Emma nodded "Yes you are, now let's see how baby likes to live in her crib for a few more days" Katie's eyes began to water and she was about to protest when Emma popped the pacifier back in her mouth and left the room.

Chapter 12

Katie couldn’t stop crying she had been locked in the crib for what felt like hours sucking on the pacifier as her stomach gurgled and churned. She was in a lot of pain but she continued to fight the urge not wanting to mess her diaper like a baby. She slowly stopped crying as she stared down at the pink onesie and the thick diapers that were not so discreetly hidden underneath and sighed, she still couldn’t believe that this was happening her normal life of being a young punk woman was over and now she was forced to be an adult baby. The pain in her stomach was becoming much worse and with fresh tears in her eyes, she moaned and finally decided that she knew that she didn’t have a choice and she let nature take its course. She relaxed her body and felt a cold chill run through her as slowly she felt a torrent of warm sticky foul-smelling poop enter into her diaper and spread all over her bum, Katie’s eyes widened as she felt the thick liquid like poop spread around her diaper covering her lower back and to her horror moving into the front of her vagina. The smell was overpowering and it made Katie feel sick as she continued to mess, she closed her eyes and shook her head unable to stop herself. Once again she began to cry, she pounded her fists on the mattress at the unfairness of the situation when finally she finally stopped pooping.

Katie slowly stopped crying when her head began to hurt and she knew it would be best for her to calm down, she hadn’t moved an inch in such a long time and she was beginning to ache but couldn’t bring herself to move. After a few more minutes she felt something else her body wanted to do and she cursed under her breath as she felt a sneeze coming on, usually, this wouldn’t be a problem but Katie knew that once she sneezed her whole body would move and she would feel every bit of poop inside her diaper. She tried to fight it off by twitching her nose and thinking of other things but still, the urge grew, she wanted to rub her nose but was unable to with her hands strapped down uselessly beside her. Finally, she realized it would be another battle she would lose and she closed her eyes and tried to keep her body still but as she inhaled she felt movement from her diaper and before Katie knew it she let out a large sneeze that shook her body. She grimaced as she felt the stickiness of her diaper and worse of all she felt her bum cheeks stick together, she shook knowing that even though the mess had left her it didn’t get too far and was waiting to be cleaned up. She shook again when she suddenly realized it wasn’t going to be her that cleaned it up it would be Emma, the older woman would be wiping away the poop from around her bum cheeks, she would have the perfect view of everything that Katie had done in her diaper and it sent chills down the young woman’s spine.

The room had begun to darken and Katie was feeling completely drained she had fought the urge to sleep for hours knowing that she would try to move during her sleep and spread her now cool mess around her lower body even more. She looked around her new prison and couldn’t believe the extent Emma had gone too to make her a baby and in such a quick time frame, she had only been in the room a few days earlier sleeping in a real babies crib and now here she was sleeping in one fit for an adult. Katie wondered for a long time how she managed to get hold of an adult-sized crib in such a short period, she couldn’t think of anybody that would want or need one of these horrible devices. Soon Katie fell asleep going through different scenarios in her mind, she shocked herself awake a few times when she accidentally tried to move her arms or legs and it took her a long time to fall back to sleep, when the light finally came into the room she felt like she hadn’t slept at all.

Chapter 13

 Katie felt the warmth of the sun enter the room and she felt utterly miserable thinking to herself that it would have been better to stay on the streets rather than being forced to be Emma’s baby and be in this horrible situation. Katie wanted nothing else but to be let out of the messy diaper, the constant feeling of the mess surrounding the lower half of her body made her feel sick but she was unable to do anything about it as she lay strapped down exhausted to the large crib. She wished that Emma would enter the room and change her but she also wished she would never enter again, she let out a cry as she looked up at the ceiling with fresh tears in her eyes.

After a long while, Emma entered the room with a big smile on her face “Good morning naughty baby” she cooed as she approached Katie who blushed bright red knowing that Emma would know what she did in her diaper. Emma lowered the side of the crib and looked down at the trapped woman “I said good morning naughty baby” Katie swallowed, she looked up at the smiling woman and sighed“Gwud mwoning Mommy” she said with a hint of disgust in her tone. Emma frowned well that won’t do, you need to learn to be a good baby so mommy will have to teach you. Emma took an exaggerated sniff and held her hand to her nose “Wow baby, did you do a poopy in your diaper? Well if you were a good baby you would get a diaper change right away but because your naughty I might change you later” she said with a smile as Katie’s eyes began to water and she shook her head not caring for the humiliation she wanted to be free of the full diaper “Pweez mommy, pweez change baby now” she said weakly but Emma just went “Awwww” at her and popped the adult-sized pacifier into her mouth and demanded “Suck baby”. Katie scrunched up her eyes and began sucking on the giant nipple feeling defeated. Emma smiled down at her and to Katie’s surprise, she began to release her feet from the restraints “Now it’s time for your punishment baby” she cooed and she grabbed hold of Katie’s feet and lifted them high up above her head and attached them to the railing behind her head, Katie was rolled up on her back with her smelly bum on display for Emma to see. Katie stared at her poop stained diaper in disgust the smell was overpowering now and she was shaking with fear in this vulnerable position. Emma went under the playpen and pulled out a long wooden paddle and smacked it against her hand “Now baby this is for being so naughty, after I have given you your spanking you need to thank me for teaching you how to be a good baby, if you don’t I will continue the spanking” she smiled as she placed her hand on Katie’s squishy padded rear “Oh no baby, the poop is going to go everywhere” she giggled and Katie blushed bright red while still shaking.   

Emma tapped the paddle against Katie’s padded smelly rear a few times staring at Katie’s eyes as she did when finally she pulled her arm back and with great strength she swatted Katie’s bum with the paddle. Katie let out a cry of pain immediately and she felt the mess in her diaper squish around into areas that made her feel cold with disgust, before she knew it Emma swung again and with a smack and a squelch Katie let out another cry as her bum quickly began to burn and more of the poop spread around. Emma continued for ten more swats and Katie was crying from the pain, embarrassment and fear that she felt when Emma moved in towards Katie and cooed “What do you have to say, baby?” Katie tried to calm herself, she didn’t want any more swats to her already painful sore bum so she looked up at Emma with pleading eyes and managed to say between cries “Fank woo mommy for makin me a good baby, me will be good baby for mamma, me not want spankies me will be good” she spewed out anything hoping it would satisfy Emma. Emma smiled and nodded “Good baby” she cooed and she placed the paddle back under the crib and unfastened Katie’s legs from above her and guided them back down onto the crib mattress where she attached them down again. Emma raised up the side of the crib “Now you be good and stay quiet for mommy I will be back soon with breakfast” she turned and left the room leaving Katie sucking on the pacifier with her burning bum and tear-soaked face.

Chapter 14

Emma opened the door to the playpen while carrying a full adult-sized baby bottle as she entered the foul-smelling room. She was completely naked, her large breasts and hourglass figure slowly walked over to the crib where her adult baby was sleeping, the sun gently entered the room as Emma looked down at the pretty young woman and smiled “You have definitely been difficult, little one” she whispered. Katie was lying strapped down in the crib, wearing nothing but her damp diaper she was sucking on her pacifier as Emma couldn’t help but smile at how adorable she looked “Let’s see if you can be a good baby today, you have been locked inside your crib for four days now. Time to see if mommy can trust you to be a good baby” she silently giggled as she slowly lowered the side of the crib and gently removed Katie’s pacifier and replaced it with the large nipple of the bottle.

Katie’s eyes slowly opened as she sucked on the nipple and the warm milk entered her mouth, as her eyes adjusted she saw Emma’s naked body standing beside her while Emma looked down at her with a large smile, Katie blushed bright red “Morning Baby” she cooed. Katie stopped her sucking and closed her eyes for a moment, she had seen Emma naked for the last couple of mornings but it was still a sight that she didn’t want to wake up to, she sighed from behind the pacifier as she felt the damp diaper between her legs as she prepared herself the humiliating day ahead, she opened her eyes and felt sick as she said “Mwonin Mama” in her best baby voice. Emma smiled as she removed Katie’s hands from their restraints one by one while keeping a firm hold on the bottle, Katie sighed from behind her pacifier as she knew that her new-found freedom was to only grab hold of the bottle with both her hands. As she placed both her hands on either side of the bottle Emma released her grip trusting the adult baby not to drop it, Emma made her way down to Katie’s waist and stuck her finger inside Katie’s diaper, it was obviously wet, but she checked anyway which made Katie blush with embarrassment as she felt the finger enter her diapered groin. “Oh baby, you sure are a wet baby, well I will change you right after breakfast” she cooed. Katie rolled her eyes as she continued to suck down the milk, it had been the same for the last four days she would never get her diaper changed till after breakfast even though it was the first thing she wanted when she woke up. Katie couldn’t stand the feeling of the cool dampness that covered her groin and bum cheeks as she awoke in the morning, it was a constant reminder of how far she had fallen from the 20-year-old woman to the adult diaper using baby.

Emma made her way down to Katie’s legs and released her ankles from the restraints as she had done for the last couple of mornings, straight away Katie stretched her legs with a slight smile on her face as she felt freedom for the first time in over 12 hours. Without being told Katie lifted up her feet into the air and began to move them around, Emma smiled as she watched Katie stretching her legs as Emma had told her to do the previous day. Katie felt very foolish moving her feet around in the air as she continued to suck down on the bottle she could hear the rustle of her diaper move, and she knew she must look just like an oversized baby from Emma’s position. She tried to keep her focus on the bottle that she was sucking down, but she kept seeing Emma’s large breasts in the corner of her eye and it made her feel cold, every night for the last four nights Emma would feed her inside the crib and have her suck on her breasts. Katie hated having to drink from a grown woman’s breast but if she tried to resist Emma would punish her, so each night Katie placed her lips around Emma’s nipples and drank from them as Emma would stroke her hair or pat the front of her diaper making Katie feel even more like the baby that she was being treated as.

Katie finished the bottle but left it in her mouth, she wasn’t allowed to remove it until a grown-up had told her too, so she continued to suck on the empty bottle for a moment as Emma prepared Katie’s pacifier, Emma quickly removed the nipple of the bottle and quickly replaced it with the nipple of the pacifier and Katie obediently began to suck on the infantile soother. Emma nodded with a large smile on her face “OK baby, breakfast time” she announced and to Katie’s shock Emma bent over and placed her hands under Katie’s armpits and lifted her out of the crib and placed her on the floor on her wet bum.

Emma smiled down at her adult baby and slowly walked out of the room, Katie looked up at Emma’s bum move towards the door with a confused look on her face when suddenly she realized she had to crawl after her. Katie couldn’t help but smile and her heart began to race as she got up onto her hands and knees and slowly crawled after the naked woman. She couldn’t believe that she was finally free she didn’t care that she had to crawl and she didn’t care where she was being led to she was just happy that she was finally leaving the confine of her nursery and just before she left the room she turned her head to look back at the crib that had held her prisoner for the last four days and she vowed she would do anything to not get locked up in there again.  


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