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Did I call it? Is this Kendrick signaling to the world that he's done?

Direct Play Link: https://iframe.mediadelivery.net/play/27377/6937d448-2f29-4174-84a1-1e6922d760f2


Kendrick - Morale and Big Steppers.mp4



do you feel about the n word the same as the f word


"Fiber that makes the texture of society" Fuck you, Bob. That's a great line.

Tyler Scott

After about 7-8 full listens, this is definitely my fav album of his and i do agree, i think it is his last and he really just bared all.


Hi, when is the additional thoughts? Is it a livestream?


Glad you started your Hiphop journey just in time to build up some hype for King Kenny and this album. It's a masterpiece to me and I think you feel the same way. Music is crazy sometimes :)


He normally does them on Wednesday. Not a livestream :)


Would be dope if it was on twitch. Sometimes it takes a community to decipher. He does a great job anyhow.


Bob I admire you for being so open with your feelings and not being scared to show to the world your emotions. Also I teared up a little bit on Mother I Sober too, so definitely don't feel dumb about crying man. I wish more people were as honest with themselves as you.


Dude I cannot wait for you to hear ZUU

Gerardo Rojas

Great reaction to this album! One thing you always try to do is pick up breadcrumbs that Kendrick puts out and you do a really good job of it. Like how you compared You & Mother I Sober because I had the same thought. Like you said before, it's surprising what people are focusing on. I laughed at people calling it mid or saying it's not great, all weekend I was saying... No way this is anything other than greatness lol but what are you going to do? I think a ton of people are skipping the full message Kendrick is trying to convey and just saying what they like or don't like. Don't worry through, believe it or not a very similar thing happened when he released TPAB & DAMN, and look how those albums are regarded now. I think I'm a lot like you you, I listen with open ears for the message the artists are tying to convey with an Album. I truly related to this album from the beginning as I had a similar journey with therapy in the past, minus the fame money and being in the public eye lol but the feelings and pain are extremely relatable. You are right about one thing for sure, that last song was a breath of fresh air I think for Kendrick. It was a declaration of independence not only from the industry, and the public, but also from his own burdens. Like you have said, he beats himself up a lot but I think this whole project was a release for him. Thank you for all the work you do and never worry about the emotions, I was right there crying with you while Mirror was playing.


I'm glad I had time too. If I were still fresh on this journey, a lot of this would have gone over my head


It is kinda wild to be here in the moment and see people not really understanding what this album is doing. But, people listen to music for different reasons and anyone looking for something to dance to isn't gonna click with this too much.

Gerardo Rojas

Very wild for sure, and yes they do they do. Time will tell though I think, and with Kendrick's catalogue no album is bad. It's only great albums compared against classic albums if that makes sense.

Jackson Mayhew

I listened to the album a few times this week before getting to your reaction. Every time I heard that final track I thought of you and how happy you are going to be for Kendrick. Did not disappoint.

Joshua Brice

Guilt is such an easy trip to start. I agree Kendrick shouldn't have to apologize for not being a savior. And you shouldn't apologize for having feelings.

Joshua Brice

There's so much truth in that track. Well, the whole album, but Mother I Sober definitely rings with me.

Rasha Rahman

I hope you can take in what he says at the end of Aunties Diaries in which he learned that words have more meaning than just sound. Its not just about censorship, in a world with or without censorship this would still be an issue. Its learning empathy and compassion for human beings and realizing certain words are just really emotionally charged so its better to stay away from them. Other words like slurs are also attached to hate crimes. If you are using the F slur in a non homophobic way it just doesnt make sense why you cant use any other non slur to put your point across.