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Normally, I try to add the change log during the last progress report of the month, but because I haven't finished all the work yet and we are still in the process of coding everything, I'm not able to do that, just yet.

I will make a separate post for the change-log on Wednesday.

Sweet Affection 0.9.8

As you probably expect after reading the message above, this is going to be a rather big update.
I'm estimating above the 2.000 images and 80.000 words.

I finished all the M&S events, as well as all of Jane's events.
I also managed to finish all the diary pages for M&S, and am right now working on Jane her diary pages and texts.

The roadmap says "8 Diary pages for Jane"
But, obviously, that is not accurate.
There are going to be well over 30 pages to enjoy.
Pages that you'll be able to unlock through the cheat menu so that not everyone has to replay all her content again.

I can also say definitively that it's not going to be an early release.
It's going to be somewhere on June, 30.
I'll be able to give a more accurate time during my post on Wednesday.

Sweet Affection 0.9.9

Because I'll be taking 2 months for side-characters again after this update, I
have a bit more room in my schedule.
After this update is done, I'll be taking a day or two off before I start work on the next update.
Because, well... I've been working every day of this month again and could use with a day off. : )
(Probably gonna spend those laying in an ice bath somewhere, because summer is not for me.)

I'll be back Wednesday with the change log and on Friday with the download links.
I might add next week's progress report to one of those posts because I don't want to spam you guys with 3 posts in a week. :)

Thank you to everyone that is supporting us.
And, if you have any questions or comments you can reach us here on Patreon or Discord.

- Naughty Attic Gaming



Great, as always. 'The good things make you wait'. Greetings