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Sweet Affection Update 0.9.2

I'm happy to say that I finished all the art for M&S their planned events, and that I have started writing them, today.

If everything goes smoothly, I should be done with that in about 6 days from now.

Giving me plenty of time to create the diary pages as well and plenty of time for us to code and make sure that everything works properly.

However, even though work is going pretty smoothly, I am noticing that my brain hasn't completely recovered from November's big update.

Working my normal hours (60/70 hours a week) is no issue, but the moment I tried to push beyond that a couple days ago, my brain right away told me no.

So, unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to finish Donna & Rose their content, this month.

My goal now is to have all their art finished, this month.

So, I can finish it up for January's update, and release it together with new M&S content, that month. As shown in ---> This <--- post.

There will still be an update this month, but it will only contain the planned M&S content.

Now, because we are also taking a week off during the end of the year as a team, and because work on this update should be finished in about 2 weeks from now.

We are going to have an early release.

I can't give an exact date yet, but we are aiming for between...

24 - 26 December for Tier 3+

28 - 30 December for Tier 2+

2 - 4 January for Tier 1+

I'll make sure to give everyone an exact date with next week's progress report.

If you have any questions or comments, you can always reach us here on Discord or Patreon.

Thank you to everyone that is supporting us.

And, I'll be back with another progress report, next week!

- Naughty Attic Gaming



Thanks for all the great content this year! I hope you and the team enjoy the down time - it's well-earned!