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Okay, here's that comic update (many of you had a preview of the top portion). Pardon the excessive size. I felt it best from a storytelling standpoint to treat this as one piece. I do apologize if it that poses a technical problem, though, if you're trying to view this on a mobile device.

It's here on the web site too, though, and I will shortly put up a mobile-friendly version at Webtoon. 


A note about the photo slipping through the floor:
In homes built in  earlier periods, floorboards and joists would be the only thing dividing  your living space and cellar, whereas modern houses are typically built with subfloors. Usually, even in older homes, the floorboards would be jointed together edgewise (shiplapping or tongue and groove) to minimize the formation of gaps. Some earlier styles of flooring simply involved  floating boards flush against each other and nailing them down, though.  After some wear and tear and foundation settling, one can end up with some unwanted openings into the underworld.



Stephanie Conlon

Is he killing himself? Like drinking poison?


No. Any kind of potentially dangerous medicine bottle would have a poison tag or a skull and crossbones on it as a warning back in the day, before safety caps and Surgeon General warnings. He's not poisoning himself with poison, but perhaps being a bit liberal with the dosage.

Stephanie Conlon

Thank you for responding and clearing that up!👍