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Honestly this reincarnation sucked major ass in that aspect... I mean really, what kind of woman can I get close to when the most human thing I can become. Is probably a fucking Lucario or some kind of bipedal werewolf!

And if a woman was interested in that furry shit... Then I didn't want her to begin with!

Taking the form of the original pudgy Pikachu I sat with a dour face as Armsmaster the leader of the PRT's Ward Division sat in front of me with Miss Militia the resident mom basically of the PRT.

"So Menagerie. Uhm why are you in fictional monster forms like Pokemon if you don't mind me asking?" Miss Militia asked respectfully to start the conversation and even though I was feeling meh about the power testing that was going to be tedious. I was actually interested to see if they could help me find my limits.

And in the worst case... I could just transform into an Abra and do a random teleport if they to capture me.

To answer Miss Militia's question I said evenly. "My powers have locked me into remaining a 'monster' Taking a Pokemon form is simply the best way to interact with civilians and they are powerful in their own right."

I am sure that there were far more powerful creatures out there like mythological monsters like a phoenix or dragons. But I was a little leery of trying to transform into stuff that was patently immortal or had some kind of divinity.

Either way Miss Militia nodded to my answer in understanding and Armsmaster spoke next in his typical brusque voice. "Is it true that this 'Pikachu' form can be hooked up to like a car battery to output large amounts of natural lightning?" He asked bluntly and my lips twitched at that out of left field question and instantly retorted.

"Why don't you just get a bunch of electric eels to power the base... Now what do you guys want for power testing?" I asked Miss Militia who gave her partner a side glare who didn't notice it as he was in his full power armor with a visor take up some of his side view.

And to my question Miss Milita sighed with a wry smile and said. "To be honest the scientists on the RIG are still putting together questions and scenarios to test your various powers as your... Thematic powers as a 'monster's leaves much to the imagination."

But she stood up from the table we were sitting at and said evenly. "But it won't hurt to take you to the labs to test out some things. I imagine you actually haven't really gotten to try out your powers to their full extent right?" She questioned kindly and I nodded as I truly hadn't.

As it wasn't like I was going to cause a bunch of damage to my surroundings to test my powers to their fullest extent... Like what if I set off the Endbringer alarms or otherwise get the PRT on my ass should I decide to practise doing a series of Hyper Beams... That sounds like a quick way to get arrested!

The two would be heroes lead me deeper into the PRT's Rig building which was basically a huge oil platform out on the bay that held a whole military bay complex with labs and the whole Rig was protected by some kind of force field with the PRT using a force field bridge to drive from the coast to the Rig itself.

And as they led me deeper into the PRT I noticed there were no more white-collar workers in office wear and instead, there was just PRT agents in riot gear and I asked with an upturned eyebrow as I noticed even the surroundings were getting more sparse of stuff and had become just concrete and metal walls and floors. "So where is the power testing section?"

Without missing a beat Armsmaster responded evenly. "Just a bit further, the power testing section is in the most secured and reinforced section of the Rig in order to account for special power effects."

Unbidden I had a thought strike me then. 'And the prisons I bet would be in the most secured section as well...' And that thought stuck to me so deeply that I mentally said screw it and spoke out. "Ok Pikachu was a bad form for me to do all this walking, one second." And then under their incredulous face I transformed into my Gengar form.

As should things go sour... I would be more than capable of escaping and would be able to leave some nasty surprises. As I could feel my cruel humour enhanced by being Gengar wiping away my inhibitions.

A couple minutes later of walking and dear gods this damned place was a literal maze we had reached a long room filled with a couple dozen standing mannequins and a table with a chair in the middle of the room. "Uhh where are the scientists or whatever?" I asked in confusion and then I sighed as I turned around as a thumping noise rang out.

And a needle shot through my ghostly body hitting the back wall as I used Gengar's innate ability to shift out of the physical dimension and become ghostly. "Jake Barriss/Menagerie you currently have a warrant for your arrest for illegal use of Parahuman abilities on targets that the PRT or Police did not give a warrant for. You are also charged with third degree manslaughter as two of the men you terrified in this very form have committed suicide."

Armsmaster read off my charges as he held up his glaive at me in clear preparation for battle even after his sedative didn't work while Miss Militia... Even with her face covered up in a bandanna I could see she wasn't looking at me with anything like pity or anything.

She clearly thought I did... Something bad but I guess scaring some drug addicts so bad they did themselves in as they came down off their drugs and went into cold turkey shock was in her mind a terrible crime.

"Whelp... Looks like the whole hero path is kinda closed to me." I said with a frown as I looked around and as I did so turrets in the metal ceiling popped out and then with only a second to lock onto me with glowing lasers a wave of foam or something was shot at me that went through my ghostly intangible body and then a arc of electricity went through me as Armsmaster tried to shoot me with a taser and then Miss Militia joined him in trying to subdue me non-lethally.

Although the electricity... Fucking stung, nothing they were doing was hurting me so realizing this a fool's errand and that I needed to go into hiding and maybe even get revenge for this breaking of any trust I just sunk into the ground through the floors of the Rig and once I fell through the force field with my intangible I turned into a simple Pidgy to quickly fly back into Brockton Bay.

As I now needed to revamp my stance on being a 'hero' "Fuck it... I am going to go maul some gangsters to get some money and then I am going to give the PRT a black eye... I am going to air out all their dirty laundry and then I am going to kill or capture every damned 'villain' in this city within a couple weeks at most!"

I wasn't a pyschopath. I wasn't going to hit the Rig or whatever with a hyper beam or bath it in draconic flames. But...

Completely discrediting them? Making them completely a waste of tax dollars by crippling the gangs completely?

I could do that with a smile on my face! 'Lets see if Dickmaster T-800 can do his tinkering work with no budget and materials coming in Haha!' I cackled at the thought as I began the first step of my plans...

Collect all the data in the school of Winslow as a Porygon. As having it outed that a Ward committed terrorism and trying to murder one of her fellow students? Now that would be lovely news for the press to unwillingly air on the news tonight as I mess with the teleprompters.



He’s going to put some dirt in their eyes


Worm is such a shit show, just flip the board, off the nazis, destroy the prts rep by outing coil and SS actions, Rebecca as Alexandria being illegal etc, there is so much shit you can do lol. And I'm definitely not voting for the nazi massacre just cause that's what it doing in my worm story nope no way that's why