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The deep caves were larger than I thought they would be. The walls were covered in glowing moss and mushrooms that lit up the cave system with deep dark shadows and crevices that looked like they had no end to them.

"Is the moss and mushrooms worth anything?" I asked curiously as I inspected them.

And Nahida whispered into my mind. "They do have medicinal properties. But they are not a true magical herb or plant really." 

After a few moments, Keqing who went to inspect the mushrooms also replied much to the same effect. "No. They may have some small value but they don't have any magic in them so it's not worth taking up our spatial storage's space." 

I shrugged hearing that and looking down the two main paths of this cave system I spoke out. "Nahida, leave behind some obvious plants as we keep walking... I don't want to get lost down here even with some glow-in-the-dark chalk pointing the way out."

My summon nodded and after a moment a small glowing pointing hand made out of the same mushrooms down here was pointing at the exit making me smile at how great Nahida was.

Either way without another word we went deeper into the cave system, leaving behind the single ray of gray light from the surface behind us.

And for a good while as we silently walked through the five-meter-tall cave, I couldn't help but realize how odd the tunnel was. Like it was remarkably smooth and there weren't any signs of cave-ins.

As the roof of the cave had some kind of hardened film over it that kept the looser top soil above our heads there while below our feet was more hardened stone. 

"It's heading downwards kinda," Lalatina called out and I raised an eyebrow as I didn't really notice and so I asked.

"How can you tell?" 

And with utter shamelessly Lalatina said flatly. "I feel my breasts bouncing more as we are walking downwards!"

'Is this a hidden lady intuition? That if they are angled slightly forward they can feel the angle of descent via boobage bouncing?' I thought with confusion and looking at Keqing and Furina I saw they were both holding their breasts and with them both looking at Lalatina with confusion.

And feeling everyone looking at her Lalatina nervously giggled and said. "Theirs are just not big enough to feel it hehe." 

For a split second as I saw Keqing's eye twitch, I thought she was going to whip out the ladle to smack the perverted blond over the head but thankfully Nahida spoke while in her human form. "The perverted blond is right. The entity who made these tunnels was digging down deeper as we are now more than twenty meters under the ground. Also, the ground beneath us is filled with more nutrients so the entity was obviously trying to find more food." 

I patted Nahida on the head for being such amazing information gathered and while I was a bit worried about fighting a monster with twenty-something meters of materials above my head. I was confident that my Heavy Water spell and my own Astral spell would be more than enough to protect me long enough for Nahida to dig a path upward to air in a few moments.

With that, we kept walking but as we were walking Furina who was closer to me muttered under her breath. "Size isn't everything you cow." 

Smiling wryly I almost replied before I stilled as I felt my instincts rise up in warning and without any hesitation, dark blue light formed under my feet as I snapped up a hand and a hiss rang out as something in front of us skittered but as it turned around I already raised up a Heavy Water Shield.

A loud drumming noise rang out as a dark-clawed hand slammed into the darkly glowing shield of water and I realized what the monster was. "It's a huge mole of some kind!" I called in warning before I slammed the elephant-sized mole backward deeper into the tunnel making it screech loudly and then I was jerked backward by Nahida and a hand that grabbed my collar as large pink tentacles of some kind shot out from the ground that tried to grab me.

'The mole's sensor nerves are tentacles... That fucking figures.' I thought as I waved my hand to smash the Heavy Water Shield into the mole but even with a multi-ton shield being slammed into it. I couldn't get the momentum to actually smash into the mole with enough power to hurt the stronger monster that was well used to having heavy shit smashing into it.

A dozen large tentacles each thicker than my chest slammed into my shield and then encircled it and tried to go around it to go after us behind it but Furina with her voice slightly shrill with how stressed out she was cried out as her own water shield slammed into mine adding the mass of her own to mine pushing the mole further down the hole.

"Jake, use your other spell. I will use my lightning as you both get rid of your shields to let our spells through!" Keqing ordered and as her purple magical glyph formed under her form I took a breath and then abruptly switched from my water spell to my Astral spell.

The mole easily smashed through Furina's thinner but cloying drowning water shield even as it gasped and gagged as the water seemed to force its way into the mole breathing holes but in the moments of disorientation it had I felt Lalatina lay her hand on my back and enhance my magical power along with a blinding bolt of purple lightning being shot into the mole's face was an ear-popping loud crackingly noise.

Even as the mole shuddered at the high volts of lightning turning its nerves into a circus within its body I could see that its Earth nature was making it so that it wasn't taking as much damage as it should have so with my golden astral spell having been formed before the Mole could even get over its shakes while Keqing was charging up another lightning bolt the projection of Venus in the golden planet shot forward and with a sick cracking noise the spinning planetoid slammed into the head of the mole.

'How much-damned force does this spell have? All I have tested is its grinding effect and the force of its explosion.' I thought as I grimaced at the strength of the mole as I used my spell to pin the mole down with the glowing planetoid and through gritted teeth I snarled out. "Furina drown the damn thing." 

Quickly a water shield was thrown over the mole while I could feel my spell's spinning grinding effect was gradually wearing down the earth like spikey scales as loud cracking noises rang out as the spell broke through the spines and then the wet noise of it hitting vulnerable flesh that got introduced to a sand blaster rang out as dark bits of flesh and blood were shot in all directions from the spinning orb.

The mole frantically tried to back away from us but combined with Keqing repeatedly frying its nerves with lightning spells, and my own spell starting to break its weirdly bendable spine. We only had to wait for the mole's admittedly impressive lungs to give out and finally drown within Furina's Soul Snatching Waters.


Iori Daemona Angel

Ah Aza, you got the same problem as me, the patreon app compacted the text without any space between paragraphs.


Damn, Furina is amassing quite the arsenal of summons on this trip alone. Now to fix her trauma by life-threatening similar experience!