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Chapter 01

Sarah sat in her playpen surrounded by infantile toys and wearing a small pink t-shirt with Minnie mouse embroidered on the front, a very wet pink amour diaper between her legs, the girl's brunette hair was in two childish pigtails and a pacifier protruded from her mouth which completed the babyish look that was now the norm for her. At the age of 23, Sarah never thought that this would be her life, living as an adult baby but seven months ago her mother and younger sister flipped her life upside down when they decided she was to live as the family baby. Sarah was a very attractive young woman with a bright future in dentistry but now she wasn’t even able to keep her diapers dry and had her mother feed her, put her to bed and even change her.

Sarah's mother startled Sarah who was deep in miserable thought of her previous life, her mother bent over the playpen and cooed while sticking a finger into the front of her daughter's diaper "Ah yes you are a wet baby, do you need your diaper changing baby girl?" Sarah blushed bright red she hated being called baby or anything that reminded her that she wasn't an adult anymore, Sarah looked up at her mother and even though she was very uncomfortable in her wet diaper she had unfortunately gotten used to the feeling of having a wet diaper between her legs but she knew what her mother wanted to hear. Sarah faked a smile and lisped out from behind her pacifier what her mother wanted to hear "Me went wee wees in me diapee, pweese change baby sawah" Her face turned bright red, she hated having to tell her mother what she had done in her diaper but if she didn’t then she wouldn’t get a diaper change for the rest of the night. Sarah sighed as her mother stood up “I hate having to call myself a baby and doing so in that horrible baby talk, I would give anything to talk normally again but nope mother wants me to speak like that. I know why mother makes me do it to it’s to remind me that I’m now just a baby like I need reminding while wearing a wet diaper”. Sarah's mother smiled "I will get your big sister to change your diaper for you. Phoebe needs to practice in changing her baby sister, wouldn't that be nice baby Sarah". Sarah stared at her mother with her eyes wide “You have to be kidding” she thought and if Sarah was expected to respond she didn't have time as her mother had gone to get her 'big' sister. Sarah was left alone sucking on her pacifier nervously “Phoebe changing my diaper? My younger sister changing me? I can’t think of anything else more embarrassing. I can still remember when she was in diapers, I hate my life” she thought.

Sarah nervously waited watching the entrance to the living room when an idea came to her “She has left me alone, she never leaves me alone could I make a run for it?” she half laughed “Run for it? I haven't even walked for months I doubt that I would be able to run and where would I run too while wearing a wet diaper?” she shook. Sarah’s mother Cynthia entered the room closely followed by her younger sister Phoebe, Phoebe was wearing a bright yellow t-shirt that ended just above her belly button white socks and skinny jeans, Sarah stared at Phoebe with envy “Look how mature she looks, that shirt hugging her body and showing off her womanly figure, those skinny jeans showing off her shapely legs, I wish I could look sexy again, feel sexy again just for one night, instead here I am wearing a wet diaper that my younger sister is going to change me out of” she sighed.

Cynthia bent over and placed her hands under Sarah’s armpits and easily lifted Sarah out of her playpen and sat her on the changing mat that Phoebe had set out, Sarah watched on nervously as her mother slowly stepped away and turned to her sister “Go on Phoebe you need to practice changing the baby” Sarah blushed “I hate her calling me that” she thought as Phoebe looked down at her older sister “It’s just a wet diaper right? I don’t want to change a messy one that’s disgusting” Phoebe asked her mother, Cynthia laughed “Yes your lucky she only has a wet diaper this time” Sarah scrunched up her face “I can hear you, I am right here, I know what is about to happen and I do not smell!” she shouted inside her head as Phoebe got into position at her feet.

“Now you need to get the baby to lie down, the silly little thing doesn’t know what's happening” Sarah sighed “I know exactly what’s happening but you don’t want me to lie down for a change on my own, you have made that one of the stupid rules” she thought with anger as Phoebe lent forward and gently pushed Sarah down onto the changing mat. Phoebe leaned over and as she grabbed the tabs of the diaper Sarah closed her eyes tightly “I can’t believe this is happening” she thought over and over again as Phoebe pulled the front of the first pink diaper down, Sarah wanted to be anywhere else but here, having her sister change her diaper added a new wave of humiliation to her baby life that she didn’t expect. Having to wear and use diapers for the past several months had become horribly normal to her but Sarah’s mother always found new ways to embarrass her about being a baby.

Phoebe slowly pulled the front of the second diaper down exposing her shaven vagina to her sister and mother, Sarah began to shake with embarrassment as Phoebe got a baby wipe and gingerly started cleaning Sarah’s groin “This is actually happening, she is cleaning my vagina, that’s not a place where my little sister should be cleaning, that’s meant to be my private parts” she thought as she continued to suck on the pacifier with her eyes closed. Once Phoebe had cleaned her vagina she looked over to her mum “Is that OK?” she asked, Cynthia smiled “Almost, just grab hold of her ankles and lift her feet up and give her bum a quick clean, her wee wee goes all over her when she uses her diapers” she said with a cheer. Phoebe nodded and turned back to her blushing sister and took hold of her ankles and lifted them high up and went to work cleaning her.

Once Sarah was clean Phoebe removed the pink diaper from under Sarah’s bum and replaced it with a large white diaper, she then lightly sprinkled powder on her sister's crotch and quickly taped two white ConfiDry 24/7 diapers onto her infantile sister which made Sarah wince at the extra padding between her legs. Being in Diaper’s for so long Sarah liked certain diapers better than others, she liked the Amur diapers because they fit her body better than other diapers but she didn’t like the extra noise they made and she didn’t like the ConfiDry’s because of their thickness and having to wear two made her feel very babyish. “Good job sweety, what do you say to Phoebe” Cynthia looked at Sarah who blushed bright red “Right I have to say this right, I hope this is what mother is looking for I don’t want to get punished for it” she thought as she swallowed hard “Fank woo for changn me wet diapee fweebe” Sarah felt her face become hot as the words left her mouth from behind the ever-present pacifier. Phoebe giggled “You are welcome little sister, do try and keep this one dry though”.

Chapter 02

Cynthia bent down and grabbed hold of Sarah’s hands and pulled her back up into a sitting position “There we go now It’s time for you two to play your games” Cynthia stated as she pulled the changing mat out from under Sarah’s padded bum. Sarah looked confused at her mother “Really we have to keep doing this? I’m glad that we are drifting apart I don’t want to be around her while I’m wearing this. Now once a day we have to play a stupid baby game together, A stupid game where Phoebe shows how much of a grown-up she is and how much of a baby I am, oh what fun, just like the game that got me into this mess all those months back” she thought as she turned to Phoebe's patronising smiling face.

“Oh, I have a game we can play” Phoebe announced with enthusiasm as their mother went and sat down on the sofa Phoebe continued “OK baby Sarah I will ask where something is and you have to point to it, understand baby? Sarah slowly nodded, “Of course I know how to point, what is she up to?” Sarah thought. Phoebe smiled and began “Where is baby Sarah’s pacifier?” Phoebe giggled as Sarah rolled her eyes and pointed to her pacifier “Good baby, where is baby Sarah’s playpen” Sarah sighed and pointed behind her towards her playpen.

Sarah was already hating the game “Is this the reason she is doing this so I point at everything that makes me her little sister, make me point at everything that I hate about being treated like a baby” she thought as she continued to point at random baby styled objects. The game lasted for a minute and Sarah was pointing to all her baby stuff when her sister said “Good baby, where is baby Sarah’s diaper?” Sarah wasn’t thinking and pointed at her diaper between her legs when suddenly her sister grabbed her hand and slapped it “No you naughty baby, you don’t touch your diapers that is for adults only” Sarah sat stunned, she stared at her accused finger “I dont think I touched my diaper, no I defiantly didnt, she is setting me up for a punishment, I didnt do anything wrong, Ive been good!” she screamed inside her head as she looked at her mother with pleading eyes.

Sarah didn’t take her eyes off her mother “Please don’t agree with her, you couldn’t have seen it from there, I didn’t touch them I know I’m not allowed to touch my diapers, please mother” she thought as tears formed in her eyes. Cynthia took a moment she couldn’t see if Sarah had touched her diaper or not from the position she was in but she had no reason to doubt what Phoebe was telling her. “Naughty baby Sarah you will be punished for touching your diaper but you will be punished by Phoebe” Sarah almost fainted on the spot, as Phoebe looked at Sarah with a large grin. Sarah began to sweat “Phoebe has never punished me before but I know exactly what she wants to do, she always talks about how much better I would look wearing more diapers. Please no! She knows I hate wearing multiple diapers”. Phoebe slowly turned to her mother with a smile “I think a spanking first as it is a big no no rule for the baby” Sarah turned pale “What? I haven't been spanked since the early days of this horrible life, it’s so humiliating and then theirs also the pain of being spanked. Oh god, wait my sister is going to do it? I’m going to get spanked by my younger sister” she shook at the thought.

Cynthia considered it for a moment but then nodded “Fine Phoebe you can spank baby Sarah, come sit here and I will carry the baby over” Phoebe quickly got up off the floor and sat down on the sofa as Cynthia got up and walked over to where the stunned baby Sarah was sitting. Sarah didn’t react as her mother placed her hands under Sarah’s armpits and lifted her up “This can’t be happening, Oh god I’m going to get spanked, I didn’t even do anything wrong” she thought as she was carried over to the sofa where her grinning sister eagerly waited.

Sarah was shaking as she approached her younger sister “No, a spanking by my little sister? First, she changes my wet diaper and now she gives me spankings, if I ever get to grow up I wont live this down” she thought as her mother carefully placed her over her little sister's lap. Sarah furiously sucked on the pacifier for a distraction to the humiliation that was about to happen “I’m lying over her lap, my bum is in perfect position to be spanked and there is nothing I can do to stop her” Sarah’s diapered bottom was just over Phoebe's leg and with a smile on her face she lifted her hand up, Sarah held her breath in preparation and without warning Phoebe’s hand came crashing down on to her padded bum, Sarah let out an involuntary “argh” as the pain slowly set in from the slap.

Phoebe though seemed disappointed with the slap until she decided on how to fix it, to Sarah’s horror she could feel the sides of her diaper being pulled down and her bottom being exposed “What the hell? What does she think she is doing? I would usually give anything to let the diaper fall away from my bum but not like this, pull the diaper back up I don’t want you looking at my bum. I was so proud of my bum before all this and now it’s going to be turned bright red” she thought with fresh tears in her eyes.

Phoebe smiled down at her sisters bottom “Now that’s better, no protection for naughty baby” she giggled and swung for her sisters round bottom again, Sarah screamed out in pain but it didn’t slow Phoebe down as she continued to spank her once older sister, Sarah couldn’t stop the tears pouring down her face from the pain and the humiliation she was enduring. After 20 slaps the spanking was over and Sarah’s bum felt like it was on fire she sucked on the pacifier as tears continued to fall down her face.

Chapter 03

Phoebe pulled her Sarah’s two large diapers back up over her now red bottom and her mother came over to lift Sarah off Phoebe's knee and deposit her back into her playpen but as she reached down to grab the crying young woman Phoebe stopped her “Wait mother, I haven’t finished punishing the baby” Cynthia stopped looking at her daughter confused “what do you mean?” she asked Phoebe began to gently pat Sarah’s padded bum and said “Well that spanking was for touching her diaper she still needs to be punished for interrupting playtime”. Sarah’s eyes went wide “What? I’ve just been spanked my bum is on fire, that’s all the punishment I need for tonight” she thought as a tear rolled down her face. Cynthia looked down at her two daughters “You have just given baby Sarah a spanking, I think that’s enough” Phoebe shook her head “We can’t let baby Sarah go unpunished, she stopped playtime by touching her diaper, so she needs to be punished for that” her mother sighed and slowly nodded “Fine but no more spankings though, baby Sarah’s bottom can't handle any more”

Sarah scrunched up her face “I can’t believe mother is going along with this, I have just been spanked!” she screamed inside her head as Phoebe smiled a wicked smile “Can you lift the baby up and place her on the floor” Sarah knew what her evil sister had in mind now as her mother placed her on the floor and Phoebe positioned herself at Sarah’s legs once again “Let’s see how many diapers we can get around your big red bottom baby sister” she giggled as she grabbed the diaper bag and pulled out several diapers. “Let's get this started” Phoebe announced with a cheer as she gently pushed Sarah down onto her back and placed the first of many diapers under Sarah’s already padded bum. Sarah looked down her body miserably as the new diaper was pulled up between her legs and tightly taped into position “I hate it already” she thought as Phoebe quickly went to work with placing the next diaper on her.

Sarah finally looked away and stared up at the ceiling while sucking on the pacifier furiously as she felt her bum and groin getting further away from her being sealed off like never before under layers of infantile underwear. After a short time, Phoebe stopped and sat back looking at her sister's thickly padded groin “That should do it don't you think mother?” she said while admiring her work; 10 diapers were now fastened around Sarah’s crotch and Phoebe seemed very happy with the result. Cynthia cocked her neck “Hmmm, It does look a bit untidy with bits sticking out, Oh I know how about you put some plastic panties over them to make it look neater?” Phoebe smiled up at her mother “Great idea” she cheered, she quickly went off to Sarah’s room to look for a pair while Sarah was left on the floor feeling very uncomfortable.

She swallowed hard and finally looked down at her huge groin and let out a gasp as she saw the mountain that had appeared where her flat stomach once was. “I hate this, the extra bulge between my legs, It feels like there is a board between my legs I have no chance of putting them together. I’m kinda glad I don’t have to walk in this, I would be waddling around like crazy but crawling is going to be difficult it’s going to be so heavy and Phoebe is coming back with even more layers, I hate my baby life” she thought with a sigh. Phoebe returned with a huge smile on her face as she held up a pair of pink locking plastic panties and a white cloth pant that was extra padded all around, Sarah swallowed hard as she stared at the items “I haven't even seen those white ones before and I’m glad, look how thick it is from inside to outside, all that padding makes it huge, why would mother buy something like that?” she thought as Phoebe sat back down at Sarah’s feet.

Cynthia smiled “Smart thinking Phoebe, I haven't been able to use either of those pants before because I accidentally got a size or two too big, but they will be perfect now” Phoebe smiled at her mother “Yeah, I think baby Sarah is going to look super cute in them and then to top it off her favourite plastic panties the pink ones” she smiled down at her Sarah “Ready Sarah?” she cheered as she excitedly pulled the white cloth pants up Sarah’s legs up to her already thick diaper, with a bit of a pull and a wiggle she managed to get the panties on. Sarah looked down in shock at her new underwear but before she could adjust to the new thickness Phoebe finished it off with pulling on the pink plastic panties, one they were over the huge diaper Phoebe tightened the waist and locked them into place. She stood up and stepped back to admire her work, she gave a nod and a cheeky smiled “Perfect” she giggled.

Cynthia walked over to Sarah and nodded “OK that’s enough of Sarah’s punishment, she looked down at her infantile daughter and frowned “Maybe this will teach baby to be good from now on” she said as she bent down and picked her up “Wow baby is getting heavy” she mocked which caused Sarah to blush bright red as she was carried back towards the playpen. Cynthia gently dropped Sarah back into her infantile prison and for the first time Sarah was sitting on her huge diapered rear “I can’t believe this, I feel so much higher than normal, I just can’t believe how many diapers I’m wearing, it’s so warm and uncomfortable and awkward. How long am I going to be in these for?” She thought as her mother turned to Phoebe. “As you know I’m going out tonight and you will be babysitting your baby sister for the first time, now with all those diapers on she won't need a changing until the morning so you won't have to worry about that, if she misbehaves for you then you can punish her but no more spankings, OK?” Phoebe nodded with a smile “Yes mother I will look after her and I’m sure she will be a perfect little baby for me” she said as she turned to Sarah and gave her a wicked smirk which sent shivers down Sarah’s spine.

Chapter 04

Cynthia nodded and looked at her watch, and she suddenly looked panicked “Oh I’ve got to go get ready” she said as she began to leave the room when she stopped “I’ve ordered you pizza so listen out for the door” she said with a smile and then rushed out the room leaving her daughters alone together. Phoebe smiled down at her sister still admiring her work “I love you in so many diapers baby sister, you look so much like the baby that you are it’s perfect” she giggled and walked over to the couch and sat down and turned the TV onto the kid's channel. Sarah sighed “I’m not a baby!” she shouted in her head but then looking down at her huge diaper while sucking on a pacifier she sighed and quickly grabbed a rattle “I’m not a baby, I just look like one and act like one but it’s not my fault or choice. Like I have to shake this rattle and make it look like I’m playing otherwise they will play a baby game with me or put me down for a nap or something much worse” she shuddered.

Phoebe was on her phone while the TV played paw patrol and Sarah sat in the confines of her playpen shaking her rattle and sucking on the pacifier with the great weight of the diaper between her legs she let out a sigh as she looked up at her younger sister “Look how comfortable she is in her skinny jeans and shirt, Even just sitting on the soft padding of the couch while I’m sitting on the playpen floor wearing my weight in diapers. How I wish I could wear my own clothes again to feel like a woman to be treated like a woman and not some pathetic baby that doesn’t even know how to feed herself” she shook her head. Sarah had been sitting in her playpen for 15 minutes shaking the rattle while watching the baby show out of sheer boredom, Phoebe was still scrolling on her phone when Cynthia entered the room wearing nothing but black pants, her breasts were on full display as she rushed into the room carrying two baby bottles for Sarah.

Sarah’s eyes widened as her mother stood in front of her on the other side of the playpen and lent down to pick her up “I hate having to see my mother topless” she thought as she tried to avoid her mother's nakedness. Cynthia quickly lifted Sarah out of the playpen and walked to the sofa across from Phoebe and sat down, she had Sarah across her lap looking up at her, Cynthia cradled Sarah close to her as the bottle was placed into Sarah’s mouth, and she began to suck the liquid down wile staring nervously at her mother.

Sarah found the position of her head right on her mother's breasts “I’m so close to my mothers nipple, this is so wrong I should never be this close to my mother while she is topless but here I am resting my head on one breast while the other one is inches away from my mouth while I suck down milk from a rubber nipple. I’m not a baby” she thought as she continued to suck down the milk “Unfortunately though I see this far to often, she doesn’t care if I see her naked now so she walks around naked most of the time. When I first started this horrible life I slept in her room in a small crib and mother would sleep naked so when it came time for my 2 am feed she would stand over me completely naked while keeping hold of the bottle for me to drink out of, my face was always inches away from her private area”.

Sarah continued to suck down the bottle lost in horrible thought “If Phoebe isn’t awake or out then because I’m considered a baby and can’t be left alone for long periods of time I have to follow her mother into the bathroom while she showers, I would sit on the floor in my diaper while my mother showered and kept a close eye on me. I hate seeing mother naked but anybody can be naked around me and it isn’t meant to be a problem anymore just like me being naked isn’t meant to be a problem because I’m just a baby and I don’t understand” Sarah rolled her eyes “That horrible time when I had to follow Phoebe into the shower as mother was in the swimming pool and Phoebe wanted to shower then because she was going out soon. Inside the bathroom I sat down on my wet diapered bum while Phoebe closed the door, you could tell she didn’t feel too comfortable with it either as she gave me a rattle to shake while she showered, hoping that would distract me or something. I remember she was wearing her pyjama shorts and top and I couldn’t keep my eyes off her as she pulled her shorts down revealing her black silk panties. Panties, just to wear or even feel them again something she takes for advantage every day, I followed those panties down her legs and onto the floor only a few inches away from me when Phoebe noticed and kicked them away, and I was released from my envies trance. I looked up and turned bright red to see my younger sister standing completely naked in front of me she shook her finger at me and said “No panties for baby, maybe when you grow up you can have them but not for a long time baby Sarah” she giggled and jumped into the shower.

Sarah’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted when she felt a warm stream of wee enter into her diaper, she closed her eyes out of frustration “After months and months of only using diapers I have lost almost all control of my bladder, I usually only have little dribbles, and they bother me but not that much anymore not like when I fully pee like this then it reminds me that I have lost control and there is nothing I can do about it. I want to grow up again but I know that I would now have to be potty trained and I’m not looking forward to that but I will do anything to get out of diapers” she thought

Sarah had just finished the first bottle and Cynthia had just placed the second one in when there was a knock at the door “Ah that must be your pizza dear” Phoebe hardly looked up from her phone as she stood up and went towards the front door. Phoebe returned to the room and sat back down with her pizza and began eating while still scrolling on her phone.

Sarah had finished her bottle and Cynthia smiled down at her daughter “Good baby” she cooed as she lifted the blushing Sarah off her lap and placed her back into her playpen when Phoebe shouted out “Mother can you please cover-up” she was averting her eyes when her mother looked down embarrassed “Oh I’m sorry dear I’m so used to being this way around your baby sister I didn’t think” she said while covering her breasts with her hands “OK now the baby has had her bottles I can go and get changed” she said cheerfully and went back to her bedroom to continue getting ready.

Sarah looked on at Phoebe's pizza longing for a piece “I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have anything but baby food or porridge or some kind of mush. I’m so tempted to just jump out of here and run for the pizza” she sighed as she picked up a teddy bear and gave it a squeeze “But as I have been fed my disgusting baby food an hour earlier and that I’ve just had my two bottles that’s all I’m getting for the night” Sarah quickly turned away from her sister and her off-limits food trying to block out the desire for it but the smell of the pizza was in the room and it made Sarah drool. Phoebe had finished half the pizza and had decided she was full, so she headed out to the kitchen to put the leftovers in the fridge and returned to the living room to see her drooling sister inside the playpen “Awww, you’re such a cute baby” she giggled.

Chapter 05

Cynthia had finished getting ready and came back into the living room, she bent over her the playpen and gave Sarah a kiss on forehead “Now you be a good baby for your big sister” she cooed and then stood up and turned to Phoebe “If you need anything give me a ring” Phoebe nodded “I will be fine, you go and have fun” she said with a smile and Cynthia left. Sarah heard the door open and close and the two sisters were all alone for the first time since Sarah had been turned into the baby family.

Phoebe smiled down at Sarah with a wicked smile “You will be good tonight, I know that for sure” she giggled and quickly left the living room. Sarah sat in the playpen confused “What does she mean? Where has she gone? Should I make a run for it now?” she looked down at her huge diapered crotch and shook her head “I won't be able to run anywhere in this horrible thing” she thought as Phoebe returned carrying Sarah’s locking mittens and locking booties.

Sarah’s eyes widened as she stared at the horrible items “No not them mother used them on me the second day of this horrible life, the mittens give me only a minimal ability to move my fingers autonomously, and leave me unable to lift anything with without very carefully using two hands. I hate those booties, they have that rounded bottom which makes it almost impossible to stand in. Why does she have them? Is this so I’m good for her? I want to ask her, but she would never answer”. She thought with dread.

Phoebe looked down at her infantile sister “Hands out baby, now you be a good girl or I will tell mommy” she cooed and Sarah seeing no other option slowly placed her hands out, Phoebe quickly encased Sarah’s hands in the infantile garments and locked them tightly around the wrists, Phoebe smiled “Lie down baby and put your feet up, so I can put your cute little booties on you” Sarah sighed “Why does she want to put these on me? I don’t have a choice but to go along with it” she thought and slowly she lay down and stuck her feet into the air and Phoebe placed the booties on her and tied locked them around the ankles.

Phoebe smiled and stood back to admire her work "Perfect, now follow big sister" she cooed as she bent over and placed her hands under Sarah’s armpits and slowly helped her infantile sister out of the playpen. Sarah was nervously standing opposite her younger sister on wobbly feet when Phoebe quickly removed her hands and Sarah quickly lost balance and fell onto her diapered bottom. Sarah looked up at her sister with anger in her eyes but Phoebe just smiled "cute" she giggled "follow me little stinky".

Sarah was confused as to where she was being led to but got on all fours and followed her sister. Phoebe led Sarah into Sarah’s nursery and walked over to Sarah’s crib "It can't be bedtime yet it's only 5 I have another two hours" Sarah thought as Phoebe lowered the side of the crib and turned to her “Up we go” she said as she bent down and helped Sarah into the crib.

Sarah was lying inside her crib with a puzzled look on her face “What is she doing? Is she just putting me to bed so it’s easy for her for the night?” she thought when Phoebe quickly lunged over her and attached Sarah’s wrists to a restraint on the crib Sarah looked down at her hand pinned down when Phoebe did the same to her other hand “What the fuck?” she thought as both hands were pinned down to the mattress. Phoebe moved to Sarah’s feet and Sarah began to shake her legs, Phoebe frowned down at her sister “Stop that right now young lady or you will be in trouble” Sarah swallowed hard and stopped shaking her feet and Phoebe easily strapped them down to the crib.

Sarah was shaking as Phoebe went back to her head and began to stroke her hair "One more thing baby sister" and Phoebe pulled out Sarah’s most hated punishment device, her eyes went wide "No, No me be good baby pweez no fweebe" Sarah begged while turning bright red for the humiliating baby talk. Phoebe ignored her cries and pulled out Sarah’s existing pacifier, Sarah immediately closed her mouth as Phoebe hovered over her with a new extra large pacifier, Phoebe sighed “Baby sister, you really don’t have any choice, do you want me to hold your nose?” Sarah shook her head slowly “I can’t believe she is putting this in my mouth, mother got it because I kept trying to speak like a grown-up, after a few days wearing this horrible thing I was happy to speak like a baby, for a short time anyway” slowly she opened her mouth with tears in her eyes and Phoebe pushed the large nipple into her mouth.

Sarah had tears running down her face “I can’t speak at all with this in, I have to really just breath through my nose it's that big”. Phoebe smiled and went under the crib “What is she getting now?” Sarah thought when Phoebe returned and before Sarah could see what it was, Phoebe placed the fabric of the pacifier holder over her mouth and poked the plastic of the pacifier through the gap, she then grabbed each end of the holder and wrapped it around Sarah’s head and tied it tightly at the back.

Sarah let out a moan as she rested her head on the mattress of her crib “I can’t move, I can’t speak and I’m inside my crib so early in such a huge diaper, I’m never going to get comfortable and I’m never going to be able to sleep. Why is she doing this!” she screamed inside her head. Phoebe smiled and lifted the side of the crib back up, she turned and left the room turning the light off on her way. Sarah stayed in her miserable situation for an hour alone in the darkness when her sister returned, Phoebe turned the light on and walked towards her sister holding two bottles, Sarah was shocked to see that Phoebe had changed her clothes she was no longer in her yellow shirt and skinny jeans but was wearing a tight red dress that left little to the imagination the dress stopped just above Phoebe's knees when Sarah shook her head "Wait that's my dress, I wore that to the work Christmas party" Sarah thought. Phoebe had spruced up her make-up and hair also and Sarah continued her thought "I have never seen Phoebe looking so feminine and grown-up before whereas I'm wearing a pink Minnie mouse shirt and half a bag of diapers, what is going on? Why has she done that? Is it just to make me jealous?".

Phoebe set the bottles down on the crib side table and lowered the side rail and she looked seriously at Sarah "Now I'm going to take out your pacifier so you can drink from your bottle if you say a word then you will be punished, understand baby?" Sarah nodded glad the pacifier was being removed. Phoebe removed the pacifier holder and the pacifier and quickly stuck the nipple of the bottle into Sarah’s mouth, Sarah’s eyes widened, and she tried to turn away but Phoebe had a tight grip as she realised that the liquid wasn't milk as she had guessed but was a strong laxative. “What the fuck? Why is she giving me this? Mother bought this when she was worried that I was holding out on pooping to long and wasn't messing my diapers regularly, so she started giving me half a bottle of this horrible laxative to help me. Oh god it’s as disgusting as I remember, I hate the taste of this stuff and I remember the effect it has on my body, so after a few days on it, I decided it was best to not hold on anymore and she stopped giving me it. That was half a bottle though, oh god what is a full bottle of this horrible thing going to do?” she began to shake “I’m going to mess myself so much, these huge diapers won't even leak, they will hold it all. Was that her plans from the beginning?

She looked horrified at Phoebes smiling face as the bottle was now near its end Phoebe had grabbed the second bottle and before Sarah had a chance to protest Phoebe expertly swapped them over, Sarah was now drinking water which she was a little happy about to get the taste of the laxative away but as soon as it was finished Phoebe once again expertly swapped out the bottle for Sarah’s huge pacifier and pacifier holder. Sarah wanted to scream at her sister but was unable to make a noise from behind the huge nipple that was in her mouth. Phoebe could see the anger in her sister's eyes and gently began to stroke her hair "This is to keep you quiet for the night if I hear any noise from you then you won't get a diaper change" Sarah was confused and Phoebe continued "I have a boy coming over, I think you remember him, does baby Sarah remember Ben?" Sarah's eyes widened "She doesn't mean my ex-boyfriend Ben?" Sarah thought "That's right, I always liked him but you started dating him, lucky for me you broke up with him when you started wetting the bed, do you think he will like my dress" Phoebe turned slowly on the spot showing Sarah her grown-up figure. Sarah hated the idea of her sister being with her ex "How could you?" Sarah thought as Phoebe continued "So I think it will be in everyone’s best interest if you are quiet or do you want him to come in and see you being your smelly baby self" Phoebe giggled "No way he can't see me like this, or maybe if I make a noise he will rescue me, yes I'm basically a prisoner right now or does he already know what has happened to me? Where does he think I have gone? If I make noises and Phoebe hears me, but he doesn't then I won't get a diaper change" Sarah’s head was racing again she didn't know what to do. Phoebe gave her sister a kiss on the forehead, lifted up the side rail and slowly walked to the door "Remember baby Sarah no noise" Phoebe turned off the light and left the room.

Chapter 06

Sarah couldn’t stop thinking of what to do after a while she heard faintly a knock at the front door and Phoebe opening and closing it after that Sarah couldn't hear anything. Sarah still hadn't decided what to do when the laxative kicked in and Sarah felt painful cramps she immediately let go and the warm mess filled her diaper, Sarah finally stopped and could feel the warm stickiness around her bum she felt uncomfortable straight away and wanted out of the huge diaper then a second wave of poop excited her body without any warning and entered the waiting diaper, Sarah was in tears and she felt the mess cover her all over, Sarah felt another cramp and at that point she started banging her hands against the side of the crib, which did little to no sound because of the mittens, her cramps stopped as the third wave entered the already full diaper, Sarah was exhausted and very uncomfortable "If Ben didn't know about this I can't make any noise to get him in here, if I could would he even try and save me or just join in on my torment, do I want him to find me in a soiled diaper" Sarah suddenly heard her sister and Ben talking and laughing as they were getting closer, Sarah began to panic "Are they coming in here to see me like this?" She thought then a door closed and Sarah became very angry "They have gone into Phoebes room, she is going to have sex with my boyfriend" Sarah tried to make noises but she knew none of them was loud enough to leave the room, after 10 minutes Sarah could hear Phoebe moaning from her room all Sarah wanted to do was block out the noise but it got louder and more intense, to Sarah’s shock she found she was getting aroused. Seven months of no pleasure had come back at the worst time, Sarah was squirming in her crib trying to stop her primitive urges but as she squirmed she felt her huge diaper between her legs and a chill ran down her as the thick diaper had found a way to excite the 23-year-old. Sarah squeezed her inner thighs together and released, the thickness of the diaper between her legs was slowly stimulating her. Sarah uncontrollably picked up speed and to her disgust found that she was now in time with her sister's moans, Sarah tried to stop herself, she didn’t want to be enjoying herself in a messy diaper but after 7 months she had little choice. Phoebe and Sarah were now both very close to climax in two very different ways, both girls had picked up the pace, and in seconds Sarah’s world exploded. She inhaled repeatedly around her pacifier, positively squealing in delight. Exhausted, she remained still, panting as she desperately tried to catch her breath. Seven long months of frustration had left her body in a moment of sheer bliss, At that moment Sarah felt like an adult again. Sarah couldn't hear anything and assumed Phoebe had climaxed about the same time, a chill ran down Sarah as she relized what she had just done in her messy diaper she felt disgusted with herself.

Twenty minutes had passed and Sarah heard Phoebe and Ben talking as they left her bedroom and walk down the hall towards the front door which was opened and closed, Sarah heard her sister come towards her door. Phoebe opened Sarah’s door turned on the light and walked slowly towards her caged sister, Sarah looked at her sister who was now just wearing black bra and panties showing off her adult body to her adult baby sister. "Ben loved my dress and loved these panties even more" she giggled and slowly turned around to show off her underwear, Sarah gasped "There mine too, mommy must of given them to Phoebe when I was made into a baby" Phoebe was wiggling her bum in Sarah’s face "You want these don't you baby Sarah, I remember you staring at my panties when I showered a few weeks back but these are a no no for such a messy baby" Phoebe giggled and turned back around to face her sister. Sarah thought that Phoebe looked like she had a new confidence in herself she had never walked around in just her underwear before and had definitely never wiggled her bum in Sarah’s face before, Phoebe looked down at her sister "Oh I almost forgot baby Sarah doesn't want a diaper change tonight does she" Sarah’s eyes widened she didn’t think she made enough noise for her sister to hear her "That's right I heard you make those moaning noises and that little squeal, trying to get our attention you naughty baby" Sarah turned bright red her sister had heard her climax "You embarrassed because I heard you baby?" Phoebe asked not expecting a response "Well because you were naughty mother can change you in the morning and I feel like I have to tell you something, a little secret" Sarah had Phoebes full attention now "What you going to tell me you shagged my boyfriend or that I didn't touch my diaper tonight" Sarah thought, Phoebe continued "My little secret is, remember when you started wetting the bed for no reason? well I know the reason, I came into your room every night and put your hand in warm water and when I did it the first time I couldn't believe it worked but it did so I wanted to see what mother would do if you carried on wetting the bed, it was an added bonus you broke up with Ben because you were embarrassed about it" Phoebe giggled while Sarah was her crib staring at her sister "I spent months blaming myself for this but all this time it was her" Sarah’s eyes were full of hate "all you had to do was be a good little girl but you had to keep taking it further and look at you now an adult baby" Sarah was piecing together everything that had happened "She found my wet bed and called mum, she told mum I should crawl, she intentionally got me angry, wait yes she came into my room the first night I was wearing pull-ups" Sarah pulled hard on the restraints but there was no movement. "You could tell mother what I have told you but you will have to say it in baby talk and who is she going to believe her 18 year old adult daughter or her 23 year old adult baby, Hmmm I think it best you keep it to yourself or mum might take you back even further and leave you in your crib till you can be grown up enough to be a baby" Phoebe giggled closed the side of the crib and walked towards the door "Sweet dreams baby sister" and turned off the light and left Sarah alone. Sarah’s head was racing "What am I going to do? She is right mother wouldn't believe me, she has won, I dont want to be a baby, I hate it all, I want to grow up".

Chapter 07

Sarah had been lying in her crib for hours, her mind swirling she couldn’t sleep and wasn’t because she was wearing 10 diapers and pink locking panties, even though that was uncomfortable and it wasn’t because she had soiled her huge diaper which had become cold and itchy in places that she once called her private parts. No Sarah couldn’t sleep because her sister, her own flesh and blood had revealed to her that the reason she was now living a new miserable life was because of Phoebes very own actions. Sarah wanted to kick and scream but she lay strapped down in her infantile crib with the large pacifier clasped around her head. Sarah felt so many emotions at once, she couldn’t understand why her sister had gone to these limits to make her miserable “It cant be because she wanted my ex-boyfriend” she thought. “My relationships dont, well didnt last long anyway with me caught up with studying, what a waste of time that was, but is this just because of Ben?” Sarah shuddered thought back to what her sister and her ex-boyfriend were doing earlier and she shuddered “I cant believe I masturbated in this” Sarah looked down at the huge diaper between her legs “It felt so good at the time, the rush of pleasure after so long but it was so fleeting compared to this feeling of disgust, doing that in a soiled diaper to my sister's sexual moans, why would I do such a thing?” Sarah looked at the rails of her crib “What should I do? Should I just accept that this is my life now, maybe I should? I should just try to accept it, this is me now Im a...Sarah rolled her eyes “...Im a baby

I tried to accept it before but that was in the early days, the first-time mommy placed me in this crib for the night I knew this wasnt going to end anytime soon, I remember telling myself then that if I accepted my new life then it would be easier but then I woke up the next morning in a messy diaper and I knew I couldnt accept it. Its been ages since then and Im now used to a normal messy diaper, well apart from the one on me now” Sarah’s eyes widened “I'm used to a messy diaper, I'm used to a wet diaper also, with not using anything but diapers for so long I need them just like a baby” Sarah scrunched up her eyes “Ok if I am stuck as a baby, It isnt my fault, so I just got to look at the positives of this new life or I will go insane” Sarah looked around her room trying to think “Well it doesnt help to think of positives while wearing a messy itchy diaper, messy diapers, no thats not positive but it does feel good when I get changed to a clean diaper. Can I count that as a positive? Number one positive of being a baby is diaper changes, wait if I was still an adult I wouldnt have messy diapers and wouldnt need them changing but with wearing diapers I dont have to use the toilet at inconvenient times, yes so thats one not having to go off to the toilet.” Sarah sighed “Thats not a good one but positive, number two studying, yes, yes the pressure of studying is gone all I have to do is play and oh number three no money problems mommy buys everything I need, nothing I want but everything I need”. Sarah was starting to feel a little better when suddenly her bedroom door swung open, making Sarah jump, Cynthia came stumbling into her room. Cynthia looked down at her captive daughter with a look of anger “Well, Well, well” Sarah’s suddenly felt dread the positive feelings came tumbling down. “My naughty wittle baby” Cynthia continued “Phoebe told me what you did as soon as I left, standing up, pretending you're a big girl when you're just a baby” Cynthia hiccuped as Sarah looked at her mother wanting to scream out “Thats not what happened” but because of the locking pacifier all that was audible was moans and groans. Cynthia continued “I am very disappointed in you baby Sarah, you were very naughty and Phoebe did an excellent job at punishing you” Cynthia sniffed the air “What a smelly baby you are” Sarah turned bright red “I think you can spend all of tomorrow in those smelly diapers and in your crib and think about what you did” Sarah began to cry, she didn’t want to spend the day locked in her crib especially not in these big diapers. Cynthia turned to leave, she looked over her shoulder at her daughter “Oh and our guests so wanted to play with you” Sarah stopping crying with shock. Cynthia covered her mouth and turned around to Sarah “oops I have ruined the surprise, poop” She giggled and poked Sarah’s diaper “Poop” she repeated “Never mind Jessica and her daughters can come in for a visit and if your good the day after you can play with your older cousins, wouldn’t that be fun for baby Sarah, well poopy pants you close eyes and go night night, Mommy loves you” and with that she left Sarah’s room, leaving Sarah alone with a new horrible thought “My older sister is coming to stay

Chapter 08

Sarah hadn’t slept all night every time she drifted off she would involuntarily move and be awoken by her restraints, she felt awful when the sun eventually entered her room all she wanted to do was sleep and try and forget what Phoebe and her mother had said to her but Sarah was unable to escape reality. Sarah was drifting off to sleep once again when she felt her stomach cramp “No no no, not another mess, I thought I emptied everything I had how can there be more?” No more than a minute from the first feeling Sarah once again emptied her bowls into her already full diaper. Tears were running down her face as she felt the warmth of the new mess add to the diaper, she felt it spread around her cheeks and her lower back and Sarah gagged as the new smell added to the original smelly room. “Im not even going to get a diaper change today, I am going to be stuck in this disgusting diaper all day. No way I must get a change, she wouldnt let me stay in a dirty diaper all night and day, would she?” Sarah shivered at the thought.

The Sun was bright in the sky and Sarah still hadn’t slept when Phoebe entered the room “Oh god” She shrieked while putting her hand over her nose “What a smelly little baby you are little sister” She giggled. Sarah looked at her with a death stare, she hadn’t forgotten or forgave what Phoebe had told her last night. Phoebe was wearing a long shirt that only just covered Phoebe's pink underwear that Sarah could clearly see from her angle in the crib, she walked over to Sarah carrying a bottle “Don’t you look at me like that Baby Sarah, I only got you to wet the bed, you being a naughty girl got you into this situation”. Phoebe lowered the side of the crib as Sarah stopped giving her sister the stare “Is she right? Other people wet the bed and dont find themselves being turned back into a baby. Well other people dont have my mother who would think of turning their daughter into a baby for wetting the bed” Phoebe quickly unlocked the locking pacifier and before Sarah could utter a word the nipple of the bottle was inserted “Mother is doing this because of your attitude not because you wet the bed, you were a spoilt brat, you have become such a good baby that when you eventually get to be a grown-up again you will be a lovely girl” Sarah's heart ached “I did not have an attitude, thats why Im being treated like this? Mother thought I was a brat?” Phoebe smiled down at Sarah “I will talk to mother and see if she will change your dirty diaper today, we can’t have you all smelly for when Jessica meets her baby sister for the first time now can we”. Sarah blushed bright red “Jess is going to see me like this today? Would she take pity on me or would she just treat me like a baby also? What about her daughters, are they going to treat me like a baby? Being treated like this in front of girls that are so much younger than me would be the ultimate embarrassment. I do hope Phoebe can convince mother to change this diaper” Sarah finished the bottle but before Phoebe removed it she looked seriously down at her infantile sister “Now baby I will put your normal pacifier back in if you promise not to make a sound, nod your head if you promise” Sarah reluctantly nodded her head she wanted to scream and shout at her sister but the idea of having the pacifier holder and the extra-large pacifier stuck in her mouth for another minute subdued her, Phoebe removed the nipple from Sarah’s mouth and placed her normal adult pacifier in which Sarah began to suck on instinctively. Phoebe lifted the side rail of the crib and turned to leave, as she was walking away she turned to look at her sister who was once again staring at Phoebe’s panties poking out from under her shirt “Excuse me young lady” Phoebe giggled at the startled expression on Sarah’s face “It’s rude to stare” Sarah blushed once again.

Sarah couldn’t get what Phoebe had said out of her head “I was a brat? Even if I was I dont deserve this? Mother could have done anything but this to stop me being a brat, making me her baby again to start over? If Im good does that mean she will let me grow up again? Oh, imagine that even if its to a toddler age I will have more freedom, I might not have to wear diapers again, get to eat grown-up food, get to walk” Sarah’s heart sank “But Phoebe told mother I was bad last night and now Im being punished, does that mean Im not a good baby and shouldnt be allowed to grow up? Does the counter reset or something? Mother might have contemplated that I was ready to grow up soon and then Phoebe told her I was bad so that would make her change her mind? If I just grit my teeth and get through this will I be allowed to grow up sooner rather than later?” Sarah was feeling hopeful and a smile crossed her face “But Phoebe, what if she had this planned? She would have known that mother was thinking of letting me grow up and she decided that she wanted to keep me as her baby sister for a bit longer and tell mother that I was bad. No No No Phoebe had only one thing on her mind when she locked me in here last night, Sex. She wanted some alone time with Ben and she couldnt do that if I was sitting in the playpen, she had to lock me in here and then had to tell mother the reason why I was locked in with such a messy diaper. Phoebe can be cruel but I dont think she could be that cruel”.

Chapter 09

Sarah didn’t know what time it was but assumed that it was still morning, to Sarah the smell from her very messy diaper had gotten worse as time went on, she still hadn’t slept and was on the verge of tears when she heard her door open and a smile came across her face as her mother entered “Phoebe must have convinced her to change me, I will finally get this horrible thing off me, I then might get some sleep” she thought. Cynthia left the door open as she walked towards her captive daughter “What a stinky bum you are my little baby” Sarah turned bright red, she always got embarrassed when someone mentioned the state of her diapers, Cynthia continued “What has baby done in her diaper?” Sarah couldn’t help but smile as she said “Me do poopy in me diapee, pweez change baby sawah diapee” Cynthia smiled “Ok baby Sarah but you have your big sister Phoebe to thank for this” Cynthia went to the changing table and picked up the wipes, powder and two fresh Super Boompa diapers from the stack, Sarah rolled her eyes “Thank Phoebe? She put me in this horrible messy diaper, no way am I going to thank her, oh two of those blue diapers, well at least its only two I will be a lot comfier than wearing this mountain” Cynthia walked back to the crib and lowered the side, she then unlocked Sarah’s feet from the crib restraints and went to work on changing her adult daughter's diapers.

Cynthia unlocked the plastic panties and lifted Sarah’s legs up into the air with one arm and began to pull the pink panties down with her mother, she then pulled off the white cloth panties with a fresh wave of stink entering the room Cynthia turned her head away “Baby Sarah, sure did mess her little diapered bottom didn’t she” Sarah blushed again as her mother began to take off the many diapers, Sarah was nervous and excited “I cant wait to have this dirty diaper off but I dont want to see or smell what my crotch looks like right now”. Cynthia had got to the final diaper, it was stained all over and clearly needed changing, the smell coming from it was even getting too much for Sarah. Cynthia suddenly stopped, lowered Sarah’s legs and looked up at her daughter “Now, baby, I think because your big sister helped to make this mess I think she should be the one to change you” Sarah’s jaw dropped and the pacifier fell onto the cribs mattress “No No No I cant have Phoebe change this diaper, it was bad enough having Phoebe changing my wet diaper but to have her change such a messy diaper on me would be humiliating, if I get to grow up again I will always be the girl that got her messy diaper changed by her younger sister” Cynthia turned around “Phoebe can you come in here, Sarah has something to ask you” Sarah gulped and as she moved a leg she felt the stickiness of her poop pressed against her and immediately changed her mind “Ok I need to get out of this diaper I have to, its going to be bad in the future but it feels so bad now”. Phoebe entered the room and imminently covered her nose “Wow, she is a smelly baby this morning, what do you need mum?” Cynthia looked at Sarah “Baby Sarah has something to ask you” Phoebe looked puzzled and looked at her once older sister “Yes baby?” Sarah swallowed hard and closed her eyes “Me poopied in me diapee, can fweebee change me diapee” Sarah felt light headed as she opened her eyes she saw that Phoebe was still holding her nose and staring at her shocked “Me? Change her diaper?” she looked at her mother “I can’t change that” she pointed at the poop stained full diaper.

Cynthia looked back at Phoebe “Yes you can, you have to get used to changing her diapers, if they are wet or messy, you will get used to it after a while” Sarah and Phoebe shared the same expression, neither of them wanted Phoebe to get used to changing Sarah’s messy diapers. Cynthia walked over to Phoebe and grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the crib “Take your hand away from your nose, you can’t change her with one hand” Cynthia said as Phoebe reluctantly lowered her hand and scrunched up her face as the fresh smell entered her nostrils. Cynthia positioned Phoebe at Sarah’s waist “Now get a wet wipe ready and untapped the diaper, it’s obviously going to be messy so quickly wipe all the poop away that you can and put the used wipes into one of the other diapers” Phoebe and Sarah both held their breath as Phoebe slowly untapped the side of the diaper, she then lowered the front of the diaper and a fresh stink of poop entered the room and Phoebe couldn’t help but turn her head away “Now get to cleaning the front” Cynthia ordered Phoebe, Phoebe turned back around and looked down at her sisters crotch in disgust “But it’s everywhere” Sarah turned bright red again “How am I going to be her older sister again, after this? She will hold this over me for the rest of our lives, I will always be her baby sister” Sarah thought as her mother continued “Babies can’t help but use their diapers, that’s why they wear them, it’s not baby Sarah’s fault she got poop everywhere, it's our job as the grown-ups to make sure baby Sarah gets cleaned up and a fresh diaper put her, now you can do that for your baby sister can’t you?” Phoebe slowly nodded her head and began to wipe away the poop from Sarah’s crotch, Sarah was still in shock at what was happening “My baby sister is changing my poop filled diaper, I cant, I just cant deal with this” Sarah’s thoughts were interrupted by her mother saying “Now take her feet in one hand and lift them high up” Cynthia directed and slowly Phoebe lifted up Sarah’s feet into the air, exposing Sarah’s poop covered bum. Phoebe didn’t say anything as she began to wipe clean Sarah’s bottom. “Lift her feet higher Phoebe, some poop is up her back, keep going baby Sarah is flexible” As Phoebe lifted Sarah’s feet higher they were now passed Sarah’s head and she was now staring down at her once most private and intimate part of herself “Now remove the old smelly diaper and give a few more wipes and she will be ready for a fresh diaper” Cynthia continued. Soon enough Sarah finally felt the messy diaper being removed and after a few more wipes her legs were lowered she felt the softness of the new diaper under her bum. Phoebe poured a generous about of powder onto Sarah and quickly taped her in, she then placed the second diaper under her and quickly taped that onto her also, she then stepped back to examine her work. “I hate wearing diapers but it feels so good to be out of that horrible monstrosity, too many diapers and to much poop” Sarah though. “Good job Phoebe, see it wasn’t so bad was it, after a few more changes like that you will be a pro” Cynthia was practically beaming with how proud she was of her daughter. Phoebe smiled at her mother “Yeah it wasn’t so bad but I feel like I need to shower now” Cynthia laughed and nodded. Cynthia went up to Sarah’s hands and as she was unlocking the restraints Sarah could see Phoebe leaving her room, as she got to the door she pulled off her shirt and carried on walking out of view in just her underwear “She needs a shower, I was the one covered in my own mess, if anyone needs a shower its me, yes some sort of freedom, I might be able to get some sleep now”. Cynthia gently pulled off Sarah’s Minnie mouse shirt that she had been wearing for over a day now leaving Sarah naked apart from the thirsty diaper, she then grabbed a blanket from under the crib and tightly tucked Sarah into the crib, she then raised the side and smiled down at her daughter “Enjoy your clean diapers baby Sarah, try and keep them that way for when our guests arrive, I don’t want them to not want to meet you because of your smelly bum” she giggled as Sarah opened her mouth in shock, Cynthia placed the pacifier back in her mouth then went over to the window and opened it, a fresh cold breeze entered the room “This should help get most of the smell away” she said. Cynthia then went to the many diapers that were once around Sarah’s waist and picked them up and left the room. Sarah felt worried about the visitors but that soon passed as she moved around and got comfy in her crib “Yes, to be able to move again, to only have to wear two diapers, to be able to sleep” a big smile crossed her face as she closed her eyes and was soon in a deep sleep.

Chapter 10

Sarah was slowly awoken by people talking very close to her, she slowly opened her eyes and saw a blurred face in front of her, she pulled out her mitten hand from under the blanket to rub her eyes when she heard a round of “Awwww’s”. Startled she rubbed her eyes quickly and saw that the face looking back at her was Jenn’s, Sarah’s 15-year-old niece. Sarah felt light-headed as her niece chirped “Awww she’s awake”. Sarah slowly looked around the room keeping the blanket high around her neck so as not to accidental show off her nudity or her diapers to the room, turned bright red as she saw standing next to her mother was her true older sister Jessica.

Jessica was 32 years old and almost the same height as her mother, Sarah saw that Jessica was carrying her youngest daughter Melly, who was almost 2. Melly was sucking on a pacifier and it was at this point that Sarah realised she still had hers in her mouth “I need to spit this out, Im so close to a real baby who sucks on pacifiers, its humiliating” then Sarah looked up at her mother “I cant spit it out then I will get punished, only time Im not allowed this thing in my mouth is when mother decides” Sarah moved back in her crib to get slightly further away from the staring faces which made the diaper crinkle from under the blanket which made Jenn turn to her own mother, Jessica “Was that her diaper moving? Has she wet her diaper like a baby?” she was practically giddy at the thought. Sarah blushed again “This is a new wave of humiliation, being treated like this in front of people who are clearly younger than me”. Jessica smiled at her daughter “Yes that’s Baby Sarah’s diaper crinkling, if she is anything like Melly here then she would have a wet diaper just like any other baby waking up from a nap”. Sarah wanted to scream “Stop talking about me like I’m not here” but she stayed quite lying in her crib sucking on her pacifier like the good baby her mother had trained her to be.

Cynthia walked towards the crib and lowered the side she then produced a bottle and smiled at Sarah “I bet baby Sarah is hungry isn’t she” she cooed. Sarah turned bright red “Why did she have to call me baby Sarah around Jenn? She is only 15, she cant see me like this its humiliating” she thought. To Sarah’s horror Jenn was then handed the bottle and leant in closer to Sarah, she quickly pulled out the pacifier and examined it “Wow it’s so big” she said, Cynthia giggled “That’s because baby Sarah is a big baby, she needs a big pacifier and big bottles and..” before she could finish her sentence Jenn butted in “and big diapers?” Cynthia smiled at her granddaughter “Yes and big diapers” Jenn looked back at Sarah and smiled as she moved the bottle slowly towards Sarah’s mouth. “I am so hungry, I have only had one bottle feeding today, I hate to admit it but I really want this but am I really going to be bottle fed by my 15-year-old niece, I did this for her not so long ago and now she is going to do it to me, look at that smile on her face, she loves this. Was I really such a bad aunt to her that she is happy to torment me this way?”. Jenn finally popped the nipple of the bottle into Sarah’s mouth who began to suck grateful for something to fill her belly but as the first drops of liquid touched her tongue she scrunched up her face in disgust “No, I thought it was milk but its baby formula, its too thin, too sweet, and just plain gross. I hate its horrendous aftertaste, which hangs around for hours I want milk or water or anything else”. Jenn kept a firm grip on the bottle as Sarah gulped down the horrible drink. “She is so adorable” Jenn squealed “Can we play with her?” she continued, Cynthia put a hand on Jenn’s shoulder and said, “Not today, she has been a naughty baby and is staying in her crib today, you can play with baby Sarah tomorrow”. Jenn was about to protest but looked at her mother who shook her head, Jessica interrupted “I know how much you want to play with her but you will have to wait”. Jenn turned back around and saw that the bottle was finished “Good girl Baby Sarah” she chirped as she removed the bottle’s nipple from her aunt's mouth. “I guess its a good thing Im being punished, one less day of being treated like this by my niece,” Sarah thought. “Now put the side rail up and we will leave the baby to think about what she did” Cynthia ordered, Jessica smiled and left room still carrying her young daughter but Jenn stayed still. “But what about her diapers?” she asked, Sarah turned bright red “Dont even think about them, they dont concern you” she thought, Cynthia looked confused “What about her diapers?” she asked, “Well mum said she would be wet, so shouldn’t we change them?” Sarah wanted to bury her face into the mattress “I can imagine it now, mother telling Jenn how to change my diapers, while she has that big smile on her face” Sarah shook. “No, she won’t be getting any more diaper changes till tomorrow morning, the diapers she has on can hold till then,” Cynthia said and lifted the side of the crib up, Jenn looked deflated as she softly said “OK” as she turned and left. Cynthia looked down at her daughter “You be a good baby” and she too left, closing the door behind her.

What just happened? Im going to be Jenns doll while she is here, she is far too excited to see me this way and she was far too eager to see my diapers” a quick yawn broke Sarah’s train of thought “Well nothing else to do, I might as well try and sleep” she closed her eyes then opened them quickly “My pacifier? Did she take my pacifier? The last time I saw it was before she shoved that bottle into my mouth, Yes, Im sure she took it but why?

Chapter 11

Sarah had been awake for hours trapped inside her crib the blanket tightly wrapped around her encase of more visitors, she could faintly hear the voices of her family laughing and talking while Sarah kept silent in her crib when her door slowly opened. Sarah looked in amazement as Jenn was creeping into her room “What is she doing in here? I hope she hasnt come in here to peak at my diapers when nobody is here” Jenn slowly walked towards the crib and smiled down at her aunty. Jenn was about to speak but stopped herself when she spotted a yellow light, she smiled at Sarah once again and reached over and turned the baby monitor off, she whispered “Now baby Sarah it’s just the two of us” she giggled “If anyone asks why I’m in here I will just say I’m returning your pacifier that I accidentally took earlier. Now I need to see it, my mother and Phoebe have both told me that you now wear diapers but I need to see them with my own eyes and I can't wait any longer”. Sarah didn’t know what to do “Why does she want to? Do I stop her? I could tell her no, the baby monitor is off I can speak like a grown-up for once” Jenn slowly lowered the side of the crib and was about to grab the blanket when Sarah quietly said “N no, pwease don’t” Sarah scrunched up her face “Even when I can speak like a grown up after all these months of fearful punishments if I did make it very difficult to do so” Jenn stopped and smiled “Awww baby it’s ok I’m just going to have a look at your diaper” Jenn once again went to grab the blanket when Sarah’s mitten hand swatted it away. Sarah gulped “Jenn stop it, help me out of this I hate being forced to be baby” tears began to roll down Sarah’s face as Jenn stepped back in shock “What? You didn’t choose to be a baby again?” Sarah copied Jenn’s shocked expression “Of course I didn’t, mother and fwebe are forcing me to be a baby”. Jenn stepped forward towards the crib again “Oh wow, I didn’t know I thought you wanted to be a baby again”. Fresh tears rolled down Sarah’s face “Why would I want to be this pathetic, this obedient, this diaper messing women, they must have told her that to make it seem nicer or something. Maybe she can help me though, save me from this life. Sarah looked at Jenn “Please help me” she pleaded, Jenn smiled once more and removed her phone from her pocket “We have to take pictures, proof of what they are doing to you” Sarah turned bright red “Other people will see me like this? Strangers? Police?” Sarah smiled and nodded her head as Jenn began to take pictures of Sarah in her crib “We need to take off the blanket and show your diapers” Sarah blushed again but as Jenn went for the blanket this time Sarah didn’t stop her and Jenn was amazed to see her 23-year-old aunt was wearing nothing but diapers. “This is so embarrassing being naked in front of my niece apart from wet diapersSarah thought as the camera flashed and Jenn smiled which Sarah couldn’t help but smile back “She is going to help me, I am going to be free of this, Free of being a baby” Jenn looked at the photos and then at Sarah “Hmmm I know, if I put the restraints on you, it will show your stuck in here and not just lying in a crib” Sarah thought it through and reluctantly nodded, Jenn quickly went to work to secure the restraints and Sarah was once again locked down in the crib “Oh I know one last thing” Jenn produced the pacifier she took earlier and popped it into Sarah’s mouth “Perfect”, Jenn continued to take pictures and she then raised up the side of the crib and took more. Sarah was feeling uneasy “Ok thats enough photos, just go and send them to someone that can help me” she thought, Jenn put her phone away and smiled, she leaned in close to the crib “You're going to get out of this” she said as she managed to grab the blanket and pull it over Sarah once again, Sarah smiled back at Jenn “Yes no more cribs, no more diapers, no more crawling around, no more bottles back to being a grown-up” Sarah wanted to cry with excitement. Jenn continued “But no time soon” Sarah felt a sharp pain in her chest as she said “what?” from behind the pacifier, Jenn’s smile changed to the same wicked one that Phoebe had and Sarah shivered “You see if I tell anyone about this then grandmother and Aunt Phoebe will be in a lot of trouble and we won’t see them, also as we are nowhere it might put my mum into trouble and I can’t have that” Sarah felt a great weight on her chest she wanted to swipe at her niece but she was secured down to the crib and was unable to move. Jenn quickly turned the baby monitor on before Sarah could speak, she then leant in close and at a whisper she said “Anyway this way we get to spend some time together, I can’t wait to play with you tomorrow baby Sarah” she then stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Sarah feeling a wide range of emotions. Sarah began to cry “All that hope and excitement gone, I can’t” Sarah’s crying had gotten louder and soon she was wailing like the baby she now was. Her bedroom door opened and her mother entered she walked towards the crib and lowered the side. Cynthia cooed “Shh shh shh, baby, it's ok, Mommy's here. What’s the matter diddums? Does baby need a bubba?” Removing Sarah’s pacifier, she inserted a bottle into her waiting mouth. Sarah did her best to calm down “I need to stop or she will give me a bottle with laxative in it thinking that I have a stomach ache” Sarah tried hard to calm herself down and by the time the bottle was finished she had stopped. Her mother gave her a kiss and then popped her pacifier back in her mouth. “Good baby” she said and then left the room.

Chapter 12

Sarah was feeling more miserable than she had done in a long time “First Phoebe tells me she is the one that made me wet the bed, then sleeps with my ex, then tells me that mother is doing this because I was a brat and to top it all off Jenn makes me believe she is going to help me out of this baby life that I get all my hopes up and excited for them all to come crashing down on me, I really should just accept this is it, I am now a baby, mother is never going to let me grow up because I might tell someone what she did, I should just accept it”. Sarah heard laughter and sighed “Can’t remember the last time I laughed, I’m always miserable in this life, I need to adjust to it or I’m going to go insane, that list that I was making up last night where was I up to?” Sarah thought hard “That’s it one not having to go to the toilet at inconvenient times” Sarah rolled her eyes “Thats what I came up with? Number one positive is I can now wet and mess myself wherever I am, oh good, what was number two that I dont have to worry about running out of diapers? Sarah banged her head on the pillow “Right number one no toilet, number two was ermm oh yeah no studying, the pressure of studying is gone, but I liked studying, it was giving me a future. I guess when my future is now just to play with toys and mess myself I dont need it, so no pressure of studying. Three was no money problems. I guess four could be don't have to worry about work. Five I always get compliments on how cute I look, even if its because Im dressed like a baby but its something” Sarah adjusted her position in her crib and as she moved her legs she squeezed her inner thighs against the diaper and it sent shivers through her body “Six I can pleasure myself, even if it is with the help of a diaper, seven no more housework, Phoebe has had to do all the housework I would have had to do. Wow ok some of them were good points, some not so much but maybe tomorrow I can just switch off, yeah, Im a baby now no big deal. Its never going to work”.

Sarah had been in her crib for hours trying to think positive about her new life as the family baby her diaper had become very wet but she knew she wouldn’t be getting a change today, when the door opened and once again Jenn entered, she quickly made her way to the crib and ignored Sarah’s stare as she reached through the bars of the crib and unlocked the restraints on Sarah’s legs she then moved up and unlocked her arms before Sarah could do anything Jenn was quickly walking out of the room and closing the door “What was that about?” Sarah thought but she didn’t have to wonder for long as the door once again opened and in came Sarah’s mother carrying a tray. “Ah she wanted to hide the evidence she was in here by unlocked me, just like how I was when mother was in here before, she is just as sneaky as Phoebe” Sarah thought as her mother set the tray down and lowered the side of the crib “Time for baby to get some food in her belly” Cynthia said. Sarah couldn’t help but smile “It’s been far too long since I have had any food, I need this, I don’t care if its baby food I just want something in my belly”. Cynthia tied a bib around Sarah’s head, Sarah looked down and sighed when she saw it read ‘Mummies lil mess maker’ her mother then put her hand behind Sarah’s head and lifted it up off the mattress and with her other hand she removed the pacifier and began to spoon-feed her adult baby daughter. Sarah’s eyes lit up as the first spoonful entered her mouth “Porridge with honey, Yes, I was expecting my usual punishment meal of mixed baby food, this is gorgeous” Sarah hungrily ate the food with Cynthia getting plenty all around Sarah’s mouth and some on her bib but it didn’t bother Sarah. Soon Sarah had finished her food and her mother produced a bottle “Well if that was nice food I bet this is baby formula again” Sarah closed her eyes as the bottle passed her lips and she sucked the first drops of liquid out, her eyes opened with delight “Just ordinary milk, why is she giving me this? Im not complaining I would rather have this than baby formula. Cynthia hadn’t said a word since beginning the feeding and it made Sarah feel uneasy “She usually coos over me, talks baby talk to me but nothing, its weird I dont like it” Once the bottle was finished Cynthia cleaned up her daughter's face and removed the bib, she removed her hand and Sarah’s head rested on the crib's mattress once again. Cynthia popped the pacifier back into Sarah’s mouth and pulled up the side of the crib and left the room, closing the door. “I didn’t like that, she didn’t say anything to me, she didn’t talk to me, even if it’s in her baby talk, I kind of missed it”.

The Sun had now set and Sarah knew that soon it would be her normal time to go to sleep, she waited in her crib for her mother to enter and give her a bottle, strangely hoping that this time she would talk to her but as she waited the room got darker and nobody entered. Sarah strained her ears but couldn’t hear anybody else in the house “Have they gone to bed? Mommy has gone to bed without giving me a bottle?” Sarah suddenly felt alone. After a long time Sarah heard her door open and in came her older sister Jessica, she was carrying her baby daughter who was asleep in her arms “Oh baby Sarah is still awake” Jessica said to someone behind her, Sarah blushed “My older sister calling me that, I had gotten used to mommy and Phoebe calling me it but to hear her calling me it just brings back all the embarrassment of my situation” Jessica entered the room followed by Phoebe who was pushing into the room the baby crib that Sarah had slept in for the first few months of her new baby life. Phoebe placed the baby crib next to Sarah’s adult baby crib “No Im going to be sharing a room with a baby?”, she then reached inside and pulled out a bottle “We got a bottle for baby Sarah, special delivery” Phoebe giggled and walked around the baby crib towards the adult baby crib, she lowered the side and removed the pacifier and put the nipple of the bottle in Sarah’s mouth which Sarah hungrily began sucking. Phoebe looked over at Jessica who was placing her daughter into the baby crib “You think these two babies will sleep well together?” Jessica stood back up and smiled “Yeah they should be fine, Melly doesn’t mess herself at night anymore though so if baby Sarah does it might wake her up” Sarah turned bright red “So Im the baby between me and Melly, she is more grown-up than me now?” Sarah finished the bottle and Phoebe removed the nipple, she then walked away while Jessica made her way to the side of the crib, she smiled down at her sister “Now you be a good baby, you're so adorable” Jessica leant over and gave Sarah a kiss on the forehead which made Sarah scrunch up her eyes “Night night Baby Sarah” Jessica then made her way out of the room “How do you not want to play with her all the time she is such a cute baby” she asked Phoebe “After a few smelly diapers I think the cuteness goes down a bit” Jessica laughed as they left the room, they were standing at the door when Jessica asked “So where you going camping and who with?” Sarah’s ears perked up “She is going camping? She hates camping?” Phoebe looked over at Sarah in her crib sucking on the pacifier “My friend Ben asked me today if I wanted to go” Phoebe then turned her head back to Jessica “We going down south” Jessica giggled “Oh Ben hey, who is he?” Phoebe blushed as she closed the door to the room. “She is going camping with Ben? She is leaving me here as a baby while she can go off with my boyfriend and have fun while I’m stuck wearing my own mess”.

Chapter 13

Sarah fell asleep soon after Jessica and Phoebe had left it had been a very emotionally draining day and she was surprised when she felt tired after just being in the crib all day. Sarah was gently awoken by the familiar feeling of a rubber nipple being placed into her mouth she began to suck and slowly opened up her eyes to the light “2 am feeding and diaper check, I don’t know why mother bothers they are always wet but she never changes them, I very rarely have a messy diaper at this time but she still checks anyway” Sarah’s eyes adjusted and her eyes widened when she saw that it was Jessica that was holding the bottle and not her mother like usual “Hello baby” Jessica said with a big smile “You slept right through Melly’s feeding I was sure I would have woke you” Sarah just looked up at her sister with pleading eyes “Please, you can get me out of this” Jessica then said “Don’t worry baby I will check your diapers and change them if they need it”. Sarah began to tear up “How can she do this to me? Does she know that I am being forced to be a baby?” soon the bottle was finished and Jessica removed the nipple from Sarah’s mouth “I have to try it, if she can help then it’s worth the risk” Sarah looked up at her sister and weakly said “Help” Jessica smiled and produced the pacifier and placed it into her little sisters mouth “Shhh baby, don’t want you getting into trouble now do we” Sarah began to tear up “So she’s not going to help me but she doesn’t want to see me punished either” Jessica then pulled the blanket off to Sarah’s horror and she then stuck her finger into the diaper and announced “Wet baby, well I better change you” Sarah wanted to scream “No not Jessica changing my diapers, first Phoebe and now her, it's bad enough she has now seen me in just a diaper but to have that diaper changed by her” Jessica produced a white diaper and Sarah sighed as she could tell it was a confidry 24/7 “No not that diaper, its so thick” she thought as Jessica slowly untapped the sides of the first diaper and pulled it away, Sarah began to shack “Why am I shaking so much, I, unfortunately, have had my diapers changed hundreds of times but this feels different, she is an outsider, she has only just seen this side of my new miserable life” Jessica then untaped the first diaper and pulled the front door and Sarah turned bright red as her older sister looked down at Sarah’s hairless vagina “Awww you really did go peepee didn’t you baby” Sarah wanted to look away in shame but that was against the rules of her baby life and so she carried on looking at Jessica. Jessica began to wipe Sarah’s vagina clean with baby wipes and then lifted up her legs with one hand and cleaned up Sarah’s bottom. She then removed the wet diaper from under Sarah and quickly replaced it with the fresh one. Jessica poured a generous amount of powder onto Sarah’s crotch and bum then to Sarah’s horror she began to rub the powder into Sarah’s once private area she then lowered her sister's legs and Sarah’s bottom was now resting on the diaper. The front of the diaper was pulled up and tightly taped around Sarah’s waist “That was horrible, now both of my sisters have changed my diapers, they have both cleaned me up, just like I’m a baby” Jessica then smiled at her sister and began to cover her with the blanket and Sarah smiled back “She must of forgot that I have to wear two, going from so many last night to just one tonight would be amazing, I would be able to put my legs together, it would almost feel normal” But then Jessica stopped “Oh silly me, mother wants two diapers on you doesn’t she” Sarah’s smile left her face as Jessica pulled down the blanket and produced the second comfidry diaper “Here we go, baby, don’t want you having a bad night sleep because of your silly big sister now do we” Sarah rolled her eyes “Oh yeah that would have been awful” she thought as Jessica taped on the second diaper “There we go baby” she then gave the front of the diaper a gentle tap that made Sarah blush once again. She then pulled the blanket back over Sarah and went back to her head and gave her a kiss on the forehead “Night night baby sister” she said and then left the room turning off the light in the process.

Sarah lay in her crib in shock “It doesnt matter how much I try and tell myself to accept this as my new life its not going to happen, I cant accept getting my diaper changed by my mother or sisters, I cant accept having messy diapers like a baby. I cant accept this as my new life because its too embarrassing my life is a humiliating existence and when mother decides that I can grow up again what will I grow up to be a miserable toddler? Maybe even if she lets me grow up again then I would still have issues from this experience”. Tears formed in her eyes “But to be able to even be a toddler would be better than being this”. Sarah wiped the tears away with her mitten encased hand and closed her eyes “Hopefully tomorrow isnt as bad as today”.

Chapter 14

Sarah was jolted awake by an unfamiliar sound. “Screaming? Why is there screaming?”. Eventually, she slowly remembered where she was and realised that the screaming she could hear was her young roommate crying. Sarah desperately wanted the crying to stop with the noise coming from the makeshift crib just a few feet from her own. Soon to Sarah’s relief, Jessica entered the room “Awww baby it’s ok mommy is here” Sarah could see from the confines of her crib her sister bend down and pick up her baby Melly “Shhh baby” she cooed as she gently patted her daughters back. Jessica then turned towards Sarah’s crib “Oh no did your little Melly wake up baby Sarah, I’m sorry baby Sarah” Sarah blushed “Why does she have to be so nice and at the same time be so cruel to me” Jessica smiled at Sarah “Let's leave the baby to sleep hey little one” she then turned and left “I hate that they are treating her older than me, look at me I’m bigger than her” she sighed as she felt her damp diaper “I’m just a bigger version of her”.

Sarah was unable to get back to sleep and lay in her crib “I guess I just got to wait for another miserable day to happen, what is mother going to do to me today to make me feel embarrassed to be alive” as Sarah finished her thought her mother entered the room “Good morning baby Sarah” she said coldly which Sarah found strangely unnerving but Sarah looked at her mother and lisped out her response “Gooo mwoning mommy”. Cynthia lowered the side of the crib and removed the blanket from Sarah, she stuck a finger into Sarah’s leg hole and checked Sarah’s diaper “Wow baby your soaked, let's hope it will hold up during breakfast, Sarah couldn’t help but blush as her mother placed the pacifier back in her mouth. Cynthia was about to pick up Sarah as she does every morning when she stopped and looked at Sarah’s diapers again “Wait you weren’t wearing those diapers last night, did someone change your diapers during the night? Silly asking you, you're just a baby I need to ask a grown-up” Sarah felt angry “I can tell you, I can tell you lots of things mother” Cynthia bent down and picked up Sarah who couldn’t help but smile “Finally I’m out of that crib, I get some sort of freedom, even if it’s freedom as a baby it’s still better than being stuck in there all day” Sarah was rested on Cynthia’s waist with her legs wrapped around Cynthia. Cynthia was supporting Sarah with her hand on her daughters diapered bum which Sarah hated. Cynthia carried her adult baby daughter out of the room and down the corridor where they met Jenn leaving the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel. Sarah blushed bright red as Jenn stared at her “Oh god Im resting on my mother's waist, wearing nothing but a soaked diaper in front of my teenage cousin” Jenn smiled awwww I think the baby is shy” Sarah blushed even more and furiously sucked on her pacifier. “Did you change Sarah’s diapers during the night?” Cynthia asked Jenn, Sarah wanted to bury her head into her mother's shoulder “She is not an adult she is still a teenager” Jenn giggled “Nope, it must have been mother when she went to go feed the babies” Cynthia nodded “That’s right, you joining us for breakfast?” Jenn shook her head “Probably not I need to dry my hair and get changed” Cynthia nodded “Ok well we will see you soon then”

She continued towards the kitchen and Sarah was placed in the adult-sized high chair, the tray was secured and Cynthia reached under and strapped Sarah in, as her mother left to get breakfast she saw beside her own adult-sized high chair was a baby-sized one at the exact same height as her own Sarah was looking at it as Jessica walked into the room carrying Melly the exact same way that Sarah had been carried just moments ago. Sarah looked at Melly with envy “She gets to wear shirt and tights over her diapers, why do I have to sit here like this” Jessica smiled at Sarah “Good morning baby Sarah” Sarah sighed and knew she had to respond and lisped out “Goo mwani jeswika” Jessica giggled then acted excited just like she would do with her own baby “Well so close baby Sarah, maybe one day you will get it. Good job”. Jessica put Melly into the high chair next to Sarah who was still blushing at what Jessica had said.

Cynthia came up behind Sarah and tied an adult-sized pink bib around her neck and then walked around to the front of the high chair. Cynthia had two bowls in her hands and gave one to Jessica “Here you go” Jessica smiled “Thanks” she said then placed the bowl on the tray and. Both women began to feed their babies Sarah was grateful that it was oatmeal this morning but she felt upset as another spoon full mush around her mouth “I feel so much like a baby, I know Im treated like a baby but to have a real baby next to me in a high chair just like mine being fed just like me and her mouth is no way near as messy as mine and she doesnt even have a bib on, she is also wearing a shirt and tights whereas Im basically naked” Cynthia turned to Jessica “Did you change baby Sarah’s diaper last night?” Jessica nodded as she continued to feed Melly, Cynthia smiled “Ah ok, I just wanted to make sure” Jessica half laughed “Why? Did you think she changed them on her own?” Cynthia laughed “No, she is only a baby, I know she can't change her own diapers I was just wondering if it was you or Phoebe” Sarah tried to block out the conversation only concentrating on the humiliating feeding, Jessica nodded again “Ah, yeah it was me, she was soaked, needed to be changed, did Phoebe go camping?” Cynthia just put a spoon full of mush into Sarah’s mouth as she nodded “Yeah, went first thing this morning, she seemed very excited about it” Jessica smiled “Yeah well who is this Ben she is going with” Sarah felt angry again as her mother spread even more mush on Sarah’s cheeks, Cynthia shook her head “Don’t know, I haven’t met him but Phoebe told me about him, seems like a nice boy” Jessica laughed “Yes a nice boy”. The two mothers stopped talking as they continued to feed their babies. “She is probably setting up the tent, maybe even having a beer or even doing drugs, living her life as she wants to while Im being spoon-fed by my mother”. Jessica soon finished feeding Melly and once finished she began to cheer in the same voice she had used for Sarah earlier “Yay all gone, yay good job” Melly began to clap and shout “Yay” and Jessica joined in. Jessica gently wiped her daughters face clean as Sarah finished her food, Melly saw that Sarah had finished and began to cheer and clap her hands again “Yay, finish yay” Cynthia giggled and Jessica joined in “Yay baby Sarah finished, good job baby Sarah”. Sarah blushed “This is awful, stop treating me the same as her” Jessica continued “Baby Sarah, yay you finished, clap and cheer baby Sarah” Sarah looked at her mother for mercy but she found none as Cynthia put on the same voice as Jessica and began to cheer “Yay Baby Sarah” Sarah slowly brought her hands together feeling humiliated “Im celebrating that I finished my breakfast, Oh goody, If I dont do this I will be punished and I cant be punished so soon after my last one” she bit her lip and began to clap and faked enthusiasm “Way me feenis, Way”.

Chapter 15

After the cheering had finished and Sarah had felt utterly humiliated she was lifted out of the high chair by her mother and told to follow, Sarah got down onto her hands and knees and began to crawl after her mother into the bathroom. Cynthia shut the door as Sarah sat down on her soggy bottom waiting for her mother to free her from her damp underwear. Cynthia began to fill the bath then turned back around and quickly removed her locking mittens and her booties then she was gently pushed down and her diaper removed leaving her naked “Finally out of a diaper, even if it's only for five minutes at least I get some freedom from the infantile underwear” she thought as her mother lifted her into the shallow bath. Sarah couldn't help but smile as she felt the warm clean water around her waist “Finally getting cleaned after such a long period in wet or messy diapers feels so good, I don't care that mother is washing me, I need this”.

Cynthia poured baby soap onto a flannel and began to scrub Sarah’s arms clean then moved onto her breasts which always made Sarah feels uncomfortable. Cynthia cleaned her stomach then her back and then helped Sarah onto her hands and knees for the worst part of the bath for Sarah, Cynthia slowly scrubbed Sarah's bum and she blushed all over as her mother's handmade it's way over her daughters' vagina and she slowly scrubbed it clean. Cynthia then helped Sarah back onto her bum and poured baby shampoo onto her hair and began to clean her hair, as she did Sarah felt herself letting go into the water and felt disgusted “The only time I get to be away from my own wetness and I wee in the bathtub”.

Soon the bath was over and Cynthia lifted Sarah out of the bath and sat her on a changing mat, she grabbed the towel and began to quickly towel dry her daughter. Sarah blushed again when her mother started towel drying her most intimate parts but then finally she was dry. Once her hair was dried her mother tied it up into two pigtails and used pink ribbons to each one “My hair even looks childish most days, I used to be able to do loads of different things with it I bet I have forgotten how to do most of it now, I bet I have forgotten a lot of stuff that I haven’t even realised” she sighed as she was placed back on her back and her mother produced a fresh diaper for her. Sarah sighed again as her mother placed the pink rearz diaper under her bum “I hate pink and pink diapers are so girly, I guess it could be worse rearz are somewhat comfortable but why all the colours” a light sprinkle of baby powder was poured onto Sarah's crotch then the front was lifted up and taped in place then came the dreaded second diaper “Two diapers always two, one is bad but there is no mistaking I'm wearing a diaper after the second is taped on”.

Cynthia stood up and opened the door of the bathroom and walked out with Sarah obediently crawling behind “Please don't let Jenn see me like this, crawling around like a baby in big pink diapers” she thought as she continued to crawl towards the living room towards her playpen. In the living room she noticed Jessica sitting on the sofa and for a moment she thought “Where's Melly?” but as she got to her playpen she was shocked to see it was already occupied.

Chapter 16

Sarah was quickly lifted up and placed into her playpen next to her young niece where she began to feel angry “Why is she in my playpen? This is my space?” Sarah then shook her head “I’m angry with a baby because she is in a playpen where a baby should be, I should be angry that I’ve been placed in here like a baby but I’m not. I’m angry that she is in my space, Wow maybe I do deserve to be in feeling such childish emotions” Sarah sighed as she looked down at her playmate who was rolling a ball around. Cynthia was still standing on the other side of the playpen and smiled “Melly why don’t you roll the ball towards Baby Sarah” Melly looked up from the ball with a smile as she positioned herself around to face Sarah she the rolled the ball towards her with a smile, the ball reached Sarah and she stared at it “Am I going to do this? Play a game with an actual baby” As she thought about it her mother bent down “Like this baby girl” she then put her hands on Sarah’s and pushed the ball back towards Melly “That’s it good girl” she cooed and Sarah blushed “I know how to roll a ball mother” Melly received the ball with a smile and rolled it back towards the giant baby. Sarah’s mother went to put her hands on Sarah’s again but Sarah quickly pushed the ball back before she had a chance, Cynthia stood up and cooed “Good baby, that’s how you do it, such a quick learner” Sarah blushed as they continued to play with the ball.

Soon Melly got bored with the ball and moved on to another toy, Sarah knowing that she had to play with a toy while in the playpen quickly picked up a doll and pretended to move it around the floor when Jenn entered the room. “Awwww how adorable the babies playing together” Sarah blushed as her mother smiled “You just missed it they were playing with the ball together, Baby Sarah had a little trouble but Melly was doing great”. Sarah resented the remark that she had trouble moving a ball around but she continued to play with the doll. “Awwww what a shame I missed it, well Melly is older than Baby Sarah, I’m sure when Sarah gets to her age she will be just as smart” Jenn giggled.

Cynthia went and sat down leaving Sarah and Melly in the playpen, Sarah was still seething at what her niece had said “Im younger than Melly? They are now treating me younger than an actual baby” she sighed and looked at her playmate “Well look at her still wearing clothes and Im just here in my pink diapers with my nakedness on show. I guess its a good thing that nobody makes a remark about my boobs but the fact that I have them and everybody can see them all the time and it doesnt even mean anything makes me feel like Im no longer a woman. Nobody cares If I look attractive or sexy just cute or adorable like a baby should be”.

Other than Melly was sitting beside her Sarah’s day was going the way it usually went, which she was happy about. Her mother, Jenn and Jessica seldom interfered with what the babies were doing and Sarah was happy to be left alone and mostly forgotten about. After a few hours, Cynthia got up and announced “Naptime baby” Sarah looked up from the rattle she was shaking and saw her mother walking towards her. Soon Sarah was lifted out of the playpen and placed on her hands and knees on the other side she then looked into the playpen “Isnt Melly going to go for a nap?” she thought but then her mother gave her a gentle kick on her padded bum which indicated to Sarah that she should start crawling. Sarah crawled into her room and her mother lifted her up and placed her in the crib on her back she then quickly checked her diapers “They are a little damp but will last” she said as she pulled the blanket over her adult baby daughter, she then popped in Sarah’s pacifier and gave her a kiss on the forehead “Sweet dreams baby Sarah” she cooed as she lifted up the side of the crib and left the room. “I guess Melly doesnt take naps anymore? Or does she take shorter naps?” She thought as a big yawn escaped her and she found herself soon fast asleep.

Sarah was awoken by singing and she slowly opened her eyes to see that Jessica was bent over her daughter's playpen singing her a song. She soon finished and smiled down at Melly “After your nap, we are all going to go out for a picnic, won't that be fun little one”. Sarah’s eyes immediately widened “Going out?” she thought as Jessica left the room.

Chapter 17

Sarah was wide awake in her crib “Going out for a picnic? No not outside again, please anything but going out like this” she scrunched up her eyes as thoughts ran back into her mind of previous times she had gone out since being turned back into a baby, she began to sweat “I have only been outside a few times and always as a punishment to remind me that it could be much worse. The first time I went out wearing diapers a couple noticed and mother told a woman at a cashier” she shook at the thought “But thats nothing compared to when mother took me to the beach, It was a few months later and the fear of going out in public had made me her perfect little thing for a long time. Until I told Phoebe to fuck off, I was then pulled over mother's knee for a spanking and then put into the crib at 3 pm with the pacifier holder placed on. I thought that was the extent of my punishment as mother woke me up and removed the pacifier she then gave me breakfast and then a bath, it wasnt until we were back in here that my worst fears came true. She placed me on the changing table and put two suppositories then diapered me and placed the pink plastic locking panties on me, I thought that was bad enough but then she went over to a draw and came back with a bright pink one-piece bathing suit that had pink frills on the arms and around the waist like a short skirt, in the centre was big block letters that readBaby Sarah. I tried to protest but mother threatened me with another spanking and going out in just the diapers, as tears ran down my face she pulled the baby-style bikini on me. She then pulled out a pair of blue denim shorts that had mini mouse embroidered on each bum cheek and pulled them up over my thick diaper. I was then told to crawl to the front door where Phoebe was waiting for us, I remember it clearly, she was wearing an Australian flag bikini top and denim shorts but hers looked a lot more mature than mine. Soon we were in the parking lot of the beach and mother unbuckled my car seat and the carried me down towards the beach, I was shaking like crazy and I remember an old couple walked passed us and actually cooed as I had my feet wrapped around mother's waist. As we got to the beach I wanted to scream, there were so many people around, all enjoying the hot sun and the warm weather. Thankfully mother put us in a quite are on the beach and Phoebe placed a windbreaker up so only a very select few could see us but it didnt stop me from blushing every time someone looked our way. Mother had brought a bucket and spade and told me to play with it, which I slowly did as Phoebe took off her denim shorts revealing the rest of the Australian flag on her bikini bottoms as she walked down to the sea. I was making sandcastles for a while and also fighting the urge to mess myself as much as I could but the suppositories were close to winning, soon Phoebe returned water dripped off her body and suggested that mother take me for paddle, I wanted to scream we were out of the view from people but down at the sea everyone would be able to see the giant baby. I remember looking at mother with pleading eyes but she agreed with Phoebe, she pushed me down onto my back and as she removed my shorts leaving me in just the infantile bathing suit with the thick diaper underneath I thought that I was going to faint. Mother then decided to add another accessory to make sure I looked just like a baby and placed two orange armbands on each arm, I remember thinking that she wouldnt take me far into the sea and that there was no need for them and I was right. Mother took hold of my hand and I waddled down to the sea, my eyes darting around frantically and Im sure there were people pointing and laughing as we made it into the sea. Mother only had me go a few steps in and it was at the height of my ankles when she told me to squat down and splash my hands, I really wish I had fought her I could have ran away but at the time I was too scared of any punishment so I did as I was told and squatted down. As I squatted down I blushed all over, knowing that my big diapered bum was sticking out as I splashed my hands in the warm water. Then my heart sank as I felt my battle had been lost and in that position, I had no way to fight it any longer and I began to mess the diaper. I stopped splashing my hands and a loud fart came out like an announcement as to what I was doing. I bet anyone close by heard it and just like a toddler squatting to poop I began to fill the diaper. Tears ran down my face at the humiliation but mother didnt say anything she just left me in that position for a few more minutes then finally she helped me up, I didnt lift my head up as we walked back to our little area, the shame was washing over me like the sea washing over the sand”. Sarah looked over at her niece who coughed while sleeping “I really hope its nothing like that this time”.

Chapter 18

Sarah didn’t sleep at all and when her mother and Jessica finally entered the room, she felt very cranky from not having any sleep. Jessica gently woke up her daughter and lifted her out of the crib and quickly left the room while Cynthia lowered the side of the crib and was surprised to see Sarah awake “Oh baby didn’t you have a nap, you know how cranky you get when you don’t have a sleep baby girl”. Sarah continued to suck on her pacifier nervously as her mother went to work on checking her diaper “Still a little wet but you will be ok” she announced and lifted Sarah out of the crib and sat her on the changing table. Sarah began to shake as her mother pulled out a bright pink onesie with buttons on the crotch “No we are going out and Im going to be wearing that, it has buttons on the crotch so I can be changed easily, No she wouldnt change me outside” tears began to roll down her face as her mother told her to lift her arms choosing to ignore the tears, Sarah obeyed and her mother quickly went to work snapping closed the buttons on the crotch and then she produced the same denim shorts Sarah had worn when they went to the beach, Sarah stared at them remembering the last horrible time she wore them, she furiously sucked on the pacifier to try and distract her. Cynthia pulled the shorts up Sarah’s legs and up over the onesie and the damp diaper. Sarah looked down at her attire “Ok it’s not too bad, if mother takes this pacifier out I can pass for a tall child” she took deep breaths around the pacifier and was calming down until her mother pulled out one of Sarah’s baby bonnets. The bonnet was white with pink frills across the front, Cynthia placed the bonnet on Sarah’s head and while tying it she said “This is so baby doesn’t get too much sun in her eyes” she tied the bonnet in a big bow under her chin and then stepped back to admire her she let out an “Awwww” then went to grab something else leaving a pale shaking Sarah on the changing table sucking hard on the pacifier “A bonnet? Am I going to be wearing a baby's bonnet? I cant wear baby clothes in public, oh god I would rather stay in my crib for a week than go out wearing this, what am I going to do? Well nothing, I dont have a choice” Cynthia returned with the big white locking mittens and Sarah’s jaw dropped open, her pacifier fell from her mouth and she began to wail loudly, tears poured down her face and she managed to say “No No No” between wails. “I cant wear the mittens and the bonnet outside, I cant” she began to fling her arms around like a toddler having a temper tantrum. Cynthia quickly darted for the floor and picked up Sarah’s pacifier and shoved it into her crying daughters mouth Sarah straight away sucked on the pacifier and began to calm, her wailing was stopping, tears continued to run down her face but she was settling “I hate that this rubber nipple can make me calm down, Im going out as a baby, not as a little girl or as a toddler Im going to be out in public as a baby” Cynthia managed to grab one of Sarah’s flailing arms and quickly placed the locking mitten onto her hand as Sarah looked at her now encased hand in shock her mother went to work with encasing her other hand and soon both of Sarah’s hands were locked into the mittens. She was about to start wailing again when her mother scooped her up, her arm under Sarah’s bum the other one around her back giving her a big hug “Shhh baby everything is ok, you have your pacifier back, the mittens are to make sure you don’t pick up anything yucky when we have our picnic” Cynthia then carried Sarah out of the room as fresh tears ran down her face “I will do anything to not go out wearing baby clothes” she shook again as they entered the living room.

Sarah was carried over to a chair and Cynthia sat down with Sarah sat on her knee when Jessica entered carrying a bottle and her daughter and Sarah’s eyes widened “Melly is wearing the exact same clothes as me, including the mittens and the bonnet, Im dressed just like a baby” Jessica smiled “Awww she looks adorable they look like twins don’t they, you ready for the picnic baby?” Jessica said as she handed her mother the bottle. Sarah blushed bright red as Jenn entered the living room wearing a green mini skirt and a tank top, she stopped and stared at her aunty then she ran over “Awww look at the baby, she is adorable, you going to feed her? Can I feed her?” she pleaded to Cynthia. Sarah screamed inside her head “Not again she is 15, I’m her aunty I can’t be bottle-fed by her again” but Cynthia smiled and nodded her head “Ok just sit down there and I will put the baby on your lap” Cynthia stood up while carrying Sarah and Jenn quickly got into position on the sofa, Cynthia turned and carefully placed Sarah across Jenn’s lap “Support the baby's head” she told Jenn and Sarah rolled her eyes “I dont need my head supporting, the age I get treated is much older than that” then she blushed “She just did it to embarrass me again”. Sarah was now lying across her nieces lap her head was being cradled with one arm Jenn pulled the pacifier from Sarah’s mouth and then Cynthia handed her the bottle. Eagerly she pushed the bottle into Sarah’s mouth and Sarah began the humiliating task of sucking the milk down. Sarah closed her eyes straight away “If I’m going to do this then I’m not looking at her glaring down at me” she thought but as soon as her eyes closed she heard Jenn laugh and say “Baby, open your eyes, it’s not nap time” she opened her eyes reluctantly and saw Jenn staring down at her with a huge smile “Awww that’s a good baby” Sarah decided to just focus on the bottle and try and ignore her young niece but that proved more difficult as Jenn would make noises and faces that grabbed Sarah’s attention for little moments. Finally, to the relief of Sarah, the bottle was finished and Cynthia bent down to pick up Sarah, she couldn’t help but smile to finally get off Jenn’s lap when Jessica stopped her “Don’t you burp her?” she asked, Cynthia paused “No, you think I should?” Jessica nodded “Yes, it will help Baby Sarah’s stomach settle”. Sarah’s eyes darted back and forth “Burp me? I don’t need to be burped like a baby” she sighed “I do everything else like a baby though” Cynthia positioned Sarah’s head over Jenn’s shoulder and began to pat her back after what felt like an age, she had a small, involuntary little burp bubble up, which satisfied her mother, Cynthia then picked her up and began to carry Sarah out of the living room and towards the front door.

Chapter 19

Sarah was carried outside, her eyes tightly shut hoping that none of her neighbours was out in their gardens and might see her mother carrying her adult baby to the car. Cynthia opened the car door and placed Sarah in her adult-sized car seat in the back of the car. Once Sarah was strapped in her mother went back into the house, Sarah sat in her infantile seat shaking “How can she take me out like this? A baby's bonnet and mittens? Not to mention the infantile shorts and the thick diaper underneath”. Her mother left the house followed by Jessica, Jenn and Melly. Sarah watched as Jessica and her family walked past the car “They must all be going in their car” Sarah thought as Cynthia opened the driver's door and got in “Ok baby, you ready to go?” she said with a cheer that just made Sarah shake more. Cynthia turned on the engine and put it in reverse then smiled back at Sarah as she pressed play on the CD and Sarah let out a little groan as the Wiggles CD began to play, “Your favourite” Cynthia cooed as she reversed out the drive and onto the road “I hate these morons, its always on when Im in the car the only music I listen to and its the bloody Wiggles, I have no idea what new songs have come out since this all started, Wow such a gap of knowledge I dont know new TV shows or movies. Hell, I dont even know whats going on in the world, I know an Australian election was coming up before I became this sorry state but I have no idea who is in charge now, for all I know we could be at war now”.

Sarah looked out of the window trying to block out the music that was playing “Im so glad that these windows are tinted, I can see out but nobody can see in thank god I dont know what I would do if I knew that every car that passed us could see me sitting in a babies' car seat dressed like this”. Sarah noticed that her mother was pulling onto the freeway towards the city and she began to panic again “No way, she wouldnt be going to that park, Its so close to the city and its always busy, especially today on such a warm day”. Sarah’s chest got tight as they continued towards the city “We are, we are going there, Im going to the busiest park in the city dressed as a baby” Suddenly Sarah felt pressure on her bladder and without thinking she let go “No no why did I do that?” she looked down at her crotch as she felt the warm urine enter her diaper. Sarah continued to pee, with all the nervous energy that she had been feeling it felt like the entire bottle that she had just moments ago had made its way through her and was now filling her diaper. Sarah’s jaw dropped as she continued to pee “Whats going on? I havent used the diapers like this since the early days of wearing them” finally she finished peeing and she could feel the warmth of her urine surround her then her jaw dropped “I’m going to need to be changed pretty soon or Im going to leak, get my diaper changed in public like a baby? No mother wouldnt do that, would she? No if I do get a diaper change she would take me into the baby changing toilets” Sarah’s chest got tight again “What if theres a line and we are standing there behind people, wait Im not wearing any shoes” she looked down at her naked feet “Mother wouldnt have me walk around with no shoes on, no she is going to carry me, in a line to get my diaper changed wearing mittens and a baby bonnet while my mother carries me” Sarah began to feel light-headed when she noticed the car pull into a parking spot. They had arrived at the park.

Chapter 20

Cynthia had parked the car in a very shaded area, all around them were tall trees which only let a slither of light touch the ground. Sarah didn’t recognise this part of the park which calmed her slightly until her mother got out the car and went to the back and opened the boot, Sarah sat in her car seat shaking with fear of what the morning would bring “I hate going outside, why does she have to do this to me” suddenly her door opened and Sarah couldn’t believe her eyes, she was staring at an adult sized stroller “No, I cant go in that, I just can't” Sarah began to tear up as her mother reached into the car and unbuckled her from the car seat and then lifted her out and to Sarah’s horror placed her inside the infantile device and strapped her in “That’s so baby doesn’t fall out” her mother cooed down to her. The canopy top may have protected her from the little sun there was, but it felt to her like it couldn't have done less to conceal its occupant from any outside gazes. Sarah’s eyes darted around from the confines of the stroller “Good nobody else is parked at this part of the park, I should be ok” As Sarah looked around nervously she saw her sister pushing a copy of her stroller towards her, it was much smaller than the one she was sitting in and so was the baby inside it “Oh great so if they thought I was just a normal baby in a stroller they will see the much smaller one beside me and know that Im not”, Jenn walked up beside Sarah with a big grin on her face that made Sarah feel cold “Awww don’t the babies look adorable” Jenn cooed which Jessica nodded as she stood beside her mother, the two mothers pushed their babies alongside each other down a path towards the park with Jenn walking ahead carrying a picnic basket.

Sarah’s heart was beating a mile a minute as they made their way to open park, the shade of the trees disappeared behind them and the sun felt warm on Sarah’s skin. She could see the green open field in front of her and her heart sank as they carried on walking and she could make out people in the distance “No there are people here, well of course people are here but I wished nobody else was here” Sarah slumped down in the stroller trying to hide her height “Please just stop at the side out of the view from people” she thought as they continued to walk towards the people and more centre of the park. The strollers suddenly stopped and Sarah heard her mother behind her say “Here is perfect” Sarah couldn’t disagree more, they had stopped in the middle of the park with no shade or anywhere that Sarah could hide. Jenn set the picnic basket down and pulled out a large pink blanket which had a plastic cover on one side, she draped it across the grass while Cynthia and Jessica went to work freeing their babies. Sarah looked at her mother with pleading eyes but it did no good as her mother unbuckled the straps and pulled Sarah out of the stroller and placed her on the blanket. She was soon joined by her mini double, Melly who was placed next to her. Cynthia took a step back and looked disappointed then quickly smiled “Oh yeah, I almost forgot” she then went into her pocket and pulled out Sarah’s oversized pacifier, she then sat down on her knees in front of Sarah while holding the pacifier out in front of her, Sarah’s eyes darted around once again as the pacifier made its way towards her mouth “I’m wearing a babies bonnet and mittens, a pacifier isn’t that bad compared to all of that, I guess” she reluctantly opened her mouth and her mother popped the pacifier in, Sarah instinctively began sucking which received a loud “Awww” from the ‘grown ups’. As Sarah sat on the blanket Cynthia, Jessica and Jenn placed all the bags down and pulled out a different blanket from a bag, that blanket was a plain grey one obviously for ‘grown-ups’ which made Sarah feel even more foolish sitting on the bright pink one. Jessica and Cynthia sat down on the blanket while Jenn walked a few steps back, Sarah wondered what she was doing for a moment when she then pulled out her phone, “Family picture” she announced, Cynthia and Jessica smiled and said “Cheese” Sarah turned bright red and stared at the floor “I don’t want any pictures of me dressed like this outside, it was bad enough she took pictures of me yesterday” Jenn returned to the group and showed her mother the picture “Awww look at baby Sarah she looks adorable in this” she handed the phone to Cynthia who nodded “Yep maybe when she is older she will know what a picture is and look at the camera” Jenn and Jessica broke out into laughter as Sarah continued to look at the floor.

Sarah was constantly on edge, she continued to look around and was still glad that only a few other people had turned up and they weren’t sitting anywhere near them but she knew that if they looked hard enough they would see the adult babysitting on the mat. “Here you go baby Sarah” her mother said which caught Sarah’s attention, she turned her head around and saw that her mother had dropped a couple of baby toys between her legs, one was the rattle that she has had since the beginning of her new life and the other was a baby styled phone that she picked up when they had gone shopping. Sarah knew what she was expected to do and as she went to pick up the rattle between her legs her mother's hand came rushing passed. Cynthia’s hand disappeared into Sarah’s pant hole and into her diaper, Sarah’s was in shock at the invasion in such a public area “Oh my baby Sarah you're soaked, you're going to need to be changed before you leak”. Cynthia removed her hand and turned around as Sarah once again began to shake, she looked around but couldn’t see any toilets nearby “No, not back in the pushchair to find a toilet?” she watched her mother turn back towards her and to Sarah’s horror she was holding a changing mat and two fresh diapers in her hands.

Chapter 21

Sarah stared at the diapers in disbelief “Would she really change me out here? No she wouldnt, but she does have the changing mat and diapers ready, No she wouldnt its too public, but babies get diaper changes outside, oh god she is going to do it, she is going to change my diaper in the park” Cynthia placed the changing mat down in front of Sarah and smiled at her adult baby daughter “I know this is different from how we usually do it but you wouldn’t say it here anyway so just slide your wet bum onto the mat baby and it will be over before you know it” Sarah shook “She is right I would usually have to tell her I’m wet to get a diaper change and it doesn’t matter how wet I am I’m not going to say that out here so Im really going to get a public diaper change. With not just Jessica, Jenn and Melly seeing me but anybody that walks passed will get an upfront view of the adult baby getting her diaper changed”.

Her mother patted the changing mat and Sarah knew that if she didn’t move soon she would get punished but she couldn’t move her body was in to much shock “This is the worst day of my life, getting my diaper changed in a park has to be the worst thing to happen to meHer mother sighed and leant forward and grabbed Sarahs ankles and pulled her on to the changing matThere we go naughty bum” Cynthia smiled at her which sent shivers through Sarah, she then lent over and gently pushed Sarah down so she was lying on the changing mat. Sarah tried to ignore the stares she was getting from Jessica and Jenn as she looked up and stared at the clouds wishing that one of them would take her away but instead she felt her mother pull down her denim shorts and to Sarah’s surprise she pulled them off her legs and threw them onto the floor next to Sarah’s diaper bag, Sarah’s chest tightened as her pink frilly bum was exposed to the world, Sarah closed her eyes tight “Im getting nervous that my onesie is clearly on display what am I going to be like when my diaper is” Sarah didn’t have to wait long as Cynthia quickly unpopped the snaps on Sarah’s crotch and revealed the wet diaper to the park “I want to die, my diaper is on show for everyone to see”. Cynthia untapped the first diaper and pulled it down as Sarah’s eyes darted around hoping that nobody was watching and from her view she shouldn’t see anybody which calmed her down slightly as her mother untapped the second diaper and pulled it down, the cold breeze rushed onto Sarah’s groin and it sent a chill through her as she squeezed her eyes closed wishing there were no onlookers “Now my hairless vagina is on show, how is this possible Im a 23-year-old woman that has her vagina out for anyone walking past to see not just that but my sister and my niece have a clear view of my once most private area”. Sarah’s muscles all tightened up at once as she felt the cold damp touch of the baby wipe press against her vagina, she nervously sucked on the pacifier as her mother continued to clean the excess urine off of her diaper area. Sarah lost all perspective, as her mother dropped the wipes into the used diaper, she was certain that every person in the park could see her and could tell that she was far too old to be in need of a diaper change from her mother in the middle of a park.

The change itself was actually quite efficient, but to Sarah, it took an eternity. Her mother's thorough powdering was taking forever in her eyes, and even after she was mercifully taped back in to another thick 24/7 super dry diaper, she wished her mother would hurry up and button her back in to the comparatively less embarrassing baby clothes but she continued to tape the second diaper on her as usual and then mercifully she fastened the onesie together. She then grabbed Sarah’s hands and pulled her up into a sitting position “There we go, baby is all dry” she announced, Sarah blushed as she looked down at her onesie “What about my shorts? I cant sit around in just a pink frilly onesie” she thought as she eyed the shorts on the floor next to her mother. Cynthia followed Sarah’s eyes towards the shorts and to Sarah’s surprise her mother picked them up and placed them into Sarah’s diaper bag with a smile, Sarah stared at her mother in shock “Im in a bright pink onesie, there is no mistaking that a diaper is hiding under it” she felt light-headed as she looked down at her pink bulging crotch.

Chapter 22

Jenn scooted over to the baby blanket and sat next to Sarah, she handed her the rattle with a big smile, Sarah took the rattle with both her mitten hands and looked at Jenn and felt very angry “We are the same height and she is over five years younger than me and here she is handing me a baby rattle to play with and if I dont play with it then mother will make me play with one of the grown-ups. Its bad enough having to play peek-a-boo or wheels on the bus at home but out here with not just the audience of my family but the chance of people seeing me playing such childish games. I would rather try and not bring attention to myself” she began to shake the rattle as she looked down at her pink inflated crotch “Well even though I cant bring any more attention to myself after I just had my wet diaper changed and Im now sitting in a onesie, baby bonnet and mittens. Oh god I had my diaper changed in the middle of a park, what if someone I knew had seen that” Sarah shuddered “If Maisie from work had seen me lying down on the blanket not even putting up a fight as my mother pulled down my diaper exposing her to my hairless vagina I would have probably fainted on the spot.

As Sarah continued to shake the baby rattle with Jenn occasionally praising her for being such a good baby Cynthia opened up the picnic basket and began to hand out sandwiches from it, she gave one to Jessica who thanked her, Cynthia then gave one to Jenn who was still sitting beside Sarah, she smiled as she took it. Jessica then looked over to the baby blanket “Come over here Melly, you can have some of mommy's sandwich” Melly dropped Sarah’s baby phone and got up to her feet and walked over to her mother. Sarah watched on with envy as Jessica pulled off small pieces of the sandwich and handed it to her daughter “I havent had any proper food in so long and there sits Melly enjoying something I cant have because Im considered younger than her” she let out a big sigh as she continued to suck on her pacifier and shake the rattle slowly. She continued to look around nervously and to Sarah’s horror a young couple walked passed her family “I dont think they saw me, too busy looking for a place to sit, I hope” she thought with a relieved sigh but then she heard the woman say “Here will do” and she pulled out a blanket and placed it down just a few feet away from Sarah’s pink blanket. Sarah stared at the pretty red-haired woman, she was wearing white yoga pants and a tight blue top she looked at her partner who was a tall very handsome muscular man, he was wearing surfing shorts and a white tank top that showed off his muscular arms, he brushed his blonde messy hair back with his hand as he said to the red-haired woman “I will get us some ice creams” the red-haired woman smiled as she leaned forward and gave the man a kiss. Sarah couldn’t help but stare at the man as he walked away “Wow” she thought then quickly blushed “And Im dressed as a baby” a tear appeared in her eye. The red-haired woman spun around on the spot for a second judging the sun and then smiled and sat down facing Jenn and Sarah. For a split second their eyes met and Sarah felt her chest tighten as she quickly stared down at the pink blanket “Oh god what is she going to think? Well, she is going to obviously think that Im a giant baby”. Sarah’s rattle shaking slowed as she nervously kept her eyes on the floor when she heard the woman speak up “Hey, I’m Carrie” Sarah didn’t move as she heard “Hey, I’m Jenn” Sarah wanted to scream “Dont talk to her, god dont talk to her”. “Did she lose a bet?” Carrie said with a chuckle, Sarah heard her family laugh as Jenn said “No, she is a baby” she then turned to Sarah “Say hello to the nice lady baby Sarah” Sarah was shaking and she felt light-headed she dropped the rattle onto the blanket and slowly raised her head and gave a little wave with her mitten hand “Kill me now” Sarah thought as Carrie let out a laugh “Well she is a cute baby” Sarah blushed and then she saw the man walking back and she quickly lowered her head again and to Sarah’s disgust she felt a warm stream of urine enter her diaper.

The man sat next to Carrie “Sorry but the shop was closed, power issues or something” Carrie smiled “Not a problem” she then turned her head back to Jenn and Sarah “This is Kyle” Kyle looked over “H Hey” he stammered out as he looked at Sarah sucking on her pacifier. Carrie chuckled “That’s Jenn and Baby Sarah, she didn’t lose a bet, she is actually a baby according to Jenn” Kyle looked confused “Right” he said with some scepticism, Jenn laughed “No it’s true, say hello to Kyle Baby Sarah” Sarah felt like she was going to throw up, her stomach had become very tight and everything felt foggy but she didn’t move, “Don’t be naughty or you will be punished young lady” Cynthia demanded which snapped Sarah out of the fog and nervously she lifted her head up and looked at the attractive man and slowly waved, she opened her mouth but the words wouldn’t come out “I cannot speak baby talk to him, I cant” her eyes darted towards her mother as she began to fold her arms and frown “I have to or she will punish me” she swallowed hard and weakly said “Hewo Kwle” she quickly looked down at the floor as Kyle stared in amazement. Carrie laughed “So who’s her mother?” Jenn pointed towards Cynthia “That’s her mother and she is my grandmother and..” she pointed towards Jess “...She is my mother and my baby sister Melly” Carrie nodded “I see” she said. Jenn picked up the rattle and placed it once again in Sarah’s hands, she slowly began to shake it as she felt Kyle still staring at her “I bet they have hundreds of questions, why cant they ask the main one” she sighed “can we help?” another tear formed in her eye.

Chapter 23

Carrie asked hundreds of questions about Sarah, Sarah tried to zone a lot of them out and concentrate on shaking her rattle, as Carrie continued to ask the questions Sarah suddenly felt her stomach rumble “No way, No I just cant” tears began to roll down her face “Its going to happen I cant fight it anymore as soon as I feel I need to poop I have maybe five minutes till its going to happen, Im going to poop my diaper outside in front of strangers. Even worse in front of Kyle, an attractive young man is going to see me poop”. Carrie finally stopped asking questions and Sarah could hear her talking to Kyle, the rest of her family were on the other blanket talking about Jenn’s school and not paying much attention to her so she gingerly looked up and her eyes widened when she saw that Kyle was pulling off his shirt, Sarah bit her bottom lip as she stared at Kyle’s six pack but then quickly looked back down when she felt another rumble in her stomach “Oh god he is so hot, those muscles and those abs and Im so close to him while sitting in a damp diaper trying not to mess it”. Sarah nervously looked up again and saw Kyle was now lying down on his back away from her on his blanket, trying to soak up the sun's rays. Sarah looked over to Carrie and was surprised to see that she had removed her white yoga pants and blue top and was now wearing a white bikini, she was also lying away from her on her stomach, Sarah instantly felt jealous of her as she stared at her bum in the white bikini bottoms “She gets to wear a bikini, I remember when I used to be proud of my bum, it looked so good and now its always wrapped inside a diaper. Its such a nice day and she gets to be with such an attractive man, she has all the freedoms whereas Im dragged around where ever my family want to take me. I bet she would never be as weak as me and get herself into such a situation, I wish I could trade places with her”.

Sarah was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt it “It’s coming, I either fight it and sit here and fart like I usually do when I try and hold it which will cause everyone to look at me and then mess myself anyway or I help it out and hopefully nobody will notice, hope they don’t notice” she thought as she looked at Kyle and Carrie. Sarah’s hands were shaking as she sat up off her bum slightly and began to push, straight away she began to mess and she felt the familiar feeling of the poop enter her diaper and move around between her bum cheeks, the warmth of the mess made her shudder but she was soon finished. She slowly lowered herself down onto her messy bum and felt the familiar squish of the mess push against her as she sat. Sarah let out a sigh of relief as she looked at her family still talking “Yes they didn’t notice” but then she heard Carrie say “Did you fart Kyle?” Sarah nervously looked over and saw Kyle shake his head as he sat up, Carrie rolled onto her back and sat up “You sure?” she said as she held her hand to her nose, Kyle nodded again and pointed at Sarah “I erm think she needs changing” he said loudly enough so Sarah’s family stopped talking and looked at Sarah. With them staring at her Sarah then came to a horrible thought that she hadn’t even considered “Would she change my messy diaper out here, not with Carrie and Kyle being so close. But she has already changed me outside why not again?” Sarah suddenly felt it hard to breathe as Carrie scoffed “I don’t think she would do that” Cynthia stood up from the blanket and walked over to Sarah “You know I think you might be right” she said and Carrie’s jaw dropped. Sarah had tears in her eyes as her mother sat down beside her and unpopped the snaps on her onesie’s crotch once again, she pulled the front and back of the onesie up revealing the diaper to the shocked-on lookers and lent her forward, Cynthia then pulled the back of the diaper back and took an exaggerated sniff and then said “You sure did a big poopy baby Sarah”.

Sarah crumbled and began to cry loudly, her mother quickly picked her up and cradled her tight against her “Shh Shhh baby girl, mommy is here” Cynthia began to rock back and forth and pat Sarah’s diaper as she usually did which just reminded Sarah that she had a messy diaper in such a public space and continued to cry loudly. “Shh Shh baby girl” Cynthia repeated but Sarah couldn’t stop all the emotions of the day had gotten to her, Cynthia turned to Jessica “I think it’s best we go, Baby Sarah has had a very big day I think she needs a nap” Jessica nodded her head and nudged Jenn to help pack up everything, Jessica placed Melly in her pushchair and Jenn brought over Sarah’s. Sarah was placed into the infantile object and she brought up her mitten hands to wipe away the tears, as she did she saw Jenn and Carrie chatting and then Carrie brought out her phone and then smile but Sarah was too much of a wreak to try and figure out what it was about. Soon the picnic was packed up and Sarah found herself being pushed through the park towards the shaded path, she had settled herself down a lot now that she knew she wasn’t going to get a diaper change and as she continued to quietly cry they arrived at the car.

Her mother opened the door to the car and placed her arms under Sarah’s armpits and lifted her out of the pushchair and placed her the car seat, Cynthia then strapped Sarah in and smiled “You were such a good baby today, I’m so proud of you baby Sarah” she then gave Sarah a kiss on the forehead and closed the car door. By the time the pushchair was placed in the boot of the car again and her mother got into the car Sarah was fast asleep.

Chapter 24

Sarah slowly awoke still sucking on the pacifier as the car pulled into the drive she looked puzzled as her mother stopped the car “When did we get back here? I can't remember falling asleep?” she moved slightly in her seat and felt the mess in her diapers “Oh god I messed myself in public, in front of strangers then cried about it just like a baby” she yawned as her mother took off her seat belt and looked at her adult baby daughter “Awww poor baby, after I change your stinky diaper we will then put you down for another nap, It’s been a very big day for baby” Cynthia then got out of the car “Yes a nap, I need to have some alone time after that, I can’t believe everything that happened” Her mother opened the door and unfasten the restraints and lifted Sarah out of the car. Cynthia had Sarah in a front cuddle with Sarah’s legs tightly wrapped around her mother's waist and Cynthia cradled Sarah’s messy bum with one arm and cuddled her with the other, Sarah was resting her head against her mother's shoulder when they heard a car pull into the drive “Dont turn around, just carry on into the house before any the neighbours see me” to Sarah’s disgust her mother stopped and turned around to see Jessica and Jenn get out of the car, Jenn practically ran up to them and asked “Is the baby tired?” Sarah blushed as Cynthia nodded “Yes she has had a big day after she gets her messy bum changed then she is going to go down for a nap” Jenn giggled and waited with them for Jessica. Jessica had grabbed her daughter who had also fallen asleep and was carrying her in the same position as Sarah was being carried. Jessica walked over to the rest of her family and smiled “Our poor little babies are worn out” Cynthia smiled and handed the door key to Jenn “Go and unlock the door please Jenn” Jenn took the keys and went to the front door. The two mothers walked towards the house together when Jessica asked: “You changing baby Sarah now?” Cynthia nodded “Yes whys that?” Jessica looked down at Melly “She needs changing too” Cynthia smiled “OK we can change our babies together” Sarah’s eyes widened “Im going to get my diaper changed at the same time as Melly gets hers changed, I thought this day couldnt get any worse”.

The mothers walked into the living room carrying their babies when Cynthia turned to Jenn “Can you please put Sarah’s changing mat down in front of the playpen” Jenn began to get the mat when Jessica said “Also put Melly’s down next to Sarah’s” Jenn giggled and nodded and grabbed the mats and placed them next to each other. Sarah was placed down onto her much larger changing mat while Melly was placed onto hers, Jenn then quickly left the room which Sarah was happy about “I dont want her seeing me getting my messy diaper changed” Jessica watched Jenn leave and asked Cynthia “Where is she going?” Cynthia shook her head “Don’t know maybe she has spent too much time around babies” Cynthia giggled as Sarah looked over at Melly who was still fast asleep “I wish I was still asleep, would give anything to sleep through this”. Her mother then looked at Sarah and asked “What did baby Sarah do?” Sarah sighed and turned bright red as Jessica looked at her “Oh god I have to say it in front of her, If I dont I won't be getting out of this diaper for hours” she thought as she looked at her mother and from behind the pacifier said “Me went poopy in me diapee, pweez change baby sawah” Cynthia smiled as Jessica looked shocked at Sarah’s admittance. Suddenly Cynthia unpopped the onesie buttons and opened up the two diapers, both she and Jessica briefly turned away. “Man”, Jessica finally said, “that might be the grossest diaper I've ever seen”. Which caused Sarah to blush, Jessica continued “Hopefully Melly only has to grow up once so I never have to deal with something like that!” Cynthia let out a laugh “Yeah, this isn’t as bad as yesterday though” she laughed again “I got Phoebe to clean her up then, I’m glad I didn’t have to do it, it was everywhere, this isn’t too bad” Sarah looked all around trying to distract herself “Why she has to tell her that Phoebe changed me? What she going to think that I let our youngest sister change my messy diapers” Jessica smiled as Cynthia continued “but she was a little easier to clean up the first time around. But oh well, babies can't help themselves, no matter how big they are. Isn't that right, princess?” Sarah blushed once again as her mother took the first wipe and began to carefully clean the caked-on waste off of her bald crotch. Jessica had begun to change her daughter and as they both laid on the mats with their legs up in the air, and while Sara’s legs were up over her mother's head while Melly’s were only at chest height, there was otherwise no difference in their positions and what was happening to them. Jessica had placed Melly into a fresh diaper while Cynthia was still cleaning up Sarah’s messy bum, she lifted Melly up “I’m going to put her down for a nap” she said Cynthia nodded “Then you going to come back and help me with this one?” Jessica laughed “Nope she is your baby you can handle her messy bum alone” Sarah shuddered “Im glad it's bad enough Im naked from the waist down with poop smeared all over me but to have my sister clean it off me would be too much” Eventually the wiping was finished and Cynthia placed two fresh pink rearz under Sarah’s bum and then gently powdered her and lifted them up, sealing Sarah in until her next change.

Cynthia lifted Sarah up into a sitting position and began to remove the baby bonnet from Sarah’s head, Sarah couldn’t help but smile as the bonnet came away from her head, Cynthia then stood up and said “Arms up baby” Sarah slowly raised her arms and her mother pulled up the onesie leaving Sarah in just her pink diapers. Cynthia smiled down at Sarah “Follow mommy” she cooed and walked out of the room, Sarah got onto her hands and knees and crawled after her mother, they arrived in Sarah’s nursery and Cynthia lifted Sarah into the crib, Sarah looked out at the baby crib and was surprised to see it was empty “I bet Melly gets to sleep in a bed” She sighed as her mother lifted the soft pink blanket over her and gave her a kiss on the forehead “My good baby Sarah, have a nice nap baby” she cooed and lifted up the side and left the room. Sarah yawned again “What a horrible couple of days, first Phoebe placing all those diapers on me, then telling me its because of her Im in this mess and then Jessica and her kids coming over” Sarah rolled onto her side “Then going out dressed as a baby and sitting next to Kyle, the first guy I have seen in person for seven months, he was so good looking and I was dressed as a baby, I cant wait for my boring life to go back to normal” Sarah sighed then she thought she heard something “What was that?” she sat up in her crib as she heard a little movement coming from underneath her “What the hell is that?” she thought then she noticed the light to the baby monitor turn off she weakly said “Hewo?” and then scrunched up her face in embarrassment. She peered over the side of the crib when she saw Jenn’s head appear from under her. Sarah watched on in shocked amazement as Jenn slowly crawled out from under the crib, then Sarah’s eyes widened as she saw wrapped around her waist was a blue super boompa diaper “What? Why?” she thought as Jenn stood up facing Sarah with blushing cheeks. Jenn saw Sarah’s confused look and shrugged her shoulders and whispered “I don’t know, I wanted to try one” Jenn then rubbed the front of it “It isn’t too bad, no wonder you chose this” she softly giggled. Sarah gave her a dagger expression and was about to talk when Jenn bent over and the light of the baby monitor turned back on and Sarah held her tongue as Jenn held her finger up to her lips and smiled Sarah lay stunned “She is wearing a diaper? Its not bad? She obviously hasnt used it, if I cry now mother will come in a catch her” Jenn then bent down again and pulled on a pair of black baggy sweatpants that covered up the diaper, she smiled at Sarah who stared at her “If I cry out now then she will still get caught, I know those diapers, they crinkle loud and she wouldnt be walking normally even with just one on” Jenn turned and slowly began to walk out the room Sarah smiled “Yes get her back, then she will be made to be a baby, just like me” Sarah’s smile left her “I cant I wouldnt wish this on anyone, especially not my niece even if she has been a bitch to me” Jenn slowly opened the door and left the room and Sarah sighed “I could have done it, then at least I wouldnt have been alone in my misery” her head began to pound and she closed her eyes “I hate my baby life


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