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After giving Lalatina a very interesting goodbye, I quickly made my way out of the stadium and found my way back to my mother's car with me climbing into the backseat to sit with Taihou. Lest she pout and whine the entire way back home if I sat in the front seat.

Plus Alice was in the front seat and she would shank someone with her eyebrow pencil for taking the front seat unless it was my mother or father.

And as I sat down in the car Taihou quickly unbuckled her seat belt and laid her head down on my lap as she curled up to lay down on the long bench-like seat. "Hmm, so how did the meeting go with Makoto? Are your teammates any good?" My mother asked.

My face twitched and I spoke bluntly. "Only half the team could be considered sane... And the team only has four members including myself." My mother's cold blue eyes snapped to mine in the rearview mirror as she made a humming noise before she said.

"Elaborate dear."

And so I explained. "I have three teammates, with the previous captain dying due to a monster literally killing him apparently by dropping a massive turd on him... The only sane member is a girl named Keqing who is an orphan and the disciple of Makoto who probably has the lightning element. And is just generally quiet for the most part."

I took a breath and then my voice became wry as I continued. "The other two... Yeah one is French so that automatically makes her lose points, even worse was how she is literally exiled from nobility due to her family being such terrible rulers that they all got executed basically with Furina only escaping here to America. So she has this princess Primadonna thing going on."

"But she does have a mutated water element that can make her a very powerful force in the future at least." I finished about Furina giving her some honest praise for her talent for water-based necromancy of a sort.

And my voice became utterly dry as I spoke of Darkness/Lalatina as I threaded my hands through Taihou's beautiful dark black hair making her giggle as I showed her my affection. "Lalatina the last team member on the other hand... Is just an obscenely masochistic pervert who I am afraid would literally throw herself at a rival team to get gangbanged to give my team time to 'escape'."

The car actually swerved slightly as mother's eyes widened at my words in actual shock!

Before mother could actually formulate a response to that. Both Alice and Taihou both said in unison. "Disgusting!" And to which I nodded in agreement as Lalatine was certainly a bit too much as she happily let me give her a titty twister before leaving.

But as though in reply to my thoughts my phone dinged and I got to working my phone out of my jeans pocket around Taihou's head remaining in my lap as mother spoke dryly. "I see son... Well then in the worst case you can always cut her heels out and feed her to a monster should the need arise."

My lips twitched hearing my mother's dry words and I had a sinking suspicion... That she wasn't joking at all! But as I unlocked my phone I spoke out equally dryly. "I don't know mother. That might make her a bit too excited and may make her think it's a reward."

Mother didn't have a reply to that and as I took out my phone my face went flat seeing I had been directly messaged by Lalatina as our phone numbers were shared with us being in the same message group.

[You perverted bastard! I will... Get you for that!] She texted making my lips curl up into a smile as I noted the several periods and knew she was meaning that she was. Being herself in all attributes.

So I shifted slightly in my chair as Alice spoke. "And with Makoto being in charge of the team, getting this Darkness replaced isn't likely going to happen... Hmm well it's good that this is merely a temporary team-up in any case."

Hearing my sister's words I decided to be mean to Lalatina as I knew if anything she would enjoy it. [Dear gods and above! You are just a healing mage who can't defend yourself at all, my family is considering getting you thrown out of the team as you acting as monster bait is all you are good for!]

Her being just a healer/buff mage at this point was actually true and with us being sent in to directly fight the monsters guarding the precious resources of tiny realms in the Great Lake. We couldn't have someone be just deadweight after all.

There was a long pause as Lalatina left me on read but then seeing the dots of her texting back I smiled before my face went flat as she sent a picture along with a text. It was her sitting in some kind of cat and she had pulled open the already well exposed cut out top of her shirt to show the tops of her breasts as to take the picture with the tops of her nipples being shown in the picture.

[Here then! I will bend to your blackmail for now Jake Barriss... But your evil will not be forgotten! I will stew and consider how to repay this... Insult to my person in the most physical way possible!]

I couldn't help but pop a bit of a stiffy at the sight making Taihou giggle as she adjusted herself but thankfully she thought it was her presence causing it. Either way I quickly texted back with a face emoji. [--__-- Stupid... I wasn't threatening you to do so in return for that picture. You are a worthless pervert and I don't want to trust my life to your care.] I then went further as I sent another quick text.

[I can already see it... I got hurt by some monster, and then you try to pull some nonsense like I have to suck on your tits to heal. That scene is already in my mind with how easily you barred those things at the hint of me wanting anything.]

There was a pause and then she instantly messaged back. [How did you know my mutated healing can be shared with my breast milk???] And then another message. [Wait did you not like them? Are they too big???]

I stopped...

I stared at the message, and then scrolled back up to look back at the previous picture... And yup, in the bra cup of the tit, I gave the twister to previously there were little splotches from some kind of liquid darkening the fabric.

So... I had a bratty french water necromancer who needed correction via spanking and maybe more. And Lalatina was just a hopeless pervert as was expected!

'At least Keqing seems to be normal enough.' I thought with some relief as I just sent Lalatina one final text. [I didn't know... It was an assumption, born out of you seemingly coming to be out of some kind of badly written porn book. Just... Don't get me killed and make yourself useful during the expedition this weekend.] I texted back ending the conversation as mother spoke up.

"Jake, you and Alice go to the backyard, your father has procured several monster corpses for your summon to eat. Taihou I need to have some words with you." She said and I raised an eyebrow before I asked.

"Is it something private mother?" I asked as Taihou went stiff on my lap hearing my mother wanted to talk to her privately.

To which my mother replied blandly. "Not per say private... Merely was going to speak with her about some work she will be doing for me. As she will obviously be wanting funds as she follows you like the lost puppy she is, to your mage college."



From chapter four onwards you've switched the title's spelling from ascension to ascencion.


The tag is correctly spelled ascension, but the collection is spelled ascencion as well

Smiley sx

Does be french mean bad?