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"And to say nothing of items of literally infinite power while inside this single universe. There countless people that I know of that could beat you guys in a straight fight." I spoke strongly.

As although Superman wasn't around right now... But Wonderwoman was, and to say nothing of the gods like Ares or Thor who with their comic-aligned strength levels could probably give Skadi a good broken nose even though she was arguable the strongest Primarch in a straight battle.

And although Skadi looked like she heavily disagreed Carmillia brought us all back to our situation as she spoke softly. "In either case, your information will be valued. But I imagine that your information isn't all that you have?"

To which I nodded and I held out my arm that was then completely covered in spirit energy-enhanced iron making my arm look like almost like a mechanical arm. "Yes. I myself have a good amount of power now with my spirit energy manipulation and I will inherit the ability to create twenty-seven more powers and even gift those powers to other people should I desire."

Granted I had a sort of mental download for the Schrift of the Quincy for their abilities but in reality I didn't have any mental information on how to make a Quincy bow, arrows, or any other base technique. I would need to figure it out on my own basically. Thankfully I the Iron gave me the ability to defend and attack at the same time.

"Now I am... Not exactly sure where we landed but I suppose the first thing we need to do is find out where we are and probably find some way to keep your guys presence on the down low." I spoke giving Carmillia and the other two Primarchs judging eyes.

As they were literally fourteen-foot-tall giants in power armor! To say nothing of Magna with her red skin and Carmilla with her huge angelic-like wings.

But as I said that Magna grunted with her hands glowing as she spoke up. "I can conceal our presence with the normal human's eyes just washing over us unless we do something extraordinary to get their attention like attacking them."

Skadi's face curdled at being covered in some kind of witchcraft but knowing I had spoken no falsehoods and knowing there were items of great power and people with their own powers that could match her. She knew that we needed information so she grunted in understanding and acceptance. No matter how much it galled her.

So with an understanding made Carmilla stood up and said. "Then allow me to fly up into the air. To see if there are any signs of civilization nearby."

And after the one-eyed giant of a woman casted some kind of spell on their forms to dull their presence to mortal eyes Carmillia flew straight up into the air with Magna and Skadi giving each other shifty looks before Carmillia floated back down to the ground.

"There seems to be a decently sized city a couple of miles to the west along with a large camp or military encampment from all the long uniform buildings and many lines of fencing and guard towers locking it in. Shall we make our way over to the city then?" Carmilla announced and we all quickly agreed to head over to the city first.

Carmilla even carrying me in her arms as the Primarchs who couldn't fly quickly ran across the ground tearing lines through the snow with their great loping running below us and it didn't take long for us to arrive to the city and thank all the gods. As somehow in my reincarnation I also had some kind of language download that I didn't even realize as I could read the Polish signs easily. "Katowice... So we are in Nazi controlled Poland right now. But why does that name sound so familiar?"

The thought of why the name niggled at my brain lasted until we all got into an abandoned house that had the star of David spray painted or something over its kicked down front door meaning that jews living within had been kicked out of the home. And then it hit me!

I remembered why Katowice was hammered so deeply into my brain! The camps outside the city that Carmillia saw...

'That camp...' I thought with a horrid shudder as coldness filled my back. "That camp... We need to destroy it. Kill all the guards and people working there!" I announced making the Primarchs look at me in concern.

"That fucking camp is the concentration camp, Auschwitz and to say nothing of the evil of the Nazis committing genocide. But they are burning, torturing, and killing the people they capture to fuel the summoned demons the Nazis are fielding in this war!" I announced with all three of the Primarchs sharing a look before Magna spoke.

"And what kind of resistance could we encounter? Will there be demons, guards armed with heretical weaponry, or otherwise how do you plan to keep the prisoners alive should we liberate them in the heart of enemy territory?"

To Magna's questions at the end I couldn't answer... But I was a proud American, I wouldn't suffer a Nazi to live another day.

Even if I had to fucking storm the camp myself I would go. And seeing my face and determination Skadi actually loudly chuckled with her laughter booming like a heavy firework going off that reverberated in my chest with the volume and bass of it.

"Aye Hahah, the little lad has blood and fire in his guts. Alright little man, let's go paint the snow of that camp, red with the blood of the witches and evil!" Skadi said standing up as well with her brandishing her large axe in ready for the coming slaughter.