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Chapter 01

Sarah was once a normal 23-year-old woman. She would do what most young women did at that age - she went to clubs and flirted with guys, she had started seeing someone but had to call it off before it got too serious. She loved going to the beach and wearing her most revealing bikinis to make her feel sexy. She was also studying for her future and she was enjoying her life but that all changed when she suddenly became dependant on her mother and her younger sister. Sarah hated her new life because she had no freedom, privacy or dignity. She would spend most of her days embarrassed and miserable and in her new life, her mother would punish her if she tried to act in any way like she used to. The thing that kept Sarah up at night the most was the fear that her new life was never going to end.

Sarah lived with her mother and her little sister Phoebe in Australia. Her mother, Cynthia was in her 50’s and unlike her daughters, she was a tall woman at 6'2 and looked quite imposing to most people. She was always strict with rules and punishments especially after her husband had died and left her with a vast sum of money, meaning she didn't have to work but was now the sole disciplinarian of two daughters that still lived with her. She had regularly spanked the girls while they were growing up and came up with unusual ways to discipline her daughters through the years, especially if they questioned her or back-chatted. Sarah's little sister Phoebe was 18 years old and just finished school passing most of her classes. She was now meant to be looking for work but was enjoying her time at home. Sarah and Phoebe looked similar, both pretty 5’4 skinny girls with average chest size. The main difference between the girls was that Phoebe had blonde hair like her mother while Sarah was a brunette. Before Sarah’s forced new life, she was the mature one. Sarah knew what she wanted to do and was studying to be a dental nurse and mostly studied with occasional dates and drinks, keeping up her social life while Phoebe would spend her time watching anime and playing games, showing no interest in boys or working.

Chapter 02

Sarah's new life began late January. It was the height of summer and on a warm Saturday morning, one young woman’s life was about to change. Sarah opened her eyes to the sun beaming through her bedroom window which was behind her bed. She yawned and then suddenly she awoke when she realised to her disgust once again she was waking up to the feeling of wet pyjamas and a wet bed. It had been happening for three weeks now and Sarah was very embarrassed with the whole situation, after the first few times she had decided to keep it a secret from her mother and younger sister fearing the embarrassment of now being a bed wetter at 23 years old. She would wake up and quickly strip the bed and hide the sheets and then get new sheets and place them on the bed. When the time was right she would grab the dirty sheets and place them in the washing machine to be cleaned and after three weeks her mother hadn’t said anything. She thought that she had hidden it from them, however, it turned out she was quite wrong.

As Sarah was just getting out of bed in her soiled pyjamas she looked down at the wet patch on the sheets “How is this happening? I was never a bed wetter while growing up, I’m too old for this,” she thought as she began to quickly take off the sheets. She had just removed one corner of her soiled bedding when her little sister Phoebe came barging into her room causing Sarah to jump. "Hey, can I...” Phoebe paused and pointed “Wait, what’s that?" Phoebe laughed as she noticed the wetness of Sarah’s pyjamas and then turned her head and noticed the sheets, Sarah blushed bright red but before she had a chance to explain herself or even cover her shame Phoebe turned and shouted "Mum, Little Sarah has wet her bed!" A wicked smile crossed Phoebe’s face as she turned back to her older sister. “Why didn’t she just leave? Why did she have to shout out to Mother? What did I do to her to make her be so mean?” Sarah thought as she clenched her fists and stared daggers at Phoebe. “Phoebe knows Mother would punish me for this". Coming from around the corner her mother entered Sarah’s room and stared at her oldest daughter standing next to her bed still wearing her stained clothing. She sighed and said "I knew something was happening with all the bed sheets going missing or being washed but didn't think you were being such a baby and wetting the bed.” Sarah turned bright red at being referred to as a baby, she was standing by her bed still in the stained pyjamas looking at the floor “I’m not a baby,” she muttered under her breath. Phoebe started giggling from beside her mother and Sarah looked up at her with anger in her eyes "Shut up" Sarah shouted at Phoebe. Cynthia quickly interrupted. “Sarah!” she shouted back which caused both girls to jump, Sarah looked at her mother as she continued “Don't take this out on Phoebe, she isn't the one wetting your bed, now we should get you to a doctor and see if everything is ok with you" Sarah felt a little relieved that she wasn't getting punished and the wetting might get fixed. "Now you go and shower and Phoebe will clean up your wet sheets." “What?” Phoebe blurted out "That's for laughing at your sister," her mother replied as she left Sarah's room.

Phoebe walked into the room as Sarah began to leave. “Why did you do that?” Sarah asked as they passed each other, Phoebe stopped not facing Sarah and said “I thought it would bring you down a peg or two.” Sarah felt the anger boil up in her again “Just because I know what I’m doing with my life while you just play video games!” Phoebe walked to the bed “Whatever, at least I can keep the bed dry,” she laughed and Sarah had to hold herself back. She took a deep breath and thought “I’m not going to stoop to her level, just leave her to clean up my mess while I shower.” Sarah left the room and went into the bathroom while Phoebe did as she was told. Sarah looked at herself in the bathroom mirror and shook her head. “How disgusting, to have my own urine all over me like I’m some sort of child, I hope this doctor can help me and stop me waking up to a wet bed,” she thought as she slowly peeled off the sodden pyjama pants she looked down at her freshly shaven crotch and sighed. “I made a smart choice calling it off with Ben when this all started, he wouldn’t have stuck around if he knew that I was wetting the bed but I do miss him, I haven’t had any fun for three weeks now,” she sighed then jumped into the shower. As the warm water was pouring down Sarah’s perfect body she quickly cleaned herself and felt a tingle when she touched her vagina, a smile came over her face as she shook her shoulders. “Why not, it has been a while,” she thought and slowly she placed a hand on her supple breast and her other hand onto her vagina, she began to caress her own breast as the tip of her finger began to enter her wet vagina. Her breathing became deeper and her eyes closed when suddenly a large knock on the door made her jump. “Shit” she thought as her mother shouted “Sarah hurry up we are going now”. Sarah sighed and replied “OK” and quickly got out of the shower feeling cheated.

Once Sarah was out of the shower she quickly dried herself with a towel while staring back at her proud body in the mirror. She smiled to herself as she wrapped the towel around her hourglass frame and left the bathroom and went back to her bedroom. Phoebe was coming out of her room looking miserable which made Sarah smile until Phoebe said "Try and keep these sheets dry little girl." She giggled as they passed each other, Sarah clenched her fists and closed her bedroom door without saying a word. She leant on the door for a moment and took a deep breath “Why would she tell Mother? She could have just left and I would have sorted it myself.” Sarah sighed then went over to her underwear drawer to pick out a pair of pink panties and a matching bra, she let the towel drop to the floor as she guided her panties up her legs and towards her groin, she then fastened on the pink bra and adjusted her breasts. In just her underwear Sarah’s body screamed sexy and Sarah knew it. “I think I’m going to go to the beach tomorrow, show off my bikini body. Oh I have that new bikini I bought last week, I could wear that, would get a few looks from the guys,” she thought as she looked for a pair of shorts. As it was summer Sarah decided to wear her shortest denim shorts to keep cool and to show off her legs and bum. Sarah was proud of how her bum looked and tried to show it off with every chance she got. Sarah was pulling up her denim shorts when her mother shouted "Sarah we are going to the doctors now! Come on!" Sarah quickly completed her outfit with a white tank top and white trainers, after spending a little time admiring herself in the mirror she left her room.  

Chapter 03

Sarah remembered the doctor visit very well. After a few embarrassing questions and tests, the doctor couldn't find anything wrong with her so the disheartened pair set off home. Cynthia was silent all the way home and it made Sarah uneasy - she could sense something was going to happen. “Maybe she is going to punish me now that the doctors couldn't find a reason for me wetting the bed,” Sarah shuddered. Mother and daughter arrived home and as they entered, Cynthia led her daughter to the dining room. Cynthia pulled out the dining room chair for Sarah to sit on and her mother sat on one opposite her. Cynthia was silent for a moment just looking at Sarah. Sarah could practically hear the cogs turning over in her mother's head when she finally spoke. "Well, they found nothing wrong with you so it must be something else. From now on you will tell me when you have to use the bathroom." Sarah was taken aback. "What? Why?" She stammered out. Cynthia’s voice became stern "If you can't control where or when you wet then I will have to help you." Sarah’s jaw dropped open as it took her a moment to realise what her mother was saying. "But, but it only happens at night, no I won't do it" Cynthia’s eyes narrowed - she had never tolerated her daughters saying ‘no’ to her, she quickly leaned forward and grabbed Sarah's arm.

Cynthia easily pulled her daughter off the chair and towards her she then flipped her around and before Sarah knew what was happening she was now across her mother's knee face down. Sarah’s shoulder-length hair flowed down her face obstructing her view as she began to shake “No way is she going to do this, I’m too old for this, she can’t treat me like a little girl, I’m 23,” she thought as she tried to get up off her mother's lap but Cynthia held her smaller and weaker daughter down with just one hand on her lower back. Sarah knew what was about to happen, “Mother has spanked Phoebe and I many times when growing up especially if we had said no to her, but she hasn’t spanked me since I was 16. Phoebe, on the other hand, got spanked just before her 18th birthday, I can't remember why but I remember laughing at how silly Phoebe looked draped over mother's knee with her bum high up in the air, ready to be turned a light shade of pink. Oh, crap now it’s my turn, no way”. Sarah pleaded "Please Mother, don't spank me, I will do what you say, I will tell you when I need to use the bathroom." Sarah was panicking and saying anything to stop the inevitable but it was falling on deaf ears and her mother brought down her hand onto Sarah’s denim-covered bottom.

Sarah let out an involuntary "ouch" as the pain started emanating from her bum, Cynthia continued spanking her daughter with ease "Please stop Mother," Sarah wailed, the spanking continued and Sarah began to cry at the pain. "You will call me Mummy now, you are obviously not old enough to call me Mother and you will tell me when you have to use the potty, won't you my dear?" Sarah screwed up her eyes “Call her Mummy? Use the what?” she thought but as another hard slap hit the taut denim, not affording her bum much protection as she let out a loud "Yes Moth..erm Mummy" while tears rolled down her face. The spanking carried on for 10 more slaps to Sarah’s now very sore bottom when Phoebe poked her head around the corner wondering what all the noise was. Her eyes widened when she saw her older sister over her mother's lap, and a wicked smile appeared on her face "Oh has little Sarah been naughty?" she said louder than she had intended, her mother stopped the spanking and looked up at Phoebe and nodded. "Yes, exactly that’s what she is, Little Sarah has been naughty,” she emphasised the word ‘little’ and it made Sarah cringe as she wiped away the tears from her eyes, Cynthia looked down at her daughter’s bum and continued “But I think she will be a good girl from now on, don’t you think Sarah?" Sarah blushed. “Whatever just get me off your lap,” she thought, and she quickly said "Yes I will be good".

Cynthia smiled and started patting her daughters bottom "Good, Little Sarah now when I let you up you will tell me when you have to go potty, right?" Sarah had stopped the tears but had clenched her fists again “Whatever, the next chance I get I’m getting out of here. You can’t spank me like I’m some child, I will go live somewhere else”. She took a deep breath and unclenched her fists and calmly said through gritted teeth "I will tell you when I need to go". Her mother smiled at Phoebe and said "Good". She chose to ignore the tone and gave her daughter one last swat on her behind and then let her up. Sarah stood in front of her mother rubbing her sore bottom while looking at the floor not wanting to look at her mother or Phoebe. Cynthia then cheerfully said "Why don’t you two go and watch TV together while I make lunch?" Phoebe nervously nodded out of fear of being punished herself and went into the living room “I don’t want to go and watch TV after that, I want to be left alone. I just got spanked like a child it was humiliating I don’t want to spend time with the family after that,” she thought. She finally looked up at her mother and weakly said "I need to study though." Her mother half chuckled "You are not acting grown-up enough to study, now go and watch TV". Sarah resented being told she wasn't grown up enough but she knew if she tried to argue she would be back over her mother's knee and her poor red bottom couldn’t handle that so she went to the living room.

Sarah slowly walked into the living room with one hand holding her bum trying to ease the pain, closely followed by her mother. Phoebe had put on The Simpsons to watch which didn’t bother Sarah so she went to sit down on the sofa when Cynthia quickly said "No, no little one", Sarah looked at her mother confused. "Sit on the floor little one, that's an expensive sofa and I don't want you to go tinkle all over it." Phoebe’s jaw dropped open as she stared at the two women in disbelief. Sarah opened her mouth to argue when her mother crossed her arms and Sarah closed her mouth. “Sit on the floor? I wouldn’t do that. This is just getting ridiculous now. I can go live with Jessica, yeah, my older sister would let me with her I know. I would go now but with Mother standing at the entrance to the living room I won't get too far.” Slowly, knowing she had little choice she slowly lowered her sore bottom onto the carpet in the middle of the room and sat cross-legged while not taking her eyes off her mother. Phoebe had gotten over her shock and giggled at her big sister sitting on the floor. Sarah heard the giggle and quickly turned her head and gave her an angry stare. Unfortunately for Sarah, she didn't get the reaction she wanted as Phoebe responded with a big "Awwwww, cute". Sarah slowly turned her head away from Phoebe and stared at the TV. “This is ridiculous” she thought. Sarah was in deep thought staring at the cartoon but not watching it “Yes, I can go live with Jessica it will be good, means I get to see my nieces more, I remember her oldest daughter Jenn and I got on really well last time, it would be better than living here...” Sarah’s thoughts continued and unbeknownst to her Cynthia left the room and had gone back to the kitchen to start lunch. She returned and as she placed the sandwich down in front of Sarah it caused her to jump slightly. “When did she get that? Did she leave? Oh god, I had perfect chance to leave then and I didn’t even know.” Cynthia then handed a plate to Phoebe and then sat down and they all began to eat.

Chapter 04

The small family sat in the living room watching the TV with Sarah still sitting on the floor now with her legs straight out in front of her and she felt feeling utterly humiliated. Her mother and younger sister were seated on the two sofas and she was forced to sit on the floor. After only ten minutes of watching TV Sarah suddenly felt the urge to use the toilet, she started panicking “Oh god I need to pee, do I really have to tell Mother that I need to use it? Should I just stand up and go?” Sarah continued to sit in wonderment at her mother's threats earlier, after an hour the urge was getting too much for Sarah and she began shaking her legs. “I really need to go,” she thought and as she turned around to check if her mother was still there Phoebe shouted out “Mother I think the little girl needs to go to the toilet!” Sarah blushed bright red “I hate her so much,” she thought as her mother looked at Sarah. “Is that right Sarah?” She felt a wave of humiliation wash over her and she looked down at the floor and said in a weak voice "I need to use the bathroom". Cynthia slowly stood up and walked a few steps towards Sarah, she towered over her daughter and as she looked down on her she folded her arms and said "You have to what young lady?" Sarah suddenly felt very small and intimidated "I have to go...” she paused out of embarrassment “I have to say potty, like I’m a child,” she was about to say toilet out of an act of defiance, when she suddenly knew she didn’t have long left to hold it and blurted out “potty, I have to go potty”. She blushed bright red as Phoebe let out another giggle at what she had just heard come out of her older sister’s mouth. Sarah shook her head “I have to go, I’m just going to go,” she thought as she began to stand up. She had just gotten to her feet when her mother grabbed her hand and began pulling her towards the bathroom quicker than Sarah had expected.

Cynthia led her daughter into the bathroom and closed the door sealing them both in. Sarah stared at her mother confused. “Why is she in here?” she thought but then Cynthia positioned her daughter in front of the toilet and she stood back expectedly. Sarah couldn’t comprehend what was happening "What you doing in here, I can use the toilet on my own, I’m not a child,” she whined but Cynthia sneered "If you can use the toilet then why don’t you at night?" Sarah’s mouth opened but no words came out, she couldn't think of an excuse. "Exactly. Now let's get these off." And with that Cynthia put both hands on Sarah’s shorts and pulled them down to Sarah’s ankles before Sarah even realised what had happened. Sarah looked down at her pink underwear “What are you doing?” she shouted. Cynthia tutted and said "Getting you ready to go tinkle, now for your panties" but as Cynthia went to pull down Sarah’s pink underwear Sarah put her hands in the way to stop her mother “No way is she going to pull down my pants and see my vagina, she will never see that” she thought but Cynthia reached behind Sarah and with a sharp swift swat to Sarah’s already tender bottom Sarah put her hands down out of fear as her mother pulled her pink panties down.

Sarah looked down in horror as her mother pulled her panties down, it felt like slow motion as her mother suddenly saw her shaven groin for the first time in many years. Cynthia pulled Sarah’s panties down to her ankles and then stood in front of her daughter staring at her crotch "Oh you have no hair at all, well that’s good, just like the little girl you have been" Sarah had decided to shave it all off after the first week of wetting her pyjamas to make it easier to clean herself and had freshly shaved the night before. She blushed and quickly placed her hands in front of her vagina. Cynthia smirked “No point in covering it up, I have seen it before when you were in diapers I had to clean it. You have nothing to hide, little girl”. Cynthia placed her hands over Sarah’s and slowly she moved them away from her groin “Now leave them there or you will get another slap on your bum”. Sarah started to tear up at the embarrassing and vulnerable situation that she was in, she was now standing in front of her mother half naked feeling very ashamed. "What is she expecting to happen next?" Sarah was wondering but didn’t have to wonder for long as her mother lifted Sarah’s tank top up to just under her breasts and pushed her daughter onto the awaiting toilet seat. "Time for you to go tinkle little one," her mother mocked. Sarah objected "I can't do it while you stand there watching over me". “Well, you don't have any choice unless you didn’t need to go potty," retorted Cynthia. Sarah blushed “Potty? It’s a bloody toilet!” She thought as she sat on the toilet feeling defeated. She did have to pee but didn't want to do it in front of her mother like she was just a little kid.

The pressure got too much and Sarah had decided to just get it over with so she tried to use the toilet but by this point, she had stage fright and just sat there with her mother waiting. After roughly two minutes of waiting, Cynthia was getting impatient with her daughter. "Well I guess you don't know when you have to go potty," Cynthia said while putting her hands under her daughter's armpits and making Sarah stand once more. "I just can't go with you watching but I do need to go!" Sarah wailed. "Too late" her mother barked as she stood Sarah up and began to pull-up her daughter's panties when Sarah once again tried to stop her mother. “No I really need to pee!” she protested but her mother continued to pull the panties up. Cynthia tutted "You don't want your panties off, you don't want them on. I don't think you know what you want, little one," her mother was getting frustrated and gave Sarah another slap to her bottom and Sarah’s eyes widened, the colour drained from her face as she felt the dam break and the warm urine began to flow out of her soaking the panties that were at her knees and splashing on the tiled bathroom floor.

Sarah had tears in her eyes as her mother’s jaw dropped, Cynthia stepped back as she watched her daughter stand in front of the toilet wetting her panties and soaking the floor. Sarah was frozen solid, she felt like it was happening to someone else and she was just watching, not able to help. Cynthia slowly pushed her daughter onto the toilet seat once again, even though they both knew it was too late. "Have a shower and dry yourself off," Cynthia commanded and with that, she left the bathroom. As Sarah sat for a moment trying to process what had just happened she felt the dampness on her feet and shuddered then she slowly stood up from the toilet and looked down at her sodden underwear and shorts. "How could this happen, I’ve just wet myself in front of Mother.” Sarah began to feel angry again. “I'm only in this situation because of her, I know I will put up with her weirdness for now, then when I can, I’m going to leave.” Sarah looked down at the floor again. “What is she going to do now though? I'm probably going to get another spanking and even though it hurts it’s over pretty quickly, it's also really embarrassing being spanked by my mother at my age but she is stronger, I can’t fight back so I best shower and clean myself up".

Chapter 05

Sarah slowly took off her wet pink panties and denim shorts and stepped into the shower, she felt the warm water wash all over her and she felt it wash away the stress. “Can’t I just stay in here?” she thought as the water trickled down her naked body. "Yes all Mother will do is give me another spanking and make me sit on the floor again and treat me like a kid for a while, I can deal with that until I can get out, just hope Phoebe doesn't keep making her immature comments though or I’m going to lose it".

If Sarah had known that this was her last shower, her last time cleaning herself or even the last time she would be allowed to touch her own groin she probably would have spent more time in the shower enjoying it all while she still could, but Sarah quickly cleaned herself and got out. She was finishing drying herself and was just drying her shapely legs when her mother came back into the bathroom. Sarah jumped and her first instinct was to cover herself with the towel. Her mother laughed. "Ha, don’t be silly, you have nothing to hide from me, now drop that towel to the floor". Sarah looked down at her body. “I can’t let her see me naked again but Mother, unfortunately, does have a point she did just see me half naked and even worse wetting myself”. Sarah didn’t move until her mother shouted “Sarah, now!!” Sarah dropped the towel quickly. Cynthia nodded “Good girl”, she then grabbed a towel from the towel rack and placed it over the wet patch near the toilet as Sarah quickly looked at the floor and didn't take her eyes off the tiles as she was now embarrassingly showing her mother her flawless naked twenty-three-year-old body. “I’m naked in front of my mother, this is not meant to happen, she is not supposed to be seeing me like this”. She sighed. Cynthia started walking towards her daughter "Now as you have clearly shown you are not ready to use the toilet, things are going to change around here". Sarah started to sweat "What do you mean?" Sarah then noticed her mother had one hand behind her back, hidden from her "You have also shown you are not ready for grown-up underwear or you wouldn't have wet the last ones you wore so you will wear these until I say so." Cynthia produced a pink Disney themed pull-up from behind her and held it up to Sarah. "You are going to look so cute, little girl". Sarah stared at the pull-up for a moment trying to comprehend what her mother just said, she just couldn’t understand what her mother was saying. Sarah continued to stare at the pull-up. "No, No, No, no way she isn’t going to make me wear that," Sarah thought as a sweat broke out on her face. The pull-up that Cynthia was holding was Katie’s, Sarah’s 6-year-old niece whose Mother was Sarah’s 32-year-old sister Jessica. Jessica looked a lot like her mother and was close to the same height as her too. Jessica lived a few hours away from her mother and sisters and had three daughters. Jenn who was 14 and about the same height as Sarah, Katy who was 6 and still had to wear pull-ups to bed and Melly who was 1. Sarah was still staring at her niece’s pull-up in disbelief when her mother said "Lift your leg up little girl, so I can put your new panties on." Sarah didn't know what to do, she wasn't prepared for this. She felt like laughing and crying at the same time when she blurted out "I can't wear Katie’s pull-ups, I'm 23!" she let out a little laugh and nervously looked up at her mother but Cynthia didn’t smile.

Cynthia  quickly grabbed her daughters arm and dragged her over to the toilet, Cynthia sat down on the toilet while pulling Sarah over her knee once again, she pinned her down with one hand and began swatting at Sarah’s red bum with the other "You are no longer 23!," her mother shouted as she continued to bring her large hand down on to her daughter’s now-bare bottom. Sarah instantly started crying from the pain, she couldn’t think of anything but the pain as her mother continued the humiliating spanking. "You are now 3 years old!" she continued "If I say you wear pull-ups then you wear pull-ups, if I say you will use a potty then you will use a potty, if I say you are going for a nap then you will nap." Cynthia stopped and all that could be heard was Sarah’s crying as Cynthia inspected her daughter’s bruised bottom. "I don't think you will be able to go through another spanking today so you had better be a good little girl," Cynthia cooed to her daughter. Cynthia helped Sarah off her lap and had her stand in front of her while still sitting on the toilet. Sarah was emotionally and physically exhausted, all the fight had left her as she just stood there rubbing the tears away from her pretty face. Cynthia held the pull-up in front of her daughter's knees and Sarah looked down at it with fear. “I have to put it on, if I don’t then she will give me another spanking, I don’t want another one, my bum is in so much pain.” She slowly raised her leg knowing that she was accepting her fate as her mother slid the pull-up over her foot and Sarah put her leg down. Cynthia sighed. “Now the other leg, young lady.” Sarah stared down at the pull-up around her ankle and then looked up at her mother with pleading eyes. She opened her mouth when her mother cut her off. “Now little girl or Mummy will give you another spanking, one way or another that pull-up is going on.” Sarah began to shake. “I can’t get another spanking, I don’t have a choice she is going to win anyway,” she thought as she lifted the other leg and Cynthia slid the pull-up over her foot. Sarah lowered her leg and looked down with tears in her eyes as the pull-up was drawn up Sarah’s legs and towards her crotch by her mother. When the pull-up had arrived at the bottom of Sarah’s butt cheeks her mother stood up from the toilet and had to pull a little harder to get it over her supple cheeks but it went over her womanly figure and hid her vagina and bottom from view in a very childish way.

Sarah's Mother slowly turned her daughter around inspecting Sarah’s new underwear and Sarah caught her reflection in the wall mirror. She stared in disbelief at the sight of a very pretty 23 year old naked apart from a pink pull-up around her waist. "No No No, I look like a toddler!" Sarah screamed inside her head. “How has this happened, I was only just putting on denim shorts to show off my bum but now it’s covered in a pink pull-up, Oh god I look like a naughty toddler with the corners of my red bum sticking out of the side of it.” She wanted to cry but there were no more tears and she stood there while Cynthia inspected her new underwear. "Well I was right," her mother chirped "You do look cute". Sarah was about to disagree with her mother when suddenly Cynthia’s arms darted forward and lifted up and placed Sarah on her hip with just one hand supporting Sarah around the waist. Sarah was terrified and quickly wrapped her legs around her mother's torso rather tightly to make sure she wouldn’t be dropped. Cynthia turned around and began to leave the bathroom. “Why is she carrying me? I knew she was strong but to carry me like this, I hope she doesn’t drop me, please don’t drop me,” Sarah thought as Cynthia carried her daughter into Sarah’s bedroom and eased her onto the bed. Sarah was relieved to be down on solid ground “Let's hope that’s the last time that happens, I can’t believe it but why has she put me in my bed?” she thought as she looked up at her mother quizzically. Cynthia looked down at her daughter and cooed "Time for you to have a nap little girl". Sarah was very tired from a trying morning but she didn't want to do something so infantile, Cynthia slowly pushed her daughter down leaving Sarah with no other choice but to lie down in her bed. "Oh I almost forgot, you always have this when you sleep, little one" her mother produced a pacifier from her pocket, Sarah stared at it with wide eyes. “No way is she going to put that in my mouth, she is isn’t she, I have to accept it or I will get a spanking, I hate this” she thought as Cynthia guided the pacifier into Sarah’s gaping mouth. "You better suck on it little one it will help you sleep." Sarah looked down her nose at the saw it sticking out of her mouth “I seriously have a pacifier in my mouth while wearing a pull-up, how has this happened?” Her mother snapped her out of her thoughts with a shout - “Sarah!” and Sarah quickly began to suck on the pacifier. Cynthia let out an "Awwww so cute, now close your eyes and go to sleep, Mummy will come back soon to get you out of bed, if Mummy catches you out of bed then you will be punished, understand?" Sarah nodded quickly - she didn't want another spanking and would do just about anything to avoid it happening again. Cynthia tucked her daughter in, closed the blinds that were behind her head and left Sarah in her room in relative darkness. As soon as her mother left Sarah spat the pacifier out of her mouth and it landed just next to her pillow, a small act of defiance which didn't make Sarah feel any better. The events of the morning kept running through her mind and every little movement she made reminded her that she was indeed wearing a pull-up. She thought long and hard “Should I run for it now? I could get changed and leave the house” she stared at the door “But would she catch me and if she did then what?” Sarah suddenly yawned and closed her eyes “After I’ve slept I can run for it, otherwise she will get me” she thought as she tried to make herself comfortable. She tried lying on her side but she couldn’t get used to the padded feeling between her legs. Sarah eventually fell asleep on her stomach with exhaustion winning over comfort.

Chapter 06

Sarah awoke with a fright when she felt something being put into her mouth. “What the hell?” she thought as she opened her eyes and saw that it was her mother trying to put the pacifier back where it now belonged. Sarah was still trying to piece together what was happening when her mother cooed "Good afternoon little one, now open wide and put the pacifier back in." Sarah rolled her eyes and opened her mouth. Cynthia smiled and then flung the sheets off Sarah revealing her humiliating underwear as Sarah lay perfectly still, too scared to move. Cynthia quickly stuck a finger into the front of her underwear “Oh god, she is actually checking to see if I have wet the pull-up, why doesn’t she just ask me?” She shook her head in disbelief when her mother removed her finger and questioned Sarah "Oh your pull-ups are dry? Maybe you are just a lazy girl at night, we will have to wait and see won’t we?" Sarah continued to lie in shock at what had just happened. “She seriously put her finger inside my pull-up and so close to my vagina just to check if I had used it, she has gone crazy!” After the shock of what her mother had done wore off Sarah did feel happy that she hadn't wet her pull-up like a little kid. Cynthia helped her daughter out of bed. "We are going to the living room little one, come along". Sarah sighed “Can’t I just stay in here if I have to be dressed like this, well I’m going to put a shirt on and hide my breasts from you?” she thought as she quickly covered her breasts and walked to her cupboard to pull out a t-shirt to cover her supple breasts. She had just opened the draw when her mother shouted "I didn't say anything about wearing a shirt now did I? You are 3 years old and you don't care who sees you naked now. If I see you even attempt to cover up any body part then you will be punished. Do you understand me, little girl?" Sarah’s eyes darted around “I’m a what? A 3-year-old? I do care who sees me naked, I can’t just sit around in pull-ups” Cynthia folded her arms and Sarah slowly looked down and noticed she was still covering her breasts “Oh god, I don’t want to be punished”. She shook her head as she slowly lowered her arms revealing her breasts. She nervously sucked on her pacifier as her mother turned to leave. “I need to know how long this stupid thing is going to last” she thought and she removed the pacifier. "How long is this punishment going to last?" she asked Cynthia who turned around, surprised. As Sarah caught her mother's gaze she quickly popped the pacifier back into her mouth out of fear. Cynthia looked like she was giving it some thought and finally said "If you can be a good little girl for the rest of the weekend then you can be a grown-up again". Sarah sighed but nodded “I have to go through this all weekend? Well after that I’m gone, no more of these ridiculous punishments”. Cynthia continued "That means no back-chat, no arguing and doing everything a grown-up tells you, it also means you have to keep those pull-ups dry". Sarah blushed "I can keep them dry during the day easily but I’m going to have to stay awake all night if I don't want to wet this pull-up. It's worth it to get out of this situation" she thought. "Now come along," Cynthia interrupted Sarah’s thoughts and they both left Sarah’s room and headed to the living room.

Sarah was on edge as she didn't know how much Phoebe knew about Sarah’s current situation and she definitely didn't want her little sister seeing her naked apart from a pull-up while sucking on a pacifier. Mother and daughter entered the empty living room and Sarah let out a sigh of relief and sat down on the floor knowing that she would not be allowed to sit on the sofa. "Now let's put a TV show on for you to watch" Cynthia said with a smile, she went straight to the kids' channels and Sarah’s heart sank when her mother selected Teletubbies. "Ah the Teletubbies is perfect for you to watch little girl" Cynthia said with a smile and then Sarah heard laughing coming from behind her as she nervously turned and saw Phoebe standing in the entrance to the living room laughing and pointing at Sarah. "Awwww doesn't my little sister look adorable" Phoebe said during her laughing. Sarah’s cheeks became bright red and she quickly turned around, tempted to hide her naked chest with her hands from her sister but remembered her mother's threat earlier, so Sarah just sat on the floor with her hands in her lap furiously sucking on the pacifier trying to distract herself from what was happening. "Little sister? Little sister?" Phoebe was calling out but Sarah was trying to ignore the obvious taunt from her sister “Calling me her little sister? Wait till this is over I’m going to knock you down,” she thought as Phoebe continued. "Don't be a naughty little girl, do what grown-ups tell you and come give your big sister a hug." Sarah couldn't believe what she was hearing, her mother must have told Phoebe the rules of her punishment and Phoebe was using it to embarrass and humiliate her. Sarah wanted out of wearing pull-ups and to be treated like the 23-year-old she was. "I have to do this, just go up to her and hug her that’s it, easy, well easy if I wasn't wearing underwear of a toddler and with my boobs on full display, but if it's to get out of this then fine." Sarah sighed and slowly started to get up when Phoebe questioned her mother "Wait don’t little girls usually crawl around?" Sarah thought "No you idiot 3-year-olds can walk, just watch me". Sarah had a little smile on her face but then realised she was comparing herself to a 3-year-old and the smile quickly disappeared. "Well Phoebe, most 3-year olds can walk but I think you're right and our little Sarah does crawl around" Sarah wanted to scream - she was obeying her mother's stupid rules but Phoebe was making it even worse and her mother was going along with it. "Come on little sister" Phoebe cooed.

Sarah dropped to her hands and knees and looked down at herself “This is horrible, why do I have to be topless, crawling around like a baby with my boobs hanging down, I want to scream!” She turned around furiously sucking on the pacifier while she slowly crawled towards her sister without taking her eyes off the floor and cursing the heavens for letting this happen to her. Phoebe got down to the floor and on to her knees to meet her sister. “Almost there, oh god my little sister is going to see me topless, why is this happening?” Phoebe cooed "Almost there little sister, you can do it!" Sarah finally got up to her knees and the two sisters hugged. Sarah was actually enjoying the hug as it was the first comforting contact she had all day, but Phoebe ruined it when she pulled back Sarah’s pull-up from behind. "Good girl little Sarah, try and keep your pull-ups dry." Sarah immediately pulled away from her sister, she was feeling the anger boiling up and she had formed a fist with her hands. "Sarah, don't you even think about it, young lady." Sarah turned to look at her mother who had seen Sarah’s fists. "Phoebe was being nice, now you say sorry to your big sister." Sarah looked at the floor in shame, she hated the whole situation but knew she had to be good to get out of it so she swallowed her pride and from behind the pacifier she quickly said "I am sorry Phoebe". Sarah didn't take her eyes off the floor. "No little Sarah I said say sorry to your big sister." Sarah could feel her mother staring at her as she continued to look at the floor. Sarah knew she had to say it or risk another spanking "I am sorry big sister." Phoebe let out a little squeal "OK baby sister, now carry on watching your show." Sarah let out a sigh and got back to her hands and knees and hurriedly crawled back to her spot trying to get away before anything else happened. "Doesn't her little bum-bum look cute crawling?" Phoebe giggled. "Yes it sure does, it would look cuter if it didn't have my handprint all over it though." Sarah turned bright red and again sucked on her pacifier trying to block out what they were saying as she quickly sat down in her pink padded underwear.

Sarah’s worst fear came true halfway through the second episode of Teletubbies, “No, I need to pee, what is going to happen this time? Make me crawl to the toilet and then pull my pull-ups down?” She shook at the thought and tried to hold it. After ten minutes the pressure was too much again and she swallowed hard and turned around to see only her mother in the room doing something on her phone, Sarah was relieved that Phoebe wasn't there. "Mummy" Sarah said softly "Yes my little girl?" Sarah was hating being called ‘little’ now and her face showed it "I need to go potty" she said quickly. "Oh do you now little girl, ok you wait there." Sarah sat confused “I’ve told her I have to go, I even called it a potty why has she told me to wait here”. Sarah didn't have to wonder long as her mother entered the living room with Katie’s pink plastic potty. Sarah felt light headed and her mother placed the potty on the floor at the back of the room. “No way, she wants me to use that?” Sarah turned bright red at the thought of using the silly pink thing. “That’s what she wants, to embarrass me well it’s definitely working.” She shook her head as she eyed the potty. “She hasn’t even placed it beside me so I have to crawl towards it another way to embarrass me I guess, can I do it and use a potty like a toddler?” She shook. “How embarrassing, hey Sarah what did you do on the weekend, oh you know wore pull-ups and used a potty while my mother watched.” She continued to suck on the pacifier as her mother stood beside the potty and beckoned her towards it. “if I do this though then I won't have to do it again, fine let's get this stupid spectacle over with," Sarah thought. Sarah got onto her hands and knees once again and crawled towards the potty. "Phoebe come and see, your little sister is going to use the potty like a good girl," her mother shouted, Sarah stopped in her tracks "If I use this potty how can I ever live this down, I will always be ‘potty girl’ to my little sister but if I don’t I will always be the little sister. I have to do this." Sarah continued towards the potty as her sister came into the room, Sarah stopped in front of the potty and was about to pull her pull-ups down when her mother came over and gave her a slap on the bum "Naughty Sarah, only grown-ups can touch your pulls-ups otherwise you might want to run around all nudey and we can't have that can we?" Sarah didn’t know what to say. "Why would I want to run around naked, I hate you seeing me half-naked and I'm not allowed to run at all at the moment just crawl so that doesn't work does it Mother?" Cynthia pulled Sarah’s pull-ups down to her knees and then placed her arms under her daughter’s armpits and guided her onto the potty. Sarah wanted to scream out that she could do it herself but instead carried on sucking the pacifier and sat on the humiliating seat. "You have one minute to go wee-wee little girl, if you haven't by then I will pull them back up".

Sarah started to sweat, she was determined to use the potty even if she had an audience but after 30 seconds of trying Sarah was getting worried when suddenly she started peeing and a big smile came over her face which Phoebe was quick to notice. "Awww look Mother, little Sarah is happy she used the potty, isn't she a good potty girl". Sarah quickly hid her smile and felt very ashamed at what she was doing. "Good girl Sarah, it's easy isn’t it?" her mother commented while patting Sarah’s head. Once Sarah had finished peeing she was about to get up off the potty but her mother stopped her, "I will tell you when you are done, little girl". Sarah sat back down onto the potty and felt very small, Phoebe came over to Sarah. "Good girl" she said and also patted Sarah’s head and went off to her bedroom leaving Sarah and her mother alone once again. "Good girl for using a potty? She is really enjoying this isn't she?" A minute had passed and Cynthia pulled out a baby wipe from a container. "Onto your hands and knees, little girl." Sarah wanted to get off the potty so bad that she didn’t bother to think about what her mother was planning. Sarah got up off the potty and onto her hands and knees as her mother bent down beside her and began to wipe Sarah’s vagina clean. Sarah turned white as a ghost as Cynthia said "Got to keep that area clean, little girl". Sarah was mortified at the invasion to her private area, she wanted the floor to swallow her up. Cynthia lifted Sarah’s pull-ups back in place and did the same inspection she did earlier and told Sarah to go sit in her spot. Sarah was extremely embarrassed from the whole experience of using the potty "Oh god she cleaned me, she touched me in my most personal spot” she shuddered. “That was so much harder than I thought it would be, having my little sister watch me do it was utterly humiliating and then Mother touching me there, thankfully Phoebe didn't see that, I did it though I used the potty". As Sarah was crawling back to her spot she felt a wave of shame flow all over her, she had realised that she was proud of herself for using a potty just like the 3-year-old that they were treating her as, her mother was winning at making her feel like a little kid and she hadn't even noticed until now.

Chapter 07

The rest of the afternoon went by with no other surprises for Sarah. She sat on the floor obediently watching kids shows while her mother did a few things around the living room, she was always keeping an eye on her little girl which made Sarah feel uneasy. Phoebe spent the rest of her day in her room as usual, her mother had ordered pizza for dinner which Sarah was looking forward to. Later, Phoebe had come out of her room and was sitting on the sofa. "Why don't we have little Sarah answer the door when the pizza gets here?" Phoebe suggested with enthusiasm. Sarah scrunched up her face at the thought of someone seeing her only wearing a pull-up. Cynthia smiled but said "Don't be silly Phoebe, little Sarah is much too young to answer the door". Sarah was happy that her mother wasn't going to put her through that but embarrassed that her mother didn't think she was grown up enough to answer doors. Once the pizza had arrived Phoebe took hers to her room and Cynthia cut Sarah’s slices into small square pieces "There you go little one, Mummy cut it up so you don’t choke, what do you say?" Sarah was getting fed up with being treated like a little kid and rolled her eyes at her mother. "Thank you Mummy" Sarah said with an attitude from behind her pacifier. Cynthia crossed her arms and looked down at her daughter with an arched eyebrow: "OK young lady, right after dinner you will go on the potty then it's an early night for you, naughty Sarah". Cynthia removed Sarah’s pacifier and Sarah began to eat her pizza slowly "What did I do now? I'm bound to get fed up of being treated like this, she would if someone did it to her," Sarah thought as she finished her pizza, Cynthia handed Sarah one of Katie’s sippy cups with water in it "Use both hands to hold it, don't want you dropping it now do we?" Sarah took the sippy cup without looking at her mother and started drinking from it, and as soon as Sarah had finished her water her mother placed the pacifier back into her mouth and told her to crawl to the potty.

Sarah sighed and crawled towards the pink potty and once there waited for her mother to embarrass her and pull down her pull-ups after her mother did so Sarah sat on the infantile seat once again. "Well it is good to see you're learning, little one," her mother said cheerfully, Sarah just looked at the floor and began to use the potty for its intended purpose but Sarah felt another urge while she was peeing on the potty - Sarah had to poo. Sarah’s eyes grew wide, she hadn't even thought of this. "No way, would Mother make me poo on the potty, no, she would take me to the toilet but what if she follows me in there as well, no I will have to hold it and wait till I am out of these pull-ups" Sarah squeezed tight and the feeling passed as her mother told her to get onto her hands and knees once again for a clean, once her mother had cleaned her groin the pull-up was back in its usual position. Cynthia once again lifted Sarah up and placed her on her hip with just one hand supporting Sarah around the waist while Sarah wrapped her legs around her mother's torso rather tightly, Sarah was not used to being carried and it made her feel very small.

Sarah was carried out of the living room but not to her room but instead towards Phoebe's room. "Someone wants to say good-night Phoebe". Cynthia knocked on Phoebe's door, Phoebe opened it and looked at her mother and sister and let out a quick laugh, "How cute does she look, night-night little sister." Sarah was red-faced and wanted to bury her face into her mother but she knew she had to respond so she swallowed hard and from behind the pacifier she said bluntly "night-night Phoebe". Cynthia tutted and said "Don't mind her Phoebe, little Sarah is cranky because it's past her bedtime," and with that Cynthia carried Sarah to her bedroom. Sarah was placed on the bed and told to lie down, Sarah did as she was told wanting her mother to leave as soon as possible. Sarah got her wish and Cynthia left her room, Sarah let out a sigh of relief and felt a lot less nervous for a moment until her mother returned holding something in her hand. "These are in case you are a lazy girl again and go wee-wees." Sarah’s eyes widened when she noticed her mother was carrying three more pull-ups “What are they for? Is she going to put all of them on me?” Sarah thought as Cynthia went to Sarah’s legs and confirmed Sarah’s fears. Cynthia threaded the pull-ups up Sarah’s legs one at a time over her existing humiliating underwear. Sarah felt the bulkiness of her new underwear grow as each new pull-up was placed over her crotch. In no time at all Sarah was encased in four pull-ups. She looked down at her inflated underwear as the thickness all around Sarah’s groin and bum was much more pronounced. Now Cynthia admired her work then said "Night-night little girl, if I catch you out of bed or out of your pull-ups then you will be punished". Sarah nervously nodded as her mother left and Sarah was left in her bed once again sucking on a pacifier wearing pull-ups. It was only 7 pm and Sarah was not tired but knew better than to do something other than sleep - that would lead to another spanking so Sarah closed her eyes thinking about the day. “How has she turned me into a toddler so easily? It took two spankings and I’m now doing anything she says” she sighed as she placed her hands on top of the pull-up “I can’t believe it was earlier today that I was trying to pleasure myself in the shower and now I’m wearing pull-ups while sucking on a pacifier”. She stayed on her back not wanting to feel the bulk of the pull-ups between her legs and thought “Could I go now? No, I have no idea where she is, I just need to wait it out, wait till Monday and then I can get out of here,” she thought with a slight smile on her face.

Sarah had a bad night, she couldn't sleep properly.  Maybe it was because of the nap she had earlier or maybe it was the unfamiliar feeling of wearing 4 pulls ups, but Sarah just laid in her bed for hours hoping to sleep the full night. But she must have drifted off eventually because the next thing she knew, she was disturbed by the noise of her door opening. Sarah’s clock read 2:00 and her eyes had somewhat adjusted to the darkness. She could see a small female figure come into her room "What do you want, Phoebe?" Sarah snarled, and Sarah realised her pacifier wasn't in her mouth, Phoebe jumped "Oh, erm, I thought I heard you crying and came to check on you" Phoebe sounded surprised. "It wasn't me, now go away". "Don't be like that little sister or I will tell Mother that you were mean to your big sister." Sarah rolled onto her side away from the door and instantly regretted it as she felt the bulk between her legs. She sighed and said "Go away" again and surprisingly, Phoebe left the room without further comment.

Chapter 08

Sarah awoke early the next morning she looked at her clock "7:00 oh god I wonder how long I have to wait before Mother comes in" Sarah thought to herself. "Hopefully it's soon, I really have to pee." Sarah found her pacifier next to her in the bed and decided to put it in her mouth to distract her from the urge to pee. Sarah was waiting for another 10 minutes before her mother came into her room. "Oh good morning little girl, I didn't expect you to be awake," she said while walking towards the ever-blushing Sarah. "Let's check your pull-ups," and with that Sarah’s sheets were pulled off her revealing Sarah’s nakedness and humiliating underwear in one motion. Sarah stared down at her padded pants and sighed as Cynthia stuck two fingers into the front of her daughter’s underwear and announced "wow little girl you are dry". Sarah was relieved at her mother's findings "You must have been a lazy little girl then, these pull-ups are a good deterrent. If you are a good girl for the rest of the day I may still have you in pull-ups at night if it stops you wetting the bed". Sarah felt angry she was doing what her mother wanted. Cynthia helped her daughter out of bed and Sarah got down onto her hands and knees without any prompts “I don’t care. I need to pee, I can’t use this thing” she thought as she began to crawl out of her room and towards the living room where the potty waited, Sarah stopped next to the potty and waited for her mother. Cynthia smiled "Oh that's good, you’re such a fast-learning little girl this morning, does little Sarah need to go wee-wee?" Sarah turned bright red and quickly answered from behind the pacifier. "Yes Mummy I need to use the potty." Sarah didn't care about the embarrassment of using the potty, she knew it was a lot less embarrassing than using her pull-ups so she got ready for her mother to pull them down so she could use the potty once again. Cynthia lowered the pull-ups and Sarah sat on the potty and straight away started peeing into the potty.  

Phoebe entered the room looking at her older sister "Awww does little Sarah need to go potty again, she sure is good at using that isn’t she Mother, a lot better than using the toilet, maybe we should let little Sarah use that all the time, wouldn't that be nice little sister?" Sarah hated her sister right now, she wanted to jump up and swing at her but she sucked on her pacifier and looked at the floor hoping her mother wouldn't agree with her "Yes, she is good on the potty but if she is a good girl today then she will get to be a grown-up again." Sarah noticed a sad tone in her mother's voice "Does she like treating me like this? She can't? It must be my imagination" Sarah's Mother let her daughter off the potty and Sarah got onto her hands and knees looked at the floor “Great now Phoebe is going to see Mother wiping my vagina, I’m never going to live this weekend down” Cynthia wiped her clean and said "I think I will leave the four pull-ups on you, no point in wasting them is there?" Sarah was disappointed she wanted to be at least down to one pull-up during the day but her mother pulled all four up. “We need to do something about your hair, Phoebe can you bring me a brush and a hairband please?” Phoebe returned and handed the items to her mother, Cynthia bent down in front of Sarah and brushed her hair back and put it into a ponytail. “There that will keep it out of your eyes,” Cynthia announced proudly. Sarah wasn’t as happy “I like my hair down, it makes me look prettier when it’s down”. Cynthia patted Sarah’s padded bottom "crawl to your spot little one". Sarah reluctantly crawled forward as Phoebe giggled. "Maybe we need to put more on her, I love how her bum swings back and forth now." Sarah sat her bum down on her spot out of view from her sister and Mother trying to block out what her sister was saying. "Unfortunately, I think more would just tear away but I do think you're right Phoebe, her bum does look cute swinging side to side." Sarah scrunched up her face "Pull-ups are not cute and my bum definitely doesn't look cute in them. What I was wearing yesterday was cute and made my bum cute and I cannot wait to get to wear panties again, to feel pretty and sexy again in my own clothes," Sarah thought.

Cynthia turned to Phoebe and smiled "Phoebe, can you look after your little sister please while I make some breakfast?" A big smile came across Phoebe's face "Of course I can, Mother" Cynthia left the room but returned quickly with a sippy cup for Sarah, and said as she was handing it to Phoebe "Make sure Sarah drinks it all up." Phoebe nodded and took the sippy cup and made her way towards her sister, "Little sister I think you have watched too much TV, let's play a game." Phoebe positioned herself in front of Sarah sitting on her knees to make herself bigger than her sister. Sarah rolled her eyes “I don’t want to play a game, even though the kids TV shows are boring they do parse the time and that’s all I want today, get this day over with and back to normal life”. Phoebe smiled a wicked smile at Sarah and said "I know what we can play, I have never, I will say something I haven't done in the last week and if you have done it you have to drink from your sippy cup". Sarah was not looking forward to this game, she knew that Phoebe was doing it to embarrass her. Phoebe removed her sister’s pacifier. "I will go first, I have never wet my panties like a toddler." Sarah gave her sister an evil look but brought the sippy cup to her mouth and drank, Phoebe giggled. "That's naughty little Sarah, I have never sucked on a pacifier like a toddler." Sarah was getting angrier at her sister but once again drank from the sippy cup. "You are a toddler aren’t you my little sister, I have never had to wear pull-ups or use a potty or drink from a sippy cup or have Mother clean me like a toddler." That was the breaking point for Sarah and she swung her hand at her sister slapping her hard across the face, Sarah had put up with a lot from her sister from the last two days and she put everything she had into the slap.  

Phoebe fell to the ground; the next thing Sarah knew she was being pulled up and spun around by her arm and she found herself over her mother's lap. Her mother was on one knee and Sarah felt her pull-ups being ripped off her exposing Sarah’s supple bum, Sarah instantly regretted what she had done and started crying profusely knowing that she wouldn't be getting out of pull-ups or get to be treated like a grown-up for a long time. Cynthia didn't say a word as hand hit cheek repeatedly making Sarah cry like a baby and turning her bottom into a glowing red peach, after a minute her mother stopped. "Are you OK Phoebe?" Phoebe had tears in her eyes but nodded. "Yes Mother I'm fine." Cynthia grabbed Sarah’s arm and dragged the naked, crying girl to the empty corner of the room "onto your knees with your arms folded behind you, now!" her mother shouted, and Sarah obeyed, sticking her nose into the corner and folding her arms behind herself. Cynthia again shouted at her daughter "I know exactly what to do with you! I must have gone wrong raising you so we will have to start from the beginning won’t we?" Sarah didn’t understand what her mother meant but knew that the freedom she had from her pull-ups wouldn't last long. Cynthia turned to Phoebe "I need you to go to the shops for me and get a few things, I have been researching and there is a store that has exactly what I need, here is the list and my card, get plenty of everything." Phoebe looked at the list and giggled "Are you sure?" she asked, Cynthia nodded her head. "Yes this is what she needs." Her mother turned to look at Sarah, "You need everything on this list to be a good girl again." Sarah felt like her life was over, with one stupid decision she had slapped away her underwear and her adultness, fresh tears rolled down her face and onto her naked body like washing away the person she once was.

Sarah was left in the corner the entire time Phoebe was gone, too afraid to move; her mother came into the room and Sarah could hear her moving things around behind her. Sarah longed for a distraction from the wall and her thoughts, it had been an hour and Sarah had run out of tears and was beginning to ache, she found herself even wanting her pacifier as even sucking on that would somewhat distract her and be some kind of comfort. After another hour Phoebe arrived home and Sarah could hear a lot of bags being brought into the room and placed behind her "Good idea Mother, that looks good there." Phoebe was giddy with excitement. "Can you take this into Sarah’s room and then go to your room, your little sister and I need to discuss what’s going to happen from now on." Sarah could hear her sister leave. She was shaking at what was going to happen next, she now wanted to stay in the corner. "Crawl over to Mummy now, Baby Sarah" Sarah slowly turned away from the corner and the first thing she noticed was the sofa had been moved away from the back wall and in its place was a playpen. Sarah didn't know what to think of the infantile prison but she knew it was destined to be her cell for the rest of the day which was better than being in the corner but it made her feel uneasy. Sarah dropped down to her hands and began crawling towards her mother, looking at the floor as she crawled. She only noticed the plastic fabric when her hand hit it and as she looked at what her hand had discovered Sarah knew that she wouldn't be in pull-ups any more.

Chapter 09

Sarah’s eyes widened as she saw the changing mat and the small stack of white plastic disposable adult diapers "This is what Mother must have meant by starting again" Sarah thought. Cynthia patted the changing mat with a smile "come on Baby Sarah, you are almost there, let's cover up your bum-bum" Sarah would have been happy to cover up her nudity with anything else, even with several pull-ups but she couldn't even imagine wearing a diaper. Cynthia leaned forward and grabbed Sarah’s hand pulling her onto the changing mat, Sarah was then flipped around and now lying on the mat just like the baby her mother wanted her to be. Sarah hated what was happening and knowing she had no choice in the matter, her mother had proven to her that she could overpower her and the fight had once again left Sarah after such an aggressive spanking earlier. Sarah lay on the changing mat waiting for her mother to put her embarrassing new underwear on her.

Cynthia lifted her daughter's legs up with one hand and Sarah stared in shock as her mother slid the open diaper under Sarah’s once-proud bum. Sarah shook as she felt the soft padding underneath her bum “A diaper? A real diaper?” she stared at the ceiling as her mother added a small portion of baby powder to her groin and bum and Sarah’s Mother lowered her legs and Sarah stared down, her heart practically beating out of chest as her mother slowly lifted the front of the diaper up and closed it over Sarah’s crotch taping Sarah into her new life as a baby. "Hmmm it doesn't look right." Cynthia seemed disappointed "Of course it doesn't look right I'm 23 and wearing a diaper" Sarah screamed in her head. Sarah was feeling uncomfortable in her new underwear she could feel the bulk between her legs and found it much thicker than the pull-ups she had worn the night before. Cynthia lifted Sarah’s legs to inspect her daughter’s padded bottom. "It needs more padding" Cynthia smiled at her daughter while opening another diaper for Sarah to wear "Yes Baby Sarah, you will wear at least two diapers at all times." And with that, the second diaper was placed under Sarah’s padded bottom and the front lifted up and taped. "Much better" Cynthia giggled. Sarah was even more uncomfortable wearing two diapers, "Not one but two diapers on me, a 23-year-old woman wearing diapers just like a baby, it's so uncomfortable the thickness between my legs is something I am not going to get used to, I bet my bum looks huge in these, oh great my lovely legs now lead up to a diaper." Sarah shook. Cynthia wasn't done, she lifted up a pair of pink plastic pilchers. "Your lovely sister found these plastic pilchers for you to wear, they have a lock on them to stop little naughty girls from getting out of their diapers." Cynthia started pulling the pilchers up Sarah’s legs while Sarah laid there thinking. "Where would Phoebe have found these? Who else would be forced to wear diapers?" Cynthia lifted her daughter’s bum up to slide the pilchers on and lock them in place. Sarah suddenly had the same feeling she felt the night before she again needed to poo. "Oh god. No way is Mother going to take these diapers off me so soon after putting them on to let me use the toilet, I'm going to have to wait." Sarah once again squeezed hard to stop from pooing and the feeling left.

Cynthia had a pacifier in her hand as she went to place it into Sarah’s mouth she noticed that it wasn’t the one she was sucking on earlier, it was much larger. Sarah’s eyes widened as it was placed into her mouth "An adult pacifier as well?" Sarah was lifted into they playpen and as she landed on her newly padded bottom she noticed the noise of the diaper for the first time, it crinkled every time she moved reminding her what she was wearing. Sarah looked down at her groin and felt so foolish wearing a diaper sucking on an adult pacifier. "Now Baby Sarah," Cynthia started "This is your new life, it is no longer a punishment, you are now a baby; you will wear and use diapers for everything." Sarah started tearing up again, she never thought she would have to use the diapers for their intended purpose and she knew with the locking pilchers in place she didn't have much choice in the matter. "A grown-up will change your diapers after they have found them wet or messy, not before." Sarah shook at the thought of having a messy diaper and couldn't imagine her mother changing it. "The only time you will be out of diapers is during bath time or when you are being changed, you are not allowed to touch your diapers. That is for grown-ups only." Sarah looked down at her diapers feeling very miserable knowing that she couldn't even pleasure herself anymore and if she could, would she even want to while wearing a diaper? Cynthia continued "You will crawl and you will speak baby talk, if you pretend to be a grown-up then you will be punished, listen to that one Baby Sarah, if you pretend to be a grown-up you will be punished" Sarah understood and hated what her mother was telling her, Sarah was crying profusely. "My life is over, I can't get out of it, I enjoyed having boys stare at me, who is going to want a giant baby? I enjoyed making myself feel pretty with my underwear and my shorts, I am never going to feel that while wearing this diaper, oh god I'm wearing a diaper and soon this diaper is going to be full with my own mess, no, no I won't let it do I have a choice though, I'm locked in."

Sarah was deep in her miserable thoughts that she hadn’t noticed Phoebe entering the room. "Awwwww Baby Sarah you look so adorable, yes you do, can you say hello Phoebe?" Sarah wanted to run out of the playpen and out of the house but knew that would lead nowhere, Cynthia looked down at her daughter and said "I don’t think Baby Sarah knows how to say such a long word like Phoebe, try it Baby Sarah you might be able to." Sarah went bright red from embarrassment, she remembered her mother's rules that she had to speak baby talk but she couldn't do it. "Baby Sarah better be a good girl and say hello to her big sister or baby will be punished." Sarah swallowed hard and found it harder to speak around her new pacifier but managed a "Hewwo Fweebe." Phoebe squealed with excitement "Good baby sister, hey Mother how many diapers does she have on?" Sarah looked at the floor, she was hating that her sister was talking about her wearing diapers. "Baby Sarah is in two, she will always be wearing at least two, remember that for when you have to change her." Sarah looked up at her mother in shock. "No way is Phoebe going to change me, I will never live it down," she thought. "At least two so I can put more over her big squishy bum if I want?" Sarah didn't like where this was going, she didn't like wearing two diapers and didn't want to have to wear more. "If Baby Sarah has been naughty then that could be a punishment for her, but two is fine for this baby." Sarah was a little bit happy about what her mother had said but hated that her sister could punish her.

Chapter 10

"Oh, look at the time it's lunchtime for baby," Cynthia cooed towards Sarah, who was lifted out of the playpen and placed on the floor. "Follow Mummy, Baby Sarah." Sarah got to her hands and knees and began to crawl behind her mother out of the living room towards the kitchen, Sarah turned to see in horror that this all was really happening. Covering her arse really was a diaper that went between her legs and over her crotch. Her mother had indeed put her back into diapers. Sarah passed Phoebe who patted Sarah’s diaper bottom, "How dare she touch me there, I am still her older sister, well kind of, I will ignore her maybe she will just get bored of me." Sarah continued her crawl and as Sarah’s hands slapped against the tile floor of the kitchen her mother turned around and before Sarah knew it she was being lifted up and to her surprise placed into a small fitting high chair. Her mother had to sort of push her in for her diapered hips to squeeze into the seat. The strap had to be loosened all the way to fit her, and the tray could barely reach the locking mechanism, and even then was making Sarah feel like her stomach was much bigger than it truly was. When she was settled, she realised that her toes were very close to reaching the ground and felt very foolish in the baby seat.  

Cynthia fastened an adult-sized bib around Sarah’s neck. "Another adult-sized baby item? Where did Phoebe get these from?" Sarah heard a beep from the microwave but was unable to see what her mother had prepared for her lunch. Sarah still didn't know what her meal was when it was placed in front of her on the high chair, but the smell from the food made Sarah gag. Cynthia removed her adult pacifier and an approaching spoon was already prepared and on its way with a mouthful of green sludge towards Sarah’s mouth. Sarah shook her head with a tightly sealed mouth that refused to allow the disgusting meal inside. "Open up, Baby Sarah." Sarah gagged at the thought of the full meal but before she could turn her head away again, her jaw was seized and the spoon was making its way to her tongue and its matured palette. The spoon was prepared for another scoop when Sarah got a deep whiff of the food and an even worse taste of it. She grimaced and before it could make its way down her throat, it was already back up. The mess dribbled out and down her chest somehow missing the bib, Sarah’s breasts were covered in dripping, wet mush. "Awww, baby. You have to get it down, or else Mummy will just have to open another jar." She wiped the regurgitated streaks off with a nearby dishtowel. "Try it again." Eventually, Sarah successfully swallowed without vomiting, her mother seemed to focus on nothing beyond feeding her baby, Sarah finally reached the end of the bowl of mush. A large bottle of milk was quickly brought over by Phoebe and Cynthia tipped back Sarah’s neck and pushed the nipple into her mouth. Sarah quickly noticed it was another adult version of a baby's bottle with a larger nipple and bigger size. As Sarah began to suck with her head tilted back, the bottle feeding forced her to look up at her mother, who put her face very close to Sarah’s and whispered coos to her about how little or cute or precious or well behaved she was. Sarah felt particularly infantile because of the way that the bottle simply poured into her mouth and she had to suck even more furiously than she had expected just to keep up with the flow of the bottle, and after just a few short minutes of the torture, Sarah finished the bottle. Sarah had her new pacifier placed back into her mouth and her mother cleaned up Sarah’s chest to Sarah’s displeasure. "Time for baby to be put down for a nap." Cynthia took out Sarah’s hairband and her hair fell down to frame her face perfectly, Cynthia then unbuckled the straps and helped Sarah down to the floor.

On autopilot, Sarah crawled towards her bedroom. However, her mother had a different plan for her. "Where do you think you're going, silly?" she asked Sarah. "Baby Sarah doesn't have a bedroom yet so baby sleeps in here." Cynthia started walking towards her own room with Sarah following her. "I want my room with my things, help me feel like me and not some stupid baby, where am I expected to sleep? In Mother’s bed?" Sarah entered her mother's bedroom and was shocked to see Katie’s small baby crib beside her mother's bed. "No way am I going to fit in there." Cynthia lifted Sarah into the crib and told Sarah to get into a foetal position, Sarah was amazed that in this position she could fit inside the crib even though it was uncomfortably tight and Sarah didn't like the feeling of the bulging diaper between her legs. Cynthia wrapped her very tightly in a blanket which left Sarah with very little movement. "Nighty-night, Baby Sarah”, her mother said, giving her a kiss on the forehead. “Sweet dreams" Cynthia left the room and Sarah was left in the crib sucking on her pacifier and unable to sleep. "This can't be real, it can't be, I am not a baby and she cannot make me one, even though she does have me in a diaper now and in a crib." Sarah was in deep thought when a stomach rumble forced her into a horrifying realisation that she needed to poo. Sarah knew that with the position she was in that she would have trouble stopping herself this time. "No No No I can't poo in this diaper; do I have any choice though? Yes, I'm a grown-up I have a choice not to poo into a diaper, I can't stop it in this position though and I have stopped pooing twice already, oh god I don't have a choice I am going to be in a pooey diaper just like the baby my mother wants me to be. If I could just fall asleep, maybe my body would be able to hold out." Sarah was tearing up as she tried with desperate urgency to fall asleep. Her efforts only seemed to make her more awake though. Within a few minutes, she knew that she would not be winning her fight.

Just fifteen minutes of the first warning sign Sarah lost the battle, and a cramp led to a surge of soft, warm poo sliding into the seat of her diaper. There was more coming, and within a few minutes, Sarah was lying in a particularly full and messy diaper. She could feel the mess all over her backside and then she could smell it and she almost gagged and felt cold with humiliation. "How can I be lying in a crib in a messy diaper at the age of 23, it feels so warm and sticky, I think I'm going to be sick, how long is Mother going to leave me in here? How long will I be treated like this for?" An hour had passed and Sarah hadn't slept unable to stop thinking of her messy diaper then suddenly her mother came into the room. "Ah, stinky” cooed Cynthia, “Did Baby Sarah go poo-poo in her diapees?” Sarah went bright red with embarrassment she was relieved her mother had come back and Sarah wanted to be changed not caring for the humiliation that it would cause. "Mummy asked you a question, Baby Sarah" Cynthia was now standing over her smelly daughter but even though Sarah wanted to be changed she couldn't bring herself to tell her mother what she had done in her diapers. "I guess you don't need to be changed then, Baby Sarah.” And Cynthia began lifting her daughter out of the crib "Mummy" Sarah spluttered out behind her pacifier "It's to late baby, I asked you already and you didn't answer, so you will have to wait till a grown-up asks you again." Sarah was mortified, she desperately needed and wanted to be changed and had worked up enough courage to ask for it but it was too late.

Sarah was lifted out of the crib and placed on the floor and forced to sit on her messy diapered bottom causing a big squish from the poo, Sarah felt the poo move around more of her diaper area and grimaced at the thought of what it looked like in her diaper. "Back to your playpen Baby Sarah" Sarah got to her hands and knees and slowly started crawling, she could feel her heavy diaper move with every movement, Cynthia slapped Sarah’s messy diaper "We both know you can crawl faster than that." she giggled as Sarah swallowed hard and crawled at her normal speed towards the living room and her playpen, once in the room her mother lifted Sarah into the playpen and another squish of poo moved around in her diaper as she sat on the playpen floor. Cynthia grabbed a rattle and put it into Sarah’s hand "You shake the rattle like this Baby Sarah," her mother began shaking Sarah’s hand and the rattle "That's a good baby, now let's see if you can do it on your own." Sarah rolled her eyes but shook her hand and the rattle made noises. "Good baby, now you keep playing, when baby is in her playpen she should play with her toys or we will find something else for baby to do." Sarah looked at her mother with a confused look but continued to shake the rattle, she became bored of the rattle very quickly but as she looked around her playpen there wasn't anything else in there that would entertain her so she carried on doing what her mother had told her.

Sarah was very uncomfortable in her messy diaper. "When Mother asks me again I am going to say what I need to say straight away, I need to get out of this it's disgusting, I don't care if my mother is going to change me I need it gone". About an hour had passed and Sarah had moved onto playing with two dolls, she hadn't moved from the spot she was placed in, when she looked up and saw her mother walking towards her, a smile came across her face as she saw her mother was about to speak. "Poo-wee I think Baby Sarah needs a diaper change." Sarah’s smile left her face when her mother leaned over the playpen and leaned Sarah forward and pulled the back of her diaper open to inspect its contents "Woo baby you sure did a big poo, what did you do and do you need a diaper change?" Sarah was very embarrassed, she wasn't expecting her mother to check her and it threw her off a little but from behind the pacifier Sarah weakly said "Mummy I do poo-poo in my diaper" Sarah hated herself for admitting to her mother what she had done "I need a diapee change." Sarah relaxed the embarrassing speech was over and she would be free of the messy diaper. "Yes Baby Sarah, Mummy will change your smelly diaper." Cynthia lifted Sarah out of the playpen and onto the awaiting changing mat, lying her daughter down for her first diaper change in 20 years. Cynthia unlocked the plastic pilchers and pulled them down off her ankles she then removed the first diaper and as she opened up the second diaper she briefly turned away from the stench. Sarah was looking at her mother with curiosity and as she turned her head Sarah smiled "ha-ha that’s what you get for making me poo in diapers, I hope you hate this as much as I do" the momentous task of wiping her filthy, smelly bum began and Sarah shivered every time her mother touched her with the baby wipes. “You have a little bit of a rash, baby,” her mother announced. “Let’s put a little cream on there for you.” The lotion was rubbed into her tush, which did make her bottom feel a little less itchy than it had. Finally, she was powdered and taped into a fresh diaper. Sarah felt a great relief to be out of the messy diaper as her mother put the second diaper on her Sarah came to the horrible realisation "That’s not the last time I'm going to be in a messy diaper".  

Chapter 11

Sarah was placed back into her playpen by her mother who quickly picked up the rattle and placed it into her daughter's hand, Sarah rolled her eyes as she began to once again shake the toy “Awwww you’re such a quick learner baby, you make Mummy so proud to have such a bright little baby”. Sarah blushed bright red as her mother walked over to the sofa and sat down. Sarah continued to shake the rattle as she got lost in her thoughts “Maybe if I do everything she says I can get out of this situation quicker, I just have to try and adjust to it and it will go by quicker” as she thought that the urge to urinate came upon her. Sarah’s face scrunched up “Ok so I have to wet my diaper, I messed the diaper…” Sarah shook as she remembered the humiliation of having a messy diaper at the age of 23 “….I can wet it then have Mother change me into a fresh one.” She shook again at the thought of her mother changing her again. “I will never be able to get used to this, the humiliation of having used or using the diaper like I actually need them is something I can’t adjust to. Should I just use it, if what Mother said before is true then I will only be out of these diapers when I’m being changed or having a bath” Sarah shook once again “Oh god a bath, Mother will be washing me, cleaning me all over, I have no freedom? The last time I washed was that shower yesterday that started all of this, I wish I had spent more time enjoying the alone time, enjoying my body, my freedom”. Sarah began to tear up again as she wet her diaper.

As the remaining urine filled the thirsty diaper Sarah gained the courage to speak up from behind her pacifier “Mummy” she said weakly, Cynthia put her phone down and turned towards her daughter, she couldn’t help but smile to herself as she looked at Sarah sitting in the playpen wearing nothing but a diaper and sucking on a pacifier “My baby does look adorable” she thought. “Yes, baby what is it?” Sarah turned bright red and looked down at her diaper as she said “Baby gone wee-wees”. Sarah felt disgusted at once again admitting to her mother that she had used her diaper. Cynthia wanted to scream at the cuteness of her daughter but she contained her emotions and flatly said “And?” Sarah looked up at her mother with pleading eyes “Pweez change baby’s diapee”. Cynthia walked over to her daughter and Sarah felt a great relief as soon she would be out of the wet diaper. Cynthia stopped on the other side of the playpen and to Sarah’s surprise she knelt down in front of her, Cynthia put her hand under Sarah’s chin and leaned close to her daughter. Both of the women’s faces were inches away as Cynthia calmly said “Baby Sarah, a grown-up will change your diapers after THEY have found them wet or messy not before, now I do hate to have to repeat myself and you did break a rule by telling me you have wet your diaper before I checked it so for that Baby Sarah will have to be punished.”

Sarah was shaking with fear but before she could think of what her mother had said she continued “As you like to announce what you have done in your diaper then you should carry on.” Sarah looked confused “What does she mean?” Cynthia let go of her daughter's chin and stood up, towering over her daughter, with a smile on her face she said “You will repeat this announcement till I say stop, I have gone wee-wee in my diaper, I am a baby, I love wearing and using my diapers.” Sarah was horrified “I can’t say that I hate all of this, I can’t announce that I like it even if it’s a lie.” Cynthia snapped “Sarah, begin.” Sarah looked down knowing that if she didn’t do this she would be in for more severe punishment, she let out a big sigh and said weakly “Me gone wee-wees in me diapee” Sarah paused unable to admit out loud what she now was. Cynthia snapped “Sarah…?” Sarah looked up at her mother and seeing the glare in her eyes Sarah continued with fresh tears in her eyes “Me am a baby, me wuv wearing and using me diapees” Cynthia nodded “Continue, baby but louder.” Sarah continued to look at her mother with tears running down her face “Me gone wee-wees in me diapee, me am a baby, me wuv wearing and using me diapees” Sarah repeated the horrible sentence, unable to think of anything else than the words that were coming out of her mouth. The big grinning face of her younger sister, Phoebe made her way over to her mother as Sarah continued to repeat “Me gone wee-wees in me diapee, me am a baby, me wuv wearing and using me diapees”. After a few minutes, Cynthia raised her hand up for Sarah to stop, which she happily did. Phoebe didn’t take her eyes off her once-older sister. “That was adorable, I am so glad that Baby Sarah loves wearing diapers otherwise this would be very embarrassing for her.” Phoebe giggled as her mother said “Why would it be embarrassing? Didn’t you hear what she was saying?” Sarah looked away from the two women staring at her as Phoebe responded “Erm yeah, she has wet her diaper.” Cynthia knelt down in front of her infantile daughter and once again put her hand under Sarah’s chin and made her look at her “Baby Sarah announced repeatedly that she is a baby and babies can’t get embarrassed about wearing or using their diapers. Say it again Baby Sarah”. Sarah looked straight into her mother's eyes knowing she had no choice and said “Me am a baby”. Cynthia nodded her head and gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead “Good baby,” she cooed as she stood back up.

“Phoebe, can you look after the baby while I go to the toilet and prepare dinner for us?” Phoebe sighed “But I’m doing stuff in my room.” Cynthia unexpectedly bent over the playpen and lifted Sarah out and placed her on the floor “OK, I will take her to the toilet with me then put Baby Sarah in her high chair so I can keep an eye on her”. Sarah stayed seated in shock “I have to follow my mother to the toilet? I’m going to see my mother piss in front of me?” Sarah hadn’t noticed that Phoebe had left and her mother was already leaving the room. “Come along Baby Sarah, follow Mummy.” Her mother clapped her hands enthusiastically. Sarah once again got onto her hands and knees and began the degrading process of crawling after her mother. Sarah’s diapered bottom swayed from side to side as she crawled down the hallway “The pee has definitely made the first diaper thicker, I hope Mother checks my diaper soon so I can at least be in a clean one, oh god I actually want my mother to change me into a fresh diaper”. As they arrived in the bathroom Cynthia closed the door behind them and then pointed to a spot on the floor a few inches away from the toilet “Sit down there, Baby Sarah” Sarah crawled to the spot and sat on her diapered bottom facing away from the toilet, “Silly baby” her mother giggled and to Sarah’s shock as she spun around to face the toilet. “This is where grown-ups go potty.” Sarah looked at the toilet “Only yesterday I was protesting about Mother removing my shorts so I could use the toilet, in one day we have gone from close friends that I see every day to strangers that I won’t get to feel the touch of for a long time. One day of this and I long to sit on a toilet, that’s pathetic”.

Cynthia stood in front of Sarah and began to slide down her pants and then pulled down her white panties, standing in front of her daughter naked from the waist down Sarah wanted to scream. Cynthia sat down on the toilet, her knees inches away from Sarah’s head, Sarah turned her head away not wanting to see her mother’s nudity. “Baby Sarah, look at Mummy” Sarah slowly turned her head back to her mother, her eye line looking directly at her mother's vagina, “That’s a good baby, who’s a good baby? You are, yes, you are”. “That’s my mother's vagina I’m inches away from her vagina, even looking up at her face I can see it, this is not right, none of this is right”. Cynthia began using the toilet for its intended purpose, as she was urinating she kept a close eye on her daughter, every time Sarah would turn her head away she would call her to pay attention. After Cynthia was finished using the toilet she cleaned herself and stood up, raising her panties and pants up she turned and flushed the toilet, “That’s how grown-ups go wee-wee” she mocked, Sarah blushed and looked down at her wet diaper.

Chapter 12

Cynthia opened the door and walked out of the bathroom with Sarah crawling miserably behind her, as they arrived at the kitchen Cynthia lifted Sarah into the tight-fitting high chair, squeezing her diapered bottom into it and securing the tray, Sarah felt ridiculous. Cynthia brought out Sarah’s adult pacifier from her pocket and popped it back into Sarah’s mouth. “Well at least I can suck on this for something to do,” she thought. Sarah watched her mother prepare dinner from the confines of her high chair when she looked down at the tray and only just remembered her breasts were on show “How has this happened that after one day I don’t even remember that my boobs are out for my mother and sister to see, I know a few guys that would love to see me topless, probably not topless and sucking on a pacifier and definitely not topless and wearing a wet diaper. That must be it, the diaper is more distracting to me that my boobs being out.” Sarah quickly got bored with watching her mother but had nothing else to entertain her. “Did I really just think that? I wish I had that rattle here? I guess it would be something to do I guess, I’m so glad tomorrow is Monday and I can go to work.” Sarah’s eyes widened “Mother won't make me wear a diaper at work tomorrow, would she? No this must be just for a home thing I can’t go out in public wearing a diaper, if I did I would just take it off when at work, but the locking panties if she placed them over then I won't get them off.” Sarah was full of dread as her mother came over with a small bowl of green mush. She quickly tied a bib around Sarah’s neck, removed Sarah’s pacifier and forced a spoonful of the baby mush into Sarah’s mouth. Sarah once again wanted to throw it back up but managed to keep it down, her mother continued to spoon-feed her daughter getting plenty around Sarah’s mouth and bib, finally to Sarah’s relief the mush was finished and just like earlier, her mother tipped back Sarah’s neck and pushed the nipple of the large bottle into her mouth. Just like earlier the feeding forced her to look up at her mother, who again put her face very close to Sarah’s and whispered coos to her about how little or cute or precious or well behaved she was. Sarah blushed bright red, after just a few short minutes of the torture, Sarah finished the bottle.

Cynthia expertly cleaned up Sarah’s messy face and then managed to turn the high chair around towards the table. Cynthia set up two spots at the table then placed two plates full of lasagne down. Sarah began to drool without realising, her mother saw this and surprised Sarah by placing the adult-sized pacifier back into her mouth. “Phoebe come and get some food!” Cynthia bellowed, she sat down at the table and began to eat. Phoebe entered the room and sat at the remaining spot. “Is Baby Sarah not having anything to eat? She asked while looking at her infantile sister's empty tray. “Oh no, this food is far too grown-up for Baby Sarah, she has already had her yummy baby food, didn’t you baby?” Sarah just looked down at her tray and sucked on her pacifier trying to block out what her mother had said. “Ah I see she has her pacifier in again,” Phoebe said after having a large piece of lasagne. “Yes I don’t want her sucking on it all the time though, babies can get distracted by it and not want to engage while sucking.” Phoebe gave a glance to Sarah, she giggled and nodded “Yes we want Baby Sarah to be engaged in her baby activities, don’t we Baby Sarah?” Sarah continued to look down “It makes me feel sick to think that she is actually right, I have only had this stupid thing for a day and I suck on it to try and distract me from what’s happening”.

Cynthia and Phoebe finished their meal and Cynthia looked at Phoebe and asked “Phoebe can you run into your room and get that pink onesie you sleep in for winter?” Phoebe looked at her mother questionably “It’s for your baby sister we can’t have her sleeping in just her diapers at night. I will get you a new one, you won’t want it back after stinky here has worn it.” Phoebe giggled and ran off while Sarah wanted to scream “Stinky? I do not stink, I have a little wetness but that doesn’t smell, does it?” Sarah took a big sniff but couldn’t smell anything. Cynthia lifted Sarah out of the high chair and Sarah sat down on her padded bottom, Phoebe entered the room with the pink onesie and handed it to her mother. “Phoebe dear can you do the dishes?” Phoebe sighed. “Yes Mother” she said and began to run the sink, “Ha, she would hate that. It was my night to do the dishes” Sarah thought with a smile from behind her pacifier. Cynthia expertly put the onesie on her and to Sarah’s relief covered up her infantile underwear and her breasts for the first time in hours. Cynthia cooed “Follow Mummy, baby” and Sarah once again got onto her hands and knees and crawled after her mother. Sarah was being led back into her mother’s bedroom. “Am I going to bed now? What time is it?” Sarah looked out a window and saw that it was still light outside. Sarah entered her mother’s bedroom where she saw the small baby's crib beside her mother's bed, she was quickly lifted up and placed back into her niece's baby crib. Before Sarah had time to think about what was happening, her mother told her to get into the foetal position once again. Sarah got into the position and was still shocked that she could fit inside the crib even though it was uncomfortably tight. Sarah could feel the bulging damp diaper between her legs “Could I bring up that I want to be changed? No, she will just punish me.” Cynthia wrapped Sarah very tightly in a blanket which left Sarah with very little movement. “Nighty-night, Baby Sarah,” her mother said, giving her a kiss on the forehead. Cynthia left the room and Sarah was left in the crib sucking on her pacifier wishing to be in a clean diaper.

Chapter 13

Sarah couldn’t remember falling asleep but she woke with a fright, she was stiff and very uncomfortable in the baby crib, it took a little while for her to remember where she was but as she tried to move her legs she felt the now familiar feeling of the diaper between her legs and her situation hit her like a ton of bricks. Sarah only wondered for a second what had woken her when her mother appeared at the side of the crib “Awww did I wake baby up? I’m sorry baby, go back to sleep, maybe you need this back in” Cynthia cooed as she tried to place the adult pacifier back into Sarah’s mouth but Sarah kept her mouth shut not wanting to suck on the infantile object “I might be in here in a damp diaper but I need to take a stand, slowly stopping my mother from treating me like this” Sarah thought. Cynthia was getting angry at her daughter's defiance and simply lent over Sarah and held her nose till Sarah had no choice but to open up her mouth and accept the pacifier. Cynthia stood over her daughter with crossed arms “Suck,” she commanded and Sarah reluctantly sucked on the pacifier “Well that didn’t work but if I continue she might get fed up with trying to make me into this pathetic excuse for a person”.

Sarah watched from the confines of her crib as her mother opened up her wardrobe and searched for something when she looked over at her daughter and a smile crossed her mouth. Not a warm smile, this one sent chills down Sarah’s spine. Cynthia closed the wardrobe while not taking her eyes off of her new adult baby daughter and she cheerfully announced “It’s such a warm night I don’t think I need a nightie on” Sarah looked at her mother with a confused expression which quickly turned into shock as Cynthia lifted up her shirt revealing her bra, Sarah quickly closed her eyes tight and sucked on the pacifier trying to block out what was happening in front of her. “Open your eyes baby, I know you’re awake so stop pretending.” Sarah kept her eyes shut “I am not going to see my mother undress in front of me” she repeated in her head. Sarah felt her mother's breath on her face “Baby Sarah you open your eyes now or Mummy will have to punish you.” Sarah thought long and hard “I don’t want to be punished but what is she going to do? I am already in a diaper and in a crib, how can it get any worse, nope I will keep my eyes shut”. Before Sarah could react, she felt herself being lifted out of the crib, her eyes opened automatically and she soon realised she was back over her mother's knee, quickly a hand came down onto Sarah’s diapered behind “For once I am so glad I’m wearing this diaper, that didn’t even hurt” Sarah chuckled to herself as her mother continued to spank the padded bottom. Cynthia finished spanking her daughter but left her pinned across her knee, Sarah was hoping that was it for the punishment but it was just the beginning.

Cynthia bellowed “Phoebe, can you come in here” Sarah began to turn red she didn’t want her younger sister to see her over her mother's knee again, Phoebe opened her mother's door. “Yes Mother?” she asked curiously then let out a giggle as she observed the scene in front of her. Cynthia turned her head towards Phoebe. “Yes Phoebe”. Before her mother could continue Phoebe let out another giggle, her mother was sitting on the edge of the bed, with no shirt on, just a bra and her older sister across her knee, all Phoebe could see of her sister were her pink legs that led up to her big padded bottom. “Phoebe, stop giggling and go get the suppositories and all the stuff, Baby Sarah has been naughty”. Sarah’s began to kick, trying to get away from her mother but Cynthia had a tight grip on her. “Suppositories? No, she can’t be serious.” Cynthia continued “Also can you get the babies high chair, please dear.” Phoebe smiled at her mother and quickly left the room. Sarah was still struggling on her mother's knee when she felt cold air on the back of her legs and she froze, her mother had opened the butt flap on the back of the onesie, she put her hands inside the onesie and unlocked the plastic panties and pulled them down, she then slowly pulled down Sarah’s diaper exposing Sarah’s bum. Sarah was about to squirm again trying to get out of her mother’s grip when she felt the sharp pain across her bottom. Sarah let out a short scream from behind her pacifier, her bum was still tender from the spanks she had received earlier that day and Sarah’s eyes were watering immediately. Her mother’s hand came slapping down once again onto her red bum and Sarah stopped squirming and began to cry. Phoebe returned pushing the high chair into her mother’s room when she saw her sister’s situation she couldn’t help but smile. “Poor Baby Sarah has such a red bum-bum” Cynthia turned to Phoebe once again “Yes she has, maybe the baby will learn to be a good girl from now on, place the high chair at the foot of the bed, thank you Phoebe.” Phoebe easily manoeuvred the high chair to the foot of the bed then handed her mother a bag. “Thank you Phoebe, I don’t think I will need any help from now on but you can stay if you...” “I will stay” Phoebe quickly blurted, eager to see her sister humiliated in such an infantile way.

Sarah was shaking, she knew what was coming but she couldn’t get out of it, she was stuck over her mother’s knee with her bum and pulled-down diaper on display to her sister. Sarah didn’t want to look at what was happening behind her so she focused on looked down at the floor, slowly sucking on the pacifier for comfort. She heard a rustling in a bag then her mother saying “Phoebe dear, I was wrong, I am going to need your help, can you get that out of there and help me put that on, please”. Sarah could hear movement and some rustling.

Can I get out of this? If I said sorry maybe she won’t do it, no she will definitely do it, she never changes her mind on punishments. That time when Phoebe had stopped eating all of her dinner and Mother got sick of her wasting food so she made her sit at the table till it was finished, they were both sitting there till 2 am till Phoebe finally gave in. Mother didn’t like wasting her time like that and didn’t want to do it again so for the next week she spoon-fed Phoebe her dinner, after the third day Phoebe stopped protesting and openly accepted the feeding, I remember laughing so much at the sight of my 15-year-old sister being fed like that”. Sarah suddenly heard a slap which shook her out of her memory.

Sarah felt two hands on each bum cheek spreading her buttocks apart, she began to shake again as she knew what was coming. Sarah let out a burst of surprise when the first was inserted, she felt her mother’s finger enter her and she wanted to scream, to Sarah’s relief her mother quickly removed her finger. She continued to look at the floor in utter shock but relieved that it was finally over, Sarah shook as she once again felt her mother’s finger enter her, she let out a yelp as the finger felt deeper than it had the first time. “Two suppositories for Baby Sarah to help you do poo in your diapees” her mother cheerfully announced, Sarah didn’t know what to do, her mother’s finger was still inside her bottom and her sister was still holding her butt cheeks apart, she laid there for what seemed like half an hour but was only a minute when her mother finally removed her finger. “Thank you, Phoebe, can you now pull up your baby sister’s diaper” Sarah felt the hands that had kept her cheeks apart move off and quickly her wet diaper was pulled back up, covering her supple bottom in the most embarrassing clothing imaginable.

Phoebe pulled the plastic panties up and with help from her mother managed to lock them in place once again, she then fitted the butt flap back on and helped her mother remove the glove from her hand, finally Sarah was removed from over her mother’s knee and placed on the floor on her padded bottom, her mother and Phoebe were cleaning up while Sarah didn’t move from the spot. Sarah was in shock, she knew what was going to happen to her diapers now that the two suppositories had been inserted up inside her. “I’m going to have to wear a messy diaper again” she shuddered at the thought. Cynthia came over and picked up her daughter and to Sarah’s surprise was lifted into the tight-fitting high chair that was placed at the foot of her mother’s bed, once again her mother had to push her into the small seat in order for her diapered hips to squeeze in. The strap was loosened all the way to fit her, and the tray barely reached the locking mechanism. Once Sarah was settled she looked at her mother “Since baby wasn’t a good girl in her crib you can sleep here tonight”. Sarah looked mortified “How am I going to get any sleep sitting in this?” She thought as Phoebe walked over to her sister and gave her a kiss on the cheek “Goodnight Baby Sarah” she giggled and left closing the bedroom door behind her. Sarah was in such shock still she hadn’t realised that her sister left till after the door was closed. “Now Baby Sarah Mummy is going to get ready for bed and with you being such a little baby you don’t care if you see any grown-up naked, so baby if I see you look away from Mummy your bum-bum will be getting more friends up inside, do you understand baby?” Sarah slowly nodded her head.

Sarah reluctantly watched as her mother removed her pants “It’s just my mother naked that’s fine, she has seen me naked, not by any choice of my own but it’s no big deal it’s just my mother. Wait what did she mean by any grown-up naked? I don’t want to be seeing people naked as a normal thing” Sarah continued to watch as her mother took off her bra and panties standing next to the bed completely nude. Sarah wanted to avert her eyes but remembered her mother's threat “Good baby, see it’s perfectly fine” Cynthia got into her bed, looked over at her daughter and cooed “Good-night baby” she turned off the light and lay down out of view from Sarah.

Chapter 14

Sitting with her arms atop the tray, Sarah had been sitting in her high chair for a long while, her mother had fallen asleep but there was no way Sarah was going to be able to sleep sitting in the tight-fitting high chair and there was also another reason why she couldn’t sleep, her stomach was making noises that forced her awake. Sarah focused on the pacifier, she kept herself occupied with sucking it slowly then fast and slow again until the pain in her belly became more noticeable. It was a stomach-ache all right, but she knew all too well what it would take to relieve the bloating. The room had gotten a lot darker and she couldn’t hear any noise from outside now, only her mother’s breathing, it had been a long time of stomach pains and she truly knew it could be held no longer. But she was too strong. She was not a baby. She was a grown-up and would not suffice to the chemicals that churned inside her.

She badly needed to poo and could not get out of the chair. She sat there and cried silently while continuing to hold it back with what strength remained. Her fingers gripped the edge of the tray as the struggle became unbearable. Whether she wanted to or not, the suppository was pushing her to the unthinkable. She was twenty-three years old and on the verge of messing herself for the second time. She cried the entire time, not letting up even as she lost control of her bowels and slowly allowed the poo into the bottom of her diaper. She leaned up from the chair to keep from smashing the mess against her butt. As she did her best to lean upwards, her mother had awoken and was now stood beside her bed. "I'd recognise that smell anywhere." She walked to the high chair and put her hands over Sarah’s shoulders. "Babies don't sit up when they poo in their diapers. They don't really notice, and pretty soon you won't either, baby. Now sit back down. The poo will come out. Don't worry. Mummy will wipe your bottom clean no matter how messy you make it." Sarah was slowly forced to sit. She hesitated, every inch of the way, still trying as the poo stuck to her arse until she sat flat. Her mother held her in place while still even more poo loaded her diaper and she cried, looking down. Sarah, too, could now smell the odour she had caused. She felt cold with humiliation and now looked up from her waist to her mother, who stood there with a cold smile. To Sarah’s horror her mother turned around and got back into bed leaving Sarah sitting in her messy diaper.

Sarah was left in the high chair, tears rolling down her face, she was very uncomfortable in the messy diaper, the shame of messing herself for the second time in twenty-four hours was too much for the poor girl. She tried to move to make herself more comfortable in the tight high chair but every time she did she would move the poo in her diaper around. It was getting late and the warm poo had begun to cool and become itchy, Sarah was extremely tired but every time she drifted off in the seat she moved a little and the feeling of the poo in her diaper woke her up. “There is no way I can sleep like this if she is going to keep me in here all night there is no way I can go to work tomorrow”. A sharp pain in Sarah’s chest hit her: “She has no intention of letting me go to work tomorrow, how stupid am I, of course she wouldn’t she is treating me like this and she said this is my life now, oh god is it really my life now? It’s so hard to accept I can’t be this pathetic, a woman who now wears and uses diapers because her mother told her to. I’m an attractive young woman, I’m smart I have a future and a life of my own” Sarah’s right butt cheek was getting numb so she lifted it up and felt the stickiness of the poo on it “An attractive young woman that has poo all in her diaper, smart enough to get myself into this mess, a future as a baby and a life with my “Mummy” and “big sister” Sarah sighed.

Suddenly Sarah was woken from her half-sleep by an alarm, Cynthia reached over and turned it off, she turned the light on and stepped out of bed. Sarah didn’t know what time it was but could see it was still dark so it wasn’t morning yet “Time for babies feeding” Cynthia chirped and pulled the adult-sized bottle from her bedside cabinet and started walking towards her daughter “Feeding time? Oh god, I forgot she was naked”. Cynthia removed Sarah’s pacifier and tipped back Sarah’s neck and pushed the nipple into her mouth, just like earlier the feeding forced her to look up at her mother but unlike earlier this time her mother was naked and now very close to Sarah’s face was her mother’s breasts, Sarah had no choice but to look at her naked mother while she gulped down the bottle of milk. Finally, the bottle was finished and Cynthia removed it from her daughter’s mouth. “Now stinky you are smelling up this room. What did you do in your diaper, and do you need your diaper changing?” Sarah felt overjoyed and couldn’t help but show it. “Yes yes I need this bloody diaper changing, of course I do” she thought. Sarah’s smile left her face when she remembered she had to speak as a baby to let her mother know that she wanted to be changed. She gulped. “Mummy me did big pooies in me diapees me need Mummy to change me smelly diapees, pweez Mummy change babies diapees me want new diapee” Sarah felt sick but she could have carried on begging to just get out of this misery. Cynthia smiled “Ok Baby Sarah I will change baby’s pooey diaper”.

Cynthia went back to her bedside cabinet and removed diapers, wipes and baby powder. She walked back over to the high chair and removed the tray and the strap and lifted the relieved Sarah out of the seat and placed her on the ground on her diapered bottom which made Sarah grimace. “Don’t worry baby, Mummy will make all that poo disappear.” Cynthia then pulled a changing mat from under the bed and positioned it under Sarah. Cynthia took the onesie off her adult baby daughter leaving Sarah in her pink panties and heavily soiled diaper, she then unlocked the plastic panties and pulled them down off Sarah’s legs. Her mother loudly pulled the sticky tapes from the sides of her diapers and let into the air the sickening smell of urine and poo. "Whoo-ee, baby! Mummy's got her hands full with your pooey bottom, doesn't she?" Her mother gathered her ankles in one hand and slid the soiled diaper out from under her daughter's bottom. Now letting Sarah’s legs back onto the surface, she balled the diaper up. Cynthia wiped her arse completely with a baby wipes, deeply into her crack. Another two wipes were used to clean what poo had been smeared on her cheeks. “Finally free of that messy diaper, oh it feels so good, I don’t even care that Mother is cleaning my bum at least I am clean.” Cynthia had finally finished cleaning her daughter and placed a fresh diaper under Sarah’s bottom and as she was pulling it up and over Sarah’s vagina and taping it in place, Sarah’s smile disappeared “Another diaper, yes I’m glad to be out of that horrible messy diaper but will this one come off me before I mess again or will it only come off me after I mess?” Sarah’s mother placed the second diaper under her daughter and once again taped it into place but to Sarah’s shock, Cynthia pulled out a third and taped that on, and then a fourth. She finished off with putting Sarah in the locking panties once again. “Four diapers? I can’t even put my legs together it's so thick” Cynthia stood up “follow Mummy, Baby Sarah” Sarah rolled onto her stomach and got onto her hands and knees and began to crawl to the other side of the bed. “I can feel my arse swinging, in this horrible thing.” Sarah was led to the baby's crib where she was lifted up and placed inside, she instantly got into the fetal position and her mother tightly wrapped her up, she placed the pacifier into Sarah’s mouth which she accepted and kissed her daughter on the forehead. “Goodnight Baby Sarah” she said and then got into bed and turned the light off. “Im glad I’m finally lying down, I should get to sleep easily now, I just wish Mother hadn’t put so many diapers on me”. Sarah closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep.

Cynthia looked over at her daughter quite proud of herself “A few hours ago she wouldn’t accept the pacifier now look at her sucking away, that adorable smile when she was getting her diaper changed and that begging to be changed. Also, she wouldn’t have done that if I had left her in her crib and look at her, I bet she loves that crib now and by tomorrow she will love to be in just two diapers. If she going to behave like a baby then she is going to be a good baby”.

Chapter 15

Sarah slowly awoke, her eyes opened and she could see from her crib that the sun had risen but her mother had not, she tried to stretch but was still tightly wrapped up in the blanket. “I have to wee, it must be because of that milk Mother gave me so late last night.” Sarah tried pushing her legs together but because of the bulk of the four diapers it didn’t help suppress the urge “I guess I just give in to it and wet my diaper, I’m not getting out of diapers so I am going to have to use it anyway, how can I be thinking like this? Like I am now just a” Sarah scrunched her eyes tight “a baby, that wears diapers like normal, only two days ago I was wearing panties and a bra, now I’m in a crib naked apart from this bulging diaper, I’m meant to be getting ready for work now, not trying to stop myself from wetting a diaper. My alarm would have gone off, I would have lay there for a minute slowly waking up, would get out of my bed and go to the bathroom, on my own. Once in the bathroom would take off my pyjama bottoms and my big baggy t-shirt that I sleep in, would probably admire myself in the mirror for a second, my long brunette hair covering a face all the guys liked, skinny body with perky boobs and a great firm bottom would be looking back at me. I would then jump into the shower and enjoy the warm water all over my body and then clean myself and then out of the shower and dry myself, then time to get ready for work. Won’t be doing that for a long time, instead I’m in a crib unable to move trying not to piss myself.

Sarah was becoming very miserable with her situation and after a few more minutes she finally gave in, she closed her eyes tight as she felt the warm urine invade her diapers, soaking them, on and on it went, the first diaper continuing to swell as it soaked up more and more, it became heavy and really warm, it felt so strange to Sarah. It just didn't feel right not using the toilet, it felt really unnatural, and yet here she was, 23 years old being made to wee in her clothes. Sarah began to sob quietly “She is winning, my mother is turning me into a baby” her crying unintentionally got louder and her mother stirred. Cynthia looked over at her daughter “Awwww baby, it’s ok Mummy is here, what’s the matter?” She cooed as she got out of bed and made her way to Sarah’s crib, the sight of her naked mother didn’t help how she was feeling and Sarah continued to cry. Cynthia unwrapped her daughter of the blanket finally giving Sarah the ability to move, she quickly stretched her legs out, which felt very stiff, a result of her tight sleeping quarters.  

Sarah was now lying in the crib naked apart from the always-present diaper, she was still sobbing as her mother leaned over and placed a finger into her diapers “Awww is that why baby is so cranky? Does baby want Mummy to change Baby Sarah’s wet diaper?” Sarah wanted out of the wet bulging diaper so much that she managed to get out through the sobbing “Me went wee-wee” she sniffed “me need diapee change.” Sarah didn’t care about the humiliation of talking like a baby, she didn’t care about having to tell her mum that she had wet herself just like a baby she just wanted out of the diaper. Cynthia smiled, walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out a loose-fitting red top and pyjama pants, she quickly put them on and went back to her daughter. Cynthia lifted up her daughter and placed Sarah on her hip with just one hand, supporting her daughter around the waist while Sarah wrapped her legs around her mother's torso rather tightly. Cynthia grabbed the high chair with her free hand and to Sarah’s confusion, they began to leave the bedroom.

Chapter 16

It must be because there are no more diapers in her bedside cabinet” Sarah thought but as they entered the kitchen Cynthia placed the high chair next to the table and quickly placed Sarah in. Sarah was locked into the high chair feeling dumb-struck “I said what I was supposed to say to get this pee-filled clothing off me, why isn’t she changing my diaper?” Cynthia put her face close to her daughters “My precious little baby, if you were a good girl last night you would only be wearing two diapers but because you were naughty you are wearing double that, that means you can wait double the time to get your diapered bottom changed.” Sarah was about to protest when her mother stood straight up, folded her arms and gave a deathly look that terrified Sarah to the bone. Sarah’s tears began and she looked down at the tray while her mother prepared breakfast. Cynthia returned placing a bib around Sarah’s neck rendering her fully ready for the coming feeding. Just a moment later the microwave beeped and Cynthia came back with a still-steaming bowl of baby food that she set down on the tray in front of the helpless adult baby woman. Sarah made a wretched face and seemingly fought off a gag reflex when the first spoonful of food went into her mouth. The reaction caused a good half of the spoonful to dribble down her chin, as Cynthia quite deliberately didn’t shovel the food too deep into the big baby's mouth. This meal was a disgusting combination of three individual baby foods, each of which maybe wouldn't be so bad if they had been delivered separately, but which together were totally gross, which she was sure was the goal of mixing them in the first place.

Sarah had no idea what she was eating but it was the worst thing she had tasted in a long time. Cynthia had mixed lasagne with meat sauce, broccoli and carrots with cheese, and banana-strawberry. Feeding Sarah took about 15 minutes. Sarah couldn't help but make a face with every horrible taste that reached her tongue, furthermore, with Sarah strapped tightly in and leaning back, she was left just obediently opening her mouth as her mother brought more and more of the horrid paste to her waiting lips. Cynthia never really put the spoon anywhere past the tip of Sarah’s tongue, letting the slop slide off from there, ensuring that it was all over her face and bib by the end of the bowl. Sarah had a mouth and bib that were smeared with the remnants of her breakfast when Phoebe entered the kitchen.

“Awww did I miss Baby Sarah having breakfast? What a mess baby sister!” Phoebe walked over to the table and sat down. “Yes because of how naughty she was last night she got a big breakfast this morning, if baby is good then she will get a nice lunch, here Phoebe can you give your sister her bottle while I finish our breakfast?” Phoebe practically jumped from her seat and grabbed the bottle from her mother. Phoebe approached her infantile sister with a huge smile, she was wearing striped pyjama shorts and a tight-fitting white tank top with a push-up bra, her blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. “Why is she wearing a push-up bra? It must be to show off that she can wear a bra and I’m sitting here topless, I wish I could do something with my hair, it hasn’t been touched in two days I bet I look a mess, now here she comes with a bottle to feed her little sister, this is so embarrassing, it’s always worse when Phoebe is around,” Sarah thought as her sister put the nipple of the bottle into her sister's mouth. Sarah was grateful it was just milk and it helped get rid of the horrible taste of her ‘breakfast’. Sarah finished the bottle and Phoebe removed it from her mouth. “Good Baby Sarah” Phoebe chirped. Sarah looked down at the tray. “How long till breakfast Mother?” Phoebe asked, “about 5 minutes,” Cynthia replied. “Great I will be right back,” and with that Phoebe ran off but returned quickly. She stepped behind Sarah and began to brush her sister's hair, Sarah didn’t look up from the tray “She isn’t doing this to be nice, I know her too well”. Phoebe had two small hair bands and cheerfully announced "One right...there...and right...there." Sarah winced as her hair was twisted into two pigtails. “Perfect!” Phoebe walked around from behind Sarah and grabbed her sister’s chin, pulling her head up. “You are the cutest little baby I have ever seen”.

Cynthia placed the large breakfast on the table for the two adults, Sarah looked at the bacon, sausages, egg, beans, toast and tomato with drool coming from her mouth. “That looks so delicious, all that food, it feels like forever since I got to have grown up food.” Sarah then saw the big mugs of coffee and wanted to cry all over again. “Coffee, oh god I want a coffee so bad.” Cynthia and Phoebe ate their breakfast in silence, Cynthia looked over to Sarah. “Great job on her hair Phoebe, she looks so much better, I was thinking of giving her a haircut to make it easier to look after her but for now pigtails look adorable on her.” Sarah looked down “Cutting my hair? My hair? What was she planning? Shaved head? Bald? Oh god she still might”. Once finished Cynthia asked Phoebe if she could do the dishes which Phoebe reluctantly accepted while Cynthia grabbed a cloth and finally cleaned up Sarah’s dirty face and stomach. Cynthia then removed the bib and then released Sarah from her high chair and placed her on the tile floor. “Crawl to the living room baby” Sarah slowly began to crawl towards the living room, her diapered bottom swaying side to side as she did.

Chapter 17

Sarah stopped crawling when she got to her playpen, she sat down on her wet diapered bottom and waited for her mother to lift her in. Cynthia bent over and easily lifted her adult baby daughter into the awaiting playpen, Sarah looked around and sighed, the only object in her playpen was the rattle and she knew that if she didn’t play with something then her mother would make her do something else and right now Sarah wanted to be left alone so she picked up the rattle and began to shake it. Sarah had been shaking the rattle in all the different variations she could think of, she did it with her left hand, then her right, then both hands but she got bored of shaking the toy very quickly, “Ok done it with my hands, that was interesting stuff, it doesn’t even look like Mother is paying attention but I bet she is listening out for the noise, what now? How would a baby shake it?” she thought. After shaking it with her right hand once again she lay down on her back and lifted her feet up to her body and placed the rattle between her feet and began to shake the rattle that way but soon her legs got tired and the rattle fell from her feet and bounced off her diaper onto the mat of the playpen. Sarah sat up and saw that her mother was looking at her with a warm smile, Sarah blushed and picked up the rattle and shook it with her hands “Oh god, did she see that? What must she be thinking? I bet it looked like I was enjoying myself, I bet she now thinks that I enjoy being a baby, No No No.” Sarah spent a very long time shaking the rattle when she felt the urge to pee “No, No more pee, why body why?” Sarah looked up at her mother who was back on her phone “If I hold it till she comes and asks me if I need changing then I can do it quickly then get put into a fresh one. How has she done this to me in just one day? One day of diapers and I am now accepting that I don’t have a choice, I hate this so much.

“Phoebe can you come in here and look after your baby sister?” Cynthia shouted, Phoebe walked grudgingly into the room “Why do I after look after her?” she asked and Sarah agreed with her sister “Yeah what am I going to do?” Cynthia looked angrily at Phoebe “She is just a helpless baby, we can’t leave her on her own, you don’t know what might happen to her.” Now Sarah felt angry “I am not helpless”. Phoebe nodded her head and sat down on the sofa while her mother left. Sarah continued to shake the rattle but at a much slower speed, she felt very ashamed of her position right now, while she had been sitting in the playpen shaking a rattle and trying not to pee her diaper, her younger sister had gotten showered and changed her pyjama shorts into denim shorts. Phoebe looked over at her sister “I guess that rattle must be boring little sister, here I will turn the TV on for you” a slight smile crossed Sarah’s face “Finally something to stop me being bored,” but Sarah’s joy was short-lived when her sister went straight to the baby channel and put on Pepper Pig. “This might be a little too grown-up for you baby, but you will like all the bright colours” Phoebe sniggered. Sarah felt anger and then came to the realisation “I am much quicker than Phoebe, I could actually make a run for it, run out the house shout for help, I could do it, but I don’t know where Mother is and if I do jump out of here and then she catches me around the corner then I will be in for the biggest punishment.” Sarah was sweating. “Could I do it? I think I heard Mother in the garage, I could make it out before she even knew.” Sarah looked at her sister who was on her phone “Yes she is distracted, OK I’m doing this” Sarah slowly got up off her padded wet bum and onto her knees “Ok here I go, after 3, 1” She looked at the way out of the room, over her playpen and straight forward “Yep can do that, 2” She looked at her sister still on her phone “Great and” she looked over to the entrance to the living room and her heart sank as she saw her mother blocking the exit “What you doing baby girl? Cynthia had a stern look on her face. Sarah froze for a second “My only chance gone, what can I do to avoid being punished?” She saw the rattle in front of her “What the hell” she thought and she fell forward onto her stomach the rattle inches away from her mouth, she put the handle of the rattle into her mouth and started shaking her head “I hope this works” she thought. Cynthia walked over to Sarah and gently pulled the rattle from her mouth “No baby, that doesn’t go in your mouth, silly baby” She then turned to Phoebe “I told you to watch her, look what happens when someone doesn’t watch the baby”. Phoebe couldn’t help but smile “Sorry Mother, it won't happen again.”  

Cynthia nodded as Sarah blushed bright red “I can’t believe I just did that.” Cynthia continued “Good, now stay here for a bit, I may need a hand”. Sarah sat back up onto her diapered bottom and began to sweat “The last time Phoebe helped my mother I had a very messy diaper, I hope it’s nothing like that again.” Cynthia had changed her clothes since before, she was now wearing a light button-down top and black pants and black shoes, she walked back to the entrance of the living room and picked up a dress, Sarah looked confused at her mother who was now holding up the dress. “That’s my dress I got last year, I only wore it once, it was far too baggy.” The dress was a drop-shoulder chambray dress, it had tiered ruffled 3/4 sleeves and a round neckline, from under the breasts it fell like a t-shirt and finished at the knee. Cynthia was now in front of Sarah. “Arms up baby.” Sarah reluctantly lifted her arms up and her mother slipped the dress over her head. “Ah perfect” she chirped, “Phoebe go and get some blue socks and your old school shoes”. Phoebe was confused but hurriedly got the items for her mother, "Why does she want them? She must be sick of seeing me topless and trying to find some clothing that makes me look young but why shoes?” Sarah thought. Phoebe returned as her mother was lifting Sarah out of the playpen. “Thank you, Phoebe.” Cynthia placed the blue socks on each of Sarah’s feet then proceeded to put the Mary Jane school shoes over the socks, “She is almost perfect, what’s it missing though?” Phoebe bounced out of the room “I know” she returned with 3 blue ribbons. Phoebe bent down in front of Sarah and tied a ribbon to each pigtail and with the third ribbon, she pulled out Sarah’s adult pacifier and looped it around and then tied it around Sarah’s neck. Cynthia practically squealed with excitement “Yes Phoebe perfect, Baby Sarah is ready to go bye byes”.

Chapter 18

Sarah was white as snow and she was about to protest but her mother quickly shoved the pacifier that was now tied around her neck into her mouth which Sarah sucked without thinking “Don’t you think we should give the baby a bath before we go out, she doesn’t smell the freshest,” Phoebe said. “She hasn’t used her diapers fully yet so I’m not going to give her a bath until she does, she will be fine, just another smelly baby out for the day”. Sarah felt light-headed “This is really going to happen, I’m going outside in diapers, what if someone I know sees me? How am I going to explain how I look? With my hair in pigtails and a pacifier tied around my neck not to mention the smell of pee and probably poo coming off me”.

“Phoebe go get your shoes on, you’re coming with us, we will meet you in the car,” Cynthia said as she picked up Sarah onto her hip, Phoebe went into her room to get her shoes while Cynthia and her adult baby daughter walked out the front door. Sarah was practically shaking as her mother carried her out the house towards the car, she kept looking around making sure nobody was outside. At the car Cynthia opened the back-passenger door with her free hand and Sarah couldn’t believe what she saw on the seat. “Oh my god, that’s my niece’s old car seat”. Cynthia placed Sarah into the tight-fitting car seat, squeezing her daughter's hips in until she was sitting. The restraint was snug, especially in the areas where it came into contact with Sarah’s diaper but she was quickly strapped in. Cynthia placed the pacifier into Sarah’s mouth, closed the door and walked around to the driver's side. Cynthia was putting on her belt when Phoebe entered the car “Awwww she looks so adorable in her car seat, is Baby Sarah excited for her first car trip?” Sarah looked down at her bunched-up dress, clearly showing the diaper that she wanted to hide from everyone. Cynthia reversed the car out the drive and drove off down the street, Sarah’s heart was pounding. She felt very light-headed and couldn’t focus on anything. Then came the sudden realisation that she couldn’t hold on any longer and she looked down at her diaper with fear “No, I can't wet it now. I’m going to be outside in a freshly wet diaper” then the now familiar feeling of warm urine entering her diaper. Sarah finally stopped peeing and the diaper was once again warm.

“Is this really happening? I have been put back into diapers by my mother and she is now taking me out to the shops with a wet diaper on” Cynthia noticed Sarah had started to cry “Awwww baby, you must be hungry, Phoebe get the bottle out of there and hand it to baby.” Phoebe handed the bottle to Sarah “You grab that bottle with both hands baby, don’t want you dropping it, now drink up” Phoebe said with a giggle. Sarah sighed and placed her other hand around the bottle she spat out her pacifier that dangled from her neck and stuck in the nipple of the bottle. “I have to stop crying, I will just bring more attention to myself, If I look like it doesn’t bother me then nobody will notice but if I look upset then everyone will look” Sarah had finished the bottle when they arrived at the mall and Sarah’s heart felt like it was pounding out of her chest. Cynthia parked the car and turned the engine off, she then turned around to Sarah retrieving the empty bottle. “Now baby, while we are out you must hold onto a grown-up's hand at all times, if you are not holding a grown-up's hand you will place your diapered butt on the ground, understand baby?” Sarah slowly nodded her head as Phoebe held back a giggle, Cynthia then lifted the pacifier off from around Sarah’s neck and placed it in her bag “Now if you are a good baby while we are in there you can get this back when we get back in the car, if you are naughty you will get it back much sooner, understand baby?” Sarah again slowly nodded. “Good, now let's go”. Sarah was feeling a lot better not having the pacifier around her neck “Without that, I just look like I’m doing something cute with my hair”. Sarah’s door was opened and Cynthia unstrapped her daughter from the car seat, she was then helped out of the car. Sarah kept a tight grip on her mother’s hand, not wanting to sit on the floor. For the first time in almost two days, Sarah was standing up. Cynthia went behind Sarah and pulled down the dress and smoothed it out which made Sarah blush as she felt her mother's hands brush every part of her groin.

Sarah and Cynthia walked hand in hand towards the mall, The four thick diapers between Sarah’s legs made it difficult for Sarah to walk normally and she tried to stop herself from waddling “I’m sure people will notice just by how I’m walking” she thought “Not just the waddling I’m doing but the noise, I’m sure that rustling is loud enough for anyone close to hear” Sarah couldn’t help but look around to see if anyone was looking at her and to see if her diaper was well hidden by the dress. Phoebe was walking a few steps in front of her and Sarah was green with envy at how her sister was dressed “It’s those pants, her arse is on full show to every guy and they are all looking at her, oh god if they are looking at her arse as they walk past they then will be looking at mine” Sarah blushed bright red as she saw another guy walk past and turn his head to look at Phoebe.

Phoebe led Cynthia and Sarah into Target and walked directly to the kids clothing section. “Awww look at this pink Minnie Mouse shirt” Phoebe squealed as she held it up to Sarah. “It’s the largest kid size that should fit her,” she continued. Cynthia looked at it then at Sarah “Yeah it should, get a few different ones”. She said and Phoebe gave the shirt to her mother and looked for others, she picked up Frozen, Care Bears, Monster high and other childish shirts for her sister. Sarah was having mixed emotions about the shirts “These shirts are incredibly juvenile and I would never wear them normally but in my current state I will just be happy that something will be covering my breasts for a change”. Sarah was led to the changing rooms where she began to shake again “hopefully she will just put the shirts on over my dress, there's no need to take my dress off” Sarah and Cynthia entered a cubicle and Cynthia slid the curtain closing them in, as soon as she turned around Cynthia let go of Sarah’s hand and time seemed to slow down for Sarah, looking at her mother who was now placing the shirts on a hook Sarah knew what she had to do but was unable “Mother isn’t holding my hand that means I have to sit on the floor, I have to do it, don’t I or Mother will put the pacifier back around my neck” Sarah sighed and quickly fell onto her diapered bottom with a loud rustle. Cynthia turned around and looked down at her daughter. “That’s a good baby, now arms up and we will take that dress off so we can try these cute shirts on” Sarah closed her eyes tight as she slowly put her arms up, her mother began to pull the dress up but Sarah was sitting on it “Baby lift your diapered bottom-up” Sarah’s eyes widened as she sat up so her mother could pull the dress off “Could anyone else hear that? If someone was in the next cubicle they would definitely hear that” Sarah looked around and was thankful there wasn’t a camera in there but almost jumped out of her skin when she only just realised that the bottom of the curtain stopped just after her diaper. “If anyone bends down to look in they are going to see my diapered bottom on the floor, I hate this, being naked apart from this diaper in such a public place, I just want to go home”.

Cynthia had Sarah put her arms up again and pulled the shirt over Sarah’s head. She had a little trouble getting it down past Sarah’s breasts and once on it stopped just past her belly button. “Perfect, you look adorable baby and it doesn’t cover your diapers which is great.” Sarah blushed and looked down to see it was the pink Minnie Mouse shirt that Phoebe first grabbed “It’s a little tight but it will loosen up, I don’t care how bad it looks, it will cover me up just wish it would cover up the diaper” Sarah thought. Cynthia took the shirt off and tried the next one on Sarah, which also fit the same, she was happy they would all fit so she put Sarah’s dress back on and put out her hands for Sarah to take. Sarah was helped off the floor and feeling a lot better finally standing again and wearing the long dress. Cynthia opened up the curtain and then turned around to get the shirts when Sarah’s heart fell as she heard the curtain of the cubicle next to hers open. Her eyes fixed on the entrance of the cubicle as a young man about the same age as Sarah walked past, he slowed slightly and stared at Sarah with a confused look then his eyes went down to Sarah’s crotch and a shocked expression crossed his face as he left Sarah’s view. “Oh god, he heard everything, he heard Mother tell me to lift my diapered bottom, he knows” Sarah turned white as a sheet as her mother led her out of the cubicle.

As they approached Phoebe sitting on the seat waiting for them Sarah saw the man again, he was talking to a pretty young woman she looked about Phoebe’s age and she was sitting at the next seat along apparently waiting for the man. Sarah quickly averted her eyes as she saw the man point in her direction, she turned a bright shade of red as she heard the man say “She is definitely wearing it” Sarah looked down at the floor as her mother led her past the couple, Sarah felt very self-conscious of how she was waddling as they walked by. “He told her and now she is going to be staring to find out if it’s true,” Sarah could feel their eyes locked on her when she heard the young women giggle. “You’re right, look how she is walking she is definitely wearing a diaper”. Sarah screamed inside her head “Take me out of here, anywhere but here, I would rather be at home in twenty diapers than here with them staring and giggling at my diapered bottom”.

Chapter 19

Sarah was feeling very miserable; she was so busy looking around hoping that the couple wasn’t following them that she hadn’t noticed that her mother and sister had led her into the baby toy section. “Look at all these toys, Baby Sarah!” Phoebe squealed. Sarah turned bright red again. “I thought I would buy you a few toys to keep you entertained in your playpen, baby.” Sarah didn’t know how to feel, she was glad she would have something else to do than shake a rattle but she was embarrassed to be in the isle that her mother now deemed age-appropriate. Cynthia picked up a pyramid stacking rings toy which Sarah rolled her eyes at “Oh yeah that’s going to keep me entertained”. Phoebe picked up a small wooden box with shapes cut out of one side, which Sarah could soon see was one of those toys designed to teach toddlers about shapes by having them put small blocks through the corresponding holes in the box. Sarah’s joy of having something else to do in her playpen had all but disappeared when her mother turned to her and said “I will let you pick a toy, baby girl.” Sarah looked at the selection of baby toys “This is horrible, I now have to pick a toy that I will have to play with for hours and hours, a baby toy, what can I choose that isn’t too babyish?” Sarah’s thoughts were interrupted as Phoebe giggled “I think baby wants them all”. Sarah quickly reached out her hand a grabbed the closest item not caring what it was, just wanting to get out of there and back home. Cynthia let out an ‘Awwww, that’s cute, baby wants to be like her Mummy and sister”. Sarah looked confused down at her hand and saw she had picked up a box that read ‘Baby’s first smartphone” Sarah could see that it was in the shape of a phone but with interactive buttons on the display. “I guess it could have been worse” Sarah thought.  

The two women and the adult baby woman left the aisle and went to pay for the items, at the checkout the women behind the counter greeted the three of them and scanned the shirts through as she began to scan the baby toys through she asked “New baby?” Cynthia smiled and looked at her daughter and patted her diapered bottom a few times to Sarah’s horror “Yep a new baby” Sarah looked down at the floor as the women said “Congratulations” not noticing that she was talking about the young woman standing in front of her. Cynthia paid for the items, gave the bags to Phoebe to carry and they left the store, to Sarah’s delight. “Ok we got the shirts and toys, we must be going back home now” but as they approached the exit to the mall Sarah’s heart sank as they entered a pharmacy.

Cynthia picked up a basket and to Sarah’s surprise, Phoebe split from them and went a different way, Mother and adult baby daughter quickly made their way down to the baby section. “Oh god what is she going to get here, I don’t need any more baby stuff” Sarah thought. Cynthia still had hold of Sarah’s hand and the other hand had the basket in it, Sarah could see the cogs turning in her head “She is going to have to let go of my hand to put stuff in the basket, No No No, I don’t want to sit on the floor” Sarah looked around frantically to see how busy the place was “Even if this place was empty, sitting on the floor while Mother buys my baby food is too embarrassing”. Cynthia smiled at her daughter and bent down and put the basket on the floor, she quickly placed several jars of baby food and a big tub of baby formula into the basket “Yes I don’t have to sit on the floor that’s good, wait for baby formula? I don’t need baby formula” Sarah then felt very silly “Well I don’t need diapers either and here I am in a mall wearing 4 wet diapers” Sarah sighed as her mother put baby wipes into the basket and bent over and picked it up. Cynthia led Sarah down another aisle and her heart sank as they entered the adult diaper aisle, Sarah looked in wonder at all the different diapers that were on display. A young woman approached the mother and daughter. “Can I help you with anything?” she said cheerfully as Cynthia looked around. “Yes, I think you can” Sarah almost fainted on the spot “No we don’t, we can do this on our own” she screamed inside her head. “Ok what are you looking for?” the woman asked. “We need something very absorbent, thickness doesn’t matter, actually the thicker the better”. The girl gave an awkward smile and said “We have a couple of brands like that.” Sarah felt the women’s eyes on her the entire time, Sarah looked up at the women and saw her wondering eyes. Cynthia fixed that problem “She has on a diaper called ConfiDry 24/7, I think” Sarah’s eyes widened as she looked up at her mother and back at the women who were now looking at Sarah with a big smile. “Yes we have them here” the women pointed to the bag, she continued “We also have these Tena Slip Maxi, they have been reported to hold a lot in case she is a heavy wetter” Sarah looked down as the women looked back at her. Cynthia picked up the bag and placed it into Sarah’s free hand “Carry that, baby” Sarah turned bright red she wanted the world to swallow her up. The women also pointed at another bag. “These are Molicare, these are bulkier but it has been reported they don’t hold up as well as the Tena Slip Maxi”. Cynthia asked to see them and the women handed her the bag, Cynthia was happy with the stats. “Ah, I like how they are shaped just right for when she does a poo”. Sarah felt light-headed trying to hold back tears of embarrassment as the girl let out a “Wow, sorry yes this will be the best one, then.” Cynthia thanked the women and walked out the isle each carrying a bag of diapers as the woman stood in the aisle staring at them.

Sarah felt very self-conscious “I’m dressed like a toddler and I’m carrying a bag of diapers while holding my mother's hand while also smelling of piss and shit while they talk about my diaper needs, how the hell can this get any worse, anyone who looks at me must know I’m wearing diapers now, there is definitely no way of hiding it”. Cynthia and Sarah walked down another aisle where they met Phoebe who put a bottle of something into the basket. Sarah strained to see what it was and saw the words “Laxi-Strong” and Sarah’s heart began to beat fast “No more laxative or suppositories I never want to have that experience again.” Sarah shuddered at the thought of the feeling and the smell of the messy diaper stuck on her for hours. They got to the checkout counter and Sarah quickly lifted up the bag of diapers onto the till the woman scanned them and began to put them into a bag when Cynthia interrupted. “No need to put them in a bag, we can carry them” and she handed the diapers back to Sarah to carry, she then picked up the bag of baby food and formula and said “Phoebe carry your sister’s diapers please.” Sarah kept her head down as tears started running down her face, the embarrassment of the whole experience was too much for her.  

Chapter 20

Cynthia hadn’t noticed her daughter’s tears and led her waddling out of the store and back to the car. At the car Phoebe opened the passenger door while Cynthia picked up Sarah and once again placed her into the baby seat. “Oh, what’s with these tears baby? I know, you want your pacifier don’t you?” Cynthia quickly pulled out the pacifier from her bag and before Sarah could react it was once again placed into her mouth, Sarah began to suck on the oversize nipple just trying to distract her from what had just happened. Phoebe and Cynthia both got into the car and drove away from the mall. They were driving down the road for twenty minutes and Sarah didn’t have a clue where they were going. Finally, Cynthia pulled the car into a small empty parking lot. “I won't be long, Phoebe climb into the back and give your baby sister her bottle, that must be the reason for her tears” Sarah felt like screaming “I have the tears because you told a stranger that I use diapers like a damn baby” but she only thought it and carried on sucking her pacifier. Cynthia left the car as Phoebe climbed into the back seat with a full bottle of milk, she quickly removed her big sister's pacifier and replaced it with the nipple of the bottle. “It can't get much worse than this, in two days I have pooed my pants, wet my pants, had my mother feed me baby food, been spanked and had suppositories shoved up my arse, now I’m being bottle-fed by my little sister in the back of a car while sitting in a baby car seat, why am I not fighting back? I’m stronger than her, could I get out before Mother gets back? Where would I go dressed like this?” Sarah continued to gulp down the milk from the bottle “What’s the point? I tried fighting back last night and I ended up sitting in my own mess for hours, If I’m good then Mother will stop this and I can return to my life again, move in with Jessica or get a good job and move away to never see them again.” Sarah involuntary smiled at this which Phoebe noticed “Awww does baby like her milky, who’s a good baby, you are, yes you are, my good little baby sister.” Sarah’s rage built up again and she was about to attack her sister when the boot of the car opened and gave them both a scare.  

Cynthia closed the car boot and walked over to the front of the car as Sarah was finishing off the bottle, Cynthia got into the car and Phoebe jumped back into the front passenger seat “Get any new baby things for little sis?” Cynthia practically beamed “I got loads of new things for her, some new pilchers and also, no wait till we get the baby back home” she giggled and turned to Sarah “You are going to look so cute baby girl” Sarah looked at her mother confused and embarrassed “What shop was she just in?” Cynthia drove away but Sarah managed to glimpse at a sign on the wall of the shop, she only managed to catch two words ‘Fetish’ and ‘Bondage’ before they were out of view. “My mum went into a bondage shop to get stuff for me? What the hell would she get from a bondage shop?” Sarah gasped “The locking pilchers, Phoebe must have come here yesterday to get them, what else though? Fetish? Wait, wearing diapers is a fetish for people? No that can’t be who would choose to wear this” Sarah looked down at her puffed up crotch questionably “Well I guess there’s a fetish for everyone, wait, the adult pacifier and the adult baby bottle, they must have been from there also, oh god what else has she bought?

On the drive home Sarah eventually fell asleep after the very emotional trip out, she was dreaming of walking on the beach, she was wearing a white bikini her hair down and a smile across her face, the sand was between her toes as she walked down to the water and suddenly felt the warm water around her waist, she looked down and saw that her bikini bottoms had been replaced with diapers and they were swelling, getting bigger and bigger, as the sea got lower her diapers got bigger.

Sarah was slowly woken by her mother who pushed the pacifier into her mouth, Sarah was half asleep and slowly realised that they were home and her mother was taking her out of the car seat, Cynthia picked Sarah up and carried her on her hip into the house, as Sarah got more alert she became more panicked as she was now being carried into the house by her mother with a pacifier in her mouth. By the time Sarah had shaken all the cobwebs out she was inside the house. Sarah let out a big sigh of relief. “Finally home, If I have to be treated this way then it’s only my mother and sister that see it, I hated going out like this, I want this stupid dress off me I just want to be left alone” Cynthia carried Sarah straight into her bedroom and placed Sarah on the bed in a sitting position, she quickly pulled off the dress to Sarah’s relief and took off the shoes and socks leaving Sarah once again naked apart from the wet diaper between her legs, without saying a word Cynthia picked Sarah up once again and placed her into the tight-fitting crib, Cynthia tightly covered her adult baby daughter up with a blanket and bent down and kissed her on the forehead. “You were a good baby today on our trip out, Baby Sarah but if you’re naughty again then we will have to go for another trip out, maybe next time I will take baby to the local pool or the beach, now sweet dreams baby.” Cynthia closed the curtains and left the room. Sarah lay in her crib sucking on her pacifier with shock in her eyes as she recalled the dream “No way, going to the beach as a baby? There is no way of hiding diapers there! Mother wouldn’t, would she?” Sarah closed her eyes slowly drifting back to sleep “I can’t let anything like that happen again, I need to be good” she thought and soon she was back to sleep.

Chapter 21

Sarah was gently woken up by her mother removing the blanket from her, “Wakey wakey Baby Sarah” Cynthia chirped. Sarah quickly stretched out her legs while rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Cynthia picked up the pacifier from the crib and popped it back into her daughter's mouth. Sarah was shocked when her mother stuck a finger into her diaper “Oh baby, you sure a wet little girl” Sarah went bright red but she had noticed her mother was waiting for something it took a moment but Sarah quickly blurted out “Me gone wee-wees in me diapee, me need diapee change.” Cynthia smiled and picked Sarah up out of the crib and placed her on the floor on her diapered bottom, Sarah felt awful. “Twice I have had to say that and I haven’t had this diaper changed”. “Follow Mummy, baby girl.” Cynthia ordered. Sarah reluctantly got onto her hands and knees and crawled after her mother, Sarah was surprised when her mother wasn’t leading her out of the bedroom but to the en-suite bathroom. Once inside the bathroom Sarah sat back down on her bottom “She is going to make me watch her pee again?” Sarah shook at the thought, Cynthia leaned over the bathtub and turned on the taps “It’s time for Baby Sarah to have a bath.”

Sarah couldn’t help but smile “Yes I will be getting out of this soaking diaper” Cynthia turned off the taps and returned her attention back to Sarah as she gently pushed her down into a lying position and Cynthia began to remove the locking pilchers, and a wave of stale urine smell entered the air as she did which turned Sarah bright red with embarrassment once more. One by one the diapers were removed each one wetter than the last until finally, Sarah was naked. Cynthia grabbed a wet wipe a quickly wiped Sarah’s groin to Sarah’s disgust and then Cynthia lifted Sarah into the bath. Cynthia took out the ribbons and let Sarah’s hair flow down. “The water only reaches to my waist, what does she think is going to happen if it gets higher?” Sarah felt so foolish sitting naked in a bathtub in front of her mother, Cynthia handed her adult baby daughter a rubber duck which Sarah reluctantly took and to Sarah’s shock Cynthia began washing her, using baby soap. Cynthia started washing her face while tears began to roll down Sarah’s face “I don’t even get to bath myself anymore? My mother is going to clean every part of me, she has won.” Cynthia continued cleaning Sarah’s neck, arms, chest, legs and then once again washed the places that Sarah had once assumed her mother would never see. Sarah was blushing bright red at the embarrassment of her mother cleaning areas that only two days ago were private to her. “Baby, get onto your knees” Cynthia chirped as she helped Sarah onto her hands and knees. “Why do I have to be on my hands and knees”, Sarah looked down and saw the water dripping off her boobs into the shallow water. Cynthia washed Sarah’s back, and then her bottom. Throughout the whole ordeal, Cynthia spoke baby talk to her daughter. After washing her body, Cynthia using baby shampoo washed her hair. Finishing the bath, Cynthia took Sarah out of the tub and laid her on the bath mat.

That was awful, Mother cleaning every part of me like I couldn’t do it myself. It does feel good to finally feel clean though.” Sarah thought. Taking a large fluffy towel, Mother dried her daughter off. After blow-drying her hair, Cynthia put her hair into loose pigtails. Once again Sarah found herself lying on the floor, Sarah sighed as her mother unfolded a fresh diaper in front of her “I am never going to get used to wearing them. Yes, it feels good to get out of a wet one but to be put back into a dry diaper knowing that the only way it is coming off is when I use it just like I had no control is very depressing.” Sarah thought this as her mother gently lifted Sarah’s bottom and slid the diaper underneath, Cynthia then applied baby powder to Sarah’s diapered area and tightly taped her in. Cynthia then produced a second diaper and unfolded it and quickly also taped it around Sarah’s first diaper. “Please let that be it, please only two diapers” Sarah was pleading inside her head. Her mother stood up and Sarah felt a wave of relief come over her. “Follow Mummy, Baby Sarah” Sarah couldn’t help but smile as she got onto her hands and knees. “Well at least it’s only two diapers, means I will get changed sooner but these diapers are different from the other ones, they are so crinkly, so loud with every movement,” she thought as she followed her mother back into the bedroom.  

Cynthia stopped at the foot of the bed and Sarah sat down on her diapered bottom, she was then lifted up onto the bed and placed in a lying position “What is she doing now?” Sarah thought. Her mother went to get a bag from the other side of the room. As Cynthia returned she couldn’t help but smile at her daughter who was lying on the bed in nothing but a diaper “Awww you do look adorable Baby Sarah” Sarah blushed bright red and turned her head away, Cynthia stood at the foot of the bed “But Baby Sarah you keep being very rude when a grown-up is talking to you” Sarah turned her head back to her mother with a confused expression “If you turn your head away from a grown-up that is talking to you, or you look down at the floor, you will be punished. It’s very rude to look away when someone is talking to you or about you, Baby Sarah. Sarah’s eyes widened “I can’t look away when I’m being embarrassed? Isn’t it enough that you have turned me into this but now I can’t look away when you mock me for being turned into this” Sarah felt angry but she tried to hide it while keeping her eyes on her mother.

Cynthia put the bag on the floor and pulled out a pair of blue plastic pilchers which she showed the front and back to Sarah, “Ewww look at all those ruffles on the bum, no hiding them as just normal pilchers, at least it’s good they aren’t pink, I guess” Cynthia put the ruffled blue pilchers over Sarah’s feet and ran them up her shapely legs towards her diaper. Cynthia had hold of Sarah’s legs with one hand and lifted Sarah’s bottom-up pulling up the blue pilchers with her other hand, they were pulled up over the diaper and once again locked in place. Straight away Sarah felt different wearing these panties “There’s a bulge with these panties? It feels like I’m wearing four diapers again, did Mother get these from that fetish shop?” Sarah involuntary pouted which Cynthia saw “Awww what’s the matter baby? Do you miss your pink panties? Don’t worry you will get them back after they have been washed, they are a little stinky at the moment, being so close to your dirty diapers so much.” Sarah blushed and almost looked away when her mother gave her a quick swat to her padded bottom “Don’t be rude Baby Sarah, last warning!” Cynthia let go of Sarah’s legs and grabbed her hands so Sarah was sitting on the bed. Cynthia bent down and grabbed a shirt from the bag and showed it to Sarah “This will look perfect with your blue panties, won’t it baby?” Sarah looked at the blue Frozen shirt in front of her and said nothing as she raised her arms in preparation “At least it will cover my boobs I guess” she thought as Cynthia placed the shirt over her head and pulled it down where it sat just above Sarah’s belly button, “Awwww adorable baby girl, almost done,” Cynthia squealed. Cynthia bent down to the bag once again and pulled out a pair of adult-sized blue mittens. Sarah’s eyes widened “Mittens? Really, mittens?” Cynthia grabbed Sarah’s left hand “Put your fingers together baby” Sarah reluctantly did so as her mother slid the mittens over her hand the mittens gave her only a minimal ability to move her fingers autonomously and left her unable to use her thumb “I’m not going to be able to pick anything up wearing these” she thought as her mother placed her right hand into the other mitten. Cynthia then pulled out adult-sized blue booties and held them for Sarah to see before quickly placing them on both feet. Sarah looked down at her new footwear “What? Not only booties but they are rounded at the bottom, I won’t be able to stand wearing them, so I can’t stand at all now and I can’t use my fingers at all, what is she going to do next?” Thankfully for Sarah.

Cynthia put her arms under Sarah’s armpits and lifted her off the bed but to Sarah’s surprise was left in a standing position, Cynthia quickly removed her arms from her daughter's armpits and Sarah lost balance with wearing the booties and fell back onto her diapered behind. “Awwwww,” her mother began and Sarah looked up at her which made Cynthia smile. “It’s ok baby you can crawl like a good baby, now crawl to the playpen.” Sarah sighed but got onto her hands and knees and crawled out of the room and towards the living room and her playpen, her diapered bottom swinging side to side with every move. “I guess those panties do muffle the sound of the diapers which I guess is a good thing.” Sarah thought as she sat down once again on her padded bottom.  

Chapter 22

Cynthia lifted Sarah into her playpen and Sarah saw that beside the rattle was the toy that Phoebe had picked out for her to play with. “Phoebe come in here, your baby sister is about to play with the toy you got her” Cynthia shouted. “I guess I don’t have any choice I have to play with that toy” The toy was one of those designed to teach toddlers about shapes by having them put small blocks through the corresponding holes in the box and as Sarah reached for the box she realised something. “This is going to be a lot harder with these bloody mittens on.” Phoebe entered with a big smile on her face “Awww she looks so adorable in that shirt, what a cute little baby you are, Baby Sarah.” Sarah looked up at her sister “What do you say Baby Sarah?” Cynthia demanded. Sarah gulped and while still looking at her sister said “Fank woo Fweebee.” Both women Awww’d and Sarah looked back down at the infantile toy. “Thank you, thank you for commenting on how stupid I look, a grown woman wearing diapers”. Sarah reached for the box and rolled it onto its side so that the pieces fell out, then flipped it back upright.

The task was extremely menial - there was a circle, a square, a triangle, and a star, and a corresponding hole for each. But as Sarah tried to pick up the fairly small shapes, she found she was right and her mittens were going to be a problem. It took Sarah two hands to pick up the small circle, but it slipped out of the gloves before she could get it to its destination, so she was forced to try again. “Almost, Baby Sarah” Phoebe giggled. Sarah continued to look at the toy, which to Cynthia and Phoebe looked like she was in deep concentration of her new toy which made the two women giggle. This time Sarah pinched it between her two hands and then turned her hands so that her right hand was cradling the little disc. She brought it over, but realised she couldn't really transfer the object from her palm to the hole without the use of her thumb, which was pinned uselessly next the rest of her fingers and couldn't grasp a thing. Still, she let the block slide off onto the top of the box, and she was able to push the block from there easily into the correct hole which got a wave of cheers from the two women watching. Sarah chose to ignore them and continued with the task at hand, she repeated that procedure a little more gracefully with the square and the star, leaving her only the triangle, which she duly picked up and deposited on top of the box. However, as it slid off of her hand it went straight through the square-shaped hole, which Sarah hadn't even realised was the same size as the triangle only twice as large. Phoebe laughed as it fell into the wrong hole. “Be nice, Phoebe.” Cynthia said forcefully. “Sarah hasn't played with this toy before, so she is just learning. Say you are sorry.” Sarah was mortified “I couldn’t do it because I’m stupid it’s because of these ridiculous mittens that have rendered me unable to solve this little puzzle”. Sarah looked up at her sister as she began her apology “I’m sorry Baby Sarah, you will get the hang of it soon, baby”. Sarah went back to her toy not knowing if she should say anything back to her sister and though her ability to grip hadn't improved since the last time, she was a little more careful with the triangle and this time had little incident, which prompted a round of patronising cheers from her mother and sister. “This is so humiliating and boring but I guess it’s better than shaking a rattle around and I guess there is a challenge to it because of these mittens, I just wish it didn’t make me look like I’m an idiot

Phoebe went back to her room and Cynthia sat down on the couch as Sarah sat in the playpen with the infantile toy. “So, this is it, my life?” She looked down at her blue pilchers that were hiding her thirsty diapers. “A diaper wearing adult woman, a woman that has worked hard with my body and my work and my reward is to be turned into this.” Sarah put the square piece into the corresponding hole and sighed. “I would be at work now but instead I’m having trouble playing with a babies toy, I can’t run away with these booties on, I can’t get out of these diapers with these locking pilchers on, I can’t do anything but being the baby that Mummy wants me to be”.

The end of Sarah's New life



Thoroughly enjoyed this, thank you!