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Sweet Affection Update 0.9.2

I'm happy to say that I finished creating all the content for the 0.9.2 update, today.

Now, all that is left is for me to do some proofreading, tomorrow.

And, then start coding, Tuesday.

We are hoping to have that finished by Friday so that we can Beta test the 0.9.2 build and take care of a couple of bugs that have been reported to us in the past couple of weeks.

And, we are looking at these release dates, at this moment.

26 December - Tier 3+ 

30 December - Tier 2

4 January - Tier 1

It might be a day earlier if coding and beta testing goes well, but these dates are the latest that you can expect us to release the 0.9.2 build.

Sweet Affection Update 0.9.3

While coding is underway, I'll be starting on Donna & Rose their content, mainly creating their art.

And, I'm hoping to have most of that finished by the time we are going to take a week off.

And, once I'm back from my week off, my plan is to spend a couple more days finishing that before I start work on M&S their planned content.

Next week, the progress report will include the change-log for the 0.9.2 update.

But, as well what am planning for 2023 in terms of content.

So, it most likely will be a long post.

If you have any questions or comments, you can always reach us here on Discord or Patreon.

And, thank you to everyone that is supporting us. :)

I'll be back with another progress report, next week!

- Naughty Attic Gaming


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