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First, I'd like to say that this will be the last progress report of the year, and as mentioned in last week's report, this one will be quite a bit longer.

And, the change-log can be found on the bottom of this post.

Sweet Affection 0.9.2

We managed to finish all the work regarding the 0.9.2 update, last Thursday and we've been testing it yesterday and today.

Luckily, we didn't find anything wrong with the new content, but unfortunately, we did run into some issues regarding the spy cams where a couple of bugs have crept into over the past couple of updates.

It took a little bit of work, but we managed to fix those as well.

Right now, I'm in the process of making all the builds and will begin uploading the moment they are done.

And, I'm expecting to release the build for Tier 3 in about 30 - 40 hours from now. (30 December - Tier 2, 4 January - Tier 1)

Sweet Affection 0.9.3

In the meantime, I already started work on Donna & Rose their planned content.

I didn't manage to get as much done as I hoped, but I'm nearly done with the art for Donna her planned events and am confident that I can finish everything in January.

After releasing the 0.9.2 build for Tier 3+, the team will be taking a week off.

And, I'm not going to be able to answer any questions on Patreon or Discord.  (Of course, in case of bugs, I'll be here as soon as possible.)

But, otherwise, I'm planning to be back on January 1st for the week 52 progress report.


As promised in last week's progress report, I would give a bit more detail on my plans for 2023 in terms of Naughty Attic Gaming and game content.

Sweet Affection will continue development as it has always done, but I have decided that I'm also going to look for another addition to the team.

Mainly someone that could help me out with promotion, social media, and helping us grow.

If I can find someone like that, that means that I can focus more time on creating the actual content and possibly even start on Private Community.

If you are interested in joining our team and if you think you could help us, you can always reach me here on Patreon or Discord.

Hopefully, we are also able to take that next step in our financial goals so that I can hire an artist allowing me to finally start the real work on the remake of Private Community.

Until we do, Sweet Affection will continue to be the main focus of our time.

And, this is what I have planned for the first 5 months of the year.

January: M&S + Donna & Rose.

February: M&S + Suzie.

March: M&S + Laura

April: M&S

May: M&S

April and May will only contain M&S content because earlier this week I got a call regarding the renovations in my home that I mentioned in an earlier post. ( You can read that back in  --> This Post <-- 

They are planning to come here on April 24th, and work is planned until at least May 8th.

So, basically cutting a week from both months, making it impossible for me to create a normal update.

In the second half of the year, my goal and plan is to give all 5 side characters that we are focusing on another update (Jane, Sidney, Suzie, Donna & Rose, Laura.)

Accompanied with of course the usual M&S content.

And, in either April or May I'll be giving a more exact date of when people can expect what content.

Now, I think this post has gone long enough for now, and I'll save the last piece of news for next week's progress report.

Before ending this post I also want to say thank you to everyone.

It's been quite the year filled with many challenges along the way, but I'm glad that we as a team have been able to give everyone something to enjoy each month.

And, I'm incredibly thankful for all the support that you have given us.

From financial support here on Patreon to emotional support through messages.

I couldn't have done this without any of you and I'm glad that you have given me the chance to keep creating Sweet Affection and doing what I love.

And, together... we are going to make sure that 2023 is going to be another amazing year!

Stay safe and healthy during the holidays, but most of all, enjoy them!

And, we'll be back with another progress report, next week!

- Naughty Attic Gaming.

Change-log Sweet Affection 0.9.2

M&S Content :       

Home Level 9 M : 07:00 Bathroom    : 222 Images - 01 Animations - 7258 Words

Home Level 9 M : 08:00 Toilet           : 225 Images - 01 Animations - 7461 Words

Home Level 9 S : 07:00 Toilet            : 210 Images - 01 Animations - 6794 Words

Home Level 9 S : 08:00 Bathroom    : 222 Images - 03 Animations - 7713 Words

Diary Pages Level 9 M + S               : 012 Images - 00 Animations - 4723 Words

(07:00, 08:00)

Total                                                : 891 Images - 06 Animations -  33.949 Words 



Thank you for all the hard work throughout 2022. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Cheers to a great 2023!


Thank you for your consistently hard work throughout every year. Wish you guys health and happy holidays!