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In the end I wanted a teacher of hand to hand combat that could teach me how to kill in the fastest way along with having a great growth potential to add to my own abilities in whatever they bring along from their universe.

Going through my options of hand-to-hand combat-focused waifus... There really weren't too many options honestly. Martha, Tifa, Tsunade, and a couple of others.

But as I looked through the Waifu Catalog I found her. The 'perfect' waifu.

"Yoruichi Shihouin... An assassin, a teacher, and capable of using a whole other magic system I could tap into that hits a person down on their very soul." I mused aloud as I debated if she was actually the best person for me to buy and then...

"I want my catgirl!" I said firmly with my willpower manifesting as a wave of air around me as I felt my Primarch Aura inside of me unlocking Conquerer's Haki as I flared out my determination in a wave outside of my form and with that determination I stabbed the [Buy] button.

A crackle of energy rang out as in front of me was a pillar of energy and then the pillar of energy abruptly cut off leaving my purchase behind.

"Heh, so you are a big one aren't you?" Yoruichi asked as she took in my form and I smiled wryly at that.

Even as she was inspecting me I did the same in inspecting her form. She was clad in her tight black pants and she wore an orange jacket that went over her top body glove that peaked out of the open cleavage she left in the jacket.

Yoruichi also had darker skin but being an American I was well used to seeing African people though... Her purple hair and soft coffee-warm eyes that meshed so well with her darker skin were something I liked to be honest.

"Get a good enough look Boya?" She teased slightly and I nodded and responded.

"Yup. I know who you are, and what you are capable of for the most part. So... I am curious, how do you feel about being bought by me even with the Company's nonsense?" I asked frankly.

Yoruichi gave a fanged grin as she said brightly. "Oh you are a brave one... Or maybe you just want to find out if this little kitty is going to tear out your throat as you sleep?" 

There was a moment of tense silence as she met my eyes and then she burst into laughter and waved at me with a teasing grin. "I kid I kid. Yeah, you are good, I may run off to have a bit of fun sometimes but I won't leave your little harem you are building by the smells on you." 

'Oh, dears gods... I may have made a mistake. Maybe the drunk Tsunade would have been better?' I thought wryly but I shook my head and said with a chuckle. "Alright, I know better than to put a leash on a panther. But anyway, beyond your 'fantastic personality,' I picked you for your great skill in hand to hand and eventually I want you to teach me the other Shinigami abilities and practices." 

Even as I asked that. I had a thought that hit my mind like a truck. What if I bought her the Black Panther Template and she got a Vibranium Suit.

But either Yorouichi made a humming noise as she looked me up and down and then said frankly. "You are strong already." 

And there was a moment of silence as she seemingly processed her thoughts before she finished in that same frank noise. "You are strong, but your strength is ethereal and unpolished." 

I nodded. As that was definitely the truth of things. I may have Angron's body, his strength, his endurance, and his psychic empathy. But I was no Angron, I would never be Angron as I separated his memories from my own lest his millennia of life taint my so much smaller lifespan.

"Yes." I answered her observation honestly.

She shrugged and said evenly. "So what kind of timetable do we got to get you up to snuff?"

I smiled at that and couldn't help a chuckle as I replied easily. "Haha, we got a good couple weeks before we need to get moving from this ship onto land, and then from the land we will cross over a continent so we will still have time for training... Honestly, we won't have any major battle probably for a good couple of months barring sea monsters." 

Though even then. Belfast's nature as a Shipgirl meant that she was literally a giant metal ship, if a Sea King tried to eat Belfast then they would be in for a rude awakening when they then eat several dozen exploding torpedos and missiles that are made for piercing armor.

Yoruichi blinked and matched my laughter as she spoke with humour clear in her voice. "Wow! Not having to train someone at the drop of the hat and expecting that person to need to go fight someone in less than half a week? Is this truly a miracle?" 

But any further conversation was cut off as the buzzer from my room went off and I blinked as I realized Belfast was outside my room as she was the only one who could avoid my senses with how she was the entire ship itself.

The door opened with Belfast's arms demurely placed over her waist as she strode into my room and asked kindly. "Guest, I assume you are a new companion that our mutual master has acquired from the Catalog?" 

Yoruichi's right eyebrow twitched as she growled and said flatly. "Yeah you may be some kind of super maid but I won't be calling the big lug master or anything weird." 

I facepalmed as Belfast's face became shadowed as she chuckled darkly and said. "Hmph disobedient cats can and do easily end up in the water... But anyway, Master." Belfast started as she looked away from Yoruichi to me and continued.

"Unfortunately we seem to be heading into a particularly strong sudden storm and Lady Kokomi is advising caution due to the squalls that might coming for us." 

I took in my white-haired maid's serious expression and responded with a smile. "That's fine Belfast. Just be careful as I really don't want us to sink due to a Grand Line storm."