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Now it was just Fischl, Klee and myself as we sunk into the depths of the Akademiya. With Lisa and Shenhe clearly in battle against Cyno above us and honestly... 'How the fuck did they know we were coming for Nahida?' I was a chaotic mess who left Mondstadt and arrived here in Sumeru in less than an hour. How could anyone even know we were coming here?' I thought in utter confusion.

But my thoughts were cut off as Klee audibly took a breath and spoke out confidently. "Miss Lisa will be okay Kurama, she is the strongest Electro lady in the world!"

My lips twitched and even as the long elevator continued its long descent downwards I couldn't help but retort. "My mom is the Electro Archon... She is stronger than Lisa." I said smugly and Klee pouted but in the end she couldn't argue that.

And as for Fischl. Who was an Electro user like myself? She just kept quiet as she wisely didn't dare to say she was stronger than the literal god of lightning who was famous for taking people's Visions away.

But with a loud thudding noise we slammed home into the bottom of the clearly fake elevator bottom and as a couple rings came down onto the elevator to lock it into place I spoke out. "Ok Klee... Blow up the bottom of the elevator so we can go down further!"

Klee manically giggled and from her spatial pocket she pulled out that large refrigerator-sized bomb that was loaded up with Electro gems, pyro slime essence and even compressed Anemo slime and Dandellion essence to form a shaped charge as the explosion would be directed downwards.

"Haha! Go Dodoco MK III the bringer of the end times Muahaha!" Klee cackled with her form glowing with Pyro flames as she threw a fireball that caught the bomb on fire as we ran down the tunnel leading into some lab at the bottom of the 'publicly' available depths of the Akademiya!

And like Shenhe slapping me in the back, I felt a harsh force slam into my back as the bomb went off and my kitsune form was sent flying into the air with Fishcl thankfully grabbing me as she was behind me and managed to catch my lighter form as we were all sent rolling across the long hallway as the airwave rag dolled us.

"We ok?" I asked with a groan as Fischl rolled to her feet and I could hear Klee giggle as she coughed out.

"I am very okies!" She answered happily as she got back to her feet with nothing but a bit of dust covering her outfit making me happy that the young girl didn't get hurt at all.

And Oz Fischl's familiar/blessed raven spoke out as Fischl stood back up with me still in her arms. "We are all unharmed after Lady Sparknights most... Wonderful showing of her talents. But we must continue on!"

With Fischl adding on as she patted some dust of herself. "Forthwith does the winds blow in our favor. But allowing the natives long enough to best the great warrior of Liyue and our court mage will bring further troubles so as my great advisor has said." She spoke in her chunni manner as Klee followed behind us with her Favonuis glider popping out behind her as both girls quickly glided down the darkened tunnel leading deeper into the underground.

And I was right. Once we got past the physical barrier stopping the elevator there was nothing else stopping us from reaching Nahida and as we reached a well lit room set aglow with multifaceted lights. In the middle of the room was a large glass like structure but surrounded by poles glowing with green dendro power.

Power was taken from the very goddess sealed and floating within sleeping inside the glass structure and I leaped out from Fischl's arms as I ran to the glass-like material sealing the Dendro goddess within her own mind. And after a moment of thought... I coated one of my tails with Electro lightning before slapping the glass and like actual glass, it shattered loudly with the energy of Dendro thickening as Nahida loudly gasped as her eyes snapped open.

"What?" She whispered with her star-shaped green pupils snapping to me in utter confusion and then with a yelp she floated down to the ground as the magic holding her aloft lost its power allowing her to finally touch the ground in probably centuries!

Even as I bounded towards her with my form turning back into my human form making Nahida's eyes widen in joy seeing my obviously adorable appearance I froze as an apathetic and cruel energy filled the air as a plain clapping noise filled the surroundings.

"Bravo Bravo little Kurama." The male voice spoke and my head woodenly tilted to the side as my worst fear was confirmed.

Striding towards me was my fear of how Cyno of all people could have been mind controlled and how the people of the Akademiya knew I was going to cause trouble.

The Fatui... And more particularly Dottore. The Fatui Harbinger who was a hive mind of countless clones and puppets! That's how information of my travels has reached Sumeru so quickly!

"Truly you are a kitsune through and through... Making it look like Arlecchino The Knave attempted to assassinate you and instead had you kidnapped in Inazuma and taken to Fontaine after the Electro Shogun dealt with the Balladeer. Honestly, I  was so used to the Knave's acts of aggressively adopting children and raising them as Fatui agents and her actually heading to Fontaine that I completely believed it! But... I have my agents everywhere after all and when you resurfaced in Monstadt I knew you had your own games."

Dottore looked to Nahida who I stood next to and the short smol goddess took a step in front of me almost protectively with her saying firmly. "And with me released your desires are broken Dottore. You may leave in peace now or I will show you that as diminished as I am... I am still an Archon!"



3 is III not IIV, if you meant 14 that would XIV, if you meant 7 that would be VII

Hmm is it time

Thanks for the chapter and the plot twist.