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My violet aura was a soft light dancing across my skin and I couldn't help but marvel at the supernatural sight of it and with that, I naturally wondered what my semblance would be. But that could be found out in time.

As Lucy broke apart my thoughts as she spoke with a hint of something in her voice. "Can you show us some proof of your prior words that you can buy stuff with your bracelet? Just anything at all, it doesn't need to be expensive." I raised an eyebrow at her words and then I shrugged as I did actually need to buy some more ammo for my shotgun anyway.

"Alright, I need to buy some ammo anyway." I replied easily and I clicked a couple holographic buttons only I could see and then my bracelet flew off my wrist expanding as it glowed brightly and then in the small pillar of light it formed as it beamed the light down on the ground. A stack of four more drum magazines that carried thirty two slug rounds.

As my bracelet naturally flew back around my wrist even as I stuffed the ammo into the straps on my backpack I heard Rebecca whine as she muttered quietly. "Luccyyy! Can we keep him, Ruby can only make a few silver explosive rounds like a week you know!?"

My lips twitched at that and I shook my head as I took a breath as I gave Mizuhara a look as I said. "Alright. It's been good meeting people who weren't trying to kill or eat us. But if you guys end up spending the night here, the houses could spawn two Micheal Myers or something from each of these cookie-cutter-looking houses." I gave them a heads up as Mizuhara got up from her seat and also grabbed her backpack that was filled with the lighter but more bulky survival stuff.

Like I don't know about anyone else, but even if it took a bit of storage space, I certainly wasn't going to go without having toilet paper on demand.

"Wait, why are you guys leaving?" Sinder asked with confusion even as she worked at eating the large amount of left over breakfast that Mizuhara made.

And Mizuhara was the one who answered. "Because we aren't part of your crew? And Jake already made a deal with you guys to give up this area for him to get powers? We are just moving on so we don't step on any toes."

The four girls looked at one another with non-plussed expression with the exception of Lucy who was more socially savvy. The netrunner snorted and then retorted to Mizuhara. "We sat here, and even without the sharing of powers bit. We even ate the food you guys made so don't get bent out of shape... And in either case, I am still curious Jake. How many points does it take for you to leave?"

The way Lucy all but demanded to know that was... A bit much, but frankly, I couldn't blame her with the bullshit I had already seen in a hoard of 'serial killers' and a minature horse-sized cockroach. So I wouldn't blame her for wanting out when I knew that deeper into this hell universe there would be the more eldritch and terrible beings.

I said slowly and clearly. "As I already said. I need to buy a cheat that would give me the potential to reach tier seven to eight... And then reach the power threshold to be booted from this universe. I literally cannot just buy an exit ticket directly."

Lucy's face fell and I realized she was hoping I could buy an exit ticket with whatever points or cheat aspects I had. But then Yang who was eating a sausage that was speared on a fork, then added on. "Then how much is a cheat then?"

And all their faces when I bluntly told them that the cheapest cheat I could find was literally a hundred thousand points or more was delightful as they looked at me with pity. But honestly... I smiled as I then said. "But hey, thank you for the Aura Sinder. This will help me greatly, and will allow me to complete my own plans to harvest points."

Grabbing my shotgun I tucked it over my back and Rebecca asked with some sarcastic curiosity. "Oh and what grand plan do you have then?"

I smiled and said with zero shame. "With one power to give more powers and protection to others. I can take waifus like Mizuhara who have zero prospects and make them a force especially once they bring in more points that I can then spend to get more powers that I can share with others to make them more powerful to bring me even more special items!"

The girls froze upon hearing my pyramid plan as I was already mentally working up a pyramid scheme of allowing people to bring me stuff to get powers if I could share them or just sell them items of power at a markup to make a profit.

And with that, I nodded to Sinder as I said. "Well... You girls already have a good setup so I will be taking our leave, good luck to you all." I said with Mizuhara following me as I walked away from the house as a small thought in the back of my head niggled. 'Maybe I could try to join Mirko's crew?' But in reality, I didn't want to be a simple merchant as I still needed life experience to grow in power.

And Mizuhara gently held my arm as we walked towards the exit of the haunted subdivision with her asking softly. "You would give me powers as well?"

I couldn't help but throw and incredulous look at her and without a hint of shame or anything I said bluntly. "Mizuhara... You swallowed my cum, and I got literal proof of you loving me down in your soul and you have been bound to me like any waifu bought from the waifu catalog would. With how you have developed feelings for me."

At my crass way of saying it Mizuhara's face got a pink hint with her pinching my arm and all but whining. "Seriously, could you be any less romantic than that?"

And I smiled and let out a small chuckle as I extracted my arm from hers and then wrapped it around her waist and said. "Fine darling, I am utterly smitten with you. Now let's get going so we can get more items and we can meet more lost lambs like yourself who have zero chance of survival and escape!"

I could all but feel Mizuhara's rolling eyes but she didn't move my arm away until we exited the sub-division official and entered the next section which... Was a school hallway with large lockers on the walls separated by classrooms at odd lengths of the lines of lockers.


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