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Rimuru didn't play around at all with Geld, as she skipped using her fire magic from devouring the fire spirit that once inhabited Shizu to become a large mass of blue slime that covered up Gelds enhanced form that had transformed after devouring Gelmund.

And although Geld roared, and fought with every once of his physical might with his hungry magic trying to devour parts of Rimuru's slime body.

But tearing a slime apart didn't work at all as she could just reform her body. Rimuru could heal and make more slime then his magic could devour.

In but a couple of minutes of watching Rimuru's massive glowing slime form completely swallowing the large orcs body into her form her slime form glowed brightly as Geld's will and bodily might were broken. And in the game of hunger and devouring. Rimuru proved to be the victor as Geld's body in but a couple of moments visibly disintegrated within Rimuru's slime body.

'Huh it's kinda weird knowing I am missing Rimuru telling Geld that she will help her people fit into the Jura Forest and make a home here. After all, Geld only went mad with his hunger in order to feed his people from his own flesh.' I thought as Rimuru's glowing golden form was clearly digesting Geld before she finally turned back into her human form and flew into the air with her looking into the sky that was gently being lit up by the rising dawn's glow.

And with Geld being well... Dead. The orc's mad state from their kings 'Starved' skill also wore away with many of the Orcs falling to their knees as the recent events both good in them all being so strong and being together... To the terrible parts of them devouring parts of their king, to devouring young and old, all lives they came across on their rampage.

"I guess it's over now." Rimuru muttered as she flew over and we, as in myself and the Kijin watched the sun rising fully in the clear skies filling the marshy lands with a beautiful shine as the sun reflected off the countless large pools of water.

After a moment as we took in the surroundings, Rimuru continued with her sighing and then looking at Benimaru seriously. "I promised you all. After the Orc Lord was defeated, you would all be free to go, your revenge has been completed after all."

Benimaru's face had a small smile hidden in his eyes as he took a breath and spoke evenly. "Lord Rimuru, may I ask a favor?"

To which Rimuru tilted her head to the side and asked what Benimaru wanted to ask.

But before Benimaru could even ask to 'pledge their allegiance' or whatever... Shion cut in loudly. "My lord! I wish to stay beside you and remain your chef and secretary!" Shion demanded.

There was no question, there wasn't a pledging of allegiance ... The other three Kijin in Benimaru, Soui and Hakerou gave her looks for ruining the moment but in the end, I just chuckled and said cheerfully. "Then let us all work together to make the best home we can!"

"My Lord!" Shion cheered happily and I was embraced by the strong-as-hell Kijin in a bear hug as she all but slammed my face into her very ample breasts and even with my head sealed within the pillowly prison I could Rimuru hissing like a cat who got their tail stepped on.

With a literal popping noise as my face was dragged out from between Shions tits by the clearly angry Rimuru I heard Benimaru yelling out to the crowds of hobgoblins of our village, the lizardmen, and of course the still very sizable population of the orcs. "Orcs! Lizardmen! Rest in peace, the battle is over and we shall discuss what is to happen for our future in three hours once we all get a while to sort out our hearts and grieve!"

Our people pulled back allowing everyone to relax and as we took some seats on some collapsed tree's Rimuru sat in front of me with Shion standing behind me... 'Guarding me' By leaving her large breasts on my head as she watched my back as Rimuru and I discussed things.

"Hmm bringing in a hundred and fifty thousand orcs into our town... That's going to stretch us thin in just simply food Rimuru." I spoke with a hum as I looked at Rimuru who nodded at my words.

And she verbally agreed with her saying in turn. "Yup! But Orcs are also known for being hardy people who can also do physical labor, so having them join up and help us actually physically build up a city would be for the best!"

Rimuru then became somewhat somber as she spoke more softly. "Also... I did promise Geld that I would take upon the orc's sins. They are all but innocent due to them being mind controlled and many of them feel great grief in the things they did on the march."

I attempted to look up to Shion... And only got titty to the face so I looked back down with a straight face back at Rimuru who gave me a deadpan look as I spoke without a change in expression. "Shion... And the rest of you guys, how do you all feel about the orcs joining our coming fiefdom?"

And already even as I asked that. I was thinking on how we could expand out our food acquisition methods as our simple hunting-gathering and bits of farming wouldn't be enough to feed an influx of a hundred-plus thousand people. Then a thought hit me.

If I used some mana arrays to enhance the local fish that could give us a lot more fish of great size. As I remember the Lizardmen during the upcoming meeting would promise parts of their marshland to be turned into lively fisheries and I could put mana arrays to fill the fishes with magicules to make them bigger and more powerful! Making them a lot more filling and with the fishes only eating the overabundant marsh rice and weeds filling the water with damn near endless sustenance it was perfect!

While the Kijin said that in the end, they got their revenge and were satisfied with Geld dead and his influence gone. I heard Rimuru cough and say with some nervousness. "Alrighty! So lets get going to the Lizardman's caves so we can get this meeting underway I guess." Rimuru said and my lips twitched as I remembered something.

'Huh Rimuru is going to almost certainly be declared the leader of this Jura Alliance. I wonder what reaction she is going to have as she is already known for loving to throw her responsibilities towards me!' I thought with amusement.

I was well aware that Rimuru was a good deal stronger than me with her broken abilities to get and make skills from the things she devoured. But... She wasn't that great of a public speaker and was actually super shy and if there were other people then me and the Kijin she would wear Shizu's mask as a social crutch.



If he takes in an orc, I hope he names them Ganondorf, heh. Pluton from OPM works too. :v Also Rimuru is just so cute when she'd mad and/or jealous~ x3 edit: Well, since you've already started with a Greek goddess name for a goblin...Hades, maybe? Or Ares? Hmm....