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Here we go, guys! End of the month update. I put in some extra work to actually bring two route updates, despite what I said last week. Though, I have tried some new things once more. I always like the feedback on that, and I got some great feedback about the last update.Here's some of what we've got!  (And the file attached like normal!)~Day 11 - Spencer! Remember when Spencer asked where you wanted to go on your date? Well, today's that day! I was worried that his day was gonna be shorter than the others, and each individual date might be shorter than say.. Chester or Coach Grifter, but you have 3 different places to check out and a variety of options to choose from on each of those. There is a lot of stuff to read. You'll notice something I tried new in his route. I had been thinking of ways to handle viewing characters on screen when they are talking. Sometimes, it doesn't make sense to see them on screen if they are supposed to be behind you or something, so I dove into portrait images. That was spurred while looking for a solution to other problems.~Day 5 - Dozer! So, normally, I'd work on Coach or Chester, but... Dozer's update was aimed to be somewhat smaller, while the other two are going to be a little bit longer. Since I was running low on time, I went with Dozer for now. His update is more of a standard one, but we're getting to see more of him, and his route is about to focus a lot more on that. Though, his route is also a trial run for how I'm compiling images now. His newest update, I'm using the new method I found to build the character image. Looks like that works out just fine!~Chester! After reading a lot of the input and suggestions I got about Chester's update and the text input screen, I added in some more options for that little bit. I have a total of 51 inputs currently (but some of those are synonyms!), so I wonder what all you guys can find. And thanks to a suggestion from Regonoreth, the case of the letter doesn't matter now, and I've updated it to reflect that. And lastly, I had only a single line of text for when you typed in an incorrect word, and now I've added a few, so it's randomized a bit to break up the monotony.


-Aside from that, I did some tweaking to some codes that allowed players to well... stack up certain variables I had implemented.

- Oh yeah, it was also pointed out... the reason people seemed to have lost their data was because I updated a typo in the directory name, and it kinda thought you were playing something new.  That was my bad, guys.  I had no idea that would happen!

-About Spencer's route. Unfortunately, you will have to restart his route. I tested it through loading saves several times while trying to tweak my variables, but it never worked properly. One or two variables crashed every time. I mean, you can ignore them, but then you miss a chunk of dialogue for it. The only way I got them to work 100% was by starting over from the beginning. Sorry about that!

-And in light of recent events, I'd like to ask that when I post anything that Patron-exclusive, that it not get reposted or shared anywhere without asking for my permission. Honestly, I don't mind the sharing of screens or images from the public demo, since that's out there for everyone (just link back here!), but if it's Patron only, I'd kindly ask to avoid posting it anywhere.

-Thank you to everyone for your support and the comments I've been getting. I really do read it all, and I take everything into consideration. You guys help keep me going! Thank you so much :D

And for my new supporters, some important information!

Keep in mind, if you find in crashes or bugs, let me know! If it crashes, try starting your file over first (fresh start, I know, it can suck!) and see if it crashes again at the same point. If so, snag a screenshot and send it my way! Or, copy the text and send me a message. That always helps me out, as I do miss things from time to time when checking for these errors. And so you don't have to read ALLLLL the text again, don't forget, you can go into Preference and set the Skip Text message to ALL. From there, just hold down CTRL to skip text faster.

If you find a typo, all you have to do is let me know whose route, what day, and the sentence.  I can find it easily from there!   You don't have to go through the trouble of screenshotting that and sending it to me (unless you think it's easier!).

Thanks again to everyone!  And it seems hitting my goal has flooded over... so I'm not worried about that being legit right now.  I hope to bring you guys some really good stuff in the upcoming updates now.



It would appear the leak had a positive effect this time so congrats on the extra support. People really came out to support you. I hope though that people who only wish to get the latest build with no desire to ever support the project take a look at that credits to see the people who cared enough to support the VN/you.


The side images were a good touch for this, and what you did for Spencer's route has me jumping to the skies. Great Job!!

Vic Viper

I adored this update ! I still need to go through Dozer's route but Spencer was awesome all the way through, aside from some words that were misspelled and... well, not complaining but... : <a href="http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/12/86/06/41/sans_t10.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/12/86/06/41/sans_t10.jpg</a> Can he duplicate more often, puuurrretty please ? Glitch is right after picking "Bowling", all I can say after this glitch is this : <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7y0GpR0Ueo&amp;feature=youtu.be&amp;t=43" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7y0GpR0Ueo&amp;feature=youtu.be&amp;t=43</a> Another glitch is this one, it happens during the pool game and picking not to take a photo of Spencer's butt. When it comes to make another choice of game to play, this happens : <a href="http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/12/86/06/41/sans_t11.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/12/86/06/41/sans_t11.jpg</a> "Ignore" makes you go back to the pool table as if nothing happened. Spencer talking about his old relationships and mentioning that one guy who was too much into sex ? HAH ! CALLED IT ! Gotta say though, he's still my favourite, but the more we progress, the more I feel intimidated by him, not that he does that on purpose but Grifter &amp; Chester are more relatable while Spencer looks like an ideal and somehow more adult (or perhaps the word would be more "serious" and less goofy) than the actual adult of this VN. It's probably going to be a tough word but, he's kind of a "Mary-Sue", with my lack of self-confidence I'd personally feel belittled if I had to really date him, despite him being really nice. I did post my two cents on U18Chan and probably got a little overprotective, it's the message which includes yours on Patreon cause I was really afraid it might have affected you in the same way it did to other artists like Gamma-G, glad you went through this phase without many scars. One thing you could do is like CursedMarked when he gives an image pack ; patrons will receive the update by message leading to a Dropbox/Mega/Whatever link, it might alleviate the problem a bit. I admit there's a friend of mine that couldn't afford to pay on Patreon, so I payed a bit more than the usual 5-7$ sometimes (10$) and privately shared with him a link with password on Mega in order to feel like you get both our contributions, only the two of us get the download links via Skype, I'm sure he didn't share. Still, even for one person I feel like giving 5-7$/month isn't enough. I wish I had a job so I could contribute much more easily and at least 10$/month so I could get the image gallery. I'll probably come back when I'll play Dozer's update.


Haha, looks like I forgot to remove an image at some point. I'll go fix that right away. As for the other choice, it's a variable bug, prolly from a continue. I'll double check though, so thanks for letting me know! I can't let something like that effect me too much! It would really hamper my ability to get things done, so I'll take it for what it is and move on. Also, ANY amount of money pledged helps me out, so I appreciate it all!

Vic Viper

Good to know, now for the spellcheck, at least what I noticed. Dozer : "No(t) exactly. We aren't getting to practice now." After the MC says Ches &amp; Darius need to communicate : " But something ha(s) changed regardless." During Spencer's date in the café "Ask about his past realationships." made me laugh, like "FAKAtionships" could exist. There are a couple of stops during Spencer's date in the café after that choice, it's like when somebody has another facial expression coming up, except nothing changes here, were they supposed to be there ? Or maybe that's a moment where previous choices matter. There was a mistake I noticed the first time in Spencer's route, however I can't quite remember what it was, and I haven't been able to encounter it a second time yet, it was a word beginning with "E" and the beginning sounded like "ecat", in any case, when I first read it, it felt like a mistake. Also had an error with Spencer, I loaded 2 days before (I did start from scratch) the date and did the Arcade last : [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/Day11_Spencer.rpy", line 251, in script call File "game/Spencer_Date.rpy", line 83, in script Exception: Sayer 'Che' is not defined. -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "game/Day11_Spencer.rpy", line 251, in script call File "game/Spencer_Date.rpy", line 83, in script File "C:\Users\Utilisateur\Desktop\ExtracurricularActivities-1.20-all\renpy\ast.py", line 583, in execute who = eval_who(self.who, self.who_fast) File "C:\Users\Utilisateur\Desktop\ExtracurricularActivities-1.20-all\renpy\ast.py", line 500, in eval_who raise Exception("Sayer '%s' is not defined." % who.encode("utf-8")) Exception: Sayer 'Che' is not defined. Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Extracurricular Activities 0.0 [/code] Dozer knows how to guilt trip me, Jesus, most of his negative remarks are cold holy shit.


Ah, I just messed up what I use to call Chester's name when he talks x3 Supposed to be Ches! I type Che from time to time, but I'm surprised that didn't show up when I checked everything. Woops x3 Were you able to just ignore past that? The typos are easy enough to handle, thankfully! Thanks for sending that my way. And Dozer... He's not much of one to put up with anyone XD He'll be brutally honest with people and chastise you too.


Actually, Spencer's trying to recruit you to participate in a revolution in South America.


Wow DyneWulf, great update. You really went above and beyond on this one. Felt like i got three dates. My favorite would have to be the cafe date. So calm and relaxing (and romantic, loved it). Though i still have a few side options to play with. It's remarkable you come up with that much writing/work in that amount of time for just one person along with your great artist, CursedMarked. So great work as always.Liked the side image idea you came up with as well, was a clever idea i thought. Suggestion though, decided to play the new build on my laptop opposed to my desktop and found it hard to see the menu options behind white/light backgrounds. Not a big deal though and don't bother if its to much work to change the color. Might even be on my end cause on a bigger screen i can see it fine.


Got the same error message but was able to ignore it just fine. Dealing with another VN i know error messages are common but that's the firsts time i have gotten it in this VN. No big deal if it was just a typo.


Thank you, thank you! I tired making each experience different in some way so it would feel unique and make you want to try them all. I've got some touching up to do with the side images, since it was just a test, but so far, it's been received in a positive light. As for the colors on the menu, I'll certainly be changing all that stuff up to! It's just... low on my priorities right now. I will be taking care of that though!


Love the update so far. Ran into a bug when you're on the date with Spencer at the movie theater, after "Brr... I wish I had brought a jacket with me.":


This update seems full of little bugs, and I missed it!

Vic Viper

The "Che" error isn't a bother, just ignored that and it was aaaaaall right. Really, compared to Blackgate where there are entire chunks of dialogues that can get error messages and you have to skip every 2 sentences (all Gryz's dialogue in 0.46 after Gruff has been poisoned for example, and that's a long one), EA is relatively bug-free in comparison, so long you restart as you previously said. And I laughed way too hard at your comment, Rego.


Great update, but why did reduce the textbox size(or is that a glitch) It kinda makes reading the text a but awkward IMO. Also you should make the options that are on the lower right hand side of the text box more visible, i'm pretty sure alot of people have trouble finding them. Also i noticed that songs don't play on certain routes(Or is that just me).


I adjusted the text box size to accommodate the side-images of certain characters. The options, I can tweak though! But, you can also right click to access all those menus ;D And it's not just you. Music is still something I'm tinkering with, so it's only in certain parts.


Just glad i can leave some feed back to help you improve the game. :D


It's always helpful! The more feedback I get, the better ;3


This update was interesting. Seems like you have a few options going forward with Spencer now, even though all the dates ended in largely the same way, what happened in between could lead to a lot of potential outcomes and possibly even a bad ending (if you had any inclination of including those). Dozer is getting more interesting too, should be fun to see where his route goes.


did spencer route, i loved it very much. but I liked all the routes. i liked chester's very much as well. Great Job on the writing ! cant wait for more!


Well... he's already got the "Well, nobody likes me" ending on Day 3. (Though I'm still lobbying for that to be replaced with a dream where the MC is a contestant on The Dating Game, choosing among five mystery bachelors. Convenienently, DW already has a bunch of questions to the characters courtesy of his tumblr...)


Amazing work man, the park scene with Spencer gave me butterflies. (': Can't wait for more!


True, I was thinking specifically if Spence finds out about the shenanigans Darius was involved in without the MC telling him that it might be a deal breaker for him. And the dating game idea sounds like awesome, I support this 100%.


Glad to hear it! If you feel anything like that, it lets me know I must be doing something right.


Thanks! I really look forward to bring you all more stuff :3


Dude, love your work. Grifter, Chester, and Spence are faves. Although the whole Chester dream had me rofl XD


Haha, thanks ;D Blame CM for that dream. He drew the outfit for some odd reason, and I rolled with it.


&gt; Spencer talking about his old relationships and mentioning that one guy who was too much into sex ? HAH ! CALLED IT ! At least on the world of Spencer's Path, I really, really doubt this is Darius. More likely is someone he met at DS. - On his own path, Spence isn't really antagonistic to Darius at all--more just coolly dismissive. If they'd dated at all then I'd expect something a bit more bitter or betrayed or at least annoyed... like how Spence acts on Darius's Path. Especially since Spence admits to having been into the guy. - Related to that, Darius himself talks as if he has never had any chance at all with Spencer, which also doesn't match if Spence was into him and went on a date at one point. - ...honestly, at this point I can't really see Darius bothering with a date to begin with. A straight-up proposition seems more his style.


I keep getting an error message on day 10 with coach for the shower scene. It's not letting me progress


What's the error message? You can copy it and send it to me in a message. As well, if you are continuing an old file (say after the demo), try starting a fresh file.


Starting a new file seemed to do the trick, thanks.