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Just like last week, I'm going to keep things a little bit shorter.

Sweet Affection 0.9.8

Despite my office turning into a small sauna because Summer has arrived, I still managed to make good progress on the upcoming update.

All the art for M&S their events are done, and I'm currently busy with writing all their events.
Luckily I can the writing outside in the shadows with my laptop where it's a little bit cooler than inside.
I'm hoping to have all the writing for M&S finished in about 2/3 days from now.

At that stage, my focus will turn towards Jane her content.
(And, I'm hoping that the weather has cooled down a little bit by then, so I can sit in my office without slowly melting away.)
I have quite a bit of content planned for her, so I'm estimating that it will take me at least 11/12 days to create and finish it all.

At this stage, nothing to worry about though.
Work is going as planned and if it's going to get even warmer, I'll just change my schedule a bit so that I can work on Sweet Affection during the night when it's nice and cool.

I don't think that an early release is very likely this month, simply because I have so much content planned.
And, I planned an extra round of beta testing because of the new diary pages for Jane.
So, because there is still a lot of work left, I'm going to plan the 0.9.8 Update to be released on June 30, 23:59 (GMT)

Of course, I'm going to try and make sure everything is finished earlier, but this way I won't disappoint anyone if it takes me till the end of the month to finish everything.

The 0.9.7 update will be released for Tier 1 early on Wednesday morning, 14 June. (GMT)

As always, if you have any questions, you can reach me here on Patreon or Discord.
Thank you to everyone that is supporting us.

And, I'll be back with another progress report, next weekend!

- Naughty Attic Gaming



Thanks for the update. I'm really looking forward to both Jane's new content and the first set of side character diary pages!