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Let's see who the favorite seems to be ;3



I'm really torn. I like Coach bc he's hot and he's a sweetie and his story is nice. Chester is super interesting and seems to be a great guy. Spencer is also really interesting and I enjoy his story. Decisions, decisions...


I already voted, but I couldn't exactly decide. Coach Grifter is hot and the story behind him makes me want to support him as best as I can. Chester is almost the same, since he was betrayed, plus his cute otaku charm. And Spencer is the only one that the MC has had the longest connection to and who cares about him. I had to chose one, but really decide.


Also Dozer is thoughtful, but his stoic personality doesn't say a lot about him until Day 5, and Darius being a deviant makes it easy to like him, but hard to be in a relationship with him. But his job makes it interesting.


I'm crushing quite hard on both Chester and Spencer. Although Spencer takes the cake for me with that scene at his job. >.>


Spencer and Coach are tied for me. They're both way too cute for their own good and have very interesting stories behind them. I ended up choosing Coach because of how much the MC means to him. That alone makes me want to see him succeed and be happy.


I've liked both Coach and Chester maybe because of their most "complex" history, so far. But I like Spencer and hope to have some "fun" with him. Darius, I don't trust him yet, and Dozer, i don't know what to say. But I can say the game is awsome, keep the good job and, if you have time, put some real fun in the game.


Coach Grifter forever!


God seriously Darius gets a bad rep :T


Chester is Love, Chester is Life! But i really like Harold to. He fits my fantasy's perfectly. I just hope MC calls him Daddy.




Thanks! There will be something fun coming up soon with a few routes!


Maybe cause of how he acts, but we'll be seeing more about in soon enough.


Chester is my personal favorite right now, but as I write these guys, I tend to jump between who I like most at the time XD

BadTech Games

Spencer, from the very moment I laid eyes on him


Spencer 100% and the latest update just made it FAR worse.....


Chester >>> Spencer > Dozer. Coach is... he's a great guy, but definitely the "hang out" type rather than the boyfriend type for me. Dozer I feel like I'll like more as he gets more screen time.


Coach Grifter with Spencer in very close second.


I think people will like Dozer more when I get to show more to him ;3


I absolutely adore Chester. He's got such a dynamic quality and huge potential.


Aaaahhh... Tough decisions, but my heart goes to Spencer


grifter hands down, chester follows very close behind in second, spencer and dozer are also very close behind in a tie for 3rd place. i like darius and his story but i'm just not that into him, on top of him competing with the non-mains like tai, bam and that one tiger dude, sorry :T


Grifter and chester are my top tier cutie pies. I find their routes the most intriguing(especially chester, geez the crap he went through. Glad Andew had his back and help him recover). Spencer's route is great but not as intriguing as the two i listed so he's second. Dozer is well...nice. He doesn't have much going on for his route so far but he's likable. Darius is a total fuccboi and i want nothing to do with him.


Lol, I love Chester so much because it's like that "We know we want it but we're totally not going to do it yet even though we really want to" type deal, and it's just really fun. Grifter hit close to home cause I myself am the same way with depression. Just sleep for days and block the world out. He's my close second though, tied with Spencer


*mashes button for Spencer* Chester comes in a close second~~ but I think I relate with him too much xD

Vic Viper

Of course I'd vote Spencer (what do YOU think ?), however I gotta say that Chester is a close second, and I'm pretty sure the people voting for Spencer or Coach have Chester as a close second as well. Coach has my sympathy and I follow his route because I know he deserves better, but I'll admit that I'm not really crushing on him as much as really liking him platonically. He's way too fun to overlook, much like Chester. Spencer a little less cause I wouldn't know how to tease well, but the banters and jabs at the arcade are just fucking priceless. Darius was initially third in my crush-list due to being super hot and his route showcases him being not bad at all, but with what Spencer hinted during his multiple dates, I have to step him down cause I'm really afraid it might lead to a strictly sexual relationship. Plus, saying you're a "romantic guy" during his conversations seem to be a turn-off for him. Dozer is last for this reason : he's like... me (DUN DUN DUN, like really, IRL) when I was between 10 & 17 years old, minus the geek part I have in common with Chester. Too serious, chastising people (though I was nowhere that extreme), seemingly uninterested with socializing, doesn't ask for help easily by fear of depending on someone (at least that's the feeling I got despite for the maths, you still gotta hang out enough with him so he can ask for help), and probably too shy. Not someone very fun at parties. I don't hate him at all, but seeing him like my younger self is a real turn-off, hence why he's last on my crush-list (but I'd most likely rather have him as a friend than Darius). I'll probably like him more when updates will be done and he'll get more character development, but as of right now now, he's the one I'm least interested into, despite having good intentions and a great career path.


Spencer, without a doubt. Everything about him is perfect, plus he's a wolf! ... or some sort of canine, anyway


Spencer's route hits really close to home... ;-; Makes me really miss my boyfriend now... I'M NOT CRYING! Dx


Spencer, because of the rich story he has already, his pretty artwork and expressions and all the cute situations in his route. He's a bit conservative, though. It's nice of him to take care of the somewhat spineless main character like he is. I like Darius a lot too - he's going to turn out to be something compeltely different than he seems. Sweet and vulnerable? Maybe his hand will tremble the first time he touches you on a date? What is he going to look like on the inside of his shell? I really look forward to finding out! Also, his physical build is the most appealing. Chester is really cute too.


the graph seems to be somewhat proportional to the amount of sexy moments throughout each route; darius is flirty af but actual sexually charged moments are nonexistent, chester's route has been mostly nonsexual except for a few intimate moments, you literally see spencer strip and poledance and see a lot of intimacy but that doesn't compare to the monumental amount of sexual tension coach's route has, not even including the moments where darius acts sexual towards you to get coach riled up. dozer, meanwhile, has been the dictionary definition of platonic; through no fault of him or dynewulf since his character just naturally has a relationship progress more slowly, but it really has not been sexual at all (even if dozer is very sexy).


definitely Spencer. He's is just all sorts of sexy, but he has a sensitive side. He's the one that you've know the longest so their's already a deep connection and he's always trying to make you a better person.

Hyou Vizer

son of a bitch......umm hard choice between harold or chester hmm


Gotta make those side-characters take off their clothes! x3


Chester is in the running with a lot of people. He's too cute to pass up! Dozer has his reasons! And we'll see more about him soon, I hope~ I look forward to showing him off a bit more myself. It's just getting to that point.


Darius certainly has more to him than what he shows off, but what could it be?!


That's for sure. There's not much in it for him just yet~ Yeeeeet!


It was hard for me to decide between Spencer and Coach Grifter but ultimately went with the Coach cause I like my bears.


Harold, tough choice with Spencers recent update too. It's obviously not just because they're the most developed characters for the time being, heavens no.


Side note: after taking a minute to read all of these latest comments (Even though its not my duty). I've taken a toll of how many warmly relatable opinions versus purely factual data there are. Rhetorics aside, this is still in development and the feedback is an interesting perspective change to see who likes who more based off, any perks and quirks the character has. Summed up Dyne. Excellent update, especially following it up with a poll too


I can not choose! D= I love everyone!


I hope once I get to develop the others some more, there will be love for them too ;3


I love seeing all the different reasons and views people have, cause yeah, it gives me some great insight as to what people like and what I'm doing right ;3


Eh, honestly I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm crushing on any of them, but I voted for Darius simply because out of everyone he is the one I could most easily get along with.


Tied now!!


Aw that's not fair. I do like Spencer, even more after seeing Darius days, but him, Coach and Chester had much more days to show off. Dozer is slowing conquering me. He and Darius at least had the iniciative on the player, even if not for those reasons. I would like to see another pool like that when all 5 have almost the same number of days avaliable.


Having a hard time at the moment between Coach and Spencer... But at the moment, I'll have to go with Spencer.


Coach Grifter. He's Broken! I have to Fix him!


spencer pulled ahead of grifter?! nooooooooo-but i can totally understand, after thinking about it more i'm honestly surprised he managed to hold a lead for as long as he did considering spencer is a cutie patoot on top of being a stripper and certified best friend


The polls have been back and forth between those two!


I can see it, cause I play spencer route the other day and i enjoy very much! I thought dozier would of got more. But I also liked every one lol. each character has something different and much like us we have different moods and likes at varing times. So Keep up the good work DyneWulf! You got me enthralled with all the characters and story lines!


Yay Spencer is in the lead now ^_^

Husky Lee

I don't like Spencer, he is not my type, but yeah, he is a good man. My type is Coach, Chester and Dozer. Especially Coach Grfiter!


Dozer is blunt and serious and probably stubborn. Like, I can agree with his priorities and goals easily, and he's a good guy, and takes some types of advice well, but... he's kind of a rock in attitude as well as form. Maybe he'll soften a bit later?

BadTech Games

*Cheers* Go Spence, you can own this thing! XD


got to say coach and spencer both really deserve their top spots. But coach should be number one in my opinion. speaking of which how is his book coming along. Its a really great side story and could even be its own novel with how your doing it!


HEhe, well, it is just a poll for who people like the most right now ;3


And Spencer takes the lead!! Number one in many things after all :3


Just my opinion but seems like it would be hard to validate the accuracy of the poll when at this point the total votes exceed the number of active paterons by over 200. It doesn't make much difference to me one way or the other, but seeing how this is just an informal opinion poll anyway what benefit there is to manipulating the results is beyond me.


how would you even manipulate the results? If I go back it doesn't even have the option to vote again, even if I reboot (i just tried to test it).


TBH I was sitting here like I am a furry but I will NEVER support anyone on patreon DyneWulf is changing me...I just spent 900$ on video games. (I know not a smart idea but SCREW BILLS, plus my next check is in a week :P) I wish I didnt so I can support this I'm Really attached to this. I should get into visual novels more I mean this made me create a patreon account. :3


Well, I'm glad you liked what you've gotten to play so far, and it led you to this conclusion XD Thanks for checking it out!


This game has me so immersed. I want to be this character so badly. I just want to be able to play the whole game and when that happens it will be a binge play for hours and hours.


I'm hoping there are hours and hours and hours to be found playing ;3


poor dozer lol but im not feeling him either i agree with the poll coach was the reason i started the game and liked the rest. tho i havent gave him a chance dozer tho he is a turtle :>/ blah ill play him now and see. ;)


I've played the demo like ten times in the last two days and I love Chester he's so cute and great backstory I loved is moments good and bad ones and I also love Dozer im curious to what is in store for him and me lol I keep thinking about the evening he has planned outside picnic? Darius is naughty but in a great way can't wait for more of him and form the pic that he sent but didn't show made me want more and spencer awwww omg he's storyline made me giggle so much and act like a high school girl it's was so cute and hot and then their was coach was good wasn't expecting his backstory and I like it wasn't something u would expect in these kind of story and it made me get into is story even more and want to be there for him. As for my favs Chester and Dozer are mine. All in all fantastic job I hope to see and have the finished product. Can't wait for the next update 😜


Thanks a lot! Really glad to see that you've enjoyed them all in their own way. I certainly can't wait to bring you more!