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Hey all,

Tomorrow, Friday the 12th beginning at 7pm CT (8pm Eastern) there'll be a live chat at the Lackadaisy Discord.  I'll be taking questions, talking about the comic and some upcoming stuff.

This one'll be a little different as I'll be chatting with you from an audio channel instead of typing at you.  You can leave questions for me in the #lackachat channel if you can't make it and would like me to answer something for you.  We'll record the session as well, in case anyone wants to listen in later.

Anyway, if you can make it, you're more than welcome, and I'd love to see you there!


For any new Patrons unfamiliar with the Discord, it's our very own chat server!
You can join anytime and come and go as you please, share your art and shoot the breeze. You can also connect your Patreon and Discord accounts for access to additional channels and permissions.
Here are instructions for doing so (it's easy).




I just want to say how glad I am that you did this. :) I think I heard you're laying off cons for the rest of this year, and I definitely missed you at AC, but I hope I'll get to hang out with you again soon!