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Many thanks to Non Newtonian for moderating and recording the chat session!

The audio cuts out a bit in places. I do apologize for that. This was a first attempt at a Discord-based voice chat and there are some kinks to iron out. Next time, I'll use the 'push to speak' method to try to mitigate that issue.  That aside, I think it went well. Speaking for myself at least, I had a great time! Thank you to everyone who came to ask questions or just to listen!  

 Below are text responses to additional questions I didn't get to during the audio chat.


Auxiliary Q&A

To which extent, if at all, were you inspired by actual gang activity in Prohibition-era St. Louis? Did you mean to draw any real life parallels with the groups or events you portray or allude to in the comic?

Partly...somewhat. I tried not to draw any direct correlation between specific people and events from history, but there are certainly elements of the story inspired by such things.  Readers comment frequently on the degree of 'crazy' in Rocky's hijinks, but that barely scrapes the surface when it comes to outlandish things gangsters really did to try to maintain a tenuous, regional grip on business and power. There are a lot of very eccentric characters to be found in the annals of gangster lore too. Truth is stranger than fiction, after all.

Probably Egan's Rats were the best known of the St. Louis gangs, but their heyday came mostly before the 1920s, at times feuding with the Bottoms gang. These gangs gave way to predominantly Sicilian groups like the  Green Ones, the Pillow Gang and Russo Gang. There's some pretty amusing stories about their multitudinous conflicts, including a tit-for-tat dynamite battle. Supposedly, the Pillow Gang was so named because its boss had been shot in the rear at one point and thereafter carried around a pillow to sit on.

Hired hands would be shuffled around at times between gangs. There are stories, for instance, of Jack McGurn from the Chicago Outfit being on loan to St. Louis to carry out some work. There's a little bit of that sort of thing reflected in Atlas kind of lending Viktor to the Arbogasts for a little while.

There's a bit of the Birger and Shelton gangs at play too (although I won't say too much about it). They were southern Illinois-based bootleggers known for souping up their engines and armoring their vehicles to withstand gunfire.


Ajani Goldmane
I have a demand for Lackatracy - Please stop making me FEEL THINGS. All of these damn cats consume my thoughts.

<stifling maniacal cackle>  Oh...right.  Sorry. Sorry about that!

Really, though, if you feel anything for them, I'm thrilled to know it. (Also, sorry.)


Norville Rogers
If you could choose any voice actors to voice any of the characters, who would you choose? Also, would you be willing to voice one of them? (If so a demonstration would be very appreciated)

This question comes up a lot, and it's a good one, but I'm afraid I don't have good answers to match. I could describe what each character sounds like to me with adjectives, but I just don't keep up with who's who in the voice acting world.  I mean, I know of Tara Strong, Kristen Schaal and Mark Hamill, but that's about the extent of it.  I love hearing what others think, though, and what other people hear in their minds when the characters talk. I'll go out of my way to look up names based on suggestions, but I don't really have any non-snarky answers to this one.

...and I can't act. I can't voice act either. I can play out in my head and transcribe to paper a character's acting with some success, perhaps - but I can't do it myself as a performer. I'm too inhibited. I have no skill for regulating vocal tone or pitch. I can't do accents to save my life. Haha - you wouldn't want to have to hear me try.


Hi Tracy! If it's possible to pin down, may I ask what are some tips you know to streamline one's drawing/sketching process to the speed you have it at? I'm horribly slow at it.

I'm probably on the slower end of the spectrum myself, honestly, but the best thing I can probably suggest is to draw a lot. As with anything, with practice you'll get more proficient - you'll hesitate less and require fewer attempts to get it right. Don't be precious about it either. Don't even worry about being neat in the initial stages of a drawing. Sketch with a pen or a non-photo blue colored pencil if you're spending too much time erasing and rejiggering. Lay another sheet of paper on top (or layer, if you're working digitally) and do a cleaner version afterward, but get the foundation down without a whole lot of fuss.

Listening to music might help too. I slip into a rhythm that way, tuning out the background noise and distraction, so that the drawing seems to go more smoothly. I can't emphasize enough having a comfortable space to work in as well.


Exactly how involved was Mitzi in the more gnarly, stereotypically gangster-ish aspects of the business while Atlas was still alive? She seems out of her depth now, but not entirely unfamiliar with the way things are supposed to run for a bootlegging operation.

Not very. She was more involved in the surface facets of business - the more genial side where you might meet a potential associate over dinner or something. She can schmooze. She can be very charming, and you might say that's what Atlas saw as 'useful' about her. So, she was involved with that, but she wasn't  hands-on when it came time to drive someone out into a remote field to bludgeon them with a shovel. She'd be peripherally aware of those incidents - someone vanished, something bad went down - but she'd know better than to ask too many questions. She was a musician, a performer and the sort of ornamental accompaniment - like a corsage worn on the wrist. The hand that wrist is attached to is going to punch someone's teeth out later, but for now, with the flower on, it looks nice and agreeable and like it has a place in polite society.

So, yes, she is very out of her element now. She went to lunch with Asa expecting that same sort of congenial exchange she'd been accustomed to.  She thought she could just talk it out, perhaps, with Rocky and Freckle along to demonstrate that she's not utterly toothless, but she found herself being treated differently than she had experienced in the past. That niceness was just the veneer...so, she's got to learn how to maneuver in that meaner, more honest side of that world if she's going to manage to stay afloat.


Can Rocky actually sing at all? Does he dabble in it any, or are his vocal cords reserved solely for lengthy paroxysms of impromptu rhyming?

There's plenty he's explicitly not good at, but he's a pretty good singer and fiddle player. He's not not very disciplined or polished - maybe a little rough around the edges - but he's got music in his soul. The semi-improvisational nature of jazz probably suits him well too. 


Hi Tracy!! So, what do you think about Mordecai being one of the biggest fan favorites? How many cats do you have at this moment, and how are they doing?

I wasn't really expecting it, although I guess in retrospect, it's not entirely surprising that a composed killer in a sort of villain role (even if you'd argue he's not nearly as composed as he appears) would be one of the more popular characters.  Maybe I've encouraged it because I make fun of him a lot...I don't know. I can't help it. He's makes himself an easy target because he takes himself much too seriously.

Anyway, if anyone deems any of the characters worthy of more than a passing thought...well, I'm thrilled.

I have 6 indoor cats, and I presently take care of 3 feral neighborhood cats who've become regular visitors. I've done TNR with them and I feed them and I put shelters and fresh water out for them. I spend more on cat food than on food for myself at this juncture.  They seem to be doing well, though, and so it's worth it.


Lackadaisy Quirky Word
How many hours of history research go into these comics? Also, what’s your favorite era in history?

Many hours.  How much I have to do in direct relation to a given chapter or page depends on the content. Some things require me to dig deeper than others.

My favorite era is..the 1920s?

I like the 1910s too, really. Basically anything from the Civil War up until the mid-20th century is of interest.  It's seems simultaneously distant and near, remote and mysterious but relatable.  I enjoy learning about almost any point in history, though.


Lackadaisy Quirky Word
What music do you listen to? Favorite song? Singer? Band? Album? I myself am a classic rock gal qwq

I can find things to like in almost any genre. Admittedly I don't listen to much in the way of modern country or rap, though.

Simon and Garfunkel are perennial favorites. I can enjoy them anytime.  Pink Floyd, Loreena McKennitt, Vanessa Mae, Fleet Foxes, Lord Huron. This sounding quite vanilla. Uh oh. I like some slightly less mainstream stuff  too - Diablo Swing Orchestra, Caravan Palace, Parov Stelar, and, of course, the Squirrel Nut Zippers.

Ghost Towns by Radical Face is one of my favorite songs, I guess...but that shifts with my mood. Sometimes something just hits the right chords for whatever you're feeling at the moment and in the moment, that's the best song.


Lackadaisy Quirky Word
What are the best and worst parts of what you do?

The best is the satisfaction of getting a story out there, even if it's deathly, frustratingly slow, and piecemeal. It's been in my head so long, letting it manifest feels necessary or even urgent at times. When others tell me the content has meant something to them, that's an amazing feeling too.

Also fun: drawing expressions.

The worst is the anxiety and haunting self doubt -  the terror of putting something so personal out there for other people to look at it and scrutinize and criticize, and the worry that I'll ultimately disappoint anyone who became invested. There's that internal, unrelenting, nagging, hypercritical voice that says what I'm doing is meaningless, poorly constructed, hopelessly flawed, ponderous and stupid. Sometimes it's something I can ignore. Sometimes it's not.

That's the true villain of the piece I suppose - my own disagreeable brain. I'd slap it, but I might forget something important.


Do you have any tips for someone who is starting a webcomic? I can imagine that working on a large project will sometimes make you feel like "ugh not now". I was wondering how you handle this? I hope it's not a rude question to ask! 

Tips for Starting A Webcomic

Chapter 1:


Just kidding! ....Sort of. Heh.

It's a lot to take on, is all - a much bigger investment than you might anticipate. It'll be different for everyone, though. If you're wanting to tackle an episodic story, keep the scope well in check. It'll all take 5x longer and 10x more work than even your most generous estimation. It'll feel daunting too. Don't let that discourage you - just take it one small step at a time. If staring out at the vast workscape ahead makes you want to collapse into a heap on the floor and cry, just focus on getting one single panel done instead, or one single page thumbnailed  Don't worry about the entirety of it all at once.

That said, you'll have to exercise some self-discipline. Sometimes you'll be anxious to get down to work, sometimes it takes willpower. Eventually it becomes habitual, though, so it feels weird and uncomfortable if you're not working on it in some capacity.  Remember to keep it fun for yourself. Make it about things that are of long term, indulgent interest to you.Treat yourself along the way, reward yourself for small milestones.  When it's too much and you're tied up in a knot, take a walk or read some other comics.

It's a little bit of a psychological game you have to engage yourself in - carrot and stick - keep yourself plodding ever forward.


Lackadaisy Quirky Word
Which character are you most like?

I don't know. Intrinsically, the author is in the work...you can't so fully detach as to write something exterior to yourself. I don't think I have a strong counterpart here, though. 


Hey Tracy, I have another question and once again I hope it's not rude to ask! I, as well as many other artists I believe, am constantly looking for feedback on my work. Mainly because I want to improve. I've seen some artists offer critique on their patrons artwork. I was wondering if it's something you'd like to do? I honestly would love it if I could get feedback from you! 

Also, I'd love to send you some gifts and stroopwafels (Dutch syrup waffles) one day, if that's okay with you. Stroopwafels have become a bit of a joke on the server but I'm dying to know what Rocky would think of them..!

It's not rude at all! I appreciate your interest, and it's great in general that you want to seek out feedback.  Is that something you'd like to see a specific Patreon tier for?  What sort of interaction would you want?  Redline drawings and notes for submitted pieces? Some one-on-one conversation time?  Let me know what you're thinking and I'll consider whether I can weave that into the Patreon somehow.

Stroopwafels, you say?  Hmmm...consider me intrigued.


Apologetic Predsu
Hey Tracy! I don't particularly have a question for you specifically in mind right now! I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am for you being an artistic inspiration to me, and creating such a wonderful comic that has allowed me to meet so many wonderful people, and brought us all together. I probably won't be able to stay up for Lackachat unfortunately due to the time zone difference, but I wanted to express my gratitude. Thank you, Tracy!

Hey, thank you. That's awfully kind. Much of that gratitude is owed to Non Newtonian, really. I draw the comic, but the Discord and the setup work was all him. 

Anyway, in terms of the quality of the readership and community members here, I feel like I won the lottery.  It's a pleasure to have you here!


Lackadaisy Quirky Word
Why did you choose for Lackadaisy to be told with cat characters and not human ones?

Cats make natural gangsters.


will we ever find out how exactly Wes got that scar on his snout?

I didn't have a specific story for it...it's just an indicator of a lifetime's worth of violent little scuffles and struggles.  He probably wallowed on the more humiliating end of those engagements for a long time before he made any progress in life (or 'progress' as he would define it). He's earned his little marigold boutonnierer status symbol now, but there's some insecurity there, as if a mild ribbing threatens to downgrade him. Fish and his self-depricating humor are a target of resentment - a perceived drag on his hard-earned ascent.


also can i please hug him at least once

Sure. I'm sure on some level he could use it. I can't imagine he was a kid who got a lot of hugs.


Kat plays kazoo
if we huggin, may i hold mordecais hand for an hour plus 23?
for science,

You could try...but I wouldn't recommend it unless you've incapacitated him first.


Hey Tracy! Do you have more fun drawing full on hair or "hair" tufts?

I like drawing both - messy tufts and the painstakingly crafted art deco hairstyles of the 20s each have their place. The hair tufts on the characters have gotten progressively more pronounced over time. They add some extra personality, I guess.


Lackadaisy Quirky Word
Can I adopt Freckle?


Remember to feed him sandwiches. No horseradish.

Show him where the tools are and he'll do your handiwork for you like a little house elf.


Great Kaiser
So is there any chance that Atlas is alive and his death is just a fake ? P.S I love conspiracies

Nah. He dead.
(sorry to spoil your conspiracy)


You've said that after Lackadaisy, you'd like to venture into the horror genre. Would you still use cats for that? Or some other kind of animal(s)? Or would that clash with the tone?

It'd probably be all or mostly about animals, honestly.  Little short stories, I think. Not with the same kind of anthropomorphization I do for Lackadaisy, though.  They'd be more animal- animals than human-animals.
Prairies are haunted places.


Speaking of Joey, what is Serafine's honest opinion of him?

She likes having his wallet.


clever nickname
if you could have an adaptation of Lackadaisy made, how would you have it done?

Anime dating sim!

Honest answer, uh, I'd hesistate to let it be adapted in by some major corporate media entity, I think...but maybe a limited series, 2D animated.


What would be Serafine's reaction to drinking Rocky's Lovecraftian brew? I expect she'd cope rather well

It'd be like mingling with old friends, I suppose.


I know it's not important, but How do you feel about Elliot pepper mcmurray, the fan child?

I think I've seen some drawings on tumblr of what you're referring to, in which case I'd have to say Elliot is the very epitome of adorable.


ms. mina
Did they make the cactus friend with human eyes and teeth?

No, but possibly, when Cactus Friend stares down at your peaceful, sleeping form, it's pining for a proper set of human eyes and teeth, just like yours.


Great Kaiser
Do you have enough time for a comic because of your work ? Do you have a problem with that ?

It doesn't really matter the circumstance - there's never enough time to make all the progress I want to.


what music/things inspire your characters or some of the more symbolic things in lackadaisy?

A tough one to answer cogently. I spoke a little about music already, but there's inspiration all around in every corner, in the woods and the streets of my neighborhood, in my old house and abandoned places I visit, in written histories and in people I know and cats I live with, in art I enjoy and books I've read. I'm just opportunistically grabbing at whatever inspiration I can wrangle. It's hard to untangle the overlapping threads to just state empirically that 'A inspired B', though.


do you generally struggle with action scenes?

I spoke a little about this one in the audio Q&A too, but yeah - in the sense that they present certain additional difficulties, and require an elevated degree of choreographic and staging skills that I am not adept at. I give it my best, but I probably haven't pulled it off with much success yet.


ms. mina
Is there more for ms.bapka, her history or her relatives?

The story doesn't delve much into her past, but she and her husband at one time lived as relative newcomers to the United States right alongside Viktor and his young family. They leaned on each other as they acclimated to their new home.


through your experience, what're some tips for character design? ie shapes, colors, and even outfits?

Experiment. If you can, design the characters visuals in tandem with the character's personality so that they complement (or even deliberately contradict) each other. Work from large features (like overall form) down toward smaller details (like individual facial features). Scribbling down silhouette thumbnails helps to nail down a distinct and fitting shape. If you're designing historically accurate or historically influenced clothing, gather photo reference from vintage clothing shops or museum collections or old clothing catalogs. Try applying principles of color theory to land on an appealing palette for the character. Draw from your own instincts about what colors signify what things about the character, or serve as visual accent marks to their personality.


if lackadaisy were to be in modern-times, what do you think some of the biggest aspects of it, or some of the biggest parts of the characters? such as social medias, things they look at (shows, art, etc), or even what the underground business atlas would run would be?

Hehe. I don't know - maybe they'd run some kind of shady, dark web based service you'd have to purchase with cryptocurrency.

Ivy would be all over all of the social media, but mostly Snapchat and Instagram. She'd write fan fiction under a separate internet identity. Freckle would probably play too much Fortnite, full of self-loathing the entire time. Rocky would lose his license for texting and driving, and might go to prison for excessive emoji use. Mordecai - probably a pedantic Wikipedia editor. Mitzi would get bored with FB and turn instead to racking up gold on the most drama-addled subreddits she could find while listening to trashy erotic audiobooks. Viktor would stubbornly hang onto his landline...until he realized he could more easily screen and ingore phonecalls with a smart phone. Zib would probably have several little known albums available on Soundcloud and an on-again, off-again relationship with hookup apps. Mrs. Bapka might have an Etsy shop full of unfortunate hand knit sweaters. Cactus Friend would have 6 million subscribers and one YouTube video in which it does nothing. Are they all bot accounts? Is this an ASMR thing? Some kind of cryptographic communique between underground, radical political factions? an ARG? No one knows.


On a scale of 1-10, how would you personally rate Ivy's cuteness?

If 1 is Naturally Cloying and 10 is Calculatingly Twee, she's a 6.


Lackachat 7/12/19


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