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A double set of thudding noises rang out as Artemis and I both got shot out of the portal and I groaned as I unfortunately rolled across the ground as I couldn't catch myself after literally being shot through dimensions and universes apparently.

"Younger forest." Artemis's voice spoke out, and I groaned as I sat up from where I was flat on the ground, looking at the blue sky above us instead of the thin forestry around us.

And she was right, as I while I looked around, I noticed all the trees around us were rather thin and not too tall though there were dead tree's that were taller than the other lively trees. "Huh... Well a younger forest doesn't exactly tell me where we landed though." I muttered as I stood up and looked up into the sky.

Trying to find anything that could be an icon for where we were that I could recognize. Was there an extra moon or sun, was the moon broken? Was there a giant ring in the sky? But seeing nothing of note I took a breath and looked to Artemis who looked back at me in turn.

Artemis was obviously beautiful being a goddess. But her relaxed stance in such an unfamiliar setting gave myself a bit more confidence so I took a breath and said. "Well... What do you think about giving me a Falna? We have no idea what world this is actually or where we are."

The goddess of the hunt blinked with her green eyes taking in my form before she nodded slowly and said evenly. "Very well Jake. It's my first time taking a man into my Familia oddly enough so please pull your shirt up to expose your back."

I nodded and turned around with my back being unveiled to Artemis's eyes as I pulled my shirt halfway off my body besides leaving my arms still in my sleeves so I could more easily put it back on. But also as I took off my shirt, I shivered as the air was rather brisk and chilly.

"It will done quickly don't worry... I am well used to updating and giving a Falna to people who can't remain exposed for long." Artemis gently consoled me as her thin but strong fingers traced over my back and I hissed at the feeling of divinity... But her divinity felt almost hollow in a way as she traced her bloodied finger over my back and began creating my Falna.

After a moment of that odd feeling of her hollow divinity running through my soul I felt her lay an arm on my shoulder with her weight pressing against my body as she breathed deeply. "You ok?" I asked quietly and she was silent for a long minute.

Then she spoke. "I have no paper to transfer your Falna to view easily but you did gain a very special skill... A skill that makes sense for your own growth and that will help me as well.

[Jake Barris Lvl 1]
[Strength- 0 I]
[Endurance- 0 I]
[Dexterity- 0 I]
[Agility- 0 I]
[Magic- 0 I]
[Development Abilities-0]
[Skills 1]
[The Grand Hunt-] [User will have the essence of the Hunt to be used in hunting great evils or beasts to greatly enhance growth. The hunting of a great evil or beast will also enhance the divinity within the Goddess Artemis or any other god or goddess of the Hunt the user is attached to.]
[Endless Hunt] [The user's very soul resounds with the world and can pick up targets of terrible karma and kill or utterly defeat such beasts and evils. The user will receive the energy awarded from harvesting the karma for his hunt to move to another world or universe at will.]

Even as Artemis quickly used a stick to draw my falna to describe my stats and then explain my conjoined skills I could visibly tell she was exhausted from creating my Falna. "Seriously Artemis, are you ok? Can you even give yourself a Falna with your lack of divinity?" I asked with honest and true concern for her well-being.

Hearing my honest question Artemis sighed and said bluntly. "No... I am not alright, I am literally out of divinity and any smatterings I acquire over time just passively existing will only be good enough to update your Falna, but I won't be able to level you up, give anyone or even give myself a Falna even if I wanted too." She finished with obvious frustration in her voice.

My lips twitched hearing that and I took a breath and said plainly. "Well... Then I suggest that we find out where we are, and then we can try to make good on that skill of mine. If we are in some fantasy world, then there has to be demons or monsters of some kind for us to hunt down."

At my words Artemis nodded and she visibly relaxed with her clenching her hands and then sighing with clear frustration as she said with an actual pout. "I can't even conjure my divine bow... How I have fallen indeed."

I didn't have anyway to console her so with Artemis giving me advice we headed west according to the suns position and after a good long walk we found a river. And once we found the river we just followed the river until we found a rock-and-mortar paved road branching off the river from a rickety wooden dock. 'Hmm paved road with rocks... Probably a fantasy world. Unless this world is just old Earth with some supernatural elements.'

We kept going on that path with Artemis keeping quiet or only giving one or two-word answers as she was obviously in deep thought as she came to terms with her existence after she killed uncountable lives after her divinity was used to blow up the world of Danmachi.

But as we finally saw smoke in the distance and a village coming into sight on the edge of open fields and more forests Artemis spoke up more after the day's silence of walking. "Our identities are that of travelers looking for a place to earn a couple of week's worth of lodgings and food as we research the local area... To keep things simple, as we are a man and woman traveling together, I will acknowledge you as my husband and you likewise acknowledge myself as your wife so people don't bug us as much.

We came into the village and smack dab in the middle of decent-sized village that had a good three or so dozen buildings and houses, in the village square was a large statue. And that statue had four figures standing there with the statues having aged to a nice green tone. 'A weird-looking priest, a dwarf with a fabulous beard, a cocky-looking hero, and a... Underdeveloped elf. Where do I know this from?'

And then it hit me. This world was the Funerals of Frieren!


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