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Jake, her lord had made a perfect distraction for her and the rest of Shadow Garden to push into the elven city undetected especially when he created a muffled explosion that made Delta's ears twitch to the side as they spilt up to check the area's that Jake suggested.

"Delta doesn't need Alpha to keep her in check." Delta grumbled as she nevertheless followed the long haired blond elf she mumbled about.

But Alpha to Delta's complaints only laughed wryly as she looked at Delta with a fond scowl. "And what would you do if you found Cult of Diabolos members walking on the streets or even in an alley?" She asked quietly as they jumped between buildings towards the slums where the entrances to the water treatment plant and other municipal areas were that people that didn't want to hang around due to the terrible smells.

And of course, to Alpha's question, Delta answered confidently. "Delta will of course smash them into paste Haha!"

"Wrong!" Alpha snapped and then went over to Delta about how she could interrogate the cult member to find their base and even people with the Demon Possession curse that the cult were either holding people with the Demon Possession cure or likewise keeping track of them or even possibly where they got sent to begin with.

"Mwwhhh... Delta will leave those questions to Lady Alpha, Delta already forgot what to ask!" Delta said shamelessly as she knocked her head with her fist and stuck her tongue out at Alpha making the blond elf's eyebrow twitch in irritation but then Delta's joking smile disappeared as she sniffed the air and then turned to the side. "Delta found a source of corruption let's go!" She said with her purple slitted eyes tightening in delight as her hunting instincts came to the fore and with the sound of the roof tiles, they were running shattering Delta turned and leapt from the roof they were on and began sprinting towards the scent she caught.

"Haaa... Troublesome Beastkin, but their enthusiasm is wonderful at least." Alpha said wryly before she filled her body with mana, as well as used her divine blessing from Hecate to partially to go into a semi astral state with her form taking a misty hue so she could run much faster to keep up with the highly excited Beastkin.

A couple minutes later Alpha snarled as she saw a large cage that had a drape thrown of it was being dragged through the slums of the city and she knew instinctively that one of her future sisters was being taken away from to some terrible fate.

"Delta quietly kill the guards and dispose of their bodies." She ordered coldly and Delta gulped and nodded silently as she leapt from the top of their building to do as her leader said while Alpha conjured a thick fog that filled the street.

Alpha and Delta quickly and most importantly quietly killed the five guards that didn't really react to the fog moving in due to them being right near the water treatment plant and probably just thought it was exhaust fumes or something. "Delta here use these papers to get out of the city and begin taking these people out of the city." Alpha ordered as she looked under the drape and confirmed the malformed blobs of flesh of what looked to be two people with demon possession.

Alpha had learned with Hecate's help how to extract the curse of Diabolos so she could help grow her forces to help her lord and benefactor, but she knew from Hecate that with her skills that it would take at least a whole hour to cure someone with the curse. Compared to Jake who could just transmute the curse into pure mana for the girl to actually absorb and become far stronger than most people should be able to that was a huge difference.

"Ok Alpha!" Delta said excitedly and then an explosion seemingly happened towards the cities square and Alpha frowned at the site wonder if Jake was fighting some Cult of Diabolos members or something that was actually pushing him that far to create more explosions. "Delta wants to go check on Jake though." The wolf beastkin grumbled as she flicked the reigns to the horses that were pulling the cart to begin taking the cart out of the city.

Then as Alpha considered for a moment going to check on Jake or whether she should rendezvous with Zeta or Beta, another explosion rang out and Alpha shook her head as she jumped back on top of a nearby roof to begin running to where she thought Jake was.

"Zeta and Beta, have more recon oriented jobs they will be fine... But Jake shouldn't be making this much noise as this will bring the anger of the actual elven nobles if he causes so much damage." Alpha muttered as she ran towards the site where rays of light and pillars of flames were blooming to life and causing destruction.

But as she reached the site of the cataclysmic explosions and pillars of light that were cut in half she froze as total heart ache filled her to core and a sob tore through Alpha as she watched a pale blond elf with a katana slice through a pillar of light with a laido that was enhanced with mana that made her look like she was coated in lightning and then her katana stabbed directly through Jake's chest.

"Nooo!" Alpha screeched and although she couldn't focus on it, Hecates blessing evolved while she collapsed into a puddle of dark fog that condensed into an endless pool of shadows that spread across the entire city square and as the woman jumped back from the pool of darkness Alpha's raging emotions still allowed her to gently grasp Jake's falling form as the young man choked on the blood that was filling his lungs.

Then massive hands made out of pure darkness swiped at the woman as she stood up from her pool of the darkness embedded within a giant made out of pure darkness and within the back of her mind, she heard Hecate arguing her with another woman saying something about Nyx... But Alpha was fully devoted to smashing the woman that hurt Jake so Zeta who had snuck could take him away so maybe he could be healed.



No not really lol


"Alpha ordered as she looked under the drape and confirmed the malformed blobs of flesh of what looked to be two people with demon possession." Correction: three people with demon possession*

Goddess of Victory

Didn't he name the organization Sleeping Tartarus in chapter 2, not shadow garden?