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Once again, I'm going to keep things a little bit shorter, this week.

Sweet Affection 0.9.8

I can only describe that past week as being very, very busy.

I managed to finish all the content for M&S (Except the Diary Pages and Room Items, which I'll get to once I finish all the planned Jane content.)

I started working on Jane's content and managed to finish all the art for her level-up event.
But, once I got started on her hourly level 4 events, I felt that something was missing.
Both in the level-up and in some of the hourly events.

So, I reworked some of my plans for her events and started reworking what I already had finished.
And, before I knew it... Jane's content is going to be about 25% bigger/longer than I originally had planned.
Especially her level-up, because that has turned into the biggest level-up I've done for any side character.

It was a very busy week, but now I feel happy with her content and story. :)

I should be able to finish the last of Jane's art, tomorrow.
After which I'll spend about 5/7 days writing all her events.
Not much time left in the month after that, but I'm sure I can finish the rest of the planned content as well.
If anything changes, I'll make sure to mention that, right away. 

As always, if you have any questions or comments.
You can reach us here on Patreon or Discord.

Thank you to everyone that is supporting us.
And, I'll be back with another progress report, next week!

- Naughty Attic Gaming.



Thanks a lot. The hot summer is near, look out yourself! :)


The hot summer is already here^^ Melting faster than my GPU is doing.


The boost to Jane's content sounds Great!