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The lunch between me and Freya was brought to me by Ottar himself with the meal itself being a whole selection of dishes that were fit for the most powerful goddess in Orario and I was welcome to eat at my will.

For a few minutes as Freya and I ate, we were silent. She would occasionally glance up at me with wonder and delight that seemed to change slightly at every glance she took at me and I just frankly enjoyed the meal that even world leaders in my old life couldn't scoff at.

But the delightful meal and silence was broken as Freya elegantly set down the fork she was using and then crossed her hands and placed them on the table as she spoke bluntly. "So, Jake, I can see partly see the emotions you feel from your soul, and I have to ask how you feel about me in particular as your soul is a kaleidoscope of things going on to say nothing of the items of power that are attached to your soul and look at me threateningly."

At Freya's excessively blunt question I didn't know how to reply honestly as she always seemed to be the type to work in the background and not go on the direct attack unless her interests were at risk.

Even as I smiled wryly at the thought of mini-Eater of Worlds flying around my soul protectively like a dog would encircle their master to defend him I took a moment to respond to Freya. "What do I think of you... I have thoughts about you, not many too kind, the type of woman you are, the way you handle your Familia is not to my taste... And frankly your obsessives love that is like a typhoon that comes and wrecks everything before passing on, is the biggest detraction you have." I responded equally bluntly.

Freya didn't speak or respond to my opinion of her for a solid minute and she raised a hand that was previously clasped to swirl her crystal wine glass before she took a drink of it.

"So, you see me as the Whore of Babylon? You see me as a loose woman who sleeps with everything with a pulse while also destroying people's lives as I pressure them and then move on when I get bored?" She asked wryly as she gently set her drink on the table and her lavender eyes no longer looked at her food and I could literally feel her passive divine charm as she fully met my gaze with her full attention.

"Jake Bariss... I am old, I am a goddess beyond your comprehension, and if you desire to make that tiny ambition to be beyond a mortal achievable. You should consider quit looking at people that are far above you in such a disgusting way." She warned me and I swallowed as Freya's Arcanum rose to the surface of her being as a warning.

"I am the goddess Freya, beauty magic war and all warriors themselves are my domain... I slept with who I desired, who were worthy of touching my flesh and you as a grand warrior are any different?" She asked scoffing before she smiled sarcastically. "Jake, you as a record breaker are prime mating material... You can decry me as a slut but the first time you found an easy woman in a bar on the side of the Red-Light District what did you do?" She asked and I grimaced as I did just what Freya would do with her Charm.

I used my status as the Record Breaker, I used my talent, strength, and Seshat's mating mark to string along Beatrice as a live in free use maid. I honestly wasn't any different from Freya with her passive charm.

"Why are not treating this like a game, like the rest of the gods do?" I softly asked as I looked at Freya up from my own plate after I pushed down the shame, I felt for treating Beatrice as I had.

But I could fix and repay her situation when I got home.

Freya sighed with her finger twirling across her glass of wine and without looking at me she responded. "Remember this, Jake Bariss. I am the goddess of love who embodies it in obsessive love." Her lavender purple eyes then snapped back up to me as she spoke softly while smiling sadly. "I have already fallen in love with you and with your soul that has exceeded anything I have seen in countless millennia of living I will never forget you; I will never move on from your soul... There will be no other work of ages to polish that can match the brilliance of your being." She whispered at the end that I could barely hear and honestly, I didn't think I was meant to.

"So as to why am I not treating you like a game like other gods and even Seshat does? Thats because I want you to win. I want you to go beyond level ten and I was even willing to have Ottar snap one of my strongest adventurer's necks when they brought danger to you." Freya spoke before she gracefully stood up and in a single smooth motion that reminded me of how she was a war goddess she maneuvered across the table in that single motion to softly pin her hands on my rising shoulders as I went to pull my chair back and sit up.

While I stood up she whispered directly into my ears. "I am willing to give up my Familia and everything to help you succeed if you would accept me as I will never hamper you in anyway."

"I will never again take another lover as none can match their souls and even the thought of laying with them makes me mentally and physically ill. Its honestly feels like drinking the finest wine your entire life and then being introduced to the most gut rotting paint thinner of a brew, to my body with my domains revolting at the idea of coupling with others." She spoke wryly with her Charm filled eyes stared at me with such desire that I had never seen it in anything except for the obsessive desire for my death from dungeon monsters, and as her hands with despiteful strength tried to keep me in my chair but I gently moved her out of the way so I could stand up.

"Lady Freya, you have given me... much to think about but I have duties in my Familia, and I must return home." I said respectfully as I tried to move back, and Freya took a deep breath as her hands slide down from my shoulders and down my chest before I took a step back as her hands went low.

"I see." Freya said smiling demurely before she nodded and looked to me with some actual concern. "I wish you the best on your trip to the Beol Mountains but beware as the mountains are inhabited by monsters that aren't limited to the floor they are supposed to be in within the dungeon." She warned me with actual concern.

"Thank you for the advice, Freya... I guess I will see you again soon." I said more to myself at the end as I knew with Evilus acting up that the Familia's were going to be called to meetings and such. But Freya's eyes at my words lit up with glee as she considered my words to mean I was going to come visit her herself.

"Wait!" Freya called out as I took out my magic mirror and I paused for a second to look at Freya who looked honestly nervous before she spoke. "I want to do something for you... I know you don't want anything to do with me, but I will change. I will become that what will earn you desire, and I will have you whether it's one day or millennia from now as I won't give up." She said proudly and I wanted to just teleport before a thought crossed my mind and I decided fuck it.

"Kill Ishtar for being a sub leader of Evilus tonight then." I said and she blinked with her head tilting to the side in confusion.

"Thats it? Thats nothing alright, I will do it tonight dear." She said cheerfully and before I could recover from the yandere cuteness she used a dainty finger to tilt the mirror to my face and then I was teleported back home.



Does freya still love bell or not anymore?


Oh she is still interested in watching her journey but isn't as much in love anymore

Ramon Diaz

Lets be honest here, Freya is a total slut, and her love is untrue, its just lust, nothing more. Obsessive love does not mean sleeping with whoever catches your fancy, for whatever reason. She can dress it up however she wants saying things like sleeping only with who she finds worthy, but thats not really true. She slept with an old man to get the Gulliver brothers. She destroyed the nations of both of her elven warriors to get them to join her familiar. She can criticize and be right, but that does not make her better, if anything she is worse because she is a goddess, she should be a lot wiser than a horny young man.


While you're not wrong, I feel it goes a bit deeper than that. The diety's of Danmachi seem to be at least slightly controlled by their divinities. I've read fanfics where Freya is portrayed as evil to the core, or as someone that is just trying to get by with what they were born into. It all depends on how the author portrays the character. Considering the gods and goddesses have possibly lived for millions of years, trying to judge them by mortal standards is foolish. Can Freya be portrayed as a crazy yandere slut? For sure. But she could also be written as a bird trapped in a guilded cage for millions of years.