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A loud hum rang out before my wrist twitched even in my iron enhanced form as a powerful blue bolt of spatial energy shot outward and in almost slow motion I saw as the bolt of energy ripped and shredding whatever it collided with before losing it's energy as it collided with a target.

'Does these damned guns have unlimited ammo?' I thought incredulously as I dove under some returning blue azure bolts of energy that ripped apart the armored train car I took cover behind.

The guns that were using captured Tesseract seemed to have damn near infinite ammo as even after hundreds of shots from this office pistol I looted from that guard I killed previously. It had a little battery display and it clearly displayed that it still had 99.9999 percent charge left... Just imagining the Nazi's sticking far larger guns on planes and using the exotic munitions to tear apart cities left me with dread honestly.

A crack of magical lightning carved through the sky and then with a mighty explosion a roar rang out as one of the buildings exploded with a monster being blasted through the building.

The monster had long thick fur that was matted with gore, and it was clad in a kilt and chest covering that was made out of the skin of human beings with the skin being knitted together and held together by bone pins and small childish skulls that had been made into fucking buttons for the twenty-something foot tall demon.

"How do you use magic! The Longinus forbids the use of magic!" The demon roared furiously as Magna with wings of lightning smashed into the demon with her Khopesh spear and her weapon of choice carved into the demon's flesh as Magna didn't bother responding as she thoroughly annihilated the demon by smashing her hand downwards at the demon with a massive lightning bolt coming from the sky and slamming into the demon in a blinding display of power.

'Well, technically pysker powers aren't magic.' I thought wryly as next, I saw Skadi throwing a nazi so hard they exploded like a water balloon when they collided with the wall of a building.

"Magna, is the demon building broken down yet?" Skadi demanded as she used her sword to cut a tank in half as a Nazi tried to climb inside it to start it up.

And in response, a loud thrumming noise rang out as the rune and glyph-covered obsidian-colored building glowed a dark and evil red with maniacal laughter tinged with madness rang out in some German I couldn't understand at all. But the evidence was clear to see as a swirling purple funnel formed above the building and Magna grunted out. "That's why I couldn't destroy it... They are already opening a portal."

Magna had already explained to us that violently blowing up portals always... Always would explode in your face in the worst possible ways, for example, you get dragged into wherever the portal leads, and you get teleported randomly somewhere in the cosmos by the rampaging spatial energies. Or worse, the raging spatial energies randomly teleport every atom in your body in some random position within a thousand miles of where you originally were.

Carmilla flew with her glowing wings regally carrying her through the air as she not so regally slammed through a guard tower with screams ringing out ever so briefly before she flew out in but a couple of moments as she rejoined her sisters and watched as from the portal came a set of large purple hands that began wrenching open the purple-tinged portal.

'Do I know any purple-skinned demons?' I thought but then it hit me that in a cosmology that was both DC/Marvel, there was a metric fuck load of demons that I had no idea of what their identities and powers were so I just worked to continue to kill the nazis as they screamed in fear and religious rapture as the demon's presence full upon our souls and the world.

But as I was briefly hiding behind a wall as a guard held me back by machine gun fire shooting those damned blue bolts of energy I heard a gurgle and I blinked seeing a dozen spears of rebar had slammed into the guard with a younger teenager panting he collapsed onto the ground with his hand outstretched towards the guard.

"Magneto." I muttered in wonder at realizing that the now very young mutant had used his now weak control over magnetism to throw some bars of rebar into the guard so I quickly ran over and moved the young Erik Lensherr out of sight before diving back into the fray but now also armed with a Tesseract machine gun.

Though in the time I killed a couple more nazi's the summoning ritual had seemed to be completed as the demon had begun opening up the portal on his own end as corrupted blood-red tears seemed to be raining down from the portal with Magna holding a hand to her head and another hand aimed at the portal as she used her great power and will to force the demon back into the portal and into Hell.

"Skadi, Carmilla, the demon is supporting the portal now! Deal with the summoners inside the building!" She yelled out and the two warrior primarchs obeyed instantly with Skadi charging across the ground and smashing through a clearly magical door that exploded with no use against the Fenris-born Primarch who had a degree of magical resistance.

While Carmilla had likewise worked her way through the roof of the obsidian-like building. After a moment of thought, I shook my head as dealing with demons and other high-end magic was not anything I had any experience or ability to deal with. So I continued my nazi hunt with Magna locking the portal in place so the demon couldn't come out even with the accumulated sacrificial energy these monsters had accumulated in this camp.

As I continued to hunt down the nazis that decided to hide in the prisoner area's which I mentally just blanked on seeing how ill-treated the prisoners were. I dealt with the final nazis as Skadi and Carmillia had killed the vast majority of the five hundred guards that were stationed within this camp of Auschwitz.

But as I breathed in the air of tainted death in this area, I shivered as I felt my nature as a Quincy even recoiling from the fel nature of how utterly tainted this land was and even as portal above us was closed as Skadi and Carmilla obviously slaughtered every living being inside that demonic building. I knew that this land was salted and ruined by the demonic nature tainting this camp.

I jogged at a quick speed out of the women's side of the prisoner section and I saw Skadi and Magna talking in a hushed whisper as Magna was trying to fry a purple orb with pysker lightning with a horrific screech hitting my ears as I came closer.

"Fucking rat, this is why I hate daemon's utterly unnatural with how you can't just put them to the sword." Skadi grumbled but then her eyes widened with a wide grin covering her face as she saw me approaching. "Aye, Magna you crazy bitch look at the wee lad. He got himself nice and blooded with the death of witches Haha!"


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